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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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on the but we know there's been multiple scandals involving linked stays are well, it's up and then the surveillance scandals through facebook. why is discussion about the need for privacy coming up now? see obviously, you know, the question is all these arguments disconnected on the mob. wow. you know the direction they say ok, this is the government trying to pry on citizens the government, designing to the you know, but getting paid people's individual privacy, etc. but there's much more to it. and that's the question. would you also on this vehicle? uh, we do uh, definitely not, not trying to come and supreme court one has a responsibility to protect up or do research and it is not just a matter of protecting the business. interest is not to insure a matter of protecting the privacy rights of something. somethings or freedom of speech, but if the suitcases themselves, i mean bottom of them. uh, you know, because of these platforms, there's so much of cyber crime. i w,
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i might. so i was targeted on a massive so i'm not on cyber crime which has become very common. it has to be shannon the show months before to, to also have to look at diagnostics. and you know, you cannot really throw the baby in the order out because of the stigma indoors or as i said, these kind of insinuations which i mean that all of this has been out of government as asking this because this with alternative government, the trying to trying to, to, to the line for you to most space a lot of channels. i can data is the point which has to be really detailed par. and, but, you know, debated the same question. so you could be please, and i'll see in my opinion talking about previously by this black funds as a hawks because of the other one, be a fee and how much has been involved in. but that was the case as it happened in all other quotes in other countries where they have not complained with complete
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privacy and how hopelessly of the citizen was being sold for their own business interest. so why previously like now what, why we're talking about that as a to see like, know with this because it's not in the interest of the company. it's in the interest of citizen, it's in the interest of humans like you wouldn't be bad. any crime happens to us and they don't, you know, we can't even get the basic rights that can be enforced, or we don't be contract justice despite having laws in place. because that goes against that there are there or not policies in place, or that's actually not goes, i guess, but that actually is not in debt on business. interest is i would say that my not because that's an open a books with they would have to bring in that fonts, buttons and accountability in place. so creating that, i think i would say it's, it's very thoughtful because it seems these rules. it's very simple, that it was all very clear and they'd be able to limit themselves that how it can be in and what scenarios it can be and how much it can be. so if you look into that a, everybody's talking about that, but if you see, actually this doesn't take a video through the c absolutely doesn't pick a video previously. and oh, oh,
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i mean, i'm across to see that only for somebody to about that. you know, my people seem to be no government can have access to read my child's and i would be no know what it would be that it communication between the present i'm doing it . i shouldn't be seen doing so. and i should go to some of the platforms that i should do something else. this is own all of us, but i don't use all the information which is absolutely not absolutely correct, but email be uh, a listed so that people will get to talk about previously. but i think entities like, my gosh, would not talk about for the see. and especially when it comes to enforcement, they'll be know, so i think that's the scenario of just coming in, but that they want to come block. they don't have that cost in place or whether they want to have their business interest in place. but i think you meet all of us would agree upon the like to previously. as off, i'm going to the right of global fundamentals right at the same time enforcement of the laws, the protection of flood on rights and enforcement agencies and every state. the big get and bringing a situation avoid that crimes are less and you speak. so come to sort of subject line some just a showed up and all of us when he,
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thanks to both of you for speaking to us. but i really appreciate your time. we've been talking to christopher john side below experts and sunday, if there is commentator on call him is thank you very much. and i thank you for joining us today on all the international. we always appreciate it does gets take a website on teams come sometimes people with kids talking. yeah. the the the
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the hey everybody. welcome back to the most cool news on shay bows. we're going to be taking a look on the lead of all those greasy little stories that the big boys in the mainstream media would prefer. and we're left exactly where they are in the dark
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and walk that a place to start this week down in the old u. s. of a ukrainian states of america or the united states of america, where the boys up in congress on hello see. and all her blue and yellow piles have really gone all in the you crow frenzy. check this the is this a key is, or is this a washington where exactly are we? i mean, i think people are really, really blind into this in the states. and of course it's just another $61000000000.00. what's not them on friends, mike johnson says at 80 percent will be spent in the us. keep that to yourself. don't tell the boys in queue yes, but it's added on to a 170000000000 that the u. s. has already given the boys and it's getting tougher and tougher to peer yourself away from that blue and yellow. it's so attractive. it's like vanilla ice cream or benign ice cream,
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and blueberry so tasty. pearl bill passed round here was so fond of the flag, he decided to sell it a bit to himself noticed range. and you know, you can wave your ukrainian flag on capitol hill. no problem. you probably get a $61000000000.00 for doing it, but if you're an old dall and you want to weigh the all stars and stripes, the only star spangled banner, you could find yourself in a world of now talking about a world's. we've also got some interesting footage of all sleeping joe paul here on the most cool meals. how do you little sniff of the boys, the lensky check. this is just beautiful. you love the smell of the greenbacks. the smell of the cash. remember 10 percent for the big guy, of course the tax payer's the us so completely mailed it down online. but some of the stuff is absolutely fantastic. checking out. some of the meetings that have come out about how low in ski is dipping his little finger relo's into the us
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taxpayers pocket. i just absolutely classic checked in the booth coin. and there's also some of those to move to the dumpster funding. the other course as part of the deal we were promised and you were promised that the issues on the southern border would be completely fixed by portal like johnson. and that is absolutely the case, correct? no, incorrect. it's so shocking to see that a senior politician like completely screw their promises and screw you in the process. and there's been over quarter of a 1000000 interactions with illegal immigrants on the board or so far. and that is
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a record breaker check this out. this is what's happening down there as we speak this morning. tensions escalating on the texas border. dramatic new video shows a struggle between border patrol and migrants and el paso. i mean, this is open warfare if you like. are all pile you on, isn't happy about this at all. all checked out his tweets on it. he's freaked out about this. so nothing was done whatsoever in any of these bills that gave tens of billions to all z boy over to you about the border. absolutely, xerox, what we're talking about borders and you go fever, assume united states politicians have actually decided that the border with ukraine is the border with the united states. get the didn't due to ellen, geography in school, on the video. some say, well we have to deal with our board for us. got you damn rainy and russian border is our border. no, i don't think it is actually the board with the united states and i'm sure it's now
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. let's check the map actually. maybe i check it out, maybe it is. as a lone star state, do you close? i've completely taken the sent over. hey, and it's so surprised in the colonel saunders didn't get up there and tell you that it's finger looking good. the border with us as with ukraine, because a, let me get a gene in the secret. over 66 percent of americans have no idea where ukraine is. check the video, good words. again, this is a great question. so it's over there. some went over this directional right here, right there. right? there is some count. it's it's, it's a regular you find it. oh yeah. so squarely. so there's a where's, why should i might? where's the ocean right there? oh, this is the, this is like, good job. i, you know, the geography lesson or is higher. right?
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you don't get to just pick it. i hope you don't join the american military and joined the midst of forces. it could be a complete since your brother on the right was low for the rest is right here. so they went all the way around this way and came over that way. so this is terrible. i mean, just remember there are 34 percent of people in your state and you want to say do know where your crane is, but you don't actually know when our money is going well, while sadly a lot of americans don't seem to be able to find you praying on a map, the average american only needs to fall over on the binder head on a junkie right now. a lot of the big cities in america are experiencing an epidemic in synthetic drug use, a new drugs at the streets is called frank. what philadelphia and some of the other big cities are really suffering with this stuff. cheko?
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philly not, not. i'm not exactly a philadelphia cream cheese and tasty and it ain't good. check. this is like really some of the spooky of the as on the apocalypse, this, this a, this music is a really freak and really, you don't want to play this a, this one at night. the countryside looking at your window look good. i don't remember this trade in the us, they reckon is worth about a $1000000000.00 a just a $61000000000.00 a way to ukraine on top of $171000000000.00 and now a $1000000000.00 coming in and these people are left on the streets. the politics meanwhile, and google signed from san francisco to golden gate, that big icon of american power will be there's also a big, big problem. 2023 was the worst year for drug overdoses in the city. a 100 human
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beings lost their lives. the city streets are looking pretty going to check this this is an energetic uh, lets say connoisseur of the old front. even though people going, trying tourism, they're going to check out the drug addicts and the video them and feeling the and he destroyed. uh, one of these uh, self driving cars. uh, he took a trip literally and staying in good old san fran, even the people are meant to be helping these homeless do down the street. these addicts are cash in in the pastor of a mega church in ambrose, yet he is after dip in the pockets of the poor, poor by selling the drugs to the june of $5000000.00 g, g, g. so stay on the beautiful west coast of the united states. we're going to head to l. a. yeah, the jewel in the crown. beautiful place where all the 20 people want to be. but unfortunately it's also where 30 percent of americans homeless live. it's
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a place where $24000000000.00 has been spent to try to crack them not of addiction on homelessness, but it ain't working. check the video. i mean again, this is like something you would have seen in south africa in the 1980s. it's basically a shampoo town being irish, i know of the time shantytown means it means shanty old house, all the money, all the billions and they work in there pumping. it in. uh, but as long as people like the old pastor are cashing it out and they going to work real. so you've got to ask yourself all this money that's been spent on combining drugs. what is this? oh, by nomics works by nomics. well actually uh finally uh, same family, same people, same area live in before bite and turned up our, our $11000.00 a year. worse off, check this. how many times we have to prove we can't be trusted. of course,
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so sleepy joe mumbled into the distance, the numbers never lie. you've got to look at the real numbers and they don't have a pretty picture for joe on his bike nomics, it's a came to power. the cost of property real estate has doubled. the cost of gasoline is up 60 percent, and even the cost of eating is 20 percent more. not everybody's unhappy with all sleepy. joe's view points on family values and the core issues that are important to your kids. i mind check this out. one of the men and dresses has decided to put on a very, very wholesome and finally orientated sho overstates. so it is a beautiful one. the video, even the kid looks completely freaked out by this lunatic address and some kind of the wizard of oz outfit and home phone is completely freaky. but maybe
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it's got something to do with the jose hanging around with all the obama brothers are the, the obama family when he worked with them. this liberalism, this idea that a guy can be a girl, a girl can be a guy. cat can be a dog, i both can be a parent, etc, etc. interesting. one of the senior advisers to old bar act that has found themselves in a little bit of hot water over in london. now he's been charged with multiple sex offences with kids. rough, i mean shy of quite a big crime. advisor is now looking at a bit of jail time over in the cold, blind, me my. so speaking of the u. k. the money charged there, richie rich, soon i the richest prime minister to ever take power. there and literally he took power because he was anointed he wasn't elected, has been giving us some sage advice, mental health, if you're depressed, if you're not feeling too hot or too good, you can make sure that you get the help you needs. but you've also got to get back
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to work. maybe you'll get back to work kind of find the hundreds of kids that have completely disappeared in the u. k. on the video, and if you're feeling anxious, so depressed. then of course, you should get the support and treatment you need to manage your condition. for that doesn't mean we should assume you call and engage inbox. that's not going to help you. and it's not fair on everyone else either. so that's great advice from old richie rich to not to never really have to do day's work in his life himself. meanwhile, he's decided to send 500000000 pounds over to z boy. so lansky, interestingly, the port all the english children and british children, they can always down their sorrows. they being selected as number one, child alcoholics by the world health organization. nice work with you, rich. and speaking of google will cry, you know, at least the money is getting results, right. the 61000000000 that the americans are given should get them about 50
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percent of a fail counter offensive if you do the numbers. but some good news news flash, getting word for risk where the truman levrets i've been saying advancing and also the cobblestones. oh, but there's a problem there on the back of russian military folks. check this. yeah. well you just do it. it's just great. just the, the joy of the soldiers voice. now remember, these are the leopards that at all the novel crew and all the devout ukraine, e x, were telling us we're going to be released. and these zip codes, this was a huge mean for the blue and yellow crew avenue. didn't seem to tank out as well as it could have done sooner, said they're on in time out of fashion. the russians are really, really troubling the poor old deutschland, as at annotate shop in moscow, someone decided to give a bit of love to the parole. released leopards. check this out to
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a tasty monument to nato's great success. destroyed nap odd. oh my goodness me. this is most coolest fans or oh, of course, i know we're going to depart moscow. leave those poor old efforts to their own devices to i'm going to hit the shanghai in china. and you may recall a couple of days back. poor old tony blinking arrived in shanghai and he arrived there was no red carpet, there was no bond playing. it was quite a sort of dial rivera been single, may be put when you see our old friend z, boy, he was we created in great detail at a sick show. yeah. a sick show in china. yeah. for sure. and a full size model of him. and merged, check it out. now it turns out that you can have fully functioning intercourse with us all if you have a mental illness. honda is really shanghai and head back to crying. it seems
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obvious that a lot of young man, maybe $6700000.00 of them who took off out of ukraine and decided they didn't want to die for bomb. the liar, sleepy joe dinardo fewer have absolutely no plans to go back and why? that's what they were on the video. like going back to the level. where do i sign up for a visa shop? i'll leave the beach. i want to drove straight into the face for that. no, we're good. we're all pretty sweet. the it's a great you know, so let me think objectively i can have the beach i can have uh you know, a uh malibu cocktail or i can get a blank of um, all the way from the polish border to uh,
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back moved oh yeah, it's a no brainer bro, so as the ukrainians decide not to come home to die for as a lensky. interesting, just to days after the us decided to give another $61000000000.00 a us taxpayers money to the landscape. us state department also decided to release a little report very quietly. now that report and outlined you claims problems with things like force disappearance, binding, the church oppression of minorities violence against women abductions. remember, 300000 people have gone missing and ukraine in the last decade alone basically. so, why not phone ukraine is the past in a freedom and all things delightful and good, correct. i'm heading back stateside to maybe something we should all bear in mind
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is that, you know, the truth just isn't really relevant. doesn't really matter. everything we said tonight, everything we said in the last few episodes, so shit, because truth does not matter. and that's according to catherine mar, the ceo of america's biggest state funded media organization, radio tv, video, listen to katherine in our normal lives. these contentious conversations tend to a rep or a disagreement about what the truth actually is perhaps, for our most tricky disagreements seeking the truth. and seeking to convince others of the truth might not be the right place to start. and in fact, our reference for the truce might be a distraction that's getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. so we all have different truths. we all have different tubes. yeah. was
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called the truth. i wanted called shift. i'm giving katherine myers views on food and what's right and wrong, and being to see, or the biggest stay funded media organizations in the united states. it's hardly surprising that 7 percent of americans, only 7 percent. actually 1st the mainstream media and less than 30 percent. actually have a little bit of trust and surprise, surprise, right, captured? maybe that's not true. meanwhile, while the german leopards have been released and savvy captured and brought to moscow zoo for some chocolate cake. president, stine, maya of deutschland has decided to visit to tarkey on a very interesting visit. now remember, the germans have a huge turkish population there. so you'd imagine he would be very sensitive to cultural issues and bring something to reflect the rich cultural heritage of turkey . and germany and those links. yeah. he bought
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a huge goodbye of check. this is just own real process. does minor go to an item comes i've been i mean this is a can to bringing of the day though to orland thing on here. also have you ever data or a bottle of vodka, you know, to the russians on shipping on the british course, there's an interesting sight to this visit by hoss stein, maya to turkey with his john, come, bob, a german economy is in the spring, and it's not going to get better any time soon, but despite this and despite the happiness of cutting off cheap, pushing energy with the non bombing of the non north stream, which caused to worship on the south a wish above his own power stations, its own skills. hospitals, a, you know, you know, the story that despite all this, some of these politicians are very, very and susie optic, something about my hand, about the whole slide that you probably need to check to see if there's an
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assignment. i've noticed a little bit about the, is it something that there's something in the something wrong with the um, it keeps going up. so that brings us to the end of our wiggles, stop tour of spill from the united states, the homeless design of the apocalypse. it seems that the political leads and the states in london, uninsured, many always seem to have enough money for a leper tank. a junk above or 6768001000000 trillion at this stage who's even in county. we'll be here next week to keep an eye on your money and where to send this to you that partial, i think that was a good and wasn't the
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the russian states never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense of the speed, the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services with question, did you say to stephen twist, which is the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better world. and is it just because it shows review, fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground can
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hi, i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change dwayne, say, in the united states, try new. i'm out of the sanctions on russia. that's the best thing. the that's kind of happened to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture, against the other items, or made russia fetus tardies that song. so it's all that good culture. and now,
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so the major bryant export are no longer dependent on the united states and europe . the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except we're such shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind and justification for should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the a robot must protect this phone. existence was on the exist the
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well as long as it's food and beverage company is bouncing a scandal of allegations it's selling healthy or baby food. so western nations and supplying developing countries with alternatives, touch with sugar. also he speaks with an african physician. here's a case, the company of negligence has lots of health education, negative health institutions for the children, the french president say 0 because in danger and most note ok. so the us to bounce cold the same week is the us secretary of state. so it's full. the you about his relations with china during his trip to paging and to be 9 times, but boeing is a tie of holes off. one of its jets in johanna is the is the late to safety sky. so the saving the gas prone ashcroft manufacturing.


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