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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 28, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. >> now at five. the beginning of the end of an era at the oakland coliseum. a's fans are flocking to the stadium, but not to watch their favorite team. >> for a lot of us, we feel like the team is being stolen from us with no say in it. so this is kind of how we're voicing our displeasure. >> good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> it is opening day in the city of oakland, and right now sky fox is above the oakland coliseum, giving us this live picture down at the parking lot. the a's set to kick off their season in just a couple of hours here, but there is a big dark cloud overshadowing today's festivities. that is the team's planned move to las vegas. >> yeah, a lot of fans are frustrated and protesting the season, declaring it the summer of boycott. we have team coverage for you on this opening day. ktvu jason appelbaum live
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inside the coliseum for us tonight, but we begin with ktvu zac sos who was there when the parking lot gates open for all the fans. >> all right, zach, how's the energy? >> i mean, the energy is high, but definitely a different opening day spirit than you would expect at most major league baseball games. as you said. it is a boycott. and look all around you, the message is pretty clear. this is what a's fans are calling their summer of boycott. the first day of their summer boycott. flags all over that say, sell the team. these fans are urging a's owner john fisher to sell the team, scrap his plans to move to las vegas. they have been, creating those same protests, throughout the season. last year, these fans, again, joined by organizers from several fan groups, including the last dive bar. they're hoping other fans attending will see them here and skip the game, too. earlier, i spoke with mike bucci, a councilman from newark, taking part in this boycott.
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here's what he had to say. >> i think it's going to be a powerful message when we have 30,000 people out here and 6000 people in there to let folks know that, you know, we're still here. we're we're still ace proud. we're bleed our green and gold, and we're going to be here for the team and, we hope that, you know, something happens. many a slip between a cup and the lip. so, you know, i've seen six versions of renderings and none of them have come to fruition in. >> so organizers say they're expecting some 20 to 30,000 fans to take part in this boycott in the parking lot today. it doesn't look like they have quite that number yet. but, you know, it's still early during the fifth inning. we'll see how many they have because they're planning to do a chant during the fifth inning of sell the team out here. and they're hoping that fans inside can hear them loud and clear back to you guys. >> so, zach, all the fans around you there, those fans are planning to stay in the in the
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lot. they're not going into the game at all. >> nope. they plan to stay out here. they've got plenty of food. they have games behind me. music. and that's how they plan to keep occupied. >> all right. well, and it's a decent day. it's dry out there. it'll be at least no rain for them out there in the parking lot as they continue their, i guess, protest of the team's relocation to possible vegas. all right, zach, thank you. >> now, as for the team, some new faces on the ballclub as the a's do look to start this new season with a big win. >> that's right. our jason appelbaum inside the coliseum. now with more on the team and the story of a history making new announcer for the oakland a's, jason, yeah. julie. we're going to get to that in a moment, but i think it's a legitimate question, will there be more fans outside the ballpark today than inside? i mean, that's something that we've never even, you know, plausibly discuss. but according to what zac sos just told us, it could be 25,000 people outside. if that's the case, it's going to be relatively empty in here. but here's the deal with baseball. opening day hope springs eternal. the a's finish
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with 112 losses last year, the most in franchise history. but the beauty of opening day, as we take a look over my shoulder here and we roll some tape of the a's on the field earlier, is that everybody is tied for first, if you will. so the oakland a's, they're only picked to win 56 games this year. that's the lowest over under win total in many, many decades. but you never know. that's the thing. opening day started today alex wood after 11 big league seasons including the last three in san francisco, he makes his first ever opening day start and the story that you mentioned earlier, jenny cavnar, she's going to be making history. she was out on the field, a few moments ago. she's going to become the first female primary play by play announcer in major league history. when she takes the mic and she's on the call and a couple of hours, and we recently sat down with kavner and asked her about the magnitude of this moment.
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>> i'm overwhelmed. right. i'm very, very excited about this job. it's a dream job, for sure, but i think the exciting part is in ten years, i'm not going to be the first. this this isn't the last, you know? and 2018, when i got the chance to call a major league baseball game for the colorado rockies, it began a journey for me in my career that i didn't even know existed. when i started out in sports broadcasting. so i think it's kind of this culmination, this overwhelming feeling of your dreams really can come true. and it's never too late to start a new dream. >> yeah. jenny kavner will be on the call with, with dallas braden, he of the perfect game on mother's day. many years ago. he will do the color announcing for nbc sports california. as you take a look at the cleveland guardians out on the field now, i want to tell you, the guardians have another interesting story, which we'll talk about in the 6:00 hour. their manager is stephen vogt, and a's fans will remember him well. his he played with the
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a's, his final at bat. he hit a home run and the crowd went nuts, and that was two seasons ago. so we'll have his story coming up at 6:00. but for now, that's what we have from the coliseum. back to you guys in the studio. >> yeah. jason, do you get a sense the players or management of the team, with all the kind of fate of what the team is going and where they're going to be in the future, kind of does it affect them or do they just kind of stay laser focused on the game itself? >> i think the only thing really that affects them right now is all the questions they get about it. otherwise they're trying to stay laser focused. they they have to worry about earning their paycheck. so to speak. a lot of these guys, especially for the a's, they're not superstars. so their focus is on becoming great ballplayers and trying to, you know, potentially get the next big contract where they play in three years or four years or next year. i don't really think it's on their mind, except when all of us in the media keep asking about it. otherwise, i think they're focused on what happens between
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the lines. >> all right, well, we will look forward to seeing you in the next hour. coming up tonight at six for more on all of this. jason. >> thank you. thanks jason. all right. let's give you a check of traffic on this thursday evening. this is interstate 880, right near the coliseum. i'm a little slow going in that southbound direction, but the northbound direction, it's smooth sailing. even the frontage road there looks pretty decent. again. first pitch between oakland and cleveland, 707 tonight. so just a couple of hours from now, the gate there in the parking lot was scheduled to open at 5:00, but, again, it did open earlier just after 4:00 this afternoon. >> well, giants fans were out earlier today to watch their team play, even though the giants season opener was out of town. it was in san diego. we found giants fans across the street from oracle park today at momo's bar and grill. the game was on, as you would imagine, on every screen there, so they could watch the giants play their home opener at oracle a week from tomorrow. some of the fans say they never missed giants opening day games.
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>> i've been going, i've been going the last couple of years, so i've definitely tradition. >> now i work, you know, right on the block where the park is and i love orange. so go giants. yeah >> the giants did lose their opener on the road to the padres 6 to 4. they play in san diego san diego tomorrow saturday and on sunday. and by the way, you can catch saturday's game right here on ktvu. first pitch is at 415. all right. >> a lot of people want to clean up the tenderloin in the city of san francisco, including a mayoral candidate. it's a very hot topic. ktvu is christian captain joins us live tonight from san francisco with more on this proposal. christian >> yeah. mike, the candidates are saying that they want to declare a state of emergency in san francisco. one of them even talking about bringing in the national guard, all in an effort to try to make the streets in the tenderloin safe and clean.
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street conditions in the tenderloin and south of market have been a challenge for years in san francisco. now, with a mayoral race picking up steam, the candidates are pitching their plans to make the streets safer. mayoral candidate mark farrell said he would declare an emergency to bring more state resources to address street conditions in the tenderloin, since the city doesn't have enough police officers to do it on its own. >> and therefore we've been letting this drug crisis continue to fester and continue to grow on our streets. to me, that's unacceptable. we need solutions, we need results, and if that requires asking the state and the federal government for additional law enforcement personnel, i'm prepared to do exactly that up to and including national guard. yes, absolutely. >> san francisco's current mayor , london breed, says the state already has assets on the ground here that are making a difference. she says a lower overall crime rate last year is an indication that her administration is beginning to make progress against a problem. decades in the making. >> not only have we made arrests of over 2000 dealers and users with the goal of getting people
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treatment and holding drug dealers accountable, but even just last night, there was a big operation of over 50 arrests because of the work that we're doing. >> district 11 supervisor and mayoral candidate asha safai says the solution to resolving issues in the tenderloin is to responsibly use the resources the city already has, and says his plan to use police and sheriff's deputies on foot patrols will achieve results. >> the other commitment i made when i was out there was i would have a satellite office of the mayor at the tenderloin police station, the mayor needs to be on the ground seeing that on a day to day basis, marshaling the resources of the city, no other person is talking about that, candidate daniel lurie says the idea of armed national guards on the streets of san francisco would do irreparable harm to the city's image. >> he's pushing his plan to keep out drug dealers using geo fencing and a combination of medical services and law enforcement to maintain order, he says. he, too, called for a
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state of emergency to address street conditions in the city. >> i'm the only candidate in this race with a comprehensive plan backed by law enforcement and behavioral health experts, to tackle the crisis on our streets, and so we need to do this. we should be doing it now. i will do it on day one of my administration advocates for the homeless say this isn't an issue. >> the city can arrest its way out of. jennifer friedenbach from the coalition on homelessness says all of these plans are law enforcement heavy and don't address the underlying issues of mental health and drug and alcohol dependency. >> so there's a lot of work that's been done on figuring out how to address the crisis. the problem is the resources have not been put into the solutions. they've instead been put into a criminal justice response. >> there's consensus that something must be done, but the debate is over. what and how. we're live in san francisco. christien, kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, christian, thank you. >> all right. san francisco city
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and community leaders called for more action and tangible progress today as part of a city adopted plan to end encampments and provide housing for people out on the streets. supervisor rafael mandelman is place for all. ordinance was passed by the board of supervisors in 2022. it requires the city to implement a comprehensive strategy to end unsheltered homelessness within three years. >> no one should have to be camping on the sidewalks in san francisco, and we also believe that no one should be able to camp on the sidewalks in san francisco. we're going to keep pushing any way we can, every way we can in the budget. certainly at the ballot if we have to. and we're not giving up until we get this done. >> mandelman said. almost two years after place for all was passed, there is still no plan in place to provide enough shelter beds to accomplish the ordinances goals. >> tonight, new crime numbers from bart, the agency says the number of riders arrested for
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committing felonies more than doubled. just last year, officers made 726 arrests on trains and at stations. that is up 62% from 2022. bart police also confiscated 49 illegal guns, the highest number in a single year since 2003. the agency says it's made big investments in its police force to address several safety concerns, and the ensuing decline in ridership, pushing for safer school zones in california. >> how a tragic accident nearly two years ago is inspiring new legislation. >> also, an update on the investigation into a former bay area mayor accused of sexually assaulting multiple women. why dominic foppoli may not face any charges. >> plus, we are living in a disturbing society. this is a dereliction of duty of our leaders and oakland community desperate for something to change. >> after a woman was attacked while on the job. up next
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tonight. why they say the officers who responded did not do their jobs. >> a live look at mount diablo. at this hour we do see some clearing of the skies, but as strong, colder storm is marching this way, we'll track it and talk about the effects on your easter. the bay area forecast is coming up right after this brief time out. stay with us charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. there are. crime reporter henry lee is here now. after hearing from the victim and those who came to support her. henry >> julie. this attack was caught
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on video. and those who showed up today say they're upset. only one of the attackers was just cited in released. they said more needs to be done to help protect small businesses. and i'm angry. afraid frustrated. >> and you got to do something about it. >> 65 year old ruth wild, speaking out after she was repeatedly shoved and punched while working at woody's laundromat on park boulevard in oakland. >> i want to go to work, but i'm afraid. but you got to change it. so victims have rights. >> it happened after wild told the women they had arrived too late to start their laundry on march 16th. the women left with their clothes, only to come back 40 minutes later, saying some of their clothes were missing. they demanded she checked the laundromat surveillance video, but she doesn't have any access to the video. the woman in blue grabs her and pushes her against the machines. a few minutes later, the woman in yellow makes a punching motion, then hits wild, knocking her to the ground. the woman in blue then grabs her, drags her, and pushes her wild, called oakland police and as she waited outside, the woman in blue again punches her. she was only cited if we can't
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protect our elders, then we have failed as a society. laundry owner robert moss says it's frustrating no one was arrested. >> we are living in a dystopian society. this is a dereliction of duty of our leaders. useless. fertile is useless. >> those at the rally made clear they're not giving mayor shengtao any props. >> a day after she introduced new police chief floyd mitchell at city hall, she gets no credit. >> what she really needs to do is resign. she will get credit for that. we asked city council members noel gallo and dan colle for their thoughts on behalf of the city. >> you know, i don't need more hugging and talking. i need action because the reality of what happened here, grandma and grandpa are being violated daily , and we have to make sure that people not just feel safer, but are actually tangibly safer than they were before. >> and that's the focus of our efforts today, yesterday, today and tomorrow. >> now, the victim has spent 27 years helping customers at this
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laundromat, but hasn't been back to work since the attack. afraid that the women will return now, the albany county da's office will determine whether either or both women will be charged with crimes. live in the studio henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. yeah. >> henry, do police have they said anything about why they only cited one of those women, you know, vast oakland police for any additional response to see if they're looking into it. >> taking a second look. haven't heard back. >> all right, henry, thank you for big companies are joining forces for a $10 million plan to improve safety in downtown oakland. >> leaders at blue shield of california, clorox, kaiser permanente and ppg announced that they will be rolling out additional safety measures here in the coming weeks. this will include funding the creation of a safe zone, and working with oakland police to bring more law enforcement on and off duty to the downtown area. the four companies also want to make an ambassador program available for on demand buddy escorts, and also add employee safety training. now, this investment is a move, blue shield of
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california ceo paul markovich says is designed to offer people peace of mind. the bottom line is we're trying to keep our employees safe and we have seen rising crime, particularly in 2023 over 2022, in oakland, that's contributed to a sense of concern amongst our employees. and we just want to make sure that they can come to work, be safe and be productive. and that's really what it's all about. we're not alone in that. and we thought cooperating would make this more effective. >> oakland mayor shengtao applauded today's announcement as an example of public private partnership. she released a statement saying in part, collectively, we share a deep love and commitment to this beautiful city. i know we will be successful and quickly bringing safety, growth and vibrancy back to our streets. blue shield's paul markovich added that oakland needs help and oakland will get help. >> we have a lot of pride in being in oakland. we look and plan to stay in oakland and, we feel like we need to be a part
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of the solution here. there's been some challenges post covid, and oakland is not alone in those challenges. so trying to help the city through this any way that we can, is something that we feel is important. and when you look at some of these programs, particularly the patrols that are going on, they won't just benefit our employees, they'll benefit the entire community. and i think a healthy community starts with a safe community. >> now, as part of the partnership, the four companies have agreed to financially support oakland's measure z, the public safety and violence prevention act, established in 2014. >> a south bay assembly member wants to reduce the speed limit around schools after a child was hit and killed by a car two years ago in campbell. today assembly member marc berman introduced the safer school zones bill to the community. he says if approved, speed limits around the schools would not exceed 20 miles an hour. back in september of 2022, jacob vilanova, a third grader at castlemont elementary, was struck and killed while in the crosswalk on his way to school.
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>> we are determined that jacob's death not be in vain, and this is one more step in the right direction, especially around schools. >> makes sense because some people just zoom through. >> a state assembly committee will decide whether to move the bill forward at its meeting next month. >> we have some lingering showers, but we have a more powerful system. it's aimed, it's poised, it's position to move into the bay area after midnight. let's get to it right now. it's live radar. pick it up. a little bit of light precipitation. this is lingering stuff from all that activity overnight, and it's poised and ready to push into the north bay within the next 15 minutes. another cluster of activity reaching the gilroy area. otherwise, it's most notable right now the winds 22 mile per hour gusts in santa rosa, also 18 in concord and in clayton, 18 also in the mountain view area. a 23 mile per hour gusty wind in the hayward region backing
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through mineta international airport. winds will continue to increase. in fact, the national weather service has issued a wind advisory for your friday beginning at 11:00 for the blue highlighted areas. why it does not denote the north bay beyond me, but i wouldn't be surprised if they host that to wind advisory for the north bay for your friday. right now, a little bit of haze looking out towards the golden gate bridge. we're looking at the core, the center of the area, low pressure offshore. this is the frontal boundary, but it's a cut off low so it doesn't have the support of the jet stream. so it's a little difficult a little tricky to forecast. but here we go. futurecast clearly illustrates the rain begins by the morning commute on the coastal region of the north bay, the central bay, and into the santa cruz mountains. by the afternoon we are in the thick of things, and when you look at the yellow and the orange areas, that is the potential of an isolated thunderstorm. so our storm impacts for friday, we will have rain, we will have showers. it's going to be gusty as far as the
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winds are concerned. and some much cooler temperatures. the thunderstorms are totally a possibility for your friday. and we're looking at anywhere from a half an inch of rain to a full three inches of rain in throughout the santa cruz mountains. by the way, if you're traveling to monterey bay or the big sur area, we are anticipating 4 to 5in of rain there. we're going to talk about your easter day forecast and the impact this system is going to have on your weekend. plus, we'll even thrown the tahoe outlook. julie. mike, still to come. >> all right roberta. thank you. we'll see you soon. still to come here at five. an alleged conspiracy by a caltrain executive. what he and another worker are accused of do g
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bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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and contract employee seth warden have both been charged by the district attorney's office for misusing public funds for private use. the two are accused of working together to convert part of a caltrain station into a personal residence. caltrain says it was notified by an anonymous tip and turned the case over to authorities. >> the co-founder of the cryptocurrency ftx, sam bankman-fried, has been sentenced now to 25 years in federal prison for fraud. the judge announced that the sentence reflects risk, saying bankman-fried could do something similar in the future. the bay area man was once hailed as a
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cryptocurrency mogul who had many high profile celebrities and athletes, such as tom brady and steph curry endorse his services. but a jury found the 32 year old guilty of two counts of fraud and five counts of conspiracy. prosecutors accused of swindling billions of dollars from investors. >> silicom sexual assault allegations and lawsuits forced the mayor of windsor to resign three years ago. well coming up word today, ex-mayor dominic foppoli may not face any charges at this point in the investigation. >> also taking matters into their own hands, the nonprofit responsible for building fences in the tenderloin without the city's permission, and crews will soon be picking up the pieces from this week's maritime disaster. >> why the effort to restore the bridge in baltimore could tak years
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he was accused of sexual misconduct and assault. he resigned from his position, but now, three years later, the california attorney general says there is not enough evidence to file charges. >> ktvu tom vacar spoke exclusively with dominic foppoli today about what's next for the former mayor. >> three years ago, then windsor mayor dominic foppoli became embroiled in multiple allegations of sexual assault and multiple civil lawsuits. despite a sonoma county sheriff's investigation and the
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attorney general's own without more evidence, no prosecution. attorney general rob bonta s office that took over the case released a statement saying, at this time, we don't have enough evidence to warrant filing charges on the cases is not barred by the statute of limitations. however our investigation remains open and we urge anyone who believes they may be a victim or who has evidence to come forward. we reached out to two women caught up in this mess. one declined an interview, the other did not return our call. then we spoke to more than a dozen people here in windsor. nobody, but nobody wanted to talk about it. we reached out to the former mayor in italy, who lives between windsor and there. >> i mean, honestly, it was, it was a mix of relief and some anger. obviously, i've been very, very clear since the beginning that there was no truth to any of this. and i'm just, i think, glad that we're
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finally able to move on and hopefully start to heal. >> several civil lawsuits still remain. >> that litigation has never had anything to stand on from the beginning, they've kicked the can for, i think, close to two years now. >> if there's any contrition, it is this some of them were people that i had genuine relationships in the past, and i was young. >> and through reflection and prayer, i realized, yeah, i wasn't a perfect partner. did i ever do anything criminally wrong or anything inappropriate? but no. >> the former mayor says the other women were looking for a big payday. mara sabini is foppoli's fiance of two and a half years. >> he was very clear about the situation with me, so i knew everything since the beginning and i was lucky to be able to, i mean, know him for the real person who is and for the good person i think he is. and i always believed in him since the first day. >> we also reached out to the sonoma county sheriff's office, and they said in a statement, our investigators dedicate
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extensive time, effort and resources to ensure a complete and thorough investigation before submitting a case for a potential prosecution. we respect the attorney general's decision in their independent investigation, tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news, the santa clara county sheriff's office says deputies have arrested a third suspect now in connection to a copper theft. >> officials say 55 year old michael reeder was arrested on several charges, including grand theft, vandalism and possession of a stolen vehicle. authorities also say he had multiple outstanding warrants. two other suspects were arrested for the crime earlier this month. the trio is suspected of stealing 20ft of copper wire from the vta, weighing more than 100 pounds. that wire was valued at $10,000. >> the san jose fire department has a new training and emergency operation center. a ceremony took place today for the grand opening of the facility, located on center road. it has seven
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classrooms, six dedicated to the fire department, one for the office of emergency services. it also has a six story training tower designed to help firefighters really prepare for future incidents in high rise buildings and warehouses. >> having the knowledge, skills and abilities at the ready in order to make a difference when it counts is a constant stressor for your first responders. again, people, equipment and training. i and we owe our people the best training that the industry has to offer. >> the new center is more than twice the size of the department's outdated training facility, which is more than 50 years old. well, a new fence was installed in san francisco's tenderloin by a nonprofit group in an area known for being the site of an illegal drug market. the new aluminum fence is located at the entrance of an apartment community. businesses are nearby as well. now the hope here is to get the fencing will keep drug dealers and users
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away. now some say the fence is a step in the right direction. others doubt it will help clean up the area. >> they will do the drugs right in front of you like it's just dangerous. you. it's already bad at daytime. you do not want to be down here at night time. it's like not going to stop them because it's like we've been in san francisco for so long. they're going to find another spot, another way to sell their stuff. >> well, i hope this works. and keeps it clean and helps the neighborhood. >> just last week, san francisco police cited 30 drug dealers in the tenderloin seized more than $11,000 in cash and more than 3100g of narcotics sources telling us the group does have a permit from the city to allow this fence on a public sidewalk. residents wonder, though, why the city has not led the way to curb crime and drug use in the tenderloin. >> a community in pleasanton is mourning the drowning death of a young west point cadet, 21 year old haven morris died on monday while on spring break in florida. the u.s. military academy says foul play is not suspected. morris graduated from amador valley high school in pleasanton in 2020, the school
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telling ktvu in a statement, quote, haven is thought of with fondness and admiration by all of his former teachers. his passing has deeply affected our community, and our thoughts and prayers are with the morris family during this difficult time. now to the latest on this week's catastrophe in baltimore. four construction workers are still missing after two bodies were pulled from the water yesterday. and now that the search is on hold, authorities are starting to clear the debris. fox news griff jenkins reports. now, on the next step to reopen the port of baltimore to vessel traffic. >> days after a ship strike caused a baltimore bridge to collapse, parts of the structure remain in the patapsco river. the coast guard says barges carrying cranes are making their way to the francis scott key bridge to begin the process of removing metal and concrete. divers recovered the bodies of two victims on wednesday and are expected to return to the site once the debris is cleared. >> this work is not going to take days. this work is not
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going to take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. >> meanwhile, maryland officials hope removing the debris will allow them to reopen the channel and once again move ships through the port. according to ship tracker, marine traffic at least ten vessels have had to reroute to other ports in recent days, while carnival cruise line says it is temporarily moving its baltimore operations to norfolk, virginia, and bracing for a $10 million earnings loss this year, you know, the port is kind of the industrial heartbeat of baltimore. >> you know, it's what puts the majority of the blue collar workers in baltimore to work. >> transportation secretary pete buttigieg met with shipping and supply chain partners on thursday to come up with alternative plans for ships needing another place to dock. maybe using the expeditionary fast transport that the military uses to deploy military units around the globe and force projection. meanwhile, ntsb
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officials say a full investigation into the collision could take up to two years in baltimore harbor. griff jenkins ktvu, fox two news as digging into the home insurance crisis brewing right here in california. >> coming up new at five. a group has its first meeting to figure out how to protect homeowners. also, a spring storm bringing some winter weather to the sierra. what you should know before your next trip and after the break. how police say a fight over those viral stanley tumbler cups resulted in multiple arrests
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kevin torres. cruz is accused of jumping over the counter of the starbucks, grabbing a box full of limited edition. stanley cups and then trying to run out of the store. 24 year old hazel dominguez rivera is accused of trying to grab a bag containing the limited edition stanley cup out of the hands of a customer. both suspects were arrested tuesday and were booked into the santa clara county jail. >> new at five tonight, an independent state oversight group held its first hearing today to examine california's home insurance market. the little hoover commission says californians prospect of losing insurance for their most valuable possession, their home.
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the commission said it did not invite, or rather, it did invite, current state commissioner ricardo lara to the hearing, but he did not attend. >> consumer sentiment rose this month to the highest it has been in nearly three years. the survey by the university of michigan's consumer sentiment index reveals how americans feel about their finances, as well as the broader economy. those responding were more optimistic that inflation will be moderating. while sentiment has improved lately, it's still well below pre-pandemic levels. a horrific crime spree in illinois what investigators say the suspect did before a rampage that left four people dead. >> also, the white house trying to address the explosion of artificial intelligence. what federal agencies are now being asked to do. >> we are literally hours away from the easter weekend, and we have that easter day forecast. oh boy, is that an important one. that's all coming up with your bay area outlook as the news continues right here on
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ktvu, fox two news as bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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stabbing spree. police say 22 year old christian soto killed four people and attacked several others in rockford yesterday. the victims include a 15 year old girl and a postal service worker. while there's still no word on a possible motive, the suspect had allegedly taken
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drugs earlier in the day. >> soto admitted to being friends with jacob and going over to his residence to smoke marijuana. soto said he believes the drugs provided to him by jacob were quote laced, unquote, with an unknown narcotic. soto said he became paranoid after the drug usage. he said he retrieved a knife from the kitchen at jacob's house and proceeded to stab jacob and ramona to death. >> soto was arrested 21 minutes after the first 911 call for help. he is charged now with first degree murder, attempted murder and home invasion with a deadly weapon. >> facing a rising crime on the subway, new york city's mayor says riders will soon have to pass right through metal detectors. the mayor says several high profile crimes have left passengers feeling unsafe. earlier this month, a man was shot during a fight on a crowded train. the pilot program for the new gun detector system will begin in 90 days. >> house speaker mike johnson says the impeachment articles for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas will be sent
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to the senate next month. congress returns from recess on april 10th. republicans are calling on senate majority leader chuck schumer to schedule a trial as soon as possible. last month, the house voted to impeach mayorkas by the slimmest of margins, 214 to 213. republicans say he failed to enforce border laws in the midst of an illegal immigration crisis . mayorkas says the allegations are baseless and the democratic controlled senate is not expected to convict him. >> the biden administration is making moves to combat the misuse of artificial intelligence, issuing the first government wide regulation. caroline shively has the story from washington, dc. >> the use of artificial intelligence is overflowing from teaching machines how to make better beer to transforming the us military and the entire federal government, which increased ai contracts by almost 1,200% over just a year, ending last august. so now the white house is unveiling three new
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requirements for federal agencies. they now must publish a list of the ai systems they're using, verify there is no danger to the public, and name an ai chief for each agency. >> the american people have a right to know that when and how their government is using ai. >> the private sector has already felt the shady side of artificial intelligence with stars like taylor swift and kelly clarkson having their likenesses used to hawk diet supplements and fake giveaways. while other artists have had their voices copied. >> i heard a demo a while back, i said, i don't even remember writing that song. they went, you didn't! >> but now some republicans in congress say the white house approach is an overreach and could put the us behind other countries in the race to lead the world in ai. >> on necessary new laws could stifle ai innovation, slowing the arrival of life enhancing and life saving breakthroughs. not to mention, we don't want china on our heels. >> the treasury department has also released a report that says banks are struggling to fend off ai powered scammers trying to get to americans money in
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washington. caroline shively, ktvu, fox two news. >> a winter storm warning is in effect for the greater lake tahoe area light snow all day yesterday caused low visibility for drivers heading up on the mountain passes. chain controls are currently in effect on both highway 50 and interstate 80, so keep that in mind if you're planning to head to the mountains. high winds might also hit the sierra, so you should expect some delays or even some road closures. >> and the tahoe resorts are excited about their spring conditions. earlier today, we did speak with tucker nord from boreal. he says right now the snowpack is about average for this time of year. >> this season we are, like i said, average snowfall to date, which is great to see. it makes it available for people to drive up the roads to get here, which is great. >> norad also says for skiers and snowboarders who can't make it up this holiday weekend, boreal has said it's closing date for april 14th. so these resorts roberta keeping the door open a little bit longer. yeah.
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>> mike and we were talking about the fact that palace said that they're going to stay open until memorial day. who gives us some time. right. but if you are heading up there now, keep in mind we had a combination of rain snow mix today, so the roadways are dangerously slippery. we do have that winter storm warning in effect, as julie was alluding to, for heavy snow and gusty winds that warning goes into effect at 11:00 tomorrow morning, all the way through 5 p.m. sunday. we are anticipating up to 18in of snow above 7000ft. and here you have the forecast. we have some very cold temperatures there as well. back at home. look at this big beautiful cumulus cloud in development stages there. isn't that glorious. i suspect that's all associated with a little bit of light precipitation that has been meandering off the coastline, pushing in towards the san rafael area as well as in terra linda. today's high temperatures banked anywhere from 59 and pacifica to 64 degrees in morgan hill and in san jose. it was a couple of
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degrees warmer today as compared to yesterday. meanwhile, what is most notable at this hour are the gusty winds up to 22. in santa rosa, 18 concord at buchanan field. right now, 12 mile per hour winds at fairfield. but we do have gusts up to 23 at mineta international airport and also in hayward. so we have a wind advisory that goes into effect for our friday from 11 a.m. until about 5 p.m. or 5 a.m. rather, on saturday morning, we will have winds up to 25mph gusts up to 45mph, especially on the immediate sea shore in our higher elevations. so this is a cut off area of low pressure. it is cut off from the jet stream, so it doesn't have a lot of support to push it through the bay area very rapidly. so it gets a little complex. but this is how we're playing out. your forecast by tomorrow morning commute, we will have rain showers along the immediate seashore into the central bay. the afternoon is going to be dicey with moderate to heavy downpours. the
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potential of an isolated thunderstorm as well. then it improves slightly for the evening commute, but we will sporadically have showers and look at that low. it just sits off the coast and that's where the timing gets difficult. but we do know for certain it will be in the santa cruz mountains as well as the monterey bay and big sur areas. tonight, with the mostly cloudy skies and the rain developing after midnight. temperatures in the 40s. colder tonight than last night. tomorrow highs not even approaching 60 degrees. check it out. sporadic rain showers for your saturday. it will clear out for sunrise services on sunday. and yes, we're talking. 70s springtime weather monday and tuesday. but mike and julie allergies will kick in right. >> there you go. all right, roberta, thank you for the reminder. one of alameda's most iconic landmarks as a new executive director, laura feis has worked for the uss hornet museum since 2010, most recently serving as chief operations officer and interim ceo. a
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spokesperson for the hornet says she has worked or managed in every area of the ship and played a big role in improving the museum's organizational structure and financial performance. since coming up, is it vegetable or grain? why lawmakers are so concerned about what to call a potato? >> and coming up tonight at six, a theater in the east bay is reducing its hours. why they say their utility company is forcing the move, and authorities in the south bay say they've arrested a man connected to a string f bu
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those are vegetables. a bipartisan group of senators is writing the department of agriculture, urging the agency to keep potatoes classified as vegetables and not grains. beyond the scientific reasons, the lawmakers argue that reclassifying potatoes would confuse consumers and may disrupt the supply chain. the debate is heating up this year, as the federal committee is developing its next round of dietary guidelines. >> it is a classic science experiment and perfect for this time of year. students at a southern california school are getting introduced to science and math by dropping eggs boxes.
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elizabeth alvarez has the story. >> it's been a fun day at james dukes elementary school, as students have participated in an egg drop experiment. it's all part of a lesson in stem, and this year, the school got help from cal fire san diego. are you an egg broke from the top of ladder truck 38, a firefighter releases an egg put in a contraption that was designed and created by each student. the point of the experiment was to see if the egg inside would survive the 20 foot drop. parent volunteers scrambled to get things in order to check and see if the egg did not crack. some contraptions were cooked from the get go. ooh, a yucky mess so that one did not survive. but look how cool this contraption is. how did that egg do? survivor but amazingly, an overwhelming amount of students did find successful gadgets that protected their egg. your egg did not break.
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>> it looked like the pink box with, a trash can thing to set it down nicely, and the whole paper towels were in it to not let it like break and not let. it have slavery all over it. >> and did it break? >> no. so i added little to toy story thingies that blow up and then so it can like, not make it break. then i added some little puppets to squeeze it. yep. it's good. >> i'm just hoping that these kids, like, spark some desire for some engineering, and then they do it better next year. >> james duke elementary school does the egg drop every year, as do many schools across san diego. overall, the students here had an excellent time in ramona. i'm elizabeth alvarez, back to you. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six opening day. >> finally here for the a's in
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what could be the team's last start to the season in oakland. hanging over today's game, the team's possible move to las vegas. right now, thousands of a's fans are outside the coliseum. some plan on attending the game, but many say they are staying outside in protest. hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach first pitch for the oakland a's just about one hour away. we do have team coverage for you on this home opener. ktvu zac sos outside the coliseum with some of those boycotting fans. but first, let's go inside. jason appelbaum with more on the game day matchup between the a's and guardians. hey, jason. >> yeah, mike, first of four here at the coliseum. and you know, a lot of, i guess i don't want to call it doom and gloom, but, you know, what's going on outside is a totally different story than what's going on here inside, because they have a game to play. and even though the a's lost 112 games last year, and that's a franchise record, we all know that when it comes to the spring that everybody is hopeful because everybody is


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