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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the a former ca official races concerns over the uncompromising treatment of suspects and the moscow terror attacks as the desktops and the trying to decline. so at least $143.00, the as the war and gaza approaches the 6 month mark. we hear from an indonesian volunteer who chose to keep helping palestinians in the embattled enclave. despite his hospital the inbox. israel not only wants to kill the people of gossip with their bullets, but also with starvation because the age entering gaza is still minimal, is cannot be distributed fairly cranes. foreign minister arrives on a charm offensive in india as new daily and says you have should sit down to negotiate peace with moscow. we took the position from the stock that you are not
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going to get a solution to this conflict on the bottom. and further expansion of ties between russia and south africa is discussed at the st. petersburg international economic form field session. how them johannesburg, for the 1st time, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r. t international. the confirmed the death toll from the moscow terrorist attack has risen to 143, including 5 children, and that number is expected to rise. as more bodies are identified with many people, it's still listed as missing in st. petersburg. the picnic rough end held a solemn performance to warn the lives lost before his schedule of the concert and the russian capital. last friday. memorial event began with a minute of silence. meanwhile, at the scene of the attack outside the crocus hall on the outskirts of moscow,
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people are still bringing flowers and the children's toys in memory of the victims as the head of the f. as b has accused refrain, as well as the last and the u. k of orchestra rating, the terror attack, which official, there have denied me the ongoing investigation in moscow. washington is doubling down on its claims. the isis should be blamed and said, it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. meanwhile, a well known french journalist has spoken out in art at the prospect of care of being behind the moscow terror to shoot the comes because there is every reason to believe that this is the work of the isis affiliate. enough to understand we live out course on since they immediately on friday evening claimed responsibility of me for just coming to i must say that if this was the work of the ukrainians,
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then this was an absolutely brilliant move. i'm not saying but it's them. it's what he fits them, then the move was phenomenal. so maybe let's not forget that why if this was the work of ukrainians, if it is a tool possible that they penetrated russian territory and organized such a terrorist attack in moscow, then this is just phenomenal. and we're supposed to say that we have to stop using jihad is just this requires an same level of preparation that would take many months why? my colleague, michael clutch, i spoke with the french political analyst here with the launch, right. who says the media coverage of the moscow attack in his native country is completely appalling. i've been really shocked by the way the french media are covering this. this is just a small reason it's smoking, but when you listening to everything, if it's just the unbelievable and after the basic plan, which was in the same scenario like the previous events. uh, just for the specific background with one very specific thing is that if it was
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really i, it's taurus, the eyes never have never made any. tar is the tax for money. it's always for the ology. it's always for the cali fat friends. he's forgetting a lot of things. i remember very well when we had the basic line event. french john really said why the french police took so long to get in 2 hours. right. so they're blaming restaurant for something that they are blaming in their own country. find the logic, but the defense public certainly understands this whole situation. how should they react to comments like the one from this journalist when they have become when they have been victims of terrorism before you have one point? it depends on the how the journalist are presenting. things is never ever made
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a tourist at back from monday. those guys, the web page for this half a 1000000 robles 250 up front and 250, a win back. a new frame. um that does not exist with sizes. so guns. uh when i is this is doing this, the i'm going to die on site, then they did this, unfortunately on a friday evening, but actually it's not done. normally they don't do this jelly shots and i just wouldn't do this. i'm not on the. and then if i'm my memory is not cheating on me, the owners of brokers city hold the homeless lips and because he will not harm muslims. the heavy handed arrest of the moscow terrace has sparked a plenty of criticism in the west most despite the notorious us track record of brutal a mis treating many innocent suspects during its so called war on terror are 2 is done with the quarter, exposes the glaring at double standards in the peanut gallery of the so called,
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civilized world is back at it with the finger pointing this time it's a former head of anti russian operations. at the c, i a talking down to russia after public reaction in the country to videos of how those who carried out the recent terrorist attack in moscow are treated by police. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and rush and what's going on in the west. and even though is something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west side would certainly be people who would be, who would be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society, civilized society as rule of law and treating suspects even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, to manage and respect, which is totally a, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia, really the ca, calling others and civilized. they practically wrote the handbook on torture. that's not a matter for the c. i a literally wrote the handbook, including everything from slapping people,
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keeping them and infect infested boxes to water board. and it was after 911 that all these black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques became really wide spread. and they came down on both the innocent and guilty of like i wasn't the military commander or a government official. i was just a resident of baghdad where i grew up and just like any other are right. that was against the us innovation and i spoke out against it. my picture was published in the news article with my complaints. the americans den rated my home interest to me . they were constantly right on my body. doesn't mean cold water as well as sticking the barrels of their guns and boom, 16 to extremely sensitive places, which was very painful and had a severe psychological impact on me. for 3 days i was not given foot and a head cold water thrown, asked me, it was the end of december and the weather was present and had lab recordings blasted into my ears. i reached the point of exhaustion that i could have fallen asleep while i was standing, but would like me. these enhanced interrogation techniques have seen prisoners in places like guantanamo bay, in abu ghraib, forced to stand for hours on end,
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doused with cold water and severely deprived of sleep, but hate former defense secretary donald rumsfeld said d stands for 8 to 10 hours a day, and that's why it should be limited to 4 hours after he officially signed off on the sea ice torture methods in 2002, former president george w bush also had no regrets years after launching the program. here's what i'm gonna say, that we're fortunate to have men and women who work hard at to see a survey on our behalf. these are patriots. and i knew the directors, i knew the deputy directors, you know, i know a lot of the operators and you're good people really get people and we're lucky as a nation to have them to top it all off the guy who ran the entire c. i a torture program, not only still defends it publicly, but even tried to destroy any and all video was connected to its existence. it's another story when it comes to many who are tasked with doing the actual torturing
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nudity was sort of the theme of the entire prison, the number of iraq use that wouldn't make it was shocking and it was cold. iraq certainly gets hot in the summer. everyone knows that, but it also gets very cold in the winter. this was december, sleep, deprivation and forest standing were the most common thing that most prisoners were suffering. they were hands come to the cell walls and a position in which they were standing. their hands were placed down between their legs and then their hands were hands coughed back behind them, which denies you the opportunity to sit down or to rest. and so you can combine what were essentially to enhanced techniques, sleep deprivation and forest standing. it was a shock to the system. it goes without saying human rights organizations have not approved either. one ton to maybe a is a sight of unparalleled notes, write a defined by the systematic use of torture. and all the crew in humane or degrading
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treatment against hundreds of men, brought to the site and deprived of them most fundamental rights. a brutal torture program with unapologetic perpetrators, which is now pretty universally understood as bad, and still none of its architects have been punished if that's the way the civilized world bluffs. maybe it's a better idea to stay away altogether. and there you can't. i had crossed all the line in on the was big con, conducted vietnam and iraq and afghanistan. and i mean what they do to need y'all was the name and the name. they need to name and syria, i mean the destruction they did know what's happened after a i think the war in okay. name the and then the war and guys that showed that the very hill west to the whole world base it showed it smelled as sooner. life as pretended. it smoked as more on that as it pretended to
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be. and they started p. p market. many people started to, to see it, to seeing the 2 stories actually not only the, not to the western narrative, the story that is paid on media or by politicians. so, and the ends of america wants really to be the judge and the world and judge everybody speaks about civilized society. i mean, we need to treat everybody the same way when they're like 6 months into the warren, gaza. there is no sign. israel has prepared to scale down it's assault on the palestinian enclave. officials that are say more than 32400 people have been killed . some international volunteers are choosing to stay and help the victims, despite the relentless carnage. next, as part of our special coverage of the complex, we bring you the human story of an indonesian medical worker who still operates in gaza. of the we are calling the civilians
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to leave guys, it goes out. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one in the in this on we were safe to our homes. i was at work and they told me the house was bombed in the neighborhood. when it came back, i found my uncle and he told me your father was murdered. we cannot find your son. then they said, your grandmother was also murdered when we were in a shelter. my daughters were crying, so my husband went to look for bullshit for them. and these really shot him in the back. every time we try to get close to him,
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they started shooting towards us to this day, i do not know what happened to him. the . even here in a school in hun, you news, we're not spared from his really attacks every night. we hear the bombing quite a few people have been hit by jerome strikes, including some who were farming, or even just walking the the, the, the i was display several times. i can tell you the death is better than disgrace.
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i wish these rallies have to me that would have saved me from the excessive. okay. um yeah, we wilks many kilometers from gauze. the city. we remain that for 40 days without a flour or canned goods. if that wasn't most left for us as adults, we would feed it to the children. we were suffering that no food, no food to no medicine, nothing. it was like we would dead. the aid was coming, but the is radius. preventative from reaching us today? i love israel not only wants to kill the people of gaza with their bullets, but also with star vacation because the age entering gaza is still minimal and cannot be distributed fairly in my view. if $1000.00 trucks could enter gaza, then the crisis could be resolved. the
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newness, of course, this is very sad because the assistance they should receive actually adds to their misfortune. indeed, this age should be sent via the egyptian border. and rafa and the solution is a ceasefire. 6 the thing that these people have nothing, their houses have been destroyed, they have no work. so their survival really depends on humanitarian assistance. they don't have cooking equip and they don't have warm clothes. they don't even have a place to rest the
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most of the hospitals that are still operating are in southern gaza. tier the fighting is still ongoing. so the current condition of the hospitals is very worrying. they're running low on medicine, the number of doctors is decreasing, at least 364 medical staff have been killed as a result of this really attacks, not to mention more than 260 others who have been detained by the idea of hospitals are also running out of fuel the
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suits we moved from northern guys or to the south in several days. we prepared food for 5800 refugees near the european hospital. we're focused on providing baby milk diapers or cooking oil, whatever we can help with the situation in gaza has not improved. israel continues to launch attacks on various regions. the matter we never felt regret, we are actually very proud to be representatives of more than 280000000 indonesians, of whom only 2 people now remain here. that is me and my colleagues. moreover, we know that the entry room to gaza is still being blocked by israel. so not everyone can enter here because permits are very difficult to obtain. security is
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very tight. therefore, we chose to stay here to help our brothers and sisters and got the israeli troops of intentional a bomb civilian targets, including un offices in gaza. that admission was unexpectedly made by an idea of soldiers who took part in the 1st months of the war. he confessed to a reporter from the grays on investigative outlook who has been asking his release, why they're blocking some humanitarian aid from entering dasa are you when it was in charge of the effect explosions? we blew up. um houses of, uh total is um,
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most un offices. remember we got into some un office. uh that was in charge of uh as being the families in guys. uh that was uh, fixed in by the wall and with this toilets when i was speaking to them, i was noticing that all the young people at these a blog ones that i was present, that they were all reserving soldiers. so when they were, so i'm saying these things, they were most peers, they were all talking to each other about things that they have done and guys over the past few months. so, admitting to blowing up civilian infrastructure, houses marks you window, the things was common place for them they, they all had done something similar. so after i made myself comfortable with them and after they've got to know me, they begin to become very candid with me and images to these crimes the right to my face and to my camera that they believe that this was a form of patriotism. that's why they're at the border of the career shalom,
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or then it's on a border block, the humanitarian aid. this is all under the assumption that they are being patriots . they are helping their country when a war, everything is justified for the pursuit of, of nationality of nationalism. the soldiers at these crossings they, um, they are not allowed to allow any civilians, and these are close militaries and it's not one civilian, not one civilian does. a lot of these, those and every day, hundreds of civilians are a lot of these on. so that means the military from top to bottom, the motor is allowing the civilians to break the law a day after day to stop the secretary from getting into guys a the un office is inside. garza has been bombed multiple times by the idea of which claims to be targeting homeless tunnels. one of the latest such strikes killed at least 9 people. israel has also accused you in refugee agency staff have been linked to the october 7th terror attack on the country, the grey zones. jeremy laredo again says that some is rarely spoke with. are
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planning to occupied garza for a long time. the people there are cheering, they're laughing when they hear bombs go off at the at the a block is uses really civilians and these notes. ready the soldiers at the criminal import across and they hear bombs go up and they cheer that's, that's what's happening. the people who were sharing the sentiments with me. i was present in um, in protests of a settlers that were invading or crossing the border areas, border crossing and they were going into guys that they, they, they're not, they're not concerned about the war right now. they're concerned about the day after the war. and what that means is they're concerned about making jewish settlements in gaza after the war ends. so every day, right now there are sellers go into the areas border crossing and they are building symbolic outposts. they'll call them. and it's to tell the government that they're very serious about returning to a guy that wants to warrants they want to go in or off, or they want to run an invasion. they want to, i mean,
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essentially what it would give a kill all the policy is enough, or if they went in there. but they aren't going to be and yet, and they're just continuing to bomb it, which is, you know, are you be equal as bad? ukraine's foreign minister as arrived in india for 2 days of talks and a bit to persuade officials there to support 2 of our cesar engine sharma is in new delhi with the details. this is for the 1st time that he talking ukrainian official is visiting india off to the water ukraine started what 2 years ago as the u crean ford ministers here for to day, was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts. bob differentiation card, also the deputy and a see why on the board. the agenda really sees that he's here to talk about 5 after that box to ship, also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the ukraine official is here to be for renewal support in the upcoming b. storks that will take place in switzerland,
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lead to in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you can have for india, it looks like you, queen, has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand in the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley, i'm like the west that has always fixated on using all the munition and this conflict. india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the stock to, to a not going to get a solution for this conflict from the back to 2 years have passed the many hole felt 2 years ago or so met in between that maybe the quote i think
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today, many of them don't any longer. if one sees, you know, in this day and age, what conflicts bring that are actually no windows or clock to nothing deals for the policy in defend and for the policy of neutrality. in the i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now despite the west pressure, rising india to got sides with the most cool, what india did was india to invite each old friend the tree between the 2 countries . india and russia has only gone up that still quite hill with the west was the, the west have problems with india 9 learning more or in from moscow. but india said that india will do what suits india. the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional way of be doing business soon,
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we india solid solutions in india. continue to buy more model was how do we not student grown about buying energy from russia? sweaty sang clear all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually they use the was energy prices. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, i'm frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that. i think so this, it, will it be to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization? to be to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had dukes with both the ukraine as well as gotcha. and this off to the russian presidents was re elected so week ago, the prime minister of india. and that means and what would the, he dive almost school he in fact had a word with food. then he also had
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a word we've done with the ukranian now president. and as far as talk the officials and the government of india, i can send the help confirm to me that so i'm going to send the range and movie has been invited by both sides to wizard back on please, respectively. all still the elections in india. so the results of the interactions are going to come in the 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why? perhaps? because slowly it's being made very clear that if somebody has the power to broke up, these is india because it has maintained its relationship with moscow that remember west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, and that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there. the director of the india foundation thing tang told us that new delhi doesn't dance to the tune of the west, let alone ukraine. this position have been made very clear both by the prime
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minister and the start of the basement. a step in the cost of it what to see despite the mass of interest. now you must realize that india is a developing country and really editor's office and a bit of what we can get them from the endeavor to actually go there and get it. not only can be stopped be function it on his own or the section that's just based on the sanctions. another can be stopping based on the sanctions segment of the day goes. how did you from i'm going to be or not, oh, completed, develop can give you another rich country like the wrist, like the rest of the countries are really, this is also an endeavor to everything. it is national interest. uh, regardless of what others may feel about it, and that spence will be made ready to vote by the private destruction dear. and by a suggestion, good, a distorted look. as minister a russian humanitarian mission has delivered aid from
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several countries to civilians in the in battle. that don't ask for public, local or financial receive supplies from valerie as well as hospital data packaged all the way from italy actually is from one customer have reports from the scene of the deliveries. so the russian humanitarian mission has been instrumental in facilitate the humanitarian aid for the people of dunbar since 2016. over these years. they have delivered over 4000 tons of various products for the people in need. this time, the delivered 120 tons of aids for the children here in the boss from the republic on billers. our 1st stop is in the city all subject, which i ask of this uh, foster home. now the family here have raised uh, 19 children of the last 16 years at the moment. so there are 10 girls live in here and the russian human. it's aaron mission have delivered the very necessary humanitarian aid for them. when that's the time you've done mind. if you have 10
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minus the not care with the moment, we have 19 children in total, all of them have different stories. but most of the oldest and the biological orphans used to be very difficult, very difficult when there was no money, a tool, because ukraine stopped paying us and we didn't receive anything for 10 months. sometimes we stopped, we felt good when we became part of russia. well, there was a lot of help coming. sometimes you start crying because you will humbled and thankful to all those who took part directly in the future and do not present day. he and i, what i consider that i work in a veterinary clinic. as an assistant, i am studying to be a veterinarian and my case. i also want to be as to knowledge just to work with dogs. that gives me your pause, then give me your other one well done. on this side of the room is the full effect fixtures full of fi certificates for the family. that's a raised 19 children. how over the last 10 years, right now, this room is full of humanitarian aids and that was brought here by the russian
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human is our emission from the people on billers the we have a large as a 2nd spot where the russians to be to terry and emissions have delivered age has this time. it's 4 am at 30 toward my roubles. now this is very expensive equipment . that was the money for which was collected by citizens of the rather than helping people in russia and ukraine for many, many years. it's that which this equipment is much needed for us because it allows us to determine the condition of the features during pregnancy in the most difficult periods during labor. and this is new modern equipment with additional functions.


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