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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at
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>> now at 5, another blow to the bay area workforce, tesla announcing more than 2700 people are being laid off. thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus. that's right. the workers being laid off are based out of 17 locations across palo alto in fremont kron four's terisa stasio reports now from fremont where hundreds of people are going to be let go. >> with sinking sales of nearly 55%. tesla, the austin based electric carmaker says it will be making sweeping layoffs, affecting every sector of the business. there's there's actually been layoffs across both stop. >> manufacturing as well as engineering design parts of the as well as also lot of people on the sales and side from their service honors stores and apparently people from their marketing team as well.
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>> sam abuelsamid is a transportation analyst. here is a look at some of the jobs projected to be slashed here in the bay area. starting in june with thousands at the fremont and palo alto locations. the electric car company revealed global sales went from 2.5, 1 billion last year. the 1.1, 3 billion for the same period this year. so it's not surprising that tesla did from their sales have >> declined significantly in the last quarter and that really tapered off. they've that really running with a lot of excess capacity right now. he also added that tesla had trying to produce a lower cost electric car but admitted to shelving the product. >> they did finally confirm that the so-called $25,000 car, the next generation product. >> that they have been developing has been shelved for the time being. that was that was they had stated was supposed to come out in the
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2nd half of 2025. >> our other top story tonight. save alameda for everyone. that's the name of the group leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price with a held a rally at the alameda county administration. building this morning and they sent a letter to the board of supervisors calling on the board to set a date for the recall election. they want the board to do that during next tuesday's meeting. the group claims supervisors are not following the county charter. >> the small then it just we call is also wake up call for of especially this county. >> the damage that has been so far. it's tremendous. and we should not be the only people that see what's going on. the board of supervisors have a job to president miley. it's your responsibility. >> to set a date for the recall. put that on the agenda
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and we want to see that on april. 30th will be here to watch you and watch the board vote on that. >> price has been criticized by some for being lenient on criminals. her attorney claims the recall is the legal claiming the registrar of voters failed to follow the rules of the county charter. specifically. they say signatures were not counted within 10 days. people from outside the county. we're used to gather signatures. a plea deal has been reached in the murder of a home depot worker who confronted a shoplifting suspect. it was a little over a year ago when blake moses shot and killed at the home depot in pleasanton today. kron four's dan kerman speaks with the victim's mother about the deal. he joins us live with the details. good evening, dan. good evening. it was a shocking murder of a very man that was beloved by many. now on the eve of the trial, the plea deal has been reached in. the family says they can now start to move on. >> 26 year-old blake. most was shot and killed a little over
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a year ago. >> while working as a loss prevention officer at this home depot in pleasanton. police say he was shot after confronting a woman for shoplifting. that woman was later identified as benicia naps. she was eventually charged with murder and her accomplice. david guillory was charged with child endangerment and accessory to robbery. now is the 2 are set to go to trial. a plea agreement has been reached with naps, pleading guilty with the sentence of 19 years to life and guillory pleading guilty with a sentence of 7 years and 4 months. if the deal is actually a plea deal that i. >> arrange for. >> lori moses, the mother of blake moe's. she says it was the family's decision to offer this deal instead of going through a protracted trial with grisly details and potential appeals. >> it gives us our life back. we now get to pursue other things and honor our son instead of. the people that killer side continuing to hold
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ransom our lives and our families. it's big, big deal to us. 2 to have freedom and to be able to grieve properly and to debris. most never thought. da pamela price made the proper charging decisions in her son's murder. >> and says if she had a plea deal may have been reached earlier. now with the deal done, the family can grieve properly. and remember, blake moe's for who he was. blake was all about the love people, the one that is bullied or b not or forgotten about. he was the person that would go find them and bring them into the fold. >> he lived with his heart on his sleeve and with massive compassion for people and his family. any touch so many people in 26 years. >> the sentencing hearing to finalize this deal is set for june 6. back to you. >> dan, thank pro gaza and
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palestine protesters are staging a sit-in on the cal berkeley campus in front of sproul hall this morning. protesters had set up dozens of tents along with banners and signs of support, demanding the school call for a cease-fire in the conflict between israel and hamas. some students walking to class express support for those protesters. but some jewish students say they've been harassed for months and feel the university has let them down. >> i think that the students using their power and their privilege to uplift other people, especially those suffering from a genocide is extremely important. uc berkeley doesn't care about your students prioritize your safety and it isn't care of, you know, we are forced to learn in an environment that is not conducive to one in which we feel welcomed. >> or let alone say fun. >> the university says with just 3 weeks left in the school year, they want to protect the right to free speech but also make sure instruction continues to run smoothly and safely. the
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protesters are also demanding the university and act a financial boycott of israel. but the school says that's not on the table. the jewish community relations council did release a statement in response to today's demonstration. it reads, quote, we are carefully monitoring the emerging anti-israel protests at uc berkeley which appeared to be inspired by the deeply anti-semitic columbia encampment, responsible for harassing and blocking jewish students from accessing their campus. it goes on to say, quote, while their words arbor and the protesters at uc berkeley have a right to free speech and assembly and no violence or obstruction has yet been reported were in conversation with the administration who are committed to ensuring jewish safety and participation. another northern california campus has been closed because of demonstrations. there. >> cal poly humble made the announcement on its website saying the campus will be closed through tomorrow wednesday. the school says this is for the safety of the campus community as protesters continue occupying siemens
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hall. the demonstrations started last night. buildings are locked down. key cards are not working. classes are being conducted remotely. meanwhile, google has fired at least 20 more workers following protests over the company supplying the israeli government with ai technology amid the ongoing war last week, workers held sit-in protest at google offices in sunnyvale as well as in new york. initially google said more than 20 workers were fired due to the protests. the company says the additional employees were fired after its investigation revealed the identities of the people who were wearing masks, a group representing the workers says more than 50 employees have been fired because of the protests. >> police in fairfield are looking for whoever is responsible for hitting and killing a pedestrian. early this morning, a police officer was driving on air base parkway around 01:00am when they saw someone lying in the
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shoulder, the officer stopped and saw the person had been hit by a car. victim died at the scene police are still trying to identify the vehicle and the driver responsible. pablo is appointed captain brian bar has its next police chief. the 21 year veteran of the department was selected from a field of 13 applicants and has been serving as interim chief. >> since the retirement of chief, ron remind in late december bar will be the city's first asian american police chief. his first official day as chief will be may 1st. let's get you a check of your forecast. taking a live look at coit tower. definitely a gloomy and cold today out there. yeah. the weather taking a turn. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us. sir. >> let us know when things might warm up a bit. yeah. 100 per around the bay area. those temperatures really coming down. >> with that onshore breeze, the fog still in the bay. many of the valley's too breaking up in the afternoon just a little bit, but not so much in parts of the bay area that and
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the temperatures really took a downturn all around the bay area today. in some of these numbers over 15 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. look at that. 60 degrees cooler in concord and livermore. all that marine air working its way into fairfield to 15 degrees cooler. even 10 degrees cooler in hayward. so that's where we sit right now. not going to get much cooler tomorrow, but it is still going to be very similar to what we had today. numbers out the door right now. 61 degrees in san francisco. it is 66 in san jose. 63 now in livermore. 62 in concord and 59 degrees in saint rose were just yesterday. you are in the upper 70 so you see that swirl off the coastline. that's an area of low pressure that's been in some of that moisture in our way deeper in the brain numerous thunderstorms across northern california, parts of the sierra nevada as well. we're going to see more on the way in the fog and throw a little drizzle too. talk about that forecast and the prospects for some rain coming our way. coming up in a few minutes. thanks, lawrence. >> coming up, cs u campuses
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are focusing on new strategies to help students of color. ow much money they're getting to do. so. >> 4 break ins in 3 years. we talked to a frustrated oakland business owner. what he wants police to do. >> but first, another effort to curb drug use in san francisco's troubled tenderloin district. why this proposal may affect local proposal may affect local businesses.
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life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. >> sepsis co mayor london breed is taking steps to try to increase safety in the city's tenderloin. but some local businesses are not on board with the mayor's plan. kron four's. leslie, good reports.
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>> mayor london breed is proposing a new initiative to fight against open air drug markets and attend why it would require all corner stores, liquor stores as smoke shops to close from midnight to 05:00am. >> its stores don't comply. they can face $1000 fine for every hour open and business owners like jamie of the phoenix hotel says it's a good first step. anything that helps. >> so her tail that the drug trade and the drug activity on our streets is, you know, something worth. >> in a statement, the mayor explains the tenderloin at the center of san francisco's open air drug markets and these late night shops are attracting illegal behavior. but sunny, who's the owner at the condo market located on a feral streets as his stores operating times is not the issue. that's that they need and story is not going to make a difference. but cleanable make a difference. >> but policing will make a difference. spending more
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money that will make. he feels the new law would hurt businesses rather than help pick and they cannot help me cannot take away from my pocket and that that unlike 2 hours, i'm opened up to our one. 32 o'clock. i think i'm going to feel and if passed by the board of supervisors stores farrow and mcallister streets. >> and from pope to jones streets will be affected and this will not include restaurants, bars or event spaces was a good in kron. 4 news. >> san francisco nurses delivering 2000 pages documenting unsafe working conditions to the health commission's office today, the city's department of public health nurses union recently surveyed members about their experiences of assault and abuse on the job. more than 94% reported being verbally abused on the job. 70% reported being physically assaulted. 10% reported being
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sexually assaulted or harassed in the workplace. meantime, palo alto teachers are set to hold a rally at 6 o'clock this evening asking for better pay due to the high cost of living in the bay area. members of the education associations say talks with the school district have broken down. the rally will be held at the palo alto unified school district office on churchill avenue this evening. >> all right. a new affordable housing project has broken ground in oakland. the site is located on east 12th street and second avenue in the lake merritt, east lake neighborhood. a quarter of the 91 units are designated as permanent, supportive housing for unhoused people in families. this the first projects to break ground with funding from measure you and affordable housing infrastructure bonds that was passed and applications are now being accepted for new affordable housing in fremont.
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the lottery waitlist is for the fremont family apartments on fremont boulevard. 27 rental units will be up for grabs and eligibility is based on income. the deadline to apply is may 3rd at 05:00pm. more info is available at housing dot ac gove dot org. >> san francisco mayor london breed says the city's moving forward with plans to welcome giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. mayor breed saying the city has begun local fundraising efforts and she has introduced a resolution at the board of supervisors meeting to allow various city departments to begin raising money from private entities. so far there is no specific timeline on when those pandas would be arriving here in san francisco. timing depends on construction of an enclosure there at the zoo. it's not yet known how much the enclosure would cost, but the mayor says taxpayers well not have to pay for it. >> all right. well, the zoo is often shrouded in fog, as
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well, i guess this isn't really traditional for summer fog so much. yeah. so a lot of cloud cover and extremely yeah. did you notice that empty parking lot at the zoo there in san francisco? >> they bring those pandas. that is thing is going to be everybody is going to be going to see that. that's for sure. but. >> yeah, cold just about everywhere. you went today some sunny breaks. you major way the valleys. but what a change over the last 24 hours at this little area of low pressure spinning off the coastline. that's just enough to lift a marine. they're moving all the way on shore. even some reports of some drizzle around the bay area today their quality you get that onshore breeze. we're looking really good right now. we're in the clear right now. you've got lots of green all around the bay area, going to stay that way as we head toward tomorrow to we've got that fresh sea breeze that we bring in that nice, fresh air and across the bay here again for tomorrow. enjoy that temperatures will be cooler. very similar. what we had today not going to get much cooler than this, but you see the winds come that southerly
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component to the wind. you can imagine that area of low pressure just off the coastline. is that rotation? that counter clockwise rotation around that low. that gives us a nice southerly wind along the coastline. but that also ramps up the low clouds and fog and moves that further on shore. when you get a d marine there like this, that means all the way to the interior valleys to now county assisting as well. we've got some thunderstorm activity in northern california. see some of those pop-up thunderstorms. you've got some instability out there. little moisture to go along with that, too. so couple of thunderstorms rolling on up across northern california says the sun sets that should begin to fade away as we head throughout the night tonight. don't worry about that here. if you're heading out along the yeah, grab a light jacket. you're going to need that out there. temperatures in the 50's and even the possibility of a little more drizzle as we head toward the evening hours, that likely going to occur again overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. and then it looks like tomorrow, very similar pattern, kind of setting up that low spinning off the coastline saturday in the second little for the south. but expect more fog, more low clouds, temperatures running well below the average for tomorrow. and you want to fuel for a nice little crews around the bay to date on the
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ferry today. how did you enjoy that weather out there? nice. i wish that i had more lake nevada. mean ian? >> gloves, my hands. it's amazing how cold it can feel right when you get a little breeze going. you've got all that moisture there on your skin. i lawyer aqui out there to a lot of actually was okay. i'm not a motion sickness first. it's good to know ok, not this is unrelated to all that. yeah, but i've been doing some work on the pandas next time we see we can get into more on good for excellent thanks. >> gas prices are going up and they're not expected to go back down until sometime this summer. currently we're paying for more cents on average this week compared to last week. $0.21 more this month compared to last month and $0.59 more since the beginning of the year. demand is up supplies down. more people are driving because of the warmer weather that as we get closer to the summer months, drivers are
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certainly not happy to see those prices rising. >> it's pretty ridiculous. i mean, i remember pandemic prices. it to 50 at one point. so most kind of triple now. >> so here's what we're dealing with across the bay. the most expensive gas can be found in napa county. 5.72, on average for a gallon of regular the cheapest in santa clara county where the average price for a gallon of regular is just over $5 and $0.50. >> the california state university system announcing more than 4 and a half million dollars to advance a black student success across its school system. it's part of a 10 million dollar allocation over the next 3 years and will help fund programs and projects that each university identified to meet recommendations outlined in the black student success report that they did last year. the report is hoping to address persistent trends in low black student enrollment retention and graduation rates. in addition, csu
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announced it will hold its second biennial juneteenth symposium virtually on june 13th and 14th to celebrate african american history and achievement. >> still ahead, a police sting operation ends in the arrest of bay area. fire captain accused of trying to meet young girl for. >> and new details on a major cyberattack to united health care will be right back. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line...
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> welcome back. health insurance giant united health group has confirmed a
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ransomware attack on one of their subsidiaries in march has now led to significant losses of private health care data. in a statement the group announced, quote, a substantial proportion of people in america may be affected. the admission comes a week after the hacking group began to publish that stolen data. united health says it will take several months to identify and contact those affected. californians could soon be getting a portion of nearly 9 billion dollars worth of federal rebates for certain home energy improvements. the funding comes from the inflation reduction act and can go towards energy efficient improvements like installing electric stoves, heat pumps, rewiring or new insulation. the program pays up to $14,000 and it's available to households making less than 150% of their area's median income. california is among several states that applied to receive a share of the funding.
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>> up next, what one east bay university is doing to help teachers stay in the classroom. plus a possible ban on tiktok looms as the u.s. gives a chinese owner bytedance timeline to sell the app that's going to even happen. but first, popular east bay vegan restaurant was burglarized once again. see the damage there. 4th break in in 3 years. tonight at
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5.30, talking about for break-ins and less than 3 years. that is the reality for
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the roast and raul restaurant in downtown oakland. >> the business located near the intersection of 14th and jefferson streets was burglarized once again early monday morning. kron four's rob nesbitt spoke to the owner. he joins us now live in studio with these ongoing frustrations. rob whelan grant the security alert of a break-in at roasted and raw came in around 04:30am, monday. this is not the first time in the owner wants more police in downtown to prevent it from happening again. >> instagram followers of roasted enron. oakland saw this post monday morning. more broken glass and another closure caused by an overnight burglary. let's before the 4th time owner amani greer has been burglarized since opening the plant-based rice bowl restaurant 3 years ago break the window. and they obviously, but for the cash first register. >> head office, you know, see if there's a say that there's no se, they just kind of roaming around and just take whatever they can take. he's learned not to leave any cash. the restaurant overnight, but says the damage is stolen goods and having to be close. monday comes around. $3500


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