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tv   Documentary  RT  March 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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the sun by need, so there are a lot of things to be discussed and i'm sure we will find a time in place provided. so the west a takes away, so the rosie glosses and looks at the reality, which is quite green for some pouncers right now. well, thank you for having a dialogue with r t. you've been more than good with your time today, sir. we've been speaking to rest as deputy and foster to the united nations. dimitri podiums. good. good to see you. okay. moving on out at $830.00 and must go time to more world news. it is the 2nd day of the ukrainian foreign ministers trip to new delhi. dimitri cooled by metz with his indian comforter part as key of 6 to the country. a long standing ally of russia, but if the diplomats hoping to win people over reaction on the streets suggest he may have his work cut out on sale on this. but the thing in the as the to
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the things to take care of. i am not available, but i think i can get you to and there is a very close and i especially so initially much more, more focused on this. yeah. then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in get today. sorry. i don't know, easy way ways you have to delete the those lawyer intellectually. people today. no, i don't think so. what, why should the india pay attention to such people who have this kind of stand? what mr. cool about the visit is aim that the least of promoting presidents owens these piece formula is something that's being described by rushes detached from reality and comments from the indian foreign minister suggest new tally has its own reservations to in our discussions focused on the ongoing conflict and its wider ramifications exchanged views on various initiatives in that context. this is about 4, several with victor, india as
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a foreign minister. but also the for several was it will be talking new queen in official to india. ever since the war new queen started 2 years ago, when i don't see is that he's here to put in action was between more the insulin skiing all week ago, 5 minutes and the range and what he had a telephone conversation with the president of ukraine. this form of the usual bilateral cooperation fried, but also he stops and looks like fully mugs here for exactly that. no b for randale support for the upcoming b. storks that will take place later in the yellow. sometimes the dates on the side is it, but the will take place in swedes and then looks like you create has realized that if anyone can route cookies between ukraine and russia, it is in them because of the strong close size that she has with law school it wants to into, in small school to negotiate piece. not interesting because on this line,
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ukraine has had such problems with india and the complete change of tone and send out an interview that's quite by give to a local newspaper here in india. and he went on to say that new plan is ok with in the online boston one really because that sounds like a complete new tongue. in fact, yesterday he went to the mahatma gandhi memorial before coming to india and he spoke about how mahatma gandhi was there, the founding fathers, india, his non violence is somehow related to the resistance of new cream. well, that's his perspective boss, and that is what he did yesterday today is going to be the day of talk. so when he's going to be meeting his counter, found dr. ashtray, shown good, also the deputy and se, but has in the off walter. all the criticism ukraine has written down all the slide . i doubt every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has
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a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of the outside. for me, it would be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point fingers, the repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. what's wrong with india, china, and so forth. the problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps. these countries have a weak intellectual potential, unfortunately for low intellect to a problem with global palerose sooner than ukrainian foreign minnes stucco label. which knew that he, yesterday he went on to say that you can use india as a problem for global said if it's possible for international. why isn't it looks like your queen wants to use india as powerpoint voice to negotiate between russia and ukraine. to be a peace make up to, to copy is clearly the rest of the strategies haven't well for ukraine and india neutrality. and what i always been saying that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is only possible to dialogue and diplomacy
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that perhaps is now making sense to ukraine. much more fuel clean. thousands realize is the very fact that sockless ships, ships on route built for nights. they'll bhutto one decade with trust and that is what india shares with us. you are going to insure it taking us through the flow of veteran indian diplomats, echo mohawk till this new delhi was not impressed by statements that a come out of ukraine ahead of the diplomats visit in the past. so they'll create insight into the equation into pro max did take a video offensive sterns of a quite political, up and down. going to the extent of the living in the a bunch of booting to the was much in any of our shot. but if you look at the state prince of the craving for them, but as that has been making dolly and delivery, it looks like they have come to understand that it is going to do nothing to see
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that it's relationships within that time tested trend, namely the shop and they also come to realize that the data sticking up principles done, which is the finding the item does of national security. interesting. that's the security and the stuff that i'm all i the fully for now decided to buy oil from our side funded from facebook by susan to the main system. and then just go to the i think go today and has something to realize that it yeah. has taken up the deeper and supposedly funds that i spent as the conflict between the shuttle claim dispenser and the one to i believe they, the planes western the ladies have already tried and made efforts to dissuade the bus. reading the out to you will click the side be critical of, uh, an auction situation. i think the stand against that are shop, but that's all hard fucking all. well, in an apartment attempt to drive
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a wedge between india and russia, that you printing foreign minister rates, the s thorny issue of daily's and long standing territorial dispute with beijing. he suggested china is relations with russia. could be detrimental to india is future national security. but the head of an austrian base think tank dots that do crane will manage to win india over. i don't really think that jeff can do anything right now. a sense, as we all know, ukrainians um that's a deeply hard to feeling sofa indians during the last 2 years. when does that to the engines on? no, it's intellectual capable enough that's. they are actually not parts of the yeah. western club, and that's they actually attacked um, india for following its own political course during the conflict between nato and
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russia. they are now losing most of the help from the west. and then you know that they only can continue their struggle against russia with west and weapons with west the money. so this money is no ending. and therefore they are looking for your thoughts as ends. so desperate still know, even trying to states and civilizations like india, which states secretly hates as they have shown in the past. so therefore, it's just a very cheap gamble of idea of creating the machine which will fail for sure. well, after western sanctions force, many european pharmaceutical firms out of russian india has seized the opportunity to fill the lucrative gap earlier next year and discuss the development with the head of the rest bio farm company. to say is as many as 20 indian businesses have already embrace the new mark, a little problem which is used to be procured from invest in countries from europe,
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which now india is started supply. and of course india, the waterloo is that is the, it is the pharmacy of the word. so it is basically the products, but not all materials that can you have started supplied. and of course, the big, big opportunity for india and to somebody in the, in the company's account a present on the russian market and how many are looking to set up shop and stop producing inside russia or itself as far as the sending the products? i think almost 1520 indian companies already working in russia as far as manufacturing in russia. when the buttons, large company in russia has one of these set up. it's manufacturing this, but yeah, little thought in our region, citizens and then for a lot of factories ignition and they're doing quite a bit. and how easy is it for these companies to set up and rush about sort of legal of the hurdles to these companies facing by streaming? what are the solutions to these problems?
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see, i mean, the, each country has their own, the set of rules and regulations. russia as a quite the region, but that's a good it honestly just of suki. okay. i didn't get the digital, i'm so slightly relaxed. so you just have to follow the local routes which are, you know, quite a stringent and that's a new opportunity because many companies would come in, you know, facing district in twos. so and then companies have that has this experience because they're exporting to products in the us and, you know, i don't see the could be any, any, any categories which in your card supply, having meaning and didn't. pharmaceutical industry is very mature, be technical speed, biotech. and is ready to supply all kinds of materials. so i've got enough drugs to russia for those peculiar times. if we look at the world as a whole, we have all these sanctions on several countries. we have this trend to the globalization. many countries are now focusing less on external sources, which is
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a risk really because they would show that they could just be cut off just like that. so what's will take on the future for pharmaceutical companies and nations lined rusher in india in that regard of gradually, each and every country is shifting to is being independent through the independence can also be to to a limit. maybe it can become 90 percent independent on raw materials from technology. still the technical some global dependence is always there. so a, it's a good effort to be independent, but v vi should or forget that typically the to the independence, the bill because it depends on the is be day ok. turning attention to the latest goings on in the middle east or runs house accused israel of being behind a deadly or a strike. earlier this friday on the northern, the syrians to the of a level, 2 of them strongly condemned the incident, which resulted in the depths of $38.00 people, including military personnel,
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siblings. these attacks are a clear violation of international law, as well as a violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. this is a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. the aggressive attacks on syria are a blatant and desperate attempt to continue and expand the crisis in the region is really airstrikes against the state of syria or a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons. but what's important to note here is that israel's attacks against syria are nothing new. over the course of the last few years, there had been hundreds of airstrikes targeting facilities from civilian infrastructure to military infrastructure, as well as the report of the talk. yeah, these are strategical areas. israel claims it is carrying out these attacks, specifically to hinder iran and iran back groups within the country. israel claims that iran is providing weapons to non state actors within syria. and they, in turn,
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transfer those weapons to live in on when we take into consideration the syrian presidents by charlotte that says the is really claims are just an excuse to carry out these attacks that these are baseless. and israel's attacks within the country are not necessarily targeting around back horses, but they are targeting syrian military personnel. it's targeting civilian infrastructure. the broader context of all of this is that israel is engaged with a conflict and war with gaza since the 7th of october. there has been a great matter of discussion as to whether or not that conflict in gaza would spread in spite well out of control affecting other countries in the area. earlier this week there have been attacks and airstrikes by the is really air force. but what makes this one that much more significant is the general tone of israel. it has not commented or provided details on this specific air striking attack. but what it has said is a matter of concern because it says, is real, will not comment on for media reports, but looking at the general context,
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the fact that there is a risk is all out war winds of the region. and israel is provoking, that is a matter of concern for everyone in the region and globally. it's been one week since tara struck must go in and attack that killed 144 people. russian authorities have since been digging deeper into the possible role of ukrainian special services in the her risk offense. crocus city slips them, could be investigative committee continues to work on collecting and establishing evidence of the suspects. guilt establishing their accomplices and organized as of the terrorist act. both of those accused of committing a temporary stock revealed during the initial testimony and subsequent interrogations. that their actions both at the stage of preparation and off to the attacking the crew to city who were coordinated by a man who presented himself under a pseudonym, according to the coordinator, the terrorists off to committing the crime with directed towards the russian
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ukrainian buddha. in order to get the keys where they would receive the reward they were promised at the investigation proceeds looking into the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in arranging financing the terrorist act. yep. russian authorities have now detained the 9th suspect in connection to the attack or investigators earlier stated the to risk receive payments in both cache on crypto currency from the premium nationalist that's as washington maintains key of had. busy enforcement claiming isis solely for the attack. a roll from last to find a 15 year old is lump sum. the loss has not been honored by russia's supreme, musty, for saving thousands of lives as lawn was one of 17 adjustment and work part time as cope for an attendance between them, the mileage,
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the health more than 100 people to say no credit or effort from a 15 year old at most school is continuing to mourn the victims, but that has not stop some western media that speculating that the kremlin could have stage the attack r t shirt to do. but it has been delving deeper into those accusations. it's not even a week clara corporation is still on the way. so 2 is the process of trying to identify those killed by ball bearings. the death toll is still rising. and yet the grace period, if that ever was what is over well and truly ofa, because now instead of remembering the victims of rushes, douglas terror attack in 2 decades told i'm looking to find a way to pick them, blame on the criminal, and the pollutants. little green man about to be joined by little blue med stay tuned. coming to social media posts near you. i am clueless. just noting the
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phenomenon. but those claims have been thoroughly debunked by the man who was accused of being one of those little blue men who floated. ma'am you come and you wouldn't wish that's not right on any one. i'm being vilified. they use my image without my consent. and in such a light, i can find the right words. this video was shown on television. everyone started writing about it and making colossus i had to received all of this. when it all started with way down between the aisles, the southern went off. we went towards the center of the ground floor, but the crowd turned around. apparently our men were waiting for us. there. we use the emergency exit. however well, but perhaps should be the end of it. it's not trolls across the western world of starting to pick it a wound is fall from the field. that questioning with what happened to croakers city holy moscow was astray,
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did find the kremlin itself. terrorism to put it bluntly has paid off for me so much that people with inside knowledge have accused his security apparatus of orchestrating some of the attacks. the wall street journal took those accusations even further. if the suspect, the serial killer is a large, the 1st thing to do when there was a murder is to check his ally by mister bolton is under indictment for war crimes. and his bloody track record makes him suspect. number one, there can be no common cause against terror with russia when the world's most accomplished, tell wrist rules the kremlin a palm dose in the opinion section by cnn. i'm the wall street journal. what was written? is it a soul, a 3 big a russia? there are others to do k tapley this on. we went to a piece brandishing accusations, but this was an inside job. as being fact. those shop please that point the finger,
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the russian security services, are no more than the run the civil loony. so you provide no evidence to back up the claims. in fact, well, russia was casually assessing the situation. i'm looking for the perpetrators, the us and other nato allies was so crystal clear, base attack, cut the fingerprints of i s all over it reminded by the risk attack outside of moscow just a few days ago. but i since remains potentially put in force, and one that we have to continue to deal with this was a terrorist attack that was conducted by isis, mr. prove the understands that he knows that very well. however, that didn't stop so many governments deciding that instead of offering condolences, it would twist the noise even more suggesting that russia would use the attack to its own benefits. yes, it is attacking a concert hall in moscow. clearly show that the putting regime is focused on conquering neighboring countries and organizing hybrid operations. instead of
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caring for the wellbeing and safety of his own people. russia's foreign ministry spokesperson was spearing blood at such comments. gardner's non billable is he has, of course never will be able to out to use the landscape. but this is a strong bid. even before that we have no particular illusions about the lack of common sense and conscious of the stony and for a minister. however, his latest statements raise questions, is he right in the head? we say regulate that. zaleski is not in good health because he's deeply dependent on psycho tropic drugs and prohibited substances. but the stadium for administrators should also check and see to all skim to take test automation. such statements for when the internet is full of trolls is also full of people who shout their opinion loud and pride without ever thinking about the impact that can have. especially when they're whose opinions loc, eddie solid evidence at the time when many families in most school burying that dad
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and others a waiting for news of those missing. it seems to be your want crass the western media outlets. big western media outlets have given oxygen to such views. it's hard to imagine often knowing a level that some of the views would have made it to print. okay, let's and our program on the touching note on ordinary day for 2 girls in a school in moscow, ended with an emotional surprise when they were united with their father, after 6 months, a part of your life to tier to watching this the the relatives, someone is now in the special military operation. so you're probably waiting for your loved ones. right? no one, come out here and tell us,
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do you know where your daddy's station know? when did you leave? around the beginning of october. in fact, you know, kids, i'm not the only one who's going to be teaching a lesson of cars today. people go serv, unreturned and lead to de leon need levin's have, has also come here to talk to the, anyone close to kids in the military? anyone right there only because that is that need to be and so a colleague of mine, we work together then he volunteered 6 months ago. well,
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today he's back when we hear he's the as far as i haven't really adapted, just got home last night and still difficult to look at the situation around me here because so home, nothing's happening, shooting explosions, for 6 months. we were used to the situation over there, so on the list still feels a bit while to i can really feel the support of the for the country because you minutes hearing aid is coming letters. there's really a lot of stuff come close sweets, all of this is a company like constant, very warm comments from people who send the deed the whole country is banded together in the situation. and that is worth a lot. but to me, i don't think they'll let their dogs out of the site this weekend. will they motional stuff. all right, we are bach in moments live from moscow. this is our
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t international. joining me up at the executive, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new shelves seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you as they already, gosh,
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they see here because they kept the scroll. so i did that and then use familiar email, few or just the degree to fit into the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to in prisons. a well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get over that. could you look into the beatles going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff dumbly level if the ship did utility and i gave you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so yeah. and the congress that, i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to achieve by the warden.
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so for me as well as giving up on the lot that it also need you to do was to take that to you, that the institution almost human off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give you a feeling that you do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, wanted to do this because 90 and the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do discuss what it boils down to, so you can just you because it appears being yet that was put in the middle of the, of the business. and the system must be why, but just keep them in the system with key at the washington state, the bruce the computer
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system, the phone of send this to professional and video to you for the list of all but huge because they used the the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals a band and machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move shortly. a government on both of us. for some reason, you know, the post to be done as an issue. calling to us from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupied the go. really asked me for it. i was,
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and i was or more you have to do should. so it means if you have, would it be a we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this. i'm gonna stay on the lowest. i've left so much you feel like there's are a mess almost here. let me see. mean membership. when you to i've got the what i don't see, i don't know, boys of the middle. it please to join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they could see, could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice, the so it's pretty at the question system is this multiple in your own facilities and the deal is deficient the least of come to the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best,
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most all sense and up the in the system must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin machine states on the rush to day and split our t supposed neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for the question, did you say david twist, which is the secretary defense lloyd austin declared. well, hosting is is rarely calendar parts b, u. s. israel military relationship is unshakable. as israel continues at slaughter of palestinians in gaza, the historical records notes,
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the american administration is a named co conspirator to jennifer the miss hours, headline stories, india essays. it's exchanged various initiatives with ukraine's foreign minister to resolve the conflict with russia. suggesting the attempt by key up to when you tally over may have come up short. skepticism is also heard among the indian public story. i don't know easy. it's andy as that. those things to take care of by way easier today around blames israel for an overnight or a strike on northern syria, which reportedly left the 40 people dead in the city of atlanta. on the number of fatalities from last 5 days to tear red suck in moscow climes to 144 people. some
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