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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 25, 2021 11:34pm-12:35am PDT

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this design right here has been chosen for a new silicon valley land mark in 10ez, called the breeze of innovation, located at arena green at guadalupe park and garden, designed to light up at night. the san jose city council will vote on approving this winning design in may. so far $2 million has been raised to pay for this project. we'll keep you posted on that. thanks for joining us. have a great night. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring ests -fallon."
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maya rudolph - christopher meloni - >> questlove: 1432 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. that feels good. that feels great thank you so much. please have a seat welcome everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome, to "the tonight show. we're here [ cheers and applause
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well, guys after 64 days in office today president biden held his very first press conference normally when a 78-year-old answers an hour of questions they are getting a physical. [ light laughter ] it was quite the event if you did a shot every time biden said, "look, folk," you got drunker than a ship captain in the suez canal. [ light laughter ] yep, biden talked about the biggest issues facing his presidency, pandemic, the economy, and dr. oz hosting jeopardy the big issues that's right, biden covered a wide range of topics, even announced plans for a peace deal between godzilla and kong [ laughter ] there were a lot of questions today about immigration after biden announced that vice president harris will be overseeing the challenges at the u.s./mexico border it's similar to how trump put pence in charge of handling the pandemic when the going get tough, presidents are like, "you got this, right? [ light laughter ] yeah, you handle this.
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like a middle school principal telling the vice principal, "i'll stay here while you chaperone the fieldtrip to the glass museum." [ light laughter ] some more news from washington during congressional hearing today the chairman was having some issues with people for getting to mute themselves so watch this. >> keep the microphone muted, please do not speaking to avoid inadvertent background noise >> mute. unmute >> hello, someone's not muted. >> unmute. >> mute. >> don't come through. [ laughter ] >> will you please mute your microphones. [ laughter ] >> questlove: you need one of those. you need a hammer here man >> gavel >> jimmy: he seems like a fun boss [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i like that steve carell looking dude in the right-hand corner there. yeah, he's looking around like there's a mute button on his wall or something. like -- "mute button i got to press the mute.
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honey do you have a mute button, where's -- after that it was pretty quiet mainly because they were all busy talking about him in the chat "can you believe how he smacked the hammer yeah, yikes. eventually everyone did muted themselves but not before they all went "ooh, someone is mad. well, guys everyone is talking about this, massive cargo ship is still blocking the suez canal. it's still there and a rescue operation is under way. so let's see how they are trying to resolve this crisis. yeah, one bulldozer. [ laughter ] even bob the builder was like "oh bloody hell, are you --" you know the ship right behind him is just laying on the horn as if that will help "come on, guy. come on, guy." some business news i saw that pop tarts just announced three new flavors. yeah take a look there's peach cobler, lemon cream pie, and single dad dinner
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[ laughter ] "i don't even toast them i don't even toast them. >> steve: don't even take them out of the foil? >> jimmy: "i eat the foil too. [ light laughter ] wow, rough it. speaking of brand new things, dyson has a new vacuum -- i'm very excited about this. >> steve: what >> jimmy: they have a new vacuum with a green laser to expose dust particles. >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: yeah so if your dog wasn't petrified of vacuums before -- [ light laughter ] -- he will be now "is that a laser?" yeah, somehow we figured out laser vacuums, but still haven't cracked a rumba that can handle carpet. [ light laughter ] smoke coming out of the carpet [ laughter ] mute [ laughter ] >> steve: bad. >> jimmy: some of it news, "a national treasure" television series is officially coming to disney plus.
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but nicolas cage won't be in it [ audience aws ] when he heard that nicolas cage was like, "oh my god, it's just like the back of a dollar bill predicted. [ laughter ] i can do that probably better. let me try it. just the nicolas cage part, yeah "oh, my god, it's just like the back of a dollar bill predicted. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause "just like the -- predicted. that's my dues i can't let it down, man some local news here, officials just reached an agreement to legalize marijuana in new york [ cheers and applause ♪ finally, you can buy weed in new york city. [ light laughter ] what's that going to be like
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but it's big though, today i saw a hot dog guy tear up his stimulus check he's like, i won't need this anymore. actually, i haven't sold a hot dog in five years. you'll know when weed is legal when tourists are walking behind new york like, "let's go, let's go." soon you'll see a guy in the street like "hey you took my parking spot." "enjoy it, friend. [ laughter ] "enjoy it, friend. >> steve: oh my god. >> jimmy: yeah, it's just like the song says, if you can bake it here, you can bake it anywhere right. ♪ start lighting the bong do dobbie do d dobbie dobbie do♪ dude, smoking doobie dos and finally, a man in north carolina who quit his job, okay, he was fighting to get his last paycheck from his former boss. and when it finally arrived it wasn't what he expected. take a look at this. >> this is my final paycheck $915 in pennies.
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>> it's the amount andres wantis b at a local auto repair shop. his paycheck in the form of over 90,000 pennies covered in some kind of grease or oil [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, wonder why he would want to quit working for a boss like that [ laughter ] only guy worst than being that guy is being the guy behind him at the bank. we have a great show give it up for the roots everybody! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you roots. what a show we have for you tonight. joining us in studio she one of my all time favorites. she is hosting "saturday night live" this weekend with musical guest jack harlow, maya rudolph is here. [ cheers and applause >> steve: love maya!
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i'm telling you, this is going to be the biggest show on television i'm telling you right now. i'm calling it before it's even out. "law & order: organized crime. i cannot wait to see this thing. it premiers april 1st here on nbc. christopher meloni is here [ cheers and applause love that dude, too. >> steve: i can't wait >> jimmy: and we got great music from 24kgoldn, it it doesn't get better [ cheers and applause that's a show. [ applause ] that is the show right there "el dorado" is the name of the album. but, hey, guys, it is march, late march, and that means that it's time for people to -- tariq, you okay? seem a little bothered >> tariq: no, i'm good >> jimmy: you sure you don't seem good. >> tariq: no, i'm just, you know, thinking of some new entries for my irk list.
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what's an irk list >> tariq: come you know what i'll just show you. it's time for "tariq's irk list." ♪ >> tariq: so my daughter woke me up last night because she heard a noise in her room. i got, "what do you want me to do?" [ laughter ] you know i haven't been eating meat girl, i'm weak. so she said she thinks she heard a ghost. now, no disrespect to people who believe in the supernatural i mean, i think i do i definitely believe energy just transfers and never dies. but i don't really buy into the concept of the traditional mischievous "boo" scooby doo variety of ghosts jimmy. i go "child --" i'm terrible with nameswnhild your own >> tariq: it leaves me i go "child there's no way ghosts exists. and she's all, "how do you know?"
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which at this point it's pretty much all she ever says to me i mean, she's 15 years old it irks me that i produce proof to support anything i ever said footnotes, bibliography, complete this capture screen identify all the fire hydrants, stop lights and bridges. it's a bit much. so i'll say, "you know what, somebody confirmed it on youtube. and she goes, "why didn't you say that in the first place? and then i tell her, "because, i'm kidding. it's actually because i know way too many vengeful spiteful people who have died that will come back a long time ago to haunt somebody, anybody if they could. it takes one to know one and i'm that type of person, jimmy. i'm petty, petty >> jimmy: you're petty >> tariq: can't help it. i'm still mad at you for something that you said to me on a random tuesday morning in 2009 [ light laughter ] i never got over it. i'm not gonna say what it is right now, but if i die and come back as a ghost i'll for sure remind you of it, maybe [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: wait - you are going to haunt me? >> tariq: yeah, maybe for all of eternity. so, i'm up now i can't get back to sleep. that wakes up my wife. instinctually, she immediately does something that irks me because for her not to do so would be too much like right she says, "babe, you're up?" i go, "no. i'm fast asleep, michelle. [ laughter ] i'm sound asleep i'm in the land of nod right now. [ light laughter ] she goes, "it's 3:00 a.m. in the morning. and that's like nails on the chalkboard for me because the fact that you said "a.m." is already indicative of it being in the morning we didn't need both. it's one or the other. so consider yourself irk listed >> jimmy: okay, all right, yeah >> tariq: i mean at this point, she basically has a high score now, i'm wide awake. i'm wide awake man i'm woke woke. so i go, hey, i'm going to try to get some work done. and she's all, "oh, personal problem. you know, i could care less. and it irks me that we are cool as a society with the saying, "i could care less."
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but we've unanimously agreed that it means, "we could actually not care less." one could split the difference and use the word couldn't, but we just can't be bothered with the business of adding that one apostrophe, "n't and making it official so i'm a little angry. just a little bit. you know, i'm not angry, angry but i'm a little irked >> jimmy: yeah >> tariq: i jump in the shower did you ever take a irk shower jimmy? >> jimmy: have i ever -- have i ever taken irked shower no, i have - >> tariq: it's embracive you could hurt yourself. so in my attempt to calm down, i sing a song. >> jimmy: okay >> tariq: and when i sing in the shower, i go old school. i want some funky ad-libs. i come from days when singers will get 5011 syllables out of like one word. >> jimmy: 5011 >> tariq: yeah, but this new r&b man, they only got two ad-libs. they go ya, a, a, ya, ya ya, a a a. it's irks me it irks me, man. back in the day old jokers are made yeah a 9, 10, 11 syllable word
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talk about - ♪ yeah yeah yea yeah yeah ♪ that's flavor. we should bring back words like that words like - ♪ [ talking over each other >> tariq: you ever hear that song "get off your ass and jam? first of all, it was profanity that drew me in as a kid i was maybe three years old. it was genius. i'm not going to curse up here, but i'll sing it in pig latin for you. it goes -- [ bleep [ speaking in pig latin get off your ass - well there is no pig latin word for ass. >> jimmy: okay - [ laughter ] [ talking over each other >> tariq: but then they hit you with that ♪ wow wow ♪ and awe man, that's like the secret weapon. that's the sauce, jimmy. so it makes it funky, funky. you sing some funky add libs in the shower you can't say that. so i get out happy and i reach for a towel, but then i'm immediately pissed right back off into irk -- the towel is nonabsorbent what am i supposed to do with
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the towel that just relocates the wetness? this towel was giving me nothing. i go you, "you got one job, towel. the hell is your problem stay thirsty man get your head in the game. [ laughter ] "you know, when you are a little wash cloth, i thought you had problems and i watched you grow into a hand towel and then full on bath towel. but right now, you are acting like a little beach towel. [ light laughter ] actually, you giving me lettuce vibes man. that's what it was jimmy like, the towel had a heft comparable to that of a wet leaf of lettuce. so i'm basically trying to dry off with a caesar salad before i decided, you know to just use a bunch of paper towels. needless to say the day started on a bit of a sour note. but right now i'm great, man so thanks for asking [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wow. [ laughter ] tariq trotter everybody. thank goodness [ cheers and applause >> steve: better now
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>> jimmy: tariq trotter. stick around, we got more of "tonight show" coming up everybody. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪ ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today. dsc. ♪ questions in my head, filling me with dread ♪ ♪ so many options ♪ ♪ what's the right razor? ♪ so much back hair, should i get lazer? ♪ should he get lazer? ♪ ♪ do i wear too much cologne? ♪ ♪ should i shave my thinning dome? ♪ ♪ i've become my dad i'm like his clone ♪ ♪ you got questions, we got answers ♪
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♪ it's been dark for such a long time ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to the "the tonight show. it is time for the mimic challenge. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ mimic challenge mimic mimic challeng yeah ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: and here to help me out is the one and only maya rudolph, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ [ cheers and applause here's how it works. we each have a bunch of items to make noise with, and we're going to take turns making a a sound with an object then the other person has to immediately match that sound as precisely as they can. are you ready for this >> absolutely. >> jimmy: okay, good maya, i will be the first, i will make the first noise. okay maya [ patting [ tapping
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that's pretty good i like that. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> okay. ready? >> jimmy: all right, my turn yeah, whenever you're ready. >> are you supposed to, like, not see what i'm doing >> jimmy: i'm not gonna look, but i don't know >> this is really complicated. >> jimmy: okay >> all right, ready. jimmy, make this sound [ thump >> jimmy: can you do it again? [ thump [ thump >> yeah, that was it ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: maya >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: make this sound. >> okay. [ bubbling ] [ light laughter ] okay [ breathing wait, wait [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what what >> wait. >> jimmy: this sound [ bubbling ] [ laughter ] >> okay.
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[ imitating bubbles [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that was good. >> oh, good news, jimmy, i got another one. >> jimmy: got you. all right, now i can see it. >> all right, jim. [ light laughter ] jimmy. >> jimmy: jim. you can call me jim. >> jim it's jim it's jim today >> jimmy: jim today. i got it >> all right, james, make this sound. [ cracking ] [ laughter ] [ cracking ] >> that was accurate ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: maya, make this sound. [ creaking ] [ laughter ] [ slurping ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause >> it was -- it had an attitude >> jimmy: it did have an attitude
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>> okay, ready >> jimmy: yes. >> all right, jimmy. >> jimmy: here we go >> make this sound [ rapid clicking ] [ rapid tapping [ laughter ] that's very good ♪ [ cheers and applause perfect. >> jimmy: maya >> perfect yes, sir >> jimmy: make this sound. [ squeaking [ laughter ] that sounds like me on prom night. [ laughter ] [ squeaking [ imitating squeaking [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause >> holy -- okay.
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>> jimmy: wow. >> it's -- this is normal. [ laughter ] okay, jimmy make this -- [ laughter ] this is ridiculous okay, jimmy, make this sound [ bass line [ singing low note ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause it was like the breeders a-ooh. >> jimmy: a-ooh-ah >> both: a-ooh-ah. >> jimmy: was that breeders? >> yeah. >> jimmy: maya rudolph, make this sound [ whirring ] [ whirring ] [ whirring ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: okay my turn. >> oh, it's your turn all right.
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>> jimmy: i see it oh >> okay, jimmy, make this sound. >> jimmy: gosh [ fart noise ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's no way -- that's not how you sit on -- like wow >> here, maybe it's better if i sit on it, right >> jimmy: probably >> stand by. i'm a professional [ laughter ] okay, jimmy, make this sound [ fart noise ] [ fart noise ] [ laughter ] [ fart noise ] that's it. ♪ [ cheers and applause i went through these fast. >> jimmy: all right. here we go maya, make this sound.
12:00 am
[ screaming [ laughter ] [ screaming [ screaming [ laughter ] [ both screaming ] ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to maya rudolph watch maya host "saturday night live" this weekend with musical guest jack harlow. we are talking to maya when we come back. stick around the one and only i love you [ cheers and applause ♪ t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less.
12:01 am
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12:02 am
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12:03 am
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four, five, turn, kick. find more. spend less. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be, we'll keep bringing you a faster, more secure, and more amazing internet. xfinity. the future of awesome. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my first guest is an emmy-winning actor and very funny comedian she is hosting "saturday night live" this weekend with musical guest jack harlow. everyone, please welcome maya rudolph
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: come on. maya taking it, maya. feel it. do you feel the love right now >> i feel the love >> jimmy: maya rudolph >> i almost sat -- i almost sat right here >> jimmy: yeah, you did. we got rid of that part of the couch. >> what happened to your couch did you downsize >> jimmy: we are downsizing here so yeah, now, we have more kind of like a love seat. [ laughter ] >> a love seat >> jimmy: yeah >> it's a love -- hi, audience thank you for being here
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yeah, they're amazing. >> it's really nice. it feels like -- it feels like the before times >> jimmy: it does, right >> you remember the before time >> jimmy: i do remember the before times is that what you call it "the before time? >> yes >> jimmy: yes. >> the before times, yeah. >> jimmy: how is the family? how is everybody >> everybody is great. i brought them out for this trip because we haven't been anywhere you know, we haven't traveled in a year. and my family, like my kids really love "saturday night live" now. so it's funny. >> jimmy: pearl? >> it's funny, well, pearl, you've known the longest because i had her when i was on the show but she doesn't remember like i said, we were coming to the show and she said, fallon knows who i am?" >> jimmy: yeah, pearl, i sang >> this is like our first real, yeah, vacation >> jimmy: wow. >> i know. >> jimmy: because you were coming back and forth, l.a. to new york to do kamala harris, which congrats on the emmy by the way. [ cheers and applause >> thank you
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yeah >> jimmy: did you get -- did you receive the emmy because i know you didn't get one in person. >> i finally did it took a little while they were doing some very, like covid friendly engraving i guess. i guess, when you go to the emmys and you get an emmy, they do it at the party and you wait at the party, i don't know but yeah, mine was sent to my house. and i was really excited, and the kids were so excited and they open it up, and the first thing i got was for "big mouth. and we open it up -- >> jimmy: i thought you were - yeah, but i didn't know that it said the name of the episode that you're on on the emmy so i was like, "i got an emmy. it's got my name on it and it's like "maya rudolph" and the episode, "how to have an orgasm. i was like, "great." [ laughter ] there. [ laughter ] i wanted to ask you because obviously, some way we end up talking about prince on the show >> i know. i know it's a staple i think, right >> jimmy: i think which is good >> i can't like look across the room at quest and not.
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it feels right >> jimmy: yeah >> it feels right. a lot of prince things happened in this building >> jimmy: yeah, that's correct >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you have pearl when prince was musical guest? >> you know what, i was on maternity leave actually when - i didn't know when i was coming back but i was fully like brand new baby, i think she was about three months old and then, i found out that steve martin was going to be the host and prince was going to be the musical guest. and i was like, "i'm up. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm up >> got on the plane. >> jimmy: i'm up >> we brought pearl. like, she was like still a loaf of bread, she was so small and we flew out here brought my breast pump, like, brought like everything. i mean, you know, when you have a brand new baby, it's very sexy >> jimmy: wow, it sounds sexy, yeah >> yeah. but, yeah, brought everybody it was really exciting >> jimmy: seen steve martin and prince
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>> oh, my god, i mean, that's like a maya rudolph baby maya dream sandwich >> jimmy: do you ever get any memorabilia or do you have any prince stuff >> i -- i am lucky enough that like now, it's known that i love prince, so like, it's not a secret anymore like everybody knows, "hey, you like prince. like, okay, great. [ light laughter ] someone gave me -- a friend of mine gave me his belly chain i have his belly chain >> jimmy: wait, from th -- >> from his belly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, of course, that's where he wore it around his belly. >> yeah, you know, like yeah - in the "mountains" video you know, he has the little pants and the thing. >> jimmy: the vest is that the vest >> yeah, and like the little good - it's like the bolero jacket -- >> jimmy: yeah, bolero jacket. >> and the hat >> jimmy: oh, no >> the good meats right here, there's like the little cutout and there's like a little gold, yeah, that >> jimmy: you have that? >> i have it and i wear it around my neck because it does not fit around my waist [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't know whose waist it would fit, i mean, prince i guess >> just one person >> jimmy: just one human being that's wild. >> i take it and go like this. [ kissing >> jimmy: oh, come on. you miss him
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i want to say congrats because here you are on the cover of another magazine >> oh, thank you, i'm on the fold yeah, look at that >> jimmy: look at this this is the "vainty fair." [ cheers and applause >> she really got down there she really got down there. >> jimmy: look at this this is maya rudolph this is -- oh, sorry >> i'm known for my splits, apparently >> jimmy: now, i did not know you could do the splits. >> i can't >> jimmy: okay, there you go >> those are not my legs >> jimmy: those are not your legs [ laughter ] good all right, good. >> no, i think my dad was like, "wow." >> jimmy: yeah, dad, no. >> i don't know how to do the splits nor did i ever know how to do the splits even when you are like a kid and you just like drop it. >> jimmy: yeah >> you know, kids are just like, "watch this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> i was not that kid. >> jimmy: you were never that kid? >> i was like, "watch this." >> jimmy: oh >> oi. >> jimmy: oi >> oi. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oi i love just hearing your voice and i bring this up because obviously, you won the emmy for "big mouth," and now, you are in a new movie >> yeah, an animated movie
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>> jimmy: perfect for you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i love it. >> yeah, i got to say, i like the animated movies also because my family genuinely enjoys them. but yeah, it's a movie called "the mitchells versus the machines." it's a kid's really cute family movie, like weirdos -- like family of weirdos that end up doing cross country drive, like a family road trip to take the daughter to college but they end up saving the world. >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] why not? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why not. that's april 30th on netflix >> yeah. >> jimmy: socheck that out >> yeah. >> jimmy: but then this weekend, "saturday night live," back to home >> i'm home. i'm home [ cheers and applause really, honestly, like, it's so nice to be there >> jimmy: yeah >> first of all, this building feels very good during these strange times. it's very safe here. but we were here, you and i were here for very strange times in this building >> jimmy: yeah >> we were here during september 11th we were here during the anthrax
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that was in the building remember that? >> jimmy: i was in the building that day i actually came into work that day. >> you brought the anthrax >> jimmy: no i did not bring anthrax. that is a rumor. [ audience oh's] but i did go to starbucks, i came like everything was normal duh-da-da! i got starbucks. >> yeah, normal day. >> jimmy: i walk up to the 8th floor and everyone is walking around in the hazmat suits. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i go, "what sketch is this?" [ audience oh's] dude, you shouldn't have been here you didn't check your messages or whatever? i was like - >> yeah, my cousin called me and said, "your building is on the news, are you going into work today?" "i guess so? >> jimmy: yeah, what bizarre times. >> bizarre times, but you know what this place that we know so well, it's been nice to it be here, coming back and forth doing the show for the election felt really nice because it feels like home and it feels like we're doing something >> jimmy: we need entertainment. >> i know, and you forget that too. it's just comedy, but people do really need to laugh it feels really good >> jimmy: yes! it does. >> it's been feeling good for me to be watching the show, just to knowit just feels reall. [ cheers and appla
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>> jimmy: we're going to get back we're going to get back. >> yeah. yeah >> jimmy: all right, guys, maya rudolph everyone. she's hosting "saturday night live" this weekend with musical guest jack harlow. more "tonight show" after the break. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ we're for those who love to discover. who know an open mind is the only kind. who don't need to travel to find something new. who know where to escape, even just for a moment. who don't need a fortune to find a gem. and who know when you spend less, you can discover even more. and never, ever stop discovering. spend less. discover more. at t.j. maxx and marshalls. you didn't do anything wrong. spen you just didn't more. know miller lite has more taste and only one more calorie than michelob ultra.
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now, you do. i'm draymond green with my subway sub with tender steak and melty cheese. my sub is gonna dunk all over your sub. excuse me? my sub has bacon. choose better be better and now save when you order in the app. subway eat fresh. but not jayson's sub. this is how you become the best! [music: “you're the best” by joe esposito] [music: “you're the best” by joe esposito] [triumphantly yells] [ding] don't get mad. get e*trade and take charge of your finances today. ♪♪ ♪ like an echo in the forest ♪ ♪ (singing in korean) ♪
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12:16 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my next guest is an emmy-nominated actor who is about to make a big return to "law & order: svu" on april 1st, followed by the premiere of his brand new series, "law & order: organized crime" right here on nbc please welcome christopher meloni [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my gosh, i caught you in the middle of painting a masterpiece.
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oh, my god >> oh, my god. hey, guys, i apologize hold on. hold on. >> jimmy: no problem i'm sorry. blow on it, it will dry. it will dry. it will be perfect christopher meloni, welcome. wow. i have to tell you, i'm so excited about this "law & order: organized crime" thing that i don't even know if you understand how much the world wants this and is excited to have you back in their homes we miss you. we love you. [ cheers and applause >> that is really kind of you to say and i got to be honest, i have felt nothing but goodwill and anticipation, and i'm so humbled and shocked by it. >> jimmy: why? >> i just had no idea. i think that i didn't realize the character and the show resonated so deeply with people yeah, that's very sweet. >> jimmy: april 1st, it's going down
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: i'm so excited to be on the same network. because i'm telling you and i said it, you weren't here, but i said it earlier, it's going to be the biggest show on tv and i cannot wait. but you know, knock on wood, whatever, it's going to be whatever but i really do believe it i want to ask you a question, because i know you just did "finding your roots. >> yes >> jimmy: and this is, oh, chris, is there an earthquake where you are? [ laughter ] >> no, no, i just put my feet up i'm sorry, hold on a second. >> jimmy: you're not wearing shoes, chris >> yeah. no, no, no, no hold on. >> jimmy: what do you mean, hold on, yeah, no, yeah, no. what does that mean? >> i don't know but there's something that popped up on my computer it's got, skype wants to export some keys from your keychain it doesn't matter, jimmy >> jimmy: i don't think it's spam i don't think it's spam. i would click on it. i would click on it if i were you. [ laughter ] i don't think it's spam. >> it's something about my mortgage rate. i think i am going to click that on. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: click on it. click on it. i think it's smart i think it's smart but talk to me about "finding your roots," because i'm a fan
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of the show. henry louis gates, jr. was on our show we talked about it a little bit. i've never been on the show. but man, it gets me every time i get emotional watching that thing. >> well, i'll tell you, he made me cry >> jimmy: yeah, that's what happens. he's fantastic at his job. questlove teared up. >> well, you know, i heard -- i learned two unbelievable things i'll just tell you one story i always knew that my great grandfather meloni was adopted so he was an orphan, he was orphaned in genoa. and they had the original receipt. because once a child is dropped off there, a baby, whoever finds them, you know, a priest or a nun, they write out the receipt, and it went something like this, "baby boy wrapped in swaddling and rags with two bonnets.
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that got me, the two bonnets part and the priest nicknamed him melon head >> jimmy: melon head [ light laughter ] is that why you are meloni >> i am melon head [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, that is kind of amazing. that's fascinating >> from a long line of melon heads. >> that's amazing. congratulations. that's really cool i like how you did it. [ applause ] one more question about "law & order: organized crime," or let's just talk about "svu" because you guest star on that right before your show premieres april 1st, i will say again. >> right you start with "svu" and then "oc" is after it >> jimmy: when you go on "law & order" with mariska, does it feel like, "oh, yeah, i know how to do this, this is my partner, i know how to play it." >> you know, it's such a cliche and i wasn't expecting that either man, i got on the stage of "law" -- of the "svu" set, and you know, it has changed, you know, they have different actors and stuff
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you know, it's not my house, it's not my place, so i had no connection but you know, as soon as i got to act with mariska, you know, it was like yesterday. >> jimmy: when did you feel it >> well, when we got to acting, when we got to working because, you know, we know each other. >> jimmy: sure >> -- and mess around socially and all that but when we got down and cameras were rolling and just locked and loaded, it was such a seamless, effortless endeavor >> jimmy: well, i think you are a brilliant actor, buddy >> thank you >> jimmy: and i cannot wait to see this i want to show everyone a clip here are christopher meloni and ice-t in next week's "law & order" crossover event take a look. >> i just felt that so much time had passed that i couldn't reach out to you both. >> i get it. look, let me bring you up to speed.
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live, moved on it took her a minute, but she moved on she has a son now. she's had a couple of relationships. good for her who is the guy >> you have to ask her that. >> jimmy: that's my man right there. christopher meloni [ cheers and applause check out the nbc "law & order" crossover event on april 1st, starting with "svu" at 9:00, followed by the premiere of "organized crime" at 10:00 we'll be right back with a a performance from 24kgoldn. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ think you're managing your moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease? i did. until i realized something was missing...
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12:29 am
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♪ >> jimmy: performing "3, 2, 1" from his new album "el dorado," here is 24kgoldn [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ three sides to the stor yours and mine and the god damn truth gir two lies that you told me ♪ ♪ say you love me and you hate m i don't know what to do girl one thing's for sure ♪ ♪ you can back that back up and baby i want more
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but i need to know ♪ ♪ can you make me a promise to always be hones messed up you put my heart in a headlock ♪ ♪ usually it's me tha only wanna make the bed rock stuck up like a robber with red dots ♪ ♪ really no surpris you tellin' lies to make my head ho you know what they say ♪ ♪ every dog has his day every chick wann play with me you should be ashamed ♪ ♪ 'cause i would feel the same if i di what you did to me ♪ ♪ three sides to the stor yours and mine and the god damn truth gir two lies that you told me ♪ ♪ say you love me and you hate m i don't know what to do girl one thing's for sure ♪ ♪ you can back that back up and baby i want more but i need to know ♪ ♪ can you make me a promise to alway started with a kis ended with a dub ♪ ♪ better if you leave 'cause i feel better when you gone ♪ ♪ diamonds on my wris
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feelings getting num thought you knew it all ♪ ♪ so baby why you playing dumb you know what they say every dog has his day ♪ ♪ every chick wanna play with me you should be ashamed ♪ ♪ 'cause i would feel the same if i di what you did to me ♪ ♪ three sides to the stor yours and mine and the god damn truth gir two lies that you told me ♪ ♪ say you love me and you hate m i don't know what to do girl one thing's for sure ♪ ♪ you can back that back up and baby i want more but i need to know ♪ ♪ can you make me a promise to always be honest ♪ ♪ [ whistling ♪nd applause >> jimmy: thank you to 24kgoldn more "tonight show" when we come back everybody. come on.
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[ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to maya rudolph, christopher meloni - [ cheers and applause 24kgoldn right here! [ cheers and applause and the roots over there join us tomorrow night, we'll have viola davis and addison rae on the show. thank you for watching everybody. stay safe. wear a mask. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight everyone [ cheers and applause ♪


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