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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  February 20, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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mo permanen >> wear high heels for a while and see how that works out for you. tense moments on a busy california freeway. how this runaway dog found just the right rescuer to bring her home. >> she is used to saving people. she is a cardiac nurse, so she saves people all the time. now, she said the dog. this is cbs news bay area, with juliette goodrich. good evening. let's begin with an oakland community greeting a major loss. the oldest lack church in the east bay vowing to rebuild after gutted by a huge fire overnight. arson investigators have been on scene all day at the first ame church of oakland trying to figure out what caused this fire. here you go, looking at aerials from chopper five. you can see the black and roof of the building, right there on 37th street and telegraph. this fire destroyed the church's interior, burned holes in the fagade, but the cross in
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the earlieday, uld e e rryi ouura ba ng thgoin happen to you, tod devin fehely looks at what the church meant to the community, and their hopes of rising again. >> reporter: this church congregation has dealt with loss before. it was displaced by the parade earthquake a generation ago and they say they learned lessons then about loss, displacement, and the power of faith and community. >> reporter: shock and sadness mixed with prayer and praise as heartsick parishioners of oakland first ame church gathered for a worship service after a fire overnight. tour through their beloved building. >> it just felt like a sense of grief, because, these churches are where our grandparents, our parents came, it was a refuge, a place where we got an
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education, where we came together. so, it is like losing a family home. >> michelle's family has been connected to first ame for generations, and like many parishioners, the overnight fire which gutted the building was an emotional gut punch for them. >> we all grew up the same, you know? for us to not have a church home , because of a fire, it was really hard to hear that, this morning. >> the fire department says the blaze began upstairs in the attic and then spread through the rest of the building. it would take hours to get the stubborn fire out, and even longer to determine its exact cause. the church's pastor says he is confident they will eventually rebuild. >> right now, we are a church that is grieving. what we really need is prayers. we are with you in prayer and support, for the rebuilding of this lighthouse. >> in the meantime, church members say they will lean on their faith and pull together as a community, so the building
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lost in the fire can be rebuilt. >> we will make it. like i said, it will take a while, because it's a lot of damage. a lot of stuff has to be rebuilt back, but we will get it back, and you know, we will sing hallelujah when we go marching back into the building . >> we saw the community come together in a matter of hours, they held a church service at a nearby sister church. we will have to wait and see if that is the plan for this congregation, moving forward. >> they have such community. it is so lovely to see. here is some more history for you. the church has been in oakland since 1858. so, it has been a social and political hub in the city, credited with opening the first school for minority children in oakland. they started serving food to the homeless and hungry 30 years ago. that outreach is even more important with bitter cold temperatures on the way. things are about to take quite
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a turn from today's sunny and mild presidents' day holiday. meteorologist darren peck is in for paul, and we could actually see some snow this week in the bay area? >> down about 1000 feet which means the higher ridge tops around the bay, we will get a look at that in more detail. i know that has a lot of people's attention. that comes on the later part of it. let's go in order. the first thing that happens is, tomorrow it gets windy and cold. strong northwind with local windchill factor, it will feel very different, tomorrow, found this beautiful three day weekend has. then, we get into tuesday night through wednesday, and it is scattered showers. not big rainfall totals, on- again, off-again, fairly light. those pickup in number four thursday into friday, but in addition to that on thursday and friday, much colder air continues to filter into the system, that is when we could see the snow levels drop to around 1000 feet. we will look at that and you will see how this system comes straight from the north. this will be an interesting one. coming up in the complete first alert forecast, we detail all of this in specific. for now, jewels, back over to
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you. >> thank you. good news, the power is back on in oakland. some people in the city were in the dark for more than 24 hours. at one point, more than 54,000 customers were without power, one of those customers was the oakland airport, the outage caused flight delays, and problems for passengers trying to check in with self-service kiosks. pete yanity says it was caused by a fire at one of their substations. sentences go firefighters union is raising public safety concerns about new concrete barriers being put up to deter sex work on cap street, neighbors have complained about rampant prostitution in the area. so, the heavier barriers went up this weekend to replace the previous metal and wood versions which people either moved or drove through. the barriers are only up on one side of the block, but, the local sentences go firefighters union, 798 raised concerns about them slowly having emergency response. so, they treated, selfish decisions that put others at risk and have dire
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consequences. it goes on to say, if you were trapped in a building, how long would you like to wait? supervisor hillary ronan, his office requested the barriers responded by saying twitter is not the place to have serious policy conversations. i am working deeply on the issue. if you would like to join i welcome it. in the meantime, the barriers have afforded the residence, and countless children the first nights of peace they have had in a long time. ronan says the barriers are only temporary and the real solution is legalizing sex work. kelsey spoke with a sex worker who said their voices should be included in the entire debate. >> reporter: maxine dugan is a sex worker. she has been a sex worker in the bay area for over 30 years and told me that she plans to continue to be a sex worker for the next 30. >> i don't think too much about what people think. i don't really care what they say. i cannot be bothered with what they say. >> what maxine does think about
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, is how to make her occupation safer. she has been arrested for prostitution three times over her career, and she is tired of it. >> you know, when you are arrested, you know, you are taken out of your job. when you are held in jail, you know, you lose money. that means your kids aren't going to have what they need. >> reporter: discussion of legalizing sex work has hit the front pages in recent recent weeks. cap street, in the mission district has been at the center of those discussions. during the day, it looks like every other street in the area, but at night, that all changes. >> when i get off at nighttime, look around 9:00 or 10:00 p.m., yeah. i drive by cap street and i see prostitution, the ladies over there, yeah. >> reporter: evelyn figaro what manages a cafe on cap street. she told me she has definitely seen an increase in sex workers on the street in the last year. >> a year ago, there has been more activity, more ladies
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outside. yeah. >> reporter: that increase in activity has led to complaints by some residents. chance sisco supervisor hillary ronan represents the district cap street is in. she says she has been working with both residents and sex workers to try to find a solution, and believes that solution is legalization. her office released this statement, calling for a move toward, quote, decriminalization, and ultimate legalization and regulation of sex work. >> really, the main goal here is to get to the sex workers off of residential streets, and get the john's and pimps off of residential streets while providing a safe place for people to conduct business. >> reporter: evelyn, the manager of the cafe on cap street told me she is all for that. >> that will bring money to the city, if they legalize it. but, they should do it not in this area, where there are families and business.
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they should, i don't know, have a place. >> maxine is not on board. >> prostitutes have been working illegally for 100 years but we are not going to be following every regulation or legalization scheme which is crafted without this. >> reporter: she says supervisor ronan's office did not work with her or any sex workers she knows. >> decriminalization means you are removing the criminal penalties for us to be able to novitiate for our own labor and safe working condition. and legalization means that, you know, you are going to regulate our business. >> reporter: maxine says all she wanted to be able to do her job safely, and without the fear of arrest. she believes this latest push for legalization is more about trying to control her, then to help her.
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>> should wear high heels for a while, and see what that is like. see how that works out for you. >> reporter: the issue has sparked a debate for centuries, and looks like it will continue, long into the future. not just san francisco, ronan is also working with city council members working on a strategy option to protect sex workers. let's get two other stories we are following around the bay right now but the legal team of former oakland police chief laurent armstrong says they will be starting the appeals process this week. so, this comes as more support is pouring in for armstrong, and today, the naacp and other groups rallied outside city hall saying they are outraged at his firing last wednesday, over the department's handling of a misconduct case. >> today, we are going to show oakland that, not only our voice matters, but, our fight is strong, and our fight is long, and we won't stop, we
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can't stop, until we get what we came for. we reached out to the mayor's office for a response on the pending appeals process. we were told mayor sheng thao did not have any additional comment. also in oakland, police are still looking for the driver of a hit and run that killed a 100- year-old man which happened sunday morning at the intersection of 19th and harrison street. the driver took off. police say they are looking for a white or tan mini cooper. bart is gearing up to reopen service between the rockridge and lafayette stations after shutting down friday for track repairs. our chopper spotted cruise outside today doing the finishing final touches ahead of tomorrow's reopening. still ahead, while many of us are enjoying a day off, others are doing a deep dive on democracy. >> president trump new -- 12 hours and counting, the unusual marathon to celebrate presidents' day.
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ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu.
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taking a live look at capitol hill on this presidents' day, people across the country are observing the holiday in many ways. >> removing weapons from the
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28,000 spectators who did pass through. >> in san francisco, people have been stopping by manny's to read from the final january 6th report in honor of presidents' day. the report was released in december. state and city leaders along with community members have been taking turns reading the entire 800+ page report. >> i think it is very important for everyone in the american public to really try to understand what occurred, and the extent to which the former president tries to overthrow the democratic process. >> the group has a long way to go as the reading is expected to be finished by 10:00 p.m. tonight. it is being live streamed on manny's facebook page. the supreme court is taking up to big cases this week which could actually rewrite the rules for online speech and content moderation. it is the first time the high court is reviewing a law that is basically central to how the internet operates. it gives legal immunity to tech platforms, for almost all third- party content hosted on their site. tomorrow, the court will hear oral arguments in gonzales
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versus google. the family of a victim killed in a 2015 i.s.i.s. attack in paris argues the parent company of youtube promoted terrorism videos through its algorithm. a similar lawsuit against twitter filed by family members of an istanbul i.s.i.s. attack will be heard on wednesday. there is no direct link between the website and the attacks, so a decision in cases could come in the summer. turning to tech news, meta- introducing verified accounts for a fee. the parent company of facebook and instagram will first test the new service in new zealand and australia before rolling it out to other countries. badges will cost 1199 per month on the web, 1499 on apple and android operating systems and the payment also covers extra protection against account impersonation. so, the move is aimed at
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influencers and voters who use social media with their business. a dog dodging cars
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go the extra mile this presidents' day in a volvo mild-hybrid vehicle.
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taking a live look at sfo, it will soon be easier for families traveling on united airlines to book seats with their children at no cost. the airline is announcing their
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new seat map feature will allow parents traveling 12 years and unger at the time of booking. the features for basic economy seating, passengers will be able to rebook their flight for free if there is no preferred seating. the new feature goes into effect next month. parents, you have to sit next to your kids. after days on the run, and a big adventure, this guy, look at that. well, he was found running down a busy los angeles freeway last week but back home with the family. jack renner has more on the joyful reunion. >> reporter: from a death- defying rescue to a warming reunion. that is the dogs name, pretty, and her owner, jay segura is happy to get her back. >> reporter: pretties journey was a near disaster experience but segura said he left pretty at his in-laws house in sun valley for the weekend and he says she must have escaped through a hole in the fence.
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here she is on friday morning, scampering up the northbound five freeway. >> distancing her on tv, it was heartbreaking. >> as traffic slowed down to help her, one driver in a pickup truck tried to save her, but pretty eventually picked her fighter, glendale nurse amber stride. >> she hopped right in puck probably had a feeling i had other docs. >> reporter: he was watching the news but had no idea it was his daughter that scooped up the pup at the time. >> i said are you kidding me? i was watching that happen. >> reporter: knowing your daughter this all made sense to you? >> she's used to saving people. she's a cardiac nurse. she saves people all the time. but, no, she saved a dog. >> cigarette tells us pretty did not have a microchip that he did just purchase a gps color. >> i can't wait to get her back home. >> after spending the weekend at amber's. >> i changed the dressing, so keep it on for another couple of days. >> amber funded with pretty and pretty really bonded with one of her dogs, poncho.
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>> definitely bittersweet. i'm glad they have their dog back. i grew attached to her, for sure. the dogs owners say play dates could be in the future. we have this gorgeous german shepherd roaming the neighborhood and we had it for a day. we headed nicknamed, it was ours in our mind. >> you got attached in 24 hours. >> like 12 hours easy. and then, we found the rightful owners. just down the block. i can relate. >> think about how thrilled they are pics but i wanted a dog. let's talk about our forecast, thank you for filling in with paul, today, good to see you. tell us what is in store. >> a lot. it will come on so fast and after the weekend we just had, we are not even thinking about the weather, sunny and 70. tomorrow comes back in a significant head turning way. the first thing we will experience is the wind.
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you don't notice this change until the afternoon tomorrow, then you will see the screen lights up, the brighter the color the stronger the wind. by the time we get to 2:00, the areawide, bringing cold air within. the wind is today afternoon, but the wind advisory stays in effect until wednesday afternoon. there is a possibility you could have a downed tree with localized power outages. tomorrow is a first alert weather day, for that aspect. there are a whole bunch of items coming our way. the storm bringing in the wind will try to bring us some rain. look at this, straight down from the north, that is why it will be so darn cold. it explains some of the really unique aspects. not only the
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intensity of the cold wind, tomorrow, but this systems ability to drop the snow level down to about 1000 feet here in the bay by thursday and friday. and, that means some local hills could get a dusting of snow on them as we get into thursday and friday. in terms of the rain, for tuesday night through wednesday, there is not a lot. it will be spotty, on-again and off-again showers. you can see they are few and far between. a lot of openings there, and we do not really get a lot of rain, the technically rain is possible from tuesday night all the way through wednesday., on thursday, showers will pick up, there will be more of them and we will get more rain. if we just take the accumulated rain from tuesday night and all day wednesday, we barely have a few hundredths of an inch. then if we take this and let it go from thursday through friday, those two days, we come away with about a half an inch. the storm drops the best rain it has on thursday and friday. that is not a lot of rain. have an inch is nothing compared to january but it is still widespread rain.
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here's the interesting side of this book on thursday and friday where we are getting the most widespread showers out of this, the snow level will lower and it will get down to around 1000 feet. if you look at a map closely, you can see these light shades of blue through the east bay hills, that is like skyline boulevard, which is at this level. skyline boulevard, those hills on the east bay go to 1500 feet. snow level gets down to 1000 feet by thursday and friday. there will be light snow there but it should not be major, impactful, it will be more of a talker, something that people want to get pictures of rather than having a big impact on people who live in the east bay hills. in the santa cruz mountains, you can see the splotches of orange down there? start thinking about thursday and friday. anything above 1000 feet to 1500 feet in the santa cruz mountains could have more impact. that might be a bigger issue, especially in the driveway there and the higher elevations. we start up tomorrow in the lower and middle 40s, tomorrow the daytime highs we hit those numbers by about noon.
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if you still haven't noticed anything by noon but by afternoon you will. three days of rain for thursday, friday, and saturday, better chance on thursday and friday. that is our first alert today so
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grammy winners alphabet rockers performed to sold-out homecoming concerts today. the group performed songs from their award-winning album, the movement with songs about racism, sexism, oppression, and community care. >> the concerts were held in the lawrence hall of science in berkeley. the group's founders say it is performances like these, which helped them get to the grammys stage. >> when we were on stage receiving the grammy award after 10 years of being in every school, we have done every show. to be on stage with an esteemed award, and we made no apologies
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for who we are, that is remarkable. and so, that is oakland oakland does not apologize for being brilliant. >> the group has concerts planned for this summer. take note they are also working with the oakland group use feet to produce free music videos. cbs news with norah o'donnell ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the extraordinary new details about just how president joe biden made the surprise journey to war-torn ukraine, all shrouded under secrecy. here are tonight's top headlines. as air raid sirens blare in ukraine, president biden vows unwavering support. >> freedom is priceless. it's worth fighting for for as long as it takes. >> admirers are sending prayers and paying tribute to former president jimmy carter, who has entered hospice care. >> carter advisors told cbs news that they expect the former president to remain tough until the end. >> norah: north korea launches two ballistic missiles toward japan, as kim jong un's sister issues a new threat.
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>> pyongyang continues to raise concerns about united states joint military drills with south


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