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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:03pm IRST

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nearly dozen people are killed in an israeli air strike on gaza's southern city of rafa where the regime is preparing for a ground assault as well. israeli forces raser hospital in the city of haniness where displaced palestinians took shelter. people of yemen have held mass rallies in several cities across the country. at another show,
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the solidarity with the people of palestine. of hello and welcome everybody, you're watching press tv's world news coming at you live from our headquarters here in the iranian capital, tehran. our top story for this half hour, the gaza strip is reeling from israel's. military campaign with the southern city of rafa, witnessing a fresh air strike ahead of alumion ground offensive by the regime, nearly dozen palestinians were killed and number of others injured in the attack of targeting two residential buildings. rafa is hosting some 1.5 million palestinians taking shelter from attacks in uh other parts of gaza. israel has intensified its airraids on the city while it's preparing for a ground assault as well. the planned attack is sparked fears of a wider tragedy in gaza where palestinians are already... grappling
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with a dire situation. israel launched its war on gaza early october, killing nearly 28,800 palestinians, most of them killed are women and children. the israeli militaries rated the main hospital in gaza's southern city of hanyuness charity group doctors without borders says an unspecified number of people were killed and injured. israeli troops storm nasa hospital after laying siege to the facility for days, the hospital also hosted the displaced palestinians when the israeli military raided it on thursday, the regime said it believe the... bodies of dead captives were being
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held inside the facility. hamas denied that it said the raid shows the genocidal nature of the israeli crimes in gaza. the un rights office also said the rate appears to be part of israeli attacks targeting life-saving civilian infrastructure in gaza, especially hospitals. the office said it has documented similar raids in other parts of gaza describing impacts on civilians as appalling. meanwile, the palestinian red crecent society says israeli forces are kidnapped. 20 of its staff and patients that almal another hospital in konnunes. malnutritionists threatening the lives of tens of thousands of children in gaza, that's according to the un agency for children, unicef says a number would continue to rise if the situation does not change. we have examined 20. and children of
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and among the cases we checked was this child who is 2 years and 7 months old before the war, before october 7, she weighed 11 kilograms, she's now 7 kograms so... is suffering from malnutrition, her situation is difficult, she has complications, she suffers from dehydration and she needs help, we have heard the appropriate amount of nutrition supplements, we're trying our best to help her, we're referring her to hospital where she can get treatment, that's all we could do so far, due to the conditions of the war in gaza, the health and nutrition situation for children have changed, it has become incomplete health system without vitamins, proteins, or fats in the healthy amounts, children are relying on canned food which contains preservatives, all this along with the fact that the water is polluted, the sand, the living conditions here that can spread diseases and germs, all this causes malnutrition among children in displacement
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camps in rafa. there are 325,00 children under the age of five who are risk of acute malnutrition. unicef expects that in the coming days, and weeks there will be at least 10,00 children whose lives are essentially at risk if the situation does not change. this danger also comes as the health and drinking water systems face a complete collapse in the gaza strip, contributing to the spread of diseases. this creates a deadly cycle because we know that if children who are malnourished contract disease, their lives are more at risk. and israely soldier has been killed during the latest. ground battles with palestinian resistance fighters in gaza, three israeli soldiers were also seriously injured in those battles, that's according to israely media, they say the four soldiers were from a reconnaissance unit operating in southern gaza, the israely media say total of 233 soldiers have been killed since the ground fighting began in gaza in late
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october. palestinian resistance groups however say the actual number is much higher. they say israel is hiding the real number of casualties as it already faces public. over the handling of the gaza war. this is the story of nation that lived here for centuries until an obscure foreign regime emerged and began farming on their lands and brought in new people to replace the old nation. they picked the focal point of attention of different religions in the region, a highly regarded place at the heart of this arabic islamic setting. what would have happened if hizbullah had been vanquished? that's perhaps the most significant and upsetting question about the 2006 war. much has been said about the 2006 war, about its motives, the behind
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the scenes and the circumstances around it. welcome back, this inhumanity must be stopped, that's what brazilian president luno lula de silva has said as he criticized rich countries for cutting funds to the palestinian refugee agency, honoa. at the time when the palestinian people need support, the most rich countries have decided to cut humanitarian aid to the un agency for palestine refugees. the recent allegations against the agencies staff need to be. properly investigated, but they cannot paralyze it. palestinian refugees in jordan, syria and lebanon will also be left destitute. this inhumanity and cowardes must be stopped. enough of collective punishment, my government will make new contribution to anrua. we urge all countries to maintain and
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increase their contributions. cease fire in gaza to allow for sustainable humanitarian aid into the palestinian territory. addressing an arab league meeting in cairo, egypt. last month, us, along with dozen countries, mostly western states, suspended funds to anrua. they did so after tel aviv alleged that several of onrua's staff had helped hamas in its ala flood operation on southern israel on october the 7th, investigation has been launched, but israel has offered no evidence for its claim. onraw has warned it will face cash crunch from march if it receives no funding. the agent. provides assistance to palestinian refugees in several locations, including syria, lebanon, gaza, and the occupied territories. people have once again taken to the streets
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in the emmy cities sana and saada in a show of support for palestinians in the gaza strip. the emmy protesters waved palestinian flags enchanted slogans against israel and its main supporter the us. they've been holding rallies on friday since israel launched its onslot on gaza early october. the amaminies also held pictures of their leaders in a show of support for their pro-palestine operations. those operations have targeted israeli linked vessels in the red sea an effort to pressure the regime to stop its genocide in gaza. yemenis further voice support for their army's operations against american and british ships in response to their ongoing air strikes on yemen. the air strikes began in the wake of the yemeny military operations in the red sea. our correspondent abdul latif al washal
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was standing by a rallyan sa with more details. thousands of yemanies have gathered here in the capital sana. they are here to express their full support for the palestinian people. they're here to praise the yemani army's operations in the riyan gulf of aiden. we have also here people who came from "the najran governorate in southern of saudi arabia, they said they came here to support the yemani army and to support the leadership in yemen which is now facing the us and uk and israel, they are facing them for the sake of the palestinian people, people here uh said they are ready uh to uh or express their willingness to join the yemani army to fight the people who have uh made an aggression or launched an aggression against the palestinian people and also..." the yemani people as you can see now we have thousands of people here in the yemani and
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also in the mar and hudaida and saada and other cities people come regularly here every week uh to uh express their support for the palestinian people which is will never be back down uh with time they say that the us and the uk and israel they believe that the yeminies will get tired from coming to the streets every week but no yemenis are not they are here and you'll see them in the next friday and the uh next week also, the leader the hezbulah resistance movement has slamed the recent israely attacks on civilian areas in southern lebanon, he warned that the regime will pay heavy price for such aggression, we always said that we cannot tolerate a harm to civilians, the enemy must understand that they went too far in this issue, brothers and sisters, i tell you and
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to all those who are listening to the friend and the enemy, our women and children who were killed in these days in nabatiya and in soana and elsewhere in the south, in southern villages, the enemy will pay the price of spilling their blood, and they will pay the price of this blood with blood. "nasso also warned israel that the resistance movement enjoys advanced missile capabilities. he said has weapons can reach as far as the occupied city of ilod. the heisbala chief hailed the ongoing resistance operations against israel. he said the resistance front has shattered the myth of israel's invincibility and unmasked the regime. on another note, nasa slammed washington's unconditional support for israel in its genocidal war in gaza. he said us officials are responsible. for every drop of blood spilled in the region. nasa said without american military support the
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israeli annslot on gaza would stop immediately. he said despite the western aid for israel, the regime has failed to achieve its stated goals in gaza and will continue to do so. an israely air strike has hit a house in southern lebanon a mid-intense fighting between the regime and the lebanese resistance movement. hasbollah at least three. civilians were killed in the attack, separate israeli strike on southern lebanon killed a hezball fighter as well, also on wednesday nearly dozen people including six kids lost their lives in the regime's strikes targeting lebanese villages in the south. the latest developments come as the israeli regime and hezbolah engaged in fighting at lebanon's southern border areas. the fighting began on october the 8th the day after israel attacked gaza. hesvolah says it aims to provide support to palestinian resistance fighters battling israel in. gaza: we were earlier joined by our correspondent in beiro
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mariam sal, to get more details about the exchange of fire between israeli military and isball. well, there definitely have been very dangerous developments here in lebanon, especially with the fact that many analysts are saying the israelies are definitely in a state of perplexion, they are are confused, they are in a... really cornered by the resistance has maintained and has kept to the rule of military for military, whereas the israelis have gone further in that in the last two days, we've seen uh... basically massacer in the town of nabatiye, we saw also them targeting residential areas and residence very obviously, we have three last marters, although they are considered members the amal movement, but they are not a military movement that is, but they they are considered part of the civilian structure basically in the libanese community, and so
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the israelis are attempting to lure the resistance in some way, however there is... seems to be still calm, they're still sticking to targeting only military uh post um military devices, military soldiers and israeli soldiers, that is of course uh the israelis, although hazbullah has not claim responsibility, the lebanese people show their strong commitment to the values of resistance against the israeli regime regardless of the price they may have to pay, say they're ready sacrifice whatever they have to protect their country, your comments from people in the city of nebatia and southern lebanon. no matter how long israely attacks lasts, we will indeed remain a stead fast and not be defeated. we will remain holding to our land even if we stay under the rain. we will be studfast and not abandon our
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country or our land, even if it turns into ashes. we want to rela message to the israeli enemy that we will remain steadfast here. as you have seen, they've targeted innocent unarmed civilians. they claim that the building houses objects affiliated to his wallah, however in the morning it was revealed that their claim is false, and all those targeted are innocent civilians, including children and women. unfortunately, this brutal enemy has been attacking innocent people because they are coward. nevertheless we are steadfast and victorious. well we're going to go back to uh the latest updates that we have from uh the gaza strip as the israeli genocidal massacre continues there our correspondent motiabu mosap is joining us now from daralbala in central gaza to bring us up to speed on the recent israeli um violence uh and aggression in gaza. moti
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would he have to share with us. yes, actually the israeli attacks are still continued and persistent, and let me say that moments ago the israeli fighter drones attacked a group the palestinian civilians in al-karara neighborhood which is located in the area between hanyunis city and deril balah city, two palestinian civilians were reportedly killed over that attack and this comes in the context of the continuous israel strikes and attacks that are still hitting uh more residental areas and more uh residental uh buildings let me say uh across all areas of gaza strip and those air strikes actually uh were intensified over the last couple of hours in khanyunis city as uh as the israeli fighter drones also targeted another group of the palestinian civilians claiming the lives of at least two palestinian civilians in
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addition to uh multiple casualties uh among the palestinian civilians there uh and uh as as you know that the israeli incubation forces are still attacking uh attacking the nasar medical complex after evacuating uh tens of thousands of the palestinian civilians and the palestinian evacues and the palestinian paramedics from that medical congless. we are talking about hundreds of the palestinian uh people, but palestinian injuries and the palestinian paramedics are still stranded and they are beseed inside building of the complex while the israeli incubation force. are doing more more searches inside the complex and they are attacking the other buildings inside the complex and the same mean in the same in the meantime let me say that gaza's health ministry announced the death of the fifth palestinian patient of the icu and the nasar medical complex after uh after the supply the
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oxygen supplies run out uh from the medical complex as you know that the israeli incubation forces are still denying the entry. any kind of any necessities for the people stranded there uh we are talking about catastrophic conditions that the palestinian people and the palestinian paramedics and the injuries are living these moments in the hospital, it's worth mentioning that the palestinian rid christian society announced that the israeli occubation forces uh enforced 12 individuals of the medical staff the society to leave and to evacuate the the nast medical complex and deliberate action taken by the israeli occupation forces to deepen the suffering of the palestinian injuries there and to leave those palestinian injuries and patience to face the imminent death over the severe. lack of the basic uh medical and humanitarian necessities uh and the same area in the western bars of kanyuni city the israeli tanks on the ground targeted and shelled the upper floor of the alamal
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hospital which is located near the nasar medical complex you are talking about continuous attacks and strikes that are still hitting those areas even the eastern bars of the same city khan city actually were targeted and were subjected to heavy bomb departments of the israeli war blans was reported that the israeli war plans destroyed and leveled to the ground and entire residental neighborhood and the square in abasan neighborhood which is one of the most prominent out squares of the city uh so it's a continuation of the the israeli brutality that that that is hitting all areas of gaza strip here in the central area of gaza strip the israelicubation forces maintain their... reaching the eastern parts of alb camp and the northern part of anosar refugee camp, they were subjected to heavy israeli
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artillery attacks over the last couple of hours, so the israeli artillery and the israeli air strikes and even the israeli tanks on the ground are still hitting several areas of gaza strip and as a response to those air strikes, the palestinan oh my god let me say that these moments as we speak the israel another air strike, it's it's in the surrounding areas and apparently in the southern part of balah city, hopefully this won't be another massacer committed this moment, these moments as we speak, so yes over the last uh over the last couple of hours there the palestinan resistance and particularly al-kassami brigades announced that they launched a barrage of the palestinian missile towards the depth of the israeli occupation but particularly askalan town and askalan city and as as it was announced that this barage actually came as a response to the continuous telling and
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apocalyptic massacers committed committed against the palestinian civilians in gaza strip uh which presents another another clue and another evidence that the palestinian resistance is still able to respond to the israeli crimes and it's able to defend the palestinian people despite the... the bombardments and the unprecedented and unprecedented crimes and attacks that are hitting all areas of gaza stread. all right, thanks lot. moti press tv's moti abusabet joining us from derabala in central gaza. people in jordan have taken to the streets in solidarity with palestinians in the besieg gaza strip, they called for an end to the kingdom's export of produce to israel.
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the jordanian people feel ashamed that the government is allowing the land bridge to save the zinest entity and exporting vegetables and fruits to this entity at the time when our people are beseed in the gaza strip, deprived the water, food and medicine. this is the 19th consecutive week of such nationwide protests including in the capital amon, the demonstrators uh decried israel's atrocities in gaza hospitals and its massacre of civilians including women and children. they called for international intervention to stop the genocide and lift the blockade on gaza. earlier this week, jordan recalled its ambassador from israel and told the regime's ambassador to stay away. that was in protest at the relentless israeli bombardment of gaza. pro-palestinian sentiment is widespread in jordan, which shares a border. with the occupied west bank and host some 2.4 million palestinian refugees. jordanians have been calling on the authorities to close the israeli embassy and scrap the unpopular 1994
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peace treaty with the regime. euran's foreign minister says the israeli genocide in gaza will inevitably have adverse impacts on the security and stability of west asia. housein abdullahyan made the remark during a phone call with his saudi counterpart. he said such effects will occur. "there's no immediate political solution. amid abdul hin reiterated, the tehen does not consider war as solution. iran's top diplomat also called for emergency ministerial meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation on gaza. faizal bin farhan welcomed the call. he also criticized israeli prime minister beniamin netanyahu's defiance of international calls for a ceasefire in gaza. that's wrap for now, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. see you."
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crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, us genocide against the people of palestine.
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what would have happened if hizbullah had been vanquished? that's perhaps the most significant and upsetting question about the 2006 war. much has been said about the 2006 war, about its motives, the behind the scenes and the circumstances around it, its planning and developments, its details and objectives. as well as its outcome and the lessons learned from the war. also, much speculation has been made about what led to the war, when considering the situation in lebanon, in the occupying zionist regime, in palestine and