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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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repressive headlines, more than 100 people are killed and overnight is really air strikes on the gazo strip. siria says has downed a number of israeli missiles that were targeting the capital damascus. iran's president says his country will not start a war but will respond decisively to anyone who believes it.
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hello everyone, it's 2:30 p.m. in the iranian capital, you're watching press tv, world news. now we begin this bulletin with latest updates from gaza, where intense israely attacks continue for nearly four months now, at least hund people have been killed overnight across the palestinian territory, the refresh air and artillery attacks. around khan unis, that's gaza's main southern city, which has recently been the focal point of israeli strikes. medical facilities and khan units have been affected as well with alamal and alasar hospitals under israeli siege for more than a week now. and now the united nations has warning of serious shortage of oxygen at the two medical centers. after khan unis, the city of rafa will be the next target of the israeli ground attacks and that's according to the regime's military. rafa. is located in southern gaza and hosts
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hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians. over 27,00 people have so far been killed in gaza since war began on october the 7th. and joining us from dar abalah in the gaza strip is press tv gaza correspondent muti abu musabi for the latest of on the ground there. hello moti, what can you tell us? yes, actually the israeli genocide is still continued and bes against the palestinian people in gaza strip and let me begin with the latest uh statement issued by uh the palestinian ridicusan society in gaza as they said that the israeli bombardments are still continued in the surrounding areas of the uh the society's headquarter and khanuni city which is al amal hospital uh in addition to that uh they noticed that uh the
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rain the rain water actually leaked inside the buildings after the cracks resulted in from the continuous israeli bombardments and the most important thing is that the dialysis patients in the hospital actually uh face the risk of death over the continuous siege imposed on the in the hospital as the israeli in occupation forces till this moment actually prevent the palestine. and ambulances from evacuating the patients of and they shoot at everything moving in those in those areas in the surrounding areas of gaza, and even though uh the the the the continuous appeals for the humanitarian and the human rights organizations undergo the the israeli occupation forces still insist on preventing the palestinian uh ambulances and the medical stuff from moving and to do their job.
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actually because as you know that uh uh the israeli air strikes are still intensified in those areas, the israeli the israeli strikes are still intensified over those areas uh which means catastrophic situation for the palestinian people uh uh in the meantime gaza's health ministry stated that at least 30,000 palestinian civilians are still stuck in those areas. having no access to titerian needs like food, water, and even the cloths and the covers particularly in this berishing cold here in gaza strip, so the current situation is still catastrophic in khan city uh, and meanwhile the israeli incubation forces intensify their attacks in the southern part of the city where gizan rashan which is a neighborhood in the southern part of the city has has been under heavy.
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bombardment and several uh residental of neighborhoods were blown up by the israeli incubation forces on the ground using explosive devices so we are talking about continuous strikes continuous operations underway. in that city uh afflicting thousands and hundreds of thousands of the palestinian families and the palestinian people. in gaza city as well uh the israel incubation forces uh open their fire at ansar compound. ansar compound is a governmental compound that includes several governmental buildings and uh the israeli occupation forces managed uh to destroy all those buildings and to blow them up using the explosive devices when they were attacking. that area today and over the last couple of hours the israeli incubation forces renewed their attacks on that compound uh causing more damage and more destruction for the buildings and the infrastructure and even the people uh living in the surrounding areas uh in the meantime we can say that uh after the
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israel incubation forces with true from several parts of the northern uh area of gaz city and the northern parts of gaza strip massive destruction and folded and unfur after the that with the draw uh that according to multiple eyewitnesses that everything uh everything was reached by the israeli artillery by the israeli strikes uh everything is devadated uh wide spread havoc uh wcked the city everything was destroyed by the israel incubation forces and before we let you go we talked about it earlier that it seems like the regime wants to expand its ground operation into rafa so obviously we have to ask you this, you mentioned there are over million displaced palestinians in rafa with the ground offensive going into rafa, what is going to happen with the displaced, where where are they to go and is the israeli plan to go in there and what you mentioned uh about central and northern gaza to completely
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annihilate rafa and southern gaza as well, yes sure this is the question that everyone in gaza actually uh... asking what which is uh uh what what the palestinian people do in case the israeli uccupation forces invaded rafah? we are talking about uh more than million palestinian civilians fled the all areas of gaza strip into southring of into the southern part of the of the strip uh under the demands of the israeli incubation forces that that area and rapah city is safe area now the israel incubation forces uh are planning to attack the city and they are spreading. uh sayings that they would invade the city under the claims that the the israeli captives are located there and the palestinian resistance leaders are still there and uh generally this step is seen by the by the palestinian people as a continuation of this uh genocide committed
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against the palestinian people uh apparently the israelion forces is going and is moving forward to attack rafa city which means more massacers which means uh doubles of the palestinian uh people who would be killed uh and the numbers of the palestinian people who would be killed will double and we would witness uh the increase of those numbers exponentially if the israel incubition forces uh invaded because there is no foothold in rafa city without being held by the palestinian civilians who fled and escaped the israeli continuous and constant bombardments elsewhere in gaza strip thank you moti stay safe we'll talk now situation remains tense in the occupied west bank as well, israely forces and settlers have attacked palestinians in several locations there. our roma correspondent has your details. as we are speaking now, israeli
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forces are raiding south tobos and they are surrounding a whole home there and israeli forces are firing uh heavy tier gas and lightning bombs at this home, it's not a clear why they are surrounding the home, is it the home of of a palestinian fighter, a wanted palestinian or it's a home of palestinian martter who carried out an anti-israely operation, so at the end of the day the people will find themselves that their homes would be destroyed and they will be homeless. israel had also raided this morning jinin area, over eight armored vehicles, raid genene area from the aljalami checkpoint and some 10 israeli armored vehicles uh raided the gin area and the
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refugee camp coming from the nabl street south genine so this means the israelies had surrounded complete genine and the outskirts the refugee camp, clashes had been reported between palestinian fighters and the israeli forces there, at the same time the israeli buldosers continued to destroy the... infrastructure and this is has been happening in the last a few months, the israels have been destroying the infrastructure, the shops, the businesses, every time they were raising genine area as well as balata refugee camp and shams refugee camps as well, elsewhere in the occupied west bank the setlers have attacked the people this time in napolis specifically in asavia so... "nables israeli settlers raided this village and they
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had attacked the palestinians home, the palestinian residents of assaria left their homes, they they confronted the israeli settlers aggression when the israels were pulling out from assawia, they burnt one of the palestinian vehicles there. syria says israel regime's fire missiles in the..." south of the capital, damascus, the syrian military says it downed a number of israeli missiles that were launched from occupied golen heights. three people, including an iranian military advisor were killed in this attack. syrian media also reported damage from the israeli air strikes. the regime has been conducting air strikes on syria over the past several years. attacks it continued despite syria's strong protest at the united nations. damascus says the israely acts of aggression violate. syrian sovereignty.
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iran's presidents of a strong response to any possible bullying against his country. it has repeatedly been said that we want to start a war, but if a country, an oppressor or anyone wants to bully us, they'll receive a strong response from the islamic republic of iran. race said enemies used to resort to language of threats against iran even said military option was on the table, but now he added enemies say they are not seeking confrontation with the islamic republic. race he said iran's military might poses no threat to the region of west asia, adding regional countries can rely on the islamic republic's military power. in recent days, us has spoken of a response to attack that killed three. of it soldiers in jordan over the weekend, washington has blamed iran back resistance
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groups for that attack. iran has denied any involvement though, saying groups act independently in the region. iraqi resistance movement, the alnijaba says it will press on with attacks against us forces in the region until it achieves its goals. al new java said it will continue the attacks until israel ends its war on gaza and the us. withdraws its forces from iraq. the albujaba also warned any american strike will receive an appropriate response. warning follows us retaliation threats against resistance groups operating in syria and iraq. washington has blamed the iraqi resistance for the weekend attack that left three of its us forces dead in jordan. on wednesday, another iraqi resistance group kataib hezbulah suspended its attacks on american forces, but said anti-israel operations will continue. al nujaba said it respects that decision.
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iranians fed up with the last monarch took to their streets in 1979 to toppole the puppet regime whose strings were being pulled by the us. the uprising had actually started over decade ago under the leadership of imam komeini. who was living in exile. listen to the stories of the protesters who brave the bullets for their cause. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. yemany protesters have taken to the streets to the northern city of sadai and yet. another rally and supported the palestinians in gaza. protesters waved
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palestinian flags enchanted slogans against the us and israel. demonstrators vowed to continue support for gaza until it emerges victorious in the face of israeli aggression. they also held pictures of yemani resistance leaders in a show. of solidarity with the pro-palestine operations, the yemen cities have been sceenes of mass weekly demonstrations since israel launched its aggression on gaza on october 7th. and now you can see um the un humanitarian officer baking news has described the gaza border city of rafa that's the're the southermost tip of gaza there which borders uh egypt says it's a pressure cooker of despair our
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correspondent said nearly 1.4 million palestinians have crammed into that city that the regime had called a safe zone, but apparently it's been carrying out attacks on uh raffa, maybe not as much as other parts of gaza, but now it says an eminent ground invasion is also about to uh take place against rafa, leaving over million nearly mill million and a half gazans really with nowhere else to go, and you can see what the un humanitarian office is um describing brafa as right there, anyway yeny army says it's attacked a british commercial vessel that... was bound for israeli ports. yemani army spokesperson yahyasari said the british ship was targeted with appropriate missiles in the red sea. yemen on wednesday also attacked a us merchant vessel, it said was heading to israeli ports as well. yemen says it'll continue these operations against israely link ships until the gaza war ends. countries continued its operations despite joint air
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strikes the us and uk have been launching against yemen. two western states say they're responding to... to international shipping, yemy officials however say us and uk are in a state of confusion and failure in the red sea saying the washington and london bear the consequences for any escalation in the region. hours after targeting the american destroyer us gravely in the red sea, the spokesman for the yemini armed forces yah announced the successful targeting of the us commercial ship koi which was heading to the occupied ports of palestan. with several naval missiles. the naval forces of the yemani army carried out the military operation targeting an american commercial ship that was heading to the ports of occupied palestine with several suitable naval missiles that directly hit it. this operation comes only hours after the naval forces of the yemani army targeted the american destroyer uss gravely with several
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naval missiles in the red sea. the head was direct and accurate. thanks to god. experts say that. conducting two operations within hours serves as evidence that the us uk aggression against yemen has failed to undermine the capabilities of the yemani army or hold their naval operations and it said the ongoing western aggression will expand yemani operations even further. these operations are message that the yeameni armed forces are in a state of high alert, after targeting the american destroyer gravely, the us fout that we could not carry out any other operation for. 24 hours and tried to pass the merchant ship that was heading to the ports of occupied palestine, but they were surprised that our forces targeted them. this is also message that the american british aggression has failed to limit the capabilities of the yemani army. following the germany naval attacks, the us and uk carried out a fresh round of air strikes against several positions in the capital sana
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and other cities. us officials said the attack was carried out using f-18 fire jets launched from. american military base in bahrain. observers highlight that the yemeni naval operations go beyond the suppling military strength rather seen as a humanitarian, ethical and religious duty to stand in solidarity with the palestinian people. they assert that western aggression will not dissuade yemeni naval attacks, which are expected to see only when israel holds its genocidal war in gaza. reporting for press tv. "us president joe biden has faced some angry protests over the israely war on gaza during his campaign visit to michigan. uh, we feel disappointed, we're uh, you know, disgusted by how the biden administration is handling the situation. um, they're continuing to um be complicit in this genocide. they are uh requesting more money
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to send to israel uh $14 billion that they want to send to israel to continue to war crimes on the palestinian people. it's it's disgusting." disgusting, i don't know how anyone can support this, um, yeah, i have no words, it's just disgusting, mean like i'm seeing like you know like dead babies on my instagram feed every morning, it's crazy, protesters in michigan called on biden to seek sease fire in gaza, that the're mainly from the statesizable arab american community who refused to meet the president's campaign. the protesters chanted genoside joe has got to go and wave palestinian flags. a rally in michigan was the latest in protest across the us and support of gaza since war began early. october, american protesters are strongly critical of their government support for the israeli regime. us has lent its support through sending military aid to israel and
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also backing it at the un security council with multiple vetos. local city councils and various us states have passed seizfire resolutions in solidarity with palestine amid washington's unequivocal support for the israeli regime. presidente. has more from chicago. across the united states, local governments are passing resolutions demanding a ceasefire in gaza as pro zionism sentiment continues its historic crumbling under the weight of daily israeli war crimes. the third largest city in the united states, chicago, also has the nation's largest palestinian community, was thrilled to see their city council pass a resolution demanding a permanent ceasefire. we were on edge honestly for a while and uh the fact that it was
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passed is just an amazing show of solidarity with our brothers and sisters and palestine. uh, we know that it doesn't necessarily change anything for them on the ground, but i think that this will definitely put pressure on our government um to hear the the will of its people um in one of the largest cities of america. hopefully um this will influence some of their their policy and uh we will get a permanent ceasefire soon. cease fire demands have been approved from major cities like san francisco, detroit and atlanta to suburbs and small towns, which are insisting on taking a moral stand. words like apartide and ethnic cleansing, which were once heavily censored in public life, are now being voted into the public record, and you would wish that people... um, in positions of power, do things, do the right things, because they are the right things, because they're the moral um thing to do, um, that doesn't always
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happen, but in chicago it's a little bit different. the united states was the only member on the united nations security council to vote against a ceasefire, and they have paralyzed the security council on the issue the genocide in gaza, as congressman in washington reportedly refused even engage with palestinian activists, city councils have become the primary place with political power which will discuss the issue and reflect the historic shift in public sentiment towards palestine. it really shows that when you vote for progressive politicians, progress does happen. we not only saw vote um for sess fire, but we saw vote for solidarity and community building as well. the ceasefire vote is not only for the palestinian people, it's for all community. "the local resolutions are mainly symbolic, but they aren't so local, they show support to palestine and their allies around the world, and they prove to washington that
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their unshakable support for israel isn't shared across the country. rami maziri, press tv, chicago. and that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning a goodbye for now.
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the palestinian rack cressen says the israeli forces open fire and storm their headquarters in han unis for a third time. israel continues targeting hospitals and medical centers in gaza as well. draw death toll from his genocidal campaign on the besieg territory has now passed the 27 thousand mark. more than 2008 ngos raised the alarm over donor country's decision to suspend funding to un agency for palestinian refugees. aid ngo's warned reckless decision may lead to complete collapse of humanitarian response in gaza.