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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  June 20, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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play today, the timing was impeccable. i think you saw one of those buses, you saw the confetti raining down. >> i wouldn't mind that job, that would be fun. >> going to get a little warm going forward. >> definitely uncovered was to tomorrow, we have our heat advisory to the north , east, south a, and peninsula. temperatures 9205. low humidity, also a variable wind, 10 to 20 miles per hour. that is going to keep the fire danger high. let me give you a closer look at the numbers. 105 in concord, 100, 102 in 85% in oakland. ven-day forecas other thing that is going to elevate fire danger is the spotty chance of thunderstorms. we do cool off friday, saturday, and sunday with the low 90s. so get past the state and we into things, jeff, would summer gets [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - kareem abdul-jabbar, kristen bell musical guest, coast contra, and featuring the legendary roots cr >> questlove: 1674 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. come on. thank you. enjoy yourself, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome -- >> i love you, jimmy >> jimmy: i love you too, i love you too [ cheers ] i love you welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody.
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you're here. [ cheers and applause you made it. thank you for watching thanks for being here. well, guys, this is very exciting tomorrow is the official start of summer. [ cheers and applause tomorrow i love summer, although i could have done without this on my subway ride to work today. a guy handed me sunscreen and asked if i would do his back i go - [ laughter ] here's some good news. starting tomorrow, covid vaccine shots will be available to kids 5 and under. yeah, that's right [ cheers and applause that's -- that's right, kiddos no more excuses, time to head back to the office like the rest of us yeah [ laughter ] yep, kids can finally get vaccinated against covid meanwhile, chuck e. cheese was like, "i still wouldn't touch that ball pit. [ coughing ] [ laughter ] that's right kids as young as 6 months can get pfizer's three-dose vaccine. yep, every parents dream, taking their kid three times in a row to get a shot. [ laughter ] three shots.
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right now, parents are like, "what the hell might as well get their ears pierced too. well, everyone's been talking about this over the weekend, president biden was on a bike ride - [ laughter ] i don't even need to do a joke >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: he's going for a bike ride near his beach house in delaware when he took a little spill. here, check this out if you haven't seen it. [ cheers ] [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] >> jimmy: poor biden even his bike was like, "i'm sorry, but i can no longer support you. [ laughter ] if you want to see that clip again, it's airing on a 24-hour loop on fox news [ laughter ]
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yeah, it's -- it's shocking. not the fall, that biden looks kind of good in bike shorts. [ laughter ] that's what i thought. i go, interesting. that's right, biden fell and everyone has jokes, but no one ever talks about how good he used to be on a bike do you guys remember this video? ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: like, they never show that i mean, that was back -- that was back before -- >> steve: wow! >> jimmy: that was back before you had toe clips or whatever and -- >> steve: yeah [ laughter ] penny-farthing >> jimmy: yeah speaking of the president, according to a recent poll, most americans do not want biden or former president trump to run again in 2024 yeah, in two years, america is going to walk into a voting booth like, "uh, can we choose 'none of the above'? what are we -- [ laughter ] i think we're at the point now where 2024 is just going to be holograms of jfk and reagan. you go - [ laughter ] it's a tough choice. people are like, "do i want a guy who can't ride a bike or a guy who can't walk down a ramp i don't know which - [ laughter ]
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well, on saturday, trump held a rally in memphis, and he said pretty much what you'd expect. so, instead of showing the same clips you've seen a million times, it's time for another installment of "trump with no context. enjoy. ♪ [ yelling and groaning ] ♪ [ laughter ] >> steve: what >> jimmy: you guys see this? apparently, hbo is working on a "game of thrones" spinoff series based around jon snow [ cheers and applause i'm pretty sure that already exists it's called "game of thrones." am i wrong [ laughter ] that would be like nbc creating a "seinfeld" spinoff based on jerry. [ laughter ] hey, this is exciting. a new trailer for the next "fast & furious" sequel just came out
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and i've got to say, it looks pretty intense check this out [ engine revving ] >> this summer, fasten your seatbelts because the family is getting back together for one more epic ride [ laughter ] "fast & furious x: joe-kyo drift. [ cheers and applause presented in partnership with metamucil. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: "joe-kyo drift." >> steve: "joe-kyo." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "joe-kyo drift." yeah >> steve: "joe-kyo drift." [ light laughter ] wow. >> jimmy: hey guys, get this i heard about a guy who was addicted to pepsi and said he drank 30 cans a day for 20 years [ audience oohs yeah asked what finally made him stop, he said, "i tried a coke." [ laughter ] yeah, he's totally fine, except if you shake him, he explodes. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, i read that according to a new poll, americans only feel relaxed for about 40 minutes a day
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[ audience oohs i thought we'd try to get that up to 41 by sharing some relaxing thoughts, right now, during this show can i get some music, please ♪ [ laughter ] hey. [ laughter ] no one remembers that you had bangs. [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] when your friends make a new group chat, they type in your name first [ laughter and applause every day, your mailman is like, "oh, my god, this is the most mail i've ever seen!" [ laughter ] you're not a wimp for peeling off the pudding skin that stuff's gross [ laughter and applause if he met you, channing tatum would probably like you. [ cheers and applause
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that email that you've been meaning to send for two years, when you finally send it, it'll be that much more special. [ laughter and applause last night at dinner, you said something so funny, the waiter told the chef about it [ laughter and applause ♪ nobody flosses [ laughter and applause everyone's knees crack a little when they kneel. yeah [ laughter ] the cooler you are, the louder they crunch. [ cheers and applause and finally, you look great in that first selfie. there's no need to take any more [ laughter ] you nailed it. [ cheers and applause thank you. i feel better. i feel better. i feel more relaxed. i feel better. well, it was a crazy travel weekend all over the world and i saw that there was a
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a luggage malfunction at the london heathrow airport that created a bit of a back-up if you haven't seen this, take a look at this >> steve: oh >> jimmy: wow. >> jimmy: it's odd when an airline loses your baggage but also knows exactly where it is [ laughter ] one woman said, "that's why i tie a little red ribbon on my bag. [ laughter ] meanwhile, t.j. maxx is like, "looks fine to us. that looks cool. that's normal. [ laughter ] and finally, it's time for our latest installment of "tonight show polls." here we go, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ♪ tonight show polls ♪ >> jimmy: now this first poll asked, "what's the meaning of life?" 32% said, "to love and be loved in return. 29% said, "to leave the world better than you found it." 39% said, "beyonce's next album, which comes out july 29th.
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[ cheers and applause this next poll asked, "what is your biggest concern this summer as an american? 25% said, "rising gas prices." 25% said, "rising inflation. 25% said, "rising interest rates. 25% said, "falling joe bidens. and they - [ laughter and applause all right. no we're good >> jimmy: this next poll asked, "what should be the slogan for the new canned jack and coke 15% said, "the other coca-cola classic. [ light laughter ] 35% said, "no bartender required." 50% said, "basically, the alcoholic version of pert plus." [ laughter and applause this next poll said, "what do you use to do a crossword puzzle?" 10% said, "pencil. 10% said, "pen." 80% said, "google. [ laughter and applause "i'm a genius. this next one asked, "do you think kyrie irving should play
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for the "a," nets, or "b," knicks?" brooklyn fans said, "ayou know!" [ laughter ] knicks fans said, "oooooh! i mean 'b!'" [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: this last poll asked, "what's the last thing you want to hear the pilot say on your flight?" 25% said, "we're delayed." 35% said, "we have a problem." [ light laughter ] 40% said, "i just saw 'top gun 2' and i wanna try some stuff. [ cheers and applause that's all the time we have for "tonight show polls. we have a great show tonight kareem abdul-jabbar is here, tonight. [ cheers and applause kristen bell is on the show. and we've got great music from coast contra stick around we'll be right back with kareem abdul-jabbar. come on. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: i was doing a little research about your earlier days and i read somewhere that you were friends with billy crystal. >> yes >> jimmy: did you play basketball with him? >> no.
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but we played a game of badminton. [ laughter ] it's kind of tough on him because all i had to do was stand at the net and hold my racquet up [ laughter ] waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant.
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♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. through project up, comcast is committing $1 billion dollars so millions more students can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ♪pplause
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show, everybody. i hope everyone had a nice weekend. happy father's day to all the dads out there [ cheers and applause and a happy juneteenth to everyone we are happy to be celebrating -- [ cheers and applause such an important holiday today. what a great week of shows we have ahead kim kardashian will be here this week. maya rudolph will be here. and julie andrews will all be here what a week. [ cheers and applause and some great musical performances from brett eldredge, conan gray, and paris jackson. [ cheers and applause but first, what a show we have for you tonight. she has a brand new children's book out tomorrow called "the world needs more purple schools. kristen bell is here tonight [ cheers and applause yeah and we've got great music. here's a story with it i saw these guys on instagram reels. and i was just -- i was just scrolling through it and they
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blew me away i was like, oh, my gosh. i emailed our music booker, julie gurovitsch i was like, "have you heard of these guys what's their story." and she was like, "they're amazing. and we booked them they might be the first band we ever booked off of instagram ever [ cheers and applause we've got music from coast contra tonight, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause and then i was talking to -- i was talking to tariq backstage. i always talk to - [ laughter ] i always talk to tariq when i make my bookings and any of my choices. my fashion choices what i'm have for dinner whatever i just text him. i'm like, "yo, riq, should i get this what's up? and i said, "have you heard of coast contra." and you're like, "yeah." you actually knew them you know them. >> tariq: yeah >> jimmy: yeah and you said, "it might be the best booking we've ever made." >> tariq: i said, "jimmy, you've done a good thing." >> jimmy: yeah, there you go that's exactly correct coast contra is here [ cheers and applause
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our first guest is an nba legend and activist and an award winning columnist. he also does incredible work through his charity, the skyhook foundation please welcome kareem abdul-jabbar. ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. yes! [ cheers and applause welcome back >> thank you so much, jimmy. >> jimmy: kareem, it's always good to see you. thank you so much for being here you look great you were -- you were born and raised in new york city. >> yes >> jimmy: yeah and i was doing a little research about your earlier days and i read somewhere that you were friends with billy crystal. >> yes
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>> jimmy: how did you guys become friends >> well, you know, i went to high school here in manhattan at power memorial. and one of billy's best friends went to -- was my classmate. and he always wanted me to come out and hang out in long beach, long island. >> jimmy: yeah >> it's just - [ cheers ] it's too far for me. i lived at the other end of manhattan. [ laughter ] finally, before we graduated, i went up there to visit neil, our mutual friend. so, we went over to billy's house. and his mother answers the door and says, "you know, billy's not here you guys better come back in an hour or two. he's over with his friends doing something. and we couldn't find him but the funniest thing about that was billy's mom from that point on said, "oh, i've known -- i've known kareem longer than billy has. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: technically, yeah, she's right. she technically knows -- yeah, she's right. was he -- was he funny >> he was always funny >> jimmy: yeah
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did you play basketball with him? >> no. but we played a game of badminton. [ laughter ] it's kind of tough on him because all i had to do was stand at the net and hold my racquet up like that [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah maybe we'll get a rematch one day. >> maybe >> jimmy: the nba named an award after you. it is the kareem abdul-jabbar social justice champion award. and every year, the award goes to a player that helps to drive equality for historically marginalized communities you've said this before. you said, "i can do more than stuff a ball through a hoop. the greatest asset is my mind. and -- what does that mean to the next generation following your lead off the court? >> i think the nba has done a great job of encouraging the players to do what they can to help the communities where they play you know, we provide a lot of entertainment. but people need real help.
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so, the fact that they've named this award after me is very gratifying to me but what it does for the communities that these guys try to help -- i mean, that -- those are the things that lift us all [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: it's amazing what you've done. and we've talked about it. you've been on the show before juneteenth was yesterday and when it became a federal holiday last year, you said that you were more relieved than happy can you explain that >> well, i think it's been too long you know, it took -- it took too long before people started thinking about celebrating that nationwide >> jimmy: yeah >> it was only in the black community, where it's been celebrated for many years. but i think that the things that make america great, we're always anxious to talk about it but we can't talk about the things that are tough here in
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america. and if we don't talk about them, we can't ever change them so, as long as we can get to the point that we can talk about these things, we can make positive change. and that's what it should be all about. >> jimmy: yeah good i'm glad [ cheers and applause on top of everything you do, you're also an award winning writer we've talked about this on the show when you come on. you get writing awards -- you actually have more writing awards than you have nba championships. [ light laughter ] last year you started a substack you write about everything you write about political issues you reviewed "top gun. i thought was interesting. what's it like being your editor in chief? >> well, you know, it's always -- it's tough when your ideas and your editor's ideas don't mesh that's -- that's difficult but i don't have that problem. and you know, i can be kareem the sports commentator, kareem the political commentator.
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i can be kareem the ordinary journalist >> jimmy: restaurant reviewer. >> yeah. you name it. i'm always down for a free meal [ laughter ] >> jimmy: me too, me too count me in, count me in [ applause ] i want to mention your charity, the skyhook foundation i love this. i love what you do, especially i love helping kids. and you're doing something very, very cool with this artist named charly palmer >> charly palmer, yeah >> jimmy: he created this portrait of you. look at this yeah [ applause ] there are 500 of these >> yes, 500. and we're selling them you can go to if you want to buy one. and the proceeds go to the skyhook foundation and to help keep us above water so that we don't drown. we take kids out into the forest, the angeles national forest
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and they do s.t.e.m. and s.t.e.a.m. programs. >> jimmy: learn how to program, do everything. but also learn how to look at a tree >> how to look at a tree, water quality, soil quality. flora and fauna. and it just -- it helps the kids learn that the world is bigger than their little neighborhood in l.a. a lot of them haven't ever been out of their neighborhoods and they can see the angeles national forest from their neighborhood but they've never been there so, you know, we're expanding their world and making it possible for them to find out, you know, what's out there in the world that they can hook onto that will give them a a meaningful life. [ cheers and applause thank you for doing thatmation skyhook foundation and kareem's substack, visit kareem and i are doing something fun after the break. stick around come on back
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>> come on back. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: "frozen 3. can we announce anything >> i would -- would like to officially announce with zero authority, "frozen 3." >> jimmy: wow! ♪♪ in the future we'll travel to incredible places with the help of magical technology. but what about today? i want my magical future now. ♪♪ i have places to go. ♪♪ rocks to climb. ♪♪ sights to see. and flights to catch... i can't wait for what tomorrow will bring, but in the meantime, let's enjoy the ride... ♪♪ ♪ i like to vöost it, vöost it♪ let's enjoy the ride... ö♪ ♪♪
12:00 am
♪vöost it♪ (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire! ♪♪ turn up for the grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon trio ...and our hottest summer duo, steak and lobster! it's lit! don't miss red lobster's seafood summerfest. lemons, lemons, lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly startso ye all those lemons, for less.
12:01 am
for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums.n glow. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. [ music: "good time" by anthony ramos ] she has curly hair like mine. we have the same glasses. she's smart like me.
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we're gonna go to the moon. [ boy giggling ] she's my new best friend. best friends for all kids. ♪ ♪ the minions are coming to ihop. with an all new menu you're going to love. ♪ ♪ excuse me! enjoy the minions menu at ihop. for a limited time kids eat free! and catch minions: the rise of gru.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we are hanging out with kareem abdul-jabbar right here [ cheers and applause kareem, you're a legend both on and off the court, so i thought you could help me settle some of the biggest and most important debates ever >> okay.
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>> jimmy: you ready to do this all right, it is time for "kareem abdul-jabbar settles it." ♪ ♪ kareem abdul-jabbar settles it ♪ ♪ kareem abdul-jabbar settles it ♪ >> jimmy: all right. here we go first up summertime basketball court -- indoor or outdoor? >> indoor, because it won't rain and you -- the sun won't beat you up. >> jimmy: yeah there you go that's the game. that's a great answer. [ applause ] summertime treat -- ice cream or popsicles >> popsicles, when i think about learning the game uptown when i was a kid and ice cream when i want to get emotional about watching the movie "titanic." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's correct [ laughter ] roller coasters or water slides >> oh, geez, roller coasters water slides are nothing but outdoor bidets [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah you build up enough speed -- yeah, you're right, yeah oh, how about this this is interesting. i think i know the answer to this one best hot dog topping >> the tears of the 1985 celtics when they lost to the lakers in the finals [ cheers and applause ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. i was going to say mustard but -- [ laughter ] this one -- i think i know the answer to this one tomato on a grilled cheese >> no way, man >> jimmy: yeah no yeah, no >> that's -- that's like putting -- that's like putting anchovies on jell-o. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, don't do that. let's go into movies -- summer movies "minions" or "toy story"
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>> "minions" because they copied my goggles. >> jimmy: oh, yeah that's right, yeah >> my signature goggles. >> jimmy: you're signature -- that's right yeah, okay good, you're right would you rather have a mullet or a ponytail? >> i'd rather have a choice between either of them [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "star wars" or "star trek"? >> "star wars. i always wanted to play a giant monster in a movie for chewbacca, it's not going to be hard to learn his lines. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: j.j., george lucas, you watching this? come on. all right, best barbecue side? baked beans or coleslaw? >> coleslaw. people don't want to be near me anytime i've had a bowl of baked beans. [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: slam dunk or skyhook >> slam dunk if i want to intimidate skyhook if i want to show people they can't stop me if they tried [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: and then i have to ask you this finally, once and for all, who is the greatest of all time? jordan, lebron, or you [ audience oohs you have to answer you have to answer >> i'll answer the g.o.a.t. -- the g.o.a.t. committee meets in secret, okay [ laughter ] so - that's just something we're not going to know about, you know? but if lebron breaks my record this next year coming up, that will be one last record that i won't have to worry about ever again. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: okay but the greatest of all time can i just say it? >> why not >> jimmy: kareem abdul-jabbar. [ cheers and applause ♪
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my thanks to kareem abdul-jabbar. more information about his charity, the skyhook foundation can be found at we'll be right back with kristen bell, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ fishing helps ease my mind. it's kinda like having liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. woah! look out! [submarine rising out of water] [minions making noise] minions are bitin' today. (sung) liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. minions: the rise of gru, in theaters july 1st. one bite of a 100% angus beef ball park frank (sung) liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. and you'll say...
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...hello summer! oh yeah, it's ball park season. who do you think you are? saying no to settling and yes to getting all of the above. oh, right. you're you. tj maxx. where you can afford to be you to the maxx kenan! hey kenan! looking good. feeling good. i just found all these cars on autotrader. wow! now wait for the best part there microwave. a dealer is gonna deliver this car to our home. never leave home, never leave home! woo, it's here! there's one thing... i can't do from home. drive! someone stop him! kenan! catch ya later, refrigerator! if the peanut butter in a reese's could talk to the chocolate, what would it say?
12:10 am
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the stronger, lasts-longer energizer max. got you a drink! ♪ ♪ ahhh! is that rain??? wahoo! (laughter) wooo! (laughter) oh good! here, i got you. (laughter) you know that show i was telling you about? yeah i was so close to the stage when i saw her and she... she pulled me in. wasn't expecting that. it was literally... literally the greatest thing i've ever seen... scene... it was such a scene, but i looked pretty hot... so hot. i mean the look on his face... face it! you really missed out on the best time... time of our lives. you really had to be there. when you're with amex, you always have a story to tell. it's never a question of if it's going to happen... it's when. ♪♪
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this? this is supersonic wifi from xfinity. it's fast. like, ready-for- major-gig-speeds fast. it's when.
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like riding-a-cheetah fast. isn't that right, girl? whoa! it can connect hundreds of devices at once. [ in unison ] that's powerful. couldn't have said it better myself. and with three times the bandwidth, the gaming never has to end. slaying is our business. and business is good. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a very talented actress, and a a number one best-selling author she has a brand-new children's book called "the world needs more purple schools," which is out tomorrow everyone please welcome kristen bell [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: kristen bell [ cheers and applause they love you. >> that was smooth, thank you. >> jimmy: they love you. >> i love you too! >> jimmy: we love you, come on >> hi! >> jimmy: that's gotta feel great. >> it feels spectacular, especially with that groove. >> jimmy: i mean, right? come on. >> guys. >> jimmy: i wanted to ask you because you have something in common with kareem abdul-jabbar. he actually wrote an episode of "veronica mars"? >> he did. we're marshmallows, guys he's a marshmallow >> jimmy: really >> yes [ cheers ] he -- he is a spectacular writer for anyone who hasn't read anything he's written, i highly, highly recommend you seek it out. he's got such a great perspective, he's such an awesome writer and during the reboot at hulu, he, like, submitted to be a writer and rob thomas, our creator, like freaked out. >> jimmy: yeah, it's like,
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"wait, kareem watches 'veronica mars'? he likes us? >> we were like, "what?" and he wrote a spectacular episode. so, we worked together >> jimmy: how cool is that i love that. [ cheers and applause >> pretty cool >> jimmy: i want to get to the book congrats on this >> thank you >> jimmy: it's awesome this weekend was father's day, and i know dax -- your husband, dax shepard -- very, very funny individual i love him >> yeah. he's a stud. >> jimmy: he's a stud. [ laughter ] >> he's funny, but he's also a a stud >> jimmy: he is a stud >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i -- when i knew him, he was always in shape, but now he's jacked. >> he is -- he took covid very seriously. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> yeah. he was -- he's just like -- he was like - >> jimmy: he took it as an opportunity to just lift >> lift so much. >> jimmy: yeah >> he lifts all the time he loves muscles [ laughter ] it's really cute >> jimmy: yeah, but he -- but he has his own gym, right? he has - >> he has his own gym. and that's -- what's funny -- well, ironic, is he was out of town for mother's day, and i was out of town for father's day, so we kind of blew it but on saturday we got him out of the house his buddy, like, took him somewhere. and my girls and i - he has a gym, which is our garage and it is not new.
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and he calls it "black mold paradise," because he has, for about the last year and a half, been challenging the rock publicly to, like, i guess workout battles? [ laughter ] because -- >> jimmy: is that a thing? >> i guess like, lifting challenges maybe it's not like a fight. he's certainly -- he's not dumb, he doesn't want to fight the rock but he - >> jimmy: no [ laughter ] >> he posts on instagram a lot, like "bring it on, dwayne. like, because he has "iron paradise," which is like, this beautiful gym >> jimmy: oh, the rock's gym is unbelievable >> it's insane >> jimmy: and he doesn't let anyone work out there. >> he doesn't? >> jimmy: no, no, it's like, secret >> oh, then this is a losing battle for dax well, i think what dax is trying to do is invite him to "black mold paradise." which is about the size of this stage. >> jimmy: "black mold paradise"? >> "black mold paradise," yeah 'cause there's a little -- there's some creepy crawlies in the corners. >> jimmy: yeah, there's something growing in there >> but what he calls it -- his full name -- >> jimmy: uh huh >> -- for the gym is "dan gainz" -- with a z -- "dan gainz beef haus #blackmoldparadise." [ laughter ] and he -- by the way, he uses this hashtag on instagram all the time, and i don't think
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anyone - >> jimmy: and it makes no sense, no one knows what he's talking about. >> nobody knows what it is he doesn't care. >> jimmy: he doesn't care. >> no, he doesn't care >> jimmy: "dan gainz --" >> "dan gainz" -- he calls himself dan for, like, takeout 'cause nobody knows what dax is [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, they don't recognize that as a name >> right, and they're like, "sure, zack. and he's like, "i'll just say dan. >> jimmy: dan. >> "dan gainz beef haus #blackmoldparadise." so for father's day, we got him out of the house and my girls and i went in there and we spray painted "dan gainz beef haus #blackmoldparadise." and like, decorated with acrylic markers all over the inside of his gym to cover up all the black mold [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah but -- we have a -- here's -- here's a picture, right here. here's - >> yeah. >> jimmy: "dan gainz beef haus." >> "beef haus. [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: it almost seems, like, german [ cheers and applause >> so, i got, like, vinyl stencils that's the cool thing about knowing prop masters from, like, film and tv work >> jimmy: yeah, we're lucky. >> you can be like, "can i get a vinyl stencil, like, 12 inches by 9 feet? and they're like, "absolutely. >> jimmy: i want to see, like, he should make hot dogs. "dan gainz --" >> i'm sure he would not have a problem with it. >> jimmy: "beef haus."
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[ light laughter ] >> when i met him, he had a hot dog maker that was like half the size of this table, like, in the kitchen >> jimmy: what >> and i was like -- >> jimmy: dax, i will -- i will take that from you, dax. [ laughter ] >> we've already given it away >> jimmy: you already gave it away >> we gave it to our best friends. yeah, we gave it to ryan hansen. it still comes out once in a a while, but it's not in my kitchen! >> jimmy: i have some -- [ light laughter ] i have some things, where, yeah, my wife was like, "yeah, we're good with that if you want to give it to your friend or something?" >> yeah. >> jimmy: i go, "why don't you want this wall-sized poster of the beastie boys?" [ laughter ] "it's time to move on, bud you gotta, like -- yeah >> yeah. sometimes you just gotta - >> jimmy: yeah my buddy gave me this thing i still have in my office, he was like - 'cause i -- i love buddy holly >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: it's just a weird -- two things i love buddy holly, and i also love stained-glass >> okay. >> jimmy: and i don't know why it just came up, and he's like, "you love stained-glass. he goes, "do you like -- and he said something like, "do you like buddy holly?" and i go, "i do actually." he goes, "i have a a stained-glass portrait of buddy holly -- [ laughter ] -- "that my wife is like, 'there's no way we're keeping this in the living room.'" [ laughter ] so i go, "i will borrow it, and whenever you need it back, i will hang it in my office. and it's been in my office since "late night. neal brennan, if you need it
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back, i have it. [ laughter ] >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i have - >> neal, you got rid of that wow. >> jimmy: no, yeah, it's pretty -- it's pretty magical, yeah >> that's amazing. sometimes you inherit some good stuff. >> jimmy: yeah, i like it. i want to talk about your new book congrats on this, by the way >> thank you >> jimmy: "the world needs more purple schools." [ cheers and applause >> yeah. >> jimmy: out tomorrow your first book, "the world needs more purple people," was an instant new york times best seller right to number one. [ cheers and applause congrats on that >> thank you >> jimmy: it's great i love the art i love the - i love all of the, uh -- >> there's a lot of boogers in it >> jimmy: there's boogers in it >> there was boogers in the first one. there's boogers in this one, guys >> jimmy: it'll make -- yeah, it'll make kids laugh, and kids happy, and make -- >> hopefully better people too >> jimmy: -- everyone -- yeah. >> hopefully good people >> jimmy: it'll make people think. and make good people >> yeah. >> jimmy: which is what we want that's the point >> that was kind of the goal [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's the point >> that's the point. well, 'cause, yeah, in the first one we identified these five principles we thought were - it was like, we wrote the first one when the world was arguing remember when, like, everyone was arguing about everything, and it was the only thing everybody wanted to do
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and it's, like, died down a little bit, but we still love to argue and so, we were like, "what if we come up with these purple principles that made being nice, and responsible, and a a good listener, cool? so, we were like, "purple people - they ask great questions they laugh a lot they work hard they use their voice, and they listen and they -- just be you. because you're the --" we like to say, "because you're the only you we've got." >> jimmy: yeah, that is true [ audience aws ] [ applause ] i love that. and there's a little easter egg in here, a tiny nod to "frozen," which i like and you're like -- can we just see, there in a little -- let it go. >> yeah, "and then she said, 'let it go, let it go.'" >> jimmy: yeah! [ cheers and applause that's exactly right >> and then there's the boogers! >> jimmy: and there's -- yeah, there are boogers there, yeah >> yeah. >> jimmy: tough segway right into "frozen." >> do it >> jimmy: you know, i love "frozen ii." >> thank you >> jimmy: i almost liked it maybe better -- can i say that >> of course you can >> jimmy: i don't compare the two. >> you can say whatever you want >> jimmy: that's true, i can
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah >> it's your show. >> jimmy: it is my show. [ light laughter ] but i do -- i did enjoy "frozen," just -- but "frozen ii" kind of -- i just -- great. "frozen 3," can we announce anything >> i would, with - like to officially announce -- [ drumroll ] with zero authority -- [ drumroll ] "frozen 3. >> jimmy: wow! [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: with zero -- >> and please, please bear in mind i did say "zero authority," 'cause i can't do that >> jimmy: yeah, you can't announce it. >> i'm not -- i can't do that. no, i'm not in charge. >> jimmy: but there could be something maybe in the works and maybe happening. maybe. >> well, you know, i'm -- i'll keep it mysterious but i know idina recently said she would do it, and i feel like if we're all in - >> jimmy: what >> like -- >> jimmy: we're all in >> what are we waiting for >> jimmy: come on, we want it. >> we want it. lets do it >> jimmy: we love you. [ cheers and applause kristen bell "the world needs more purple schools" is available tomorrow [ cheers and applause go pick it up right now. we'll be right back with a a performance from coast contra stick around [ cheers and applause ♪
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enjoy the go with charmin. so i said, "yeah you're saving hundreds with the home and auto bundle from progressive, but there's no saving that casserole!" [ both laugh ] i just love that word "bundle." it's so fun. two things coming together like a force of nature, like it was really meant to be, y'know? yes, yes, i do. and i'm so glad you wanna save money. rodney, set up a bundle for jon hamm. mm! of course! jon, is it still cool if i catch a ride home with you? i never said it was. but technically you didn't say it wasn't. it's not. yet. minions, i have been captured. it's not. you have 48 hours to rescue me. mini-boss! my minions will save me.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yeah coast contra making their tv debut performing "never freestyle" and "legacy" from their album "apt. 505," give it up for coast contra [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ whoa whoa who you rockin' with the coast on the tonight show ♪ ♪ you rocking with the coas on the tonight sho okay i kick your fli huh keep it movin' ♪ ♪ hip hop you can't sto this type of movemen i'm a story teller s let me get right into it ♪
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♪ about this time i almost die over some boot say what ♪ ♪ brown skin it was this cuti that threw a party at her crib told me come through but ♪ ♪ damnit i knew bette granted i'm too clever ♪ ♪ but i'm from philly i'm ready rumble like whoever ♪ ♪ i'm on the wa something kept telling m boy you foolis come on ♪ ♪ couldn't get a lift from my brothe so called a uber come on ♪ ♪ got dropped off hit five star he was the coolest but not the cleanest ♪ ♪ but at leas he played my music huh, huh ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ huh huh huh huh huh y poison and power they offer gucci and fame ♪ ♪ they think i'm ne to this mone they think i'm new to this game ♪ ♪ they wanna see us in whip they wanna see us in chain legacy legacy legacy they tryna ruin the name ♪ ♪ legacy legacy legacy uh they tryna ruin the name u legacy legacy legacy u they tryna ruin the name ♪ ♪ they offe poison and power u they offer gucci and fame ♪ ♪ legacy legacy legacy uh make em remember the name ♪ ♪ phase one we was unfaze ain't no backlas for the free slave wealth ♪
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♪ ancestors plottin in the grave so the whip chain custom mad wealth ♪ ♪ picking cotto under sun ra they was sweating bullet outta 12 gage ♪ ♪ plantation turn to shooting rage slave master all in shooting range ♪ ♪ livin' legend im'a die a legen with my hono doing this like ♪ ♪ when you spit like this nice homie you escape karm me and my brothers is some real rhymers ♪ ♪ i'd say the greates is coast contra it might b living legen yeah i might be ♪ ♪ ahead of the game i might be wait ♪ ♪ wake up blessed up uh hopped out dripped up uh paid dues times up u body bag zipped up uh ♪ ♪ rap god prayed up u long nights stayed up uh whole squad came up uh hip hop saved us ♪ ♪ this the life see this the life i chos 505 we slept insid the cold ♪ ♪ had to learn to coo without the stov only thing that kept us ho was flows ♪ ♪ all my da was a1 honor rol we never ever disrespect the code ♪ ♪ taj ras austin rio lo went from scrapping toas and now we toast ♪ ♪ pulling women bad as amber ros the type of world's a stag to be too cold ♪ ♪ they drop us 50 just to pack a show lets g
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ballin now and i ain't talking rose ♪ ♪ my grammy told me don't you sell your soul what's a gramm when your soul is gold ♪ ♪ my only goal is i'ma die a goa 'cause this the life that i done chose ♪ ♪ poison and powe what they offer gucci and fam what ♪ ♪ they think i'm ne to this mone they think i'm new to this game ♪ ♪ they wanna see us in whip they wanna see us in chain wealth ♪ ♪ legacy legacy legac they tryna ruin the name let's go ♪ ♪ legacy legacy legacy uh they tryna ruin the name u legacy legacy legacy u they tryna ruin the name ♪ ♪ they offe poison and power u they offer gucci and fame uh ♪ ♪ legacy legacy legacy uh make 'em remember the name ♪ ♪ my family gone have power like the medici' i feel like francisco vitori si ♪ ♪ diplomatic since the atti writing bars brighte than ya patek boy ♪ ♪ they gone hall of fame me for my story critics turnin into crickets ♪ ♪ cause i'm just too bi for any category and i planned it since a lil boy ♪ ♪ my flow dri from a coca leaf they ain't seen a brothe come from overseas ♪ ♪ i ain't talking chane but it's luxury ay down in colombia adonde yo naci ♪ ♪ my legacy reall the recipe u mixing culture
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now they can't ignore it ♪ ♪ funny fake people saying that they saw it ♪ ♪ when i posted up a show they wasn't goin now they tryna come with me on tour ♪ ♪ right i kicke the devil ou mixing my sins with the weed just to level out ♪ ♪ found me a better route rapping bout nuthi ain't nothin to sing about ♪ ♪ smoke got the coast tatte in ink and blood coast contra liste my click is up ♪ ♪ from birds on the cur now we flying with doves wassup brrr ♪ ♪ these peopl jump off the porch run into us an jump back on the patio ♪ ♪ rappin' like this finna cop me a porsche oh that's yo chick i left that on the patio ♪ ♪ facts all my brother endorse of course by god with principles thic as ray dalio ♪ ♪ when i rap gotta snap like the back of a 7 whose name was daddio ♪ ♪ it's a reason my slap we just made a new hit you ain't hit back ♪ ♪ none you people equippe for the mix-matc gotta know with the flow i could switch that ♪ ♪ they finessin you brothers i'm bout mine ♪ ♪ thought my watche was broken it's bout time ♪ ♪ had to slide from the wes to south sid then come back and attack from the outside ♪ ♪ with my brothers 'cause they offer poison and powe they offer gucci and fame ♪ ♪ they think i'm ne to this mone they think i'm new to this game ♪ ♪ legac they wanna see us in whips they wanna see us in chains ♪ ♪ legacy legacy legac
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they tryna ruin the name coast ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yo that's how you do it, right there. coast contra "apt. 505" is out now. [ cheers and applause oh, that's the way to do it. that's the way to do it, right there. oh, remember that -- coast contra we'll be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. through project up, comcast is committing $1 billion dollars so millions more students can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. (footsteps) ♪ from the mountains to the coast, ♪ ♪ it's the state with the most. ♪ ♪ somos la crema de la crema ♪ ♪ con mucho sol todo el año, cuidado que te quemas ♪ ♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪
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♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪ my minions will save me. [ speaking minion ] unless they screw everything up. hello.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to kareem abdul-jabbar, kristen bell, coast contra, once again, ladies and gentlemen. and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody thank you. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- adam scott the cast of "impractical jokers," james murray, brian quinn, and sal vulcano. an all-new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with ralph alexander. and now seth meyers. [ cheers and applause >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're doing well tonight. and now we are going to get to the news when asked during an interview last week about the national mood, president biden said, "people are really, really down,"


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