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tv   Al Jazeera English News Bulletin  LINKTV  April 15, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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calls on russia to deescalate tensions, after and posing for sanctions for election interference and cyber attacks. -- imposing sanctions for election interference and cyber attacks. hello, this is "al jazeera" live from london. also coming up. proceedings drawing to a close in the minneapolis court after derek chauvin waives his right to testify. battling a third wave in france, where deaths from the
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coronavirus have hit 100,000. capturing an unprecedented year, the images that caught the eye with the judges at this years world press photo competition. -- year's world press photo competition. ♪ u.s. president joe biden has asked russia to de-escalate tensions after he impose sanctions for alleged election -- imposed sanctions for alleged election interference and cyber attacks. he said there is still room for the two countries to work together. president biden we could have gone further, but i chose not to do so. i chose to be proportionate. the united states is not looking to kick off a cycle of escalation in conflict with russia. we want to stable, predictable relationship.
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if russia continues to interfere with our democracy, i would take further actions to respond. it is my responsibility as the president to do so. anchor: it was something donald trump always appeared reluctant to do, but his replacement has no issues with blaming russia for election interference. joe biden's government has placed sanctions on 32 people and organizations from meddling in last year's presidential vote. 10 diplomats including intelligence officials have been expelled from the u.s. in retaliation for hacking, and it has formally named russia behind the hack last year that targeted 100 american firms and nine government agencies. five people in three entities have also been hit for their alleged links to russia's ongoing occupation of crimea. the decision by the u.s. to punish russia for its
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alleged election interference has prompted warnings for retaliation. >> the response will be unavoidable. washington must realize they have to pay for the deterioration of bilateral relations. the united states of america is fully responsible for what is happening. anchor: we are in washington, d.c., following develops -- development spirit listening to that -- developments. listening to that, one can understand why president biden was clear that his actions were proportionate. reporter: that is the message president biden is trying to convey to russia. you saw him trying to strike that balance in those brief remarks made from the white house about one hour ago, in which president biden said the u.s. was determined to show it
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was willing to make the russian government pay for what he cold an attack on american sovereignty in those cyber attacks and the alleged election interference in the 2020 election, but we also heard president biden say that he once the channels with diplomacy to remain open. in fact, it was he who proposed in an earlier call with president putin of russia that there would be a summit between the two world leaders this summer and a third country, like in europe, but -- in a third country, like in europe, but this is now in russia's court, and we are expecting some form of retaliation. these sanctions by executive order by president biden are cold serious and target russia's economy, those 32 individuals and firms. they kick out 10 russian diplomat, who think u.s. says were intelligence officers working under diplomatic cover,
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and these are only the seen consequences. there are likely clandestine operations going on as well. right now, think u.s. is seeing how russia responds, with president biden hopeful for that summit to take place in the coming months. anchor: joe biden gave the press conference an hour ago. he mentioned ukraine. russia is massing troops at the border. how much of a red line would that be for the u.s. if we did see some kind of russian invasion of ukraine? reporter: that is something security experts are saying would be likely seen as a redline, that the sanctions would be more severe, and perhaps more actions would be taken, and certainly president biden has left open the possibility of escalating these
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sanctions further, if russia were to continue in what he calls its maligned activities towards the u.s., these cyber attacks, and certainly, if there was a another invasion in ukraine, the u.s. has left open the possibility of escalating sanctions further. anchor: the latest from washington, thank you. the senior fellow at one institute and the former special assistant to president ronald reagan says he believes president biden's response has been strategic. >> i believe he did two things very well. the first was to talk to vladimir putin before imposing the sanctions, so he established some personal contact and indicated his interest in working together, even to have a summit, which is a fairly dramatic step. the sanctions are measured. these are not measures that
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destroy russia's capacity to operate in the international markets. these are ones russia can adjust to. if russia decides to retaliate, it would be proportionate to kick out embassy employees and these sorts of things, so i think it is a hopeful sign that joe biden wants to find a relationship with russia, realizing it will always be difficult, but that it should be possible to come up with, as he put it, a reason to work together on the most critical issues. ♪ anchor: the humanitarian situation in one region of ethiopia is deteriorating, with no evidence of the promised withdrawal of the military. united nations humanitarian chief warned that systematic
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rape and sexual violence. the security balance was told 4.5 one million people in the region need humanitarian aid. our diplomatic editor is at the united nations with more. james: the security council was briefed by the united nations senior humanitarian official. the briefing took place behind closed doors, but "al jazeera" has obtained a copy of his remarks. he told the security council that the reports of mass killings, executions, and a campaign of systematic rape. much of what he said contradicted the ethiopian government statements. he told the council, "i must say that neither united nations or any other humanitarian agencies we work with have seen proof of withdrawal. we e have, however, have reports of soldiers now wearing ethiopian defense force uniforms. -- uniforms."
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the situation is grim, so what should be done now? i put that to the secretary-general. >> which should be done is to increase humanitarian access -- what should be done is to increase you mentoring access to see real movement on the investigations, given the reports from our own people, sometimes from dep open government -- sometimes from the ethiopian government, and reconciliation within different groups in the region. james: it is almost six months since the start of the ethiopian military operation. the security council has had a number of meetings, but silent, unable to agree on the wording of any statement. anchor: the stage is set for the closing arguments in the trial over george floyd's death, after the accused police officer decided not to give evidence. both prosecution and defense
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rested their cases after derek chauvin declined to testify. the judge told the jury that that cannot be determined as guilt. they will now be sent out to consider their verdict, after closing arguments on monday. prosecutors say the former police officer killed george floyd by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes. the defense says that george floyd died because of drug use and heart disease. >> i have repeatedly advised you that this is your decision and your decision alone. >> correct. >> i have advised you, and we have gone back and forth on the matter, right? >> yes, it is. >> but after a lengthy meeting last night, we had some further discussion, right? >> right. >> have you made a decision that today whether you intend to testify or whether you intend to invoke her fifth amendment privilege? >> i will invoke my fifth
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amendment privilege today. >> is this your decision not to testify? >> it is, your honor. >> right. anchor: we are in minneapolis with more on the court proceedings. reporter: for 11 days, we heard prosecution witnesses one after the other, mostly police and medical witnesses, making two points. one comment derek chauvin cut off george floyd's windpipe, and two, that led to his death. we heard witnesses talk about how that was an inappropriate hold, all the way up to the chief of police in minneapolis, the man who fired derek chauvin one day after the incident happened on may 25. we heard the defense for three days make its case, arguing derek chauvin did not kill george floyd, and that floyd died in the defense view from a combination of other things, including the drugs he was allegedly on, heart trouble he
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had had for some time. all of that is preliminary to the closing arguments to come on monday. the jury will get a three day break. the judge and lawyers are working out the exact wording jury instructions, but after those closing arguments on monday, that jury will be sequestered, completely isolated in a hotel. if they want to see video, they have a computer in that room, so they won't be leaving until they come up with a verdict, and that could be days, a week, could happen in minutes. when asked, the judge said, plan for long, hope for short. anchor: staying in minnesota, the u.s. police officer who shot the juncker, unarmed black man has appeared in court. the man was shot on sunday, after being stopped by police for a traffic violation. the officer was charged with
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manslaughter and released on bail. the incident reignited days of protests against racial inequality and police brutality. police say the officer mistakenly drew her gun instead of her taser. >> manslaughter? you all see the difference? this is a taser. this is a taser. but no, my nephew was killed with this, a glock. these two are hurting. our family is hurting. our blood has been spilled. all we ask for is please help us to get something done, a conviction, something. anchor: still to come in this half-hour. back under lockdown, and with a
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third wave still rampant, france reaches a milestone that it hoped to avoid. plus, north korea celebrates the day of the sun, but there are strong clouds on the horizon. ♪ -- storm clouds on the horizon. ♪ ♪ >> right, australia, france this -- fronts this time. although you get showers, the temperature should drop. 60 in melbourne, sunshine. perth 26. these frontals are with converging winds on the coast,
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bringing showers, producing showers in new south wales, over the same area where we had those floods a couple of weeks ago. probably not welcome showers, but they're all the same. one or two in queens, but otherwise, drive picture. in some parts, sunshine is part of the spring develop and speared you can follow the credit line -- rugged line being fed by the moisture in the cold that came out of this. when the two come together, this one shows it. significant rain coming up through these areas, which will produce more spring melt. ♪ >> in pakistan's largest city, climate change and water shortages are driving some residents to desperate measures.
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we meet the water thieves of karachi on "al jazeera" >> if you want to help save the rld, sneeze into your elbow. ♪ ♪ anchor: a reminder now of the top stories on "al jazeera." president biden calls on russia to de-escalate, after he imposed fresh sanctions for alleged election interference on cyber attacks.
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he said his actions were proportionate, and insist there is still room for the two countries to work together. the united nations humanitarian chief says the situation in one region and 60 opiod is deteriorating -- in ethiopia is deteriorating with reports of sexual violence. derek chauvin has chosen not to testify in the trial over george floyd's death. both prosecution and defense have rested their cases. closing arguments will start on monday. india has recorded more than 200,000 new coronavirus infections in the past 24 hours, the highest daily tally yet. it is now the second worst affected country for infections come only the u.s. stricter measures have been announced. we have this report from new delhi.
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reporter: this has become an increasingly common site on the streets of the capital, long lines of people waiting to be tested for covid-19. the country is facing a second wave, with cases rising rapidly. the laboratories are overwhelmed, and the waiting time for results has increased from 12 hours to at least 24 and often longer. [speaking in foreign language] translator: since the past three days, i have been running around for my report. where is my report? no answers. they asked me to go from one to another. if i am sick, where should i go? what am i supposed to do smart -- do? reporter: new delhi has been recording the highest cases since the pandemic began and there are new restrictions for the capitals 30 million people from friday. [speaking in foreign language] translator: every day, cases are increasing. the government has taken decisions. today, we had a meeting with the
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governor and we have decided to impose a weakened curfew in the capital. reporter: all malls, gymnasiums, and spas must close, and restaurants only deliveries. the state wants to avoid shortages and hospital beds, oxygen supply, and hospital workers. >> the numbers are rising. it is anybody's guess where this. . there are all kinds of activities -- this will stop. there are all kinds of activities that would lead to further increases. reporter: despite the rising cases, gatherings are continuing in many places. more than 3 million hindu pilgrims have been in the river, and there is a festival this week. millions voted in local elections in one state on thursday, despite it recording more than 20,000 new cases the day before.
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as restrictions are imposed in some places and not others, those who have lost their livelihoods are angry. many are asking politicians and the prime minister why they are still allowed to hold large rallies while they are not allowed to earn a living. anchor: meanwhile, france's coronavirus death has passed 100,000, making it that a country to reach that number. authorities reported 300 deaths in hospital on thursday. the president's government has been struggling to contain a third wave infections, first with localized lockdowns come in now with a national lockdown. france has reported more than 5 million cases since the beginning of the pandemic. our reporter is in paris and says the government is showing respect, but it's measures are not yet working. -- the measures are not yet working. reporter: most people in france
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saddened to learn 100 1000 people have died of covid-19 in the country since the pandemic began. it is a very grim milestone. it is a very sad time for many people, indeed. we saw a tweet from the french president emmanuel macron. he said the people who have died will not be forgotten. he said they are parents, children, siblings, and that the french government also made it clear that they might organize a commemoration in memory of the victims, although what shake that would take we do not know yet. it is particularly poignant, because it comes at a time when france is battling a third wave of coronavirus. we have seen icus across the country nearly saturated, the daily infection rates are still externally high. health workers say they are
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exhausted and they save the peak is still yet to come, and that we could be in this health crisis for many weeks to come. anchor: america's top diplomat is in afghanistan to reassure the government of support, despite a withdrawal of troops by december. the secretary of state says there will be a new push for diplomacy, but there are questions whether the country's institutions and security forces are up to the task. we have this report from kabul. reporter: afghans are going about their daily lives as usual. but they know that afghanistan is heading for an uncertain future. many are angry the united states failed to bring them what they promise, peace. [speaking in foreign language] translator: we did not see peace . instead, insecurity increased. the security situation is bad. the shopkeepers cannot operate at night. people cannot go home when it
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gets dark because it is afraid. the americans should leave responsibly. reporter: the visit after the announcement, secretary of state antony blinken assured afghan politicians that the united states remains committed to their country. >> the united states will remain afghanistan's steadfast partner. we want the afghan people, countries in the region, a the international community to know that. it is also a very important message for the taliban. reporter: with violence rising in the absence of a peace deal between the government and the taliban, it is not clear with this commitment would look like. for the first time in 20 years, and with foreign troops leaving, afghanistan will have to defend itself alone. many people are questioning whether it's a security forces can do that.
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the president set afghanistan's security forces are fully capable of defending the country. nato ended its combat operations over five years ago, and the afghan security forces conduct over 95% of all combat operations. yet, they still heavily rely on u.s. airpower and are trained by nato troops. they will also be gone in a few months. the taliban insists that u.s. stick to the deadline, saying that if it does not come problems will be compounded. some afghans are optimistic. [speaking in foreign language] translator: it is a good decision that the foreign forces are leaving afghanistan. this is good for the afghan people. afghanistan's security forces are able defend the country. reporter: fears of a civil war until a civil war and taliban takeover are high, especially among women, who worried whether the gains they have made in the
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last 20 years will be protected. >> i feel frightened, to be honest. other women i have spoken to who are leading women's activism, they had a conversation today, and women are frightened. they feel they don't know what will be happening and there have not been any parameters set on women's rights in the country in the future. reporter: the u.s. military says it hopes to leave afghanistan with a chance for peace. the first sign that this will be just days away, if it is able to convince the taliban and government to sit at the same table at a peace summit in turkey. anchor: the greek and turkish foreign ministers have traded accusations in their first meeting since their countries came close to confrontation in the mediterranean last year. the greek foreign minister met the turkish president on his trip, but an initial cordial
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press conference turned sour when he said it would be met with sanctions. the two countries have grown tense over their claims in the eastern mediterranean. north korea is marking the most important date in its calendar, the birth date of its founding father. what is known as the day of the sun has been darkened by admissions from the leader that the country faces huge problems. we have this report. reporter: this is the upbeat image north korea wants to project to the world. extensive coverage on state run media that the leader presiding over projects that improve people's lives, like this housing development in pyongyang , or heavy citizens taking part in a drawing and calligraphy
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festival to coincide with the day of the sun, and good news features about a flourishing tea culture, thanks to the beneficence of north korea's leader. [speaking in foreign language] translator: the respected general secretary took measures to build this factory so people could have tea at any time and place. reporter: domestically, kim jong-un has had to deliver a far more somber assessment of the problems his country is facin and that his people are all too aware of. more than a year of self-imposed isolation because the pandemic has compounded the impact of ongoing international sanctions and food shortages from last year storms that ruined crops. [speaking in foreign language] translator: i asked party members and all people to wage an arduous march to relieve the people's hardships as they followed the party as their mother. reporter: the arduous march is a
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euphemism for the 1990's, following the collapse of the soviet union and failed harvests. kim jong-un's comparison with those grim days seems to be the clearest admission yet at the extent of his country's problems. more proof that isolation came with the announcement that it will not be taking part in the upcoming tokyo olympics, dashing the south korean hopes of reviving diplomacy around contacts at the games. state run media has focused attention instead on athletes training for games to mark the day of the sun as further evidence that on this most important day in north korea's calendar that everything is just fine. anchor: from the pandemic to america's racial reckoning, 20/20 was nothing short of historic. now the world press photo contest has announced their
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picks of the best iconic images. the first embrace showing the union of a health care resident and loved one was selected as photo of the year. this one documenting stories in the backdrop of the
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