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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 28, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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ooh, gosh. ooh, gosh! i can't do this! i think i'm stuck!'s the height of romance for some, and for others, it's time for an ultimatum. honestly, today i think you need to send someone home. i'm getting down to the bitter end here. i'm gonna ask joy to go outside with me.
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silva de silva team. >> oakland a's fans making their voices heard on this opening day the team's impending move, prompting a boycott of tonight's ball game. with thousands of fans flooding the coliseum parking lot. >> i do not want to give them my money. i do not want to give john fisher my money anymore, i'm just really upset the way that we've been treated, block party boycott at the oakland coliseum. good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach, and i'm julie julie haener. >> plans remain in place to eventually move the team to las vegas, but a's faithful are refusing to give up their calls, urging ownership to sell ktvu zac sos live outside the coliseum, where fans gathered to watch the game from the parking lot and boycott the team's home opener. zach
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>> yeah, the oakland a's falling to the cleveland guardians by a score of eight to nothing tonight, but many of the team's most devoted fans were not inside to watch it. instead, as you mentioned, they were outside here in the parking lot, boycotting many of them, not even listening to the broadcast. their message loud and clear sell the team. until 1970. >> the same message echoing both inside and out of the coliseum at the top of the fifth. this opening day. perhaps the most vocal located at lot b, i feel like the team is being stolen from us with no say in it. >> so this is kind of how we're voicing our displeasure. >> newark city council member mike bucci joining the thousands of faithful opting to boycott the game in protest of a's owner john fisher's plans to move the team to vegas. >> i do not want to give them my money. i do not want to give
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john fisher my money anymore. >> fan groups. the oakland 68 and the last dive bar, calling this the first day of their summer of boycott. >> we'll meet out here in the parking lot. it's the community, and we used to meet inside of the coliseum, but not this year and asking other fans to do the same throughout the season. >> perhaps the a's last at the coliseum. >> it hurts. it's hard. it's. but all my friends are out here now. >> for fans like chris mcevoy, the a's, the coliseum, more than just a team or a building, my childhood is here all my memories from baseball are here and that's why we call it the last dive bar. >> it may not be the most pretty home, but it's our home still holding out. >> hope the move falls through. >> i'm hoping they screw it up in las vegas. have to come back here with their tails between their legs and just sell the team. >> jim korda not yet ready to consider a reality where that doesn't happen. such a big a's fan that when he joined the marines and was given a choice of bases, i said, well, i want
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to go to oakland, california. >> and he goes, why? i said, the a's and the raiders. his message to ownership stay and rebuild this place. just needs to be fixed up better and still have what we have for these new generation. as >> and organizers of today's boycott again say they plan to keep this going at games all season long. i can tell you the number of fans i spoke to say they plan to take part unless ownership changes course. julie. >> all right. zac sos reporting live for us tonight outside the oakland coliseum. zach. thank you. also on this opening day, two local groups, the oakland united coalition and the oakland 68, urged the alameda county county board of supervisors to sell their stake in the coliseum to the city of oakland. the group say they believe this would help fans, quote, take control back of this ballpark. they say such a move would bring in jobs, affordable housing and other opportunities for residents. oakland 68 board member quintana. branch said, we
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have a right to control our own greatest assets, especially when they are currently being controlled by folks who don't care about our town. we call upon the alameda county board of supervisors to stop the current course of action and instead prioritize the interests of the community they are sworn to serve. the oakland a's coming up short in tonight's season opener. the san francisco giants, also with a tough loss on their road opener in san diego. we will have highlights from both games coming up a little bit later in sports. and to stay on top of this baseball season, as well as the developing news surrounding the a's, head to our website new at ten in oakland. >> man has been charged with murder in connection to a deadly wrong-way crash on interstate 580. authorities say it was last week when 34 year-old patrick sheckles was trying to get away from police after a burglary at a smoke shop in el cerrito. now, he eventually drove on to 580 and started going the wrong direction. police say they called off the pursuit, but sheckles hit another vehicle, killing the 56 year-old driver from lafayette. now in addition
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to murder, sheckles and another suspect are also facing second degree burglary charges. >> protesters rallied outside. san bruno city hall today. they say the mayor and city council still have not apologized to a group of muslim residents who were told they had to leave the building and eat outside in order to break their ramadan fast. ktvu jana katsuyama katsuyama joins us now. she's live in san bruno with a response from the city manager, jenna. >> well, the city manager said that he didn't have time to do an interview with me, but he did send an email and said that the city did its best to accommodate the muslim residents. some of those muslim residents, though, said that they felt the efforts were insulting and they continued their call today to meet face to face with the city leaders. for weeks, san bruno's palestinian american residents and allies have rallied outside city hall, calling for a gaza ceasefire. but this thursday, the protest was aimed at san bruno mayor rico medina. rico.
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>> we all rico, rico, we all see you. >> don't let the muslims eat the protesters say they have been requesting a meeting with the mayor and the city manager since last thursday, when the council on american islamic relations sent the city a letter calling for an apology. they say a group of 8 to 10 muslim residents had attended a march 12th city council meeting and took some pizza and water out into the lobby, which has a cafe and tables, in order to break their ramadan fast. instead, they said they were surrounded by police and the police chief told them they had to go outside to the parking lot where the city had erected tents. >> this city is our city and we feel like it's important that we're heard. we're not representing that. we're given an opportunity to explain why it was offensive to us, and how we can move past this as a community. >> i think they made this into a bigger problem than it needed to be. they all they needed to do was sincerely apologize and commit to doing better. >> the city manager responded to our questions thursday, saying,
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quote, the city does not have a ban on individuals eating in the lobby space outside council meetings as a practice, however, groups are not allowed to reserve any portion of the senior. center. some people said the city needs to receive cultural training. >> what they lacked is basic courtesy and recognizing that these they are their citizens and they're asking for accommodation. i will tell him, here's our basic facts about religious practices that the community have. >> the city manager said the additional police officers were present because meetings have become heated, and said one staff member was threatened after the march 12th meeting. the protesters say they are sad to hear that, but were unaware of anyone in their group making threats. >> we wanted to take accountability as a community, but we have no idea who did it. >> the city manager said in an email, quote, the mayor and staff will meet with some of the residents who have requested a meeting to find a path forward. that meeting has not yet been scheduled. i sent emails and made phone calls to the mayor
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and all of the city council members. so far tonight, i have not received any response about their comments or a timeline for that meeting. >> julie. all right, jana katsuyama reporting live in san bruno. jana. thank you. governor newsom is dropping his support of a proposal designed to protect employees who work indoors from excessive heat. last week, cal osha approved rules to require cooling devices, access to water and cooling off break areas in indoor facilities such as warehouses, schools and kitchens. but the governor's office says it can't endorse that plan without knowing the projected cost to the state. the department of finance does have concerns about high cost to jails and other state buildings. tonight, a spokesperson for the governor's office issued a statement saying in part, quote, the administration is committed to implementing the indoor heat regulations and ensuring workplace protections. however, it is imprudent to move forward with a cost estimate that is off by billions of dollars. we are exploring all options to put these worker protections in
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place, including working with the legislature. >> let us join together in a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the tragedy. at the francis scott key bridge early tuesday morning. a moment of silence at the baltimore orioles home opener in honor of those who lost their lives following the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. >> members of the maryland transportation authority were also honored for their quick response and shutting down the bridge after it was hit by a cargo ship. two men were killed and four others are presumed dead. following the collapse in tonight. $60 million in federal funding is headed to baltimore, which will be directed toward cleanup efforts. reporter nana bonsu has the latest on the effort to reopen the port of baltimore and to recover those who are still missing. >> these were fathers, and they were brothers, and they were cousins and they were husbands.
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>> alejandro hernandez fuentes and dorian cabrera are the two bodies that were pulled out of the patapsco river. officials believe four other men are trapped under metal after the bridge collapsed early tuesday morning, when a cargo ship hit one of the pillars. >> it could have been any of us anytime, anywhere in a situation that we could not have predicted. >> in order for crews to salvage what remains, governor westmore says they need assistance maneuvering the water that we're told now has a hazardous waste leak that water is so dark and the debris is so dense that in most instances, our divers cannot see any more than a foot or two in front of them to help with clearing the channel. $60 million in federal funds is on its way from washington. >> the biden-harris administration has has approved that request. we are deeply grateful the money will support mobilization operations, debris removal and other emergency needs, but most importantly,
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move the vessel that has suspended operations at the port. the dolly is almost as long as the eiffel tower and the dolly has the key bridge on top of it. >> the funds will also be used to address traffic concerns. now that a portion of 695 is blocked off, transportation officials are. already seeing impacts on the alternate routes. >> since the collapse. each day, about 15,000 additional vehicles are traveling through the fort mchenry tunnel and another 7000 through the baltimore harbor tunnel. >> more than 30,000 cars and trucks used the key bridge daily. officials say reopening the port will be done in steps clearing the debris from the channel, moving the ship and then removing the bridge debris from the waterway with cranes. there's already a yellow one hovering over the vessel before we can actually engage in lifting, we've got to complete the assessment process of the bridge and the pieces of the bridge are in the water, so that we can figure out how. to cut
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the bridge into the right size pieces, so that we can actually lift them with the crane. >> and that was nana bonsu reporting. baltimore officials are expecting two more cranes to arrive in the coming days to help clear the debris from the channel. a vigil for the victims will be held tomorrow. >> we are here to demand better for our students and better from our schools, community leaders demanding more be done to help black and brown students living in oakland. >> coming up, the message for city and state leaders to better prepare kids for college. >> and in weather. we have been talking about two storms this week. the first one has moved on out of town. i'm tracking a stronger storm offshore, and it looks like ome heavy rain in
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encourage schools to help students meet the requirements not just for high school graduation, but also for the chance to attend college. oakland charter high. >> oakland unity high 35 oakland public schools received awards thursday night for successfully preparing black and brown students for college admission. >> they did so by helping students meet course requirements and making sure they're proficient in subjects, including math and english. >> we want to amplify these successes. we want to focus and make sure we're building on what's working, because 35 out of 120 is not enough. >> not enough. according to families in action, the advocacy group says the majority of oakland's 120 public schools are failing to help black and brown students get into college. >> we got to stop hiding behind inflated graduation numbers and inflated grades because we're doing the children of oakland a disservice. >> at a rally, the group announced a resolution called
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raise the bar that it coauthored with two school board members. it calls on the oakland unified school district board of education and the city council to set goals to improve proficiency rates substantially for black and brown students over the next ten years. >> we need to go from incremental to a rocket type of acceleration of our curriculum. >> supporters say the resolution is a way to try to ensure that resources are devoted to, and focused on, educating parents and students about college eligibility. >> if you don't hit those requirements, then what opportunities do you have? >> this parent says she wants to make sure her son, who's in the fourth grade, is on track to get into college. >> if graduation is not synonymous with acceptance, it's failure. >> one high school senior tells me he's college bound, thanks in part to his school. he says the resolution could help many students. >> i'm super passionate about because i've seen students that are like, they have a lot of potential, but they don't know what what they need to do.
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>> kimmy keen, co-founder of families in action, says the resolution's goal is to encourage schools to look beyond high school graduation. >> we know that without ensuring black and brown students read and do math at grade level, we will not be preparing our students to for opportunities in college. >> the school board is scheduled to discuss and vote on the resolution april 24th. keen tells me the city council is expected to take up this matter in the coming months. mike amberleigh live tonight in oakland. >> amber. thank you. uc berkeley's graduate school of journalism just received its largest gift in school history. jay school alum angela filo and her husband david filo, the co-founder of yahoo, have pledged $10 million to the program. the gift publicly kicks off a five year, $54.4 million campaign for berkeley school of journalism. angela filo is also a member of the school's advisory board. she says it's
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crucial to invest in the next generation of journalists, and this gift will double the amount of financial support offered to incoming students in the fall. >> new at ten tonight. dungeness crab season is coming to an early end in the bay area and across the central coast. california's department of fish and wildlife says dungeness crab fishing in zones three, four, five and six will be closed starting april 8th. recreational crabbing will also be prohibited in zones 3 to 5. this is due to mid-march aerial and vessel survey reports. they showed that humpback whales are starting to come back to the california coast, increasing the risk of getting entangled in the crabbing nets. >> a winter storm warning will go into effect tomorrow morning for the sierra. now despite this, tahoe resorts are preparing for a very busy weekend as guests enjoy a new round of snow anticipating, you know, a lot of people showing up for the weekend with a fresh snow. >> and then, yeah, just making sure we've got groomed trails on the mountain and yeah, everything's, ready to go. >> no chain controls on 80 or 50
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tonight, but that can change in the hours ahead. and for more on what we can expect this holiday weekend, let's bring in our meteorologist mark tamayo. a wet end of this month of march. >> yeah, that's right mike, another storm headed our way, not only here in the bay area, but out toward the sierra so there could be some travel challenges getting over the summit by, say, friday afternoon, friday night, and especially into saturday. rainfall you could see over the past couple of days felt in 0.79 san mateo, 0.44. san francisco that point. that's a 0.20. that's interesting because with that rainfall in san francisco, they have actually reached average for the for the entire season of 22.89in. so looks like it will be a slightly above average rainfall year for san francisco, because there's some more rainfall on the way. that next storm approaching will be stronger for friday. that will carry over into saturday, and winds will be picking up. gusts could be over 40 to 50 miles an hour. wind advisory begins in these areas at 11:00 tomorrow morning near portions of the coastline. the santa cruz mountains, and also the higher
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terrain of the east bay. right now the radar is fairly quiet, but as we expand the view out here in the pacific, here is our next storm racing toward our coastline. this will pack some heavy rain and some stronger winds. current numbers out there upper 40s to the lower 50s. oakland checking in 53 degrees. and here's the forecast model. this is 8:00 tomorrow morning. already some rain bands coming on shore. and then things really pick up later in the morning and into the afternoon hours. and within this pattern here, we could actually have some thunderstorms as well. so some heavy rain, at least for portions of the bay area. your friday forecast. i'm going to hold on to maybe some thunderstorm chances in a saturday. we'll have more on that with your full update in a little bit. >> sounds good mark. we'll see you soon. coming up, some challenges ahead for donald trump. an adviser with his campaign says he can't compete with president biden's fundraising efforts. also, 25 years. >> that is how long crypto entrepreneur sam bankman-fried will spend in prison. why? some experts say they believe his sentencing was meant to send a message. >> also, the former mayor of a town in sonoma county will not
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be prosecuted following several allegations of sexual assault. why the state attorney general is d ppin business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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campaign cannot catch president biden when it comes to fundraising. tonight, the president landed in new york for an event with former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. the fundraising goal for the evening. $25 million. meantime an adviser to trump's campaign told reporters today that they won't be able to match biden dollar for dollar. the adviser blamed the fundraising disparity on biden's quote billionaire supporters, adding that trump's campaign is funded by working class groups. last month, biden raised $53 million, while trump raised $20 million for his campaign. >> ftx founder sam bankman-fried has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for cryptocurrency fraud. >> prosecutors say he stole nearly $10 billion from customers of the ftx crypto exchange. it is described as one
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of the largest financial frauds in us history. >> as ktvu la monica peters reports. now the prison sentence sends a message to other white collar criminals. >> this shows that several regulators are very serious about providing a good and well-established and well secured trading environment to crypto. okay, guys. >> 32 year old sam bankman-fried was sentenced to 25 years behind bars thursday after defrauding crypto investors and customers of over $11 billion. bankman-fried has also been ordered to repay his victims doctor julian vogel is an assistant professor of finance at san jose state university. >> whenever he gets out of prison, he will still, for the majority of his life or for the remainder of his life, be working to pay back or to pay this essentially this fine, which severely limits his ability to do bad in the future, as was one of the judge's big concern. federal prosecutors had asked for a 40 to 50 year
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sentence for white collar crime. >> prison consultant justin paperny believes u.s. district judge lewis kaplan wanted to send a message with his 25 year sentence when dealing with a quarter century, a great taxpayer expense, it gets in the way of what people should be he should be working andims. paying that money back, bankman-fried, whose parents are both law professors at stanford university, could serve as prison terms in a medium security prison in california. >> in the meantime, paperny says bankman-fried should be thinking about how he'll change his life while in prison. >> having the government articulate that you do not accept responsibility, you continue to blame other people. you could care less about the victims. so i think the takeaway is if you want to exercise your right to go to trial, that's fine. understand how few people prevail and the consequences that follow. going to trial, bankman-fried says he will appeal his conviction and sentencing. >> lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news. >> the former mayor of windsor,
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dominic foppoli, who was accused by multiple women of sexual assault, will not face charges for now, the attorney general's office says it is suspending its criminal investigation, saying there's not enough evidence to move forward with charges. however, it remains the investigation does remain open. three years ago, foppoli became embroiled in multiple allegations of sexual assault and was forced to resign in very, very clear since the beginning that there was no truth to any of this, and i'm just i think glad that we're finally able to move on and hopefully start to heal. >> we have reached out to two women involved in the case. one declined an interview and the other did not return our call. several civilians, several civil lawsuits against foppoli are still pending. >> still to come tonight. a change in a holiday tradition in east bay city is doing away with its 4th of july fireworks show. we'll tell you what's going to replace it. >> plus, as soon as that car starts up, everything goes away
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and i feel at peace. >> after the break, we are meeting the bay area's first black female drag racer. her journey to the racetrack as our women's history month celebration continues. >> also ahead, the a's weren't the only bay area team beginning their season. the new look giants took on the padres in san diego. our jason appelbaum will show us how they did a little later in sports. also coming up tonight demands for justice. we're hearing from a woman who was attacked at an east bay laundromat, and now the community is rallying behind her charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. michel henry grew up going to the track and watching her father drag race, and now she is the one getting behind the wheel. >> tonight, as our coverage of women's history month continues,
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ktvu claudine wong introduces us to the bay area's first black female drag racer. >> there is something about that sound that deep, all encompassing roar of this 1968 pontiac firebird that, for michelle henry, does something nothing else can do. >> it's one of those ones where sometimes i get nervous and i feel like i want to puke and i want to cry y. but as soon as that car starts up, everything goes away and i feel at peace. >> henry is a drag racer, and for her, there is nothing like those few seconds on the track. at speeds so high you need a parachute to slow you down, she says. as the first african american woman drag racer from the bay area, she knows that every time she hits the track, she's breaking barriers. >> when i was at famoso raceway last year at the hot rod reunion, i did my run in, popped my parachutes and got out the
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car. there's a few people at the end and they were clapping for me, and when i took off my helmet, they was like, oh, that's a woman driving. and i was like, hi. and i was like, yes, me driving. >> and i think every time you do that, you break a stereotype or what people believe. >> yes, breaking that stereotype is, is amazing for me, because there's not a lot of black women that's in the industry, and we always have the stereotype of we can't do or we shouldn't do, and i'm just here to break the barriers because i want to change the narrative not only for myself, but the generation before me and the generation to come. >> this is in her blood, and it is something that's been passed down to her from her parents. >> my dad is one amazing driver, you know, on and off the track. and then my mom, oh, my god, she is the goat of our team. she holds it down. >> henry's parents grew up in
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san francisco and were high school sweethearts. drag racing has always been a part of their story. >> when i met him, he had a 74 nova and, he was racing on the back streets. candlestick >> this was illegal street racing back in the day. yeah this is what not to do. >> but after they got married and started a family, denitra says their future meant michael could stay behind the wheel. but he had to get off the streets after a few incidents on the streets. >> my wife was like, you're not going to lose our house to street racing, so figure something else out. all right, so i started going to sonoma raceway wednesday night. drags a lot of us started going, so we really took the street scene off the streets. >> that's the scene michelle grew up watching. but for her mother, it was one thing to watch her husband race. it was an entirely different thing to let her child race. >> i've always wanted to drive my mom. she told me no, and i
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understand why. you know, being a mother myself, that's a little scary. but you know, she she came to a point where she just said, you know, you only have one life and just live it and do what you want to do and i said, okay. so i seized my moment. >> that moment came just last year after denitra battled breast cancer. >> and after that, i told my daughter that, you know, life is too short. if that's something you want to do, then we're going to just go for it. you can do it. i'm not against it anymore. >> sounds like she needed her mom's blessing, though. >> yes. >> oh, i needed her mom's blessing. like i would have let her drive years ago, but i wasn't going to get in between that conversation. >> now, it seems that conversation is nothing short of a well-oiled machine. everyone working together to get her across that finish line. she has her own style, her own message. so lexus and throw your keys up. and her parents say watching her chase this dream is like nothing else.
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>> every time he used to call us to get this nervous feeling all the time and with her, i don't get it at all. it's strange, you know. i'm the one who i did. both of them, strapping them in, getting them all ready. but with her, i don't get that feeling at all. >> i get more excited watching her drive than i ever felt, being behind the wheel. you got to figure this thing makes 1100 horsepower naturally aspirated. no power adders. when i turn on the nitrous bottles in the car, she'll make around 1900 horsepower. so to say. she can't handle it now, this girl's got it. she's good. she's better than i was. >> and so she takes the mantle for this next generation, breaking barriers with the support of her mother, walking in the steps of her father and creating a path that is all her own. who's the better driver for, >> i won't say i mean my dad. he says that he believes i'm the better driver so far. >> and do you agree, yeah. that
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works out well. claudine wong ktvu, fox two news michelle henry also has a nine year old daughter, but she says right now her daughter has no interest in the track. >> she instead is passionate about barrel racing, as her mom says, she has the real horsepower for henry's next race, may 27th at sonoma raceway. and as your mom said, michelle, go get it. and for more of our women's history month coverage, head to ktvu fox local app. there you can find stories on some incredible women right here in the bay area. the app is free for your smart tv. >> new at ten tonight, livermore is canceling its fireworks show this 4th of july, and instead hosting a daytime celebration over public safety concerns. >> due to crowd size, neighborhoods have been greatly impacted, with traffic and parking issues. more streets are blocked, making it difficult for emergency response vehicles to move around.
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>> chief young went on to say the city does not have the resources or staffing levels to accommodate the crowd size. the city says about 12,000 people attended last year's fireworks show, and more than 60% of the attendees were not from livermore. >> coming up tonight at 11, an unusual police chase in northern california. the very young driver, who was behind the wheel . >> and barry weather lots of clouds overhead right now. a stronger storm is developing off shore. rain is back in your friday forecast. it will carry into your weekend. but what about easter sunday? we'll have the update coming up. >> but first, a drug lab in the east bay. the items found that prompted a response from the bomb squad
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drug ibrentwood. the search warrant was served tuesday morning on shasta daisy drive near prairie rose wa and larkspur lane. at the residence. authorities say theunthe lab. utreek bomb squad also responded after three containers of a possibl explosive compound was found. 29 year old jonathan mccarthy was arrested, but police are still looking for two additional suspects. >> a 65 year old woman is speaking out after being attacked at a laundromat in oakland. demonstrators gathered today outside the laundromat on park boulevard. they called on city leaders to do more to protect elders and small businesses. so surveillance footage captured the moment ruth wilde was attacked on march 16th. it happened after she told two women they arrived too late to start their laundry, and the situation turned into an assault. police arrived and gave one of the women a citation. the owner of the laundromat is upset that no one was arrested. >> we are living in a dystopian
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society city. this is a dereliction of duty of our leaders and i'm angry, afraid, frustrated. >> and you got to do something about it. i want to go to work, but i'm afraid. but you got to change it. so victims have rights. >> leaders at today's rally also called on mayor shengtao to resign, saying she has failed the city for big companies are joining forces for a $10 million plan to improve safety in downtown oakland. >> leaders at blue shield of california, clorox, kaiser permanente and pga all announced that they will roll out additional safety measures in the coming weeks. now, this will include funding the creation of a safe zone and working with oakland police to bring more law enforcement on and off duty to the downtown area. the four companies also want to make an ambassador program available for on demand buddy escorts and add employee safety training. this investment is a move blue shield
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of california ceo paul markovich says is designed to offer people a peace of mind. >> the bottom line is we're trying to keep our employees safe and we have seen rising crime, particularly in 2023 over 2022. in oakland, that's contributed to a sense of concern amongst our employees, and we just want to make sure that they can come to work, be safe and be productive. and that's really what it's all about. we're not alone in that. and we thought cooperating would make this more effective. >> oakland mayor shengtao released a statement saying, in part, collectively, we share a deep love and commitment to this beautiful city. i know we will be successful in quickly bringing safety, growth and vibrancy back to our streets as part of the partnership, the four companies have agreed to financially support oakland's measure z, the public safety and violence prevention act, established back in 2014. >> still ahead tonight, a new way to fight crime in the south bay. coming up, the portal that
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will now allow residents to register their cameras with a local police department, plus san francisco's mayoral candidates making their pitch to the public on how they plan to crack down on open air drug markets and more. rain is in the bay area forecast. what we can expect as we look ahead now to the holiday weekend. our teorolog it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now. get $5000 total value on silverado ltz & high country models when you trade in an eligible vehicle. or during chevy truck season, get as low as 0.9% financing on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive.
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system. with help from residents, the department has created a new portal that allows community members to share locations of their privately owned security cameras with campbell police, rather than going door to door request. home video police say this will help officers quickly gather evidence during emergencies and criminal investigations. police say officers will not have access to live video. >> san francisco's mayoral candidates have plans to clean up the city's open air drug markets. and as ktvu is, christian catherine reports tonight, some of those would include bringing in the california national guard to the city, street conditions in the tenderloin and south of market have been a challenge for years in san francisco. >> now, with a mayoral race picking up steam, the candidates are pitching their plans to make the streets safer. mayoral candidate mark farrell said he would declare an emergency to bring more state resources to address street conditions in the tenderloin, since the city doesn't have enough police officers to do it on its own.
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>> and therefore we've been letting this drug crisis continue to fester and continue to grow on our streets. to me, that's unacceptable. we need solutions, we need results. and if that requires asking the state and the federal government for additional law enforcement personnel, i'm prepared to do exactly that up to and including national guard. >> yes, absolutely. san francisco's current mayor, london breed, says the state already has assets on the ground here that are making a difference. she says a lower overall crime rate last year is an indication that her administration is beginning to make progress against a problem. decades in the making. >> not only have we made arrests of over 2000 dealers and users with the goal of getting people treatment and holding drug dealers accountable, but even just last night, there was a big operation of over 50 arrests because of the work that we're doing. >> district 11 supervisor and mayoral candidate asha safai says the solution to resolving issues in the tenderloin is to responsibly use the resources the city already has, and says
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his plan to use police and sheriff's deputies on foot patrols will achieve results. the other commitment i made when i was out there was i would have a satellite office of the mayor at the tenderloin police station, the mayor needs to be on the ground seeing that on a day to day basis, marshaling the resources of the city, no other person is talking about that candidate daniel lurie says the idea of armed national guards on the streets of san francisco would do irreparable harm to the city's image. he's pushing his plan to keep out drug dealers using geo fencing and a combination of medical services and law enforcement to maintain order, he says. he, too, called for a state of emergency to address street conditions in the city. >> i'm the only candidate in this race with a comprehensive plan backed by law enforcement and behavioral health experts, to tackle the crisis on our streets, and so we need to do this. we should be doing it now. i will do it on day one of my administration advocates for the homeless say this isn't an
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issue. >> the city can arrest its way out of. jennifer friedenbach from the coalition on homelessness says all of these plans are law enforcement heavy and don't address the underlying issues of mental health and drug and alcohol dependency. >> so there's a lot of work that's been done on figuring out how to address the crisis. the problem is the resources have not been put into the solutions. they've instead been put into a criminal justice response. >> there is consensus that something must be done to improve conditions in the tenderloin. for now, the debate over how continues in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> the us naval naval ship named after civil rights leader harvey milk, arrived today in san francisco. the city's fire department sharing this video as it welcomed the ship into san francisco bay. it is the first navy ship to be named after an openly gay person, and one of six named after civil rights pioneers. harvey milk started off serving in the navy before coming to san francisco to be a politician. to commemorate the
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maiden voyage, visit the ship hosted an event to honor local military veterans, including an official lapel pinning ceremony. he >> well, we are sort of in between storms right now offshore. in fact, there's an intensifying storm system that will bring periods of heavy rain, some stronger winds, and maybe some thunderstorms for friday, and that could carry over into the weekend. so we'll start off showing you some of the rainfall expectations for friday and into saturday. these numbers could really be adding up, especially in the santa cruz mountains. you can see those amounts going up upwards of two to 2.5in. so possibly some localized heavy downpours and maybe maybe some urban and small stream flood advisories. that's the headline for tomorrow. rain and wind making a comeback. and then in the sierra this will be a snow producer as well. a winter storm warning begins tomorrow morning from friday right on through sunday afternoon, and snowfall could be around 10 to 24in. here's the radar right now. not a lot to show you. just lots of clouds in place. there's a chance you may have a few sprinkles for
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tonight, but the main storm you can see it's developing out here in the pacific. it's getting stronger. it's approaching the bay area, but it really has its eyes set down towards southern california. and they will have significant rain and their forecast by friday and into the weekend. here's our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge with mostly cloudy skies. current numbers. for the 10:00 hour, we have cooled off to 49. in santa rosa, concord, 53 and san jose checking in 54. now rain will be developing tomorrow morning. some stronger. winds as well. we talked about the wind advisory and overnight readings. will be in the 40s. also baseball for tomorrow. we could be tracking some showers as we head into friday evening. southerly breeze or southeasterly breeze at about 20 miles an hour. so we'll see if that impacts the baseball game with the a's as we head into tomorrow evening. now, when you look at this pattern, you think, okay, this is the storm system. this is not the storm system up here. this little wave developing within it, that is the storm approaching our coastline and will continue to send in some more clouds overnight. you can see the
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eventual path. so rain returns tomorrow some stronger winds, and then the cooler, unstable air. it's going to stick around into saturday. so with that, we could be talking about some thunderstorms in the bay area. forecast. here we are tomorrow morning. you can see that circulation out here. and then the rain showers kind of expanding over the bay area. look at those yellows and those reds starting to flare up. at least with this forecast model. this is 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. and then still overnight into saturday. still some scattered rain showers out there, some breaks in the action. but once you think it's over, the rain could actually develop and could lead to some more thunderstorms and then some heavier downpours. here is easter sunday. you can see it's not painting much rainfall for us at all, but we'll have some clouds out there and there is a slight chance of a sprinkle or a light shower for sunday. but something we'll be watching and it looks like the main storm energy moving to the south of the bay area. rain develops. so for tomorrow, that's the headline. highs will be on the cool side in the mid to upper 50s. and here's a look ahead. your five day forecast. more showers and thunderstorms into saturday. lingering clouds for easter. then it looks like a nice warming trend into early
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next week. >> all right mark, thank you. well the focus on the a's has been mostly what was happening off the field. but they also had a season opener to play our jason appelbaum live at the coliseum with all the action and reaction coming up next in sports. >> and tonight on the 11:00 news, the investigation into sean diddy combs continues what we're hearing about the federal government looking into his flight logs
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all right. good evening, everybody from the empty oakland coliseum where the a's came out flat and uninspired in what may have been their last opening day
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ever in oakland tonight, hosting the cleveland guardians in the first of a four game set. and with many fans boycotting in the parking lot, the announced attendance was 13,005 22, a few of them waving sell flags. we got a guy that's first pitch of the game. steven kwan pops up the bunt. ryan noda comes charging in from first base to make a sliding catch. nice play from noda to give pitcher alex wood some support early and then in the fourth, the guardians break it open. austin hedges hits a grounder to short nick allen fields the ball, goes off noda's glove and you'll see what happens there. a couple runs are going to come in to score on the single and the error and that would allow the cleveland guardians to go up six to nothing. they scored five in the frame to break the game open. as we said bottom fifth allen singles to right. former athletic ramon laureano comes up throwing as lawrence butler
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bolts from third. butler beats the throw but he over slides the bag. he's tagged out to end the inning. it was that kind of night kind of epitomize the a's night a's lose eight nothing shane bieber struck out 11 batters in six innings and after the game, alex wood was asked about the boycotting fans outside. >> i would like to see all those guys inside the stadium tonight. you know? but, you know, they're fighting for something they believe in, you know? and so at the end of the day, you know, as long as they're supporting us and whatever way that may be, you know, whether it's inside the stadium or watching the game outside to have them show up for something they believe in, you know, you can't knock them for that. >> they definitely came out to watch us and support us, which, you know, obviously is great. you'd love to play better, but, again, you know what? tomorrow's a new day. and we'll turn the page. >> yeah, that they will. and it was opening day around the majors. and for the giants, that meant a trip down to san diego
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to take on the padres. and this was at petco park, all dressed up and ready to go for the 2024 season. bob melvin, in his first game as a giant skipper, scoreless in the third. one of those new giants shortstop nick ahmed, he lines one off yu darvish in the left field corner. michael conforto scores the first run of the season and it's one nothing. giants ahmed had a couple of rbis on the day, but the bullpen let it all fall apart in the seventh. tied at three run in for the san diego padres. xander bogaerts lazy fly to left center off. ryan walker drops in for a hit. tyler wade scores and it's 4 to 3 san diego two hitters after that. jake cronenworth lines it to right off walker. it rolls to the wall. bogaerts and jackson merrill score on the double, six three. padres four runs for the padres in the inning. the giants lose 6 to 4. conforto had three hits and a late home run in a
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losing effort. logan webb gave up two runs in six innings. how about the defending champions? that would be bruce bochy's, texas rangers celebrating their world series title, raising the flag at globe life field in texas goes to the 10th inning, tied at three when jonah heim, with the bases loaded and two outs, drives it off drew smyly to the opposite way into the right center field gap. josh young scores the first walk off of the new baseball season. ladies and gentlemen, rangers win four three and some redemption for heim after erroneously being called for a pass ball in the top of the ninth, which allowed the cubs go ahead run to score the ncaa tournament. a number one seed and two number two seeds, go down bounced at the sweet 16 and we begin here with the clemson tiger doing the gritty tigers up three with 15 seconds to go on arizona joseph girard with the baseball pass to dylan hunter for the layup and the foul.
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three point play. that was the dagger clemson wins 77 to 72 to advance to the elite eight. and alabama also upset top seed north carolina. so that's it from the oakland coliseum where rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. but we'll see what happens. but the a's go down in their home opener eight nothing to the cleveland guardians jason thank you. >> we appreciate it. next at 11 breaking news out of san francisco where one person has died after a shooting right near a bart station on the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now. >> good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> let's get right to that. breaking news ktvu is jana katsuyama joins us now. she's in the city near the powell street bart station. jana, what have you learned? >> well, mike and julie, i just want to show you right now i'm going to get out of the way. you can see this crime scene tape here. these are the stairs and the escalators going down to holiday plaza, where the powell street bart station entrance


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