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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  March 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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♪ >> now attend the new 10 million dollar project to help increase safety in downtown oakland. how and kaiser are involved. plus. historic east bay movie theater forced to scale back because of high energy bills
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online or in do with the story. >> thousands showed up for the oakland a's opening day, but not everyone stepped inside the coliseum. coming up, hear from the fans to boycott of the big game in the parking lot. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. our top story tonight. the rain returning this weekend. you can expect a wet commute tomorrow morning. kron four's lawrence karnow joins us with what we can start to see those showers more. going to be picking up tonight. guys will see late tonight early tomorrow morning. >> are we going to get into the rain? but this is a potent storm that is now approaching the bay area in early spring storm. more like a winter storm headed our way right now. kind of quiet and calm. but that is going to change overnight as those winds are going to start to whip up out of the south, the rain will start to move in. you can see
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still very active in the middle of the pacific. you can see that white mask racing now across the pacific. that is a very potent, very low pressuae that is likely to move right off the coastline because that area of low pressure go to sit right up the coast. it's going to be very unstable to so the possibility of some brief periods of heavy rainfall, maybe some thunderstorms wouldn't be surprised tomorrow to hear about some water spouts along our coastline. here we go overnight tonight early tomorrow morning. your commute. you're already wet early on with some pockets of moderate amounts of rain. you can see the winds already whipping up out of the south. but boy, it really gets going as we head toward the middle of the day around noon time. you see that orange and the yellow, even some read as heavy rain moves into parts of the north bay and san francisco. and then it just wraps up as we head toward the afternoon, very heavy rainfall expected as the storm begins to move on through as we head through the afternoon hours. finally turning to showers by tomorrow evening. but there's a lot of rain on the way and some very strong gusty winds. high wind advisories are gusts
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of 40 to 50 miles an hour. real possibility over our local mountains. thank you, lawrence. on new at 10, a dash cam footage captures a bullet. >> shattering the passenger side window in the middle of the afternoon in hayward releasing this video of the freeway shooting. it happened yesterday i-880, just south of all the raw dough. niles road. they say the driver only suffered minor injuries from all that shattered glass. the shooter was found and arrested man is dead after being shot not far from the oakland airport. police say it happened this afternoon on louvain avenue. >> they didn't have any information about what may have led to the shooting or possible suspects. the 4 largest oakland employers are coming together on a 10 million dollar project that's aimed at improving the city's safety blue shield of california. clorox kaiser permanente in pg. e all say that the project would also protect their employees earlier this year, kaiser
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hired security guards to escort employees to and from bart parking garages and nearby businesses. skyrocketing pg e bills are a problem all over the bay area and it's now forcing an east bay movie theater to cut back. yeah. the casa gotten so high. they are in the theater will now close 2 days a week. our first and thorn joins us now live in or into tonight with the theaters, power pain. dan, explain. yeah, vicki, that iconic sign that usually see the marquee that shines here at night. not let up here tonight. people disappointed by that drivers along 24 often see it. no. >> hey, that's a renda. not the case tonight. and this is just one of those cost-cutting measures that the owners of the orinda theater taking. they're also going to be closed on mondays and tuesdays after getting a more than $6,000 bill from pg and e. the historic movie theater in orinda is making difficult
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decisions over ever increasing energy bills. the orinda theater will no longer have showings on the silver screen on mondays and tuesdays. you know, obviously like to be open 7 days a week, but >> if you know, we can be opened and have lost every day. you theater owner derek xem racks as it was this $6200 charge from pg any that's forcing them to cut back. the bill was 2 grand higher than what they usually see. and it came as a shock may peak the 5,000 dead of winter. >> yeah, never $6,000 in 15 years since i've been doing year in the theater opened in 1941, and place classic films and new releases. its large theater can seat up to 750 people. and during chilly evenings, heat is required to keep the audience comfortable zimmer acts as the enormous jump in utilities is forcing them to not only close the curtains. 2 days a week, but also cut back on powering up their iconic marquee. no
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shining sign is a disappointing site for locals. marquis is >> the probably the most iconic part of orinda. you know, the symbol that we all think about we think of orinda kinda makes me sad. i hope i hope they find success is amber acts as they've always been grateful for the support of the year in the community and word spread fast about the high pg any bill zamra copes. the utility will help them out. >> i did get a kick. i didn't get a call from pg thing. you know, like, wow, they could try to you know, but, you know, we'll see where that goes. >> well, he's mondays and tuesday closures are going to begin next could be temporary for the time being. they're going to reevaluate probably within the coming months. and hopefully the bill comes down. as for the classic movie tuesday matinee that happens once a month at the theater. that's actually very popular. as amtrak says that's not going to be affected by these closures at all. that's the
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latest here live in orinda. dan thorn kron. 4 news. let us hope that is a beautiful day to thank you, dan. >> kron 4 is your elections headquarters san francisco. mayoral candidate is calling for a fentanyl state of emergency and >> more armed california national guard officers to close open air drug markets in the city. former mayor mark farrell says that his plan would expand access to treatment for those suffering from addiction. mayor london breed's campaign responding by saying in marc farrell's, san francisco armed national guard troops will fence off the tenderloin and create a green zone truly creating a baghdad by the bay residents and commuters. what a leader that will meaningfully address the fentanyl crisis with enforcement and compassion humvees and ar fifteens farrell plays g i joe, this is quoting now. mayor breed continues to do the heavy lifting of governing behind the scenes store in oakland is accused of selling cannabis
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and tobacco products to children. take a look. >> police released release some of the items that were being sold, including psychedelic mushrooms, marijuana, a variety of thc products and firearms. police say the store also didn't have a valid license to sell these items. police did not name the business. only say it was located located at macarthur boulevard just north of 35th avenue in oakland. they did not say whether or not the stores actually been shut down. this bust comes after police found these items from a smoke shop last month in the city's seminary neighborhood. it includes a large amount of cannabis crystal meth and flavored tobacco products. they say in this case nobody was arrested. data shows the number one cause of death for children here in california is being hit by a car. >> well, now a bay area lawmaker wants to make that less likely to happen, especially around schools, assembly member mark berman introduce the safer school zones act in front of campbell's castle. one elementary school today. he
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says the lower speed limit and est blishing walk zones could prevent deadly accidents like the one that happened in front of the school. back in 2022. when an 8 year-old boy died crossing the street as he walked with his babysitter. berman is urging voters to back changes he says are already in place and state border in california. >> california is one of just 9 states in the country with a school zone. speed limit greater than 20 miles per hour with this change will achieve higher compliance with the school zone. speed limit, which is critically important to student safety. >> the bill would also get rid of the quote when children are present language in traffic signs. another former employee at the federal women's prison in dublin has been sentenced for sexually abusing inmates. nakea nunley is a 7th employee to be convicted. >> prosecutors say nunley abused 5 women. he was
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assigned to supervise and engaged in acts with 2 women authorities also say threatened the victim with transferring her to another facility. >> take a look. a san mateo county releasing new renderings of the planned affordable housing project. it moss beach. it would include 71 1 to 3 bedroom homes spread across 16 buildings. a quarter of the units would be reserved for farm workers and other low income residents and all of the units would be rented to households that make less than the area's median income. >> it's exciting. it's great to put roofs over people's heads on the coast. there is not enough affordable housing and even with this development, it's really exciting that we're we're doing it. we're still deficit. so we need to keep moving forward with projects that we have in the pipeline. >> but the plan is not without its critics. some neighbors are concerned that adding dozens of new homes here cause traffic problems and strain
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already limited public resources. the county estimates that construction would kick off in 2028 and b completed by 2030. still ahead, police in the east bay looking for the people accused of running a drug lab inside a home. >> what police say they also found at that home that could put many people in danger. plus. >> why state officials say they're suspending the assault investigations involving a former north bay mayor. >> but first, where the a's fans how hundreds of them decided to boycott the team's season opener by gathering not inside, but outside the coliseum
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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>> and opening day like, well, unlike any other thousands of a's fans packing the oakland coliseum for what could be the team's last season opener in the town and then there were hundreds of the fans who didn't even set foot inside the stadium as kron four's. sara stinson shows us there was a block parties to boycott the game. >> on the a's opening day, many seats were left empty inside the oakland coliseum. but outside the parking lot was the sea of hundreds of fans boycott of the big game and had a block party. instead it strong words for the owner of the team, john fisher. i don't they're taking look at we love our team
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>> want to give canceling dana morgan waited 2 and a half hours to get into the parking but i'm not going into the game. >> i'm going to be out here. i guess they're getting ready to go once the gates opened the party begin. >> the boycott was organized by oakland. 68 ce and the last dive bar. both groups handed out free, sell the team flags. the fact we're able to get so many folks that, you know, come out and support us and just support the message that we're pushing. its honestly staggering. some diehard fans chose to go to the game, kind of heartbreaking to be completely honest with re cartwright says he couldn't bear to miss what could be the a's last season opener at the coliseum. how important is it for you to actually go to the game and not do this boycott? >> very important to me as a share, which about my parents. this is kind of like a sentimental thing coming. >> you know, coming here tonight. >> in the 5th inning, the block party. many fans say
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they still believe there's a chance the a's will stay rooted in oakland. i have hope that maybe at this point that vision can't get the financing actually thing. no biggest out of respect for all fans that are here tonight. a respect for just, you know, the city of oakland. stay here as long as you possibly can matter what happens, fans say being together is what makes opening day their family. that's what we call each other. a lot of us is each other for over 20 years. while we don't know where the a's will be playing next year. what we do know for sure is that fans have at least one more season to watch their team in oakland and fans i spoke with say they plan to every bit of enjoyment out of whether that means attending the game or boycotting i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland. back to >> new at 10 tonight, a person inside this rv was able to escape after it caught fire happened last night in san leandro. crews say they were able to put out the flames before the fire spread to a nearby home. the cause of this
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fire is under investigation. san jose firefighters have some new digs to help prepare crews for emergency scenarios. that department unveiling a training facility located on center road this morning. the building has office space in training grounds that replicate what it's like to be at the scene of a real fires. 6 story building designed to train firefighters on how to handle a high-rise fire. >> springsteen is my favorite time of the it's whatever those warmer temperatures as one of the best times to learn how to write and good news for people looking na for a chance to go skiing. palisades tahoe just extended its ski season until may. and that is 2 more months of hitting the slopes. >> kirkwood mountain resort also extended its season through april. all thanks to what's been a very stormy march conference. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us with what's ahead this year. we've come so far. members started out the season well below the average and
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the things really kicking into gear. and now here we sit probably going up above average for the season. but the storm that's coming as we head in toward tomorrow, it's going to bring a lot of rain in the bay area, but a ton of snow in the high country think very dangerous travel conditions, especially as we head toward the latter part of tomorrow and tomorrow night and saturday to right now, kind of quiet up 80 a 50 year looking good. roads are wide open now that is likely going to soon change going need chain's app. chilly up. there is going to see some heavy snow and some gusty winds as the spring storm roles in and this one, a cold one so 35, maybe 4500 feet. so you're seeing a lot of snow or low levels and that means it's going to be a long drive up there. one to 2 feet snow above 5,000 feet. i think you're talking 3, maybe 4 feet of snow the highest peaks. so tropical azar likely chain controls. you bet from time to time and gusty winds to go along with that, too. so you've got to bring all your gear. make sure your chain up. make sure you bring a warm weather. gear is going to be a
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cold weekend in the high country. some of those spring skiing conditions. we have not too long ago. we're talking highs only in the much of the sierra nevada on friday and saturday warm up slightly on sunday with more scattered snow showers. but still a lot of heavy snow to come. fact, you can see it right here as we head through time. take me through the weekend. we start to add up a lot of snow on the high country even up or make near clearlake. your luck talking 3 to 6 inches of snow in the high country over the sierra nevada. yeah, you're going to be measuring it in feet. it just could be a rough ride getting up there. probably difficult, right. come back to easter sunday. guys, back to you. all right, lauren, thank you. take a look at this. a lot of steam coming out of a manhole cover and >> downtown san francisco fire department says it's nothing to worry about, but we don't have a real explanation for what's going on there. >> so one mom says eat your greens. it's easy to do it. greens tonight, hyundai to dish. we're going to pay. i visit to the iconic vegetarian restaurant at fort mason in san francisco to see what's >> chef katie oversees the
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making of about watering veggie >> a pioneer, a vegetarian cooking greens on the water at fort mason in the city has been kicking out farm to table treats since 1979. have. >> pastas and pizzas and and things that even if you're not vegetarian, you'll recognize what they are. and you'll still have a really great meal in feel satisfied. with fresh colorful dishes like the spring rolls and seasonal salads. it's no wonder diners come back greens is going global. inviting guest chefs like chef as alina. she's a 5th generation. malaysian street food vendor who opened her restaurant in san francisco. what i make. >> it's so unique. it's not windy so delicious. but that always excite people. you tease but peppers and soy sauce. you have a lot of coconut milk and then you have all these. density amazing
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aroma spice all in one ship as alina, along with 6 other award-winning bay area. chefs will join chef katie in the greens kitchen for collaborative dinners. >> called a global celebration of vegetables. you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy it. it's just a way for us to come together over a shared love of vegetables. yes, chef series runs through september in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. you know, i brought some snacks. some treats back from that shoot to the newsroom. >> and people cole pulled it up. >> it was gone by the time i got it was. and they were just amazing this is vegetarian. you don't even really notice that it's so full of flavor. i love that line. a shared love of vegetables. i mean, it's a big thing now. a lot of people are just like challenge to just vegetable it. come back meet and all that. yeah, but you do miss that's that's the great part. and mom would be
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proud. yeah. haha. it's great. and and the chef series just way i there are 6 total chefs as alina's one. there's brandon ju from mister jews, tanya holland from brown, kitchen. you know, kind of a fantastic chef. so they're going to bring their you know, spent around sugar kitchen that place is great to wish the commercial crab season, it's going to be ending april 8th for most of the california coastline because of an increase in humpback whales. fishing will be prohibited from the sonoma mendocino county line all the way down to the mexico border. restrictions are going to be in place to limit the amount of fishing north of the sonoma and mendocino county line as well. coming up with bart officials say is helping improve safety at its stations. plus. >> the crime one man allegedly didn't the east bay that a tnt estimates will cost them $20,000 and m-pox is on the rise. what experts say could
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be leading to more of those cases.
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>> investigators are searching for 2 people suspected of running a drug lab at a brentwood home. investigators say they searched the house tuesday morning on shasta daisy drive near liberty, high school and they found the lab for a psychedelic drug called dmt. they also found possible explosives and they called in the bomb squad. authorities arrested one suspect, but they're still searching for 2 more. >> ftx founder sam bankman-fried has been
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sentenced to 25 years in prison just 2 years ago. the palo alto native was a tightening in the crypto industry. but customers lost billions of dollars when exchange collapsed last november. bankman-fried was convicted of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. prosecutors say bankman-fried cost investors more than 10 billion dollars by misappropriating the money to cover his expenses. a man suspected of cutting down telephone wires and disrupting internet access for residents richmond is behind bars. >> police say that while searching his car, they found stolen wired and tools. tnt estimates the damage to the phone lines to be more than $20,000. there's real crisis here in california. >> up nexte what lawmakers are now doing to try to solve the home insurance crisis. >> plus, why state officials say they are suspending assault investigations involving a former north bay involving a former north bay norman, bad news...
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i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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women accusing windsor's former mayor dominic foppoli of abuse are disappointed tonight. >> following the decision not to charge him with assault as kron four's. catherine heenan tells us it was a decision made by the california attorney general. >> who is now suspended the criminal investigation? >> it is disappointment. it's triggering anger, sadness, attorney tracy korea represents 7 of the women who say they were sexually assaulted by former windsor mayor dominic foppoli. >> women who would hope there would be criminal charges. but
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today's statement from the attorney general's office means for now at least that is not happening. the office released a statement saying at this time we don't have enough evidence to warrant filing charges on the case is not barred by the statute of limitations. however, our investigation remains open. we urge anyone who believes they may be a victim or who has evidence to come for it. korea puts part of the blame on the investigation conducted by the sonoma county sheriff's department pointing, for example, to the search of foppoli's home in november of 2021, a search warrant wasn't done until approximately 7 months after the initial report. >> and i find that inexcusable. the sheriff's office from the beginning, i felt was for some reason protecting mister. poli the accusations of assault range between 2002 2021, including 4 women who say for poli assaulted them while he was
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mayor for polly has denied any wrongdoing, insisting that all encounters were consensual this was a statement he made in april of 2021, i have my head held high because i know deep in my heart that have done nothing criminally wrong and will eventually be cleared. >> for polly resigned as mayor of windsor in may of 2021. after a series of newspaper stories detailed the allegations he has reportedly since moved to italy regardless of what happens to the criminal case. says it is fortunate for her clients that a civil lawsuit continues to move forward. it doesn't matter that the sheriff's office failed them in a criminal case. >> because our civil case runs independent of any failures by law enforcement agency. >> we asked the sheriff's department for comment. we have not yet heard back. there are reports. meantime that for polling might soon return to california, we have not been
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able to reach him. can. thank you, catherine. up, our police say that it's increasing officers patrolling is making a big difference for riders. they say that they've made over 700 felony arrests last year. and that's up 62% from 2022. in those arrest, 49 illegal guns were also found. that's the most guns apart. police have never recovered in a year. we spoke with riders today about how they feel about taking bart. takes a bart a monday to friday. >> in the morning and they come back at this time in early afternoon have noticed this more. staff for the safety. i really appreciate that. >> plus, when those 2 trains are cleaner. i have i have not had a problem and park itself. >> in a statement, barts has, quote, is we started deploying more patrol officers to ride trains. we have seen an impact and our riders are telling us
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that they notice the difference. growing concern over a spike in m-pox cases. tonight the cdc is reporting more than >> 500 cases in the u.s. this year alone. there are fewer than 300 cases last year at this time. the cdc is warning that a new variant of m-pox virus has been detected. that is more severe. the virus is spread through personal contact. it has flu-like symptoms followed by a rash and raised lesions. there's an m-pox vaccine available that. but the cdc says the vaccination rate in the u.s. remains low. californians are struggling to find insurance coverages. major home insurance companies. >> including all stated farmers, insurance and state farm. well, they pulling out of wildfire risk areas from their coverage. insurance is, of course, a key requirement to carry a mortgage for a home. so today at the state capitol hearing was held to talk about what can be done to prevent the situation from getting any worse.
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>> do structural modifications and they do ongoing brush clearing to these things. are proven to reduce the risk, which does, in fact, make california more ensure double. what's at issue is 2 companies have enough money on a statewide basis. to pay their obligations. and that's what we have to fix. >> the president of the personal insurance federation of california trade association says insurance companies are leaving because they're struggling to earn a profit doing business here in california. time now for 4 zone forecast. as we give you a live look at san francisco, which is nice and dry for now for the moment, lawrence going to be a busy friday around the bay area. this could turn out to be some kind of storm. very interesting. >> how's all setting up now? late season storm rolling in the bay area going to really be impactful? i think as we head toward the middle of the day in the afternoon, but if you're even head out the door early tomorrow morning, likely miss some showers already. so the commute early on going to be weapon, getting more wild as we head throughout the day,
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dry out there right now. we've got a lot of clouds moving in overhead. more of that on the way as we head through the night tonight and by tomorrow morning, we've got some rain drops, so increasing clouds and the winds will start to ramp up overnight, too. and then cloudy, windy and wet throughout the day tomorrow with a possibility of some thunderstorms as this front begins to move on through showers likely to continue into the weekend. thunderstorms a likelihood on saturday, slight chance of a few more showers on sunday, especially in the afternoon. but really kind of how it set itself out. this last storm system, the center of that low still spinning around our north, the gulf of alaska. and then you've got the other storm kind of get caught up in the circulation of developing and intensifying as it the coastline. and it's going to set itself up right off the coast here in the bay area. so that's really the recipe to get some pretty significant weather. and that's what we're going to see. the clouds just about to move into the state now, not all that far away. and then once it does, things are going start to ramp up. so overnight tonight that low is going to start to drag a south right off the coastline and
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move on shore. a stormy day tomorrow, possibility of some thunderstorms, some heavy rain, gusty winds, this kind instability. we could even see. some thunderstorms may be a little rotation in the clouds. we could start talking about some water spouts along our coastline. so awesome. really. it's weather for this time of year coming through and very wet, too. in fact, some places the mountain tops, maybe 2 to 3 inches of rain. you're looking one inch down to the urban areas and we get that amount of rain. we're going to be above average for most of the bay area as we head toward tomorrow and saturday. so here's a long-range look at to see the storm system coming in as we head toward last weekend of march, rolling on through right off the coastline. more showers as we head in towards saturday. and then as we get to sunday, maybe some afternoon pop-up for easter sunday got some plans outdoor. then we start to clear out skies looking pretty good. maybe late next week we start to talk about a chance of rain. but overall looks like, yeah, things are going to be wet. pretty wild around the bay area, at least the next couple days. so here you go. temperatures for tomorrow to be on the cool side about 50's. that's about it. maybe 52 in napa. 56 in san jose. little chilly out there around
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the bay area and it is going to be wet on and off. in fact, it's going to testify as we head throughout the day, rain and wind tomorrow thunderstorms on saturday easter sunday. at least the morning looks dry. but after that, we have a chance of pop-up showers by next week, the beginning of april. one of those temperatures back in the 70's around the bay area. but tomorrow, yeah, it is going to be a while when i think outside, especially toward the middle of the day and beyond could see some very interesting weather around the bay area. you're talking a water spout water spouts. i mean, i would be surprising about small tornadoes i mean, it's just one of those wild days where we've got enough instability. that could be a very interesting afternoon. keep those phones wide open. excited. i will try to get some sleep. it will be busy. it's going to a area. pro tennis player turns nonprofit leader is now working to coach children on. >> how to win the game of life by changing how they think about success. our stephanie lin introduces us to this remarkable woman.
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>> read with me. if you'd like brady at mill breeze, meadows elementary, what is 6 s? >> that's easy to see is trying the best. you can be. a special assembly is underway a sure hand. are you ever afraid to fail? holding the microphone is keen at louis harper, co-founder of harper for kids, a nonprofit now in its 17th year of empowering children. >> starting with this simple message, it's really about just trying your best, no matter if your first place in last place. if you've done everything you can. >> you should feel very proud of yourself. it's perspective. louis harper says she shared with tens of thousunds of kids over the years and more than 100 schools in the bay area and beyond. there's so many negative definitions of success out there. can you imagine a world where kids are like success is all about trying their best. you know, it's like, wow, that's it. flipping the narrative by focusing on values like hard
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work, team, spirit and self-control here. it's not about winning or losing. you just want kids to live a happy, healthy life and really. give them a chance to pursue what they love and life. a message already resonating. i learned that sometimes it you can't. not always going to be perfect, but you should always try your best reminding us. it's ok, it's a mess up sometimes has. and you can learn from your mistakes. is there anything wrong telling us something? well, can get you frustrated. sometimes you just have not let that get here and keep trying hide. value. served up from louis harper's own life story as a former pro tennis player once ranked among the best in the world. >> some of her first match is played here in san francisco's golden gate park. she grew up the youngest daughter of chinese americans. my parents luckily did not pressure us in that way. like when lucy, you know, that was just part of the game. but, you know, if
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didn't win the match, that's ok, ko back out there the next day in practice, which we did. she won 14 national junior titles and as a pro ranked as high as 19th in the world. but perfection, never the end game is just about every day. can you be one percent better than you were the day before? louis harper also inspired by the teachings of coach john wooden, considered one of the greatest ncaa basketball coaches of all time. it's all about the peace of mind that happiness in your heart that you just try your best. this former tennis champion turn nonprofit leader setting kids up for a court advantage in the game of life. that's ok, trike. and it's not always about hitting an ace. just keep encouraging your kids be happy. asked them, you know, what does success mean to them? scoring points instead on the strength of our efforts. that's what we hope for in all the kids to take away with. this is just to be proud of themselves. no matter the result in san francisco, stephanie kron. 4 news.
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>> is. >> from one remarkable woman to another. our very own pam moore was honored at the powerful women of the bay area awards in oakland. she received this year's special recognition award for her reporting here in the bay. pam join kron 4 back in 1991. she retired from the anchor desk last year after more than 3 decades. >> young women here have watching you since i was a little it just makes you feel. it makes you fabulous job. you get to really experience so much of the world that is outside your own light. and i just learned so much about people and living and what kind of person i wanted to be. >> through my job. >> yeah, pam is a special person. there she is with is that you can expect when i had
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a beard. didn't recognize you there. and i will still recognize there she is with all kinds of bunkers that we have had over the years here to kron 4 last year, pam was awarded the san francisco press club's lifetime achievement award. and she's still doing remarkable things. she's as busy. more busy now in retirement than when she was here. i think it's it's hard to get hold this visit. call sometime to run for news at 10. but stay tuned for kron. 4 news at 11. but for sports night live coming right after the break. have a good night.
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>> my bracket is officially busted. i'm over i'm ready for the stanford game tomorrow. down with the men's double a tournament. thanks for rocking with me on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. the a's they had their opener tonight. we head because the beautiful legs your e oakland-alameda coliseum in. that is where we go to see them taking on the guardians, former. giant alex wood. now on the mound for


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