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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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said, let's stop without pleases. let's go part of the top store 0 now to international as into use for a ministry summit. and so us different amounts of a washington's criticism of the detection of a t, a position to figure in the country, the processes, but us push to absolve key of, of any responsibility for the most co terror attack suggests to washington itself may have had some involvement outsides without any evidence to us, continues to insist ukraine, it's innocent. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this given who the bike is announcing new attacks on american and british trade interests in retaliation for the support of israel war on gaza. a correspondent report on the regional economic and the
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port of a lot on the read seems once a busy harbor it is that. com. now since november, when the young men base whole phase group joined, the worth is ro, attacking all shapes, coming, you know, out all the activities happening. stop here. and the controversial soft is removed from one of the ladies who is the biggest store chains, often whipped up a religious economic and political storm in the country. the and with, i guess, done the experts and standing by we got a full program of your top storage ready to roll, but without, of course, the a predictable, mainstream narrative. so india is foreign ministry has some of the us deputy, i'm positive for explanations of to washington to criticize the detention of an opposition politician in the southeast, excuse me, south asian country on corruption charges. following for the intro,
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showing the diplomat, arriving at the ministry building, supported the meeting, went on for 40 minutes prior to the summons, india said the us rhetoric could set the unhealthy president's in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracies, it could otherwise end up setting unhealthy precedence on the 21st of march, the head of the government of denny. that is our. when did you already you was arrested in an alleged because cam, after which we saw a lot of and actually a lot of criticism from the opposition. now, last week on friday, we sold that adopted the mob from germany made a comment about how a tron standard the whole system is needed. and the i was angry. the very next day on saturday, the top part of the might of germany was to martin the end. while we us been doing anything, we saw us made comments on the lines of washington monitoring this situation was
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meeting the never off for anybody to monitor the situation in jesse's that we have a perfectly well equipped judicial system. and we will take care of off what's happening in the country us all of us to feel might just a while ago was some money by the indian ministry of external affairs. in fact that summoning went on for 40 or minutes, we saw that the, the laptop leave the ministry of they will come up for was trying to ask for comments. dates not to come on, but not really giving out a message said please mind your business to be very valid to daycare or what's happening in our own country. now i've been keeping the wall who has been arrested by the enforcement directory and he's, he's basically going on to say that he's going to be, um, he does, he does remain the chief minister of debbie's from jail itself. in fact, he's one of the key opposition leaders or fall of the country. he's also one of the registered national policies with the election commission of india. and the very
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fact that the rest becomes weeks ahead or the general elections of india is. i don't think that's fox, that's kind of uh, a tool for that job that we're seeing. but a full support on the country is all positions in the opposition body is going to one of the wanted india. and what the government will be seeing is that the doing research need other countries to form mentors in there's and so no, not us. so india making it very clear votes to germany and the us, my helplessness. earlier that had been angry scenes on the streets of india and capital less opposition protests as class the police pro government protest is also gathered for their own counts or much as the photos of the permanent opposition leader out of it in kitchener. wow. who was arrested last week on corruption charges, attempted to mock to the prime minister's residents, demanding his release. a police moved in with water cannons to break up the crowd. the number of arrests were made. and his own comes as the country proposed to go to
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the polls next month in a general election. so the issue of meddling has arisen then we spoke to a global strategic analyst who says, attempts to interfere in india as domestic affairs will not sit well with new den, a dozen different complexions in the usa of somebody that isn't, this is you wouldn't give only somebody that i think this agent may have his domestic components he may have is on a different kind of compulsion that i can do is say election, the one that is a particular language, perhaps the more clear of state. and uh, they are a habit of uh, perhaps being louder, but the thing of the lord especially is all the different countries i'm but i think the guys can't be able to like that. but that doesn't work because it has clustered them. but they don't want the relationships in them the least this so more policing idea as well as the habit of for all these countries. so therefore, i think they need to learn a lesson in the slain, stable democracy,
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which is strict as you go to me. and therefore, we do not interfere in anybody's internal affairs. we don't expect any ridiculous interview to not into the 1st set symbol and number 2, all your issue processes in india data absolutely, and fair trends. so we have no, no to load it. we don't need to listen to it from anybody is while russian security services have a q is the key fob direct involvement and fridays terror attack in moscow, which claimed the lives of 140 people. russia as far ministries as washington also had a hand and they atrocity as revealed by the way it react to 2 events. they have exposed themselves, the us started shouting, not quoting for an investigation, but started taking ukraine out of the picture, their engagement and involvement. and the story is of this, if they had not to be in the 1st statements, would have been what they should have been. namely about the need for an
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investigation and inquiry and the presentation of thoughts. and the far an administrator spoke to one who i went on to say that unless the us has any details on those who ordered the tire attacks and washington has no right to excuse anybody . meanwhile, her counterpart in washington has family rejected any ukrainian involvement, but it's still provided nothing to back up that denial. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you crane was not involved in this . yeah, washington is basically shielding into gradient ally, it decided to put the blame on ices, was on excites pockets over the last few years, i've raised some interesting questions as a on all these, i don't know, quarter has been investigated in washington. it's been widely accused of aging and even helping for my sis ever since it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago. taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks,
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the trend is clear to see the victim. nations are all enemies of the west. oddly enough, isis has adjusted his plans in recent years. and now what types? mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the radians the legitimate authority is in syria and russia. this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in our, on nearly a 100 were killed and another 300 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. i need your last over 50 people just a week ago. and of course, the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, is lot mic states main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's somebody who said you were farm american colleagues, have actually stuff fight an icing, the eric country and have long been using the fighters to have naturally, exclusively for their own needs. including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation,
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the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not want stability or improve in, in the economy, freight and security and afghanistan. because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, it will lead to the investment of countries like china with which the americans are in serious competition. even in the us, people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? and the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of serious resources. there was no doubt the us is the great or vices, but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth. the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy thing we created, isis reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuing its occupation and look
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serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time, the us is trying to convince the world that is this was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and the flex, any possibility of ukrainian involvement, flattering who in his already trying to link this to you grain and say that the printer's responsible does the us have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually on, by all accounts responsible for what happens with america as long track record of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks and russia . it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trio of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. well, talk about saying the quiet part out loud a turkish political science,
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his own daughter sitting on go salt. and he says that washington has long been using tara groups as a political tool all around the world. one of them he has been named churchy. for a while, and secondly, i have to say that he leaves the north of syria. if the and the other side of a lot of syria is kind of a big because for the terrace groups and united states are using these 3rd is group. the former united state president donald trump, he ultimately said that i see his creation of the hands that hillary clinton. that's an example. and the 2nd example that we know from turkey, that like p t t y, p g or all the sit. but at this point, it's not enough to celia they, united states giving them their arms. and there is no difference between these. there's groups and i see. and i have to say,
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i have to repeat my says that all disputes are please offer united states. and those and hoping to leave the weaknesses in other texts, cheering by these groups in dresser, the multiple marketing. that's what top story for you here and also you, it's a national. india is foreign ministry has somebody in the us deputy, i'm boss it a of a washington's criticism of the detention of a key opposition figure in the country who was arrested on corruption charges. but let's get some more information and reactions all of this right now. pushing live to a form of indian ambassador other i chief dog and i who served and if li, romania, moldova, albania, and the son moreno a very well welcome to. so thank so much for joining us through the program. what the, what, what do you make of this? the, um, the uh, the deputy us ambassador, someone by the indian foreign ministry the situation seems to be escalating. what, what do you, what do you make of it all? well, i think america forgets that just like discharging the former president,
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trump with some uh, well miss domingos. similarly, other democratic countries in the world also have issues with all the dishes of different meanings and likings if they have indulged in some of the literature. so to put it in simple words, this is one such case with mr. katie, the one who's the head of a political party is at least to have indulged in some kind of practices. and there is a court case waiting on. the court case is free and without any pressure to decide on the merits of peace, that decision, whether it comes with clarify what the word n for intern citizens as to what the legal process think so. but america just infusion as well or is it wants to have its word injuries that the host country
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likes it or not? so it jumped into an issue which was my most expensive model for it. such was what my mama for it's and trustworthy lord. i mean, i the girl i, paula, i apologize for interrupting you, but it's always washington, it's streaming to the high heavens about people med bullying and all political affairs. i think now washington is openly like openly in your face, meddling in your domestic political affairs. i mean, look in the ass cold for respect and respect for sovereignty here also saying that such rhetoric from the us could 2nd unhealthy president. it does seem that new data is pretty uh, pretty annoyed at this point. so to well, absolutely, that is what i was saying that america has no business and defending them and they've done other channels. and what at school decide is up to the quotes hoping to get the leasing process up in june. so it has never commented on the number of
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service that america's one today, that address that are residing in that state or treat. one of them in the risk or funding moment is encouraging. and does that, what is that america did move in to the bottom lip gloss and not giving for the information to and to get lost od. we've essentially the fact that america student holding those responsible for the loss of netcinity, unless you're backdating them to and yet. so america has to de lies. that's what gets in just the whole j is valid to do that. it is dangerous to be america's enemy. but it is free to, to be america's print. so in your heart, and since the things that it is in the americas for what america act, so the to the days when america is a great read all the was,
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are for america cannot determine what is happening to the data loss in most cool of adults. so much as by your leave from russia, america cannot determine who rushes friends are, all in desperate. america cannot determined on legal processes run in a democratic country like india. so i think we see the case of and for actor america rich, richer does not know the limits of the so one of the older folks. yeah. of the good relations between countries which demand that you keep like when it was most your business to speak. oh, yeah, well you know, acting like a hyper active level placement i, i guess and sometimes let me ask you this because it was just us. right. right now, america is sticking is, know is in india is political affairs and saying you guys are doing it wrong, you're going to do what we tell you to do that. let me ask you this. a couple of days ago,
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washington is pressuring new delhi to stop accepting all this russian oil. the india is and turning around and selling to europe. now this is a big thing for washington. it's really angry with india, re essentially re stumping russian oil and then selling it to europe. and now washington is sticking his nose in india is political a fast? let me ask you this. if i can, the relationship between india and the united states. is it crucial? is there a massive economic link that what is the friendship and the relationship between india and the united states today? and i don't think it is worth any relationship or so boucher that denmark beacon or it can not be. so i think both sides have domain and thing that relationship positive. you cannot have one side with thing in one direction and the other side trying to protect it. so just now you go to the case of russian,
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or is it not the fact that right? just in exports, nuclear material to america rush just in exports, the huge amount of nuclear materials to your order. is it not a fact that india has been supplying petroleum products to find and then get through your? so i think we can not adopt the standard in case of one country and quite another red america zone interest or. busy or those of unix, this jobs and trust cited wrong. yeah. so the rules of the game have changed. the word is no longer like it was in the last century. the 2nd off of the last century toward a street america is no longer the old or waiting for that. it was, was india has it, isn't. it is the followed by says, and so is russia, which has always been a bar,
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then beacon x and differently. they can choose their friends, they can choose who to buy as low as local said. yeah, well, i mean, i'll just stop by you just all you have to do is say, bricks, mr. ambassador, you know, with, with russia, india, china in south africa. and now with the group of 11 and it's looking like 30 more countries are wanting to join bricks, talk about strength and numbers. meanwhile, something is not final to say the united states is finding itself increasingly isolated on the global stage of form. and the indian ambassador around chief dogger joining us live on ology international. thank you so much for your time and come into the russian plane packed with humanitarian aid for people in gaza has been sent to the region. the russian emergencies ministry says $29.00 tons of cargo, including serial flower and personal hygiene products are rolled on board. the slide was to egypt where the aid will be handed over to the local red crescent and hopefully we'll get inside the gaza. in total since the beginning of each monetary
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emission 20 russian flights of their live at almost $500.00 tons of the supply. now the who with the military spokes, person, electors that is on forces at once again targeted commercial shipping in the red sea, including british and american vessels. but that's as an agreement to safeguard ships from russia and china has reportedly been reached. meanwhile, the who with these also claimed that to american destroyers had been hit, and that's why the many of the many armed forces go down 6 mailed to repercussions doing the best 72 hours using a large number of ballistic me selves and drones as follows. the naval forces and the me so for scale without for joint operations, one for ships including the american ship myers. so i saw that in the gulf of aid and the american ship, apple, detroit, in the red sea, the british ship flung food in the red sea. and the pretty lady ship,
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which was heading to the ports of occupied palace tunnels. with the help of god, the unmanned air force carried out the qualitative military operation targeting to american war destroyers in durant c. and the missile forest carried out in military operation. and we shouldn't targeted a number of these rarely targets in the of the rush rush area, south of all k by thomas style, with the help of god, the military operations achieve their goals successfully. well, despite that statement, the commercial shipping company maoris could deny is that any of its vessels was struck. we do know though, that the who the campaign of the red sea has had a big impact on imports and exports to the west of the region. and if, for example, the port of a life in the southern of israel, that right now is just in a state of shambles is i'm at least bureau chief now reports the pores of a lot on the red sea. israel's only southern maritime gay 10 the countries key door to the important far east and market. once a busy harbor it is dead calm. now since november,
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when the yemen based jose's grove joined, the worthies ro, attacking all shapes, coming ino out. all activities have been stopped here with no one able to say when or if it could get back to normal. the port is losing more than $1600000.00 every month and 50 percent of the stuff has already been fired with the rest at the risk of the following suit within the next 2 months. if the situation doesn't change the ports key activity was car imports from asian countries like japan, korea, more than half of all cars brought to israel from abroad. the 4th, c, e o. s, as the vehicles were stored here by the 10s of thousands until taken by the dealers . but not anymore. the last 4 years. you can see the floor that's 1st floor. now you can see that most of it, it's empty from 88 that i'm working here. there was a situation that we had. you don't says the point used to have up to 12 ships every
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month now and 0. if you afraid that they will attack your sheep or their cargo, nobody want to to go thoughts a place that there is a war or keeping up with something like this. there isn't. nobody wants to go through the above and amanda. the bumper monday. straight a small geographical chug point and the red seemed to reach the point of a launch opens is the key to a transit route that carries up to 15 percent of global trade. the who's the raffles have managed to basically block that total organization, a seal and smid hesitation. smith feel and smell of weakness that isn't the doing this. if with thought, i believe they will stop attacking it is why is it that think shift if i can get either a shipping agent? these are all started to war as 819661967 because of the closure of southern london
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straight and both were against egypt, but it refrains from using force against the whole seas. now, it is a very difficult smoke speaker, but also the war one. the company is 2016 overdue spiral from us or we, the egypt shows was different. and because the judges were a dollar for uh, basically the we have the means, oh government. and it was not sufficiently assertive or aggressive to judge the truth is because, uh, uh, the goods i would do this is a go. the decision is to look at what does she do the, the work the us led coalition was formed last december to respond to who the strikes and the red sea and counter attack, the groups of military infrastructure in yemen. it has now united the naval forces of at least 14 states, including britain, canada, friends, and,
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but crane. and my daughter's the pentagon said more than 20 countries have joined of which 10 are involved anonymously. the hosting is warned. any country against joining boeing, the red sea would be the graveyard. americans must stop targeting and attacking our country. we renew our warnings that any state that would act against our country would make its interests a legitimate target for us. despite the call, the sions efforts, which many experts, the successful attacks by run back screw having stopped 10 international shapes having targeted by hopefully may solve and drones. since the international power is united to at least 3 sailor resort killed, it is unclear, want to stop them, and then milton's, or when your brother was a predict, either predicts these ideas. you always want to continue if uh, where to continue to be better than the question,
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especially the vision towards you. also the survey, the means is perhaps the vision group is called a productive no worries, no worries. there's a complex complex you're doing this thing or what is the most successful good. the good is the future trips pressure or the, the activity for now now, and it seems to work enough to remove the scratch completely. and one of the world's busiest ceilings remains closed. and ready for the ocean, a hearty reporting from a lot to my lazy now where a populous store chain has quite literally put its fortunate saw for a huge scandal erupt it over a controversial range of saw. so it had on sale less than more now with our correspondent his aunty is rebecca and up at the these are the sorts of this course sold by one of the k k. so for my branches in bundle sun way and bearing the word
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all on them, the ignited religious and political tensions in a country with a muslim population of more than 60 percent. the incident even meet malaysian prime minister, speak out in condemnation. what limits to professionals to investigate? but at the same time, the government remain steadfast, that there is no compromise on such actions, especially those involving as long as the national religion of the country. but only as long as it goes in solving any other race or religion, there is no compromise who wants to save the country and its firm action to ensure that such actions do not recur. since the sale of the controversial soft spark ahead to feed both on and offline, the founder of k k. so for march has publicly apologize for the blunder. twice its management team has been called off by the islamic development department of malaysia cash registers, an electronic sign boards at the branches across the country are displaying an
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apology. but for some, it's not enough. this trend of apologies has become somewhat common in our country . it's because the people in malaysia are overly kind. they forgive others too easily. they easily get forgiveness and repeatedly do so. we must take decisive action as a lesson in accordance with their religious wisdom. this is to ensure that such matters not occur again before this happened. they apologized for it for money. if it happens again once more and they will apologize. but we don't want them just to apologize easily. one of the political parties to united molly's national organization use has also joined the fight. it's leader. how much a small smaller house called for a boycott of k k mart convenience stores in order to teach those insulting f loved a less that the suggestion immediately sparks and not said to be the president of austin, which i highly taylor's association. amid all the my didn't urge to stop exploiting
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the issue for political gains. he said the board caught campaign would affect in faster confidence and the livelihoods of the workers. a majority of who are malaysian most loves to acknowledge that the issue was a serious matter. but added that there was no need for the issue to be escalated. political parties should distance themselves from the 3 our issues, race, religion, and royalty. and we should not pour gas on to the flames. what probably made the case even worse is that the scandal happened in the holy month of ramadan prompting even malaysian king sold on. abraham silva is gone down to interfere with this incident. was intentional or otherwise, and whether the silks were imported will produce didn't local factories. i want to sort of these to investigate and takes to action in accordance with the law. so that such a methods do not repeat themselves. so the police were now given
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a full scope to conduct the investigation and find the culprit often saw controversy. so be going to be the full reporting from jakarta for r t. you know, malaysia is one of many asian nations are looking to d dot our eyes. it's prime minister size, but countries looking to increase trade and local currencies in order not to rely so much on the us dollar country just one of many and the growing the dollarization coverage the .


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