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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. message th society, we progress. >> and celebrate milk's long
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lasting legacy. hello and thank you for joining us on this friday afternoon. i'm elizabeth cook. pop and circumstance and the wind and rain hitting the area. meteorologist darren peck is tracking it all from our virtual view studio. >> good afternoon, liz. we are weather service has actually issued a flood advisory for parts of the peninsula and the
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city. if you just watch the last hour, look at that. a steady wall of rain. these were not torrential downpours but we picked up, half an inch of rain. at the time, coming down for some locations. when we look at the areas the national weather service has started covering the map. they are concerned here with roadways. this is enough water. it is not going up 580, 880. we will see some of the better rain over the course of the next hour or
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so. we will track it over the course of the afternoon where we will be doing another live update at 5:00 and it will be on kpix 5 prime time. let's leave even into saturday morning. by saturday morning, things are already starting to quiet down a bit. watch what happens when we play through. we will take that past midnight
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right now. you why that is. if we superimpose where the winds are, look at the deeper band of purple. look at the winds
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racing up along the coast, gusting to 40 miles per hour. we are seeing the strongest wind this system has to offer now in the concern here would be for downed trees in the peninsula and perhaps the east bay hills butwe get to saturday in the evening. any travel today and tomorrow is going to be a slow start. you got to have change and expect -- chains and expect delays. easter sunday looks great. sunday, a few leftover clouds. look at the warm-up . low 70s with plenty of sunshine. this rain back here, thursday and friday, it does not look big at all. more on that later. stay with us for first alert weather updates. let's check in now with anne makovec for today's news headlines. police responded to a report of a man walking around partially naked on saturday carrying a knife at a
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mobile home park on vienna drive. police say now 19-year-old emmanuel perez becerra called 911 on himself. they say the dispatcher later realized it was becerra on the line and trying to de-escalate the situation while officers were responding. a police dashcam video shows an officer in april trocar and an officer on foot following emmanuel perez becerra, telling him several times to drop the knife. the officer started dropping away and the body camera video shows the moment he fired twice as becerra walked toward him with the knife. a warning, the video might be disturbing. >> i am going to shoot if you don't stop. >> stop right there. >> becerra was pronounced dead at the hospital. he had no criminal record. two officers involved are in routine leave while the santa clara county district attorney's office
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investigates. police in san jose investigating a shootout involving a police officer at ross and lee avenues. officers were responding to a welfare check today when the man fired officers and they fired back . police say that man surrendered and nobody was hurt. the east bay will get hundreds of new cameras meant to help fight crime. governor newsom announced the chp with a company called flock safety to install about 400 high-tech cameras that includes almost 300 on oakland city streets and 190 on state highways in the east bay. also in oakland, several major employers are now pooling $10 million to try to make downtown safer for their own workers. kaiser, blue shield, clorox and pg&e say the money will go toward beefing up security around their offices.
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it was a celebration today that harvey milk probably would have never imagined. military officials honoring the gay civil rights icon in the navy ship named after him but the ship's historic visit to the san francisco bay was also met with protests this afternoon and they had nothing to do with the ship's namesake on the but rather, where it is headed. a group of pro-palestinian demonstrators rallied outside piers 3332 in san francisco where the ship is dock. some chained themselves to the gangway of the ship. we spotted some of them being placed in handcuffs. the ship is bound for gaza. protesters are calling on the u.s. to stop funding the israeli military and its war with hamas. all that unfolded outside the vessel. inside , a ceremony was held on board and milk's honor. the vessel is the first u.s. naval ship ever to be named after an openly gay
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person. several speakers remarked on the significance of that major milestone. >> there was a time in our not so distant memory where this would have been impossible. >> what the u.s. navy ship harvey milk is, that we celebrate this community that we did not used to celebrate before. >> our very own juliette goodrich got a special tour of the navy ship and was also there for some of the tense moments with protesters. first of all, what is the scene there like now? >> reporter: you might call it rough seas if i might characterize it that way. right now, it has cleared up. along the embarcadero, all of the protesters were along the chain-link fence here and then some of them actually got into the parking lot right by the ship and tried to get themselves onto the ship. you can see some of the arrests that have happened earlier. definitely an even full-time while that ceremony was taking place inside. you can see the protesters. traffic was blocked off. some of them trying to get on the ship while leaders and navy personnel were inside commemorating today's events.
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again, on the outside, it was somewhat peaceful. it was noisy. a lot of signs and chanting and shouting. earlier, it was calmer waters, if you will. i will show you what we got to experience before all of that happened today. we were able to go on-site and inside the ship. we were there with former speaker nancy pelosi as we got to go up and down, inside and look at the eating area, the quarters where these crewmembers are and specifically, some photos of harvey milk that are lined inside. let's take a look. >> captain james white welcomes former speaker nancy pelosi and all of us aboard the harvey milk navy seal ship for a private tour. >> it is an honor to meet you. >> the 746 foot vessel will carry 99 crewmembers when it is
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fully staffed . it is a traveling service station on the water that supplies fuel to other navy service ships at sea. >> we are inside the cargo control center. you can see the panel here. all of the information going on inside is directly related to what is happening outside. >> this on the sea gas station can carry 162,000 barrels of diesel fuel. on our tour, speaker pelosi prefer to take the stairs rather than the elevator, so we all got our steps in today. >> 16 flights of stairs later, here we are. this is called the bridge and this is where the ship is controlled and steered. throughout the ship's interior are photos of harvey milk including his time in the navy. i also spoke with harvey milk's nephew, who reflected on today and his hope for the future. >> what is that like for you personally as we are in the bridge of the ship looking out
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and the symbolism and where we have come so far? >> i mean, it is astonishing in some ways to think that we have come this far but it is a reminder that it is a continual work in progress because we have made so many steps forward. on women's rights, we are moving backwards, for instance. thomas jefferson famously asked, when does the battle for equality and justice end and he said, it doesn't. it requires constant vigilance and i think this ship is a reminder. it is going to go to ports where lgbtq people are illegal in this ship is going to teach about who harvey was . >> reporter: i thank him for that interview. we will hear from him later in the show as well. liz, i did ask some of the crewmembers aboard, do you ever get seasick? when i was on there, it was very windy and it
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was choppy waters. i happen to get seasick sometimes and they said nope. we love it, in fact, it helps us go to sleep. more power to them. it was a great tour and such a day to honor harvey milk and all those that were included today. again, there was some events with the protests as well but everything is fine now. >> what a moment for the military. what a moment for san francisco to see their son harvey milk be honored in this way. we will check back in with juliet in a few moments. as the ship makes its historic visit, we look at the lasting legacy of harvey milk in san francisco through the eyes of one of his very close friends. >> you don't have to be a movie star. you don't have to be some legendary, epic, the mythological figure. you can just be a better
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looking live at the u.s. navy ship harvey milk on its historic visit to the bay. the vessel named for the late san francisco supervisor and gay rights and civil rights champion. our juliette goodrich joins us live at the ship right now. >> reporter: hello, again. let's talk about this honor in the naming times and i think it strengthens his
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legacy, for people to know he was an ordinary guy who rather poorly ran a pathetic little store on this block. >> there are countless names stitched into the history of the gay rights movement but few of them are larger than that of cleve jones, a legend in his own right and forever linked to
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the life and times of his close friend, harvey milk. >> he was an ordinary man. he was not a genius. he was not s dishonorably discharged. >> stewart milk is harvey's nephew, in town for the ship's arrival and celebration in san francisco. he personally opposes the move by the navy to change his uncle's dishonorable record. he says that legacy should be remembered . >> i think it sends a very important message that, as a society, we progress and we make mistakes and our institutions make mistakes. this ship is going to travel to many countries where it is currently illegal to be lgbtq and it is unacceptable and those people are given hope that, here, this ship named after someone who is forced to resign from the navy, this ship
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is actually celebrating that community. >> people often ask me, what would harvey say about this or that? i don't know. he has been dead a long time. we live in a world of unimaginable times for harvey. >> open up for the sensitivity of all people. >> and harvey were here today, he would celebrate the goals that have been achieved in the progress that has been made on the lives that has been saved. he would be very, very worried, very cautious and want everybody to know that this could all be swept away in the blink of an eye and that is not hyperbole. that is not rhetoric. >> ask anyone who is here in the 60s or 70s and they will tell you how much has changed since then in this country and in this neighborhood but milk's legacy is really a fixture here now. it defines the castro and the monumental achievements of someone who was just a regular guy. >> but, nonetheless, who had a huge impact. i think that this
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is something we can all aspire to, that you don't have to be a movie star. you don't have to be some legendary, epic, mythological figure. you can just be an ordinary person and make the world a better place. >> a sign of progress, a sign of hope. every single crewmember that i talked to today felt honored to be on that ship. back to you, liz. >> it is remarkable the impact he had not only on san francisco but his impact across the country and now the world, given that the ship will dock and so many international ports. thank
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let's take another live look on the bay as we mark the historic visit of the u.s.
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navy ship harvey milk to san francisco. also in the city today, the department of defense marks national vietnam war veterans day presenting special pins to bay area veterans as a symbol of the nation's gratitude. one of thoshe says he would rather you not think him for his service and here is why. >> i would much prefer for them to say, thank you for our freedom. that is what we were there for. we were not there to wash windows or mow lawns or cleanup the bathrooms. that is service. military and combat is the real thing. >> unlike other wars, vietnam veterans did not return home to tickertape parades or fanfare. in fact, it took until 1982 for a national memorial to be commissioned and another 35 years for
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okay. we are keeping a close eye on first alert doppler. it is a first alert weather day and this is exhibit a for why that is. this is a part of a system that is throwing us the most widespread steady rain of the day. it will go for another two hours like this. it is still going pretty consistently for much of the peninsula, south bay and the rest of the bay. there is a flood advisory along the peninsula because of this due to some minor roadway flooding. we will have updates at 5:00.
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let s take another live look at the san francisco waterfront. we want to thank you for joining us as we mark this historic visit of the u.s. navy ship harvey milk. pretty amazing day today. the cbs evening news is next on kpix and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area . i will see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> to go out there and just to get up close, you realize just how daunting a task this is. >> robert: the biggest floating crane on the east coast arrives in baltimore, as the cleanup begins. >> we need to clear the channel because the health of the maryland economy and the national economy depend on it. >> robert: tonight, what we are learning about the efforts to clear debris from the patapsco river and to bring closure to the families of those lost. >> they really want


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