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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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the post office is drawing peter, this bottle. i'll say delve into the gal is a crisis with israel's assault on the strip tonight announcing a 6. it's a fiery one, gets going, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered. i'm peter labelle, secretary defense lloyd, austin declared, well hosting his is really counterparts. the us israel military relationship is on shake level. as israel continues at slaughter a palestinians and gods, but historical record notes. the american administration is
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a name co conspirators projects on the cross. i think palestine i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york is a legal in media analyst in ottawa. we have already em says he is a professor of international law at queen's university as well as author of the united nations and the question of palestine and in amman, we have now. so we're not sorry, he is a bricks and bassett, or to jordan. and the middle east are a gentleman, cross up rules and effect. that means he can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated professor, if i can go to you 1st in ottawa, this is your, um, uh, your area of expertise. so the law and how the international community is dealt with the palestine question, i think international law has been made into complete mockery. it doesn't stand for anything anymore if there are exceptions and why do we have laws the, and the american approach to this quote and quote on a non binding resolution? which correct me if i'm wrong, sir, but i mean,
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when the united nations security council has a resolution in both side and it becomes international law, how can the americans make that exception? what at the same time, not voiding the entire process. go ahead, professor, i thank you very much for having me. um, well, how to put this delicately. the us position is complete. nonsense. so your question suggested on the article 25 of the united nations charter members of the united nations degraded accepting carry out the decisions of the council. and as has been confirmed by the international court of justice specifically, and its 1971 and advisory opinion on that may be a substitution to me. don't take the place within chapter 7 of the charter, which some commentators are, are the shooting and the cover all decisions of the council. so resolution to $7.00 to $8.00, which calls for a cease fire in guys is one such decision. and it therefore binds all parties to the conflict, but in particular, israel because it is
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a member state of united nations. well, that's all right and i'm on. if, if i'm drawing on what we've just heard from the professor in ottawa, even though the united states abstained, it's incumbent upon the united states to take action. if israel does not take action, stop it, slaughter in gaza. the west side is obligated by this resolution. even though they abstain permit so as to intervene, if they, if necessary, by all means necessary. nasir, thank you. okay, so 1st of all how easy and what to say is 1st that they, you asked what part of this huge mess around sculptors and gather? now the main thing is that this resolution from the security council is obligated for the firewall, but the us will have to accommodate and disobey, and not just starting from the top of the 7. but for the last 100 years since the beginning of this huge genocide, actually the whole list of course was actually covering israel because it isn't right. is that cooling?
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you know, that when the project is going to be the least, they planted this project, you know, they are covered and you can be on even you not just with the political david, him in the international community, but also by using thing with weapons by helping them with that, the high take that can lead for more and more of that please thing in the the actual the t because the genocide have but if we can clean single body style is part of the western. oh sure. it's part of the quality of western culture that's actually created israel to set up the schools. well, you know, line on line likes to refer to himself as the guy put in the fishbowl on this program, and i appreciate it very much. but the line only if, if you look at the, what happened in the united nations and this is not the 1st time there was an attempt at a resolution calling for a ceasefire. the united states and israel is all alone. is there any awareness here
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in new york? is there any awareness of that or, or if there is an awareness to people, care or? uh no. uh, to answer your question. uh, going back historically. do you remember uh, gentleman uh, around the turn of the 20th century they had these bare knuckle boxers who would do this a lot, and they would jack johnson, and they would do this. they never would land a punch in anybody, but it looks great. that's the you with a, i'm a lawyer by profession and i'm not an international lawyer at one time. i was asking why is this not in force? i want to read the fine print. it says this is merely aspirational. i think what, what's the point of this? so what we're doing is we're having gobbledygook. and not only that, we're having this cool, bulky dance, this theater, this synchronized scrum, where people stand with arms akimbo and says, why you yeah, but like the resolution wasn't aspirational. i mean,
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english is my 1st language. i understood it was pretty clear. okay. it's not about the record. it is a demand. but there's no one for all know what, but that was mike. that was my question to are guessing. my mind is, i know it's past the united states must take action and must cut off all aid. it must cut off all diplomatic cover. and if it may have, even if it has to use military force, it has to enforce the rep that the resolution ok. and then when you have seen bachelor saying, i mean the audacity you say, well this was non binding. nobody else in the room knew that lionel but who is but the next question is fine. who enforces? if you go back and you say, excuse me, we must now let, let's all vote for enforcement. if that were even possible. how would that occur? and, and what are the mechanisms in place to do it? and if you don't have a that needs fairly aspirational, it's just, it's a see a rather go body. well then, well go ahead. like if somebody does come in on line with what i actually what, why actually take this point the seriously and
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a great good number of my students regularly ask whether or not, and this goes to the point at lydell is making this international law is indeed law in the absence of say, for instance, a centralized enforcement mechanism that we, we would have at most municipal or domestic systems. however, can it be said that this law which is binding is indeed law and bind. and so, but that's a fair question to ask, but then one needs to assess or take account of the fact that international it doesn't operate in the same way that our domestic legal system, student there is no centralized enforcement mechanism or we do have our various mechanisms one of which is the security council of the united nations who does have the authority to pass and binding resolutions on all member states of the united nations on the article 25 of the un charter. and in this case, we have great solution of the council and demanding demanding that is obligatory a ceasefire. and so to the extent that israel is violating that demand to him to
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a cease fire and the gas a strip, there is no question that as a matter of international law, they are d like they're, they're, they're violating that law. the next question is as wine was mentioned, well what next? and so the next question is moving to the council. again, for more tea, a resolution that would be passed of the council would you provide for sanctions on israel for failing to abide by its international legal obligations under ought of under resolution $2728.00 and so on. and so in a while, as we say under domestic law, we have direct systems of enforcement under international either less direct but they exist none the less and simply because israel, an outlier and the united states, also an outlier on this question, are violating law doesn't mean the law doesn't exist, it does exist, and the palestinian people are experiencing the neighbors sold. the failure to abide by this international law in their person. some 32000 or more dead killed
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rather, some 70000 or more injured. and 1700000, and that's 85 percent of the population of the gas a strip forcibly transferred all of them indiscriminately bombarded a star patient being used as a tool against them. these are serious matters now. the principal judicial organ of the united nations because that all of this amounts to a plausible genocide, cancelled action must be taken by states. they all have obligations to prevent genocide. these are positive obligations. they exist for the united states. they exist for canada where i'm sitting a test for every member of the genocide convention and so on. so action can be taken. we just need the political will to get moving. she have it now. so in action is, is, is culpability as well. i'm. i've titled this program genocide in arms, and if i can go back to my introduction with lloyd austin, you know, unshakable. i mean,
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that is pleading guilty to the actions of your co conspirator in the middle east. and that's the israel cecilia hector you. do you have to monitor this new going to genocide that what happened? yeah, between deland. now do we do often actually gelham give him a list of the ones that he wants to bring out to his room. and during this visit, that to me is actually that the us is actually just facing hawk old. that is we using those came out to the security council. this is for 2nd. we need to check the real and the fact that the actual u. s. political pores in to the citizens until now, more than 240 ship and we're actually kind of 12 old kind of wavelengths that were sent to live, right? yeah, whole, so you can just to check the other trigger. this is more than 2000 bleed b, uh,
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bear with me is the know there to get a, a israel directly to this. well, so if we want to be honest to be a frantic with a whole hour block, you know, we have to say that the, you asked if they came plus and they are part of this, i'm going genocide is a pull down. this is the only description that we can describe the us action since the october 7th. i'm filling out and actually if we want to retain back in history, i'm ready to have a you has just a guarantee. if that is right, it will always mean team have a, what are we can describe has advanced the military aid all over the region in order not just to, you know, secure or, or to give as real as they say, a variety of defense. but to ensure that they do mean anything, the whole area, and no one will ever had the problem with nicer with that is that when that had gemini is challenged, then the united states is, it's putting itself into
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a position where it has to fight all of israel's enemies, and that's exactly what the government in, in israel wants and that's and yeah, and wants the united states to fight. it's worse for it. you agree with me? yeah, it's a fault and i agree with this, but the thing is how they will fund it. down by the ones that different vision hope how we will i see those golf. so there's actually one actually i believe you can send in 3 on, so i don't and let me delete it then israel is, is the one who's leaving the restaurant extra in the middle east. but the thing is, what are the master hold that thought we have to go to a hard break and after that hard grateful continue our discussion on palestine state with our team
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the the the, [000:00:00;00] the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalist view, astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia, shortly off the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp,
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a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the santa of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the constitution camps. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the welcome back across black where all things are considered. i'm gabriel about commend you were discussing palestine the, you know, it was line and let's go back to line to a new york, one of the things that it really weighs heavy extra weight have on all, all of us here. is it particularly in the united states, but it through the rest of the world in general?
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but in the united states, all of this is kimberly bit genocide. they won't use the word of course and not allowed to, but all of what's going on is all couched in, in the election calculations. so, you know, biden's go to lou as michigan who can do it. and if i find it, it, it, it, it almost takes the life out of me. i mean, to put the 10s of thousands of people are being killed and worried about which direction one congressional district. my go. i mean, that is just so hollow. it shows how hollowed out western society is, lionel this week, which one of the biggest fund raisers ever at radio city music hall with the obama and clinton spending a raise $1020000000.00. the, the, the democratic party has been absolutely dead moribund and
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a coma. and here's the best part in peter you and i have talked about this before. the people, this is, this is so skits, of funding for me. the people that i, i used to dismiss as being my political and capital opposite to whatever i am now listening who make more sense. i read somebody to a friend of mine was one of the most cogent answer regarding what the american responsibility is to the saving of lives. children and then people starving and i read it and i said guess who said that alexandria. ok. so again. okay, so say the same thing has happened to me over the last, but in the last few new cycles. yeah. and i'm thinking of myself, wait a minute. the also the rise of, of a platform this week also in new york obviously would be in baltimore. that was a bridge collapse. and bottom said, where are we know we said we will, we will put this together. we will pay for this. so people as,
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where are you getting the money for this? and we all said, ah, good question, isn't it funny when it comes to our infrastructure and up there, by the way, this very domestic get them? i don't mean to boy, but, but to show you there's this question that people should be asking is, where do we get money to support ourselves here? where is the democratic response and peter, you, when you're from a generation where the left to progressive left were part of typically almost argued typically and t war and i, and i finally, i'm saying if you just could replace the words israel with, let's say france or scotland, and they've said, how could france do this? there would be a completely different discussion. forget the word genocide. so what we're doing is, again, i'm living in a, in a, an a, a 1st ball. but the democratic party, the republicans are very clear. they're absolutely adamant they're, they're consistent, but the democrats are skipped to products and this will be the chance for the republicans to, to seize upon that, to form
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a schism. they won't even go. yeah. but so, but line will that it, that the downside of that is, or republicans or pro israel and palestine. so be careful what you hope for professor in ottawa, you know, one of the things, it's very unsettling for me as an american coming from the west is that, you know, the west is um, come to terms in many ways with its colonial saddler projects around the world and they, they, they lay their face and shame. theirs will talk of reparations about how countries or peoples all around the world recover from colonialism, imperialism, but it's still west and almost exclusively in the west. but it is promoting a settler, a colonial st project in the middle east, and they don't, nobody in the west likes to talk, but it's too uncomfortable. you know, i mean i, i get a line on i as americans, you know, you know, what we did to the native americans was shameful, with slaughter. we didn't use the word genocide,
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but that's what it was. but the west now it says flipped and saying, well this project is ok, professor. yeah, uh, yeah, no very, very good point. and in fact uh, as a canadian, but we have under gone very much the same if you like transition. uh, uh the, the representation of what canada has done to the 1st nations people, the indigenous people in canada has been effectively whitewashed. where now, where we sat and a few poorly about it in the public. but little was done to assist the situation of real people on the ground, living in poverty here in canada to our 1st nations. and so this has given rise to my view that a lot of this concern for the settler colonial project or reconciliation with what we have done in the, in the quote unquote new world is profound. it is. and we have proof of that not only by how we treat, how the states and canada,
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the united states and other settler colonies treat their 1st nations people. but all foreign policies as well. and as the fact of the natives of palestine where an indigenous population is very yearly and in real time and continually since 1947 undergoing a process of an ethnic cleansing of displacement on the one hand and replacements on the other by combining by folks who want to take their land and resources take, for instance, a very many public statements made. not merely statements, but actions taken by is really meters who indicate the one. some guys that use guy think we claims the ones, the palestinian population, all 2200000 of them are driven into the sign i or driven so somewhere or perhaps even into the sea that they will take over their land and build properties and resettle the gaza strip and so on. so as you, as you rightly point out, there's a continuum here. and there is no,
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a wonder why israel's staunchest supporters in the guise of matter. now, are the settler colonies of the west, the united states, canada, and someone that needs to be called out. and i'm glad you put that question to us. but i do think that it is self evident for a lot of folks in the global. so certainly the medians, certainly the south africans who've taken this case before, the international court of justice on genocide and so on. so we're at an inflection point gather, has provided an inflection point in international relations, driving a wedge between the global so. so you can see what's actually happening on the ground and gather and to the beleaguered guys in palestine in population and other small countries, the smaller number of countries, but far more powerful in the industrialized west. yeah, now, so one of the most pathetic things, i mean it's almost a half of year of just unbelievable tragedy and, and, and for the most part the, but a, the leads in the west turn their face away. they don't want to see it. okay. if i don't see it, then they're not culpable,
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but everybody can see it. all right. jared. questionnaire. the sudden law of donald trump. his comments in the it was in the telegraph. he was at the kennedy school and he just talked about the as the palestine. question is if it was just a real estate issue. yeah, that's fine. i saw that video and i love just pick up truck little because there's a conflict with that. have been late. oh, cool, cool. we were actually live and under for the past 100 to years, because this 3 is an open space for all kind of, you know, absorbing resources and just making more appropriate for them. we're just not the humans dehumanizing us, makes this land and hoping land, warm yusef loves will, will gain and make more money. and the name of the more expensive the like nation, which is actually not just gonna, um, see me, but it's actually, um, it's just, i, it's, i can't imagine someone is just can just talk about the appropriate use of the
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guidance people who are actually guild, systematically for the last 6 months and just do so easy to about. it is like um you know, a commercial project where this land is. uh, you know, i gonna have to bring the lower investments for uh, that is right here is pen. that's why they issued and they have to, you know, okay, if i at this, you're not the rich coast, who are you just forgot to tell and the students that the school that the mail, what more than one being and susan 100, i'm assuming i looked in the same area actually what she's proposing is let us just participate fully because it isn't profits and money. definitely. oh, all the more so is like, oh $700.00. all those kind of thing. it's all the more so it's in some of most of the palestinians. look, gaza strip. they've already been displaced. maybe sometimes many, many times. i mean, you keep pushing them that way. i mean, it is really extraordinary. you know, line on it and you know,
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you and i have known each other for a very long time and, you know, with a sarcastically ripped apart, this whole woke cold here, you know, i'm a victim. you're a victim. were who is the victim on the totem? pole and all that, but of a marketplace that was city and so not victims are they. it's just amazing to me how the left, particularly in the lab. they can go down the, they buy the totem pole of who's been victimized, but the palestinians are just not there. you can't see them. we're not allowed to see them line. oh, yeah. if, if ever, you know, peter, i, we, we always, well, we, the, the right always speaks of this mythical magical, incredible wizard, saul, a lensky, and how he created this, these a, these a die dialectic. and, and let me tell you the way it works. here is very, very simple, then you can watch any television show or any kind of, of attempted discussing it. you will ask the question, do you recognize it?
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how mazda is a terrorist organization? do you believe that what that israel has the right to defend itself? and then for some reason it just stops. it is, so everything began on october, the 7th. and if and that's the launching port, what would you do? what am see, wait a minute that that doesn't even be getting to even even remotely. but she, peter, and gentlemen, as you know in our culture, you have a one minute block. if you are lucky or any major cable news or the air quotes your news. and that's as far as it goes. do you know what it's like for anybody to say, let me give you 75 years plus of not true, but perspective it's, there is no time for that. it's look, that's a tough place. they've got to defend themselves. and we, we invoke 911. yeah. yeah. what i'm saying, they have had a rough day about a time and memorial. they've been enemies here. let me, let me finish off with the professor. i don't owe you guys. why don't i?
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why don't i just get in on that order. you just to go back to peter with the point to do the new made palestinians being able to represent themselves. this has been a classic problem and edward side put it very, very well when he asked a tony and she for permission to narrate situation with palestine is as simple as you'd mentioned in the gaza strip. 7075 percent of the population are themselves not guessing their palestine refugees who originate from the areas that became the state of israel in 1947, 4849 and are only in the gaza strip in force to exile because they're not huge because the state of israel is prohibiting their ability to return their right to return to their homes from which they were forcibly professor. i mean, all right, i have, i have to jump in here on this very salient point, but we've run out of time. i want to thank my guess an auto renew your again,
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i'm on and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our to see you next time. remember prospect rules the the, the position i was suggesting fell great. i was suggesting that we send americans and, and the bridges on the drink that on your bill is us on obama move down. you probably now know about 2 of us. don't know when you see it. all the owners will tell you that you will see the most of classes in the middle city. so what i need to file a possibility of this was always does really as long as know if the guidelines source or sit emotional around you it may be, you know,
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a lot less radioactive than that. something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive and has talked to the kid, killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so ease of us here. again, let's see the echo seats and they're going good. i don't know the mold was suggesting we pharma fell great bill. call us what day was the each time i'm exception and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why? watch something that's so different. i listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't myself stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the india essays, its exchange various initiatives with ukraine's foreign administered to resolve the conflict with russia suggesting they had sent by tm. so when new delhi over, they have come up sort skepticism is also heard among the india top like 40 i don't know, easy. and the as, because it seems to take that off quite a ways here today around blames israel for an overnight or a strike on the northern syria,
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which reportedly left almost 40 people that in the city of


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