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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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alameda county. more push back on safety upgrades in the san francisco neighborhood where a young family was killed by a speeding driver. business owners are asking the city to slow down. >> we feel that this proposal was basically introduced to us after it was decided that it was going to happen. >> and good-bye to the burger pit. we will take you to the institution serving up their final bites today after more than seven decades. then, see vern take on a member of the u.s. olympic table tennis team. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich >> good evening. a sense of closure tonight for a mother on a mission for justice. her son, 26-year-old blake mose was shot and killed last year while trying to stop a shoplifting at a home depot. just yesterday we learned of a plea deal in the case. the
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suspected shoplifter and shooter. 33-year-old pled no contest to second-degree murder that carries a sentence of 19 years to life in prison. the person accused of driving the get away car, 32-year-old gilroy pled no contest to being an accessory as well as other charges. his sentence could be 7.5 years. now, his mother talked to katie neilson today, despite the plea deal her fight is not over just yet. >> never active in politics. a year ago, everything changed. that is when her son, blake, was murdered here at the home depot in pleasanton as he was working as a loss prevention officer. since then, the recall campaign took on an entirely new meaning. it has been almost a year since she lost her son, blake.
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>> it feels like yesterday but it feels like 10 years ago. that moment where your heart stops and you go, there can't. this can't. there is that moment. that happens when you got it. you got the deal done and you can breathe. >> mo says she pushed for the plea deal because it can not be appealed. but, more importantly because it finally brings closure to their family. she says over the past year her family has been fighting with the alameda county da's office to get charges filed >> they erased his future. why would i have to fight for justice for him. >> that is why she is an outspoken advocate trying to get pamela price recalled from office. >> i voted for her. i made a mistake. she does not do
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anything for victims but re-victimize them. does not help them. she just looks out for the people that do this. >> mo says at this point she is relieved to have the case behind her so their family can move on. >> my goal for them in this is that the time that they are going to serve that they make it productive, right? they get the job skills, find their faith. find a redeemed life for their kids. >> both suspects have agreed to that plea deal their sentencing is scheduled for june 6th. >> all right, so in the past hour we received a statement from the alameda county da's office. price offered her condolences to the family and her office has been in continuous contact with the family throughout the past year. meanwhile, the people leading the recall effort against price held a protest. they want a special election as
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soon as possible. >> there is not a time line on life. and waiting until november is not an option. we need her to go right now. a special election could cost up to $20 million. they are asking people to attend board meetings and urge them to have the recall election with november's general elections. >> da price has not talked about the recall but she made two announcements in the past week. yesterday, price announced her office is reviewing 35 death penalty cases for possible misconduct by prosecutors.
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all right, now on to san francisco. the battle certainly heating up over the plans to reshape the san francisco street where a family of four was killed by a speeding driver. that crash happened a month ago at a bus stop near the westportal muni station. the city unveiled a plan to make the intersection safer including plans to change a 3-way crossing at the street near west portal avenue. the redesign is getting a lot of push back. i grew up on westportal, my family home is still on west portal. >> reporter: his postal chase is in the heart of west portal. shaken by the tragedy that occurred around the corner from his business, he is among those asking for a pause in the proposed changes to this
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intersection. take a step back. there are three issues here. the issue of public safety. then, there is an issue of beautifying and making the area more welcoming and then there is an issue of impact to your small businesses. >> reporter: lisa moore owns this boutique. she is not convinced the plan will improve safety there is the time line. >> while we care deeply about public safety and of course employees, customers, my kids that live and work in this neighborhood also. we feel that this proposal was basically introduced to us after it was decided that it was already going to happen. >> we take the needs seriously. that is one of the reasons why the order to reduce the
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conflict. cutting through the commercial district. saying it is based on study here. they are asking for feedback. but, opponents are asking neighbors to voice their concerns and the signs are already in businesses up and down the street. they need to be prepared to ask questions and the city needs answers. >> the district supervisor has spoken in support of the changes as have bicycle and pedestrian advocates in what is an emotional discussion in the wake of what happened here. sfmta asking for input. they will hold another polling session right here on wednesday during the evening commute. in addition to the reconfiguration, the sfmta is asking for input on what the area should look like. street
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mural, planters, and bike share stations. under proposal, smoke shops, corner markets will have to close between midnight and 5:00 a.m. and fined up to $1,000 for every hour they do not comply. if passed it will start as a one year pilot plan. 27 bay area employees are set to lose their jobs. the news comes as the company sees the biggest drop in revenue in 12 years. so, the ceo, elon musk, announced tesla will lay off 10% of its global workforce. or 14,000 workers. state filings show 2200 jobs will be cut in fremont and 500 jobs in palo alto. the layoffs will start june 14th.
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calling for a ceasefire in berkeley, they set up tents on the steps of the plaza. they are calling it a gaza solidarity encampment. they will remain here until the school divest from companies that have ties in the military. they want the school to stop the alleged repression of student protesters. so, we have a full team, hot lines, community members, ready to stand with us. they wrote, we will take the steps to make sure it does not disrupt the operations. there are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices. things got out of control. this is at cal poly. they clashed with protesters who barricaded themselves with
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furniture inside of a building. and in new york. protesters are spending a week occupying the quad at columbia university. they are demanding the ivy league school to divest from companies funding israel. over at nyu a dozen are arrested and camps cleared. a big showing to enjoy one last meal at a very well known burger joint in san jose. why the owner is shutting down after decades in business. and the usa table tennis team sets up shop in burlingame. could vern help them get ready for their trip to paris? >> stunning cloud cover over the bay area today. enough of a break in the clouds for a beautiful view towards alcatraz and the golden gate. we will take a look at how long the clouds
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. customers are saying good-bye to a restaurant. burger pit is closing its only remaining location. a line wrapped around the location as people waited to have one last meal there. it opened in 1964. the chain has been a south bay staple for more than 70 years. the current owner says that he was four years old when his father opened the first restaurant. >> even as a little kid i worked in the restaurant. my dad would have me doing things in the back like mopping floors >> we watched the place being belt in '64. this was a big part of my life >> i am going to miss it. they make the best food in town. >> oh, great, now i want a burger. he lost his lease and he said it is just time to retire. good memories, so many meals. all right, the summer
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olympics, less than 100 days away. so, vern glenn has been training with one of the teams big time training, huh? the team representing the united states in paris. tell us about the team you are in training with. >> first of all, "train" might be a bit of a stretch. they are at another level. it is national table tennis day, jules, so, the u.s. table tennis team was unveiled today at their training facility in burlingame. dominated by bay area talent who get the chance to practice their game and the french language. >> i think my middle school french will get us through. [ laughter ] >> reporter: before they go to paris the usa table tennis team is training right here in burlingame. lily zang will compete in her fourth olympics
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the first time for her teammate. >> i was very like in shock. i could not believe it. >> this is the dream. this is the highest sporting stage in the world. every four years. it is what we have worked for our entire lives >> and on this day, it was not just the olympians that grabbed the paddle. >> what is it like playing against an olympian? let's find out. >> hey, i'm volleying. >> there we go. >> i went one-on-one. he started playing when he was five years old. >> just my head to my shoulders and the racket and hitting the ball up here. >> did you think it would come to this? >> i hoped at some point it would. >> really? >> i wished and dream about it. i did not think about it at that time how realistic it could be. >> there we go. >> oh, too strong. oh, what did
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you do to the ball? >> wow! >> oh! that was a point. did you see that? was that fake clapping? >> i know your tricks >> it might not have been for me. skills are welcome to the game. jules, good table tennis racket cost $20, his racket, $700. >> my goodness. >> i could not, wow. what is in that racket? that is different than mine? all kinds of that special things. yes. something, something, to kind of, whatever it takes to get him to paris. >> that is crazy. >> that is table tennis and then ping-pong. >> why do they have the red
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cups, then, my kids? they say it is a fun game. just kidding, just kidding >> that is for another show. >> i know, right? >> what are my kids doing with red cups and the ping-pong table is out? >> i do not meddle in those kinds of affairs. >> staying neutral. >> it is a racket not a paddle? >> it is a paddle. >> there we go. either way. much better at it than we will ever be. take a look at the big picture weather here. moving in today. sticking around a few more days. as it is off of the coast. a few different areas of low pressure, different storm systems swirling away. the upshot is sending the breeze and the cloud cover across the bay area today. we are seeing that right now. a few breaks in the cloud cover. a nice view. the temperatures, not much variation. everybody in the upper 50s and lower 60s. yesterday, we had a 26 degree difference between the cool spots on the coast and warmest inland. today, everybody within 10 degrees of each other with
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the high temperatures, it will be a similar range tomorrow. take a look at where we start off in the morning, these temperatures, close to one another. dipping into the upper 40s briefly tomorrow morning, everybody else, lower 50s. then, trying to warm up. a degree or two warmer than today. that makes a difference. up to 70 degrees in san jose. that is the high temperature. that is one of the few spots that will touch 70. but for along the coast. your temperatures, half moon bay, 59 degrees again tomorrow. and right around that number through the whole seven-day forecast. lower to middle 60s for san francisco and oakland. also, lower to middle 60s in the north bay. the temperatures, not quite as warm as other inland parts of the bay area. everyone will be a couple degrees below average for highs with the cloud cover sticking around. checking out future cast. we will zoom through tomorrow. we will see
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the back and forth cloud pattern. nothing falling out. you can see the swirl in the atmosphere on the coast, the surface location of the upper storm system. a brief break in the cloud cover, late tomorrow. clouds filling back in. gray skies overhead for most of the days on thursday. the odds of squeezing out the moisture, continue to decrease. indicating radar freckles off to the northwest that fall apart. there is the slightest chance of a shower trying to make its way in thursday, late afternoon, evening. i think we will stay dry. if you get a couple sprinkles it will not add up to anything measurable. on friday, starting off with clouds, we should see it breaking through, breezy conditions are going to scour out some of the cloud cover as we head through the afternoon hours on friday. total rainfall, the most optimistic models, the ones that try to bring measurable rain in, barely measurable, barely a trace. i think there is a chance that is adding up to
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snow, maybe just enough to freshen up the slopes for early skiing. let's return to the bay area and talk about our winds, noticeable tomorrow, but, they start to pick up on thursday underneath that deck of clouds. it will be a cool day. it will feel cooler, without the sunshine, with the stronger breeze. the wind will be noticeable still on friday. a shift will focus to push it out of here. it will be out of the way as he head into the weekend. a nice weekend overall. the cooler than average temperatures will give way back to average temperatures saturday and sunday. with the warmer conditions sticking around into early next week. lower to middle 70s for inland parts of bay area. around the bay, the warm up, kicking in. more subtle because of the influence of the water. returning to the middle to upper 60s by saturday, sunday, we don't get rid of the influence. temperatures will stay in the upper 50s. the difference, more sunshine emerging, saturday, sunday, a similar trend by
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monday and tuesday. coastal drizzle, possible, the next couple of days, the shower chances continue to decrease the coastal drizzle, the extent of the moisture that will add up. >> paul, thank you >> no more skipping
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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. clear is facing turbulence in california. the haves and the have notes when it comes to
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skipping the long lines. josh new man introduced a first in the nation law that would stop customers who pay the $200 annual fee from jumping the line at the state's airports. he is proposing they create their own lines, no longer escalating the customers ahead of the public. the bill was debated today. we have not heard, pandas are coming to san francisco. now the city has a plan. we are
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. everyone is excited about the giant pandas coming to the san francisco video from china. london -- san francisco zoo from china. they is still not a
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timetable for when they get here but we just want them here, right? thanks for watching. see you
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we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all doing? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you very much. i appreciate it, everybody.


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