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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  January 4, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> i hope the drains work this time. we are racing across time to collect sandbags on this first alert weather day. >> we will track this through the morning. the heavy stuff does not get here until the afternoon today. another round of rain means another round of worry for those in the mission district. i am justin andrews. we are looking at preparations, up next. while the storm will pack a punch, we get perspective from a water expert saying this storm is far from the worst case scenario. as we look at the roadways, it is raining on the bay area bridges. i have a complete look at cancellations for matt mass transit, coming up. on this first alert weather day, a powerful atmospheric river is barreling toward the
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bay area. it is expected to hit this afternoon. we are seeing rain ing we live team vea gina francoistracking, what could be a messy commute. we are checking in on how san mateo county and san francisco residents are getting ready for what the storm will bring. we start off with first alert meteorologist, darren peck. when will it start? >> we have started to see the rain. the showers of come on sure the bay this morning. you can see we are in the leading edge of the system. if we come in for a close-up look, while the rain is getting the roads slick, the heavy rain , the reason why we have the first alert day today, does not arrive until we get to later today, in the afternoon. here is the first band of rain moving through. this is the 7:00 hour. the first wave of rain is focused right on the morning commute. that is 7:00.
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plan on rain for the entire drive into work this morning. we will get a bit of a break before the next system arrives. that one shows up right here. is not the next system, it is the next part of the system. this is the main event of the storm. this is where we see the most widespread, and heavy rain, arriving in time for the commute home. this second phase 1 a bigger implications than just slowing down the drive. this is the part of the storm that delivers enough rain today, that we have a flood watch in place, and a high wind watch. both aspects will be impactful as we get into the second phase of the storm. around 4:00 to at 6:00. we have scattered showers left over through the evening. we have more follow-up showers going through thursday. that is why both days are first alert days. i will go over the details, terms of the flood watch and
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the high wind watch in the first alert forecast in just a few minutes. back to you. let's look at the roadways right now. if you're going out the door, we will show you a live look of the bay bridge in just a second. all right, we will see that in a second. what darren peck talked about rainfall, here we go. this will be a messy commute. plan for that. this morning, we will be dealing with slick surfaces. it is getting wet out there for your morning drive. give yourself extra time. avoid being out on the roadways later today due to all of the wet weather . if you can get things done earlier, that would be better. canyon road is shut down. this is due to flooding. this was from the storm that happened over the weekend. they are still dealing with cleanup
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from things that happen through the weekend. now we have a new set of rain coming in. it will be a problem. if you plan to take public transit, there are cancellations for some of the fairies. the harbor bay ferry will be canceled today and the south san francisco route. plan ahead. angel island ferry will have no service due to the wet weather. bart is on time. we will see if they experience any delays as things progress. as you can see, already, the roadways are getting wet. s.t.e.m. it will be a long day for many drivers. san mateo declared local states emergency to free up more resources to respond to the possible storm damage and flooding. san jose is taking things one step further. the first evacuation order was issued for unhoused people living along the creeks. the word to them? get out now, immediately. the city gave out a phone number for those that need shelter. these are your rivers and creeks, running high inuth bay. the city
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says people on the riverbeds, you are in danger. as to where to go? the city has 80 emergency beds set up at roseville community center and the west branch library. neighborhoods in this area is in a flood alert. davis creaking gilroy are at risk of flooding again, like last weekend. >> is not just the south bay that could see a return of flooding. this is video from last weekend, at the intersection of old county road and holly street along the peninsula . you can see how deep the water actually is. people are expecting something very similar from today's storm. our reporter is they are live in san carlos. jocelyn, you spoke with residents along the peninsula trying to prepare for what the
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storm will bring. they have dealt with the flooding and wet weather over the weekend. exactly. whenever we would go up to people's homes and talk to them, the first thing they would do is take out their phone and show us the video. often times, they would repeat, i have never seen anything like this before. you are about to meet david. he took us into his backyard to show us what he experienced. he is getting ready for today. he is also hoping that what they see today is not as bad as what they saw over the weekend. this is video taken from people up and down the peninsula over the weekend. neighborhoods were flooded in redwood city. an apartment complex the water filled the garages. seems like this. people were driving on 101. in san mateo, this is what this residents looks like. he has been living here for 30 years. >> this was so powerful , that it knocked over my fence up there. remake the water flowed
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hbor'sew, bringing into his d,ogs, and an i s stng i could hear the surg i turned around, i thought, i got to get out of here. i turned around and i started to go down the hill, and it hit me. i slipped and fell maybe 10 or 15 feet . i was able to get up. >> reporter: like many neighbors, he spent days cleaning up, and getting sandbags ready. >> once we do the sandbags, you to angulate so it goes into the sewer line across the street. i can open that up. >> reporter: like many of us, there is worry about what we could see with the storm. >> if a tree goes down or into the back, we have a big picture windows. they could easily be hit.
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>> reporter: something we did see while they are, and talking to david, is how the neighborhood, and how people have been uniting to help each other out. cities up and down the peninsula have been putting out recommendations to stay safe, including having a storm. if you see flooding, there is a number for each city on the city website that you can call for flooding. if you see downed power lines, they recommend you call 911. if it is a life threatening emergency, call 911. we are starting to see the slick roads. it is more of a spring call, but you want to be careful. this is something that needs to be taken seriously this morning. >> especially on the roadways, thank you so much. with more rain on the way, darren peck has been telling those in the mission district. they are word worried they could see flooding and damage that will hit their neighborhood. this is a nightmare they are hoping not to relive. justin andrews is live in the mission district.
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justin, they are preparing for the worst. you can see the rain coming down where you are at. >> reporter: absolutely. understandably so. not only due to the intensity ofm,bu ng of i business owners, those living in the area have built a flood wall and sandbags here. this is something we have been seeing up-and-down this area in the mission district. it was days ago that people living in this area, and working in this area were in the water. they are still dealing with the damage from this past weekend's storm. we have shown you these videos of people kayaking and street surfing in the mission district over the weekend. they were simply trying to get to higher ground. we know some homes and restaurants had at least 12 inches of water inside them. that is according to the owners, including a motorcycle storage garage in a
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restaurant. flood waters rushed into these two businesses. the owners have built that tall barrier i talked about earlier, in hopes of preventing the floodwaters from rushing and again with this storm, and damaging more things. that is the story here. we are hoping that many homeowners and businesses took eat, did everything they could to prevent flooding. as we know, mother nature has a mind of its own. keep in mind, many are discovering the hard truth , that the standard insurance coverage does not include flood protection. at this point, people are waiting and hoping to see the aftermath of the storm. they hope their properties and their lives are saved. people are preparing for the worst , but they are hoping for the best. >> i think that is where everybody is staying in the bay area. thank you for that live
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report. stay with us for coverage as the atmospheric river rolls through. if your power is out, find us on your phones app, or on our website in the palm of your hand. we are on we are a community. >> this is a day when you check on your neighbors and friends. you to make sure everybody is doing okay with all of the flooding. >> we got a preview over the weekend. now we know what we need to prepare for. power outages, flooding, so do what you can. we will have you covered. >> we did get breaks between the storms. we had yesterday to make sure the gutters were cleared. we will hunker down today and limit time on the road, especially during the afternoon. then we get a break, before the next storms get here. there are more coming. we have time to get used to preparations and how to reduce flood risk for local neighborhoods. it is 5:11, stunning twist in the miracle rescue of a family
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>> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it is 5:14. we will get more updates on the weather in a moment. let's look at our top stories. that's scary crash may not have been an accident. the tesla plunged 250 feet down
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devils slide with a family of four inside. the california highway patrol says the father drove off the cliff on purpose. he has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and child abuse. lori perez has details in the next half hour. today, house republicans will try again to elect a speaker after failing to do so in three rounds of voting yesterday. 20 hard-line gop members say they will not support kevin mccarthy. it is the first time in a century that a house speaker was not elected in the first try. on the bay area beat, this last fiscal year has been kind to san mateo county. the a revenue grew by $22 million. that is the largest cuts were in covid related expenses. they reallocated funding toward hotels, labor costs, county programs, and other things. two women are making history in law enforcement.
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yesenia sanchez was born in a sheriff. she is the first latina to hold the position. she served 25 years in the sheriff's office before being elected to run it. pamela prices now the first black district attorney. she has 30 years under her belt as a civil rights attorney. she says she hopes to bring a fresh perspective to the office. >> something we are all thinking about this morning is traffic and weather. i will have a check on the roadways in a minute. the forecast is so important on a first alert weather day, especially this afternoon. >> that is a more important side . we have two phases of the storm. we have the initial stays, with the rain moves through for the commute. we will get a break. then we have heavy rain, more impressive rain that comes through during the afternoon. first alert doppler shows us that the showers. we have pretty good coverage. everybody is getting rain. if we put this into future cast, we can see a clear story as far as how the rain
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plays out. this gets us through 7:00. you can see widespread rain coming down at a better intensity throughout this hour of the day. right now, we are looking at prime time of the morning commute. this rain is enough that the streets get slick and your winter wipers are going. this is not the kind of rain that produces flooding concerns. it has not been running long enough. the intensity is not really there. here's what happens after that, we get a break. around 1:00, stays cloudy, but it is not raining. what we experience in the morning is the one from. we wait for the impressive side of the system, the cold front, with a lot more energy and intensity. you can see what an organized line of that is. that already looks more impressive than what we have seen. this gets here in time for the evening commute home. now we are looking at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, and 10:00. that window right there is how long it
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takes for that storm to march through the bay. this is when we get the most intensity in the rain. this is also when the rain picks up. you will get wind gusts of wind in the 40 to 50 mile-per-hour range. that gives us a break . we then finish with follow-up showers through thursday morning. it is far more isolated in nature. this will not be steady, nonstop rain. this will be on again and off again. this will be a thunderstorm. that will be the focus on thursday. here is thursday morning at 6:30, and we are seeing the stragglers move through. that clears out. on friday, we might see an isolated shower left over. friday's rain does not look widespread. the concern with this is the rainfall amounts . that is a concern because that puts us into the flood watch.
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through 4:00 in the afternoon tomorrow. flooding of small streams and creeks, and low-lying areas on the roadways. that is something to keep in mind from what we saw from the last storm. the wind advisory goes until thursday at 10:00 a.m. we have 60 mile-per-hour gusts in the mountains. if you look at future cast, where we all live will have gusts near 40 miles per hour. this is when you get the potential for downed trees and debris. here are the two first alert days, wednesday and thursday. we get a break on friday. the next system comes in over the weekend. it is a focus for rain on sunday. you are mentioning that we are getting the rain this morning. i want to show you a live look at the cameras here. we have the bay bridge and the san mateo bridge, and gate bridge seeing wet weather.
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caltrans is advising people to avoid being on the roadway as much as possible this afternoon, due to the wet weather that we will experience. be careful as you hit the roadways this morning. we have no metering's right now at the bay bridge tolling plaza. we saw this this morning. one of the producers on the drive-in, severe weather alerts are out there on the caltrans science. that was near the bay bridge. if you don't need to be on the roadways, especially later on, that is a good idea. we are dealing with slick surfaces. you can see the wet weather. the san mateo bridge is getting a lot of rain. the golden gate bridge is slick. we have no major crashes going on the 101. with wet weather that will likely change. on mass transit, there are cancellations. angel island ferry has no service today. check the schedule before you go out the door. bart is on time and so is vta, muni, or caltrain. the
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freeways are moving okay for the most part, with the exception of the altamont pass, as we get ready for the big downpour, experts say it is far from the worst-case scenario. we look at the risk of a mega flood in california, and why it all comes down to timing? if you love jazz, and you want something to do, i have you covered. what can you expect from chris bodie, who is back in san francisco this week?
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welcome back, happening this week, if you are looking for something to do away from the rain, here is an idea. trumpet player chris bodie is back in san francisco kicking off the new year with five performances. i got to chat with the grammy-winning artist, telling me why playing the trumpet was the best decision ever. >> reporter: for most kids, learning an instrument means picking up a guitar, piano, or the drums. chris bodie picked up a trumpet. >> reporter: at what age did you decide the trumpet was for me? >> at 12 result, when i thought i would play trumpet for the rest of my life, did not think i would have a career
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like this. i thought i would be a studio musician or play in an orchestra. i will of the decisions i made my life, good and bad, to stick with the trumpet was it may be my best. >> reporter: it is not an easy estimate to play. >> when you play the trumpet , it is how the trumpet is giving you the feedback . like tonight will not be a good night, or tonight will be a good night on any song. there is no fun on the trumpet, so you have to make it fun. >> reporter: the grammy award-winning musician has played with the top names in music like paul simon, natalie cole, and others. >> it is an honor and a privilege to walk out and play music. >> reporter: after wrapping up a 28 day, 56 show tour, he is back in san francisco and will be performing at the jazz center for the sixth year in a row. tell me what we can expect
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in the show. >> it is fun to do it. san francisco is an iconic situation for us to be in. the band always looks forward to is so much. >> reporter: he will be joined by talented friends. >> if they are fans of popular music, we have very special guests, john split off, with a song . he will be there, as well as sy smith, and we have an opera singer, it will be quite the spectacle. >> reporter: seamlessly tie together the sounds of jazz and pop music. >> you can see chris bodie at the jazz center, now through january 8. speaking of grammy-winning artists, he has a couple of grammies. they are just a month away, on february 5. isn't he incredible? >> that was a good grip on your part. we should do more. the
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jazz center get 70 great artists. sometimes it is under the radar. you don't hear about it. it was like who was in town? thanks for getting on that early. >> he has been coming for 6 years. i did not realize that. this is his sixth year starting the new year at sf jazz. that is something to check out. we are thinking about all of the wet weather we are dealing with this money. jocelyn is live out in san mateo this morning. >> reporter: good
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i was born here, i'm from here, and i'm never leaving here. i'm a new york hotel. yeah, i'm tall - 563 feet 2 inches. i'm on top of the world. i'm looking for someone who needs a weekend in the city, who likes being in the middle of it all. you hungry? i know a place, and a few others nearby. it's the city that never sleeps. but hey, if you need a last-minute spot,
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i got you covered. from cbs bay area news, this is the morning edition. welcome back, it is 5:29. we declared a first alert weather day for today. ahead of the wet weather, the town of
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danville has declared a local emergency. that will be in effect through tuesday. this comes as residents are cleaning up last week's floods. >> the levels got higher and higher, coming from down there. it was like a full river. you cannot stand where you are standing right now. >> offers meteorologist, darren peck, is here, to tell us what to expect. >> this is coming through in two separate waves. we are getting the first one now. this is the least impressive of the two. not to downplay this, we are getting widespread rain. if you're going out on the roads, you do plan on rain for the morning commute. from now through a few hours. we have widespread rain. as we go to future cast, it will get whiter. as we get toward 7:00. i want to bring us ahead to this point in the morning commute. this is the heart of the drive at 7:00 a.m. we have widespread rain for everybody.
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it is not terribly heavy in this first phase. we are not concerned about flooding. you should be aware of the roadways. you might have minor ponding. let me show you what the second phase is more impactful. we will clear out the rain for the morning commute. you get a break in the early afternoon. this is noon through 2:00. for the most part, it is not raining. it is like two separate chapters and how the rain plays out. now we get the main event. this comes through here through the afternoon and early evening. this is 3:00, 4:00, 7:00 here. this is from 3:00 through 7:30. this is when the heavy rain covers the bay. this is when we get into more widespread flooding concerns. we will talk about that in the complete forecast. for now, over to you. let's talk about how this will impact your drive this
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morning. if you don't need to be on the freeways, it is a good idea. we are getting reports of flooding in the redwood city area. we got word that the drains are getting clogged near 92 and 101 near san mateo. plan for that this morning. we are looking at traffic. i am borrowing darren peck's radar. there was a crash on the bay bridge that was cleared out. we do have wet weather and slick surfaces. here is a live look at the bay bridge. traffic is moving okay. the san mateo bridge is dealing with wet weather. it looks like things are wet here at the golden gate also. they are doing lane changes this morning. be cautious on the freeways. any live shot i show you will be dealing with rain. this will affect your public transit options this morning, especially the ferry service. angel island has no services. harbor bay and the south cities service have been canceled for
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today. check the schedules before you go out the door. we are not hearing any delays for bart, cbs bay area news, or caltrain's. be cautious when you are on the roadways this morning. leave a lot of space between you and the car in front of you. when vehicles drive up and see ponding or flooding, they slow down quickly. give a lot of space so you can slow down as well. it will not be an easy drive on the roadways today. the cities of san jose in san mateo declared local states of emergencies. this gives cities flexibility for response to the storm. jocelyn is there live. you have spoke with residents up and down the peninsula. what have you heard? >> reporter: we talked to residents, they have experienced scary moments over the weekend with flooding and mudslides along the peninsula. one of the areas was here at this underpass. that area flooded. that is on old county
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road and holly. this is one of the areas. i want to show you the video. you can see the conditions that drivers were driving through. the recommendation is that if you see flooding, you don't want to drive through. you don't know how deep the water can be. flooding was seen up-and-down the peninsula, including on 101. we know how bad this can get. residents are getting sandbags ready. meet david crayton. he saw the worst he has seen since living in san mateo, which has been nearly 30 years. mud, logs, and tree branches came down , flooding his neighborhood. they spent the last couple of days, cleaning up. he is hoping that this time around, it is not worse then it was over the weekend. >> wants to do the sandbags, we have two english so goes into the sewer line across the street. i can open that up.
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>> reporter: i want to share some storm preparedness tips. those are being given by cities along the peninsula. want to build a storm kit. you want to build a sandbag wall. to sign up for the county alerts, and reports of flooding and downed trees. if you go to your city's website, you will find the number to do so. if it is a downed power line, call 911. and if it is a life-threatening emergency, call 911. the city of san mateo had two self-service sandbag sites. did it tweet last night that they have run out of sand. there are other locations within san mateo county, including one in redwood city. there is another one here on and trot away. you want to be extra careful. city officials are urging people to take this seriously. avoid the roads. we are seeing slick roads here this morning. thank you for the insight,
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and a look at what is going on. the sandbags can make a big difference. they should definitely take advantage of that. the atmospheric river is hitting the bay area. it is being called severe, due to the potential that has a businesses and those at home at of flooding, just days after the last storm that hit us. san francisco's mission district got hit hard over new year's weekend. justin andrews is there to see how business owners are bracing for the worst. >> reporter: people say they are preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. we are seeing the prep work underway. we are seeing flood walls have been built around businesses with sandbags. they do not want a repeat of what we saw over the weekend. the national weather service did not mince words with the storm. they said the atmospheric river could have catastrophic impacts. that is unsettling for business owners in the mission district in san francisco. people living in this area are dealing with
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the damage from this past weekend's storm. we show you the videos of people kayaking and street surfing. they were on makeshift rafts trying to get to higher ground. we know homes and restaurants had at least 12 inches of water inside them, including this restaurant . there was a motorcycle store garage that also flooded. people are worried they could see that again. before today , they build these barriers in hopes of preventing floodwaters from rushing in their businesses again. the big story is waiting to see what damage will be left behind from the rain that we are expecting. i know businesses are hoping it is not as bad as what they saw this past weekend. in the mission district, justin andrews, kpix 5. today's forecast , and into next week is a good reminder of what winter can look like in california. among the people the study water and weather, focus is on what would call
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the big one, when it comes rainfall. we spoke with one of the experts about the so-called, "ark storm". it turns out, it happened in 1860s when california measured rain , not in inches, but in feet. >> this will be here wednesday. to see how it is a spinning counterclockwise and pulling the moisture in ? it is pulling warm moisture from hawaii. that is the key to making precipitation, warm air over the water. >> reporter: watching the storm stretch out, this one researcher has one thought. >> we are seeing a normal, wet winter. this is what a normal, what winter looks like. >> reporter: like many, he is working to better understand what an abnormal what winter would look like in california. the kind of winter that is hard to imagine, even though it has happened before. >> it was 1861 and 1862. that
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was the true storm of record in california. we were keeping reasonable records. it was nothing like that. with that storm, started raining in the fall, and they were measuring the rain in it, not inches. >> reporter: that does not come with one storm, that is a lot of storms lending with virtually no break between them. that is something that could overwhelm the flood control we have built since 1862. >> reporter: all of the reservoirs fill up and you cannot manage flood control. the rivers are full. the waters from the river goes to the floodplains. the land is saturated. that is what happens during and "ark storm". things cannot drain out and dry out. it does not have to be the big statewide
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disaster. >> reporter: this can happen on a regional level. >> we have had that here. in 1997, that happen in the central valley. in 1982 and 1983, happen in the bay area. >> reporter: the sequence of storms we are getting is good news. >> this could be four. >> reporter: it is a timing that makes the difference between beneficial and problematic. the "ark storm", or something like it, is a matter of odds and time. >> that is california. this is something that most californians don't really appreciate. we are the land of extremes. it is extremely wet and extremely dry. there is rarely a goldilocks mama in california, where we have normal conditions. averages hardly normal. one of the biggest dangers in the storm could be on the roadways with flooded streets. it can be very dangerous and
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deadly for drivers. joining us at this morning is officer andrew berkeley. you will have some advice this morning. i went to dive right in. people might be driving up and seeing flooded streets and roadways. how do they handle that? >> i was just watching the videos you were showing with people driving through flooded roads and my anxiety immediately goes up. it only takes about one foot of water to stall out a vehicle. very often, people into the roads thinking they have plenty of clearance, when in reality, they don't. the biggest advice, especially today, as we see so much water gathering, if you are not sure of how deep the water is on the road, do not attempt to drive through. it does not take much before we had to get emergency services out there to rescue you. >> why take the risk? a good advice. do you have any driving tips or areas around the bay that cause a lot of problems? >> right now, i do not want to jinx us. we can obviously see
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that there are a couple things mentioned that are noticed here in the bay. the commute has not started yet. i do anticipate that we will see more and more. as history progresses, we will see more. the best advice, if you live in an area, and you know certain places flood. if you drive a normal route, and you know there tends to be water accumulating during storms, keep that in mind as you do your commute, or perhaps this is a day to work from home. >> especially this afternoon, even the rain will get heavier. that is very good information. thank you so much for joining us this morning. stay with us for continuing coverage as the atmospheric river rose through. if your power is out, you can find us on your phone's app, or our website in the palm of your hand. just go to
5:43 am we are a community. that is good to point out. this is a time when you should be checking on your neighbors and friends. try to make a quick phone call. >> will make sure you have information throughout the day. we have so many platforms. we are constantly streaming. these are the events where this becomes crucial. you know where to find us on your streaming devices. we will be here through this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon with updates.
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we are keeping an eye on top stories this morning. nfl safety, damar hamlin , remains in critical condition after going into cardiac arrest. his uncle said his heart stopped twice, once in the field, and again in the hospital. support is pouring in. the 49ers, 31 other teams in the nfl have changed their profile pictures to pray for damar hamlin. his number 3 was displayed outside of levi's stadium. alex padilla has been sworn in as the first california latino elected to the u.s.
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senate. back in 2020, governor gavin newsom had padilla command to serve the term of kamala harris when she went to go be vice president. the sierra snow season is off to one of the strongest starts in 40 years, according to the first official snow survey of the season. the depth at highway 50 is at 174% of its historical average for this time of the year. they caution many more storms will be needed to officially end the drought. speaking of the snowpack and rain, that is why we have you here. we have a lot more information coming. the rain we are getting now is manageable. this is the first phase of the storm. we get rain on the morning commute. we have jocelyn and justin out in it. you will have your windshield wipers on this
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morning. if we look at this on future cast, we can take this rain, and show you how from now through at 7:00 and 8:00, it will be the same. this is rain maabu would ntense. the aware of ponding on roadways. vase in e morning. we get a break in the action through lunch time. the second phase of the storm comes in through the evening commute home. it is perfectly timed , in a not so pleasant sense, it will be widespread, heavy rain through 4:00 this afternoon and 8:00
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tonight. in other words, the most impressive sight of this storm, in terms of widespread, heavy rain, is coming through on the evening commute home. this gets us to 6:00 this evening. we see the best organized line of rain coming through the heart of the bay. this is the heaviest rain going through the peninsula, city, and east bay. it is not until at 7:00 or 8:00, when the most impressive line of rain is eased. we rough the next enoug go. we have on-again, off-again showers. it is scattered . the intensity will pick up on thursday money. we are looking at isolated showers through thursday money. we get a bit of a break later on thursday. the rainfall totals are impressive. we will pick up 2.5 inches in the north bay. we will get 1.25 inches everywhere else. we have a flood watch staying until
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4:00 on thursday. this covers both aspects. this is the streams and creeks, which will likely overflow their banks in the north bay. also, flooding on roadways for the majority of us to be aware of. keep that in mind. the other aspect is the wind. we will see intense wind coming through. the wind watch goes until tomorrow morning. the strongest of the wind will come through at the same time the heaviest of the rain comes through this afternoon. from 4:00 through 7:00, look at the colors on the screen. the brightest purples are starting to show. we have 50 mile per hour gusts in the mountains. we have 30 to 40 mile per hour gusts with where we live. this will likely blow over trees in the mountains and possibly even some neighborhoods. in the seven-day forecast, we have two first alert days. we get a break on friday. the next system comes through during the
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second half of the weekend. we have another system coming on sunday. how is the drive today? it is getting busy in some spots. we have cars going slower on the roadways. we have mobile 5 driving as well along 880 in oakland. you can see the rain coming down. you can see all of the slick surfaces. be very, very careful if you are driving this morning. it will get worse this afternoon. if you can avoid being on the roadways today, it is a good idea. this is one of those who work from home days, if you have that option. i am borrowing the radar from darren peck, to show you perspective. on 84, we have a closure in effect, eastbound and westbound at mission boulevard . that is due to flooding and a landslide. from mission main street, it is closed. be careful on the roadways. be cautious of any debris as we
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talk about windy conditions that could topple trees. we are looking at the bay bridge toll plaza. we have no metering lights yet. it is moving okay. the san mateo bridge is moving along okay. the golden gate bridge is slick. bart is >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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okay, a quick review on why the storm will last while. i have been showing you the rain
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coming through. here is why the afternoon rain will be more impressive. you can see how large the storm is. when you put it in perspective, while we do at the leading edge of rain in the morning, this is why the afternoon is more impressive. you can see the second wave coming through with more intensity and widespread rain, and stronger wind. this is the focus of the day. we are getting rain now. we are getting you through the morning commute. we show you the widespread showers on first alert doppler. you will encounter them wherever you go. we are on top of the roads. we will have more on traffic. it is the evening commute home , where i anticipate we will have a bigger impact from this storm. we will see you with the rest of the first alert forecast in just a bit. it was not parents or caregivers, classes are canceled ahead of the big winter storm. san francisco unified school districts will be closed tomorrow. the pacifica school district has an early dismissal and no classes tomorrow. summit prep in
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redwood city have a half day. stay with us for coverage as the atmosphere river rolls through. if your power is out, you can find us on your phone's app, or our website in the palm of your hand, let's look at your money watch report. a new legal and financial troubles for twitter. the san francisco landlord is suing for breach of contract. they failed to pay more than $136,000 in rent last month for the california street office space. there demanding the unpaid rent, plus interest , and attorneys fees. we reach out to twitter for comment, but have not heard back. it is 5:56. we have a first alert weather day. meteorologist, darren peck is tracking the meteorological river bringing rain and wind to the area. local cities and counties are not taking any chances here. we look at the emergency declarations announced, and the
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first evacuation order. pg&e is ready. utilities plan to deal ith potential
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from cbs bay area news, this is the morning edition. we are seeing the first wave of the system coming through on the morning commute. we have widespread rain. this is not the intensity of the storm. that will be during the evening commute. >> the rain is coming down along the peninsula. we have a few cities in the bay area declaring local states emergency. you will hear from residents about how they are preparing for today. >> with a significant storm, there is a risk of power outages yet again. how pg&e is getting ready to deal with the aftermath?


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