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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  February 14, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. well, good morning. thank you for joining us on this tuesday, february 14th, this valentine's day. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey. yesterday was a foggy while he a clear start. yes, colder, that's the tradeoff. john's been telling us of how he joins us now. the weather center with the updated job morning. have you know, i guess we'll take the coal that that means not driving through all that fog like we did yesterday because we don't have. >> any of the fog sitting in the bay area like yesterday. look at this. a crystal-clear view. >> from the east bay hills looking down into the bay yesterday. at this point, you're seeing that dense fog just settling right in there today. much different. so it is clear, but it is really windy. and that is contributing to a very brisk feel. even if you are in the 40's right now. yeah, feel colder than that. when you factor in windchill san mateo timber on santa rosa at 41. all livermore to dublin, vallejo and napa among spots in the upper 30's. take a look at some of these winds. half
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moon bay been seeing winds gusting regularly into a 40 mile per hour range. sandra fell petaluma even san francisco and oakland seeing winds gusting up to a 20 to 30 mile per hour range and that contributes to this very brisk feel this morning. you're really going to feel those winds on your bridges as well as on mountain passes as you make the commute into work. now i'm going to be talking a colder afternoon for your valentine's day. all those details still to come in your forecast rain. all right, john, thanks for that. let's check on those bridges. 14 minutes. meteor lights are on. >> at the bay bridge, we can actually see bridge today. that's a change from yesterday. 13 minute to 80 to 101 via the san mateo bridge. richmond center fell bridge tolls to want to. what about 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. going to take about 90 minutes to make that drive. >> time now 601. let's get to the breaking news this morning. 3 people now dead and 5 others injured in a mass shooting last night at michigan state university. police say the gunman is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. now authorities are
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trying to figure out his motive why did he do it? crawford's michael thomas standing by in the newsroom with an update on the story for us. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's right. another deadly shooting. now, officials just confirmed about earlier in this hour that all 8 people involved are michigan state university students, including those 3 that were shot dead. as for the remaining 5, they are in critical condition this morning fighting for their life. now the shooter has been identified as 43 year-old anthony mckay of lansing, michigan. but let's take it back to last night. take a look. these are michigan state university students running for their lives as officers run past them and towards the area where shots are being fired. officials say that the killed mckay excuse me, killed people at 2 different locations. the first happened just before 8.30, eastern standard time last night, an academic hall on campus. and minutes later, he moved to the university union where he opened fired there. he killed a total of 3 students. and again has left 5 in critical condition, 4 of which went
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into immediate surgery last night and are still fighting to hang on to their lives. hundreds of officers from multiple agencies were on the scene within minutes. but mckay had fled the scene and was on the loose for hours. he was found just before midnight. that's when he took his own life as police closed in on him. police say he has no ties to the university. and as for a motive, well, that's still under investigation. michigan governor gretchen whitmer did speak this morning saying that this issue is nationwide. >> but uniquely american problem. today is the 5th anniversary of the parkland shooting. we're mere weeks past the lunar new year shooting at a dance hall. and a few months passed a shooting at elementary school in uvalde. looking back at a year marked by shootings at grocery stores, parades and so many other ordinary everyday situations. we cannot keep living like this. >> now the state of michigan
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just passed two-year anniversary of the oxford high school shooting which killed 4 students. and that is just less than 100 miles away from michigan state university. the university has put a stop to all campus activities for the next 48 hours. and local schools in that area have also closed. the names and ages of those with past have yet to be released. and when it comes to local universities here in the bay area, i did contact local universe are multiple universities. excuse me to see if there would be a heavier police presence or any type of precautions put in place as we get more answers from them. we'll continue to keep you updated. james ray, now send it back to you. thank you very much, michael. >> well, new this morning, san mateo county, they've actually created a task force to help improving the living conditions of those in the farm workers that are there. yeah, this is all offseason response to last month's mass shooting in half moon bay and kron four's will tran as you can see. joining us live from half moon bay with more on this story. >> will. >> the situation at the firming locations, reyna and
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james, so deplorable that even governor gavin newsom, when he went to visit half moon bay, he said that they that they will look into it as far as the state. the san mateo county officials. well, they beat him to it because they want to make sure the conditions are a lot better. you can see the memorial right behind me for 7 people who were shot and killed and one severely injured. they are not forgotten, of course. and they want to make sure that the migrant workers moving forward will not face the same conditions that those workers we're under as far as the task force, they will go around to make sure that the employers which often times. give the migrant workers a place to stay. it is on them to provide the conditions. and then when they went around on january 23rd 24th 25024th the days after the mass shooting, they found that the migrant workers were living in conditions. they were basically storage containers, reportedly no running water. no insulation that they were not even making
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minimum wage. so the task force will make sure that the employers will be in compliance will get a permit and they say not that all employers are bad. they just want to make sure that they look at all of the places along the coast. how big is the community as far as the migrant workers rain and james, they make up 100 million dollars of the farming industry just in this county. and that's why they're going around to make sure. that those workers have safe, healthy conditions to live in. they're also going to decide tonight to see if they can raise more money for the families of the victims were talking 19 families altogether. >> incredible. all right. thank you very much. well, also last night, san mateo county board of supervisors. they approve money. >> that's going to be given to the farm workers affected by them at half moon bay, mass shootings that will just talked about the board approve $750,000 to provide emergency rehousing and supportive services for the families of those that were killed and
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injured. there will be no restriction on how they use the money that will allow recipients to really make the best decision on how to apply the money to their own individual situations. in the south bay, san jose police say a man's condition is slowly improving after he was shot last night. the shooting happened at 9.37. in the area of south 8th and market streets. police say the man had life-threatening injuries when he was taken to the hospital. but they say he is expected to survive no details about the shooter has been released just yet. >> 607. the time. also making news this morning. a passenger now recounting the terrifying moments at their san francisco bound flight nearly plunged into the pacific ocean. this was back in december. officials say that it was just 755 feet above the water before it finally pulled up. this was as it was taking off from maui with kron four's justin campbell recounted. what happened? >> rod williams was leaving maui after a family vacation
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with his wife and 2 kids. when this flight did a steep dive after takeoff in stormy weather. when you when playing like that, it's going down. >> you just hold tight to your face. you hold tight to the things that you trust and believe in the things you for. a flight data shows the plane climbed to 2200 feet before diving at 8600 feet. >> per we met that apex and then took a dive. i mean, you felt the pressure strongly ahead and you do everything you can to kind of find it. you know, oppose the pressure as it as it happened. but there's warning dystems on the airplane deal swartz. a retired commercial airline pilot with 50 years of flying experience says he believes it was most likely pilot era. he says the position of the slats and flaps on the plane's wings may have been incorrect on takeoff. indeed. what happened was that a reconfigured airplane to say its warts has flown the boeing triple 7 and says the pilots were likely correcting the problem in
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flight. what happened at that particular instance? i don't think anybody's lives were gently. the flight landed safely in san francisco. we do have are flying in. >> absolutely. that williams says he is ready for his next trip to hawaii reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> tesla, full self-driving. we'll run down a child in a school crosswalk swerved into oncoming truck. this super bowl ad showing the alleged dangers of tesla self-driving mode. it showed the car as it ran over child mannequins didn't stop at a school bus and hit strollers in a crosswalk that only erin, a select state, select state capitals, including ours with the idea to lawmakers would probably take notice of the issues at hand. well, now it's part of a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign by the dawn project. the founder tells kron 4 he wants people to see his commercial and push for safer commuter controlled systems. >> it shouldn't be on the
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road. eventually there will be enough people killed that somebody will stop it. why do we need to wait? we know that that's going to happen. i want to how many people that we need to sacrifice like one or 10 or 100 full self-driving? well, project paid about $600,000 for that 30 d spot. tesla does not have a media department to respond to questions. >> the national highway safety administration did tell us it has an open investigation into tesla autopilot and does not comment on open investigations. >> all right. it is 6.10, new this morning. nikki haley has announced her candidacy for president, the former south carolina governor and united nations ambassador now becomes the first major challenger to former president donald trump for the 2024 republican nomination in this announcement. you may remember is an about-face for the former trump kept official. 2 years ago. she said she wouldn't challenger former boss for the white house in 2024, says she changed her mind, though, in recent months citing a need for, quote,
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generational change in washington. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco is reinforcing barriers in hopes of curbing work on cap street. more on their plans to try and improve it. and the u.s. is still collecting debris from the unidentified objects shot down over the weekend. we're going to tell you what top officials know so far about jon and we traded in yesterday's fog for some colder temperatures, not just this morning, but today in general. >> today's daytime highs stay in the low 50's and we're staying pretty breezy, too, which makes it feel even colder. your forecast ahead.
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>> and we're back at 6.14. crews are pulling more survivors from the rubble in turkey and syria one week now after that earthquake struck, crews say they pulled, in fact, a 13 year-old boy from under a collapsed building yesterday. one of the bright spots in our coverage. volunteers from across the world are there right now working to try find it there. any other survivors. >> last night we got like goals and we found that the enduring night and we actually got like the 60 years old woman. out of arrivals like it was on believable office to clays. i was amazing. >> well, newly released video shows the moment that powerful
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quake struck. you can see that cloud of dust and debris billowing through the streets. it captures the chaos as the building fell flat one of turkey's biggest cities. more than 36,000 people have been confirmed killed in this earthquake. that number is still expected to continue rising. >> the latest numbers from the census bureau reveal natural disasters of really taken a toll on the american people. the show disasters, trace back to climate change forest almost 3 and a half million people to leave their homes last year alone. a majority of them, they were uprooted by either hurricanes, floods, fires and tornadoes. nearly 40% of those displays we're able to return home within a week. the nearly 16 per cent slot of people. they have not been able to do that as of yet. and unfortunately, they may never be able to go back to their homes. some of them just destroyed beyond repair. exactly. it is 6.15, heart. let's turn to our local weather. see what we have on tap for this valentine's day.
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don't forget about hopefully brighter. days ahead, days ahead. today is not one of those days, but we'll get there again. that's for it's a colder day ahead today. and that means maybe not the best day for the picnic in the park. >> with your valentine, maybe do cousy day inside, maybe by the fire watching a movie or something. >> so it's just is next. now we're looking out there hour right here. it is breezy. you can see so much those winds right now, pushing those trees around. but it is definitely present very windy at the coastline, especially look at all that snowfall. the north coast is getting right now. some of that energy does shift further southward and it's being polled our direction by this deep dip in the jet stream, which is cool to saw significantly cold air mass plunging deep into the state allowing us this big cool down from where we had been the past couple of days and also the brief opportunity for some showers. this is late morning into early afternoon. a line of showers passes through the bay area. most of us will stay
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dry but don't be surprised if in the north bay and at the coastline and on the peninsula. you do see this brief rush of rain again. that's right. around lunchtime into the early afternoon, we clear quickly after that and then we're just set up for a cool and breezy of the afternoon tomorrow. not quite as cool as today, but still going to be a cool one compared to where we had been. now tonight is about to be the coldest evening of the forecast. that's these freeze watches and freeze warnings that take effect starting this evening into tomorrow morning. some of our lows dropping into the upper 20's this evening. that's going make for even colder field tonight than what we're currently in the midst of. as for temperatures, it's only the low 50's today. after yesterday, some of us got into the upper 60's. this is a noticeable drop redwood city down to 52 today. san jose at 53 much the same for the east bay, whether you're inland or along the bay shore. we're all in for a much cooler field today. and with those winds, it makes it feel all the cooler. so you definitely want
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to be keeping those jackets a little closer at hand. tomorrow's temperatures similar to today's not quite as cool. first day, we see temperatures climbing just a couple more degrees thursday night into friday morning showers yet again. even more widespread this time before clearing drying and warming into the weekend right now. all right, john, thanks for that. check in on your bridges this morning. >> about 15 minutes traveling into the city maze to that fremont street exit. how about the san mateo don't want to one 13 minutes traveling across towards the peninsula. the richmond center fell bridge tolls to what about 8 minutes there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. going to take you about 19 minutes on this tuesday morning. >> it is 6.18, a story now for your health. we have more than 56,000 covid-19, antigen tests being recalled. the manufacturer universal meditech says that its skip pack, a medical lab covid-19 rapid antigen tests were distributed without appropriate premarket clearance or approval,
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according to a notice from the fda, the test could provide an accurate result. so that's the issue. the tests were manufactured from october of 2021. through december of that same year, they were distributed here, california and texas during january of last year. well, the u.s. has agreed to buy another 1.5 million doses of the novavax covid-19 vaccine. that's one of 4 coronavirus vaccines available here in the u.s. and it uses a different type of technology than the others. novavax's shot is made using fragments of the actual coronavirus to help develop an immune response which is a much more traditional approach to developing a vaccine as of february 9th. 69 1% of americans reportedly fully vaccinated. >> well, a judge in georgia is actually ordering the release of a grand jury report that could actually include the charging recommendations against former president trump and his allies. details trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. that
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partial report will be released thursday. it's going to include the introduction and the conclusion of the report as well as a section where grand jurors expressed concerns that witnesses they have lied under oath. however, any recommendations on who should or should not, the prosecuted are going remain secret, at least for now to protect their due process and their rights. well, some say the release is a significant development. one of several cases which threatened legal jeopardy for the former president as the ramps up a 2024 campaign for the white house. trump has maintained he did absolutely nothing wrong in georgia. >> well, the u.s. is right now working to recover multiple unidentified objects that fighter jets recently shot down over the u.s. and canadian air space. officials say they pose no security threat, but we have many more questions still unanswered. washington correspondent anna wiernicki joining us live. hopefully you can answer a few of
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>> good morning. well, white house officials gave very little details on monday about these 3 unidentified objects that were shot down over the weekend. but they did say they ruled out aliens. >> the white house says they're working to solve the mystery behind the 3 unidentified objects shot down over us and canadian air space this weekend but didn't rule out one possibility. there is no, again, no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent take downs, national security council spokesman john kirby says president biden directed the military to shoot down the objects out of an abundance of caution. you want to err on the side of safety here in terms of protecting our national security interests. kirby confirmed the objects did fly over a number of highly sensitive u.s. intelligence and military sites. these do not present. >> a military threat to anyone on the ground. defense secretary lloyd austin says recovering the debris will
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take time, but lawmakers say they want answers. now, what in the world? >> it's going all the fuss of threat to the united states in any way, shape or form. it's absolutely unacceptable. and texas republican senator john cornyn says if china is behind the recent objects, americans deserve to know president biden needs to explain what happened in just how concerned the american people should be. >> and he needs to. >> senators will receive a classified briefing on this matter later this morning on wednesday, the senators are also scheduled to be briefed on china for now live in washington. i'm anna wiernicki. back to you. all right. lots of questions still to be answered and thank you very much for the update. well, still to come on the kron, 4 morning news, we're talking about troubling new data reveals. >> but the pandemic took a heavy toll on the mental health of teenage girls. how you can reach out for help if you need it. and a new state
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senate bill on affordable housing plans to streamline construction. we're going to tell you how many homes it could create if it's actually passed. we'll be right back after the break. (vo) the fully electric audi e-tron family is here. with models that fit any lifestyle. and innovative ways to make your e-tron your own. through elegant design and progressive technology. all the exhilaration, none of the compromise.
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the audi e-tron family. progress that moves you. "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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>> 6.25 is the time and ha%burger chain shake shack will pay a former employee $20,000 after complaints of repeatedly being misgendered at work. the complaint says
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that employee who was training at a restaurant in san francisco alleged that management failed to take the reasonable steps to correct the behavior being done by co-workers. in addition to the settlement, the company has also agreed to update its policies related to retaliation, harassment, discrimination and bullying. >> well, a new report from the cdc says traumatic experiences have actually led to an unprecedented level of depression among young women. >> the center found nearly 3 in 5 teen girls that they feel persistently sad or hopeless. that's the highest we've seen in a decade made worse by the pandemic isolation. 30% of teen girls say they seriously considered suicide. a big increase over the past 10 years. the report also says more than 40% of girls experienced poor mental health over the past 30 days. more than double that of ways. so if you or someone, you know, is struggling in is experiencing a mental health crisis. you can color texas number. that's 9, 8, 8, you're
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going to be routed to a trained counselor who can connected to local services the lines open. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. however, if you're in need of immediate medical attention, you're advised to call 9-1-1. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news bicyclist to the east bay are being targeted while they're out writing some coming in with serious injuries as a result the latest on the investigation latest on the investigation into who is doing this. oh ms flores. you're the leader of many and pet wrangler, too. so becoming a student again might seem impossible. national university is here to support all of you. national university. supporting the whole you.
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back 6.30, the time here on the kron. 4 morning news. get a little brighter outside. he started to break up just how clear it is. but you can see the flag there in the back. yeah. blowing really wind doesn't talk about gusty. it is. yeah. lovers out there. guess definitely jackets on those low picnics maybe bring the picnic indoors. does do that. this is going to be a rough for hanging out in the park and sitting around. i would say great for the job. as long as you've got >> your heart rate up a little bit. we are going to be seeing out there this morning, clear but very windy and cool conditions. a good one for staying close to the fire indoors and staying cozy. >> east bay hills camera looking nice and clear and well along with those clear consitions, it is quite cool. fremont livermore, dublin as well as valais. whoa, napa and lena down in the 30's. calistoga at 29 degrees right now, even if you are in the 40's, which is most of us, it
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feels colder than that because of wind chill, half moon bay, 41 mile per hour. wind gusts currently in 20 to 30 miles per hour. gusts in areas like san francisco, oakland, vacaville petaluma and santa rosa. so very windy. very cool out there. if you do have valentine's day plans and those do involve getting outdoors. yeah. do bundle up. but maybe readjust and stay warm and cozy indoors. i'm talking the week's forecast. still ahead, rain. all right, john, thanks for that. travelin today about 17 minutes into the city. >> meteor lights are now on our san mateo bridge. 14 minutes. 80 to 101. a richmond center fell bridge tolls to want a lot about 10 minutes there. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes on this tuesday morning. >> let's go to the east bay. police still looking for the driver or drivers who hit. >> several bicyclist on friday. yeah. this is a story we first brought you yesterday morning incidents. they happen oakland, berkeley and really are pretty much across the map. are 4 sarah stinson actually takes a closer look
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at what police are investigating. >> i spoke with a bicyclist who lives in oakland. he was on his way home friday night from the east bay bike party when he was struck by a car and now he has to get surgery of nowhere. came this >> brooke, by although broke up on a but yeah, it's super russell heller was struck by a car on grand avenue in oakland around 11, 30 friday night after attending the east bay bike party. a monthly gathering for bicyclists all over the east. bay heller says this is the car that hit him. cell phone video shows a hyundai elantra driving very close to cyclists and then opening its door onto bikers nearly hitting them. you could even see someone's head popping out of the car. in one part of the video, this is one of the 2 cars that cyclists described being hit with and targeted by on friday night. they had people behind me. they have people in front of me according to the group that runs the east bay bike party.
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more than 2 dozen of their bicyclists were targeted. more than 7 of them were we need is one of the cyclists hit and she says by the car seen in that video you can see i am. >> my left eyebrow. that was just like. >> covering me in blood need ended up missing the bike event to head to the er. meanwhile, heller says he's still not sure if he was either hit by the car or the car door happened very quickly. this kind of talk of like there's were kind of getting people at the door. the car. so it's like kind bit us. intentional. he's grateful he was wearing a helmet and then he wasn't more badly injured. they want talk to him coming up. so i'm feeling pretty fortunate that it wasn't a lot worse. heller says he went to the er and filed a police report with the oakland police department haven't heard back yet. we contacted opd. they didn't mention heller's case, but they did confirm a similar one that happened on the same
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night. a bicyclist was hit by a car door on boyd street and forest avenue around 8 friday night department says it's still under investigation. >> heller now has to leave the bike at home while he heals and once he is, he says this incident may make him think twice about biking in the future. definitely a good thing about this. >> i get my bike. talks not to get out and the group that puts on the east bay bike parties. they're working with law enforcement. >> and victims to try and find those responsible. well, oakland police responded to me. i also reached out to emeryville and berkeley police because there was also some people who are hit by cars there. >> but they did not respond. i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. back to you, ok? thank you, sarah. at 6.34 let's head to the east bay now where the chp is investigating a weekend sideshow that took place on the bay bridge itself. >> we have images from the moment it was taking place. authorities say these pictures show the cars on the upper
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deck participating. they say those that were taking part actually blocked all lanes of traffic for a time, even preventing officers from getting onto the scene. police in the end had to abandon their own vehicles and head on foot across the bridge to make arrests. one person was in fact, arrested for dui. another was cited for aiding and abetting. happening tomorrow. the oakland police commission is going to be meeting to determine the fate of chief leronne armstrong weather will be disciplined or reinstated. chief armstrong has been paid on paid administrative leave for almost a month now after a report ordered by the federal monitor alleged that he mishandled 2 incidents of police misconduct. armstrong, though, is criticizing that report. he says it's inaccurate. and for that reason, he wants to be reinstated. a special discipline committee is going to be meeting tomorrow night. that portion is going to be held privately. then they'll be a second public meeting afterwards where they'll discuss the results. so we'll see what they say. >> in an effort to stop rampant prostitution, san francisco set up barriers over
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the weekend to stop workers and their potential clients from monopolizing cap street ne. you can see the barriers in that video. supporters of the program say it was a success, although some residents doubt its effectiveness. we have kron four's dan kerman with a closer look. >> in an effort to reduce the number of john's cruising for workers along camp street. barricades turning each block between 18th and 22nd into a dead-end were put in place on friday. >> this is not something should be taking place in a residential it's incredibly disruptive to the said the bumper to bumper traffic talking all hours of the night. but over the weekend, several of these lightweight barriers were damaged or destroyed. >> despite that, those backing the four-week pilot program say it's already working was a measurable decrease in the trade. those happening on the street, i myself drove by on cap on friday night and i was
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also very pleasantly surprised to see how few people i saw on the street. those damage barriers have already been replaced. and within a week, stronger ones will replace. what's their plan is to install either k rails. those of the concrete barricades that you see on freeways are construction sites water barriers. and those are about 3 feet tall. the big orange tubs that are filled water and weigh about 1000 pounds once filled a new deployment of police officers on motorcycles also cited 12 cap street drivers over the weekend in 4 weeks. the program will be reviewed to determine what's next. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. during tonight's city council meeting to supervisor hillary ronen says she plans. >> to ask senator scott wiener and 2 other assembly members introduced a bill to legalize work. she says legalizing work will make it easier to remove pimps and traffickers from the equation and will make that
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safer for those who participate and also the neighborhoods safer as well. >> we'll take a look at this video capturing the moment. a chp helicopter crew located in rescues, a stranded individual. it happened sunday afternoon south of stinson beach in marin county. fire crews helped put that a victim until rescue basket. they were sent to the hospital after officials say they were in moderate distress. they say that victim is still happening now, pacifica police are asking for the person who was >> operating a drone during that time. a ucsf student went missing last month. they need you to come forward police say they got a message from a person claiming to be the person operating that john january 19th. this is when how all was last seen swimming? and as not beach, the person
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did not leave any contact information. so police are asking that person to call them again. they're advising folks always leave your name and your contact information whenever leaving a message for an officer or investigator so that they can do their job. >> well, new proposal by san francisco state senator scott wiener aims to make it easier to build affordable housing. it expands on senate bill. 35 which is set to expire as we 35 helps fast track housing construction in communities that haven't met. housing goals laid out by the state. if local governments fall behind in their targets, the legislation will streamline the approval of new projects without concern of further delays or environmental lawsuits. wynter says it's already made a difference in san francisco. >> and san francisco alone, a 3,000 homes. about 2000 homes have approved delivered because of sb. 35 another 1000 are in the pipeline.
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>> well, winter says that if this new bill is passed, it would allow cities throughout the state to build 2.5 million homes over the next 8 years. >> some people in san francisco sunset neighborhood. they're still dealing with the aftermath of a deadly home explosion. a man now facing multiple charges for that explosion. a police say they believe is running a drug lab inside of his home. he's expected to be rain this week. kron four's terisa stasio has the latest on that. >> i'm out here right in front of the home. that was the site of that deadly explosion this past thursday. you can see behind me how the san francisco public works have. >> put out barriers to make sure that no one gets too close to the same. police have said that the suspect who they have arrested in this case was manufacturing drugs out here and the smell of marijuana is incredibly intense. on friday, san francisco police arrested 53 year-old darren prize charging him with
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manslaughter. the manufacturing of narcotics and 2 counts of child endangerment. the children were not home at the time. i talked with neighbors on monday as they told me that they are still trying to fix windows, blown out by this blast. here's alice because all get all of this. >> they're supposed to open. and the 5 always same thing. well, i could call, you to other neighbors came by. >> to see the damage for themselves. >> shocking. had no clue. would it i don't think in the now one is in the in their right mind thinks something so powerful explosive. >> to those neighborhoods home. you know, whether it's for making drugs for making or so know. it's like missile from jet. a little late to
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here in san francisco. i'm theresa kron. 4 news. >> well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, gas prices are starting to go up across the u.s. will tell you we can expect to pay here in the bay area. and some scammers are using valentine's day to their advantage. unfortunately, we'll tell you about the red flags you need to watch out for. becoming a to watch out for. becoming a victim. - life is uncertain.
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everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. >> for your money this
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morning, prices at the pump starting to creep back up on us. according to aaa, you can actually expect to pay these prices in the bay area. unfortunately, the highest price can be found in napa where a gallon of regular is going to average around 4.91 a gallon of gas san francisco for 83 now, the lowest prices you can find the bay area solano county where the average is 4.57. statewide, the average price for 65. that's up from 4.41. a month ago. little national average is 3.41. up from 3.28, about a month ago. wouldn't that all right. today is national oregon day. the day is well, we celebrate today to spread awareness. >> about organ donation and to honor the people who have donated blood and tissue and marrow or even entire oregon to help save another person's life. people are encouraged to get out and donate blood today to find out where you can donate blood. just checked with the red cross at the website. red cross blood dot
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org. simple enough and you get a cookie and you get some juice afterwards. so just not only national organ day. it's also alan time today. it is another organ. this was the and for those celebrating today, john. >> the weather and cold and windy. yeah. still clear, though, i know it's it's a cozy valentine's day. that's what they have tried to frame but i think we would have preferred the weather that we had the past couple of days today. i mean, especially sunday was so nice out there today. we're just rain move in for some windy and cooler conditions. coit tower looks great and or what is clear skies. so we traded the fog of yesterday for some brisk conditions this morning. >> look at all that blew up near the oregon border in northern california. solid snowfall up along the north coast, only at sea level. are you seeing it converting to rainfall? that's how cold this air mass is. that's plunging into the west coast and as it pushes that cooler air our direction it does. so the potential of showers picking
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up late this morning into early afternoon for the bay area, too. timing it out for you. we're clear. we're dry all morning long. no issues. they're just very windy. as you make your bridge crossings towards 11:00am to noon. we'll see a brief line of showers pushing through the bay area. conditions drying out after that point and staying dry the rest of the day most of us won't be seeing those showers, but most likely towards the coast and up in the north bay. as for tonight into tomorrow morning and even colder evening. we have freeze watches and warnings set to take effect. temperatures will fall as low as the upper 20's tonight. so cover those plants, bring the pets indoors. absolutely. all the things that you do and it starts to get really chilly because tonight is going to be the coldest night. as for today's daytime highs, the coolest day of our forecast highs only in the low 50's now compared to yesterday and sunday when we're in the upper 60's. this is a solid 10 degrees. if not more cooler. so you will notice that change in how it feels. it's also going to be breezy. so that's going make for a brisk afternoon. if your valentine's
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plans involve getting outdoors, just make sure you're bundled up for all of it. nevado center fell santa rosa beach at 52. now tomorrow's temperatures won't be quite as cool as today's but still cool enough that you will keep the jackets on through wednesday and thursday, thursday night into friday morning, bringing our most widespread rainfall potential. after that, we drive back out and the weekend finally seeing some 60's back after this cool down. all right. that's a good looking weak their time. okay. you're traveling into the city. let's go and check on that about 19 minutes. >> may's to that fremont street exit san mateo bridge looking good. you want to one 17 minutes, but we can see you today. not shrouded in that fog. richmond center fell bridge tolls 13 minute ride. golden gate bridge. 20 minutes. you're really great there fest. 37 foot homes. >> 6.48 on the clock and a word of warning this valentine's day for those looking for love. last year over 70,000 americans were
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scammed out of billions of dollars in online romance and fantasy scams. a lot of mullah. yeah, we'll see. kirstin spoke to one family. they were affected. >> and they actually have some tips to help keep you and your loved ones has tore my family apart. i feel like a motherless. >> donna martin is living a nightmare that did not realize how bad it was until happened to me. me and my my family. >> donna's mother mary, believe she's in love with this man and online scammer who says his name is oscar avery. >> she's been brainwashed by this predator. >> mary has never met this man believing him to be at sea on an oil rig. don has made. she is sent him over $100,000. she's obsessed with them. there's nothing wrong with tax and some by and being a but it is wrong when you start sending them money. the situation escalated when the family found mary's house
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listed for sale on zillow, overt acts. you can see the scammer directing her to keep the sale of her house. a secret from her loved ones. she lived and at 45 years and seen until none of us about it. >> how clever are the scammers? >> criminals will go to any lengths to find the perfect target. be very careful about what information you're putting out there for the public to see obituaries. yes, we want to honor that loved one, but there's a lot of personal information that a criminal can take from one of those obituaries in use. it to exploit the bereaved. amy nofziger, aarp is director from victim support. i've been doing this for over 20 years and i heard every single life possible their wallet was stolen. their stock on an oil rig and they need they lost their cell phone. if anyone asks you for any money and that for 100% of scam, this scam is fulfilling their fantasy take a look at whether
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someone is overspending. take a look at their doctor. louis, staying or is an author and clinician who specializes in addiction. she's helped countless families who find themselves in crisis. following a romance scam. you have to create a positive crisis. you have to be able to gather the troops, so to speak in a loving and compassionate way. and you also have to have a solution. donna has exhausted every resource trying to extract her mom from this can even filing police reports and lawsuits to no avail. my brother ask mom, is this man really? what brings you have family over? >> and she said, yes, and that's >> he give us family your children, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, just don't throw away for it. for a man that you how your money that's never going to be here. he i have hope he will show up monday. >> wow. well, that was kelsey, christine reporting for us. we
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learned that mary scammer actually deleted his facebook profile when our family got in contact with him. they now have no way of reaching out to him. yeah. experts said we spoke with say that the best way to keep your loved ones safe. >> from romance, scammers is to do online checks to make sure they're not sharing identifying information with strangers online right? >> sad story. we'll be right >> sad story. we'll be right back after the break. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. >> sad story. we'll be right back after the break. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect.
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one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. you didn't choose cat allergies. you didn't choose your hairline. hot flashes, the flu, or that thing when your knee just gives out for no reason. you didn't choose your bad back or this. or... that. you didn't choose depression, melanoma, or lactose intolerance. but with kaiser permanente you can choose your doctor who works with other best-in-class specialists to care for all that is you.
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>> we're back at 6.54. and mexican music icon landra fernandez is coming to the bay area getting back up on stage for the first time since the death of his father, vincente fernandez, the marriott legend just announced a brand new north american tour dedicated to his father. the tour set to kick off september 8th in sacramento and it will make a stop at the sep center in san jose. the next day on september 9th tickets will go on sale this friday via ticketmaster stops the san jose stop there. be 2 dates available to from. all right. >> still to come on the kron, 4 morning news officials are now focusing on the living conditions of farm workers who were displaced by last month's mass shooting in half we're going to talk about that align our. and a san francisco bound plane takes a terrifying died
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plunging to less than 800 feet above the pacific ocean. we spoke to one passenger about that terrifying flight. and 3 people are dead. 5 are critically injured in a shooting on michigan state university campus. we'll tell you the latest on that live report. we'll be right back.
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>> well, breaking this morning, a gunman goes on a deadly shooting rampage on the michigan state campus. what we're learning about the gunman coming up in a live has created a task force to ty help improve the living conditions for farmworkers. we're live in half moon bay to explain how that's going to work. and new this morning, nikki haley has announced her candidacy for presidency becoming the first major challenger to former president trump for the republican nomination force morning news starts right now. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you for joining us at 07:00am on this tuesday. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey. not as
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foggy as we work to start know yesterday off. we are cold. we are cold on this valentine's day again. john, good morning and good morning. it's a cozy valentine's day, but on a foggy one, it is nice and clear out there. you've got the >> clear skies behind you there at the bay bridge. and on this side, you've got the view from the east bay hills looking down into a bay that is free of any fog right now, which is a nice way to start. unfortunately, we have a few catches to getting outside and fully enjoying this morning. that involves it being pretty cold and being very windy. fremont in dublin at 38 degrees right now. fairfax are at 39 along with napa and saint helene and calistoga hanging out right around freezing. now, if that wasn't enough, winds gusting as high as 40 miles per hour at the coast of 20 to 30 miles per hour. elsewhere is adding up to a pretty bitter wind chill this morning. so you do want to bundle up today. all in all just stays cooler than yesterday, even into the afternoon snowfall right now on the north coast. any chance of a few light showers


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