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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  April 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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monet and post malone. malone, who headlined the festival back in 2022, will be performing a country music set at this year's event. the three day festival takes place august 9th through the 11th at golden gate park. tickets go on sale at 10:00 this morning. general admission for all three days costs $465. two oakland high school basketball teams will be celebrated today after bringing home a state championship. the oakland unified school district, honoring the oakland high school girls basketball team, along with oakland tech high school boys basketball team. the celebration will be held at noon at the oakland zoo. >> sell or get banned. that's the message from congress to tiktok. when a possible ban over the popular social media site could happen, and how users would be affected. >> then a near-total abortion ban in arizona could have a major impact here in california.
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how governor newsom is looking to streamline access to abortion services as that arizona law goes into effect in just a week. >> plus, a family search for answers intensifies after their 15 year old daughter is found dead in san francisco. the new questions about her final moments after she was released from a psychiatric hospital. >> live from jack london square. this is morning time two. >> the night. >> today is wednesday, april 24th. we're looking live at the skyline of san francisco with some cloudy skies. it may be a little bit better weather wise than yesterday. and by better i mean just a touch warmer. but we're not having the temperatures that we had over the weekend. we'll have the weather coming up in just a bit. a gas station on the peninsula is getting attention for its high gas prices. at the chevron station on alameda de las pulgas in menlo park, gas prices hit more than $7 a gallon over the weekend, according to gasbuddy.
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that's the highest price in the bay area. the average price for gas in san mateo county is $5.60, according to triple a, and we want some viewer reaction. this morning we're asking you, are you concerned about the rising cost of gas? your options? yes some driving less. no, it doesn't bother me. and the last one is i don't buy gas. maybe you have a car that's all electric and you're probably loving all this. so let us know and you can go to or you can scan the qr code right there on your screen. and have you noticed it? >> prices have jumped significantly in the past like week or two weeks or so. of course i see it. there's my cheap gas station is now above $5, so i take note of it. yeah, i don't drive a ton, but i'm i'm doing the whole hey, can i drive your son to the baseball practice? both our sons are going to. so there's more carpooling happening in my neighborhood. >> well, a few months ago, i bought a full electric car, so i don't really look at the gas station prices anymore, which is good. it's less to fill up on
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the car, so it's nice not you don't look and laugh and be like, oh, that's not me. >> i do not laugh because it is not, you know, i remember scrounging, you know, college for like for money just to fill up your car of gas. i never yeah, i know, i don't laugh because it's. i mean, not every electric cars are not that available yet, that everyone can get one and cheaply. >> right too. right. so i mean, i'm sure some people could. they would, but they're stuck. they're stuck paying for gas. i'm just, you know, i'm just able to do it now in my life. yeah and we're all paying. i'm not i'm not laughing at anyone. i feel i feel bad because, you know, it's like you have no control over this, right? you have to have gas to get to work, right? and to get to school. right. but like some people in faraway lands are dictating the price it just doesn't seem doesn't seem right, right. >> and we're all paying for it in higher prices, right? >> yeah. right. >> like, you know, floral delivery places are tacking on extra, you know, like that sort of thing. >> we are so like that meal you might get delivered this weekend, maybe there's a little extra for the high gas price. >> there's a lot more. >> okay. you were aware we will
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keep watching those numbers again at this point it's an overwhelming answer. >> but as you continue to vote, those numbers change. we'll check in later on. the nine one parent company, the parent company of tiktok, now has up to a year to sell that social media platform or face a ban in the united states. president biden just signed a bill into law this morning, forcing the company to sell tiktok due to national security concerns. ktvu erasmus has been tracking this all morning. she's live now with reaction and looking ahead as well. >> well, what's expected to happen next is at some point in the near future. bytedance, the parent company of tiktok making some sort of announcement that it plans to sue the federal government to block this new law from going into effect on the grounds that it violates the us first amendment. no official word from bytedance just yet, but that legal action is expected now that the president has signed this law into effect. bytedance has offices all over the us, but it is headquartered in beijing, china. and president biden this morning signed a law in a bill into law that would give bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, one year to sell to a non-chinese company.
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and if it doesn't, tiktok would no longer be accessible or able. you wouldn't be able to update or download it on us phones. us lawmakers and security experts say the company has close ties to the chinese government to close in their fears. they worry about that the foreign government of china would have too much information and influence over tiktok's millions of us users. >> the fear here is okay, so this data is available and the chinese government can have access to that. the worst case scenario is we have election years coming and we have elections. you know, you know, going on. so a deepfake video, you know, a fabricated picture, some that will spread like fire in tiktok and that could have an impact. >> i don't think that it should be banned, but i think that there should be some restrictions put on it to make it safer to use. for our youth. i think that if it's used properly, it could be such an amazing educational tool like.
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>> this tiktok bill was passed as part of a larger bill to give foreign aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan again. president biden signed it into law this morning so that one year deadline for bytedance to try and sell tiktok goes into effect immediately. the only thing that can stop or delay that timeline, again, is a lawsuit from bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, to block the law and then is expected to happen and be announced sometime soon. now, other nations already have partial or even full bans on tiktok. india for example, for the last several years, has not allowed any of its citizens to use tiktok within its borders, and supporters of this law say it's no different than how china treats us. social media companies. facebook, instagram, snapchat none of those platforms are allowed to operate in china. live in san jose. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> allie, thank you. and we want to dive deeper now into the
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potential tiktok ban and the tiktok ban that's taking effect today by welcoming tech journalist sharbani joshi back to the nine. good morning to you, sharbani. thank you for joining us. >> hi. good to see you. >> good to see you. so we just heard that president biden signed that bill. what can we expect to happen next, we can expect a lot of litigation and waiting. the tiktok ceo came out in a video this morning and expects, that tiktok will prevail in legal filings, that it expects to, to issue any time. the ceo issued a video today and saying in a video that tiktok isn't going anywhere, allie had mentioned that it is on the basis of first amendment rights and also on the economic basis that tiktok contributes more than $20 billion to the u.s. economy annually. and it's trying to rally the support of tiktokers across the globe, and particularly in the us, to get a public backlash. and we know that the timing of this is incredibly important considering we are in an election year.
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>> shabani. it's very important what allie just said now, in china, you cannot use facebook, you cannot use instagram, you cannot use x, you can only use, social media sites that are, that are chinese based. yeah. so and this company is based in china that owns tiktok, bytedance. it's based there. and yet they still operate within this country. how can they claim an unconstitutional angle in a legal fight over this? do you can you kind of find a way of what they were trying to argue or what they will be arguing in court if this does go to court? >> well, it is based on the operations in the united states. is irrespective of what the laws are in china, is on the basis that it prohibits free speech in this country. what is interesting, though, is there is precedent for this. for the united states to have has very clear laws in a couple of areas. first, on the ownership on the foreign ownership of media assets, tv and radio in this
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country. and so we you know, some of this is going to revolve around whether or not tiktok is a media platform or a social media platform more for public interest, there is data and stats out there that 30% of the youth under the age of 30 are getting their news in this country. so there is reason to classify tiktok as a news outlet. and then we've also seen the us government force the sale because china is considered a foreign adversary, forced the sale of other apps owned by the chinese or tied to the chinese government. we've seen it with a with a health app and also most recently the dating app grindr was owned by a chinese entity and was the sale was forced. so there is precedent for this in the united states. >> so as a business journalist, you've been covering business for a long time here. what does this look like to you? do you see tiktok relenting and selling their interests to an american company here? >> i think we're in, in in
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totally new waters here. i think what is going to be interesting about this, andre, is one, they're certainly going to be a legal fight on many different grounds, what is also at stake is sort of tech assets and, and intellectual property, because one could say the basis of tiktok is the intellectual property at at stake? here is the algorithm. it is within a black box, and the chinese government is not going to let go of the algorithm. you can't necessarily say the, the 7000 employees and the engineers can let go of the intellectual property and, and allow it to operate on its own in the united states, but then operate independently in foreign countries. i don't think we've seen we've seen this sort of thing happen before. and the chinese government is not going to relent, has already said they are opposed to this, this idea and this divestiture. there are also laws in the united in china around the export of or the exporting of technology. there
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are so many issues at stake here. what we're going to see is really, a new, new territory when it comes to social media and the crossing of sort of geopolitical ties. this is the intersection of business and politics and social media. and this is all new terrain. >> it is interesting, though, that we do have a congress that doesn't get very much done. but they did get this done with the concern that this poses a national security risk and a risk to the personal data of americans as well. is there no law protecting americans data from falling into the hands of a foreign government, i'm not sort of the legal expert when it comes to that, but what we know is that, you know, within a certain, you know, national geography bounds, you are forced , even as an international company, to play by the rules of the united states, china has, has maintained that it does not access and the ceo of tiktok has gone in front of congress and
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said the chinese government does not have access to u.s data. but we know that we can't always trust the word of the chinese government and because it is owned by a chinese entity, there's no way of fully protecting the interests of the us, of the u.s citizens that are on that platform. and that is, excuse me, the exact issue at hand. there is no way of protecting and knowing. and then we also, don't have access to the algorithm. and then there is the concern of propaganda on the platform and the ability to influence all sorts of things. so this is something that has tentacles in many, many different areas. >> and the people here in the united states that make money off the app, tech journalist and business journalist shivani joshi, thank you so much for joining us and providing insight into this. this is not the end of the story, obviously. so we'll be talking to you more about it as the weeks and months move along. we appreciate your time. >> looking forward to it. >> thanks. coming up on mornings
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on two. the nine a tragic loss in the east bay. an officer dies after a 2018 crash left him in a state of limited consciousness. we hear from his father, a retired opd captain, as the family and community prepare for memorial service and later major changes are on the horizon for millions of salaried workers, we'll take a look at a new rule that will significantly expand eligibil for
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i'm jimmy dean and uh, isn't that sunrise somthin'? i honestly feel that way about jimmy dean sausage. get yourself a large chunk of that good morning feeling. boy, that smells good. mmm.
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yesterday, i think. was it yesterday the day before i was thinking about using the air conditioner and yesterday i was thinking about using the heater from monday to tuesday. >> and now we've gone down 15, 20 degrees. amazing for april, a couple systems coming in. the one the main low opened the door to the fog bank on sunday. monday we had, 80s interior. i may not see that again for a while here. this. everything is favoring cool conditions. that's pumping in a lot of high, mid level clouds. and there's an extensive fog bank here that is just hard to believe for april. i'll tell you, it's been the trend here. i look at april and may and see how the summer may go. i still think it will have an early cool start to may, and also into early summer. the way it looks to me, it's just fog forms without really that warmer temperatures. and look at that. i mean, water temps are cold. they're about 52 to 54, 55 and it doesn't get any heat in them yet. we still have all this cloud cover over us. so we went from the warm for two days.
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sunday monday, and then since then it has been downhill and downhill fast. and this is a really cool pattern. for the third week in april. 50s on the temps, we still stuck vacaville, livermore still at 59. i mean, most locations did not get below 54 or 55 this morning. 30s, 40s up in the mountains, 50s, 60s up and down the coast. but a couple of systems now the low, the main low is moving into southern california, but we're getting some higher clouds from it. system coming down from the northwest that will kick this system along. it's called a bumper, a kicker and that's what's going to kick that out of here. but a lot of clouds today, maybe a few sun breaks, but not many temperatures. cool. if you can get some sun. mild the system on friday is an actual cold front. i don't think we'll get much in the way of any rain out of it. and the mountains they will, but it will bring up the old wind machine and crank that up. and if you have travel plans to the mountains, especially on friday, i mean, this looks like a pretty good little rainier with some snow above maybe 6500ft. also, northern sacramento valley and also northwest california. so low, high clouds giving us a cloudy, mostly cloudy day. temperatures cool to mild. if he can break through some of those
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clouds, you might eek out of 70, but most are stuck in the 60s. not much change through friday does look a little better on the weekend. you guys. >> thank you steve, a funeral is planned this friday for an oakland police officer who died last week after being on life support for almost six years. officer jordan wingate was 23 years old when he was severely injured in a car crash in august of 2018, while he was on duty. doctors say wingate was on life support. he was in a state of limited consciousness, and he was able to see and hear his family at his bedside in highland hospital until he died earlier this month. they said. >> the likelihood of him surviving was very slim, but between the doctors and nurses, they just they kept them alive. the most important part of being a cop by far is talking to people. i think that was probably his biggest accomplishment was, you know, was just he was a people person, you know, he just loved people. >> wingate came from a law enforcement family. his father is a retired oakland police captain and his godfather was an oakland police detective who died while on duty in 2001, killed by friendly fire,
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grieving parents in the east bay want to know how their 15 year old daughter got to san francisco, where she was found dead over the weekend. >> jasmine pellegrini of bay point was found dead on saturday morning in san francisco. her parents last saw her on wednesday night. they say she left their family home without her phone and didn't have any money, and say she'd been released from a psychiatric hospital just three hours earlier. >> how can we cope? we want we want answers. we want to know who was with her. we want to know how did she get to san francisco? >> the family says jasmine had mental health struggles for years. they say she they had no idea how she died. they say they think someone may have lured her to the city and that she may have been drugged. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price doubled down on her stance that the da's office is stronger under her leadership, amid calls for her to be removed from office. >> i can tell you that in our office, we are holding people accountable every day. we are charging people. we are
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prosecuting people. we are doing our part where it's appropriate that they are entitled to diversion. >> price discussed her vision for public safety during a virtual town hall. she said she ran on a progressive platform of reducing sentences for younger offenders, eliminating most sentencing enhancements and holding law enforcement more accountable. price rejects criticism that she is soft on crime. >> we're prosecuting people at the same level as my predecessor, and so this sense that people aren't being held accountable, i think is more driven, by the, the slant of the way things are being portrayed in the media and presented often, sometimes on social media. >> critics have gathered enough signatures to get a recall on the ballot. >> meantime, the alameda county board of supervisors has until tuesday to schedule an election date for recall of da price. her critics, who formed the group
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save alameda for everyone, held a rally in oakland outside the county administration building at last week's board meeting. they accused supervisors of declining to start the recall process. >> we got the approved signatures. you have hundreds of thousands of people that want this on the ballot and want to constitutionally have her recalled, and we need that done as soon as possible. >> the group projects the recall vote will likely take place sometime between late july and early september, coming up on mornings on to the nine. >> did you grow up drinking chocolate milk? you did. did you drink chocolate milk? you drank it all? sure. it was like a super special treat for us. yeah. >> oh it was oh yeah. >> yeah yeah yeah. it's interesting fairly now it's like in the school lunchroom. so the federal government has weighed in on whether chocolate or even strawberry milk should be allowed as part of elementary school lunches, and why those in favor of keeping it say it's actually better for children in the long run then some east bay teens are living a real life version of that hit show, glee.
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how they're taking their singing talents to some incredible stages, and they're joining us in studio on the ninth. grad 100% of dark spots are intensified by the sun. bright reveal daily sunscreen. no whitecast. wear spf every single day, rain or shine. anti-dark spot sunscreen by l'oréal paris. why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier
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and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay.
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officials say pasteurized milk is still safe to drink. the pasteurization process kills harmful bacteria and viruses in dairy products. the agency is also investigating a recent bird
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flu outbreak among cattle. it's been detected in more than 30 dairy herds in eight states. the fda says the milk from the sick cows is being diverted or destroyed by a medical robot developed in silicon valley is being used to fight lung cancer. >> sunnyvale company intuitive surgical created this robot, which helps doctors diagnose lung cancer faster and safer than previous methods. early detection is key to beating cancer, delaying care and treatment by just six weeks reduces a person's survival rate by 13. this robot, along with ct scans, helps doctors perform a procedure that allows them to see a patient's lungs and detect cancerous nodules. >> this allows us to one get to the nodules that radiology could not otherwise get to. two biopsy nodules from the inside, which which has a much lower risk of lung collapse. >> doctors lung cancer say lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in the us. it kills 125 americans each year. >> officials in california are
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warning about counterfeit botox that's being used in our state and others. the cdc says there have been about two dozen recent cases of botulism across 11 states. at least two of the cases have been in california, including a woman in san diego. she bought bad botox online. its use resulted in headaches, weakness and blurred vision and then took it to a botox party, where it was injected by an unlicensed and untrained person. >> these are elected procedures, not something that anybody ever has to do. so you really want to do your homework, be a good consumer. ask a lot of questions. this is not a treatment that you need to be doing in someone's bathroom. >> only licensed physicians can buy botox legally. it should only be administered by licensed professionals. the san diego woman suffered a mild case, but other victims were hospitalized and went on life support. >> our emergency legislation, expected today by governor gavin newsom in response to the arizona abortion ban coming up
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on mornings on two. the nine how the bill could change a doctors who changed the effective doctors who practice in california. >> also ahead, the biden administration is putting new pressure on airlines to pay up after a major flight delays. i'm grif jenkins i shingt
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♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪
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live. look here. lots of green on those hills. it's not as super dry and hot as it sometimes can be this time of year, so hopefully your garden is thriving. we're in for some more cooler temperatures as the week marches on. new. this morning, the us department of agriculture says that chocolate and strawberry milk can stay in elementary school cafeterias. the biden administration had previously floated a ban aimed at limiting sugar in school lunches. health experts worry, though, that banning flavored milk would discourage children from drinking milk altogether. instead, the usda says it's pushing the dairy industry to change its recipes to meet new sugar standards. i will note chocolate milk was a treat growing up. yes, and to this day, if i see it like as a treat for myself, i will get it. it has like about four teaspoons of added sugar per cup. yeah so according to those who want to keep it, they say, well look, the nutrition in milk outweighs the added even even in the regular milk. >> it has that much sugar in it. >> no, in regular like in good old fashioned like what comes from the cows, just the white.
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>> because in schools they have the, the box with the regular milk and the chocolate milk. >> so the regular milk has no added sugar, it has natural sugar. the chocolate milk has about four teaspoons of added that has sugar. >> and that's what i know. >> you didn't know that when you were six. >> no, i didn't care. but now i do know. no i grew up drinking another, you know. you know where i was born. we have a called milo which is a similar, similar type of drink i didn't hear about. you have chocolate milk the way you guys have it here until i came to school here. >> your milo is my nestle's quik. >> yes, it's something similar. it's not the same, but it's something very similar to what you know. >> did you grow up drinking chocolate milk? yeah. okay >> i mean, not i didn't we didn't abuse the privilege, but guzzle it. yeah, yeah, but we had it sometimes. yeah. and then those little, those little. sure. the little little cards, they had it at school sometimes. yeah >> the cafeteria gave them out like, you know, water. >> yeah. i'll have to think back. >> i don't know if we had chocolate. i mean, i probably i think i'm older than you. i don't know if we had it when we. i'll have to go back in the
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archives. >> and it was long ago. >> yeah. okay. it was, it was a trend that we're watching that's happening sort of as we see the numbers change, gas prices, they're jumping about $0.50 in just the past month or so. >> so we've been posing the question to you, are you doing anything differently because of the recent high gas prices? 81% of you say, yep, i'm driving less. 10% say no, doesn't bother me. eight 9% of you say you don't buy gas. i'm guessing either you have an electric vehicle. maybe you rely on public transit, but let's keep this poll going. we'll keep it up on our website. check in during the nine here a bit later on to see if these numbers change. you can head to slash vote or scan the qr code. >> all right, happening today. governor gavin newsom is proposing a new way to help people in arizona get abortions in california, as arizona's near total ban on abortion is about to begin. in about a week from now, ktvu bailey o'carroll is in the newsroom now with what the governor wants to do. bailey. >> andre, good morning. governor gavin newsom wants the state of california to make it easier for doctors from arizona to come to california to perform abortions. now the governor would offer arizona abortion providers an expedited way of getting licenses here in the state. the move would require emergency legislation to pass because
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governor newsom wants that change to go into effect may 1st, which happens to be the same day that arizona's near-total abortion ban is set to go into effect. newsom will announce that bill in just about an hour here. now, since roe versus wade was overturned nearly two years ago, a number of conservative states have started to limit access to the procedure, while other states like california have taken steps to protect those rights in, according to the governor, people seeking reproductive care in the state of california is up nearly 17% since that happened. the governor's team said they are working closely with arizona's democratic governor, katie hobbs, and a strong stance on abortion is nothing new for newsom. >> states that do still provide or still have protections anyway for abortions are seeing an increase in patient numbers, and this can have the effect of pushing in-state residents who are seeking care back in terms of their appointment times. and so having more doctors is better
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than having fewer doctors, especially when we're anticipating this influx. >> now, again, that the governor's team is working closely with politicians in arizona and again, that strong stance on abortion is really nothing new for newsom. it's been a major focus of his. he has run ads all across the country, specifically in states where abortion bans have gone into effect, like in the south. and those are all being paid for by his campaign for democracy pac. and according to politico, governor newsom also reportedly expected to announce allocating $200 million towards reproductive health care. the money will go towards security at clinics, training for providers and transportation for patients. back to you, bailey. >> thank you. a group called save west portal is opposed opposing transit changes meant to improve safety in the neighborhood. the idea was in the works and is being prioritized after a family of four was hit and killed by a car at a bus stop near the west
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portal muni station, plans call for banning left turns on busy west portal avenue. those against it say that will put family run stores and restaurants out of business. sfmta is conducting its last poll with the public at 4:00 this afternoon outside the west portal branch library. a man who works as a baker in san francisco is in critical condition after he was injured in a hit and run. jesus or jesus? pardon me? say mundo is riding an electric scooter to work at bob's donuts about 3:00 sunday morning when he was hit by a car at the boatswain, guerrero. the driver did not stop the crash, left him unconscious. coworkers say mundo worked seven days a week at two bob's donuts locations, as i known him for so long. >> and, you know, we work together and he's a good, kind person. >> samudio's family say he worked to support his family and two young children in mexico. bob's donuts set up a go fund me account that's raised almost
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$20,000 so far to help pay for his medical bills. >> thousands of tesla workers in the bay area will be looking for new jobs soon. tesla is eliminating about 6000 jobs in california and texas. about half ctors in fremont and palo alto. last week, tesla announced that it was laying off more than 10% of its 140,000 employees. financial experts say. tesla also recently cut prices by $2,000 to increase sales. >> i do believe that there is the possibility that we'll see more layoffs because musk has announced that he wants to launch hot and heavy into, more automated production robotic factories, probably a lot of ai in that as well. >> layoffs are expected to start in june, but tesla ceo elon musk says he has grand plans for tesla and wants to produce more affordable electric cars starting next year. >> new this morning, the department of transportation announced new rules on airline cancellations and delays. as
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griff jenkins reports, the new rules are meant to make sure that passengers get refunds when they're due. >> after major disruptions to air travel in recent years, the biden administration says it's following through with a promise to hold airlines accountable. new federal rules announced on wednesday mandate automatic cash refunds for passengers whose flights have been canceled or significantly delayed. >> we are also changing the refund to clarify that it must be by cash. >> it must be in cash by default, unless a passenger actively chooses another form of compensation. >> air carriers will also be required to clearly disclose junk fees and refund bag fees. if luggage is not delivered within 12 hours of domestic flights before the rule, the department of transportation says passengers had to navigate airline websites and fill out extra paperwork to request a refund. the white house estimates the changes will save fliers around $500 million each year in excess airline fees, infrequent fliers are especially
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vulnerable since they may not know that we are here for them and are often not told about their right to a refund. the announcement comes at a turbulent time for the travel industry. on wednesday, the justice department is meeting with families of people killed in two boeing 737 max crashes as the government decides whether to pursue a criminal case after the crashes, the company had reportedly agreed to strengthen its compliance program over three years. but just days before the agreement expired, a door plug flew off an alaska airlines plane. the doj is now investigating whether that incident violate the terms of its agreement with boeing in washington. griff jenkins, fox news. a first of its kind bill has passed the senate transportation committee. >> the new law would address the concerns about expedited airport screening services that let some travelers pay to cut through tsa lines. the committee passed the bill in an 8 to 4 vote would require fast track services such as clear, to pay for their own tsa staff. lanes at airport
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security. if the identity screening companies don't comply , they'd be banned from the state. >> there have been lots of incidents over the last couple of years where, you know, we're unauthorized travelers have used clear as a way of breaching tsa security. >> supporters of clear say the service creates hundreds of jobs, serves more than a million americans, and shares more than $13 million in annual revenue with airport partners. the bill now moves forward to the senate appropriations committee. >> the us labor department says millions of americans will soon qualify for overtime pay under a new rule. the rule will raise the salary threshold for overtime eligibility close to $44,000 a year. the current threshold is around $35,000. the threshold will get another raise in 2025 and then be updated every three years. labor officials say that lower paid salaried workers all too often do the same work as hourly workers, but don't get paid extra when they work over 40 hours. >> the ftc is banning employers from using non-compete contracts to prevent workers from joining
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rival firms. the new federal rule will prevent companies in the us from enforcing most existing non-compete agreements and bans any new ones. the commission says. non-competes are a widespread and often exploitative practice that keeps wages low. the move is expected to face a challenge in court from the us chamber of commerce. california companies already prevented from using these clauses in employee contracts coming up on mornings on to the ninth. >> there is something special about singing with friends, and then when you add thousands of people watching, it becomes a dream come true. next on the nine, you'll meet the east bay teens who are about to sing the national anthem at this saturday's giants game, how they've been using their talents to give back to the community for years now, and why they'll soon be going their separate ways. head oh, she's s et, but
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wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes.
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now some children are actually designing them. >> ashley dvorkin spoke with code ninjas about the programs offered and this growing coding trend. >> programs teaching coding for kids like those at code ninjas, are about turning a love for technology into fun learning. we have over 300 locations across
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the us that provide these after school or summer camp, or anytime there's like a school vacation. >> we offer programing at our locations and kids can come in and they get to do coding activities and stem based activities. >> bill marsland of code ninjas notes they have a range of coding opportunities. video game design, lego robotics and more. >> there's also a lot of kids who get excited about minecraft and roblox, but they are busy consuming those and just playing around with those. they come to code ninjas to then elevate that experience. so many skills that kids can develop by learning to code, that go well beyond just those job market skills that we think about in terms of technology. kids are building those soft skills, too, like collaboration, communication. >> he's seen a growing interest in coding. >> this is absolutely a growing trend. parents want their kids to move beyond just being consumers of technology. they really want them to understand the technology and understand that they themselves can have an
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impact on the technology, and they can create things with technology. >> marsland also shared his favorite feedback from parents and kids, where the experience of what happens in our locations is enough to help a kid see themselves as someone who technology is for because we know that historically, there have been certain folks who have gone into technology and some folks have felt excluded from technology. >> and so anything that can reduce that barrier to entry, such as the programs at code ninjas, is such a rewarding experience. >> that's awesome. >> ashley dvorkin, fox news. i hope you're somewhere praying marin pray and i hope your soul is changed in changing, and i hope you find your peace. >> peace all in on your knees praying.
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>> that's the group 4:00, which consists of four teens from the lamorinda area in the east bay. they've been singing together since 2018, captivating audiences at events ever since. but this weekend, they're gearing up for a major opportunity to showcase their talents at the san francisco giants game. welcome all of you. thank you. jayden mina and sadie. yes. pretty good. all right. so you have your giants gear all ready. now we were talking during the break. i was saying, are you nervous? and mina pipes up said not nervous, excited excited nervous excited. yep. nearsighted. >> nervous, so a lot of people will be. it's a tough song to sing to. have you practiced a lot? >> yes, yes, a lot, a lot, a lot , a lot every week? yes. >> how do you sing harmonies the way you do? how did you come up with the arrangements that you do? i my daughter really loves that song. sweet, but a psycho. i showed it to her and she says, oh, that's pretty good. and it's a song that she knows. how did
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you come up with the arrangement, well, our amazing, talented director, leslie noel hanson, she formed our group, actually, and she runs the nonprofit peter pan foundation, and that's how we met. and she does all our arranging for us. >> when did you find out? and i'm going to ask each of you to pipe in. when did you find out that singing, first of all, that you can sing, you can hear pitch right and you can carry a tune and take it to this next level. >> jayden, i'll start with you probably ever since i was a little kid, i was always singing with my parents, and that's kind of how i got into theater. and then that's how i found the peter pan foundation, and now i'm part of that, and that's how i found them. >> so same with you, mina. >> yeah, i always used to sing, like to the left by beyonce in the car seat and summer loving with my dad. so it was always just singing. >> parents. all right. >> yeah. i mean, i've been into singing since i was younger and like my mom did, singing, so she got me into that. and yeah, i've just been singing ever since in school and outside of it too. it's like my thing. >> kind of the same thing. like
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my dad would always play the guitar and i would sing along. and then really, when i found these guys, i really started getting into it. >> you know what i hate to say this. some people can't sing. i've met a few, so they look for people like you who are going to bring songs to them. what's the future? because i, i know that you guys are, you know, at the age where you might split up, are you going to you're going to stay friends. but is the group staying together, i mean, we because they are graduating, i think we're going to soon end around this summer, but we are planning to possibly do a summer concert just just to sing all the songs that we have done. we definitely are going to stay friends and keep in touch and hopefully sing again sometime in the future. >> but yeah, when you walk around campus right, like, you know how the jocks walk around campus and they're like, hey, football, what do you what reaction do you guys get, like, you know, people who have heard you, do you get a lot of compliments? >> i think usually the same as everyone else does, except like when we do like a competition or something, or they see a video of us, they're like, oh, my
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gosh, were you singing like, i saw you? >> like, you guys are great. and like, it's usually around those times that we get any excitement. do you guys have any choice in deciding which songs you're going to sing? yeah we choose all the songs that we sing together. yeah. >> okay. so have you learned songs doing this that maybe you didn't know? i mean, sweet, but a psycho is all over the radio. that's an easy one. but there's some other songs that may not be as familiar. have you learned new music? yes. >> yeah, a lot. a lot of us have, like come up or brought up different songs and then we've like learned them or. yeah, maybe your dad's music. >> yeah. yes. yeah >> you weren't supposed to laugh at that. all right, the last thing about i'm going to ask you about this group is you guys are on youtube. i was able to watch you guys. maybe since the virtual world is here, you could stay together virtually. you know how they do it. sing virtually, marry the videos together. yeah. i think you have a thing going on here. it would be a shame to lose it. >> yeah, that's definitely. >> we have considered that. yeah definitely continuing. maybe doing some lessons over zoom
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with our group as well. maybe in the future while we're off at college. >> so okay, i lied, i have one more question. the national anthem. what challenges are there to singing that song? i know it's singers have told me it's kind of a tough song to sing. why is it a tough song to sing? sadie >> honestly, it's just kind of capturing all of the different attitudes towards the song itself and, you know, trying to encapsulate that in your voice and kind of your attitude. all right. >> you guys are great, you're representing lamorinda very, very well. and you did great on tv, so you're going to kill it, as they say on saturday. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> good luck to you all. all right. jayden, mina and sadie from the group 4:00. again, thank you for joining us. if you would like to see 4:00 sing the national anthem at the giants game this sunday, we've made it easy for you. just head to our website, and click on the web link section. coming up on mornings on two. the nine tickets for this year's highly anticipated outside lands festival hitting the market this
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morning. etails on he in next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job?
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tube, which connects the cities of alameda and oakland. the overnight closure was originally scheduled for last wednesday but was postponed due to weather. caltrans says the webster tube will close tonight at ten and reopen at 430 in the morning. the closure is to accommodate maintenance work. by the way, the webster tube is the one that heads from oakland to alameda. people get confused sometimes and there will be detour signs up to help drivers in that area. >> today, people at uc berkeley are celebrating hatch day, welcoming the new peregrine falcons on top of the campus bell tower. so far, three of the four eggs have hatched in their nest. fourth could hatch any day now. they're all the offspring of annie, the falcon that's lived on top of the campanile at the cal campus since 2016, and he's had up until this year, she had 18 chicks. >> so far she has. now she has 21 at least. we're lucky that
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that annie and archie seem to be very healthy, and that we've got three more chicks. >> today's hatch day gathering will be held at the berkeley art museum in pacific film archive, right near the entrance to the campus in downtown berkeley. >> mayor london breed introduced a new resolution to clear the way for the san francisco zoo to hold fundraisers to help meet the needs of the giant pandas coming from china. the mayor shared this video showing a panda enclosure at the shanghai wildlife park during her recent trip to china. the new resolution would allow the san francisco zoo to raise funds for similar enclosure here, without relying on taxpayer dollars. now, the legislation is required because city officials are banned from soliciting funds from philanthropists and private parties for charitable and governmental purposes. it's not clear yet how much money is needed to build the enclosure. >> new this morning, one of college football's greatest running backs is getting his heisman trophy back. the heisman trust returned the coveted award
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back to former usc star reggie bush. the trust says the decision comes amid enormous changes in the college football landscape. in 2010, bush forfeited his heisman in the wake of a scandal at usc that included claims he received improper benefits during his college career. we're just one day away from the nfl draft night, and the league is putting the finishing touches on the big stage in downtown detroit. the venue is about a year and a half in the making. the goal for the draft night is to look great in person and for people who watch at home. as many as 400,000 people are expected to be in detroit this week for the nfl draft, the team behind the event says the stage is a product of the nfl, as well as people from around the area of detroit. >> we went around to many different groups around the city and made sure that everybody had a perspective in the decor, and then we took it back to our very talented team, who wrote a brief and sort of brought it to life. >> the highly anticipated event kicks off tomorrow, the first round starting at 5 p.m. the
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49ers first selection is picked number 31. >> fremont native and olympian figure skater kristi yamaguchi is the latest inspiration for barbie's women's series, yamaguchi told the associated press. it is an honor to be recognized for her olympic achievements just ahead of may's aapi heritage month, yamaguchi became the first asian american to win an individual figure skating gold medal at the 1992 winter olympics. doll goes on sale to the public tonight. costs $45. san francisco pride announced grammy, emmy and two time tony award winner billy porter will serve as this year's grand marshal, and the event headline performer. san francisco's pride parade set for sunday, june 30th. >> movie theaters are rolling out the red carpet for a special anniversary of a 1979 classic sci fi horror film. ridley scott's alien is turning 45 this year. the movie tells the story of a crew that discovers the deadliest life form in the universe. to mark the anniversary, the movie is headed back into theaters for a limited time starting friday. >> the three day country music festival stagecoach is kicking
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off this friday in the southern california desert. a full line up of artists will be performing all weekend in indio. the headliners this year are eric church, miranda lambert and morgan wallen. plenty of new faces will be performing, as well as surprise performers to i've got some surprise guests who are going to join me on stage, and i may actually get a chance to go see some other shows, my daughter is going to be coming and hanging out. >> lily and, and so i'll probably be, she'll get to prioritize who we see. >> clint black is currently on tour celebrating the 35th anniversary of his hit debut album, killing time, and plans to play many fan favorites during his stagecoach appearance. tickets for this weekend's festival are sold out, happening today. >> tickets go on sale this morning for this year's outside lands festival in golden gate park. headliners include the killers, chris lake, victoria monet and post malone. malone headlined the festival in 2022. he'll be performing a country music set at this year's event.
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the three day festival takes place august 9th to the 11th. it is of course, at golden gate park. tickets go on sale in just a few minutes here at ten. general admission for three days is $465. have you been outside lands? have there been? oh, so who was the draw when you went? >> i forget now was a long time ago. i forget who i mean. sorry to do this to you, history lessons. it'll come to me. it'll come to me. >> did you enjoy it? was it a good. okay, good i did. >> i mean, it was so long ago, they started quietly. this festival wasn't going on for, what, 15, 20 years? >> something like that. it's. it's been going for a minute, kind of growing and growing. >> and i know elton john was there one time. >> oh, that's pretty big. when the name started coming out, i'm like, oh, this is a pretty legit it is. yeah, yeah, it's a pretty legit festival. >> the thing is, when i went, i didn't stick around for the headliner. i like they have side stages. >> yeah that you want to go. >> so that was really cool. i just found a spot there and i watched it. yeah, yeah. >> that's good. interesting right. let's take a quick peek
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back at that question we've been asking throughout the night. high gas prices. they've jumped like $0.50 in the past month. are you concerned about the rising cost of gas still most of you 82% say yes. and in fact, i'm driving less because of it. 8% say nope, i'm sticking to my route. 10% say it doesn't bother me. i don't buy gas. yes well, if you had to buy it at that menlo park gas, $7 plus place. >> oh my goodness, that is a lot of money. >> i know, i know, a little tiny car if you have one too. >> all right, all right. quick reminder that please do not forget download the fox local app for your smart tv. you can watch our newscast on demand for your apple fire tv, roku, apple tv, android tv. scan that qr code right there. search for the fox loc ♪ we're gonna have a real good time ♪ ♪ feel good time ♪ ♪ spreading love and joy and laughter all over the place ♪ ♪ we're gonna have a good time ♪ ♪ we're gonna have a good time ♪ ♪ it will be so legendary ♪ ♪ sherri's got you feeling good ♪ >> announcer: and now your host,


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