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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  January 23, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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good evening, thanks for joining us. we continue to follow our breaking news. we have a lot of new information about what's happening right now in half moon bay. multiple people shot and a suspect is in custody. >> law enforcement officers just updated our investigative team. they say it appears they told us seven people shot, six of them have died. this is at two separate locations, one on a farm off highway 92, the other at a trucking company about two miles away off cabrillo highway. marianne favro joins us live at half moon bay with the very latest on this investigation. marianne, what do you know so far? >> reporter: sources tell us that three people died here.
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i talked to people who live in this area. they tell me this is actually a mushroom farm here and that people live there as well. some of the workers from the farm live there as well. so it's not just a farm. to give you some perspective of where we are, we're less than 3 miles away from where the other shooting occurred. now what we don't know for certain is which shooting happened first, if it was this location off cabrillo highway or the other location. to give you some perspective of where we are, we're right next to the caltrans maintenance yard here. we've just in the last half-hour saw the san mateo county sheriff's department put up a tent and they're investigating the scene right now. we can't see too much. they're moving the tent right now. but that's what's happening here. of course, they're blocking us from going any further down here. some people say that they were initially worried about their relatives who worked there, but
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they did contact them and they told me that they found out that their relatives that worked at this mushroom farm okay. but, of course, they're extremely worried about the others who worked on the farm as well. reporting live, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. when you talk to some of these people who are loosely connected to this crime, any indication of who the -- but why that shooter would -- what transpired and exactly why he did this? >> reporter: i shared the name of the shooter with them and they did not know that person personally. again, they thought maybe perhaps some of their relatives may know that person. but they had no idea aut the possible motive behind all of these shootings. >> all right, marianne, we'll get back to you shortly. that suspect is in custody. >> 67-year-old zhao chunli. terry, what can you see from
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your vantage point? >> reporter: they're bringing out the tent where is she is, over here, they're bringing out the lights. they're going to be here throughout the night, it appears. they just brought in lights to light up the scene that they've got out here where four people were shot and killed. again, this is apparently a growing operation for mushrooms. you see what's going on right now. the law enforcement covering this is san mateo county sheriff's office and about 12 members of that department just huddled in the middle of the scene out here to discuss strategy and also perhaps share information that they got from the civilians that are out here. they've been talking to them for -- the entire time i've been out here, taking their time, slowly talking to each individual out here. the connection these people have to the growing operation, i don't know. but the investigation is going on for sure. as we're speaking to a forensic lab van -- one of the several
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out here is heading out. in order to leave this scene, if you happen to be working here or living up there somehow, on your way out, you're being stopped, they're taking down your name, making sure everybody going out, they want to know who you are. again, this goes back to the incident that happened this afternoon out here. 67-year-old man zhao chunli. some of the victims are also asians who were working out here in the growing operation. what beef he had, why he killed some here, drove over to where marianne is and killed again, we don't know. we have a crew over at the san mateo county sheriff's substation in half moon bay. hoping to get information from them in the foreseeable future. but they're just figuring things out and trying to do it right. back to you. >> as you know, you've been on site now for about an hour, two
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separate locations, one is that mushroom farm where four victims have died. the other is the trucking company where three victims -- we have confirmed seven people are dead from the san mateo county sheriff right now and the suspect is in custody. what comes next? when will we hear from the sheriff's department? is their news conference planned within the hour? do we know this yet? >> i have not heard anything about plans in the near future. i think -- i'm just hearing that we're -- there's going to be a press conference at 6:00 this evening. so not -- not too long from right now we'll be getting more information about the shooting, possible connection, 25 minutes from now. maybe the possible connection. we are hearing that the man has confessed, turned himself in for the killings. maybe it will shed some light on his motive, the two locations,
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so many people, what it was that motivated him, we'll find out at that time, 6:00 this evening. >> we'll get a lot of information as it is coming in now just in the last 90 minutes. thank you. 25 minutes from now, we'll hear from the sheriff of san mateo county. of course, we'll get more information because this is all happening as we speak in terms of developing. >> somebody who broke the story is jackson jaxon van derbeken. he joins us now by phone. you've been speaking with your law enforcement sources all afternoon. you got first wind of this around 3:00. what are you learning? >> reporter: well, basically, we understand that there's this -- a mushroom farm is quite sprawling and they have two separate crime scenes there involving two victims, and then the secondary -- the other location, there were three victims. two had been confirmed dead at the scene and one was transported to the hospital. it sounds like he may -- or this
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victim may have also died. but we know of at least six confirmed victims at the scene plus a seventh who was wounded possibly fatally. we know this is a sprawling crime scene in two separate locations on the farm and that the person who turned themselves in is in the process of being interviewed almost as we speak. >> do you know is this the only suspect we're talking about, the person who turned himself in, we can put a picture of him up here, do you know right now that he is the only suspect or could there be a second shooter? because these two locations are about two miles apart from each other. >> the only information that we have is that there's one suspect at this time and that they are in custody. so they basically alerted the community that this is the solo suspect. the sheriff's department has done that. so as far as they understand, there's only one person that -- and they are in custody.
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>> and any indication of the suspect and the victims here? do we know that yet -- >> reporter: we understand that -- well, just what the original account believed by the investigators that this is a type of a workplace shooting involving co-workers. that's the going theory at the moment, the specific motive as far as i can divine has not been established. >> we don't want to jump ahead. we will ask the sheriff these questions. thanks for your reporting. hang tight. we'll be coming back to you shortly as well. >> joining us now by phone, we have the san mateo county supervisor, is that correct? okay. we're working on the supervisor, but he's been giving us information about what he knows. a city councilwoman from half moon bay did say that the victims were chinese farm workers. we don't know if all seven victims were, but we know seven
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people have now died, shot and killed in this shooting massacre at half moon bay. it started around 3:00 this afternoon. the freeway, the highway was never shut down. but lots of sheriff's deputies. we have the supervisor. thank you so much for joining us. what do you know so far about this shooting massacre in half moon bay? >> we just came from monterey park where ten people have died and now we're looking at seven people confirmed dead by the sheriff's office. this is a very, very sad day here in san mateo county and on the coast. >> supervisor, we're looking now from our nbc bay area sky ranger, live pictures from above the locations there. two separate locations, that mushroom farm, also the trucking company. do we know any idea in terms of who these victims are, perhaps,
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colleagues, were they migrant workers, we have heard from one of the colleagues there that perhaps these were all asian americans. do we know the identity yet of who the victims were? >> we're hearing from a council member and official in half moon bay is that these are chinese american agricultural workers. and so that's what's been -- that's what she's referred to in terms of the farm workers. what we don't know is on both locations the casualties and who they are. >> supervisor, what do we know about this farm, this mushroom farm? has it been there? do you know anything about it? has it been there awhile. do workers tend to live there because they have to work, you know, early morning hours and shifts. do you know anything about these two locations, the trucking company and this mushroom farm? >> my understanding is -- i
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don't know if anyone was living there in farm worker housing, but we do know that when it comes to the mushroom farm that, you know, it is -- my understanding is that they cultivate cannabis. and so that hasn't been confirmed yet, but that's what i've heard. >> you're saying in addition to growing mushrooms, they also possibly may cultivate cannabis, marijuana? >> that's my understanding. that's what i've been told. >> would that be a legal operation or illegal as far as you know in terms of this specific location? >> i would say because they do grow mushrooms, what i would say is that in the county, that is permitted and it is allowed if they -- obviously if they go through the permitting process. so it would probably be a legal use as opposed to an illegal use. >> supervisor, what's next? we understand the sheriff will be addressing the media and the public in about 20 minutes. is that -- is that what you
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understand as well? >> yeah. so my understanding is, as you know in these situations, information is so fluid and it could be chaotic. my understanding is that the sheriff will have a press briefing, a press conference on it and explain the details of what happened and, you know, we'll go from there. >> okay. david canepa, thank you so much for your time tonight and keep us posted on this investigation. >> you can imagine how just devastating this is for the half moon bay community and any of the family members perhaps finding out right now that one of their loved ones has been injured or has died. again, it's seven people. if you're turning in, seven people confirmed shot and killed in the half moon bay area at this mushroom farm where the supervisor said there might also be growing cannabis and the trucking company.
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four people at the mushroom farm shotted and killed, three people at the trucking company shot and killed. >> we just received sound from a witness. we brought you live images of the suspect being arrested, this 67-year-old man. we want to show that again. he's arrested, he seems cooperative. we heard he turned himself in at half moon bay. he was led away in handcuffs and is said to be cooperating now with authorities hopefully. a woman in one of the cars witnessed this whole thing. we talked to her. this is what she saw when it all went down. >> i went to go back to get in my car which was right next to this maroon suv and it -- it surprised me to see the officer asking me quietly to get back from my car, and i scooted back a little bit and he asked me to get further back, and he pointed out it was a maroon suv.
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and i told the photographer who was standing there with me that was a maroon suv right there and they were going to -- look like handle that. so he and i both got further back and then that police officer was out of his patrol car and crossing the parking lot. a couple more plains clothes officers came out of the substation and assisted him to get the man out of the car and take him down. >> that's from a witness there who watched this all unfold. 67-year-old zhao chunli. we'll ask the sheriff how exactly it transpired. but he turned himself in and he is the suspect right now of killing seven people in half moon bay. >> three of them happened at a trucking company off highway 1,
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about 2 1/2 miles away the first location, four people shot and killed and that is the mushroom farm just off highway 92 and that's where terry mcsweeney has been for the past hour plus. lots of activity and active investigation still going on behind you, terry. >> at least a dozen sheriffs are out here right now and they're bringing out the lights that are going to be here throughout the evening. we're told that there were four people shot and killed here, two at one location and two at another and they're treating these as two separate crime scenes. there was a shooting here, pause, and then he took off from here and went to the other location and killed three people there. a total of seven people dead at the hands of chunli. an asian man killing asian co-workers. it's a workplace situation where he was taking -- he was taking out the people who he worked
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with. so many questions about what motivated this level of violence, not just a spur of the moment here, but he also took the time to drive 2 1/2, 3 miles to the second location where marianne favro has been to kill three more people there. then to turn himself in. we're going to be hearing from the sheriff, we may be getting answers, maybe this will unravel rather quickly as to what he did, why he did it, why here, why there and why he turned himself in. right now, we have a number of san mateo county sheriff squad cars out here, also the fire department was out here. they have since left. but investigators out here, a lot of work to do to go through two separate crime scenes with two dead here and two dead there. they're going to be here for much of the night at least. again, looking forward to that information coming down at 6:00. >> seven dead total. terry, is that essentially the
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primary staging area where you are? is that where the sheriff will address everyone in about 15 minutes, or is that totally separate from where you are? >> totally separate. i'm under the impression she's going to be speaking from the substation which is not at this location and not at the other homicides location either. >> we're just confirming in a tweet from the sheriff that she will be speaking from the substation in half moon bay. terry, thank you so much. marianne favro is at the other crime scene off highway 1 which is about 2.8 miles from where terry is at. let's bring in marianne favro where an active investigation is going on there. down that road behind you, it appears, right, it's not -- you can't really see much from your vantage point. they've kept you away, marianne?
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>> reporter: they have kept us away, but we did see four vehicles roll through, including a forensic crime van as well. now they're down there at the very end of the road, they've put up a tent and they are processing evidence of this scene. we're told that three people were killed at the scene which is a mushroom farm. now we're not certain whether this first shooting happened here at this mushroom farm or at the other location which as i mentioned is less than 3 miles away. so we don't know the order of the shootings. to give you some perspective, we are right off cabrillo highway. we're right next to the caltrans maintenance yard. there's a trucking company right next door to here. but there's not a lot of homes in this neighborhood. we don't with a to elaborate that the suspect is in custody. he did turn himself into the substation and the sheriff's office says there's no longer a threat to the community, the alleged shooter is behind bars at this time.
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now, as we talked to the supervisor earlier, he said that most of the people that were killed were chinese workers, agriculture workers, and he did say that apparently in addition to farming mushrooms here, that this farming operationed -- more people are coming in, just a few minutes ago we saw several lights blazing with the sheriff's office on their way back over here. they just went down this road and, again, with the forensic lab as well. so they are back at the end of this road. back to you. >> marianne, we have now gone from and sadly, we've gone through this before, we go through a mass shooting and then comes the forensic teams and then we get our first briefing and we're looking forward to this first briefing in about 10 or 15 minutes. again, this all unfolded just after 3:00 this afternoon and since time has passed, we've
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learned that seven people confirmed shot and shot and killed. jackson jaxon van derbeken has been speaking with law enforcement all afternoon. are you learning anything new? >> all we know is that there are the two separate locations on that one big sprawling location and that's -- and then the secondary crime scene had three victims there. two separate crime scenes on one location, separated from each other. so it's quite -- likewise, a very complex and evolving thing. but we do understand that he -- after turning himself in, he was willing to give a statement. at this point in time they are in the midst or preparing to interview him to find out what the true motive is.
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it was an apparent workplace scenario -- >> you're referring to the suspect, 67-year-old zhao chunli. we're saying that he turned himself in. was there any sort of man hunt or did they crack him down somewhere or did he literally just come and turn himself in to wherever the authorities were? >> we're hearing different things. there was some indication that they had a line on him and basically were approaching him when he did come to turn himself in at the station. so it was probably a little bit of both. but he did walk in apparently and surrender without incident there at the station, whether there are people pursuing him either informally or had scene him is something we're still trying to resolve. >> and it's remarkable, you're
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seeing as you can see, we're seeing the video of the suspect being taken into custody. there's a few minutes of interaction where they handcuffed him and the long walk into the gate right there. you can see the officers and sheriff's deputies taking him in there. the only suspect that we know of right now, 67-year-old zhao chunli. >> we received a booking photo after his arrest. it was very quickly released to us. i see another station ripping off our photo, but we received that booking photo. do we know anything about 67-year-old zhao chunli or how we got that booking photo so quickly? >> that is -- he was obviously known to the authorities in some
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respect probably from a past interaction with him. but we don't know any of the details right now and we're just awaiting the sheriff's statement obviously in just a few minutes. but we do know, as i say, there was this workplace scenario has definitely multiple sources have talked about that, about whether he had been disgruntled in the past, that's all still trying to be iron ironed out at this poin >> this is a previous booking photo that we obtained exclusively. so we will find out. i also believe we have a live camera at the sheriff's podium where she'll be addressing in just a few minutes. there are obviously some major questions. there it is. that's a live look now. is that the sheriff substation right there in half moon bay. the sheriff will be joining us and addressing the latest in this investigation just in about five or ten minutes according to her office. and there will be many
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questions. obviously his past legal relationship with the county and the department, also who the victims were, were they farm workers and in terms of this farm, was it just a mushroom farm or illegal grows in terms of cannabis. >> so many questions at this time. we don't know if the suspect knew the victims, but it seemed to be targeted at this point. when we first got initial calls about this shooting at the farm, we know that four people were shot and killed there. but we heard that three of them were found inside a home on that property and then a fourth victim was found dead nearby, according to sky ranger video, we did see yellow tape around like a mobile structure, like a home. a manufactured small home, and then we did see yellow tape around one of the greenhouses
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which may signify where the other fourth victim was found, all on the same property, but two different locations on that property. three in one location inside a home. and then there's marianne's location where three victims were shot and killed. two of them died and found dead. one was transported to the hospital where now that third person is confirmed dead. we do not know the identities of these seven victims. but acity councilwoman did say they were chinese farm workers. that's all she gave us. we do not know the relationship between the suspect and the victims and possible motive at this time. >> we just got a statement now from congresswoman anna eshoo who represents this district.
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we'll bring up that statement in just a moment here. saying this, i continue to monitor the unfolding tragedy that has taken place in half moon bay. my gratitude to the sheriff's department who took the suspect into custody and are working two scenes of the murders. she represents this district, represents half moon bay, and this, of course, comes just after what we saw over the weekend with the mass shooting down in the los angeles area. gavin newsom, the governor tweeting this out, at the hospital meeting with victims of a mass shooting. when i get pulled away to be briefed about another shooting, this time in half moon bay. tragedy upon tragedy. and that is the double decker here that we're dealing with, this one-two punch. the governor down in the l.a. area dealing with the aftermath of that mass shooting and now the mass shooting here in our area, in the bay area in half
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moon bay where seven people have died. our local leaders, obviously, weighing in, but first things first, we need to find out from the sheriff more of the nuts and bolts of what happened in terms of how these seven people were shot dead. the suspect, what his relationship is and was, with these people and really the motive here. was it a workplace shooting? it's sad that we have to go through this so often, but that's where we are right now waiting for the sheriff ofmateo. we have reporters terry mcsweeney at one crime scene, especially, marianne favro in the other crime scene. we see terry right there walking into the camera shot. he's awaiting the information that we're awaiting from the sheriff christine corpus. we've gone through this so many times and we know this playbook
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here of how it unfolds as we continue -- >> sadly, we know the playbook. >> we get all these details and for the next several hours we'll be getting in new information and then tomorrow we'll start a different chapter. >> and trying to figure out what the motive is, what the connection might be between these two locations. we do know that the soil company is a family owned business, it's a business. it's a trucking company that specializes in gravel and dirt. it's one of those companies that you can walk up to and order gravel for your own mall. >> two locations, one is the mushroom farm and one is the trucking company. >> we don't know if it was the second location where three people died. it's a small family owned trucking company. it's owned by the rice family, that's the name of the company. we don't know at this point what transpired at that location and
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what the connection is between that location and the other location. it's a seven-minute drive down cabrillo highway two miles apart. and from what i understand from terry's reporting is that the first location may have been the mushroom farm on that spanish town area and then the suspect then drove seven minutes to get to that second location. >> and that's what we'll ask the sheriff, what -- what update was first and what was second in terms of the sequence here. if you're joining us now on our 6:00 news, we've been covering this breaking for the last hour and a half now. a mass shooting just one day -- or shortly after the l.a. mass shooting. now we have a mass shooting here in the bay area. here's what we know. seven people have been shot dead in half moon bay. again, if you're tuning in on the 6:00 news, that mass shooting in half moon bay, seven people shot dead at two different locations. one is the mushroom farm there
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in half moon bay, four people shot dead. the second location, a trucking company there in half moon bay, which is two miles away, three people shot dead. it is important to note here, the suspect has been taken into custody and we believe the only suspect, 67-year-old zhao chunli responsible for the killing of seven people here. >> what we're waiting for now as we start our 6:00 broadcast is a news conference that we're expecting from the sheriff's department, san mateo sheriff's department which is the agency in charge of investigating this shooting. we're going to be hearing from the sheriff, christina corpus in just a few minutes. we're giving you a live picture right now of where she will be stepping up in a little bit to give us the information that they may know. what we've heard from our investigative reporter is that th


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