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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 25, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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right now at 6:00, a possible game changer for homeowners here in california. one major insurer is saying it may start re-writing policies under one condition. and then the crucial update in an investigation ahead of today's board meeting. rising sea levels breaking down local areas, seeing the local problem in our climate in
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crisis. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning. i was about to say friday. >> you wish! >> we're almost there. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. good morning to you. good morning, kari. we saw the king tides. we're not talking about anything like that today? >> no, but we are going to talk about how that could be the future of sea level rise in a little bit. it's very interesting. this morning, we are seeing clouds overhead. taking a live look outside in san josé, and we are going to see peeks of sunshine in the afternoon, and we are going to see high temperatures headed for the mid-60s for today. up to 64 by 3:00 to 5:00. a breezy wind. it will be windy as we go through the rest of the afternoon. san josé will be partly cloudy. millbrae will have gusty winds, and temperatures only to about 64 degrees.
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in concord, we will see highs in the low 70s. mike, this is thursday light? >> yeah, thursday -- thursday regular, actually. we had an issue, a disabled vehicle on the span, and i think everything is back to the normal pattern including the metering lights and the speeds there, and i see the speeds returning to what we expect out of oakland. highway 37, lighter than yesterday, a lighter traffic volume. maybe kicking in closer to 7:00, and right now a smooth and easy drive. the slowing from 101 will kick in again around 6:30. we have seen an ongoing insurance crisis, and now a major company could start writing policies once again. allstate said this could come with conditions. today in the bay's ginger conejero saab is live in san francisco to break us down for us.
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good morning, ginger. >> reporter: good morning, kris. allstate wants the department of insurance to allow them to use catastrophic modeling when making policies. the company said it could help them -- this could help them, rather, justify rate increases. you will remember this was a big issue for allstate when it stopped writing new homeowner policies at the end of 2022 because of the wildfire risk and the cost of rebuilding homes and the rising price of home insurance, and they renewed existing policies but stopped writing new ones. a company representative indicated allstate is getting ready to resume writing new policies, and in a statement allstate said, once home insurance rates fully reflect the cost of providing protection to consumers we'll be able to
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offer home insurance policies to more californians with timely rate approvals. later this morning there will be a hearing in sacramento. we are taking a live look right now at the state capitol. that hearing will be held by the little hoover commission, and there will be a discussion on the state's home insurance market. that will begin at 10:00 this morning. speakers from the governor's officer and emergency services will be there, and others will be in attendance. it's open to public comment and can be viewed virtually. josh becker is also having a town hall on the issue, and he introduced a bill that would force insurance companies to consider the billions of dollars the state spent on wildfire mitigation and that bill now heads to the senate appropriations committee for consideration.
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it's definitely an ongoing back and forth here with a lot of interest for those new policies. back to you. >> we just know that people can't really rebuild without that insurance support. it will be good to hear. thank you, ginger. >> uh-huh. this morning the supreme court will hear arguments on whether american presidents can face criminal prosecution for things they did while in office. we will give you a live look in washington, d.c. today's case comes amid a backdrop of former president trump hush-money case in new york city. a lawyer for the federal government will try and persuade the justices that presidents are not immune and trump was not carrying out his official duties when trying to overturn biden's win. >> this is the moment we have been waiting for, because the
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motion that the former president filed in this case is a motion where if he succeeds with it on this appeal would end the prosecution. >> it's unclear whether the court's ruling in this case would effect a separate case in which he is accused of handling classified documents. there's a special board meeting happening tonight after our investigative unit reported on complaints about the director of facilities, ken turnage. his bad behavior included putting a worker's desk on a rooftop. you see that on the screen. he managed to get away with it because he's good friends with the school's superintendent, stephanie anello and her husband, allan cantando. the superintendent said she initiated two investigations, one on the overall situation in
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the department and the district, and the other looking at the specific concerns raised by employees. those were reported by nbc bay area last week. anello also says she voluntarily removed herself from the investigative proceedings, and two board members said two of the complaints are against the superintendent herself. we asked two separate times who will be conducting the investigations, and we have not gotten an answer. if and when we get an answer, we will bring it to you. and if you want to catch up on the reporting on antioch school district, go to new this morning, mayor london breed among city leaders expected to be onhand when we see a new park opening in san francisco. basin park is located near oracle park and the bay bridge at mission park. this is going to include five
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acres of lawns, plazas and waterfront spaces and a trail for walkers and bikers. the opening ceremony begins at 11:00 this morning. continuing our climate week coverage and the impacts we are seeing in the bay area. >> many of us live in areas where it's forecasted we will feel the impacts from tides and sea levels. meteorologist, kari hall, will give us a visual of what this could look like and the problem higher seas create. like the rest of the world, the landscape is changing over the years due to rising sea levels, now up 10 centimeters since 1993. that may not sound like a lot, but this is expected to accelerate within the century. some of the factors are ice loss in the arctic and inland glaciers melting quickly and ice sheets also melting.
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warmer temperatures lead to thermal expansion, and another factor is extreme weather, stronger storms cause the water to come further inland especially when combined with the kings tides, and let me show you what future sea level rise could look for us. by the year 2040 going up almost half a foot. in 2060, another foot. by the year 2100, sea level rise could be up over three feet in san francisco causing low-lying areas like the airport to be underwater and more frequent flooding all around the bay. meteorologist, ryan garcia, talks about the risks. >> imagine something like the king tides that we get now, and the king tides are most easily seen in the middle of the winter
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months, so december and even into january we see pretty high tides. you can also see them late june and into july, but typically the highest high tides happen overnight when most of us are sleeping. now, imagine those tides becoming more of the normal tidal range. now you have a water level that has set up higher than what we have now, and now you are putting that wave activity on top of the higher water level. what that does is gives more opportunity for those waves to wash further into land and impact more people as well as infrastructure, homes and businesses. where we live, where we recreate and where we go to the beach, where we go to restaurants, where we just go hang out along the water's edge is going to look very different. i am already starting to think about this. our communities, some are planning for it and for those of us who have homes in areas that
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are at risk really need to start preparing now for the future inevitability. >> this new era of warmer air and ocean temperatures fueling those storms could bring storm surge issues similar to what the east coast and gulf coast communities experience from hurricanes, and this is all due to climate change. check out on solutions to reverse this worsening climate, and go to and look for the tabs at the top of the page. let's get to mike and traffic. yeah, green sensors, and we thought we would have a problem on the bay bridge, but that cleared quickly. we don't have that second slowing starting for san josé. it's a little early for that. now, we are looking at the all the altamont pass.
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it's close to half an hour heading towards 580. >> thanks, mike. we have been talking about ai, and how about a new song featuring tupac that is ai. the new action his estate is threatening against superstar drake this morning. we are talking about an ipo and tiktok, and -- oh, look at that. a lot of this is meta, and i will explain why, coming up. >> people are turning heads for a different reason, and the story behind these apes riding horses near the golden gate bridge. >>
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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good thursday morning. right now at 6:14 we are getting a live look outside in san rafael. as you are going to work heading up 101, we will see a cloudy start this morning. it's in the low 50s in the north bay. we will see the temperatures eventually headed for the upper 60s this afternoon. looks pretty good, but it will mostly be cloudy and we will talk about the slight chance of rain we have in the forecast, coming up. the 101 shot looked good,
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and we have the volume building for folks leaving the east bay. we will show you if there are any delays getting to this spot or delays rippling back from this spot. happy thursday morning to you. the white house today will announce a more than $6 billion grant to micron, the chipmaker. micron will build factories in new york state and idaho. the bay area cyber security company, rubric, priced its shares last night in its ipo. meta pulling the nasdaq lower after it said it was spending lots of money on ai, which will pull profits lower. meta, facebook, is going all in on artificial intelligence. and you may recall meta was all in on the metaverse. it's still working on virtual reality, and in fact on the analyst call, mark zuckerberg said the company made good progress. and meta could benefit from a ban on tiktok.
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facebook has a tiktok like feature called reels, and youtube has a feature called shorts, very much like tiktok. you scroll through and the algorithm tries to match what you are interested in. i spoke to an analyst about the potential for youtube shorts. >> it won't show up as a financial in today's report, but if tiktok were to go away, youtube shorts might be a logical replacement? they may have an opportunity there. >> absolutely. yes, i imagine youtube shorts would be one of the primary benefits where a tiktok fan could materialized. i don't know youtube should bank on that happening. but it's certainly something to watch, and, you know, we will be next quarter looking forward will be something we will be paying attention to. >> rubric's company value is at
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$6.5 billion. it waited quite sometime to go public, and companies like home depot use rubric to protect their data. it was over subscribed, in other words, more people wanted those ipo shares way more than were available, so it's a reasonable assumption to say when it hits the market today, it should pop quite a bit. >> nice. >> right? >> you know, those people that aren't you, they made a lot of money. >> pb & j again for lunch. >> there we go. thank you, scott. new at 6:00 for you, drake may be in hot water after what appears to be the voice of tupac shakur with the use of artificial intelligence. take a listen. ♪ ♪ hip-hop history ♪ ♪ you seem a little nervous ♪ ♪ about the publicity --
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>> that totally sounds like him. >> drake released this track last week, and now shakur's estate is threatening that using his voice is an abuse, and they are demanding drake remove that from all platforms. >> i agree. you can't just use peoples' voices. >> i don't want anybody to re-create what they could have done, and let's just live with what they have done. >> yeah, especially without consent. >> the hologram of whitney houston. i didn't like that. rapid, kid cuddy, not on my play list, and suffered an
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injury at coachella. after a stage jump ended badly he has a broken foot and needs surgery, and he chose to cancel the rest of his tour. he promised refunds for people who bought tickets, and he was supposed to play in san francisco in august. i have time to get familiar with kid cuddy before he hits the road again. >> a shout-out to our guy -- >> you need diversity in the news room, of age, too. we need young people and seasoned people. trending this morning, tourists out and about in san francisco got a big surprise. >> here's something you don't see every day right here. look closely at your television now. planet of the apes on horseback.
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it's a new marketing piece for the new movie coming out next months. the apes on horses were spotted in venice beach on monday as well. >> anything goes in venice. >> genius. genius for them to be advertising like this. everybody will spread the word for you. >> the bay area, seeing something that is not that off. you are, like, huh. >> venice, it's like, huh, it's wednesday. >> yeah. >> thursday. >> a little kooky. good day to go for a horseback ride? >> whatever you would like to do. it's been nice and cool and it has been cooler than normal, but also there's a lot of clouds. in san josé we are getting started again with a lot of clouds. we will see peeks of sunshine over the next couple of hours. this afternoon is going to be nice. temperatures in the mid-60s. you may be keeping those jackets on throughout the day, but once
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again these numbers are cooler than what we typically see and it may go down a few more degrees as you check out the 7-day forecast at the bottom of the screen. 66 in oakland and hayward. we are going to see upper 50s for half moon bay and daly city. san francisco, 58 in the marina district. it's also going to turn windy as we go into the day tomorrow. as of this evening, we will see the winds picking up as the cold front comes in. i think it makes it feel cooler, so with winds at 35, 45 miles per hour, you will want to make sure that everything around the home is nice and secure. it will get gusty and may turn wet for some. we will see light showers moving through during the late overnight into the early morning hours tomorrow, but it doesn't look like it's going to be that heavy. we will see a lot of clouds every now and then, some sprinkles, but in total we are
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looking at a few hundreds of an inch here, so just enough to make everything feel damp and then it will be moving on out. temperature wise, we will see a big change here. san josé, mid-60s for friday. look beyond that. upper 70s in the forecast for the middle of next week. we are going to see that warming trend as well all across our inland areas. the weekend is looking really nice. san francisco, you are going to see highs in the mid-60s and a little more sunshine for the weekend. mike, has the bay bridge commute recovered? >> yeah, the earlier disabled vehicle and the slowing on the span, and it got cleared to the standard slow in time for the build. you saw the movement, the build on the richmond bridge. there's a crash near the toll plaza but doesn't seem to be affecting the flow. >> thank you, mike. next here on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> you might be able to cut the cost of gassing up or charging up your car with some new
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we and our cars can do more for planet earth. >> yeah, by charging your cars less often or burning less gas. it's easy. kris sanchez shows us how. for the next couple of minutes i will sound like a backseat driver but it will be worth it. the energy department says people that floor it and brake
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hard waste 15 to 40% of their gas or ev juice. >> it's best to try and not drive like me when i was 16. >> joseph is a car expert at the ought automotive website, >> driving smoothly will help you the most. >> even tesla, which made headlines rolling out its lurching and insane mode agrees on taking it easy. if you read the model y manual -- of course, i read the manual, and it tells owners to achieve maximum range, slow down your driving and avoid frequent and hard braking. and that goes with city streets and highways. for every 5 miles per hour above
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50 miles per hour, it's like paying an additional 22 cents a gallon for gasoline. when you are going faster than that, experts recommend using cruise control if it's safe to. it can really improve efficiency. >> when we press on the petal with our feet it's definitely less consistent than what a computer is doing electronically. we have a lot more ahead for you at 6:30, including breaking news. news. harvey ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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right now at 6:30, donald trump's lawyers are in the supreme court arguing a president has immunity. plus, growing tensions at college campuses across the country and here in the bay area. we are live at uc berkeley as students enter day four of a camp out in protest of the war in the middle east. and then new workers rallying against parking tickets and saying it will put lives at risk. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning. thank you for starting your morning with us. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. we start off with breaking news right now. first, "the new york times" is reporting that an appeals court is overturning harvey
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weinstein's 2020 conviction on felony sex crime charges. in a 4-3 decision, the panel ruled the judge in the case should not have allowed prosecutors to call witnesses that say he assaulted them. the hollywood producer did not get a fair trial in the case, however it does not mean weinstein will be set free, because he was sentenced to 16 years in prison in california related to charges stemming from here. the supreme court will hear arguments today over presidential immunity. >> scott mcgrew, former president trump wants to uphold the nation's laws, and says sometimes you have to break the law. >> it's a very unusual argument
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that trump's lawyers will bring before the high court this morning. we should point out, trump himself wanted to be there. he can't because he's due in court in new york accused of breaking laws there. the supreme court will listen to the immunity arguments today and the hope is they will deliver a decision quickly, maybe in june. they all want a final decision if the president is immune from the very laws he swears to uphold. you recall special prosecutor, robert mueller, quoted the policy in his report. and no president, not even nixon claimed presidents have criminal immunity after their presidency
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ends for what they did as president. nixon was never prosecuted because he got a pardon from president ford. in other news, there are long-range missiles called attackams, and the u.s. just revealed the newest shipment is already in ukraine. the u.s. is asking ukrainians not to fire them directly into russia but is free to use them within ukraine itself, which includes crimea, which russia says they own but they don't. the bridge in and out of russia that feeds troops in battle, all those can be hit by the long-range missiles. >> we did not announce this at the onset in order to maintain operational security for ukraine at their request. i will defer to them to speak about their use and how they may
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or may not be operationalized in their own military operation. >> america stands with our friends. we stand up against dictators. we bow to no one, to no one, and certainly not vladimir putin. >> top senate republican, mitch mcconnell, was asked who was to blame for the gop's delay on all of this, and his answer surprised a lot of people. >> i think the demonization of ukraine began by tucker carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where he should have been all along, which is interviewing vladimir putin. so he had an enormous audience, which convinced a lot of rank and file republicans that maybe this was a mistake. >> as for presidential immunity, arguments are expected to start
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at 7:00 our time, so just a few minutes away. both nbc and nbc bay area are going to keep you updated on what happens and check in on our 11:00 midday news for a full wrap-up. >> thank you, scott. the university of california is closed today, this is to the public, after police arrested dozens of pro palestinian protesters yesterday. bob redell is live this morning at uc berkeley, and things have remained calm there. >> reporter: they have. this is the fourth day of the pro palestinian encampment, and you can see there are a number of tents, well over 50, maybe, 60, 70? it's hard to tell. it's not only on the front steps but on the front lawn here, and they remain peaceful from their
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first day here, which was this week. uc indicated the protesters were not disrupting, and they are demanding cal sever all ties with companies supporting israel. israel has been at war on the gaza strip after hamas attacked israel, and so far there's no indication they are going to clear out this encampment. that is not the case down south at the university of southern california where yesterday police arrested 93 pro palestinian protesters that set up an encampment on that campus yesterday morning. they were asked to leave later in the day and when they ignored warnings from police officers,
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police officers moved in and then they threw bottles at police officers and then moved in the streets. the terrorists organization, hamas, which attacked israel, as i mentioned, on october 7th, they released a video of one of the hostages, hersh goldberg-polin, here from the bay area. he asked the israeli government to bring home the hostages. >> we're relieved to see him alive, and we are also concerned about his health and well-being. >> we heard your voice for the first time in 201 day, and if can hear us, i'm telling you -- we are telling you, we love you, stay strong.
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survive. >> that's his parents calling on israel and hamas to reach a cease-fire agreement. hersh is one of the hostages still alive being held in captivity. according to gaza's health ministry, more than 34,000 palestinians have been killed since the war with israel began just over six months ago. reporting live here at uc berkeley, bob redell, today in the bay. >> when you say those numbers i can't help but think of their families and what they are going through right now. bob, thank you. to a different kind of story this morning, a college will reopen after a bomb threat last night. classes were canceled and the campus evacuated, and police searched the campus but found nothing suspicious. also today, a protest for
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stricter traffic enforcement in the city. last week we told you about a plan that starts next month, new sweeps happening as start of san francisco's new zero plan. the agency will provide extra patrols for a one-week period focusing on parking violations, and some say delivering those tickets put them in more dangerous positions facing assaults and threats. draft day for the nfl. the 49ers have a bunch of picks and could make a major trade. the 49ers are scheduled to have ten picks, starting with number 31, and that's near the end of the first round. the 49ers and nbc sports bay area says the niners may consider drafting a tight end.
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the team has no real needs but a rookie may earn playing time at positions on offensive and defensive lines. >> it would not surprise me at all if the 49ers at all go defense in the draft, because that's where their track record is. >> he thinks the niners might use their first pick on jordan morgan. this is an offensive lineman from arizona. you know if they were in the bay area today, they could get practice in. i was going to go to the draft, and i was thinking, i am getting older and i love what i do, and sunrises like this, i don't want to go anywhere. i just made that all up. >> you made that all up? for real? wow! >> look at that. i still got it.
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we have had cool weather. you can get out there and get a lot of practice in today. >> okay. >> we are going to have cool temperatures that extend into your weekend. let's get a look at your forecast and some of the events going on around the bay area. we have the sausalito citywide yard sale happening on saturday from 9:00 in the morning until 1:00 p.m. it starts out mostly cloudy. temperatures in the upper 50s, and then as we go into late morning and into the afternoon, we will see a little more sun. looking at the cherry blossom festival, that will be this weekend in cupertino on saturday starting out at 60 degrees, and then the temperatures headed for the upper 60s. really a beautiful day for that or all of the events going on around the bay area. if you are headed to tahoe, here's a look at the palisades. we will see off and on showers and a potential of a little snow as well. this is late tomorrow afternoon into the evening. on saturday it's clearing out
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and warming up. they will be in the mid-50s and warming up on sunday with a high of 57. if you are going to the beach, it will be cool. simpson beach around 60 degrees for saturday and sunday. monterey will be in the upper 50s. mike, you found a problem reported in richmond? >> yeah, for about ten minutes we had a larger truck, a big rig partially blocking access towards the secondary toll plaza. that's the issue that was reported off 580. i didn't watch it, so maybe marcus single handedly pushed that out of the way, too. there's the build for the east shore freeway slowing through berkeley, and slowing through walnut creek like yesterday, but not as much slowing. this weekend a full closure here, and then after that
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southbound 680 closes friday night. >> the best part of you trying to get into the draft is you never played football. >> people always try to tell me, and it may be true, but why let the height and girth go to waste. up next on "today in the bay," the new warning system that could come to california cars in the future. >> what do you think about this, kris, switching out plastic for bamboo. >> i do hate plastic. get this. it's a fire-breathing robot dog. yeah. cole is like, what is that? we will explain wha this ist
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." we're continuing our earth wake coverage. plastic pollution is a global issue and we see the impacts here in the bay area every day when we are walking down the street or driving around, and that plastic harms our ecosystems and piles up in our neighborhoods. plastic pollution slowly breaks down and becomes microplastics, particles so small it can pass through filtration systems and can be found in things we eat and drink. now blue lake packaging can working to create eco friendly
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solutions to combat the plastic waste. >> here in california where we live, you know, there's still a lack of facilities that can process, you know, all kinds of this recyclable materials. >> that's the ceo of the company. she's a former apple exec and shuffled over to make more sustainable alternatives, and her latest item is a bio degradable tape dispenser. now you can learn more about the company's efforts and other possible climate solutions on our website, click on the climate in crisis tab. >> thanks, kari. new at 6:00, california lawmakers are moving forward. this is a proposal for the new cars that have a warning system. according to the chronicle, the
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bill was passed with significant change to it. originally it required new cars stole in the gate to have speed governors that can cap the speed for drivers going over the speed limit, and that could have a passive intelligent speed system, which would be a visual and audio warning that would activate when the driver goes over the limit. critics of that proposal say the warning would distract drivers. >> you could just get a backseat driver that goes, waw, too fast. >> no. you have no doubt heard about the robotic dogs, right? >> yes. this morning one company is take that technology to a new fiery level. take a look. ♪ ♪
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meet the robotic dog combined with a flamethrower and laser. the ohio based company behind the invention said it can help snow and ice removal as well as controlling wildfires, although they did not elaborate on how that would happen. it's being sold online for $9,400. i want one that waters. can you imagine having one that waters your plants outside. >> my dog thinks he's watering -- >> that's coming from the other end. >> the terminator. it's getting to that time of year, kari, where we have to water our plants outside. >> yeah, we will get a sprinkle from mother nature, and it's probably not enough to turn off the sprinkler system. brentwood, starting out with upper 50s at 9:00. at 11:00, it's 63 degrees.
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it's going to be a nice day. mostly sunny skies, but the wind will start to pick up and we will feel that as temperatures are cooler than normal in the south bay. los gatos, you will see a high of 66. 68 in morgan hill. the 7-day forecast is coming up at the bottom of the screen showing we will eventually get warmer weather. today we are up to 67 in danville. hayward, a high of 66. san mateo, 62 for the afternoon. a high of 63 in the mission district. low 60s for mill valley today, and 66 in sonoma and novato. as we go through the forecast, it will once again become quite windy today for the coastline and some of the hills. some of the gusts may reach 30 to 40 miles per hour. this is a look at tomorrow where it's still going to be windy during the afternoon. san francisco, along the coastline, may get the highest of the wind speeds. make sure that over the course of the next several hours or day
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that you take time to secure any loose items around the home. we will also watch out for very spotty showers late tonight and into the day tomorrow. looks like there's a good coverage there on the models, and when we look at how much it may be, a few hundreds of an inch of rainfall, so it sprinkles and then clears out. we see the peak of the temperatures on tuesday with highs in san josé in the upper 70s. we are back down for the end of next week and into the weekend. giving you a glimpse of what is ahead. no chance for major storms, and then weekend looking nice and sunny with highs in the 70s. mike, you have a new crash in san josé? >> yeah, reported on 880 southbound. the colors mostly in the green. southbound 880, the exit takes you to santana road and valley fair, a crash reported with no injuries and no slowing shows
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up. 101, 280, and 87 focused around koerner. there's a bill for san mateo bridge westbound but no surprises. back to you. happening now, police are issuing a warning after a robbed armory on the campus of uc berkeley. investigators say it happened last night in a parking lot near the greek theater during a willie nelson concert. so far no arrests and no word on any injuries or what led up to the robbery. we are following big breaking news this morning. an appeals courts overturned disgraced producer harvey weinstein's 2020
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♪ ♪ welcome back. want to say good morning to you. it's 6:56. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on today in the bay. an appeals court, in a 4-3 decision, the panel ruled the judge in the original case should not have allowed prosecutors to call witnesses
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who said weinstein assaulted them because they were not part of the criminal accusations against him. because of this the hollywood producer did not get a fair trial according to the appeals court. however, it does not mean weinstein will be set free. he was also sentenced to 16 years in prison for crimes committed here. and then a lawyer for the federal government will try and persuade the justices that presidents are not immune and donald trump was not carrying out his official duties as president as he sought to overturn joe biden's election victory. today's case amid the backdrop of the former president's hush-money trial in new york. and then pro palestinian protesters still camped out as a nationwide event.
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protesters were asked to leave and when they ignored warnings from police and officers moved in and demonstrators through objects and water bottles at officers and moved into the street and blocked traffic, there. the agency will deploy extra patrols for one-week periods once every three months. it will focus on enforcing parking violations. the workers say the effort of delivering those tickets in danger of assaults. allstate said they want the department of insurance to allow
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them to use catastrophic modeling, and those are computerized reports that simulate catastrophic events like wildfires. a look at the weather for us today. not a bad one today. >> not a bad day. it's a repeat of yesterday, though, where we had a lot of clouds and will see cooler than normal temperatures. you will notice today the wind will pick up and it will be gusty through this evening and tomorrow we are watching out for spotty showers. san francisco will see low 60s today. also maybe drizzling a little bit tomorrow. overall, we can leave the umbrellas home and sunglasses, too. bright colors on this because of the grid. the top of the screen, we have the ongoing suspension of the golden gate ferry that continues until they can figure out the
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repair work necessary on the pier. there's a bus bridge in place. friday and saturday, bart has two areas with major track work going on, and the same thing for the orange line down here for vta. >> thank you, mike. the "today" show is moments away, and we will continue on "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms at 8:00, using ai for school work. scott mcgrew talks to the ceo about how often this is happening and what parents need to know. good thursday morning. college campuses reaching a boiling point. >> with new protests erupting overnight. it's april 25th. good morning. this is "today." powder keg. pro-palestinian protesters facing off with police. some demonstrations turning violent, ending with mas


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