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tv   Today  NBC  December 20, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PST

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we'll have more on that coming up at 7:25. >> and don't forget our midday newscast at 11:00. have a great morning. good morning. breaking overnight, in the crosshairs. a surging pete buttigieg comes under fire surging pete buttigieg comes under fire in the final democratic debate of the year. >> billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the united states >> senator, your net worth is 100 times mine. >> this morning, what the focus on mayor pete means as the campaign enters a new phase with 45 days until iowa. impeachment chaos, the future of the senate trial now up in the air. >> we remain at an impasse. >> we would like to see a fair
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process. >> leaders locked in a bitter fight over what it should look like and when it should start as the president faces a surprising new fall from an influential christian voice. breaking news, stunning developments, a texas mother missing for more than a week, found dead, her newborn baby alive and well according to her family this after fbi agents swarm a home near houston overnight. a live report from the scene just ahead. those stories, plus, lift off. >> full thrust. >> this morning's historic launch ushering in a new era in space exploration. holiday hustle, the last weekend before christmas is upon us, from shopping to travel and the weather that could slow down your trip. we've got you all covered. and the force is with us star wars fever explodes once again overnight as fans flock to the theater for the final chapter in the beloved saga. >> bittersweet, you know, because this is the end of 42 years. this is the end of everything. >> today, friday, december 20th,
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2019 from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody, welcome to "today" on this fine friday morning, savannah and craig are off. we're so happy that willie is here, and we are so happy that we invited the detroit youth choir to come and serenade you. >> i noticed i walked in the building and i was being serenaded by this group that became famous on "america's got talent. >> a terrific performance. let's get right to our top story, the democratic presidential debate highlighted by stark differences between the candidates on stage and a series of attacks on south bend, indiana, mayor pete buttigieg who has been climbing in the polls. we have two reports in washington starting with nbc's geoff bennett. >> good morning.
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just a day after president trump was impeached by the house he had the seven top democrats vying to replace him mayor pete buttigieg and elizabeth warren trading shots bernie sanders and joe biden their long records, and amy klobuchar who lots of people said had the breakout performance of the night, she drew contrast with everybody, especially mayor pete saying his resume was too thin. >> at the final democratic presidential debate of the year, candidates on the attack this clash between senator elizabeth warren and mayor pete buttigieg stealing the spotlight. >> the mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900 a bottle wine. think about who comes to that. >> senator, your net worth is 100 times mine. >> i do not sell access to my time i don't do call time with wine cave ful millionaires and billionaires. the mayor had a fund-raiser held in a wine cave full of crystal and served $900 a bottle worth of wine. >> your network is 100 times mine.
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>> i do not sell access to my time i don't do call time with millionaires and billionaires. >> these purity tests shrink the stakes of the most important election. >> buttigieg who was rapidly rising in the polls in iowa and new hampshire also taking heat from senator amy klobuchar over his resume. >> winning matters, i think a track record of getting things done matters. >> if you want to talk about the capacity to win, try putting together a coalition to bring you back to office with 80% of the vote as a gay dude in mike pence's indiana. >> the debate just one day after the historic house vote in favorite oes among the seven candidates on stage, three u.s. senators set
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to act as jurors at mr. trump's impeachment trial. tonight including front runner joe biden sharing this personal anecdote about connecting with voters on the trail. >> there's not one line i go through, i don't have at least a half dozen people come up and hug me and say can you help me, i just lost my daughter ten days ago, can you help me, tell me i'm going to be okay the little kid who says i can't talk, what do i do i have scores of these young women and men who i keep in contact with. >> this morning, former white house press secretary sarah sanders facing backlash after mocking that moment in a since deleted tweet apologizing after saying she was not aware of biden's own struggles with a speech impediment. biden hitting back, i have worked my whole life to overcome a stutter and it's my great honor to mentor kids who have experienced the same it's called empathy. look it up the night included a few light hearted moments. >> put your hand down, bernie. >> just waving to you, joe, hello. >> you did mention that pete buttigieg was a focal point of a
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lot of attacks and the big reason is he's doing well in some of those early states. >> a new iowa poll from monmouth university puts mayor pete in first place among caucus goers, up double digits from the poll in august. you have vp joe biden, senator warren and bernie sanders. buttigieg kicked off a bus tour in iowa, and it seems to be resonating with voters there 73% of likely caucus goers in iowa giving him favorable marks. with voting set to begin in less than two months, that debate was a major test of all of the candidates, especially the ones stuck in a close race for first place in iowa and new hampshire. >> things getting very interesting. geoff, thank you very much let's turn to the new show down over president trump's impeachment and that is the chaos now surrounding a senate
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proceed to the trial. >> the senate's top trial. >> the senate's top republican, mitch mcconnell dismissing the democrats' case as the weakest in history, mocking house speaker nancy pelosi for not yet sending those two articles of impeachment to the senate. pelosi demanding mcconnell commit to a fair trial after mcconnell said he was preparing in total coordination with the white house. >> we would hope there would be
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a fair process, as we hope they would honor the constitution chuck schumer is calling for four current and former trump administration officials to testify, including acting chief of staff mick mulvaney and former national security adviser, bolton, bolt on on npr asked whether he would testify. >> i have a lot to say but declining to comment at this time. >> democrats forced members of their party to vote for impeachment and brushing off the charges. >> i don't feel like i'm being impeached because it's a hoax. it's a set up, it's a horrible thing they did >> reporter: sitting beside one of the two democrats who voted no on impeachment, new jersey's jeff van drew, now switching parties. >> you have my undying support always. >> reporter: this morning, a surprising call for president trump's removal from office, the editor and chief of christianity today founded by billy graham
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calling the president a near perfect of example of a human being who is morally lost and confused in a break from president trump's strong support among evangelicals, the editorial adds he should be removed we believe is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the creator of the ten commandments. >> revealing that his father voted for president trump in 2016, writing in part, he believed donald j. trump was the man for this hour in history, for our nation this morning the president lashing out on twitter dismissing it today as a far left magazine and insisting that no president has done more for the evangelicals the magazine's editor in chief this morning disputing president trump's words saying to call christianity today far left is far from accurate. the president is heading down later today.
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>> peter alexander at the white house for us thank you. >> now to an nbc news exclusive tied to rising tensions in the middle east. he got rare access to a u.s. mission in the waters off of syria. he joins us with that story. good morning good morning, i've seen russian troops he is now promising an even stronger russian military but i have been on board a u.s. aircraft carrier it's job is to ensure that growing russian threat doesn't multiply in the seas off syria >> it's 90,000 tons of american muscle now watching a growing russian
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threat in the mediterranean. russian warships this week on exercise near syria. russia is back in the mediterranean with a message >> as you say, in harm's way, the buck stops here. >> the u.s. mission, to deter russian aggression. >> we're going to be out here to remind them there's a cost and a risk to bad behavior. and we won't allow it. >> in moscow, russia's president putin has his own message. from this carrier an >> reporter: what happens next as you begin your holiday break there's a cost and a risk and we won't allow it. >> our military progress is very fast and powerful. i think that china is capable of producing it's own ballistic missile early warning system >> he's warning a growing cooperation with china russia, china and iran planning joint exercises soon.
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>> you have the chinese, the russians and the iranians. >> safe to say you'll be watching. >> the eyes and ears of the navy u.s. control planes. and increasingly well hidden. >> >> not sure what kind of message they're sending. >> russia's only aircraft carrier caught fire last week killing and injuring sailors >> russia is still deeply involved in the war here and from the outside at least in u.s. no match yet for the u.s. fleet. russia is so deeply involved here president putin is now defending donald trump on impeachment saying he expects the president
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to say in office and accusing the democrats of making up reasons to get rid of him. she has been found dead. her baby noah live and well. there's in questions though that this is an investigative maze. it's been more than a week that authorities have been still need to be answered. >> reporter: good morning, this is an investigative maze, authorities have been searching for heidi broussard and her baby for more than a week that search ends here. i spoke a few hours ago with heidi's devastated mother tammy that police confirmed to her they found a body in the trunk of her car, and almost certainly that body is heidi, pending the medical examiner's review. she also told me that her
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granddaughter margot some how was found alive in thaus tee different agencies pored over this home in houston, the fbi, austin police and texas rangers all involved combing the property for clues the home is more than 150 miles from austin, texas, where 33-year-old heidi broussard and her baby margot disappeared last week the search for them tragically appears to have ended here heidi's parents talked to us earlier this week, at the time, hopeful. >> you think she's probably in trouble somewhere? >> she would not just leave. she would never leave her son. never. >> reporter: now they're heartbroken, with tammy broussard barely able to share the news she confirmed to nbc news police confirmed a body found at houston home was very likely her daughter, pending medical
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examiner examinations. the 32-year-old was found in the trunk of a car on a property her daughter margot survived police have not publicly confirmed the details broussard said she was told. they would not comment overnight. our cameras rolled as an ambulance pulled into the driveway police forming a human shield near the door and carrying something or someone to the vehicle. moments later, a baby's car seat grabbed for transport. a miraculous piece of good news amidst unthinkable horror. as for three-week old margot, we're told she's receiving care right now at a local hospital and is currently in custody with child protective services and for the couple that lives here, we're expecting austin police to clarify later today what their
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connection is to the crime and their relationship to heidi. >> glad that sweet baby is safe. what a terrible story. sam, thank you very much, we will have the latest developments in this case as they unfold. we are heading into the final weekend before christmas millions of us will use it to reach our holiday destination. the question is what can you expect during the busiest holiday travel season in 20 years. dylan has the forecast in a moment first, nbc's gabe gutierrez is watching the roads and the airports, he's at laguardia here in new york.
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hey, gabe, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. i'm thankful to be inside a terminal this morning. there are bone chilling temperatures outside in new york this morning so happy to be inside, but we are expecting a very busy holiday travel period. up 4% over last year, the booming economy is apparently causing that surge experts predict. aaa expects more than 114 million americans will travel over the next couple of days, that is the highest in 20 years since aaa began tracking this. the worst day for delays is expected to be december 26th, the day after christmas, and the vast majority of travelers will be hitting the roads, more than 104 million drivers are expected over this holiday period now, right now at airports across the country, thankfully, delays and cancellations are at a minimum. just several dozen cancellations across the u.s still here at laguardia, officials are urging people to arrive at the airport at least two hours before their flight during this key travel period, but thankfully, over the next couple of days, we're expecting a warm up here in the northeast. guys, that works for me. the first check of the forecast. >> the weather should be okay, going into the upcoming weekend and the holiday itself, but for right now, it's cold windchills making it feel like it's 10 below up in vermont. watertown, new york, feels like 15 below which is the air temperature. 24 in philadelphia this morning.
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feeling like 18 degrees. this afternoon, high temperatures will be running about 10 to almost 20 degrees below average. we're only going to top out in the teens across northern new england. philadelphia, 35 degrees today with the windchill of 29, and then tomorrow we'll begin to rebound, get back to, i would say closer to average with 2 to 5 degrees. highs in the 30s and close to 40 degrees. still a little chilly up across new england. we are going to see a nice holiday warm up, especially through the midwest and northern plains where temperatures will be running 10 to 20 degrees above average. rapid city, 60 on saturday, denver should hit 60 kansas city, pittsburgh 48 degrees. 53 in nashville. it is going to warm up just remember, this is not setting the stage for a white christmas so most areas across the eastern 2/3 of the country will not be seeing a white christmas this year. that's for sure. that's a look at the weather across the country we'll get a look at your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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with lindor. a milk chocolate shell with a smooth, melting center. crafted by the lindt master chocolatiers whenever. wherever. lindor, only from lindt. good friday morning. i'm meteorologist0oé kari hall. take a look at this view in san francisco, looking at the golden gate bridge. dense fog right now, and we'll see this for the next couple of hours. clearing out today, and then we'll see some peeks of sunshine for this afternoon. our next round of rain arrives late tomorrow evening, first we'll see it quickly moving out by late sunday morning, and also another chance of rain headed into christmas day.44ez and that's your latest
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and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you, dylan. >> thank you very much >> still to come, this morning's historic launch of a new spacecraft why it could change the future of space exploration. and with christmas just five days away, will you fare better during your last minute christmas shopping online or should you go to the store vicky nguyen and her producer faced off on a little challenge and you may be surprised at the results. bu [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music ]
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ahhhh! -ahhhh! elliott. you came back!
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just ahead, feeling the force. >> yes, our spoiler free look inside the final chapter of the star wars saga, a movie 42 years wrap up your holiday shopping with the blitz in,blitz out sale at jcpenney! for 5 days only shop nike and adidas. keurig and nutribullet. and up to 80% off jewelry. or take an extra 20% off with your jcpenney credit card jcpenney!
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(grandson) wow... (grandfather) that was me, seventy years ago. (vo) some things are worth preserving. you can choose the national park foundation to get two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru when you get a new subaru, like the all new outback. (vo 2) get 0.9% on a new outback during the subaru share the love event. ♪ work so hard ♪ give it everything you got ♪ strength of a lioness ♪ tough as a knot ♪ rocking the stage ♪ and we never gonna stop
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♪ all strength, no sweat. ♪ just in case you forgot ♪ all strength. ♪ no sweat secret. all strength. no sweat. hey, great dog. what do you feed him? axel gets blue buffalo. i give frankie rachel ray nutrish. ever read the ingredients? oh yeah. could you read a few? sure. deboned chicken chicken chicken meal chicken meal brown rice dried peas barley soybean meal oatmeal whole ground corn corn? while both foods provide complete and balanced nutrition 7 out of 10 nutrish feeders prefer the ingredients in blue buffalo. love them like family. feed them like family. hi mom. hi dad. my little princess? dad. i'm not a princess anymore. i want to be a movie director. oh! that's great. you want to go get a snack? okay. ♪
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♪ making the most of holiday family time means staying in our pj's a little bit longer and letting the kids decorate the cinnamon rolls and the tree, however they want. make the most of family time with pillsbury cinnamon rolls. hi susan!) honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin honey. because it's never just a cough. you sure you don't want me to come with you? i'm very sure. because i can. (laughs) make good choices. you make good choices. i am. fiber is good for digestive health. good choices never tasted so good. kellogg's raisin bran.
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good morning. it's 7:26. i'm kris sanchez. we're following breaking news in the south bay, that could really logjam your commute. large backups in san jose after a crane on a big rig tipped over along highway 237. nbc.zv:h!ay area℠akñ sharon kats live. sharon, this is a mess. >> reporter: it really is a big mess. fire captain, and he tells us this is the very latest. this big rig was headed westbound on highway 237. it swerved to avoid traffic, flipped over the center divide, and here you see it, now on its side, highway 237 eastbound. now just down the way you can see we learned this, too, this test bus then collided with a
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truck after they saw what was happening with the big rig, hit the back ofigg%e truck, and tha truck also flipped over the center divide. i want to show you quickly this is the traffic we're talking about, people getting desperate trying to get out of their cars headed back the other direction. chp saying don't do that, avoid this area completely. back to you, vianey. >> and that's right, sharon, the latest details from chp they are trying to get people from the eastbound lanes off on a down ramp to turn traffic around. so far between first and the eastbound lanes, traffic is trying to move along the side divider. let's get a check of weather with kari. >> we're starting out with clear conditions in the south bay. we have some fog in parts of the bay area. a live look in san rafael, we'll see that gradually clearing out and rain arriving late tomorrow night and it will be moving out by sunday morning, with some dry weather to start out early next week. a new storm approaching christmas eve into kris cass day. looks good for our home 49ers game tomorrow evening, just cool and cloudy.
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kris? >> thank you. we'll keep tracking that traffic more local news in a half hour.
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. ♪ 7:0 now on a friday 7:30 now on a friday morning it's the 20th of december, 2019 and a beautiful shot of the holiday decorations here at 30 rock that iconic tree in the background >> like the perfect time of year check these guys out we're going to have fun all morning. the detroit youth choir, they are here they bring it every single time. they are going to perform on our plaza. they were, as you said, on "america's got talent" they brought down the house. >> rehearsal, they already brought down the house it's a christmassy morning
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we'll start the half hour with headlines, surging poll numbers have made south bend, indiana, mayor pete buttigieg a target in last night's democratic presidential debate. senator elizabeth warren attacked buttigieg over a high-end fundraiser, and he had this response when senator amy klobuchar when asked if he had a wide enough capacity to win. >> try putting together a coalition to bring you back to office with 80% of the vote as a gay dude in mike pence's indiana. >> the debate came one day after house democrats voted to impeach president trump. leaders from both parties are now deadlocked over how to proceed with a senate trial. airport officials in florida say it could cost a million dollars to repair the damage from a spectacular crash, a pickup truck smashed through a wall in the baggage claim area at the sarasota airport yesterday. that same truck was seen earlier speeding across the tarmac the driver was seriously injured. police are still investigating but they do not suspect terrorism was involved. and beauty and biochemistry
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were a winning combination at last night's miss america competition on nbc miss virginia, camille schrier took the crown the 24-year-old has degrees in biochemistry and systems biology for the talent competition, a chemistry demonstration. >> this reaction is simple, it produces three things, water, oxygen, gas and heat. >> how great is that miss america will be here in our next hour. i don't know if i can promise a chemistry experiment but i love that she did that as her talent. >> breaking just this morning, a spectacular lift off in florida, boeing and nasa launched an unmanned spaceship in the early morning hours that should carry astronauts into space sometime last year. nbc's tom costello joins us from the kennedy space center with news on how the mission is going. hey, tom. >> reporter: good morning, 6:36 a.m. eastern time, when this rocket lifted off. we've got a little bit of a problem right now, though, nasa and boeing are working to figure
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out why this rocket has not achieved the perfect or bit they wanted, that could be an indicator they may have problems reaching the space station we'll see how that plays out as you probably know, the united states has not launched americans from american soil in an american rocket in 8 1/2 years and so this mission is all about proving that boeing's star liner is up to the job 3, 2, 1, and lift off. the rise of star liner, a new era of human space flight. >> reporter: history in the making and thundering off the pad at the kennedy space center this morning. >> looks good. >> reporter: as a giant atlas 5 rocket powers through the predawn sky carrying boeing's star line spaceship which will soon carry american astronauts, food, and the only passenger on board, rosie, wired with more than a dozen sensors to collect data on the g forces humans will soon experience going from 0 to
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17,000 miles per hour. nasa astronaut nicole man will be on the first crude flight. >> my emotions are getting pegged with excitement and pride, stress and really amazement. >> 3, 2, 1 ignition lift off >> reporter: earlier this year, elon musk's spacex successfully tested its spaceship called dragon spacex and boeing have contracts with nasa to supply the next generation of spaceships, but boeing has struggled this year with the grounding of its entire 737 max fleet. nasa's chief insists boeing space division is completely separate from its airplane division. >> and ultimately it is nasa that is certifying the vehicles that our astronauts will fly on, and our engineers and our
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technicians are embedded with their engineers and their technicians and we will not fly a space craft unless we deem it certified safe for flight. >> reporter: it's a very sensitive joy stick. >> it is and after that you won't need to touch that forward at all. >> reporter: in a cockpit mock up, boeing chief astronaut chris ferguson showed me how he will one day dock star liner with the space station after 8 1/2 years of hitching rides on russian rockets. >> what does it mean to have americans lifting off from an american spacecraft. >> ask an american, right, it's the pride of having this capability to get back and forth. >> reporter: a lot of pride here at the kennedy space center. boeing and spacex want the bragging rights to say they were the first to carry astronauts to the space station. this could happen in the first
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six months but as of this morning this moment, they are working this problem involving star liner and the nasa chief tweeting that this rocket has not reached the proper orbit to rendezvous with the space station. >> tom, as you know, this represents a big shift, this partnership for nasa so why has nasa decided to get together with boeing and spacex to launch spaceships now >> reporter: the bottom line is that nasa is now going to be essentially renting or leasing these spaceships made by spacex and boeing, so nasa is getting out of the business of building rockets themselves it's going to outsource that it wants to drive down costs, and really encourage the private sector, private business to get involved and to make space flight, especially in low earth orbit, something that is economically viable. >> tom costello in kennedy space center, thank you so much. we're helping you game plan for the final weekend of holiday shopping. good morning, i'm vicky nguyen and why am i in my pajamas, this morning, my producer and i are squaring off in a shopping challenge.
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i'm going to shop in the comfort of my own home, and she's going to brave the mall. who gets it done under budget and on time, the results coming up next. and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ready to treat differently with a pill? otezla. show more of you. get to kohl's... and take an extra 15 or 20% off! save on fine jewelry sets... the xbox one s...
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we are back as carson joins us. >> good morning. we are back as carson joins us. >> good morning. >> with holiday consumer carson always good to see you. >> there's just five days to go so it's crunch time for last minute holiday shoppers. >> and tomorrow could be the biggest and busiest shopping day of the year with nearly 148 million americans expected to head online or in the stores so here's the question, which is the better option, online or in the stores >> let's get to the bottom of this s igate and consumer correspondent vicky nguyen decided to find out. good morning. >> good morning to you all tomorrow they're calling it super saturday and i feel it time is running out to get all of those holiday presents, shipping deadlines are creeping up and the absolute last day you can send your gifts with express
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shipping for major carriers is monday the 23rd. how do you get what you want in time for the holidays, stay on budget, should you stay online, hit the stores, i'm facing off with my producer in a last-minute shopping challenge the race is on to get those last-minute holiday gifts. should you shop online and risk breaking your budget in shipping or should you brave the traffics, crowds and malls to get what you want when you want it that's exactly what we're going to find out. i'm doing a shopping challenge with my producer lindsay, in the comfort of my own home in my pajamas doing all my shopping online. >> i'm heading to the stores while it's snowing to buy my gift >> we're sticking to the same budget, $300. >> all the same stores so any of these retailers. >> the same exact items ands same number of items, ten teach. >> spends the least amount of money, in budget, and how long it takes each of us to get it done may the best shopper win. i get cozy with my laptop and a cup of tea and start shopping. >>i can get these anne klein tear drop earrings, that's 7.50. >> lindsay has to drive all the way to the stores. >> this is going to take forever. >> through new york city traffic and when she gets there. >> now to find parking. >> she has to drive around in circles until she finds a spot. back at home, i'm scoring deal after deal online. i can get this for those guys, just 12.99, i'll get it friday
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december 20th, with free shipping. >> while i multitask. refills, orders, time to go. i have time to order a pizza. yum. >> lindsay finally gets started. >> $25 gift set, done. >> finding the same stuff and getting some of the same deals >> these earrings are 30% off today. >> but she gets held up waiting in this line for 20 minutes, even though i had an easy start, my online shopping experience takes a turn. i have tried two different credit cards on this site to buy this little pompom hat. it's not working so i'm going to try to contact customer service. i try to chat online and via text with a live representative. i even call the 800 number. it
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doesn't appear that anyone is answering the phone. no response. when i try to buy this scarf. wow, i have to pay $15 in shipping in order to get it there by christmas, and the scarf is only $17, so i'm paying almost as much in shipping as i am for the product itself. i also have to pay extra shipping for this makeup kit and sweater to get them in time. across town. >> this is 60% off today. >> lindsay is finding everything on our list with barely a hiccup. >> super popular gift. >> it's on sale and it's heavy how did we square up, i spent just under $260 but got eight out of the ten items and i spent more than $25 on shipping alone. lindsay spent 266.22, a few dollars more than i did and it took her much longer but she got all ten items in hand.
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>> lots of traffic, driving and long lines at the store, but i won. >> i cannot believe i lost at least i didn't have to go far. >> a devastating outcome, really, i must say very scientific as well. as for the pompom hat that i tried to buy from, we reached out to the company, they're trying to figure out what happened there. by the way, we are going to donate all of the items that we bought so someone else can have a very merry holiday. >> there's something about having your items in hand. >> security. >> i kind of like to have them shipping >> carson and i from the moment your piece started said you have
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already won because you're at home in your pajamas. >> and the pizza showed up >> that was the real deal, we did do all of that, it was very quick but i did not expect to run into the shopping glitches. >> hiccups, yeah >> are there other options for people if you're not online or the brick and mortar stores. >> buy online, pick it up in store, that's the best of both worlds, buy it online, you know it's there go get it in hand, don't have to worry about the extra shipping. >> there's also re gifts >> you receive things, give them to other people. >> he shops in his own closet. more last minute shopping advice on our web site at you've had a great week, thank you. how is the weather looking this weekend dylan is here with another check of our forecast. >> if you're traveling this weekend, most of the country looks okay there will be a couple of trouble spots, a storm making it way, and there's this coastal storm that will bring heavy rain to the southeast so we could see some airport delays in atlanta, new orleans, jacksonville, down across most
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good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. a live look outside in san jose, as you wake up and head out the door, we have seen some patchy, dense fog in spots and getting ready for our next round of rain, set to move through late tomorrow night into the north bay first and spreading into the rest of the bay area by sunday morning. it will be clearing out by sunday afternoon, so we're looking good for the 49ers home game for the most part. we're going to see the showers late tomorrow night, and tapering off by sunday morning. we'll dry out on monday and tuesday but more rain on christmas day. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> coming up, we're going to hear from fans of "star >> coming up, we're going to hear from fans of "star wars" to be the first to see the final chapter in the epic saga looks like they're having a good time looks like they thought about it
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right after this
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7:51 am
okay. listen. okay, buddy. c'mon. i just need the rings, buddy. look! look at all these people. we rehearsed this. oh okay, don't walk away. do not walk away. hey! you are embarrassing me. you are embarrassing yourself, you selfish little... oh! it's his cat. life's more fun with a dog. ♪ ♪ and doglife is more fun with milk-bone. (dog bark) just ahead, the dramatic rise of flu cases across the country and what you can do to prevent getting sick befor
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just ahead, the dramatic rise of flu cases across the country and what you can do to prevent getting sick before christmas. plus, we've got the detroit youth choir warming up on our plaza, and boy do they sound good, if you saw them on "america's got talent" you know how amazing they are we can't wait to hear from them. and we will after your local news ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little love my-y way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. the holidays are made with philly.
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oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, their holiday favourites. bublé sparkling water. it's buble! hi momhey. dad. how's my little princess? i want to be a movie director. oh! that's great. ♪ ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so dad bought puffs plus lotion, and rescued his nose.
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new puffs have more lotion... and soothing softness to relieve. a nose in need, deserves puffs, indeed. [sneezing] ♪ you don't want to cancel your plans. [sneezing] cancel your cold. the 1-pill power of advil multi-symptom cold & flu knocks out your worst symptoms. cancel your cold, not your plans. advil multi-symptom cold & flu. ♪ey mr. jones find great gifts for everyone on your list this holiday, ♪ everybody... with low prices and free shipping on millions of items at amazon. ♪ you got your own car, with your own insurance. no more driving that old hand-me-down. did you trade it in? my parents handed it down to my little brother. - you ready? - yea. surprise! no. not beige betty! you guys can't do this to me, seriously!? that car is like a rite of passage. how do you expect me to drive this?
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just turn the key...and yea, it's just uh, automatic, dual cupholders. go with the one that's here to help life go right. state farm. go with the one that's here to help life go right. making the most of holiday family time means making a dinner that brings everyone together. but when there's a long line of picky eaters in the family, it's important to have something everyone will love. make the most of family time with pillsbury crescent rolls. there it is the coffee ring, it's been sitting there all week. and just like that, it's shining. look at you. beautify it with pledge. s.c. johnson. get to kohl's... and take an extra 15 or 20% off! save on fine jewelry sets... the xbox one s... and on celebrity fragrance gift sets. plus - get kohl's cash!... plus - stores are now open 24 hours! plus - buy online, free store pickup!... you'll find new gifts at every turn - this holiday at kohl's.
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we have a new sig alert on the westbound 84 lane near cory road. the number one lane is blocked. a sig alert issued before getting off the san mateo bridge and of course we're still following that earlier sig alert which remains a significant sig alert, this one in san jose along eastbound 237. all eastbound lanes remain shut down. there is a lane blocked along the westbound lanes. these are live pictures again, chp officers requesting that people try to avoid the area and it's turned into a hasmat situation because of spilled fuel out on all lanes. they don't have an estimated time when it's set to reopen. now let's get a check of weather with kari. >> we have areas of dense fog, this is our walnut creek camera. heads up there will be dense fog ahead of our next round of rain
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that will be set to move in late tomorrow night. we are dry today and that rain first approaches the north bay by 7:00 to 8:00 tomorrow evening. the rest of the bay area sees it f1 o we'll see it clearing out by sunday afternoon. our seven-day forecast shows that we will dry out for monday and tuesday, but there will be another storm system approaching christmas eve. not a strong one but it will bring in some scattered showers and schooler temperatures on christmas day as well as thursday. we'll continue to monitor that with updates on the forecast, as well. we're looking good forvi)jç7çñ francisco and that weekend forecast heading over now to :q% >> thank you. as vianey would say we're staying on top of the crash, that overturned crane in san jose, chp says thñ&l82ñ driver át traffic and on its side. all eastbound lanes are still shut down right now, hundreds of cars are in the backup. there was another collision in the westbound lanes a short time after that. the chp says that a bus rear-ended a pickup truck,
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sending it into the median, we're tracking all of that.
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♪ it's 8:00 on today. coming up on the attack, pete buttigieg feeling the heat after the leading democratic candidates faced off in the final debate of the year. according to forbes magazine i'm literally the only person on in stage who is not a millionaire or >> this as washington remains at a standoff over impeachment. we're live with what you need to know. plus, santa claus is coming to town with christmas day just around the corner. we'll help you stay healthy and happy from how to avoid that holiday flu to whatnot to say at the family party what you can do to make sure you have a holly jolly christmas and there she is, the newly
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crowned miss america will stop by after her explosive win. >> this reaction is very simple. it only produces three things. >> we'll talk to her about that title, today, friday, december 20th, 2019 >> merry christmas. >> from mary, virginia. >> celebrating 16. >> from lancaster, pennsylvania. >> hi, mom, i finally made it to "today." >> here's a celebration. >> of my sweet 16. emmanuel ♪ ♪ emmanuel ♪ emmanuel. >> all right where else do you >> ♪
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emanuel emmanuel emanuel ♪ >> where else would you want to spend a friday morning, welcome back, that's the detroit youth choir. a little taste of what makes them so remarkable we're going to hear from them throughout the morning. >> i don't want to produce the show here but should we just blow it out and listen to them the rest of the morning. >> i'm rooting for you. >> i cannot wait to hear from them some more. speaking of holiday treats we got one when savannah stopped by our holiday party the first time a lot of us have seen her she was great with her mom nancy, and she said you all are a sight for sore eye, singular, because she's only seeing out of one eye.
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>> i was tooling around, doing what we do at parties and savannah walked in, and i said, oh, my gosh, what a great day. >> that's a great shot, the two of you arm in arm. she's on track feeling better. the news at eight beginning with last night's presidential debate, the top seven candidates on the stage and on the attack mayor pete buttigieg with surging poll numbers, with some of the highlights, geoff bennett. >> reporter: the seven democrats looking to beat president trump at the ballot box took to the debate stage last night just a day after the house voted to remove president trump from office and several feuds that had been bubbling up on the campaign trail, they finally boiled over to the debate stage. you had pete buttigieg and elizabeth warren trading shots over campaign fundraising, bernie sanders and joe biden sparring over their long records in public service and amy klobuchar who is said to have had the break out moment, knocked buttigieg dismissing what she called his thin political resume. >> at the final democratic presidential debate of the year, candidates on the attack. >> i've got to respond to this
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>> this clash between senator elizabeth warren and mayor pete buttigieg stealing the spotlight. >> the mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900 a bottle wine. think about who comes to that. >> senator, your net worth is 100 times mine. >> i do not sell access to my time i don't do cold time with millionaires and billionaires. >> these purity tests shrink the stakes of the most important election. >> the debate just one day after the historic house vote in favor of president trump's removal from office. >> it was constitutional necessity for the house to act as it did. >> among the candidate, three u.s. senators set to act as jurors at mr. trump's impeachment trial. >> front runner joe biden sharing this personal anecdote about connecting with voters on the trail. >> there's not one line i go through that i don't have at
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least a half dozen people come up and say can you help me, just lost my daughter ten days ago, can you help me, tell me i'm going to be okay a little kid who says i can't talk, what do i do >> this morning, former white house press secretary sarah sanders facing backlash after mocking that moment in a since deleted tweet, apologizing after saying she was not aware of biden's own struggles with a speech impediment. biden hitting back i have worked my whole life to overcome a stutter and it's my great honor to mentor kid who have experienced the same. it's called empathy, look it up. the night included a few light hearted moments too. >> put your hand down for a second, bernie, okay. >> just waving to you, joe, saying hello. >> i know. >> the biggest take away from last night's debate is that the front runners are targeting pete buttigieg, taking him head on, they see him as a threat with the new iowa poll from monmouth university putting him in first place among likely caucus goers. that number is up double digits from the last time the poll was taken in august. with voting set to begin in two months, that debate was a preview of the fight that the
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drive the final push before democratic voters head to the poll. >> amazing rise for the mayor of south bend, indiana. thank you very much. now to breaking news from texas, stunning developments in the case of a woman and her newborn missing for more than a week nbc's sam brock has the very latest hi, sam, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. this is a case that has now stretched more than 150 miles from austin, texas, to this driveway here in houston in a quiet suburb i spoke last night with the mother of heidi broussard, tammy who's devastated and confirmed to me what police told her late last night which is that they found a body in the trunk of a car, right around the corner from where that garage is and not just that that it is almost certainly her daughter they are waiting for the medical examiner to review that before they can confirm but that is of course the fear she also told me that they are
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three-week old granddaughter some how amazingly was found alive in this home as for the couple who lives here, we are hoping that austin police later today will clarify their relationship with heidi and their possible connection with this crime. i can tell you this, i have spoken with numerous friends of heidi's, good friends of heidi's who say that the woman who lives here is not just an acquaintance, but a former really good friend of heidi, and needless to say they are stunned that this investigation ended up on her doorstep. police, at this point, we should say have not confirmed the friends or family's account. we are looking to get that confirmation today >> you'll stay on this story thank you. in paris for the first time in over two centuries, there will be no midnight mass at notre dame cathedral on christmas. as work slowly progresses to rebuild notre dame after the april fire that destroyed its roof and spire the church will celebrate its famed christmas mass in a temporary home about a mile away landmark has kept christmas going since the french revolution, and has been a
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beacon of hope amid the bloodshed of two world wars. we've got the news covered would you like a little morning boost. >> let's do it. >> i got you a christmas prize in south carolina where families at a military base thought only one would get their holiday lay aways paid off the base gave each of the 25 families an envelope, when they ripped them open, they found out that the luck was on everyone's side a nonprofit group teamed up with the army and the air force to pick up the tab for each and every one of those families. that's a nice christmas surprise there. >> who could be more deserving than those families. >> you're right. coming up next, just in time for the holidays, flu cases are soaring coast-to-coast, what you need to know and how to avoid getting sick, especially if you have to travel in the next few days. plus, the final chapter in the "star wars" saga hits theaters overnight nbc's gadi schwartz is one of the first to analyze we're going to get his spoiler free review. and talk about the chances here.
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but first, these messages. try that. here you go. i'll put it right here. (gasps) j.c. penney. remember the little things. you sure you don't want me to come with you? i'm very sure. because i can. (laughs) make good choices. you make good choices. i am. fiber is good for digestive health. good choices never tasted so good. kellogg's raisin bran. introducing new vicks vapopatch easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family.
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new vicks vapopatch. breathe easy. making the most of holiday family time means staying in our pj's a little bit longer and letting the kids decorate the cinnamon rolls and the tree, however they want. make the most of family time with pillsbury cinnamon rolls. so why treat your mouth any differently? listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99.9% of germs. try listerine®. need stocking stuffers? try listerine® ready! tabs™.
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oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, need stocking stuffers? bublé sparkling water. it's buble! don't judge ♪iss mongols. you ain't seen nothing. ♪ you try baking a pie.
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♪(music playing) ♪this is the first day of my life♪ ♪i was born right in the doorway♪ ♪now i don't know where i am, i don't know where i've been♪ ♪but i know where i wanna go this morning on your this morning on your health at eight, the holiday flu outbreak spreading quickly from coast-to-coast. >> already more than 2 1/2 million people are sick. numbers expected to jump as the holiday travel rush begins nbc news medical correspondent dr. john torres is here with important information. good to see you. let's start with what do you do, first of all, if you think you
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may have the flu what steps can you take. >> when i talk to people, they say exactly when it's happening, you go from feeling under the weather to absolutely miserable, body aches, fatigue, chills, you just start feeling horrible and it comes on like a light switch, and people tell me, i felt like i got hit by a truck there are medicines that work, and the virus that's circulating all of them, they are 99% susceptible to the medication, it works 99% of the time and these are the medicines tamiflu, and xofluza, if you start get the flu, go ahead and see your doctor. >> i was surprised to learn there are medicines over the counter that you are not supposed to take if you have the flu. >> two things, antibiotics, we found out this weekend, almost half of antibiotics are prescribed inappropriately a lot of those during the flu season they don't work against the flu because they're a virus, and more importantly for some
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people, children 18 or under, do not give them aspirin if you think they have the flu, that can cause a dangerous brain swelling >> you're talking about aspirin, not like tylenol. >> tylenol, ibuprofen is okay. aspirin you want to avoid. a lot of people hopping on planes over the next couple of weeks. those are germ factories, what should you do when you get on the plane. >> remember how your flu gets in your body, mouth, nose or eyes, wash your hands constantly, and don't touch your face until you wash your hands. that's how it gets in. wipe down surfaces, the tray, the armrest, those types of things, those are the dirtiest part of the airplane, if you are sick, if you have a fever, stay home, if you're coughing or sneeze, the vampire cough we talk about. >> how about the surgical mask does that work. >> it prevents the bigger particles but the virus can get
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through them they help a little bit, they're not 100% effective at all. >> sounds like you were flirting with the idea of wearing a surgical mask. >> it does help a little bit it's better than nothing. >> dr. torres, good to see you. ms. dylan, tell us how we're looking for the holidays. >> the weather is all over the place, warm days, cold days, it's clear through the eastern third of the country a couple clouds through the middle of the country and another storm making its way into the pacific northwest we'll see heavy rain through most of the day, especially across washington state. it's mild across the rockies, that will change going into the weekend as snow moves in president mild air will hold good morning, i'm kari hall, low viz about across the bay area this evening. watch out for dense fog, today we're staying dry and most of the day tomorrow we're dry,
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we'll see rain approaching from the north first into the north bay late into the evening, most of the rest of the bay seeing that rain by early sunday morning and it will be out of here fairly quickly going into sunday afternoon and the rest of the forecast looks pretty good staying cool through christmas day. latest forecast. >> dylan, thanks a lot. now carson. >> thank you, guys, thank you, dilly, dilly, first up "star wars the rise of sky walker" hit theaters overnight, and fans and newscast your latest forecast. >> dylan, thanks a lot now carson. >> thank you, guys, thank you, dilly, dilly, first up "star wars the rise of sky walker" hit theaters overnight, and fans were out in full force one of those fans, our very over gadi schwartz, how crazy is it. >> we pulled an all nighter and my mind is reeling we don't want to ruin any surprises and there are definitely big surprises, i'll say this, the rise of sky walker
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is incredibly fast, packing so much the, some of the reviews are asking did it try to pack in too much, and people last night are saying yes, they did but in the best kind of way it's opening night and the force is strong with the first crowds to see "the rise of sky walker." and once inside, the full gravity of "star wars" quickly sets in. >> this will be the final word in the story of sky walker. >> no spoilers here but for fans of one of the most celebrated sagas of all times, it's been a wild ride. >> it's like bittersweet, you know, because this is the end of 42 years this is the end of everything. >> the long promised end of a story so big it's changed movie making, special effects. even inspi m spaceships, elon musk's falcon rocket a nod. >> you have not heard of the millennium falcon. >> and its humble beginnings documented by the "today" show a long time ago. >> these are three of the non robots from "star wars." >> in an interview far far away.
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>> it's easy to be anonymous at this point, really, nobody recognizes us. >> those were the days before the franchise made billions and who could forget its game changing merchandising famously parodying. >> and the new hit show, the mandalorian, and a hyper push space into video games creating super fans who have become so invested, every movie is met with the same kind of scrutiny and skepticism you might expect from the resistance, and now as the block buster heads into the holiday weekend, the biggest question in this galaxy seems to be this really mean good-bye >> what are you doing there 3 po. >> taking one last look, sir, at my friends >> and for those that will see this movie and see what comes next, there are three big sagas out of the "star wars" universe, rogue one, and the mandalorian with all that baby yoda action and so many questions, for starters, when are we going to see the mandalorian's face, guys. >> that's a good call.look, sirt my friends. >> and for those that will see
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this movie iand see what comes next, there are three big sagas out of the star wars universe, rogue one, and the mandalorian with all that baby yoda action and so many questions, for starters, when are we going to see the mandalorian's face, guys. >> that's a >> we almost saw it on one of the most recent episodes, but it did not happen it can't happen. very cool footage. next up, mariah carey's anthem "all i want for christmas" is you is having one of the best years ever, and the queen is gifting fans with an updated video to that song and here's a little of it. >> ♪ i don't want a lot for christmas, there is just one thing i need ♪ ♪ and i don't care about the presents underneath the christmas tree ♪ >> that video
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filled with personal meaning for mariah, her 8-year-old twins make a special cameo appearance, and her beloved dog cha cha. next up, global citizens pride some of the world's biggest stars including john legend, sting and jennifer hudson and a whole lot more coming together activists, working to end extreme poverty around the world, created to give activists the same recognition actors and singers receive for the oscars and grammy awards, there's going to be amazing performances and special guest stars. global citizens premiers tonight with an with an encore performance on sunday at ten on msnbc. and next up, john lithgow, that is your guest for your upcoming sit down. he talks about the big role of playing fox news rounder roger ailes and how he approached playing somebody so controversial. >> i heard you say you have to find something to empathize with
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in a character before you play him. was there something about roger ailes, i get a little bit about why he is the way he is, and i understand what motivates him. >> he had this huge temper, but he was also very seductive and delightful to some people. i have always said, the best drama comes out of good people who do bad things, and bad people who do good things. sometimes inexplicably i tried to approach that with empathy. >> very interesting. always a great interview, willie, a fascinating guy, a long career, he has done so much in this movie, a lot of people are talking about it catch the whole thing on sunday. we have top gun maverick news for you a new trailer was dropped
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earlier this week, showing tom cruise take to the skies in a highly anticipated sequel, maverick now teaching younger pilots how things are done, and in a new behind the scenes look, they're revealing just how they shot those incredible aerial scenes for the film, and not surprising to anybody, tom cruise had all the actors get inside the fighter jets so they could feel the g forces. >> all the actors are becoming accustomed to the g forces by the training they are doing. >> it is aggressive. the distortion of the face, they're pulling 7 1/2, 8 g's that's 1,600 pounds of force i am so proud of them, and what they have done and it is heavy duty >> i'm okay. it will work out. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> he was totally going to lose it
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>> wow >> can you imagine >> right when we talk off. no g's, and i would pass out >> carson, thank you 'tis the season to mix and mingle and make merry, and also the time when saying or doing the wrong thing could derail holiday cheer. >> out there uncles, etiquette land mines wait at every turn, here to help us navigate the holidays and make it to 2020 unscathed, mr. manners himself, thomas farley, good see you. >> how you doing, thomas. >> let's start with carson, you're going to help us out of these sticky situation. >> these are troubling holiday personalities. >> charming charlie. >> a freshman in college and expects his girlfriend to sleep in his room with him >> this is while they're visiting your home for the holidays here's the thing, college, it's still the parents' rules, so the son has to abide by that once you're in your 20s, 30s, if you don't agree with the rules anymore, it's time to get a hotel, but for the time that you're in college, you got to
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respect the parents's rules. >> 100%. >> who do you have, willie. >> i have random roger, as i like to call him, the friend who is always giving the worst gifts. >> 61% of us will get presents we do not want $16 billion spent on unwanted gifts. don't go for the trite, you shouldn't have, people see through that find one nice thing that you can say about it, and find somebody who will actually appreciate your chewbacca mug. >> inquisitive irene, the aunt who doesn't respect boundaries when are you going to get married. >> the key is to flip it back on, ask her a question, why would you ask that, what makes you ask that, right, and so not in a challenging nasty way. >> i like that. >> because it may be that she's genuinely interested, but if she pushes it, i'm not prepared tot, let's focus on the holidays. polarizing pete, we know uncle pete, who can't resist at dinner time bringing up politics, and all the things we don't want to talk about at the
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dinner table. >> it may be that you can have a respectful conversation, it's possible, though it's rare, the host should set the ground rules, the no politics at the table, if he insists at the table, that's interesting and then you move on. >> that's interesting. >> i'm afraid we're out of time because i wanted to know more about surprise steve and macro marge. >> let's head outside to dylan. >> hey, guys, prepare to be blown away because the detroit y youth choir is here. ♪ you help me down but i got up already brushing off the dust
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you hear my voice ♪ ♪ you hear the sound nothing going to shake the ground get ready because i had enough good morning, it ask 8:26, i'm marcus washington. we're staying on that traffic alert. the chp saying the driver swerved to avoid traffic and went across the median. all eastbound lanes are shut downright now. hundreds of cars are caught in that back up. there was a shut down in the westbound lane a short time after that, a bus rear ended a pickup truck also sending it across the median. crews are now trying to clean up sefrlt hundred gallons of fuel, we are tracking ta delay. >> it doesn't look like they're set to reopen any time soon, but i have good news from an earlier
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sigalert along the san mateo bridge. they are -- we'll have another update coming up shortly.
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8:29 am
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♪ unbreakable they knock us down get up again ♪ ♪ i am the champion know my name can't hurt me now can't feel the pain ♪ ♪ oh yeah i am, oh yeah
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♪ i am the champion know my nam can't hurt me now can't feel the pain ♪ ♪ oh yeah i am, oh yeah ♪ i'm a champion >> oh, yes yes. >> detroit. >> that is how you do it right there. the detroit youth choir. guys, that was incredible. we're going to hear much more from this incredible group of singers throughout the show this morning. >> that was awesome. >> good to have you. >> you have an incredible, incredible choir hi, guys >> hi. >> i have one question for you guys, byc, how do you feel.
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>> oh, i feel so good. >> hey >> hey hey. hey. oh >> come on, man, don't you feel good that was awesome >> that's like watching your new orleans saints get all fired up. >> can we also show the moms we have the moms here from the detroit youth choir, we want to say hey, so awesome. >> guys, also coming up, christina tosi is here, the brains behind milk bar a new york bakery taking the country by storm, and she's here with her special holiday dessert for us trust me, you don't want to miss that. we have a big half hour ahead, but first, a check of the weather with dylan. >> this sunday night football weather is brought to you by verizon, the network more people rely on. >> the weekend is fast approaching so let's take a look at what's going on across the country, and we're going to see a nice warm up, especially back through the plains, the upper midwest, temperatures running about 10 to 15 degrees above
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average. on the west coast, that's where we're going to see a parade of storms we'll be in and out of rain on the west coast for quite some time, and heavy rains from the gulf coast on saturday to move into the southeast on sunday, still stays warm through the middle of the country and warms up in the northeast too with temperatures above average as you see on sunday, we're good morning, i'm kari hall, a life look outside in san francisco as the fog gradually clears. we're going to see some sunshine today and we're getting ready for our next storm system set to move in late tonight. by 8:00 we're seeing it approach santa rosa and going into sunday morning most of the rest of the bay area getting in on rain that will clear out by sunday afternoon. monday and tuesday we're mostly dry and there will be race late
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wrist mass day. and it is the week, sunday night football, we're getting so close. let's take a look at who is taking on the kansas city chiefs, they're going in chicago to take on the bears, it looks like a great day for football, it is clear, 39 degrees, it will be a good day hoda. >> dylan, thank you. now to oh, just miss america, camille schrier of virginia and virginia tech fellow was crowned miss america last night >> how are you >> congratulations. >> first of all, let us live this that tiny moment there when they called your name. >> i still have not processed it i jokingly said i don't think i processed that i won miss virginia in june, so this is going to take me time to realize this is reality for me
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it is something that came to fruition i had never competed in this organization, it's a testament, i'm matching what this organization is changing to be in 2020. >> the moment people are really talking about besides that was your talent, which was phenomenal, you did a chemistry experiment, which caught the country by storm tell us what you did. >> the tooth paste, i am a biochemist by background, and quite honestly i never thought i could compete for miss america and i'm a big advocate for taking a risk. >> biochemistry, that's your major. >> yes, and now i'm a doctor of pharmacy student at virginia commonwealth university. this will help me pay for it that's the important thing for the miss american organization, i earned $75,000 in scholarship money, to go toward my
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education. >> no swim suit competition, what were the other changes. >> just a change to make miss america more relevant, as a woman of science, focus on the career, we have our social impact, safety and abuse prevention, and that's something i will advocate for this year. >> the college of virginia tech, did they explode. >> i think i'm so excited you have a hokie bear. >> tech tech vpi >> congratulations. >> oh, my gosh >> we're proud of you. >> thank you so much >> that's awesome. >> well done. coming up next, a baking beneficiar special, holiday christmas pie, are going to be the re, and we are going to be the re, and we
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...6, 7, 8 are going to be the re, and we ♪ ♪ ♪ big dreams start with small steps... ...but dedication can get you there. so just start small... start saving. easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. ♪ ♪ chase. make more of what's yours®. we're back with a holiday edition, who better to bring edition, who better to bring
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seasonal good cheer into our kitchens, the whimsical pastry chef, christina tosi, here's more. >> life is super sweet for superstar dessert chef, christina tosi, milk bar is a playful paradise of pies, cookies and cakes. >> a lot of the spirit of what we do is based on nostalgia. >> she has built a dessert empire over the last decade, selling millions of treats and expanding around the country. >> i like to think there's imagination happening all around us it's our job to just pay attention to it. >> tosi's imagination has gained accolades for birthday truffles and corn cookie. >> i'm from the midwest and i fell in love with baking because i'm the youngest of a pretty big
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family and my mom would just kind of like sweep me into the kitchen and tell me to hang out with my grandma while they were cooking or more often than not, baking >> now, there's a new twist to her confetti life, a flagship store in new york city, where fans can build, mix and match their own fillings and frostings, creating their own favorites. >> when i look around this space, my eyes are widened i get really emotional for anyone that has a dream, show us you mean it. like people are going to tell you you're wrong people are going to tell you you're crazy have the hustle, have the grit, don't lose that passion, it will take you places. >> this is your life >> i can't believe it. >> this is your 4th grade teacher. christina happy holidays, milk
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bar has been around since 2008, but with the flagship, it does feel like christina and the candy factory, as i mentioned willie wonka tell me about the store. >> 5,000 square feet of space on 29th and broadway, we opened it a month ago. it is a place not just for my creativity to come to life but your creativity to come to life, we have stations, build a cookie, build a pint, we have all of our favorites but it's a place to come and create your favorites too. send a care package, you might want to build something and send it to someone near or far.
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my mom still sends me care packages, we have a whole arm of the store and business it's just all of the crazy wonderful things in the world. >> who are you going to leave the keys to the factory, you're going to have to figure that out. >> you you're going to work the >> do you have to refrigerate it or just after mixing it. >> just once you start mixing it you're going to do work on the candy canes, crushing them down
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into a peppermint. we have white chocolate chips, we've got pretzel crumbs. >> yes, carson, get it. >> that's how it goes right there. >> are you impressed >> i'm impressed. >> good. >> also if you have crushed candy canes after the holiday season, throw them in a cookie dough. exactly. then that doubt goes back in a mixing state >> yep. >> until it comes together, and that's what we have here now, we build giant cookies at the flagship. >> this is one giant cookie. >> it serves one to eight, depending. >> we get out and then you can build. >> you use a little white chocolate, drizzle it around the edge and that's going to act as your glue. >> i like that you're going ham on this. >> and you throw all of your favorite decor. >> like lucille ball. >> this is what you can do at the flagship. >> this is what you do at the flagship you get your jam session with a milk bar baker, build whatever
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it is in your crazy imagination. >> does it weird you out, you have taken baking and put it in a stratosphere on planet earth. >> it's bringing baking to life. >> we got to go. they're going to cut us off, but i want to get the beauty shots in there consider it a bonus boost. we have the detroit youth choir outside. we'll get to them in a minute. christina tosi, thank you, milk bar rules, we'll be back
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the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. we are back with more of our choir week on "today." the detroit youth choir was a finalist on "america's got talent" their videos viewed by tens of millions of people online, and luckily for us, they paid a visit right here to our plaza. we're going the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. we are back with more of our choir week on "today."
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the detroit youth choir was a finalist on "america's got talent" their videos viewed by tens of millions of people online, and luckily for us, they paid a visit right here to our plaza. we're going to hear you all sing in just a minute, but first, how they became a motor city phenomenon there is a sweet sound spilling on to the streets of detroit music from the mouths of the detroit youth choir that is artistic director anthony white hopes will reinvigorate a community that he says has been forgotten. >> the area of detroit is one of the most forgotten areas in the city a lot of poverty around this area, but i believe that with the detroit youth choir, we're developing a whole new manifestation of this area. >> there is more to the neighborhood than just like the bad things about it. there's a lot of good in this neighborhood, and i feel like people should focus on that more than the bad. >> my motto is hard work, dedication, never stop can't stop because hard work is what
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provides success the biggest accomplishment that we've undertaken was the "america's got talent. it was an amazing journey, and that's what we wanted to show our young people like you can achieve greatness, if you apply yourself, if you work hard if you believe in something. >> people envision detroit youth as being like bad kids or things like that, and i just feel like we bring a little light to detroit. >> i just tell people look, we go hard, we sing loud, and we accomplish goals and what more can you ask, right. >> and we are honored to have the detroit youth concert choir with us ahead of their return to "america's got talent" the champions series. >> and here they are singing high hopes you all take it away. ♪ have to have high hopes for a
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♪ have to have high hopes for a living, living, shooting for the stars when i couldn't make a killing ♪ ♪ didn't have a dime but i always had a vision always had high high hopes ♪ ♪ mama said fulfill the prof set be something greater, go make a legacy manifest destiny be something greater, go make a legacy manifest destiny we wanted everything wanted everything ♪ ♪ mama said you see victory every day we wanted everything wanted everything ♪ ♪ mama said don't give up it's little complicated all tied up no more love and i'd hate to see you waited ♪ ♪ had to have high high hopes for a living shooting for the stars when i couldn't make a killing didn't have a dime but i always had a vision always had high high hopes ♪ ♪ had to have high high hopes for a living didn't know how but i always had a feeling ♪ ♪ i was going to be that one in a million always had high high
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hopes ♪ ♪ stay up on that rise stay up on that rise and never come dow♪ ♪ i was going to be that one in a million always had high high hopes ♪ ♪ stay up on that rise ♪ ♪ stay up on rise and never come down ♪ ♪ they see us making history, taking the stage feel like it's acceptable ♪ ♪ acceptable ♪ ♪ mama said mama said ♪ mama said mama said mama mam
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said ♪ ♪ had said ♪ high high hopes high high hopes ♪ ♪ got to have high high hopes for a living ♪ had to have high high hopes high high hopes high high hopes high high hopes ♪ ♪ got to have high high hopes for a living shooting for the stars when i couldn't make a killing ♪ ♪ didn't have a dime but i always had a vision always had high high hopes ♪ ♪ got to have high high hopes didn't know how but i was going to be there in the middle always had high high hopes ♪ >> byc, you all were amazing we will be back. but first, this is "today" on nbc. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ electrical buzzing ]
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[ dramatic music ]
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ahhhh! -ahhhh! elliott. you came back! and we could not let the detroit youth choir leave us without h
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detroit youth choir leave us without hearing from them one more time. >> can we say hello to the director, mr. anthony white. >> hello. >> you have to be so proud of these kids tell us what this means. >> this is an extraordinary experience for us, to be on the "today" show with you guys, it's amazing, truly it's like i'm dreaming the whole ride has been fantastic. >> we're so happy you're here. we're happy for darnell who has been on the keyboards there. the director we're happy for every mom who came out here and dad to support their children what are you all going to perform for us >> we're going to do a little bit of "carol of the bells." >> take it away. ♪ hark how the bells sweet silver bells all seem to say throw cares away christmas is here ♪ ♪ bringing good cheer to young and old meek and the bold words of good cheer from everywhere ♪ ♪ how songs of good cheer christmas is here ♪ ♪ merry merry merry christmas
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♪ christmas is here bringing us cheer to young and old, all carolling words of good cheer from everywhere feeling the air ♪ ♪ oh how they sound gaily they ring merry merry merry christma♪ ♪ christmas is here bringing us cheer to young and to one and all ♪ from everywhere feeling the air ♪ ♪ oh how they sound gaily they ring mar ring merry merry merry christmas to one and all ♪
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♪ ♪ dingdong dingdong >> oh, you guys. that was incredible. and we wanted to bring out the lovely ladies behind us. a lot of the moms are here with us today what's your name. >> i'm suwana. >> what's your name. >> rachel white. >> brandy, courtney. >> denise. >> got it. it was fun wasn't it a blast. . good morning to you, it is 8:56, i'm marcus washington. a overturned crane is causing significant delays in chb. the driver sweeched to avoid traffic and went along the median on 237. all eastbound lanes are shut down. there was a collision in the we westbound lanes shortly after that. investigators are looking into
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whether or not two overnight shooters two miles apart are related. the latest happened around 2:30 this morning. another shooting happening during a fight involving six people on the key. the person was shot in the leg, another hit in the head.
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a busy holiday week gets under way. many people will be hitting the roading. >> we're tracking your commute all holiday long and we'll tell you thousand is shaping up ahead of santa's big slay ride. today on california live tis the season for party fashion.
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>> and tips on how to keep your holiday glow on the go. all happening on "california live."
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live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza, this is the third hour of "today." >> good morning. welcome to the third hour of "today." i'm sheinelle here with dylan. al and craig are off, but look who we have. we have stephanie gosk thank you for being here >> andweet willie g. >> close your eyes and say sweet willie g >> say it like you mean it >> you know what dylan asked me? we had a wonderful holiday party. she said, were you there we had a wonderful conversation. meant the world to me. >> i was not remembering how nice you were in that conversation >> a lot of people there i was drinking way


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