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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 19, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> hello, you're watching life in paris on "france 24". i'm katherine nicholson with your headlines. the first in the history of the modern french date. the head of the military has resigned. francois lecointre has been involved pierre devilliers has been involved in budget cuts. and a undisclosed second meeting between president trump and vladimir putin, brushing
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off the meeting as fake news. and revelations of hundreds of cases of child abuse at a renowned catholic school in germany. the outcome of a seven-year investigation provoking more questions. it is 1:00 p.m. in paris and berlin. also coming up, we cross the next hour of life news and analysis from suicidal robots to football. we have the most eye-catching stories from the national papers in our press review. and making the most of the tour de france. how sponsors cash in on a worldwide audience of billions. we'll have the details on that in our business update. this is life in paris.
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>> we begin here in france where the head of the military has resigned. this for the first time in the history of the modern french state. fought villers leslie with the president over plans to cut the military budget by $850 million euros this year. in a statement the highly regarded general said he no longer felt able to guarantee the robust defense force to guarantee the safety of france and the french people. we have more details. >> general devilliers will soon be replaced at the facebook page but his words are unlikely to fade away. after an extremely rare week long standoff with the french president over military budget cuts, villiers stands by his statement. in his resignation he writes -- >> in the current circumstances i'm not longer able to
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guarantee the robust defense force i believe is necessary to guarantee the protection of france and of the french people. >> the general says french soldiers are already strained, working in overcapacity with operations overseas and at home while the number of soldiers has already been cut by 80,000 over this decade. the new cuts of 850 million euros this year make the missions almost impossible to carry out. and macron's response was as direct as the general's. >> i am your boss. i take my responsibilities, stand by my promises to the people and army and i don't care for pressures and comments. >> macron says the army's budget must be cut like other budgets to limit france's deficit and bring it to line with europe's 3% limit. he pledges to bring defense
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spending figures back up by next year. catherine: we're being told the replacement for pierre devilliers is francois lecointre who will succeed as head of the french military which was announced at the french cabinet meeting a while ago. in a similar topic a controversial move to end france's ongoing state of emergency and toughen domestic security laws have cleared its first hurdle. the conservatives dominated the senate approving the plans by a majority. the state of emergency has been in place since the attacks in and around paris in november 2015 that left 130 people dead. we have more details with katherine clifford. >> 229 votes to 106 as the majority of french senators back a first reading of a new anti-terror bill. the campaign pledge of
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president emanuel macron, the bill was created to replace the state of emergency in place since the november 2015 terror attacks in paris. these measures were extended yet again for a sixth time earlier this month. within the new bill several elements have a limited time scale and only are valid until the end of december 2021. such administrative control and surveillance measures for individuals, home raids and seizures. the department will re-evaluate these measures within a year. the bill would roll back on some measures currently under the state of emergency. for example, the use of security perimeters around sensitivee sites would be cut back unless there was a specific threat. other measures are set to ecome permanent, including the surveillance of online and telephone communications. the bill is highly controversial in france where many citizens fear it goes too
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far in terms of cushing civil liberties. rights groups including amnesty international and human rights watch have heavily criticized it. the national assembly will debate the bill in october. if they give it the green light it would come into force by the first of november this year. catherine: now to a story across the atlantic now. donald trump and vladimir putin coming together for a second undisclosed meeting, previously undisclosed. this at the g-20 in hamburg earlier this month. the white house has confirmed that this meeting took place a short while after vladimir putin and donald trump held her first official face-to-face. donald trump meanwhile has responded on twitter saying that media speculation about this meeting about a secret dinner is sick and fake news,
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as you can see. we can look closer with our chief foreign editor rob parsons. rob, leaks and revelations surrounding donald trump, surrounding his administration, surrounding russia, they seem to be coming thick and fast or pretty regularly at least. what do we know about this previously undisclosed meeting in hamburg with vladimir putin. rob: up until now all the discussion about donald trump and vladimir putin at hamburg, and there was a lot of it, focused on the official meeting they had which lasted far more than the half an hour originally allotted, i think it was two hours and 20 minutes in the end and the discussions were about whether or not, as donald trump said, he got tough on the russians. the russians denied it, donald trump said he did. now we know there was a second meeting, undisclosed, which took place at the end of a dinner for the members of the g-20. apparently according to sources the white house no longer denies, donald trump got up at
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the end of the meeting and sat down with vladimir putin and had a conversation, animated and friendly, which went on for around an hour. the white house denies it lasted anything like that time and says it was a short conversation but does not deny the conversation takes place and it's a normal sort of thing in a meeting like that, its informal leaders get down together and talk about things. the source is saying it was a much more, not structured but it was a much longer meeting than that and what makes it even more irregular is that there was only one interpreter present provided by the russian leader vladimir putin because donald trump's interpreter spoke only japanese. at the dinner he'd been sitting next to the wife of the japanese prime minister. that by all accounts is against official protocol. no records were made of the meeting, the content of the meeting. no mention was made by the white house that a meeting had taken place at all. and now the white house is
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trying to brush it off saying it was not very much. given the context of all of this happening here, people will begin to doubt. catherine: if there are no official records who is to say if it was not very much or very much in fact. how damaging might it end up being for donald trump? rob: with donald trump there have been so many revelations and scandals over the last few months, one is tempted to say this is more water off a duck's back. given the context we just were referring to, the fact there were two investigations, special council robert mueller investigating the alleged links between the donald trump presidential campaign and russia, that one has to suspect that there will be a drip, drip, drip effect here, that something must be beginning to stick. as you pointed out, donald trump himself dismissed this at the white house that said it's just fantasy, false.
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donald trump is calling it sick. the fact of the matter is this was very irregular. there should have been an official interpreter there and given the context in which this is all taking place, the white house should have been sufficiently aware to know that unless they revealed this had taken place, or every chance if it did become public there would be a scandal and at the moment we're heading into a scandal. whether it will have a long-term effect from the previous ones on donald trump's future, we don't know but certainly will make those investigating those alleged links look up, sit up and look closely, even more closely than they have here. catherine: thank you very much, rob parsons, our chief foreign officer at "france 24." an exclusive report from our correspondent in mosul who has joined iraqi counterterrorism forces who was searching for future members of the islamic state group. it's been over a month since the iraqi prime minister
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suggested victory and they've taken control of the old city but many fighters are forced to hide in tunnels are have escaped blending in with civilians as they escape the ravaged city. these fighters could regroup and pose a longer lasting effect. we have a report. >> it's 7:00 a.m. in the morning in west mosul and iraqi special forceses are on thee lookout for cleeper cells of the islamic state group. this neighborhood is known for widespread support for the jihaddists. many families on the street have some who fought with and died among the militants. they appear nervous and are reluctant to share information. >> who is working for the amir? there must be people from this neighborhood who work for him. you must help us. >> only this family and they died. >> the special forces heavily rely on the forces of communities and go from house to house looking for information and once they have
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enough evidence they arrest alleged jihaddists and hand them over to the intelligence services. after hours of knocking on doors, the lieutenant colonel finally gets a lead. this young man, aged only 14, admits he joined the jihaddists. the commander promises his parents to let him go if he shares information. the boy leads the way to the house of another suspected militant but this alleged jihaddist doesn't want to cooperate. and lieutenant colonel salam is losing patience. >> who else went with you? >> nobody, only me. >> so how did we find you, then? >> i told you, i quit. >> turn off the camera. >> we aren't allowed to film the rest of the interrogation. the young man also is taken away but later released for lack of evidence. please, they are just children, his father says, as he pleads for mercy.
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to succeed in their mission, the special forces must tread carefully. they can't afford to further alienate the population and are wary of bringing stigma on to families of the islamic group state fighters. >> actually, they trust us right now and feel good about us. what i care about is how the people look at them, how the neighbors deal with them. with ill look at them respect and is what i care about and how these people live in this neighborhood. >> even if mosul is fully cleared of the islamic state group, the rest of the fractutured society will remain if they aren't mended, the next chance of violence is almost certain. shock and questions in germany after finding more than 500 bodies at a world famous catholic choir school had suffered sexual or physical abuse over many decades.
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a seven-year investigation found that 49 members of the catholic church carried out the abuse between 1945 and the early 1990's. let's bring in our berlin correspondent jessica salzer for more details on this case. jessica, those findings emerging from a seven-year investigation as i said. how likely is it that any of the 49 people who have been identified as perpetuators will face prosecution? jessica: it seems very unlikely these 49 individuals who have been em find -- identified as the perpetuators will face prosecution. because since 1945 many of them have died. in fact the majority of them have died and also the statutes of limitations on most of these crimes has also expired. there are 440-page report that was read out by the attorney on this case yesterday detailed
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just how horrific and extensive these crimes were over several decades at this choir school. victims were quoted in the report as detailing being beaten up as young boys for actions as meaningless as not walking in a straight line to enter the choir and much more horrific and abusive, sexual abuse crimes which also were detailed. one victim said that the fear that they experienced at their time at the school has stayed with them for the rest of their lives. also implicated in these abuse scandals is the cathedral director at the school from 1964 for three decades. he's the brother of former pope benedict. and the accused has said in the reports the past couple years he didn't know how extensive the abuse was. he said that he had at times slapped boys around the face and he said this was normal at that time but he knew of no
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sexual abuse. however, investigators into the ongoing abuse scandals have said that they believe he probably knew more than he was saying, just saying how systemic it was at the school it seemed he would have had to have turned a blind eye to not have known anything at all. catherine: more questions being raised by the findings. thanks very much, our correspondent there in berlin, jessica saltz. it's a quarter past 1:00 in the afternoon in paris. time to move on with a look at the day's business news with steven. and we'll start in france with the latest on an industrial dis.that is involved in the emanuel macron's ruling. stephen: there was due a takeover bid today that's been pushed until monday and the
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rescue plan would see more than half of the 277 workers lose their jobs. workers have been blockading the plant demanding carmaker renault compensate the workers who will be laid off, they buy parts. the country has intervened by putting pressure on renault to participate in the rescue. catherine: the tour de france finishing up on sunday in paris. tell us about it. stephen: attaching your name to the race is big business but can be big returns, there are giveaways of branded gear and signs and a massive television audience. companies have been looking for new ways to use their attachment to the race to attract potential customers. claire rush has the story. claire: cyclists aren't the only ones competing in the tour de france.
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sponsors seize the opportunity to launch marketing campaigns at a relatively low cost like this 20-year sponsor. >> it's a 10 mold return ton investment, the 13 million euros we invest to be a sponsor is worth 150 million in equivalent spending on fixed advertising and have are very few things that offer that return. claire: the race is an opportunity for sponsors to lure new clients. this executive is hosting these potential customers in style, after a night in a five-star hotel, it's time for a helicopter ride. the two directors are looking to buy new company cars. and today's activities may convince them to buy scota. the cost for each guest, 1,500 euros, all expenses paid. >> i don't know whether they'll buy our products but at least i was able to offer them a wonderful trip. claire: the real target audience, the three billion television viewers in nearly 200 countries.
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on screen the visibility is a must, right before the racers pass by, this sponsor organizes a free giveaway, ideal for the company's color and logo to stand out in the crowd while having a bit of fun. >> it's great fun and worth the detour. >> the main parade sponsors spend up to five million euros a year to be the most visible in the public eye. stephen: looking at the stock markets. trading is pretty flat this lunchtime and small gains in london and paris. investors looking ahead to the meeting of the european central bank tomorrow, whether or not mario draghi will change the central bank's policy in paris as ubisoft shares are up 77% in trading after their latest result. for more of the day's business headlines, the american group mccormick and company to buy a food business for more than $4 billion. the deal would see the u.s. firm take control of brands
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including frerench's mustard an frank's red-hot sauce and is part of a overall of benckiser's business. cafe pacific has warned of a challenging year ahead of the airline. passenger numbers for the first half of the year dipped slightly which was described as disappointing, cathay reported the first annual lasted eight years in 2016. there was better news for the low cost airline with air reported a 16% rise in profits for the three months to the end of june to over 60 million euros. passengers rose by more than a quarter to 7.2 million and they're being cautious with the outlook for the rest of the year. catherine: finally, then, a story about property investment, very popular place to put your money, isn't it? people in canada are looking south for places to stash their cash. stephen: canadiens more than doubled their spending in property in the united states last year to $19 billion
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according to a survey of state agents by the national association of realtors. the most popular destination was florida, the association economists saying many buyers were driven into the u.s. market by rising property prices in vancouver and toronto. overall there was a rise of almost a 1/3 in property purchases in the united states last year worth around $153 billion. catherine: quite tropical temperatures in paris, i feel like i'm in florida. the pictures make me want to go to the real thing, though. thanks very much. stephen carroll, our business editor. and we'll move on now with some sports headlines starting with the tour de france which has reached a particularly grueling and potentially decisive stage this wednesday. >> michael matthews has claimed his second stage win on this year's tour de france, coming out on top of a breathless french finish. a five-man group broke away earlier in the pedal.
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he was part of the group that came in quickly. chavenelle was the last to be swallowed up by the peloton. the green jersey struggled over the opening climb getting detached from the leading group. no such problems for the yellow jersey, the defending champion, perfectly placed to keep out of trouble. there were thrills and spills on the approach to the line. serge pavel hitting the tarmac but no serious damage done. in the final kilometers, sun web kept the pace up and not allowing the lead tore work his way back to the peloton, maks micing points. there was another taller, an unluckly rider. matthews, perfectly placed around the final corner and meters from the line, adding to his previous win onstage 14 just past a wheel. and with that matthews poses within 29 points of kissell's
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green jersey and frume unperturbed by crosswinds the britain holds a lead in the general classification. >> i kept attacking on the first climb and felt quite good and yeah, we got to the top of the climb and yeah, we heard kittell was distanced by almost a minute and i called the boys and they all came to the front with big smiles on their faces and went forward. yeah, it was really an amazing day. >> france made a winning start to the european championships in the netherlands up against iceland in the group c opener and the french waiting four minutes of time for the strike the 1-0 winner from the penalty spot. >> it was a tough victory. we scored in the last few minutes. it's never easy to kick off a competition. there was a lot of stress and
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pressure as well but we're confident and remained patience. i think we deserve this victory. >> kenny deshepper shocked his compatriot from the atp event in crow air. the world 148 coming through qualifying and taking to a one-sided opening set though pairre upped it. and they grinded out a win despite failing to serve for the match at 5-2. allessandro ginessee. the best in the golfing world are converging on royal birkdale with the claret jug. the 2016 was henrik stenson's year prevailing in a titanic day with phil mickelson at royal troon before making the britic -- british open his title. and sergio garcia is still in love with a shiny new green jacket. >> the moment the green jacket
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means more because i have it but everyone knows how much i love the open championship and i would love to at least have one of them before i cannot hang up the boots. but definitely it's something that i would like to achieve and we're going to give it a shot this week. and that's like saying who you like more your dad or your mom? it's a difficult question to answer. >> tommy fleetwood is hoping his local knowledge comes in handy. the 2010 english champion finished fourth at the recent u.s. open and was born and bred here in south port. >> i think this week is going to be an experience for me that i'll never forget. it's very rare you get to play this close to home and everyone wants to talk about that and it's a massive privilege to be
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playing at a tournament so close to home and not be the british open. it will be a great week, number one. >> rory mcilroy has to find his form after missing three cuts out of four. the northern irishman paired with world number one dustin johnson who also misfired in recent weeks. a huge sprires was unleashed by winning the silkway rally. dupray made a navigational error allowing the driver to take his first win. the frenchman withdrew from the race unable to hold a steering wheel after the accident on onday and extend the lead. catherine: time for a break. i'll be back with you in a couple minutes' time.
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narrator: 20 million people live here at the mouth of the yangtze river, in shanghai, the city that is the pulse of china's economy. ♪ music david sutton: this is the most dynamic place i've ever lived. and it could be the model for the world or it could be a disaster. narrator: shanghghai is to china whwhat new york is to america.aa symbol of success and a warning about the price that may have to be paid. profofessor geoffrey heal: china isn't just an economic super power these days, it's a green house gas super power too. china has now overtaken the u.s. as the principle producer


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