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tv   Sunday Today With Willie Geist  NBC  April 28, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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. even if they have to cancel every single commentsment that is up to them. >> subject to the criminal laws like everybody else. >> he doesn't look like anybody else but it was amazing to see
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him. >> going to make america safer. if the first pick in the 2024 nfl draft. good morning. welcome to "sunday today" on april 28th. the scene of definite station in sulfur, oklahoma. a powerful tornado ripped through and all but leveling the downtown area and one of dozens tornadoes part of a severe weather outbreak all weekend impacting millions of you in the midwest and plain states. we will have the latest in a live report from oklahoma just ahead. plus, our "sunday focus" on the protests over the war in gaza broiling college campuses this week. how are schools finding the balance between free speech and outright hate? we turn to our "sunday spotlight." on america's cobbler who has become later a global star than
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tiktok. time at the range with basketball icon steph curry who just finished his 15th nba season on his future in the game, and a style that has revolutionized it. do you have an appreciation for the fact that 14-year-old boys take two dribbles inside half-court and jack up threes because of you? that you have truly changed the way basketball is played? >> it was never an intention that is what i'm here to do but i see the game and the irrational confidence to shoot all of those type of shots. we begin with another dangerous tornado outbreak overnight across the midwest and plain states. the town of sulfur, oklahoma, essentially flattened. nbc marisa parra is in nearby oklahoma city with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: willie, an active evening as promised across the region since yesterday afternoon, we had 35 reports of
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tornadoes. almost half of them right here in oklahoma. now we have seen multiple reports of injuries and officials in nearby confirm one person has died. sulfur, oklahoma, what you're looking at at right now taking the damaging hit. the town gutted and reduced to are you able in some parts. population is 5,000 and southeast of oklahoma city. the town was one of them that was struck in the middle of the night and the threat remains looking ahead 27 million people remain at risk of severe weather today and tonight between wind gusts, hail, possibly even more tornadoes. we are expecting heavy downpours and prompting some flood risks and, willie, still seeing lightning as we are here right now. despite the risk of more severe weather, we know that there are recovery and, in some cases, rescue efforts fully under way after an intense weekend of tornadoes ravaging the plain
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states. willie? >> those pictures are just breath-taking and more severe weather to come as you say we hope everyone stays safe. marisa parra, thanks. hamas released a video showing this morning two of the terrorist group hostages including one person. the new video offering a glimmer of hope for families of the more than 100 hostages still. coming amid reports hamas is considering a new cease-fire proposal. nbc megan fitzgerald is following it all from london. what is the latest, megan? >> reporter: these negotiations have seen more dead ends this breakthroughs but hamas said yesterday is previewing a new report from rioterers and they plan to travel for cease-fire talks to cairo. the new videos are giving new energy to these negotiations and hope to the families back home. this weekend hamas releasing
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another video showing two hostages. 47-year-old amri mirran and this american israeli keith segral. the video is the first time they have been seen in four days in hostage. they have both lived here 40 years and both were taken by hamas on october 7th. but evivo was released during the last deal 51 days into the war. here she is with her two daughters releasing this new video last night. seeing my father today only emphasized to all of us how much we must reach a deal as soon as possibly. she is saying, i love you and we will fight until you return. this latest hostage video coming just days after hamas published this footage of american israeli
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23-year-old hirsch poland goldberg. nbc speaking to his parents on thursday. >> initially, you know, we were just crying. this was a tremendous validation and, on the other hand, we see him, he is in captivity. >> reporter: many more families this morning, desperate for a sign of life and the pressure on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu mounting. now nbc news has not been able to confirm when or how those videos were taken, but seven months into this war, those videos are proof to the families that their loved ones are still alive. willie? >> let's hope they come home. megan fitzgerald in london for us this morning, thank you very much. thousands of journalists and others packed into a ballroom for the annual white house correspondents association dinner and president biden
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from the white house. too some comments. a ali, good morning. >> reporter: last night's event not only celebrated the free press but an election year with the commander in chief and evening's headliner taking full advantage of the opportunity to roast his now two-time rival. >> to a free press. >> reporter: a night of glitter and glam our in washington. >> some of you complain i don't take new of of your questions. no comment. >> reporter: the president locating loose where lawmakers and journalists mix it up with celebrates. they gave the evening some star power. "saturday night live" colin jost serving as the evening' co-host out how refreshing to see the
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president of the united states with an event saying with the bay little all rise. >> reporter: landing a few punch l lines of his own. >> i'm a grown man running against a 6-year-old. >> reporter: before taking the gloves off to mock his 2024 rival. >> trump is so desperate, he started reading those bibles he is selling. and then he got to the first commandment. you shall have no other gods before me. that is when he put it down and said this book is not for me. >> reporter: the annual white house correspondents dinner this year honoring the first amendment marred by demonstrators outside protesting the president's handling of the israeli/hamas war. the backdrop to the president's speech highlighting the need for free and fair journalism. >> there are some who call you the enemy of the people. >> reporter: president calling for the release of all americans held hostage overseas, including
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th gershkoe "the wall street jo jour journalist. >> we will not give up until we get all of them home. >> reporter: over 300 reporters around the world have been imprisoned as of december of last year. according to the committee to protect journalists, 97 have been killed across the globe since the israeli/hamas war began on october 7th. >> so moving to see evan's family there. kristen welker is moderator of "meet the press." we are listening to the president taking jabs at his opponent former president donald trump seems to be a theme the last week or so. we have seen him mock the former president's hair and the bible he mocked and he was on howard stern on friday as well. is this a new strategy that
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contrast to the president out there while the former president is sitting in a courtroom? >> i think you're absolutely right about that, willie. we are witnessing president biden slowly starting to ramp up his attacks against his rival. last night, of course, he was able to use humor to do that to talk about the fact the former president has been in a courtroom. he sort of tip toed around the legal issues surrounding former president trump. but taking a step back i think the night highlighted two of the biggest x-factors in this race. age, something that has been a challenge for president biden. he tried to joke about it last night as you heard there. and then trump's legal battles. the fact that he has been stuck in a new york city courtroom, willie, there is a practical impact of that. he has not been out on the campaign trail. now he will be making campaign stops this week. he has two weeks this week scheduled in battleground states
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but we know that president biden has been crisscrossing the country and the polls have started to narrow with that strategy. so we will have to see how this all unfolds. i do want to just note those protesters outside of the event last night underscore another big x-factor in this race. of course, the war in the middle east and it is dragging down president biden's poll numbers particularly with younger voters. so that is going to be an issue to watch as well. there was a lot happening last night at that dinner that really, i think, highlighted the contours and so much of the uncertainty in this presidential race. >> it's a great point. it really was crystallized by everything we saw last night. thank you so much. we look for more on "meet the press" when kristen is joined by tim kaine of virginia and mitchell mcconnell and ruby bridges. disgraced movie mogul harvey
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weinstein is hospitalized after a appeals court overturned his 2020 rape conviction. he was checked out on the jail on saturday morning at riker's eyelid when doctors stied decided to send him to the hospital for more testing. weinstein is set to appear before a new york city judge on wednesday. the paris olympic games are 89 days away. a stunning comeback story is under way. on saturday, former olympic champion gabby douglas returned to competition for the first time in eight years at the american classic in texas and qualified for a spot at the u.s. championships in june. if she performs well enough there, she could land a spot on the u.s. team in paris. that would be amazing. the 28-year-old won gold with team usa in 2016 in rio and won the all-around title at th
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good sunday morning. the time is 612. it's slightly warmer than what we were waking up to yesterday morning. with 50 in oakland, 47 in sunnyvale and up in the north bay. compared to yesterday, we're about 5 to 7 degrees warmer, 47 in santa rosa and 45 in napa. as we make our plans out there in walnut creek, a beautiful look over the diablo range. it's going to be mostly sunny and temperatures in the 70s, but a bit of a breeze will continue this weekend. we'll talk straight ahead, the highs and lows of the week straight ahead the highs and lows of the week including the new taylor swift album that is smashing records and sendy her fans traveling through the travis kelce archives to decode her lyrics. a dancing grandma who became a star by her grandson so celebrate her recovery. up next, our "sunday focus"
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on the chaotic protests across the country this week and the debate over how schools should handle them. it's all coming up on "sunday today." or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check...
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and get flavorfull. hurry in to try shrimp your way, only at red lobster. ♪ there's a light ♪ ♪ a certain kind of light ♪ ♪ that always shines on me ♪ ♪ there's a way, everybody say ♪ ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody, to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ (♪♪) student protesters clashed with police again on saturday, with more than 200 people arrested across four universities, including george washington, arizona state, northeastern, and university of
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indiana. as schools move to break up the encampment built by students and professors over the past two weeks in protest of the war in gaza. the ongoing demonstrations and the responses by college administrators have stirred debate about the line between free speech for the protesters and open harassment of jewish students. nbc's george solis has our "sunday focus." >> from new york to los angeles, raleigh to austin. tensions exploding on college campuses nationwide. >> the movement has never been bigger than it is right now, not only at the university of michigan but across the country. >> reporter: students protesting israel's bombardment of gaza, saying they have a moral duty to speak out. >> we're paying a lot of tuition to be here and we want to know where our plan and investments are going. >> reporter: but for some the demonstrations have them fearing for safety. >> as a student i no longer feel
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safe at a student on campus. >> reporter: reports of anti-semitism and islamophobia has been increasing, but there were record high complaints. the fbi director christopher wray told lester holt the agency is monitoring all threats.hat the fbi gets >> the demonstrations, themselves, are not something that the fbi gets involved in, but when violence ensues, that is when we get concerned. >> reporter: another flash point in a demonstration, the presence of police. colombia and nyu. officers seen going toe-to-toe to groups at george washington university, northeastern and emory. at the university of southern california, more than 90 protesters were arrested after clashing with riot police leading school officials to cancel the main commencement ceremony. denying the move to those that saw their high school graduation
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called off because of the pandemic. >> i feel let down by the university. >> reporter: american universities have long played a role in the protest movement. this week, 54 years since ohio national guardsman were protested the vietnam war. but these demonstrations have been particularly divisive. and emotions raw after the horrific tear attack by hamas that killed around 1200 israelis and more than 100 hostages still unaccounted for. while in gaza, tens of thousands of civilians are dead after an assault by the israeli army. >> this is not just an intellectual argument over a foreign struggle, that is something that connects to the lives and histories of americans and our own country. >> reporter: college administrators handling a delicate balancing act. >> i think what you have right now is tremendously challenging
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period for university presidents. every university will be tested or has been tested because of the tremendous controversy that we're seeing across the country. >> and george joins me now live from the campus of columbia university in new york. good morning. so as the demonstrations continue, are schools becoming more clear and drawing the line you mentioned between free speech and the ugly open anti-semitism we've seen at some of the protests. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, willie. it doesn't seem that schools have found a consensus on where the lines are. it is a rebalancing act that is yielding various responses. here at columbia, the nypd was called in and now university officials are actually talking with some of the student protesters there. now some schools include harvard tried getting ahead of the protests by restricting access to only those of university i.d. and warning of disciplinary action and other schools are
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claiming that the issue is the disruption to campus life. with every decision there is some level of certainty, but we are seeing students finding way to make their voices heard. willie. >> you feel bad for the kids losing their college graduation and having lost their high school graduation because of covid. george solis, thank you so much. coming up next here, a sunday morning at the range with steph curry. and a conversation about how an underrated skinny kid changed the game. and then a life well lived. the american journalist and united states marine who was held hostage for nearly 7 years as the country counted the days. and as we head to break, our photo of the week, quarterback caleb williams celebrating with chicago bears fans after he was selected as first pick in nfl's draft in detroit. after decades of disappointing,
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they're hoping the heisman trophy winner will be the man to lead them to a first super bowl win since that great 1985 team brought the title to chicago. (♪♪) with chewy, it's never been easier to get their favorite toy delivered. (♪♪) again. come on, let go. (♪♪) and again. (♪♪) and again. (♪♪) good luck. get whatever they love delivered right on time. save 35% on your first autoship order. with chewy. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ♪♪
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i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity. memory is better. it's been about two years now and it's working for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. good morning. thanks for joining us on this sunday, april 28th, i'm kira klapper. a call for improved safety in oakland as people gathered to mark the end of national crime victims rights week. victims, survivors and
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their supporters gathered yesterday for a ceremony at lake merritt speakers saying oakland is suffering a public safety crisis and calling on city and state leaders to address their security practices. we are here today to commemorate national crime survivor rights week 2024 to honor and remember loved ones we lost to crime, violence and once again renew our calls for approaches to safety that prioritize crime prevention. the event was sponsored by crime survivors and for safety and justice. a reminder for drivers in the north bay, where westbound 37 between vallejo and sears point remains closed today for repairs, you can see the closure causing quite the traffic backup on alternate routes. detour options include taking northbound highway 29 to westbound highway 12, westbound 37 is set to reopen by four
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tomorrow morning, just in time for the morning commute, but we still have one more day of the weekend, so cynthia pimentel has a look at our microclimate forecast. cynthia, we sure do good morning karen. good morning everyone. we saw in that video some beautiful skies over the north bay. and that should continue today along with those breezy winds. we start with a beautiful sunrise over the golden gate bridge. marin county. temperatures 51 degrees. so not too bad. slightly warmer than what we were waking up to yesterday. out in walnut creek. also a nice shot over the diablo range there. temperatures at 52 with some calm winds and san jose out towards mount amana. we're looking at some really pretty shots around the bay area this morning. really glad about that. as we go on into the north bay, we wake up with temperatures in 50 degrees in san rafael and our winds at this hour are still fairly calm, a little bit from the north. some are scattered through the west, but we start to go out to parts of the peninsula, san francisco, san mateo and half moon bay starting to climb into those wind speeds in the teens. so it's going to be another breezy
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day as we wrap up the weekend here. so some of your headlines that you should prepare for this weekend. if you have any outdoor plans, we're going to continue to track those wind gusts anywhere from 20 to 40 miles out of the west northwest, so that onshore breeze is definitely going to make things a little bit cooler, especially out towards the coast. our skies are going to be mostly sunny, so another gorgeous day out there around the bay area and by the middle of the week, we're going to welcome may with some really warm temperatures. the winds should also calm down by then. mid to upper 70s and possibly some spots in the low 80s as you make your way away from the coastline. so we'll talk all those details coming up at 7 a.m. i'll send it back to you. karen all right, cynthia, we'll see you at seven. thanks. also coming up at seven this morning on today in the bay, another night of student protesters camped out on college campuses in the bay area we take you to stanford, where students say their calls for a cease fire in gaza are more important to them. despite a risk of expulsion or arrest. we'll have that. plus all your top stories coming up at seven. we hope you join us.
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in the meantime, enjoy sunday today with willie geist. frustrating and disappointing to say the least. but you hold your head high knowing that there is a lot more
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in the tank. >> steph curry last week after his golden state warriors season ended with a loss with the sacramento kings. there is not much rest for the 36-year-old. >> he was named to the summer olympic games in paris. over his 15-year career, he's been voted on to 10 all-star teams and averaging 25 points a game but the stats tell part of the story. curry was an instant fan favorite playing the game with joy while draining three-pointers from distant area codes. the married father of three has silenced doubters who called him too small and too skinny to succeed. in high school and college, and all the way into the pros. steph and i got together last summer for a "sunday sitdown" after he won a celebrity golf tournament in tahoe. >> curry steps back.
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a three-pointer. he did it again. >> reporter: steph curry is famous for draining shots from long distance. >> he made it. he's superhuman. >> reporter: but not this long. >> how about that. are you kidding me? >> what is your target? >> i'm going to hit it at the -- a little fade. it is going to land on it. >> clearly your playing a lot based on what i saw in the tahoe. >> i want to thank the los angeles lakers for their contributions to me winning my golf tournaments this summer, because i got a four-week head start on golf training camp. >> how good is steph curry.
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>> reporter: in his day job with the golden state warriors, curry was won four championships and a pair of league mvp awards. considered by most to be the greatest shooter in nba history, curry has revolutionized the game, while calmly launching shots from previously preposterous spots on the floor. >> from half court. and he scored. >> reporter: do you have an appreciation that they take two steps and jack up threes because of you, that you have truly changed the way that basketball was played. >> it was never my intention, but it is how i see the game an the irrational confidence that i have to shoot all those kind the shots. >> reporter: he grew up a small skinny kid in the shadow of his dad dell curry. another smooth shooter who played most of his nba career
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with the charlotte hornets. >> i'm constantly trying to find a space just to be able to survey my life. >> reporter: steph's story recently was the subject of the apple tv plus documentary "steph curry, underrated". >> there is a shot of you, are you 10 or 11 years old, sitting at the end of the bench and biting your fingernails and it freezes on you and it is like that kid is going to be steph curry. >> it didn't fit the mold. that is part of my dna, no matter what happened in my nba career and my life, i still carry that with me. >> reporter: when curry wasn't recruited by any of the colleges where he dreamed of playing, i accepted an offer at davidson college, not far from home. >> you credit coach who believed in you and gave you a chance even though you struggled if the first game as a freshman.
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how much credit does he deserve for the man sitting here today. >> a lot. the message was that i was good enough. he had some doubts creep in my first college game where i had 13 turnovers an the footage of the game is worse than i remember it. if i'm a coach and i'm watching that performance, i'm making a quick substitution and moving on. but coach stuck with me, and it wasn't just me as the basketball player, it was me as the man as well and he coached and mentored both. >> reporter: curry became a national star wild leading davidson on a magical run through the 2008 ncaa tournament. falling just two points shy of an improbable final four. curry turned pro after his junior year. >> the golden state warriors select steph curry.
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>> the best shooter in the draft. ♪♪ >> when did you feel like you had arrived in the nba? that you weren't proving nur self-any more? >> it was my fourth year. we had a game in new york at the garden. i scored 54 points but we lost that night. that game specifically just kind of changed the narrative, of we have to take this kid seriously because he has game and he's fearless. >> i heard you still feel a little underrated, how could that be? when people talk about you as maybe the greatest player that ever lived, certainly right now, you and lebron james. >> for me, it is like the healthy insecurity of the way that i've seen the game of basketball and life from day one has not changed at all. i still have that have to prove to myself that i could still do and do it for as long as i can. an you know, that what is
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drives me at every opportunity. >> in recent years curry has extended his range to include the film production company "unanimous media", the underrated golf and basketball for disadvantaged kids and the eat, learn, play foundation that the father of four created with his wife. >> do you have moments where you go, i can't believe the skinny kid biting his nails at the end of the bench got to where he got. >> all of the time. >> do you? >> all of the time. i think that is part of being able to stay in the moment and really enjoy what is right in front of you. because i just have too much fun playing this game. step away from the ball a little bit. and more -- it might feel like your squatting, but right there. >> golf tips with extra. okay. >> that first year of
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retirement, that is whether i'm going to be an amateur swing coach. you find me in any range just walking down the aisle. >> so you have a couple of years left on your contract and you're 35 right now. do you see the end any time soon? >> you do start thinking about it. the thoughts do creep in of what that time line looks like and i'm doing all of those things to give myself a chance to be successful. but the ball will stop bouncing at some point, but i don't think it is any time that soon. >> if you haven't seen it, you could stream steph curry underrated on apple tv plus and watch steph in the paris summer olympic games right here on nbc. our big changes to chelsea pierce golf club in new york, i will be back to work on that swing. don't forget to subscribe to the "sunday sitdown" podcast to sit down with steph curry including his greatest shooter and player of all time. find that on apple podcasts or
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wherever you get yours. and next week, a sitdown with chris pine from star trek to wonder woman and now the new film he wrote and directed and stars in. chris pine, ahead on "sunday today," our highs and lows of the week, including the story behind the spice girls reunion, i'm told everyone has been waiting for.
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brought to us by david beckham. but up next, our "sunday spotlight" on america's cobbler, finding surprise tiktok fame as he carries on a long family tradition. we are back in just 30 seconds. you've got to squish it! i did squish it! [chatter] [laughter] (♪♪) you know dad, we should do this more often. s'more often? oh my gosh. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. when you think of a tiktok star, i'm guessing you don't picture a middle age shoe repair
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expert in central florida. but this man has become a social media sensation known as america's cobbler. while continuing a family tradition that stretches back well over a century. nbc's sam brock visits him in our "sunday spotlight." >> you take this and we pop that off. >> reporter: for anyone looking for a nice new sole, there may be no finer option than america's cobbler jim mcfar cfarland. >> a shoe cobbler is someone who takes your shoes and takes them back to the factory condition. >> and built on buffing and stitching and gluing footwear goes back to 1900. >> we're in our 124th year. my great uncle, then my grandfather, and then my dad, and me. >> reporter: but jim wasn't originally head over heels about the craft. >> i didn't want to be in this
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business. i saw how hard my dad worked. i didn't want any part of it. >> reporter: until he was back in the shop when his father got sick. >> i was in my second year of -- of college and my dad was getting sick and he wasn't doing well. we were really close so, yeah, so sorry. anyway, he needed my help. >> reporter: his work is captivating people around the world. thanks to a huge tiktok following crafted by social media secret weapon, his daughter tori. >> our first video got over 2 million views over the course of the week. but that was just a stroke of luck. >> reporter: countless views proved it wasn't. and that success will likely live on well into the future. but jim's trade secrets are being passed down the pipeline to his nephew kyle.
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>> to be able to carry on a fifth generation into being a cobbler is something cool and not something that happens every day. >> reporter: but this rare dynamic is producing regular smiles for customers. >> oh, she's so pretty. >> reporter: and some of them -- >> a lot of people will send us letters -- >> reporter: are making jim cry like this father who recently lost his 16-year-old son. >> he passed away four weeks ago. and we wear the same size boot. you sit there and you read the whole letter and you grab the boots, and you take every ounce of love you have inside, and you put them into those boots. and you ship them back and you hope when he puts those on, it gives him some kind of band aid on his heart. >> reporter: you see, that is the beauty of being a cobbler. >> to hold that shoe could be like holding that person in time
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or each time you put them on. >> reporter: he's touching souls for sure, the ones on our feet and those in our hearts. for "sunday today," sam brock, lakeland, florida. >> sam, thank you very much. this week we highlight another life well lived. on december 4th, 1991, america celebrated as terry anderson was finally freed. nearly 7 years after he was abducted from his car in beirut, lebanon. >> you can't imagine how glad i am to see you. i've thought about this, this moment for a long time. >> reporter: anderson was "the associated press" bureau chief in bay root. on march 16th, 1985, he was dropping off his friend don mel at home when iranian backed hezbollah terrorists kidnapped him at gunpoint. they suspected he was an american spy.
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and hoped to use him and 18 other western hostages to extract concessions from the united states and israel. for the next 2,445 days, anderson's captor moved their prisoner around lebanon, blindfolding him and beating him and keeping him in isolation. anderson had joined the marine corp after graduating from high school. and served as a combat journalist in vietnam. after the war he went to college and began working for the a.p. in the united states and japan and south africa before taking the bay root assignment. his fiance was six months pregnant when he was ab ducked. he met his daughter for the first time and went on to
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cofound the vietnam children's fund, building schools in the country where he served and worked with the committee to protect journalists and taught journalism. in 1993 anderson wrote the best-selling memoir, "den of lions", about his time in captivity. terry anderson, a brave journalist who survived seven years as a hostage, died last weekend at home in greenwood lake, new york, was 76 years he
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open your eyes bigger. new panorama by l'oréal paris. a multi-level bristle brush, to catch every single lash, corner to corner. bigger, wider. see life in panorama. because you're worth it. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good.
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it is time for the highs and lows of the week in our first high going to the spicy reunion that set social media ablaze this week. the spice girls got together in london to celebrate victoria beckham's 50th birthday. all of the spices were there. injure ginger and your baby and sporty and scary and along with the birthday girl posh and they had a couple of cocktails and belted out some nostalgic songs. her husband david beckham posted a video of the impromptu hit
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"stop." ♪♪ >> now the spice girls last performed together in public at the 2012 summer olympics in london. so people online were real excited this week. victoria reposted, best night ever. happy birthday to me. i love you all so much, including the hashtag spice up your life. and planning the viral scene for a spice girls reunion tour. a fella could dream. and unfairness of being held accountable of mary kill you played eight years ago. just ask travis kelce. taylor swift's album has shattered records becoming the first to pass 1 billion streams on spotify in a single week. as always, swooping swifties got right to work decoding the lyrics and determined the song so high school is about her relationship with travis.
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♪♪ [ singing ] >> are you going to marry, kiss or kill me. what is the relationship to travis. someone working at the national archive dug up a 2016 interview where travis was asked who he would kill, mary, or kiss, between ariana grande and taylor swift and -- >> what is it kill -- ariana, kill, unfortunately. and then taylor swift would be the kiss. and then -- what is the last one? >> katy perry.
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>> a fresh face. now that game rarely ends well but things do seem to have worked out just fine for travis. and song of the summer. a real banger accompanied by a video with next level choreography. a grandma who recent announced to her family, i don't need my walker any more. her musical grandson riley wrote a song to celebrate her good health. ♪♪ ♪ grandma doesn't need a walker any more ♪ >> grandma don't need no walker. go ahead grandma. and look at riley back there with the shades working the keys. social media loves the jam with one person asking, what stage of coachella will this be on? and you could look for grandma's got no worker to knock taylor
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off the top of the spotify spot this week. and our final is hitting mile 20 and then having to swirl a buttery chardony in your parched mouth. wine expert tom gill ran armed with two glasses in his bell, one for red and one for white. he tasted 25 wines, one at every mile marker giving each a bit of a swirl before guessing the vintage and grape and country of origin. he started strong with a perfect guess at mile one. but it did get more challenging as he moved along. >> keep running. >> to answer your question, yes, he did spit out the wines but, it lingers. in the end tom missed completely on only four of the 25 wines and impressive for the 52-year-old finished the race in 4:41, even
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with all of the stops. i think i'm going to run my next marathon with a box of welcome to the wayborhood. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes! when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they're not sitting. -and it rocks... you need to sit down. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ( ♪♪ ) have you had your hershey's? hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection
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for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide
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we got more of your sunday today mug shots this week starting across the top with karen sue and jean celebrating 50 years of friendship in the spray of a waterfall in new zealand's milford sound. thanks for bringing us along on the trip. and hello to anthony and kristin enjoying yosemite national park, one of the most beautiful places on earth. check out the central college dance team out of iowa celebrating a big week at national cheerleader association
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competition in daytona beach, florida. they came in second place in the palm and third place in jazz. making terry smith alma mater proud. how about a happy 100th birthday to carrie in troy, kansas. we hope it was a great day. and lori and chelsea enjoying a jamaica sunset. i would love to know what is in those mugs. in alice spring, australia, we have jack, bonnie, jerry, emilly, dwayne and twyla, and with each a mug and decked out in the iowa hawkeyes basketball gear. and finally a special shoutout to chesney, she's signing off after spending three semesters with our sunday team. in two weeks she will walk across the stage at syracuse
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university with a degree from the si newhouse school of public communications. thank you, chesney, we all will be working for you some day. send us a photo of you and your mug with the #sunday tote. and you could get mug online at and reminder, you could stream "today" live every morning on peacock. thank you for spending part of your morning with us. we'll see you right back here next week on "sunday today."
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today, april 28th. a gorgeous look, i mean, it's just like a painting looking over the golden gate bridge, the marin headlands, a beautiful


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