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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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welcome back this is our to you live from moscow and here's a recap of all our top stories the militarizing the libya from top to toe with us to consider grounded need to war planes while the country's new leaders the side of how to deal with population that's our duty. and arrest in new york as wall street protesters encounter rough police resistance as gambetta showed solidarity with oakland activists who fell victim to the earlier crackdown. europe's leaders declare they finally got a debt solution allowing yet more money into greece and telling banks to write off half of what they were owed article robson country. wall of the epicenter of the crisis it's back to basics as cash greeks revert to bartering for goods and a startling realisation that it's really not that. all the europe club struggles to
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keep the family together those who highlight of the flaws in the first place are getting more vocal in saying they should call it a day that so leading british columnist explains why it's time the u.k. cut that interview. i'm drawn by peter oborne chief political commentator for the daily telegraph and he just published a pamphlet entitled guilty men using to describe those trying to drag britain into the euro zone peter thanks for speaking to r.t. this term guilty man is a term used to describe in one hundred forty s. those who are peace the not things i seriously comparing brussels and the euro zone to hitler's third reich that's not the comparison i'm making what that brilliant pamphlet short book by written by michael foot and what we were analyzing was afraid of policy in the one nine hundred thirty s.
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that's what it was about the pros in appeasement which loads of the this moment here now we have what we're trying to do in this part of that is to unless another failure of policy which is the attempt by the british government elites to push britain into the euro and. how we base exceeded in that period we would now be in the same situation and as greece and the other absolutely destroyed it was certainly the clearance brain was utterly dependent on the whim of the international markets and the benevolence of the i.m.f. and of the european union so who are these men and why they gill think reveals him and i'm delighted it's important that we do they should credit where the british prime minister at the time his close ally peter mandelson close friend of gary pascoe another russian oligarchs ken clarke or michael heseltine the conservative.
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politicians nick clegg really deputy prime minister danny alexander really show a two second treasure many of them retain unbelievably very powerful positions in the british ruling elite and decade ago euro skeptics were hounded out of planning society labelled xenophobes racists fascists. what was the effect on these people's lives it's very interesting just examine the sheer ruthlessness of any pro euro movement at this time and they were planning three hundred out of jobs the people who were skeptics ruefully you must be the policy director of the institute of the rector's a key. business organization and took it she took it and she your ally she she ended up losing her job and the move stories were spread and she was mad dislocated and they were tough they were ruthless they was a kind of big part of the supreme top of the british establishment and the ideology
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of that was was was you the european union and the euro captured the new labor party at the time it captured good dems at the time british foreign office was a major manifestation of that stuff which was a disgrace for me so the treasury of course did hold gordon brown not publicly but behind the scenes the work block by block your other the trying to especially the u.k. ek independence party they were dismissed completely for their opposition to the euro zone but now what's happening is this given the elevated status you can really gain from this they were systematically ignored by the b.b.c. and the other establishment organs of public opinion in the. of the sentry and interviews if they didn't exist in fact did absolutely represent a large body of british public opinion but there was
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a silence. and you could i think emerges brilliantly for. this study i've done very interesting as i say it'll go into i think on discovering that people who are now in you were good people who were exposing the b.b.c. lies and fabrications of the time for instance you mention the b.b.c. there but you also point to the thing. the financial times for their editorial support of the euro zone in what ways will a biased work b.b.c. in the financial times and indeed the c.b.i. the free beige or institutions i looked at the same applies to the foreign office but let's just look at the b.b.c. and the financial times they have at the top of these organizations there was a corporate view that it was in british interests not just to be part of the european union but actually to go ahead and join the europe they understood it was a political project they weren't really interested in the economics you would expect the b.b.c. maybe for the same economics you would hope that the financial times understood
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economics and with a difference and they knew all the economic arguments and they abandon rigorous impartial journalism is a major part of the contract between the b.b.c. and the british public they should be all east impartial they just were they frame the debate always sense that made the answer european argument the anti euro arguments in particular and that mad the ranged and sometimes even racist and they made the pro euro argument look as mainstream and sensible was the effect it's had in public perception of the issue given the b.b.c.'s status as a major broadcaster well i think for a long time it was impossible to get the emptiness euro argument out very well because of the distortions created by the b.b.c. and so it made it made it a very one sided debate at the highest level at the end of the day it's quite
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reassuring to say of course the good sense of the british people you know the average bloke wasn't taken in by this high level attempt to sabotage the great ruthlessly well refreshment room that we didn't go in it wasn't because it was the only billion going because the average voter. was it also a case. there being a lot of institutionalized yes men in british politics industry and media it was a mark of respectability you were in favor of the european union in its broadest sense showed that you were a civilized person. and of course these characteristics is one of the most amusing aspects of this for the research is how well they will do since even though they've been completely screwed it was shown to be utterly wrong in what way thought you know chris patten was now the chairman of the b.b.c.
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trust. craig. figure in this argument completely catastrophic to be wrong throughout his. prime minister and here exam room is the key propagandists for your a movement has now been chief secretary to the treasury and so forth they've done unbelievably well for themselves what would you say is the most sinister aspect of brussels rise to power it's in many ways the your opinion is social fostered clearly incompetent zation and it's quite hard to take it seriously if you can't get its accounts up. it's sort of fantastically ruritanian and it sort of conducts itself on the other hand there is a ruthlessness to it and if you have a any sense of humanity or any sense of compassion. what is happening with the euro now which is the imposition of a very dogmatic monetary policy on
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a whole set of diverse nations is it's horrific i mean the destruction of the greek economy businesses the creation of massive unemployment in greece. is really horrendous and it comes from the dog you have to have a single currency and a single marginal personal economic policy across a very diverse continent gemini's just deepen exposure to euros and losses even further and seems like there's no turning back so they really think this is making economic sense here or is it more political face saving if you read the english mountain climbing guide mountain rescue it says turn back if conditions turn against you and the prize to be a good across all sorts of think or intervention school g.l.b. iraq you know you sure you get that piece of advice might well be useful about
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afghanistan but it also applies i think simply your exact i mean the euro zone was an experiment the euro skeptics advised against it. but they've gone on ahead but it is not creating financial chaos it's creating with potential with a great financial cataclysm i was also just wiping out industry across europe i said extraordinary pace and terrifying purpose they are they are fanatic they're fanatic and would like you to be proud of the many ways to every called the communists in the one nine hundred thirty roughly with everything has to fit in that very narrow. precise scheme of a thing is you what you can't who was it who said you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs that was the last of the bullshit. because we think the first twenty's and thirty's this is now the attitude of the european elite it that at the
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time of the twenty first century greece is being destroyed people are losing their jobs because their actions the economic basis of the country has gone but that is a worthwhile set for us as we move towards a unified europe was found in this fanaticism just like telephone if the u.k. had johnny rice and what has happened leaving another greece i think i can tell you what would have happened if you carried her joy it would have been even worse because we we had a boob like boom anyway it would be bigger in the first we've had a smallish interest rates would have been less than they would otherwise would have been in the first half of three. be the first to cable twenty first century and then they would be hired to go after somebody for the bigger boot and we had a bigger bust because we wouldn't have been able to play out that some international markets we could not be we'd not be controlled by the i.m.f. taking orders from the c b. at and by the for brussels we would have
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lost our ability to control our economy we have lost since project internationally it would have been a complete and total economic and political disaster if we had joined the euro ten years ago he's a bone thank you very much. but . let's start with that you are funny i do know that the art museum no wait until you see the film on the streets yeah if you want to have sex go and have sex .
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the. show would be soon which bryson. live on sons from sons to freshen.
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the stars on t.v. don't come. cheap .
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headlines on our t.v. demilitarizing libya from top to toe view once to consider grounding nato warplanes while the country's new leaders decide on how to deal with a population that's on to team. angeles and new york as the wall street protesters encounter rough police rhesus does as governor showed solidarity with the oakland activists who fell victim to an earlier crackdown. europe's leaders declare they've finally got a solution to get more bodies to greece and telling banks to write on how of what they're owed by collapsing country. while at the epicenter of the crisis it's back to basics as cash strapped greeks revert to barker and for goods and reach a startling realisation that it's really not that bad. more news coming your way in about fifteen minutes time but first it's a sports update with richard. also
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they get to have you with us and stop at once bring over maria sharapova hopes of anywhere near as world number one are in town says the pulling out of the p.g.a. championships. plus some targets say hey forty seven hundred kilo enco say it's calmed down but also bungled and possible zero lead. on all the double swallows scores twice as little chelsea and manchester city and white burnley for the finals calling card in england. some of attorneys for emilio shut out of his dream of ending the season as the world number one is over as she pulled out a championship or an injury to losing a second match to lee now meanwhile caroline wozniacki will remain the world's top player shot out of a had suffered an ankle injury in tokyo almost a month ago and said it was causing too much pain after a straight sets the cleats mean are in stockholm the russian leaving the tallman
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without a win or opening last styles on has been replaced by marion bartoli of france french open champion lee now savoring her first victory since august. place tomorrow the first time phil ran. ours that i forgot about how when that. alice happy birthday. only second bottom in the white group are high and the looses its orders are incur and still trails despite the interview australia are open or complete straight sets win the world number four was in control both from the baseline and from the nets sixty six two even though she needed for much points. more despite caroline wozniacki holding on to her world number one status she might not even make it to the same uses them in iceland walsh last of it as one of the all in presents. the second in the red group behind wimbledon champion is to repeat
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the work without much left to play a little top to progress to the last four of the competition. let's hear a league basketball star signing under the caroline girl of the arguments for an easy victory against the german champions rossi bromberg nonsupport seventy paul the score in moscow a result which puts a russian club level apart from michael sorts of group b. what you're not game for us are among course out of. says how moscow had been final four regulars in the euro league for eight years until the last season poor performance prompted a roster rebound and their arrival of a new head coach joss has allows us forward andrei kirilenko has become the army man's most notable signing after he joined his former club from the n.b.a.'s jazz g.t. the ongoing lockout in the american league nicknames a k forty seven it's a human almost no time to find his rhythm been named the euro league's most valuable player of the season's opening week when he posted
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a score of thirty seven on his performance in the x. rating in the first group stage match against jugglers of lithuania kid and go also continue to dominate on the court in this his second year league match after he scored twelve points against brawls that it out for rebounds and six the system the process however the entire says gutsy were on fire with caroline go see maze showing they could play to well he sets out most of the third and fourth quarters but think of me controlling the game in there you know we have twelve guys who can play really nice basketball so therefore the coach wants to everybody to you know feel big play and get some minutes i think it's the right decision you know everybody can feel when they fall for the way. says god led by twenty points almost throughout the entire match as the visiting german champions were held at bay playing a key role was the helm side's point guard the last page to join says call from all
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in down costs this year euro least send most valuable player prove that he's scoring passing and leadership skills are still sharp and his perfect fit for a team that's a real contender for triumph in this european campaign will show one big game. and we show for we supposed to play for seasonal flu second play. people know a little. bit but believe me. we would love to improve. we go to work a good place we were going to move we'll go. so it's two out of two four says come or so so four in the year early groups they should battle in first place along with titled the genders on a course from greece the army men will hope to continue their impressive euro league march next week when they'll play zagreb its team which is yet to win a match last year was the first time in eight years one says kumble still failed to
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reach the coveted security finals since then it's stocked up on stardom and multi nations like so they can call cars cars love god and it's all but the words they should carry along with the force proffer will help the team returned to the european summits my thoughts are a large. well deserved one percent of the reigning champions part of an i calls still holding the group b. leave every kind of fed travel to croatia play the local champions and cup when zagreb it was you or me it becomes we're trying as hard as we could to try and pose a threat to kind of an eye costs american fortune gregory may did not show up again high twenty three points for his heroics with the warthe point of his just two methods as the greens never load bank on routes eighty one points it's a terrific trick. but all the problems you need to coach will china spell it he says he has
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a fully fit sport to choose from for tonight's russian premier league match against bookies boga and win would put us a petersburg side five points clear of say its color of the top of the table and says spot ahead take a fixture list and score is what i'm saying varies so it's a mark. for both ok to play. meanwhile are looking to holds up the whole run of form to see men fail to score in the last three games. over in england frisco to manage the city have reached the quarter finals of the carling cup with a five two demolition of overhunting wondrous six one rushing but manchester united city school with a staggering fifteen times in three away games was a new striker didn't get caught storing twice but premier league leaders also into the last chelsea into one of the extra time while byrne needed extra time to get past newcastle four three it was war is short twice across the tree of the stroke. and they were good goals to go kenwyne jones had put stoke ahead just before half
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time break clearance. should have really been dealt with the friend sebastian coach has brought boy john waters the football and head of jones to find the bottom corner not one of the restart little paul level what a goal from suarez is bringing the ball down nutmegs ryan shotton and coles on beautiful into a corner. that's what is then got the winner with six minutes to go it's time liverpool going route one and suarez was better not of in the same little ball the carling cup quarter finals. the boxing rushes there is levity of this income for the mood at next week's one title cruiserweight by woods against james toney the two fighters held a joint media conference in the russian capital at their barracks before november with the american wall than happy to pose for a way to impress. however tony's entrance couldn't compete with that of his
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opponents livid if riding in style by helicopter along with his trainer a legendary cost zoom i get it if it's the cruiserweight divisions number one contender for the w.b. a belt on a south pole is confident he'll have too much for his american opponents. i don't want to be rude so we won't hear any insults from me and with all due respect to trainability my good and my opponent we will win and it's going to be we'll deserved it three. we move the formula one championships has been ramped up already by some us the retail and its red ball team and still pride at stake in remaining three races of the season teams will race in india this weekend the first time in the clarence jenson button is the term and to hold on to his runner up spot in the championship he's got a narrow ten point lead over ferrari's fernando alonso is crazy when you board the international circuit to science side new delhi. circuit this. you know
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you have sections of the like places i suppose which is great and then has been very slow sections. but it's for a new circuit. it's very good. personally i feel if they were to watch us for welfare is to look a little bit like a car park if you know but it's a very hilly car park so it's i think is going to focus they're going to race over a little bit of a child and three years before russia hosts its first grand prix in sochi but the organizers say they're expecting just want a hundred thousand fans to attend the event that's due to be held in two thousand and fourteen and be limping part should also be used for the winter olympics. in the region of two million two hundred million dollars will be spent on making the racetrack and the organizers expect capture the imagination of the public. plan in the two around eighty thousand spectators will turn to release more to schools
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popular in russia at the moment though we're sure this will change and in the future we can add more students to learn more fans watch the grand prix if there is the demand. but of the texas rangers will have to wait just a little bit longer for the chance to win baseball's world series game six business and louis cardinals was cancelled after heavy rain was forecast in missouri has been rescheduled for thursday the triple stadium was in the rangers when the best of seven contests were little survey showed on this comes off organizers feared hated on boards how about rangers coach ron washington says his players remain calm i'm focused his partner destruction. not us all the sports much more coming up in round two hours time to say jones altie and what is next and that's going to here with all that it wants.
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in indonesia g.'s available in the ground zero for church the media the ritz carlton hotel and motel hotel new millennium hotel in china you can see censored. rocks hotel mccombs. hotel mccown's seventy should not come resort hotels were sold at the same. time local town with results much. closer to home accounting riviera hotel mccown cintra hotel.


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