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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  January 18, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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people love the daily show and they love leslie jones. take a look. >> but there say bigger problem here. because first it was trump now it's biden. what i need to know is who is in charge of these documents? who is the [ beep ] freely giving out classified documents? who [ beep ] is this person? >> who is this person? i mean, that's a fair question when you start to notice that documents do seem to pop-up all over the place although there are many differences in the cases which we've covered. that was just a moment of leavecy. shoutout to "the daily show." joy reid is up next. show. joy reid is up next. >> tonight on the reidout -- >> we witnessed 9/11, the
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terrorist attack in new york and the plane that crashed in pennsylvania and the so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon. it's odd. there is never any evidence for a plane shown in the pentagon. >> after one full alex jones as you just heard sh marjorie taylor green has been rewarded by kevin mccarthy with a seat on the house homeland security committee. because, of course. >> kevin is also playing with fire over america's debt ceiling. maxing out the national credit card when they were in charge. republicans are threatening to simply stop america's bills. plus, gun fanatics believe in starting them young. putting guns into the hands of children, even marketing assault style rifles for kids. and now in multiple instances, we're seeing the disastrous of a results of a sick, sick aspect of a uniquely american culture. we begin the reidout with republicans rewarding the far right contingent that they just
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can't seem to break free of. after kevin mccarthy literally sold his soul and crawled on his belly to grasp the speaker's gavel, there was but one final task, to complete his conversion into reek. kevin and his fellow house leaders have now finalized their committee assignments. and we now know what maga republican insurrectionist, conspiracy theorists and other national security risks will be up to for next two years. and it should terrify you. four of most extreme maga election deniers got seats on the house oversight committee, marjorie taylor green, scott perry and paul gosar. just to refresh your memory, all four voted to overturn the 2020 election. lauren is the barely reelected colorado congresswoman who made a show of avoiding the house magnatometers and made a video
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where she attacked speaker pelosi to the sound of gunshot noises. subtle. and they tried to convince them to overturn trump's election laws and asked for a pardon for his part in sedition like perry, paul gosar's fingerprints are all over january 6. he helped to plan the rally before the siege on the capitol. his own siblings campaigned against him, even calling for him to be kicked out of congress for being a traitor. and the laugh congress he was kicked off his committees and censured after tweeting deranged fake aname fantasy where he murders a congresswoman. totally normal stuff. gosar also can't stop speaking at white nationalist conferences which he did as recently as last year. as did marjorie taylor green. at the far right america first political action conference organized by white nationalist
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trump dinner companion nick fuentes where this happened. >> can we give a round of applause for russia? absolutely. absolutely. >> in addition to the house oversight committee, marjorie got a plum spot on the -- i wish i were making this up -- homeland security committee. so even though the department of homeland security and the fbi have repeatedly said that white supremacists are the biggest domestic terrorism threat to our country, kevin mccarthy gave someone who speaks at their conferences a seat on the committee that oversees homeland security. but marjorie green doesn't just pal around with threats to national security. she is a security threat herself. recall this from her precongress days as a troll.
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>> you are using your lobby and the money behind it and the kids to take away my second amendment right. you don't have anything to say for yourself? he's a coward. he can't say one word because he can't defend his stance. there is no defense for taking away guns. >> harassing a parkland shooting survivor which is what got her kicked off in the last congresses. but that's water. >> narrator: -- under the bridge. it's what he is said since being in congress. that's what makes her appointment the most alarming. cassidy hutchison told the january 6 committee that green bragged about the number of her qanon constituents in washington on the 6th to back trump's attempts to stay in office. and she spoke at the new york young republicans conference
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where they declared total war on perceived enemies and trotting out of who's who of white nationalists. e nationalists joining me is a political analyst and former republican congressman francis rooney of florida. charles glow, this is the completion of the insurrection. this is as if jefferson davis, you know, was made chairman of, you know, of the senate oversight committee or placed in charge of the united states senate of the house. this is placing literally the con fed rats in charge of the union. your thoughts on these developments? >> you're right.
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i'm a fan of jefferson davis. she is the a hollow shelf a person that believes and actual sli correct in believing that theatrics get her attention and attention makes her money and money makes her powerful within her party. so she is a stunt queen. that's what she does. but this is, as you said, part of the hostage taking of republican party and mccarthy. you had one group of extremist who's held up the vote and one who supported mccarthy in his efforts. he has to reward them and play to them and this is why we're going to have a congress that barely functions.
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you have people that don't believe in this democracy and they don't by the actions and positions they have taken. can you not have a functioning democracy that works under those people. >> you know, congressman, you know, it's -- i'm looking here at the full list of the republican oversight committee that will be jim jordan's thiefdom. the list is some of the most extreme people in the united states house of representatives. andy bigs is on this list. he is somebody who alley alexander, one of the planners of the events before the capitol siege was on his team. helping him to plan everything. these are insurrectionists, extremists, people that ask for pardons. this is the most reckless list ever and they're the ones doing oversight. and marjorie green to the point, charles low made, you know, she's a stunt queen before she was in congress she was literally outside of cortez's
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door in congress harassing her and screaming into the little vent. and, yet, there is one thing she said that i think is true. she tweeted we're not the fringe. we're the majority. she said there are a lot of people that need to hear this. we -- she calls herself conservatives in the house. we actually represent the base of republican voters which is approximately 70% when the party learns to represent conservative americans will never lose again. as she said, they'll overthrow the government if they seem to lose. but unfortunately, i think she's right. a lot of people are marjorie taylor green. >> well, first of all, the majority of americans are not going to let these cooks take over the government. no matter what they say may say or think. what i'm really worried about is what this says about republicans
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that are much more reasonable than this fringe that kevin is rewarding. i think that you said it perfectly. he is bound by the promises he made to succeed at his own ambition. it's kind of like -- kind of like being surrounded by the whirlpool of the six headed monster and pulling at him each way. what is he going do? and he's -- lowering our brand at every step by rewarding these people. you have a fraud and crook, santos. you have this maniac lady, total disreputable person and who is rewarding her because she came over to his side. and it kind of really upsets me about bosar because they wouldn't let me on the natural resources committee because they said i voted like a democrat. i introduced a carbon tax which every fortune 500 ceo supports as a responsible way to drive
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coal out of the energy equation. >> not only to your point infecting these committees with the cooks, she's on homeland security. and you mentioned santos. homeland security. this is a woman who herself is a threat to our homeland security gets to be on the homeland security committee. and you mentioned santos. >> you would think he wouldn't have enough clearance to be on that committee. >> correct. exactly and charles that, means she'll have access to national security information. we could be in a situation where andy bigs and scott perry who represented a literal threat to our security can get sensitive documents and get them. they could be looking -- they may not be worthy of being taken seriously. but they're going to have access to national security information. >> this is all -- >> i would say andy -- i'm sorry. go ahead. >> charles first. >> i was going to say this is
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incredibly dangerous what they're doing. and what republicans are doing -- what they're starting to do as soon as trump was elected is the paul ryan approach. paul ryan wrote himself, i don't want to be the skoal. i didn't agree. i put my head down and felt like i could feed the guardrails and keep the machine going and i did not want to be the skoal against trump. and republicans keep making the same mistake. if there's a void and no one's objecting to the people, it sounds like acquiescence. it sounds like approval. nothingness sounds like approval to the rest of the country. and that is the problem that republicans keep making. so they cannot separate themselves from the marjorie taylor greens. >> mr. rooney? >> charles, i agree with you. i suggest they read the book by frederic hyatt about what people did when they acquiesced and what was happening both with the lennonists and with the rise of the nazis in germany. when you acquiesce, you are
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committing an evil just as bad as the ringleaders leading it along. it's time for people to stand up. >> you mentioned santos. i just want to play a piece of sound here. the latest on him. the science committee and the small business committee in charge of coming up with legislation on those two things. a disabled veteran says that george santos took $3,000. he said that santos promised to raise funds for a life saving surgery for the service dog back in 2016. then he disappeared and took the money. he was using anthony duvalder as his name. he spoke with him and this is what he said. >> i almost threw up i was so lived that i realized this guy is now a serving congressman. he doesn't deserve that job. it's horrendous that he could lie and steal and cheat his way
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through life and now he's somebody that we're supposed to trust. it's just disgusting. horrible. he should be ashamed of himself. accident have shame. he is a psychopath. >> i should note that nbc news has not confirmed the details of the story but they spoke with him. >> your thoughts on somebody that is alleged to be this much of a disgrace in basically ripping off a disabled veteran. he is now on very important congressional committees. >> first of all, even if you miss one or two of the facts, there are so many faction about this guy to support the argument that he is a crook and fraud. the fact that kevin mccarthy seated him is atrocious. and that to me undermines our brand as responsible republicans of the party. the party that has slightly different views that can reach across the aisle and solve the problems of the american people need solved. we can't do that right now with all this kind of people in the
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government. >> and these are the people in charge of whether we raise the debt ceiling. i'm sorry, but kevin mccarthy should simply begin answering to the name reek. google that and you'll understand what i mean. thank you both. up next on "the reidout," the dangerous brinksmanship as republicans threaten to hold the government hostage. and simply just refuse to pay america's bills. that's where we're at, everyone. "the reidout" continues after this. "the reidout" continues after this did you know you can get discounts on your meds even if you don't have a medicare prescription drug plan? it's true. all you have to do is go to type in your prescription, and then present the coupon to your pharmacist. it's that simple. not to mention, it's free. singlecare is accepted by major pharmacies across the country and it works for everyone,
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administration's ability to stabilize the nation's debt problem. >> in 2011, the united states had the credit rating downgraded for the first time ever because tea party republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling under president obama. the parties game to an agreement just before we hit our credit limit. the damage was done. in case you need a refresher, the level of debt that congress authorizes the federal government to take on. once you reach the point where we can no longer pay our bills, congress has to lift that ceiling. it's meant to be routine government business. 1960, congress acted 78 separate times to permanently raise, temporarily extend or revise the terms of the debt limit. 49 times under republican presidents and 29 times under democrats. but in the modern era, it is increasingly politicized. george bush was able to raise the debt ceiling seven times.
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he was met with democratic opposition when they in the minority and then he opposed seemingly unlimited war and pentagon spending. a majority of republicans voted for those increases so the risk of a default was never a big threat, even when democrats would gain the majority. those votes against were mostly a message to democratic voters, a statement of values. it's republicans who took us to the brink of actual default in 2011 when they gained the house. and obama was in the white house. quite frankly, that was about messaging, too. a statement of their values. tea party values, a sudden zeel to shrink the government and drown in a bathtub for. meanwhile, the favorite president, donald trump, was able to raise the debt ceiling twice. he had democratic sport. that allowed those on the far right to vote against the bill. in fact, the national debt rose by nearly $7.8 trillion -- with
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a t -- dollars during trump's time in office due to the tax cuts for the super rich. you're still paying that bill. you're welcome. but now that a democrat is president again. spending is back to being forbidden. republicans and leadership are threatening to not allow president biden to raise the debt ceiling without major spending cuts. to programs like social security and medicare. because to hell with the sick and old people. am i right? yeah, the white house is not going to allow that. >> i think it is critical that we change the way we're doing business. and i intend to use the debt ceiling to ensure that we get fiscal and structural reforms. >> we cannot continue to operate with these types of deficits. our national debt is one of our biggest threats to our national security. >> we have to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. we have to get spending back under control. and we have to do that by any means possible and if that means
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the government shutdown, then i'll be calling for a government shutdown. because this government -- this government shut our country down with those covid shutdowns. >> oh, my god. tomorrow the government has to resort to extraordinary measures to continue paying the bills. congress will need to act in june. if they don't, we go into default which could lead to a whole world of hurt including a possible stock market crash or recession. higher interest rates, a weaker dollar, another credit downgrade. and in 4% decline in gdp and up to six million job losses. yea. joining me now is democrating congressman from california and robert wright, secretary of labor in the clinton administration and professor at uc berkeley. i want to start with you, congressman. the nonroutineness of raising the debt limit is a purely political thing. you know? and i can recall democrats who
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oppose seemingly a limited pentagon and iraq war spending making a statement by opposing the increase of the debt limit. i think senator obama did that. but they did that knowing that they were not the votes that were going to cause the debt limit to be overreached. it was a statement. it was not an attack on our economy. with very to get our spending back under control. they didn't have a problem with racking up $7.8 trillion under trump. you're thoughts? >> you're right. they did it as a statement to remind the american people that president clinton under whose administration secretary served left this country with budget surpluses. then what happened? president bush had the massive tax cuts. president bush caused a financial crisis that lend to spending to recover from it. and trump gave massive tax cuts.
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so to have the republicans who have caused this debt, this is the height of hypocrisy. pay the past bills. you racked them up. we're not going to default on the debt you incurred. let's debate future spending. >> yeah. our wonderful colleague likened it to a credit card. run up the credit card bill and at the end of the month, i'm not paying. that i'm refusing to pay the bills. that's not how it works. that's the point that i think bugs me the most. the first time i, you know, i'm not going to age myself. i was in high school and ronald reagan was president. and the huge deficits he ran up were because of what the republicans love to do. lots of tax cuts for rich. then they do more tax cuts for the super rich and more defense spending. they keep cutting the super rich's taxes and then saying we've got to get the budget under control. >> that happens again and again
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and again. you're right. i remember in the clinton administration it was almost as if the giants pooper scooper and have to clean up the mess created by reagan and the first bush administration and then cleaned it autopsy and what happened? the next bush administration created an even bigger mess. and as you pointed out, donald trump spent $7.8 trillion, increased the national debt. and they raised the debt ceiling. there is no problem raising debt ceiling. republicans have the power and republicans are in the white house. yes, republicans will raise the debt ceiling. suddenly, the deficit becomes a big deal when democrats are the white house and the deficit not only becomes a big deal, but there are threats to not raise the debt ceiling and thereby hold hostage the full faith and crest the united states stiffing, essentially, all our creditors. >> and congressman, you know,
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it's also a matter of who is demanding this. these tea party republicans have it in for social security and medicare. and the cuts they're demanding are to anything that helps the old or the poor. they want to cut food stamps. they want to cut meals on wheels. they want to cut social security and medicare. that people paid their tax money into. they never say they want to do the cuts to help anybody rich. they just want to hurt poor people and old people. and they're demanding that president biden somehow be willing to sign a bill to do that. >> joy, they're coming from a position of weakness because they know their case is so unpopular with the american people. they don't have the skill to be able to defend it and make a case legitimately. the only way they can do it is to threaten to hijack and bankrupt the american economy. and there's a clear conflict. the democrats said we want to increase social security benefits. we don't want social security
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benefits for the working class to be taxed. we are helping people in the working and middle class. they know that is a winning argument. we don't have to threaten to hijack and bankrupt the american economy. they do because they can't win the political argument. >> you know, the thing that i think people forget too, there is a reason the united states has a aaa credit rating. the united states -- american debt is a safe investment. right? and so they're making it sound as if they don't stop us from going over the debt limit, if they don't let us go over the debt limit that somehow that is hurting the united states economically. when it's not. the united states can't afford to run these deficits. it's just they want to run them for only one reason. to cut rich people's taxes. >> exactly. i mean this is very, very important and very simple. they continually have tax cuts for the rich. they continually want to cut the safety nets that everybody relies on particularly social
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security and medicare. they've been threatening this from the beginning. and in fact perfect 1935 they were against social security. and from 1965, they've been against medicare and what is the vehicle they use as the congressman said? they don't want do it directly. they know these programs are enormously popular. so what will they do? they'll use this debt ceiling. it sounds to republicans -- well, of course, you need to have a debt ceiling. actually, what they're doing is creating huge potential problems for everybody because they will ultimately only raise the debt ceiling if they get their way. and what does that mean? what does that mean? it means cuts in programs that everybody counts on or it means that we are -- our credit is downgraded and we have to pay billions more to borrow more money. i mean this is insane. there should be no negotiating at all with hostage takers.
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>> exactly. there is a reason we have a saying in the united states. we don't negotiate with terrorists. this is economic terrorism. putting a gun to the head of the american economy in order to sock it to the poor and the elderly. it's unchristian. i'll put it that way. they plan to be the defenders of the faith. congressman and robert reich, thank you very much. disturbing accounts of children, even toddlers, toddlers, wielding handguns as folks asking how can this happen? it's not complicated, folks. it all comes down to one political party's infatuation with guns. we'll be right back. y's infatua with guns. we'll be right back.
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just days into the new year, police in newport news, virginia, said a 6-year-old boy intentionally shot his teacher when he opened fire in his elementary school classroom. parents expressed their rage and terror at a school board meeting last night. >> i send my kids to school and find myself praying to god that they will return home safely. this may not be a daily worry four, but my children and i are terrified. >> she is 6. she's terrified. because the person advocating for her got hurt. she got hurt. >> news of a 6-year-old shooter elicited a horror that many are still grappling with. less than two weeks later, it's already feeling less like a solitary incident. in indiana, video surfaced of a toddler, a literal baby, roaming
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an apartment hallway with a loaded gun. and then today authorities announced that a 13-year-old brought a loaded gun to his grand rapids middle school. how does a child have a gun? have access to it? how do they know it can intimidate, cause harm? well, those questions are partially answered by the fact that some guns are manufactured for children. this is a j.r. 15, a semiautomatic ar 15 assault style rifle designed for kids. smaller than the full sized weapon of war and lighter at 2 1/2 pounds. and we wonder, how in america could a child be the shooter? joining me now is josh sugarman, executive director of the violence policy center. mr. sugarman, thank you for being here. talk to me about this gun. it's a jr 15, marketed to little kids. why and who is the target
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audience? >> the big picture is that the gun industry is facing a crisis and the primary market of white males is saturated. the trail blazed by the toeb industry looking at women, communities of color, and children. now the j.r. 15 came out last year. it was at a gun industry trade show. kind of like a car show but it's guns and the public is not allowed to go to it. they marketed it with cartoons of children's skulls. where the company claimed that this -- they want an edgy product that created a wow factor with the kid. after this, there was a revulsion across country but california demand they look into this issue. now the jr 15 is back.
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kinder, gentler marketing came pain. what they did, they realized they made a mistake when they said the quiet part out-wowed. yes, this are guns marketsed specifically to children in this country. >> it is really despicable. the thing is that, as you said, they're trying to broaden the market beyond white males. but the people who are pushing the idea of kids with guns are republicans. let me show you a couple of things. this is republican members. this is thomas massey of kentucky. these are the christmas card photos. so the idea of kids, including little kids, having guns, is being normalized outside the gun industry by members of congress. they are essentially saying hey, my family is armed to the teeth down to the toddlers. so do you think that environment is contributing to the idea that the gun industry has that they ought to sell directly -- guns
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directly to kids? >> it's a chicken and egg question. what the gun industry is trying to do, what the folks represent from the political side are trying to normalize a kid's gun culture. and it takes many forms. and i think you're also finding is the fact that when you put guns into kids' hands, we see the result. whether it is the fact that guns have now outpaced motor vehicle deaths as the main cause of children and teens or you see the incidents that you focus with on your show. i think in the end what is a fact that we have to look upstream at the gun industry, how they're marketing the guns, how they're targeting children and what we as parents, as americans, as advocates can do to stop this. >> you know, the thing is that you have this situation where parents in lots of states are scared to send their kids to school. as we saw in virginia. a very open gun heavy stachlt or in places like texas. or really anywhere in the
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country. colorado, you name it. and the response of people like a marjorie taylor green is oh, these kids in school should have a jr 15. if all the kids were walking around with assault weapons, then they would be safer. so there is that aspect of it. and the school's reaction to all of these real life shootings and, you know, the reasons that the kids are afraid is to say well the kids need to come through a metal detector. they need to have a clear backpack. we need to put a panic button in the room. they make i had edier for the guns and kids to live in the same space rather than the industry marketing to them. >> that's completely correct. what we're doing is we're laying the responsibility on potential victims of gun violence and telling them basically to look out for themselves to even the most grotesque example of that whereas you said, marjorie taylor green said we need to
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give children their own pint size assault rifles to fight off the adult ar 15. i think it's an importantish to you add that marketing of guns to kids and bring them into the gun culture has two goals. one is to increase profits for the gun industry and also to create an avenue for political foot soldiers for the gun control bat thalz lie ahead. they say that nra is involved in this because they want people to fight against potential gun law intervention measures as does the gun industry. >> it's ironic. people like tucker karlsson over on fox news, you know, accusing people like tiffany ross of doing who to radio and he and his fellow travelers are trying to create the child soldiers and to have our children walking around looking like child soldiers in a country at war. they'd rather have that than safety for fourth graders and little kids and 6-year-olds. it's bizarre world we live in. josh sugarman, thank you. up next, ron desantis loves
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the covid vaccine -- wait, he hates covid vaccine. sorry, i'm getting an update. he loves vaccine. stand by. he hates them again. more next. y. he hates them more next. trelegy for copd. ♪birds flyin' high, you know how i feel.♪ ♪breeze driftin' on by...♪ ♪ know how i feel.♪ you don't have to take... [coughing] ...copd sitting down. ♪it's a new dawn,...♪ ♪'s a new day,♪ it's time to make a stand. ♪and i'm feelin' good.♪
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it was a monumental day for the state of maryland. democrat wes moore was sworn in as the state's first black governor. and the third black governor ever elected in the united
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states post reconstruction. moore took the oath of office on a bible that once belonged to frederic douglas. after the ceremony, he was introduced by oprah winfrey to deliver his first remarks as the state's leader. >> this journey has never been about making history. it's about marching forward. today is not an indictment of the past. today is a celebration of our collective future. and today our opportunity to begin this future is so bright it is blinding. but only if we are intentional, inclusive, and disciplined. in confronting challenges, making hard choices, and seizing this opportunity. >> he drew quite the contrast
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that to of another governor sworn in this month. >> we reject this woke ideology. we'll not allow reality, facts, and truth to become optional. we'll never surrender to the woke mob. florida is where woke goes to die. >> yes, surprise to absolutely no one. florida governor ron desantis used his address to peddle the attack against anything he deems to be woke like books and black history and movies with gay characters in them and companies that have policies against discrimination. the new reporting to day from the "washington post" says that some of those woke companies, the same ones that desantis built his entire brand on attacking actually helped pay for his inauguration. the post reports that desantis' inauguration co-chairs, aka, the
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people that brought in the most money, included four of florida's most prominent lobbyists and the clients are some of the governor's favorite corporate punching bags. that includes disney, you know, the entertainment giant stripped of the special status for speaking out against the don't say gay bill. along with black rock which desantis attacked after they advocated for climate change. also on that list, the tampa bay rays baseball team who lost state funding in june after calling for gun control following the mass shootings in buffalo and uvalde. and paypal who desantis went after last year for cutting off the accounts of far right groups who were charged in the january 6 capitol attacks like the proud boys. and the list goes on and on. so i guess those woke companies aren't so bad as long as their lobbyists keep giving desantis money, right? what the "washington post" also points out is that last month the florida republican party
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received $25,000 from walgreens which appeared as an inauguration sponsor alongside cvs health both of which faced his wrath over covid vaccines. the same vaccines the governor currently spreading dangerous lies about. more on that after the break. bot more on that after the break when you stay at a vrbo the host doesn't stay with you. because without privacy in your vacation home, it isn't really a vacation... it? [birds chirping] i was always the competitive one in our family... 'til my sister signed up for united healthcare medicare advantage. ♪wow, uh-huh♪ now she's got a whole team to help her get the most out of her plan. ♪wow, uh-huh♪ with coverage that's better than ever for dental...
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protect you, get vaccinated, and then live your life as if your protected. >> the best thing you can do is if you have not gotten a vaccine, particularly if you are older, or have health problems, is to get a shot. >> if you look at the people who are admitted to hospitals over 95% of them are, i, they're not fully vaccinated or not, vaccinated at all. so, these vaccines are saving lives. they are reducing mortality. >> that was florida governor, ron desantis. once calling his state, god's waiting room.
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back in his first term. touting the importance of vaccines. flash forward this month, he begins his second term, and desantis has become the poster child for covid denialism. riding that pony, all the way to the white house. >> almost every study, now, has said with these new boosters, you are more likely to get infected with the bivalent booster. >> shortly after pushing that unfounded claim, he announced his plan to, permanently, ban mask mandates. covid-19 vaccine mandates in schools, and, covid-19 vaccine requirements for employment. last week, he got the florida supreme court to panel a grand jury to investigate any, quote, wrongdoing, with respect to the covid-19 vaccines. >> the grand jury investigation is so broad, they, basically, want to harass anybody who had anything to do with the development, design, testing, and manufacturing, of covid vaccines. joining me now, doctor kavita
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patel, clinical physician, senior policy director in the obama administration an msnbc contributor. thank you for being here doctor patel. i remember, actually, reaching out to you early on when the vaccines came out and just asking, tell me, are they safe? what is the safer one? what is better? i think a lot of people had those concerns. you heard governor desantis in the beginning, in the most elderly state in the union saying, no, get vaccinated. now, politically, he has decided he is so anti-vax they will have a grand jury. he has put in place and attorney general, rather, a surgeon general who has talked about, basically, conspiracy theories. he is a conspiracy theorist against the vaccines, and would not wear a mask in front of someone with cancer. talk about what that does to people who had a little skepticism? >> joy, it is spreading skepticism more than the virus is doing the job of infecting people. that is what is alarming to me.
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i think, two points, number one, is not only has he gone one 80, but he has gone another level. he is not citing science, any evidence, because all evidence points to the fact effects in save lives. he is extending it now, even into jurisdictions, to be able to decide if they need masks. we know, especially with this variant, ex bibi one dot five, one of the most infectious variants is it has a chance to escape immunity to escape vaccines and, i don't mean old, i just mean we're talking over 40, which many of us, myself included are, and, also, children, who are vulnerable. they don't have mature long, stonetown sure means systems. he is, outright, denying the evidence, and denying people to be able to do, what i think, is an american right to be able to actually say, in my community, we look at the covid levels, we think we need to put masks, or other protections in place, and they're using this word mandate, as if it is a division term. they are not explaining the
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science that supports it, and also, the fact that we have evolved. this is not the mandate of march 2020. we have tests, vaccines, treatments. all of that is shoved aside while he gaslights health professionals from being able to have a conversation with their patients. >> the thing is, now, obviously, desantis wants to turn florida into the paradise for anti-vaxxers, and anti-maskers. he thinks that will help him politically, that is clear. what is happening is, and you might know people who do this as well. when you have a celebrity death, damar hamlin's collapse, people start to say, i wonder if he was vaccinated and that's what's caused it? it only took a few minutes for anti-vaxxers to start spreading lies about lisa marie presley. anytime a celebrity, or someone prominent passes, then, if they were vaccinated, people start to, say it was the vaccines that kill people. then, you have people, and i know some, who start thinking, maybe it is the vaccines, not covid? >> right.
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they don't look at the data to show, there are side effects that are reported in these public systems. you can look them up, right now, and you may see all sorts of side effects. then, we need to use controlled trials, and look at the data to see the benefits. anytime there's anything and medicine, vaccines included, there are risks, and benefits. we are trying to outweigh, and make sure the benefits outweigh the risks. in this case, i've never seen, joy, let me say, in my life, and i've been practicing for a while, such a preponderance of evidence, talking billions of people, who've gotten vaccines around the world, to give us real world evidence. in fact, many things they do in the hospital don't ever get to that number. so, what we are fighting our people who want to spread disinformation, who have much more time on their hands to not pay attention to the health of their communities. the whole time this is happening with desantis, and a surgeon general, i'm sitting, they're seeing patients, thinking, what is it that is not getting through? why are you reflecting the messages that are not being seen by everyday people?
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people are suffering, not suffering because of vaccines, but are suffering because people like governor desantis has more time on his hands to spread these lies, and find the doctors, who do have time. >> this grand jury is free to spend a year dragging people like dr. fauci, and dragging people in front of them. many of them, people of color, who develop these vaccines. dragging them into florida, and making them be interrogated, because he thinks it will elect him president of the united states. it is sickening. >> it's tragic, and results and deaths. that's not an overstatement. >> by the way, we now have data, showing that republicans diet disproportionate levels to democrats, and there's a reason for that. doctor kavita patel, thank, you as always. that is tonight's read out, all in with chris say, starting right now. ght now. >> tonight, on all in. >> there is no place in the party for this white nationalist


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