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tv   Economic Divide Israels economic crisis  PRESSTV  February 20, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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russian political philosophers arguments in this documentary. in of of when the us is really genocidal war against the gaza strip began, israel thought it could wrap up this aggression within a short period of time. over four months. now going into the fifth month, israel has realized that was just pipe drain, and it didn't anticipate the costs involved and how it's draining its purse. just a couple of the angles we'll be looking at in this edition of economic divide. taking a look at some of the highlights of this program, israel's economic crisis, we'll break it down, there's been a credit downgrade by modies, also the budget deficit, and uh the gdp decrease, obviously all negative economic indicators for israel, then we will take look at uh huge concern and
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these are the mounting costs that are recurring for israel, it has to subsidize salaries of 360,00 reservists who are also workers that contribute to the society, at this point they're not because they're fighting an illegal um genocide, then you have the cost of aggression itself, $59.3 of billion for the year, with the daily cost uh to be between either $246 million or $272 of million. then these illegal selliment economy, confrontation with hisbollah a mistake, thousands of businesses closed in the north and also 131 million agricultural loss, just some of the angles we'll be looking at in terms of the losses from the settlements and the products there. of
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of more than four months of past since israel started his brutal genocide on the gaza strap, the onslot has killed thousands of palestinian people. the israeli military has also suffered significant losses, but the economy of the regime has also been negatively impacted by the onslot. it has rendered israel's crisis city economy even more fragile. from a complete halt in tourism to global shipping challenges, there's not a single sector in the economy. that has been sheltered from the shock waves of the genocide. since october, israel has subsidized the salaries of reportedly 360,00 mobilized reservists who have been deployed to gaza, many of whom are high-tech industry workers in finance, artificial intelligence, pharmaceuticals and agriculture.
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in november, the bank of israel put the onslot's gross effects on israel at $53 billion and paired back its estimates for economic growth to 2% per year from 2023 and 2024, down from 2.3% and 2.8%. in december, israel's finance ministry said that the onslot will likely cost israel approximately $13.8 billion this year, if it's high intensity phase concludes during the first quarter of 2024. these staggering cost. which could very easily rise, especially if another front develops with heizballah, leads to the question of how the regime will fund the onslot's effort. the impact on israel's high-tech sector, which is considered the engine of the regime's economy, is significant. according economist, 10% of israeli employees work in the high-tech sector, but they are responsible for 50% of the regime's exports. time to take a look at what post it online, we begin with a website
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uh, which has stated that mudi has lowered israely credit rating, downgrading its outlook from stable to negative. at the same time, uh, the agency has warned public finances are deteriorating, and it has predicted materially higher debt burton amit the, well, they call it war, we call it an onslot in gaza, and it says to have lowered the outlook due to the risk of escalation with hisbollah. now, the israely prime minister has said the rating will go... back up the moment we win this war. next up, taking a look at this post, the gaza war has caused israel more than $60 billion. so far, is anyone telling the cost to american taxpayers of the us armed forces coming to israel's rescue and fighting its behalf throughout the region? it poses that as a question. next, palestinians fear israel's economic chokehold will not end with or without a ceasefire. this post went to say
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israel is cancelling work permits, restricting travel, withholding tax revenues, and west bank palestinians are saying that these are the types of problems that they're facing. and finally, israel promised. seeing some relief to hemoraging west bank economy a covert meet with the pa officials. all right, those were some of the posts. i have to wait and see how the economy of the west bank as a whole can recover from this base on the restrictions by israel. anyways uh let me bring in our guest for our first q&a, arturo hartman pacheco joins us. he is a researcher in international relations with focus on palestine and israel. he's also member of the international center for arab and islamic studies. the federal university of sirgip uh, welcome to the program, arturo hartman paceko, uh, let's start out with uh, what is occurred over here uh, when it comes to the economic crisis that israel is facing. i mean, we're looking at so many different negative. all right, we're stoping this to go
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live to the h, to the second day of the icj, hearing gandhi israely occupation of palestine considers that the general assembly. resolution 15 of august 2004 expands on fundamental aspects of this court advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the construction of the wall in the occupied palestinian territory, including as regards east jerusalem and its surroundings. accordingly, they form part of the context to be considered in relation to the legal consequences of israel policies and practices in the occupied. palestine territory, which we are analyzing during this period at the court. thus, mr. president, members of the court, bolivia contains that the continuously depriving and denying the palestinian people's right to self-determination for 70,
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75 years, israel is in a clear, in a clear breach of its international obligations. mr. president, members of the court, article two the united nations charter contains a general rule against the unlow use of force and states that members shall refrain in their international relation from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity of political independence of any state or any other manner inconsistent with the purpose of the united. nations: the prohibition of aggression is binding of on all states and it constitute a parentory norm of international law. on november 22, 1976, the security council unanism adopted resolution 242, in
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which it insisted of the inadmissibility of their acquisition of territory by war and called for the withdrawal of israel, and armed forces by the same token, resolution 252 of 1968, the security council reaffirmed the point considering that all legislative and administrative measures and actions adopted by israel, including the expropriation of land and property therein, that tend to change the legal status of jerusalem are invalid and cannot change the statute. in this it is imperative to recall that the security council urged israel to scrupulously observe the provision of the geneva convention and international law on military occupation, further reiterating that the geneva convention of august 1949 on the
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protection of civilian and time of the war applied to the arab territories occupied by israel since 1967, including jerusalem in particular, article 49 of the fort geneva convention protects against colonization of occupied territory by providing that occupying power may not carry out the evacuation or transfer of any part of its own civilian population to the territory occupied by it, yet the transfer of 75000 israeli settlers and the building of settlements in the eastern jerusalem and the rest of the west bank have been deliberately carried out with the intention of acquiring the territory through the facto and the jury annexation, including through colonization, confinement and fragmentation of the occupied palestinin territories. not only the security council
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and the human rights council, but also the general assembly reaffirmed the principle of inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force condemned and rejected. that israel measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, the character and status of jerusalem in the occupied palestinian territory, states in their international relations must refrain from restoring to the threat of use of force against the territorial integrity of or political independence of any state or cars, another states to subordinate in its exercise of its sovereign rights and obtain advantages from of any type. bolivia considers that israel, colonial settlements in the occupied palestinian territory, including east jerusalem, the west bank, the gas strip and the syrian gollan have been built by force
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through the imposition of institutionalized ratially discriminat discriminatory regimes, including aperti, and though the denial of the exercise of the right of self-determination in contravention of international law, as a result, they must be considered illegal, similarly israel occupations result from act of aggression and as such it must be considered illegal under both jewish in bello and jewish at bellum. the committee on the exercise of the inaliable rights of the palestinian people in 2023, study of the legality of the israel occupation endorse the growing body of evidence that israel occupation of the palestinian territory is illegal in so far as it denies. the inalinable right of the palestinian people to self-determination, including the right of to an independent
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state of palestine. the occupan power lacks the right of sovereinity of the occupied territory, as confirmed by the principle of permanent inviolability of the rights of the protected population in the events of annexation, which is inshrined in article 47 the fort geneva convention of 19. 49, the occupy power cannot alienate the land of or the properties of the occupied state, thus, bolivia considers that the israeli colonialist occupations are clearly illegal according to justin bello, and illegal occupation because there is in a viol violation of the normative order and the legal regime of the occupation such as the principles of temporality, the prohibition of annexation by force, serious violations of human rights and the right to self-determination, inaliability of
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sovereinity and the prohibition of racial, racial discrimination, appertite and more recently genocide. mr. president, members of the court, bolivia observes with concern that israel actions of persecution, operation and domination of the palestinian people have been accompagned by systematic violations of fundamental human rights that have been observed by both the security council and the human rights council. this includes a system of racial discrimination and a system of apart that has not abated despite repeated condemnation from the international community. the human rights council has repeatedly called for immediate protection of palestinian civilian in the occupied palestinian territory in accordance with human rights standards and international humanitarian law, it has further stressed all policies and measures adopted by israel to
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limit access palestinans to their holy sites, in particular in occupied east jerusalem on the basis of their national origins, religion, birth, sex and any other status violates the relevant provisions set fort in the universal declaration of human rights, the international convent of civil rights and political human rights, the international convenant on economic, social and cultural rights, and the fourth geneva convention on the protection of civilian in times of war. this measure must cease. israel is under an obligation to see its strong full conduct. the international community has repeatedly condemned israel's action, including through the united nations, in so far as they hinder the exercise of the palestinian right to self termination, these have included the construction of illegal settlements in
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occupied palestinian territories, the construction of the separation wall in the west bank and other measures that affect the daily lives of palestinian. bolivia has consistently joined these condemnations. israel occupations both in the means and its purpose does not fall within the framework of legality established in international law. the facto annexaction annexation of territory imposed restrictions on where the palestinians can leave, travel and as well as racial, discriminatory, legal, an administrative regime that favors israel settlers and deprivize palestinian on their most basic rights. the conclusion is unavoidable that israel has used its prolonged occupation as a pretext to pursue its illegal objective of annexing the occupied palestinian territories in violation the charter of the united nations. therefore
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the is israel occupation must be considered illegal in its entireity. mr. president, members of the court, the policies and practice of israel occupation in palestinian territory are illegal and have legal consequences with obligation for israel and for other states and the united nations since they violate the rights of the palestinian as people and a palestine as a state, and therefore they both demand the complete and immediate secision of this international. act bolivia considers that israel, as the state responsible for this violation of international law, must see the jury and the facto acts and policies that prevent the exercise of its rights to self-determination the palestinian people and fulfill its obligation to end the situation of illegal
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occupation and its discriminatory policies and practices designed and maintained to establish. dominance in a peaceful, immediate and unconditional manner, therefore israel is also obliged to stop development of the atrocities of genocide committed more recently in gaza and to comply with the provision measures set fort in the order of this court in january 26, 2024. israel must also comply with its international obligations and stop continued israel settlements activities that are geopartizing the viability of the two states solution based on the 19 uh 67 lines and retract israel announcement on february last year of a further construction and expansion of settlements and the legalization on of advanced settlements. israel must sease the
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armed occupation and cancel the annexation of palestinian territories and reverse illegal settlements. by establishing reparation and compensations, as the occupiing power, it must assume responsibility for 76 years of occupation and for the sage imposed on the gas strip and the overgoing atrocities of crimes of genocide. bolivia considers that within the framework of the resolution mentioned in the advisory opinion brief, israel must immediately and completely put an end of all settlement. and activities in the occupied territory and reaffirms that the establishment of settlements by israel in the palestinian territory, occupied since 1967, including east jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a manifest violation of international law and major obstacle to the achievement of the two-state solution and
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a comprehensive just and lasting peace. mr. president, members of the court, the international community has including through the united nations repeatedly condemned and must continue to condemn israel actions that hinder the exercise of the palestinian right to self-determination such as the construction of illegal settlements in occupied palestinian territories, the construction of the world separation in the west bank and the other discrimon and other. discriminatory measures that affect the daily lives of palestinian. in this context, states and international organizations are under an obligation to prevent and take measures and cooperate to prevent israel from continuing to violate the palestinian right to self-determination and its discriminatory
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practices of domination and apparty and to avoid any act of support for the genocide of the palestinian people. these measures may include diplomatic actions, economic sanctions, political pressure and legal measures. states have the obligation to contribute with separate or joint actions to the state of palestinian exercise of its right to self-determination. states parties to the genocide convention also have clear obligation to act to prevent, suppress and punish genocide employing all means reasonable available to them. so as to prevent genocide so far as possible within the limits permitted by international law, also clarified in the 2024 ukraine russia case, the plurinational state of bolivia considers that the presidential declaration the security council of february 20th, 2023, firmly underlines the need for all parties to
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comply with their international obligations and commitments. in this sense, states have the obligation not to recognize the illegal situation resulting from the acts of occupation of the territories of palestine by israel, the impediment of the right to self-determination of the palestinian people, the prevention of discrimination, apartide and genocide, and avoid any act of complicity and action that contributes to the maintenance of these illegal situations. bolivia believes that all state must firmly opposed all unilateral measures that impeed peace, including among others to reframe the arms trade, the construction and expansion of israel settlements, the confiscation of palestinian lands and the legal. of settlements demolition of palestinian homes and the displacement of palestinian civilians. states have to reject the expansionist and colonialist policies that
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israel has been developing for half a century, promoting a system of apart and constant suffocation and genocide against the palestinian people, in violation of international law, the charges of the charter the united nations and the respective resolution approved by the security council, the... human rights council and the general assembly, as pacifist country, the plurinational state considers that the only alternative to guarantee a just and lasting peace in the conflict between israel and palestine must be the obligation for all states to contribute to dialogue and negotiation with clear expression of political will from both parties to achieve two-state solution, consolidating a free, sovereign and independent state state, palestinian state, as it established with the pre 1967 international borders with east
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jerusalem as its capital in accordance with the relevant security council and general assembly resolution. following the principles of international law and peace, bolivia recognized palestine as an independent and sovereign state on the 17 of december 200. 10 along the 1967 border, because it meets all the traditional criteria for statehood, all states have common, but differentiated responsibilities and the obligations to provide solidarity, assistance to the palestinian people, accordingly, and despite its economic limitation, the plurinational state of bolivia is making an important effort by sending a contingent of humanitarian eight, which we hope can reach its destination without objection from the occupying power. bolivia further considers that the security council, the human rights
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council, the united nations general assembly and the international court of justice, as well as the relevant treaty bodies must continue to call on israel to comply with its obligations under international law, to see the expansion of illegal settlements and guarantee the full exercise, enjoyment and respect. the human rights of the palestinian population. similarly, the united nations has the obligation implement all relevant resolution and other necessary measures and additional resolutions to bring to an end to israel's illegal occupation and the present system of racial discrimination and apparty. mr. president, members of the court every day we witness atrocities and increasing. lose of lives of the palestinian people, the news document daily the suffering, we know not what legal consequences these international
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crimes may yield, as they continue now with standing the order on provisional measures of january 26, 2024, with its advisory opinion, the court has the power to establish what these consequences are. mr. president, members of the... that concludes my statement on behalf of the pluri national state of bolivia, i should like to thank the court its careful attention. i thank the delegation of bolivia for its presentation. before i invite the next delegation to make its oral statement, the court will observe a coffee break for 10 minutes. the sitting is suspended. okay, that was the international court of just the hag bolivian. that was uh talking there, he raised the issue of the construction of the wall by these regime with the west bank that he called it legal, he said israel is denying palestinian their
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rights for 75 years, article 2 the un charter says that the use of force is not allowed against territorial integrity of any nation, but israel has been embreach of it. israel must adhere to geneva conventions which talks about protecting the lives of civilians and is against colonization of occupied lands by for instance what israel is doing by moving israeli settlers to palestinian lans. israel denies palestinian's rights of self-determination, there are systematic violations of human rights. that palestinian civilians civilian lives must be protected, they must be given access to their holy sites, and also the right to self determination should be recognized as bolivia, recognized palestine as a state, and that he said israel must stop the genocide immediately, and that bolivia urges diplomatic and economic action to be taken against israel, the court hearing is going on and there is, as you just hear there's a 10
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minute racess. we'll see who's be going to be next and we'll try to cover the uh president representative if we can. let's go back to normal programming for now.
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more than 100 palestinians are killed in. israel strikes on gaza raising the dead tool from the on aslot to nearly 29,200. un agencies issue fresh warnings about a steep rise in malnutrition among children and preventable child deaths in the besige gaza strip. south africa calling for an end to israel's apartide against palestinians on the second day of hearings.