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tv   Ten Minutes Palestine No Way but Struggle  PRESSTV  March 29, 2024 11:16pm-11:31pm IRST

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see the story of a man who is recounting the tales from the recent past. the israeli aggression against the people of palestine has a long and tumultuous history.
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marked by genocide, occupation and countless human rights violations. the palestinian struggle to liberate their country stands as one of the most enduring and contentious resistance movements in modern history. its heart lies the issue of occupation with israel's presence in palestinian territories being a source of deep-seated grievances, violence and international concrete. turn: the roots of the israeli occupation of palestinian territories can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the rise of the zionist movements advocating for the establishment of so-called jewish homeland in historical palestine. the ballford declaration of 1917 issued by the british government lent support to these aspirations, laying the ground workork for the eventual creation of israel. in 1948. the
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events surrounding the creation of israel in 1948 known as the nakba or the catastrophe marked pivotal moment in the history of the region. hundreds of thousands of palestinians were displaced from their homes and became refugees as a result of the conflict between israeli and arab forces. in 1967, israel launched a strike against. egypt, jordan and syria in what became known as the six day war. supported by its western allies, including the united states and britain, this regime occupied the west bank, including east alrts, the gaza strip, the sinai peninsula and the golen heights. this marked the beginning of israel's military occupation of palestinian territories, which continues to this day. palestinians tried. all diplomatic
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and legal ways to end the israelite occupation over the past seven decades. in the early 1990s, efforts were made to negotiate a peaceful resolution to allow palestinians to have their own state. known as the oslo accord, it never put an end to the israeli aggression as the regime continued settlement expansion in the occupied territories. there were other deals including camp david, which never resulted in peace. and only embolddened israel in its atrocities against palestinians. throughout its occupation of palestinian territories, israel has committed all kinds of atrocities against palestinians, including massacres and non-stop human rights abuses, such as land confiscation, home demolitions, arbitrary arrests and excessive use of force against palestinian civilians. the palestinian resistance. to the israeli occupation has
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taken various forms, it started from peaceful protests to civil disobedience, but with major world powers unconditional support for israel, under whose influence even arab countries started normalizing ties with the regime, palestinians found no alternative to armed resistance to achieve their rights. palestinians decided to take up arms and fight for the liberation of their territory with groups such as hamas and islamic jihad gaining prominence in the popular struggle. what do you think do you advise me to continue as a slave? it's a right which has been granted for us who are living under occupation that the time the diplomacy and politics fail, it's a right of those people.
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are living under occupation to defend themselves with all means, the victory is has to be snatched, especially when you are facing such extremist, murderous criminal. leadership of your enemy. on october 7th, 2023, the palestinian resistance fighters launched their biggest operation yet, a massive and deadly response to over 70 years of israeli atrocities against them. thousands of rockets fired from gaza reign down on the occupied territories. the projectiles reached as far north as tel aviv and as far east as al gore. shortly. after palestinian fighters stormed towns in the south, launching deadly attacks and taking more than 200 captives, including military personnel. the 10-hour al-axsa flood operation dealt accumiliating blow to israel's much towted military and
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intelligence system. shortly after the operation, the israeli military launched a massive strike on the besieged gaza strip that has killed more than people, most of them women and children so far. the israeli regime, encouraged by the us and western allies support outline three major objectives for this onslaught on gaza. i have three goals, one goal is to defeat hamas, utterly defeat and destroy hamas. the second is to bring back our hostages, and the third is to ensure that we don't have a similar threat in the future from gaza, and that what happens is gaza is good. for israel, good for palestinians, good for the middle east, and to do that, we need to demilitarize gaza and deradicalize gaza. we cannot have, it mean for the forseable future israeli overriding military responsibility. the israeli regime has not only failed to achieve the goals, but
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also was forced to negotiate with hamas a cease fire. the failure to achieve these goals has not only exposed the limitations of israel's military prowous. but has also highlighted the resilience and the determination of palestinian resistance forces. there is no doubt that operation al-aqsa flood represented success for the resistance movement, success in carrying out a large-scale operation without the enemy being able to take action preemptively. this operation succeeded in seizing the entire gaza positions within just hours. this is: undoubtedly a great achievement, but here's the question: was there any expectation for the enemy's reaction? certainly, it was expected that there would be a reaction, but it is the nature of the occupation: it kills you, seizes your land, arrests you and imprisons you. for example, in the west bank
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in 2022, before the operations, the number of marters was about 500. the number of wounded people who were taken to hospitals exceeded. 3,000, we are talking about thousands of prisoners, under this occupation for 75 years, you have two choices: either you do nothing and it continues to kill you, capture you and seize your land, or you resist and the enemy will continue the aggression, but the message will be conveyed that the palestinian people are still adhering to the right to resists that the enemy is paying a price for the occupation, operational flood marked. significant turning point for the palestinian people, showcasing the harsh reality of israeli occupation to the world. this operation not only highlighted the plight of palestinians, but also indicated the power of palestinian resistance in a coastal territory, which has been under siege
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for some 17 years. prior to this operation, arab states were moving towards normalizing ties with israel, overshadowing the palestinian cause. however, the gaza war that ensued the october 7th operation has shifted global attention back to the long-standing struggle of palestinians for freedom over the past seven decades. it's been a stark reminder of the brutality of the israeli occupation. despite israel's military might and reputation, the war in gaza has been perceived as a humiliating defeat for. on multiple fronts. public opinion worldwide has increasingly turned against israel as images of civilian casualties and destruction in gaza have circulated widely, shading light on the brutality by israeli forces, which left
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no safe zone in gaza, hitting even hospitals and un refugee shelters. the october 7th operation stands at is testament to the power of palestinian resistance, showcasing how a small and determined movement can withstand the might of the israeli army, backed by the us and other western countries. this operation highlighted the unwavoring resilience of the palestinian people and emphasized that resistance is not only means of survival, but also powerful tool in securing their right to self-determination. the ability of palestinian fighters to hold their ground against one of the most advanced armies in the world has not only defied expectations, but also exposed the limitations of military might in the face of steadfast resistance. the ref' refusal to surrender in the face of overwhelming odds sends a powerful message that the palestinian
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people will not be silenced or oppressed, but will continue to fight for their rights and their dignity. after the arrival of tagfury terrorists in aleppo syria, people's daily lives were disrupted and they saw explosions and suicide operations every day. the problem of diffusing mines and detonating trap bombs. during this time, the resistance fighters and the ordinary people, including women and
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children, got hurt. martter ibrahim khaleli was one of the most efficient people in mind sweeping team who lost his life along this journey. join us on press tv. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir
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answers these and more questions in this documentary. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. ان ارضي واسعت فاي فاعبدون كل نفسي دائقه الموت كل نفسي و
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your headlines on press tv, a senior un official cause on the government to exert pressure on israel, the day after the world's top court ordered israel to allow unimpeded excess of food aid into gaza. people in yemen hold rallies to condemn the continued israeli aggression against gaza and voice their support for the yemeni army's anti-israely operations. and russia strongly condemns the latest israeli air strikes on syria. such provocative acts are categorically unacceptable.