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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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>>pro palestinian stewed rallies. create concerns. for safety on college campuses across the country and here at home. we're live at uc berkeley with the latest tiktok's clark could be running out. we have the very latest on what millions of users need to know about the future of the pop. app. and breaking news out of the middle east berkeley native hirsch goldberg, poland.
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appeared in a hamas hostage video that was just released this morning. this is a still image of the video. 23 year old identified himself in the footage he delivered a lengthy statement goldberg was 1 of the people taken hostage by hamas. during the october 7th terror attack on israel. he was attending a music festival at the time. the video posted by hamas on the same social media channel they used to publish propaganda. videos. the goldberg family says they plan to release a statement a little later today, but we get our 1st sign uh, of how he's doing in this video that's been released more on this story throughout the afternoon, and the evening here on cbs bay area. we turn our attention out of uc berkeley, where protests kick off another week of nationwide outcry against the war in gaza, you know, just like a large occupation at columbia university in new york, dozens of uc berkeley students are in encampments on the steps of sproul plaza. shawn chitnis is live in berkeley and sean, are
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we starting to see police show up this morning? because a lot of arrests were made in the east coast on the east coast campuses. >live>read. good morning. we are not seeing that here. we certainly know that police are in the area, but they have not shown any signs of needing to intervene or even have their presence be close to this demonstration >>i'm going to step out of the way so you can get a look at how things are this morning. we've been here for a few hours now, and we are starting to watch students wake up emerged from their tents we can see some working on laptops. and just really taking over the steps and continuing to keep >>presence here. we understand that the size has likely doubled since it began with so many more tents. this morning, then when folks were here on monday, certainly an impact of just seeing it along telegraph and having that influence to get more students involved, those that have been here have explained to >>that they are protesting the war in gaza, and they wanted to
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create this encampment in solidarity. with those other occupations you mentioned on different campuses, including from >live>of new >>students say. that they >>remain here until their university cuts ties with all israeli colleges or companies connected to arms suppliers. >>formally recognizes. israel's >>genocide. >>we are standing inspired by our students over at columbia, who we consider to be the heart of the student movement. but more importantly, we're standing in solidarity with our people in palestine. >live>and so the university has released the a statement saying with 3 work week. left in the semester, berkeley has is prioritizing. students, academic interests. we will take the steps necessary to ensure the protest does not disrupt the university's operations. it goes on to say there are no plans to change the universities investment policies and practices and back out live. you can see that the campus is really in full swing here along that main stretch of campus in the distance, you see
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sather gate. that's where we know there has been a daily protest. s vigil. by pro palestinian palestinian students. and that has started since february. so you put that together along with this demonstration here, you can see that movement is growing and those who are behind the display. right on the steps here say that they want this to be a 24 7 response, reed back to you. >reed>all right, sean chen is live from uc berkeley campus, you know up north cal poly humboldt closed after hundreds of pro palestinian protesters. they barricaded at least 2 buildings. in fact, riot police had to be called in so because of that, the word from cal poly this morning to students. they want you just to stay home and they'll take the classes. online. i mean, police moving in and making arrests at yale and why you and columbia after protesters refused to leave tents on their school properties. protestors at columbia were told to be gone by midnight. but for some reason that demand has been pushed back. 120 protesters arrested in ny you more than 40
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arrested on yale's campus. so for continuing coverage. of this occupation at uc berkeley and other college campuses. across the country. stay with us on air and online and and always streaming on cbs 24 7. let's look across the bay this morning. we do wish you a happy wednesday and you see oakland san francisco and san jose word of the day is cloud cover, darren >
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just going to be replaced by higher clouds higher. clouds because the next system coming our way. to try and bring us some more widespread, very light rain. is going to start dominating the weather beginning tomorrow, but more so for friday i'll show you what that means in the forecast coming right up. >reed>all right, darren. thank you time now for a look at this morning top stories and inmates set off a brief manhunt after trying to escape from the jail ward at san francisco general hospital. deputies say the prisoner climbed through the ceiling in his room and tried to crawl away. the sheriff's department says the inmate was caught quickly right on the premises and never escaped from their custody. a live look at our bay area airports were frustrated flyers are breathing a sigh of relief after the biden administration issued new rules for airlines. the 1st rule requires airlines to be more transparent about extra fees. second rule requires airlines to issue cash refunds. automatically. rather than in response to customers having to ask for it. >
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your flight is canceled for any reason you are entitled to an automatic cash refund, and it has to be prompt if you get delayed significant. that means 3 hours domestically. six hours international >reed>transportation. secretary pete buttigieg there, according to the department of transportation, the new rules won't be in effect for about 2 years, looking live at the nation's capital, where president joe biden has signed a foreign aid package and a potential ban on the popular tiktok app. he spoke from the white house after senators approved the legislation following months of congressional gridlock on this so let's talk about what's in it, $95 0 package provides foreign aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the president signed it into law saying crucial military aid will be on the way to ukraine in the next few hours. but then let's move on to tiktok. we know a lot of you want to know about this. legislation. the legislation could also been tiktok nationwide unless the company's chinese owner bite dance. sells the app. they have 9 months to put it for sale sign in and get
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it done. tiktok says they will fight lawmakers in court. so what does it mean for the millions of you who use tiktok and scroll every day? is wired wednesday. we have somebody from cnet to break it all down, you can wave at the camera, my friend, your live in our teas. live and about 10 minutes. first, though it's hatch day in the east bay. uc berkeley's pip watch
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>reed>welcome back everybody. the american lung disease. says ian. says. released its annual state of the air. report this morning an alarmingly nearly 40% of people across the nation are living with unhealthy air pollution, and that includes all of us here in the bay area. our region has the 5th dirtiest air of any metropolitan area even worse than l a right now. what's worse, every county here earned at least 1 failing grade for particle pollution days. why wildfires are the main reason why we ended up on that list. time right now is 911. let's get a check in on what's happening around the bay lawmakers are meeting today to discuss the sentencing of a man named david de pop. he was convicted of attacking paul pelosi. the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi, inside their san francisco home last year. faces decades in
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prison on felony assault and kidnapping charges, but he is still awaiting a state trial. lawmakers are meeting to discuss schedules and next step this morning at 10 a.m.. now to the famous falcon family and look here perched high above the uc berkeley campus. this is a live look. yeah. cal falcon nest cam. it's a top company tower. where on baby watch everybody the university's hatch party has just begun as we await to welcome 1/4. cal. chick. keep going, mom. three new baby falcons came into the world on earth day. so we're winning jazz for that last 1 to catch don't know it's taken her so long since the 1st 4 eggs were 1st laid last month, parents any and archie have been working hard to take care of them. let's head across the bay bridge now for a live look at san francisco, where mayor london breed proposing a curfew. uncertain businesses. in the tenderloin. yeah. a proposal that would affect smoke shops and liquor stores and corner markets. it would make them close between midnight to 5:00 am now they could be fined up to $1000. if they go against it, but that
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actually means a $1000 for every hour. they don't comply so think about it. it could be a hefty fine. if it passes. this would start as a 1 year pilot program. so streaming at 930. we're going to talk to business owners who are going to tell us why. this is not the answer to crack down on crime in the tenderloin. >
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here. well, there it goes. and look what did it specifically watch what happens on friday. those are fairly strong northwesterly winds and by the time we get into friday afternoon while we have those isolated showers and perhaps occasional thunderstorms moving through the central valley, we're going to notice about a 40 mile an hour. wind gust along the coast as well. so friday gets a bit windy as that system. moves through the region. we don't get much rain, if any from it, but it does get a bit windy. so in the 7 day forecast after we get done with friday. we've got a nice little warmup coming our way. if you look at the micro climates for the bay, here we're going to warm up into the near 70 degree range. by the time we get there, but if you look at the inland microclimates, those temperatures will warm up into the mid 70s. once we get done with friday's windy coast, it'll be sunny and warmer. >reed>well. employees are now free to move up and out. the ftc increasing competition against employers. who have now face a new
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ )
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ it is wired wednesday lot to talk about. today present. biden just signed an international aid package that also forces tiktok to be sold or risk an all out ban in the united states. also, apple hints at a new ipad and google is delaying its cookie phase outside ongoing legal pushback. so joining us to break it all down is lisa pacheco, senior editor at cnet. welcome, lisa and so right off the top. this is what
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people are really talking about the tick. ban. will it stick? we understand they have what 9 months to get the company sold. >live>yeah, absolutely about 9 months, although that could get extended. and i think it's difficult to know exactly what's going to happen here because tiktok has backed dance has said it does not want to sell tiktok so we are anticipating a lot of pushback here, and i think 1 of the big questions is also what happens if it doesn't sell if the app is removed from the app store. what happens to those who have already downloaded the app? well, the app still work. there are a lot of unanswered questions about how this supposed ban would actually take place. so i think you know, this is 1 of many developments. we're going to be seeing and this story over the next year, but it will be interesting to see how it plays out. >reed>a lot of creators actually make their living on tiktok. right now. it is a monster out there in the market. so i'm with you. i'll have a front row seat watching through all of your expertise. also apple and talk of a new
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ipad. this gets me in trouble, because every time they come out with a new 1, i want the new 1. >live>yeah, absolutely. so we're expecting to see new ipad pro models and a new ipad air. of course. none of this is official until apple actually announces it. but based on reports that we've seen from bloomberg for example, it does sound like a new ipad pro with an oleds screen could be in store and that's a big deal because old led screens do traditionally provide bolder colors. more contrast things like that, so it could be a significant step forward for the ipad in terms of image quality, which is a huge deal, of course. >reed>in the in these days of vr and ai, it's all about how chris. those images are okay, so can you talk to me a little bit more about google and this whole cookie phase out thing i need a cookie after navigating the news of this >live>yeah, absolutely. so this all has to essentially do with how your activity is tracked around the web and the reason why this is a really difficult, uh problem to solve is because
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cookies collected data that is really essential for advertisers and you know, as we know, digital media primarily makes money through advertising. so the issue that google is trying to solve here with this new system, called the privacy sandboxes that is trying to come up with a system that will still give advertisers what they need to keep contact. free on the web. we'll also making that the tracking that that happens to enable that less invasive so again. this is something that was supposed to be in place by the end of 2024. but now it looks like that's getting extended because there needs to be, i guess more scrutiny and more analysis of the system that google has in place to make sure that it really >reed>is >>living up to those promises when it comes to privacy as well. >reed>man, you've had a busy day. i hope you have running shoes >live>on. >>thank you so much we appreciate it is always a joy to talk to you and your people there, lisa pacheco, senior editor for cena. okay, so let's dovetail into that conversation. your money watch report yesterday, stocks made gains for the 2nd day in a row.
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that helped to ease some declines. earlier in the month, so let's see where the markets are right now. just as i said yesterday, we had gains. look, we're starting out negative. negative territory. hopefully things jump a little bit, but we'll have an update a little bit later in the broadcast. we'll be watching it for you because we know it impacts. your retirement savings. and so many other things in this country, you know, this morning tesla stock is up 9%. despite the company seeing its biggest drop in revenue in 12 years. promises of an affordable evey by early next year alongside continuing investment in the future robotaxis fleet a really really big wins for investors of the bay area automobile company, you know, test the previously had said it's new ebs would come about late 2024. well, the good news for investors, cast a dark shadow for employees, a ceo elon musk announced that tesla is going to lay off 10%. its global workforce that is painful now more than 2700 employees set to lose their jobs starting in june, the bay area automotive company will lay off staff and
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texas and yes, right here in california that includes more than 2200 jobs from fremont and nearly 500. lost. and palo alto. there's a new rule that will make it easier for workers to quit their jobs. the federal trade commission voted to ban non compete agreements, so listen up if you have 1 of those this affects you. non competes, discourage employees or even bar employees from working for and creating business competitors. the ftc says this band will protect workers freedom. and foster new businesses. >reed>yeah. 2024 is festival season in the bay is going to be big tyler, the creator had headlining outside land coming up. we have the other artists in this year's massive line up. >
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>>what's happening in the bay area this weekend? at the quarters brings together more than 20 bands for a 1 day only 1 of a kind music celebration. along officers. rover lejos mayor island. and the san francisco international film festival showcases cinema from around the world, including several films with bay area ties. is the winner of 23. awards in the most royal party on broadway. get the best seats to 6 in san jose. when you become a season subscriber today at broadway, san
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hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. >reed>all right, heads up music lovers. outside. lands is returning to san francisco. golden gate park. august 9 through the 11th save your pennies because of 3 day general admission pass is going to run your 465. bucks that's before you pay the fees they tack on they go on sale in less than an hour. and now we finally have a 1st look at the lineup. >reed>tyler, the creator, helping to headline the star
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studded weekend hip hop artist played on a smaller outside land stage back in 2021. and if you haven't seen his recent coachella's show, just you know you are in for 1 electric. performance. also 1 of the mark. artist. playing at the festival. the las vegas based band known worldwide for their americana stadium rock sound has headlined the festival before. back in 2014. the organizers are also bringing back the soma tent. specifically, if you like adm music last year, people had to be evacuated from the 10th. twice. after attendee say the floor gave in, but organizers say this year they'll have an open air. experience. hey, that's it for 9:00. next is the drew barrymore show, vlad. nate and toni of cbs mornings. they will join the show and for more local headlines, including weather join us on our streaming service. cbs news bay area
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