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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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i. think. the use of foreign policy chief says that it's vital to escalate the situation around the iran nuclear deal that's up to the u.s. secretary of state stopped by brussels or heard of meeting his head his plan b. team with russia's foreign minister she's day says that he'll be looking for answers from my. point was that arms when you will produce to. pompei you how the u.s. is going to deal with the crisis that was made by washington's unilateral decision . swedish prosecutors say that they will reopen an investigation into sexual assault allegation made against wiki leaks founder julian assange. extradition from
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the united kingdom. plus the us china trade war send stock markets plummeting himself to beijing retaliates the latest u.s. punitive tariffs by imposing penalties on $60000000000.00 worth of u.s. goods. joining us this evening this is r.t. and. the european union has warned the u.s. secretary of state might pump am against escalating the situation over iran's nuclear deal it comes as america's top diplomat made an unexpected visit to brussels to talk to you minister. correspondent peter. to tell us what more do we know about these talks. well they certainly would
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expected that's what we know neal they weren't planned at all might pompei o coming out of nowhere basically on monday and turning up to the foreign affairs council of the european union. we understand that during the meetings that he had he was told by federica marco we need the high representative of the e.u. foreign affairs basically the equivalent of an e.u. foreign minister without there ever being an e.u. foreign minister. the u.s. shouldn't get militarily involved in iran and that the e.u. would still committed to making sure that the iran deal are signed in 2015 could still be viable. michael heard very clearly today from from the us the most responsible attitude to take is we believe should be and that of maximum maximum restraint leading any escalation on a military site we. still invite iran to comply with all its nuclear
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commitments and that is a full that any nation on the european union side and also all that understates expressed that today very clearly and continue to implementing it for all the nuclear deal with it and. it's worthwhile pointing out that federica marconi said all of the parts of the iran deal just then because last week iran said that it would not continue to uphold all parts of the 2015 deal that came on the anniversary of the united states saying that it would pull out wholeheartedly from the agreement now the u.s. decision to do that donald trump's decision to unilaterally pull the u.s. out of it it caused an awful lot of problems and it saw a lot of a u. nations member states also brussels itself condemning the united states for doing so now we've also started to see some of the $28.00 member states starting to to
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question iran's well ideas when it comes to whether they should stay in it should the uranian government decide that they want to pull out wholeheartedly from the 2050 nuclear deal. isn't it we agree with other e.u. states the nuclear deal is necessary for us security and it's gong to prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons iran has agreed to vital compliance measures if they break that deal then there will be consequences in terms of how european powers react so we urge the iranians to think very long and hard before they break. the end today nothing could be worse than iran leave in the agreement there are no sanctions to do from europe because iran has so far always respected the commitments we it has undertaken this commitment and not respected the question of
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how do we consider it. twice in 2 weeks my pump a 0 at the last minute has broken off one in gage meant to go to another place to talk about iran last week he was supposed to come here to berlin to talk with angela merkel he then flew to baghdad to talk about iran this week we've seen him supposedly on his way to moscow he's flown to brussels to talk about iran on tuesday he is going to be in sochi to speak with sergey lavrov the russian foreign minister what do you think they're going to talk about neal to think do you think iran may pop up well they probably won't tell us even if it does but i suspect you might just be right peter many thanks peter all of that with the latest noise. now russia's foreign minister has said that he does plan to confront his u.s. counterpart on how american turns to find a way out of the crisis it created over the iran nuclear deal and as peter was saying there sergei lavrov is indeed set to meet with the secretary of state for the u.s. might prompt on tuesday in such. so after those dismiss that i'm suing you will
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produce tomorrow or last mike compare how the u.s. is going to deal with the crisis that was made by washington's unilateral decisions i hope tomorrow's talks will be frank iran has the right to partly suspend the implementation of the nuclear deal if other parties don't keep their commitments in shorts now that the united states is left the iranian nuclear deal and is trying to get the european union to suspend to suspend its implementation of the deal. have a right a legal right to also suspend their implementation of the deal in effect the deal is collapsing because of the united states sanctions because of how determined the united states is to torpedo this deal and to get the iranians to do what they want nevertheless the united states is as i said adamant and believes that iran must be stopped that iranian behavior is the stabilizing iran is the major
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destabilizing in influence in the middle east and we aim to fix that our aim is not war our aim is a change in the behavior of the iranian leadership we hope the iranian people will get what they finally want what they did so richly deserve notably however foreign minister lavrov said that they plan to have an honest discussion face to face this question with my pump air tomorrow and see how things out things will go from there political analysts side mustapha question that iran has options if the deal falls apart. if it fails and if it collapses then you know tell ron would go for in carrying costs on the west especially the u.s. in various areas beginning with the nuclear capabilities that iran has also iran seems to have a very good and serious option for exercising strict check and inspection measures
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in the strait of or most before it shuts down the strait actually iran also has the option of ending its measures under such strict economic pressures its measures against the flow of the refugees and displaced people who are moving from the eastern borders to go to through iran to the western borders to get to europe iran is spending lots of money in order to stop this flow of refugees and displaced population and it could draw up its efforts and allow them to move to europe then you would see at least 3 and a half 1000000 people get so your all and that's a catastrophe for europe that's why the europeans should realize that they will pay the cost if this nuclear deal collapses and falls apart. prosecutors in sweden have reopened an investigation into sexual assault
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allegations against we could expose founder julian assange to additional thought he's had dropped the case in 2070 but they now say they are seeking an extradition warrant against the sounds on the sea serves his current 15 week prison term in the u.k. as mine. well these allegations date back to 2010 and the investigation into them was dropped in 2017 swedish prosecutors were unable to go ahead with the investigation while a songe was essentially stuck inside london's ecuadorian embassy but when swedish prosecutors dropped the investigation they said that it could be reopened if the situation allowed so when a songe was dragged out of london's ecuadorian embassy last month the woman had made the allegations against him said that she would like the case to be reopened and that's precisely what has happened stockholm has requested julian a songes extradition to sweden take a listen to what the prosecutor had to say at
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a press conference a little bit earlier on. new circumstances have brought about the need to revise or previous decision after reviewing the current state of diploma near investigation my assessment is that there are still grounds to suspect the mysterious songe committed rape now the statute of limitations on this case expires in august 2020 so there isn't much time for the swedish authorities to act of course a songe also has a u.s. extradition request hanging over his head at the moment so there is kind of a legal muddle in place here and a pity is that only the home secretary is able to decide which of these cases should take precedence and sort of potentially allow the more pressing swedish case to be prioritized and it looks now that it's going to be a political decision as to where
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a songe potentially is extradited to fast technically he can be sent to sweden and the u.s. can then sort of update it as extradition request and request that he be extradited over to the u.s. from sweden but. the u.k. would have to give sweden permission to extradite a songe to the u.s. as songes legal team would be able to challenge every one of those moves and we're looking once again down the barrel of a very lengthy legal battle with 3 different jurisdictions in place now as songe has always rejected all the allegations the swedish allegations against him he's always said that he sought refuge in london that dorian embassy not because he was afraid of being questioned in sweden but because he was always concerned that the swedish case was simply a pretext for a more serious u.s. extradition request where he could face serious charges for his publishing
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activities and we can leaks publish the iraq war logs which there is no government sort of diplomatic and military files they would deeply embarrassing to washington says now that notorious video. collateral damage which shows appears to show u.s. soldiers killing iraqi civilians the news today now means that we have 3 different jurisdictions 3 different countries involved in this a songe legal saga he's wanted in washington he's wanted in stockholm and in the meantime he's in prison here in the u.k. serving out his 50 week sentence for skipping bail back in 2012. the lawyer for the swedish woman who reported being sexually assaulted point julian assange. the decision to reopen the case she said it signaled no one was above the law the swedish legal system doesn't use special treatment and when. we spoke to wiki leaks
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in chief. he believes sweden was pressured into pursuing this case against the sun . julia stiles has always been ready and willing to cooperate with the swedish investigation throughout the years and i assume that he will welcome this opportunity to clear his name and. get this matter over ready and done with there are many of the normal ts in this highly recruited politicized crosas with the change of julian's. worldwide ready. the crown prosecution service in the u.k. was in the driver's seat in this case it seems according to the e-mails that were obtained sort of surreal information requests everything that pertains to julian as well as these days is politicized it is very hard to see that he has an opportunity to install to a fair trial in sweden in the u.k. or in the united states especially because that is exactly what these are all
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changed to an on would actually do since those days to close trial for publishing the truth. global stock markets are taking a hit again in the midst of china u.s. trade blows beijing has swung back it's the latest u.s. tariffs by imposing penalties on $60000000000.00 worth of american products and isis will kick in already next month trade talks between washington and beijing ended last week without a compromise on friday the u.s. hiked levies on $200000000000.00 with the chinese imports from 10 to 25 percent it out it is also raising penalties on all remaining chinese products beijing rejects america's claims that it didn't stick to earlier trade commitments as the trump has warned china will be hit if it's to retaliate. i say openly to president xi and all of my many friends in china the china will be hurt very badly if you don't make
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a deal because companies will be forced to leave china for other countries too expensive to buy in china you had a great deal almost completed and you backed out international independent china specialist underland believes both countries are digging themselves in for a long trade war i will be running out of paris very soon because a lot of states it's not exporting anything near china's exports but on the other hand there are more parity with territory. leavers equaling services including u.s. companies rating in china. including even the possibility of selling some u.s. treasuries just the sparkle of fear. in the u.s. stock market so i think that we are going to see some really kind of actions on both sides those eyes on our position themselves for a longer game meanwhile there's a great deal of correct through their marriage because don't forget these are 2 the
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largest economies in the world and they are the center of the global supply chain but now with a straight war all the way because. it's quite likely all the benefits of a trade cut will disappear and it's going to hit the u.s. economy. as well as wall street. now the u.s. apparently has a frightening new weapon set to reduce collateral damage from train strikes that story and others after the break.
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what politicians do sometimes. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. that you'd like to be close it's like the 4th tree in the morning can't be good. interested always in the waters of our. first sip. welcome back the pentagon is said to have developed a secret weapon it's
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a missile with spinning blades nicknamed the ninja a bomb is designed to be more accurate than explosive sound thus reducing billing casualties in drone strikes a little bit as details. drone warfare has long been part of the u.s. government's war on terror and it's gotten ugly on more than one occasion. killing people by these drones basically sitting on a screen and eliminating people. dehumanizing them treating them. as if you know from some other planet not giving them a basic right of proving their innocence i mean it violates one norms of justice
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on top of that it's all classified so leaking the methodology behind what human rights groups have called a method for extrajudicial executions can get you in a lot of trouble for daniel hale an n.s.a. officer and now suspected whistleblower that could mean up to 15 years in jail that echoes chelsea manning say she's just recently been released from jail for refusing to testify before a grand jury but she could return soon as she's already got another subpoena now to be fair u.s. leaders have long talked about their deep conviction over civilian deaths the architecture the legal architecture around to the use of drone strikes or other committed strikes wasn't as precise as it should have been and there's no doubt that civilians were killed but shouldn't have but apparently it was u.s. president barack obama who ordered the creation of a new missile device that would increase the percentage and accuracy of these predator drone strikes and minimize civilian casualties it's apparently called the
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ninja bomb now it may be the pentagon's worst kept secret they have not officially confirmed it but so far several military officials have said that it's being used it's argue. that the new missile might enhance the image of the united states in the countries that are already subject to u.s. military drone strike operations unlike a regular missile it doesn't explode instead it deploys 6 blades that fanned out of its casing moments before impact blades are so sharp they can cut through vehicles and slice their target into pieces so we've got blades flinging through the air in order to reduce civilian casualties sounds plausible enough apparently the new ninja bomb has already been used in iraq libya syria somalia and yemen so is this new missile the answer or will it improve the image of the drone strike program in the eyes of the american public what do you think of the drone strike program. ok with it i know nothing about it it's pretty awful actually we have this thing now
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called the ninja bomb and what it is is it and when it detonates it sends blades through the air and the idea is this will minimize civilian casualties we can pick the terrorist we want to kill send the ninja bomb and fewer civilians will be killed you know that the blades killed. terrorists and not the civilians it doesn't seem like that you can target maybe specific people with that seems like you'll just. spread out a lot of. a lot of damage i think that's also did a pretty good program limit civilian casualties you're going to do that that's not happening i think if somebody suggested that. i don't think that it's even real i don't think it really busy. will reduce who actually is i think this is a. propaganda where you want to make people look there's a kinder gentler way of killing people want to. throw the nation or. you
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my declaration of human rights kind of precision you're talking about. sensual you know. and the notion of assassination whether precise or general i was so totally unacceptable. to tell you we have asked the pentagon to comment on those reports we'll let you know if and when they reply. for this left wing leaders mellen shauna's denounce the anti russian and pro data he styria of the e.u. comes after he was featured in a video game released by manual micron's youth movement as a russian insect he showed been putting the game through its paces as almost fight tooth and nail in the forthcoming european elections it seems that they've got a new weapon to utilize it's this video game now it's similar to one that we've known since the 1980 s. so it does feel a little bit retro and this is the main character hair the idea is clear this is
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meant to represent natalie u.s. so who is top of the list for all march in those elections and she is the harrowing. so if natalie was who is the heroine of this game who are the baddies well it's pretty clear on the right it's a marquee in the pen with the national rally and on the left it's usual newcomen ashore with france about this even a bit of donald trump thrown in there for good mix. no collusion no obstruction so the name of the game is pretty simple no clue was trying to find the missing stars from the european flag and that's because they've
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been stolen by those baddies so let's find those stars. come on. well the idea of using a video game to perhaps try and boost the youth vote isn't something new in fact it was done by from back in 2017 election this is of course the 1st big test that matt korn has been through since he was elected president back in 2017 so if he wants to avoid game over then perhaps you need to do more than produce a 2 d. game to fend off that mounting pressure from the left the right and the center and of course to raise those gloomy freighting. arty paris. firm all over europe walk down the red carpet of the euro vision song contest as the opening ceremony officially got bad event on the way on sunday delegations from
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$42.00 countries will be taking part in the 2019 edition which is occurring in israel however a wave of controversy arose right from the very beginning of the event itself to the state don't broadcast to release those clips as a joke of the ties in israel to tourists. who just weren't sure. it's a land war. but we had to go much more than that to write the real big. people here very very. well the channel has published a statement on twitter saying that the video is nothing more than musicals. but while some here is genius others found it quite offensive. elise you guys are. patient this is the price israel paid for a cease fire with hamas this is grange worthy beyond words not in the slightest funny just offensive and bears see this whole thing is genius from beginning to end
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down to the small details the dude is wearing an i love i and don't t. shit brilliant and totally israeli it starts with a joke about war and occupation then uses the anti-semitic trope that jews are greedy which is perhaps unwise given rising anti-semitism in europe disgrace almost a 1000000000 seconds and all you managed to produce was an on to cement a clip. file of the divers have been studying the remains of a 19th century shipwreck found at the bottom of the black scenic crimea and in the process they stumbled across what could base a long lost treasure. ok
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thanks staying with r.t. this evening your right up to date do join me for the latest news headlines on more of our top stories in 30 minutes. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the multiple different clubs on one hand it is logical to signal from
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fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not be or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of the flying here. one else seemed wrong. role just don't call. me. yet to shape our disdain become educated and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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up. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know war here i mean your list put me in the. schooling you go to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. those who took part in it invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. kind of financial survival job today was all about money laundering 1st to visit this cash in the 3 different. is a good start while we have our 3 banks all set up something in europe something in america something overseas in the cayman islands and it will do little these banks
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are complicit in the kleptocracy who decide to call and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got a look at that and i still dream watch for max and for stacy old beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal for a watch guys record. hello welcome to the i'm called sophie shevardnadze and today we're talking to a friend of mine a man of great value.


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