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tv   News  RT  April 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the world's largest food and drinks company faces scandal over allegations it's selling health care baby food to western nation and supplying developing countries with alternatives. packed with sugar parties speaks with an african positions who's accused nestle it has a lot of health vacation, negative health indications. richard russia sloan's the social media post by which you any is on buffet or to sweden for suggest that try me in bridge is to be at the start again soon urging people to take photos of the crossing before it's in the story. and also add on the program turbulent times for boeing as a tire falls off of it gets in johannesburg. it is a late to say for the stair,
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for this evening, the scandal pro for profiting the with the top stories for the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly on archie food john nestle has found itself in boys in controversy as it faces planes. now that pushes baby food product packwood, sugar in developing countries, but offers much healthier alternatives in western nations. we've heard from african women like using the multinational of malpractice and i go to the hospital. there is as we say see to them. we databases are bcc with all that. and they said um this from to the i was surprised myself. so i had to withdraw
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every use of leslie for the, for now, it has a lots of health education, negative health integrations, under childrens micro organisms help to maintain the protective layer in the go to prevent unwanted influences in the body. so the good sounds like a binary i protecting virus on this, i did, she does bring that very, i don't. well, our teeth knew if you couldn't get it has been taking a closer look of how western food companies are seemingly fueling out on healthy diet. in developing countries, a chat in south africa like in many parts of the african continent, maybe molten serial are a booming business and 2 european companies dominates the field for giants initially and didn't produce palmer that's but as of late initially has found itself entangled in control of a seat, because what positioning yourself as a solution to serious life threatening issues like hung up a study by switch into
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a public i saw on the company pushing products designed for children and developing countries that are packed with added should that the world health organization recommends that should, that isn't added into a baby's biased towards any one's diet until they 2 years old. and one of the issues that we see of the nest or a quote for some of the fact that is added sugar in some of the poor countries, is that the reason the sugar is bonded to either by names today's own. so mission to global move, countries or so called waste and countries is because they are recognized, but this is a to a nutritional outfit for young children. next slide, producers need, i'm not just full babies, but they produce fruitful people. wages and in 2021. there was a major scandal way. there was an internal memorandum leak but showed that may say acknowledges but up to 60 percent of the food portfolio is unhealthy. and one of the reasons it's unhealthy is because the add additional sugar. so if you can
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develop a sugar of dependency and young children was, they would see them consume as that means you'll have consumers for the rest of your life, for your unhealthy products. who actually took the time to visit one of south africa's biggest super markets and found that so the silicon baby serial had sugar in it. but there was no specification as to how much it contains, unlikely as the ingredients. but in contrast, infant formula and serial, sold in switzerland and on the main you will pin markets with a company at this headquarters couldn't seem to notice sugar. and they say has a history dating back to the 1970s of reportedly violate to break the lease has put in place to protect the children, including the elated use of talk me by end of the accusations of sending formula to the poor countries, which is less healthy then the natural alternative of priest of milk and some countries including south africa, has even puts in place recreations that prevents companies like loosely from
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aggressively promoting the consumption of outside process fluids, including products with a high sugar content. the reason that they've really strict regulations including himself, i forgot that these companies like mesa, often breach when they makes these claims is because it's, i'm the minds and discourage just woman from breast feeding. now, why would you price feed rather than give you a child commercial for me on moke? well, 1st is put in have all of these additional home full i'm products contained to ingredients . so it can be for a lot of matters, especially in south africa, access to say central liable to supplies. it's really difficult. so when this is preparing the formula moves, it means that they are exposing their children to die raging diseases. they believe that they would be more consequences in these couple. most countries, i think it stains from a genuine belief that they can exploit for
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a countries um that the populations will stand for it. and they know that if they have these harmful products in the market way, they are overrated. and way they show straight holders and executives, and that, that they might actually use their reputation in their own countries. and then those who use the support that their country is gives them when they busy with these international shenanigans, despite the evidence presented mislead, denies all the integrations against it. will have undertaken significant efforts to minimize sugar content throughout our product range, including the face removal of edits, sugars, so just so gross and gluco syrup from our growing up milks for children above 12 months. worldwide, we apply the same nutrition health and wellness principles everywhere aligned with international guidelines and regulations. this includes compliance with labeling requirements and thresholds on carbohydrate content, including sugars, parents, children and communities in these poor countries,
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especially in covert district and citizens of africa. we mothers have no choice but to feed the children with these products have resulted to the one thing that had abandoned as a result of these products. breast feeding. when i 1st heard about the news, i decided to throw the products away. i don't use them anymore until i know they're still parents who have no other choice but to feed their children with these products using siri, lack is easy. you don't need electricity or too much water, especially as people who never have voice and electricity. but for the life of our child is no other way to ask and the government to check these things before the end of the country for the sake of our children and the future. why would they allow us to feed all babies with dangerous cereals? they don't even tell us to warn us that clinics. well, i understand that it's a business, right? but if you're going to be marketing, put on school babies, like you would a cigarette, folks say this is not how healthy or it's harmful for the lows. i think they should be a key, a warning sign,
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you need to make the quincy male aware of the consequences of using the product for all the all growing pools for africans to buy costs of these products. such tweak is limited only if you are willing to speak on some of the issues, perhaps. so we can just how big and influential such would joins have become littlefield couldn't get oxy. johannes vic, no hundreds of protesters took to part of the streets this week to raleigh against the european union, a nate, so demanding from to withdraw from those organizations. demonstrators from dish made signs with slogan summing, the west military and political bodies. footage also shows french opposition party lead, a florian sleep poll here treading in un nato flags while addressing crowds. from the stage, the rawlings came made the backdrop of president mccullin's repeated suggestion seeking more aid for
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t of an even to deploy enough still troops to ukraine. protest. just say the international organizations have become instruments of what the living needle is part of our program to begin all our freedoms. because nato is run by washington by the deep american states. general eisenhower was denounced at the end of these 2 terms in office 20, excessive hold of this military industrial complex was threatening the us and the holes were initially, the european union was sold as an instrument for peace, but it is clear that the opposite is true. since the use adding fuel to the fire and encouraging the work, particularly through the sale of farms is one piece. we have to get out of the european union. and i'll just make sure that no european politicians are taking their support for keith. one step further this time by replacing diplomacy with threats issued to moscow. on his x,
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i typed the list to any of them buster to sweden posted a picture of russia's pride in bridge and launched rocket warning that people should take photos of it. while it's still spending his post, which generated thousands of use on line called strong reactions, you might expect people on social media suggest the different months post is nothing less than a terror threats, as is quoting for destruction of critical infrastructure and risking civilian lives . moscow was also quick to respond, saying that such a quote i guess would be regret it in the future. looks like and same as the course garad, the tweet on north stream. stop a dash, which she call her legal aid at later inspire serve while baltic us slab dogs. they rapidly bark now, but they will pathetically wind later when the judgment day arrives. and all such a gas will be something that will regret ukrainian intelligence is now talking its 3rd attack on the crime in bridge,
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calling its destruction inevitable. that's according to western media reports published earlier in the month, the bridge connecting the crime in potential that with the rest of the mainland has been targeted twice already with car problems on drones since the framing conflict again, 5 people were killed with key obtaining responsibility for the attacks which must go caused acts of terrorism. what sweden based research are uncommon to the greg simon's totaled, archie, it's increasingly clear. western politicians aren't concerned about civilian casualties. the western diplomats these days are bravo, mysterious, because of some anti diplomacy which they engage. and so i think the amounts before engaging the price, you have both of the has the area in the cycle for you waste, which is a select concept. and it's not making any sense because you can imagine what i would say if someone from china,
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iran or russia tweeted typed the last picture of london bridge because it's going to go down. so you live in a very much of a fantasy will the end of echo chamber, they don't care about the depth of civilians. i mean, this is about somebody calling to pc veterans signaling. so showing that somehow russia is vulnerable, a box of pulls. they're trying to protect the weakest points to make this point because things on the bathroom failed and not going the way anticipated by the waste or ukraine. since the beginning of the conflict. ok to asian destructive scenes from china and where a tornado has left. at least 5 people dead and 30 more injured incredible scenes. the natural disaster struck the capital city of one don't. province in southern china, which is a large manufacturing hub,
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video shows the scale of destruction that took place during afternoon hours and mainly affected factory buildings. the tornado came just days after extreme rain for flooded the same chinese province closing for debts and forcing the if i could ration of tens of thousands of people. as a boeing plane has been forced to return to johannesburg after one of its tires fell off. during take off the flight safe urge, it was on its way to cape ton when the incident occurred were watching at the moment, the passenger pin successfully made an emergency landing. it comes as us aircraft giant. boeing is being bothered by extreme turbulence right now itself having being accused of cutting corners to at lot of the company, bigger profits, ortiz donald quarter, picks up the story from their, the planes running off the taxi ways paneling falling off mid flights, windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month,
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owings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company has faced 30 to whistle blower complaints over the past 3 years. it comes just days after one of the companies engineers turned whistleblower to the senate floor and acute says bosses of cutting corners on the production line. are these points say right now i would not. you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it, the big earthquake is common, but when been that hits the building that, you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup. you know, it has to be built properly, right? now remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being built per spec, per require. i literally saw people jump in on the pieces of the airplane to get them to aligned a call of the cars on the effect among other improper methods. the aerospace giant attempted to once again whitewash the situation. this time was the last minute
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twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up to, they get very little feedback. and if they insist, they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up or even worse. but doctors allegations seem even more convincing when we consider the story of john barnett, a former bowing employee, who also cried. fowler mysteriously died last month, apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering key evidence to present and a lawsuit against his former employers. o, as in charles, pushing by defects or suppliers, well i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the
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$41.00 section correlation. it's charles and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant that needed engineering intervention. when i return to charleston, my senior manager told me we had found so many defects and he was going to take the next trip southern extra or you went on to them. i inspectors. and when they got back, they were given actively, slowly, planning 50 dfcs for its part. boeing rejects these accusations that it retaliates against concerned employees and even says it's making it easier for its workers to file complaints. a buoyant increase the promotion of the speak up reporting system result in the more than 500 percent increase in the number of submissions during the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. increased reporting of the sign of progress stored or robust reporting culture. all the while safety incidents continue to go through the roof with boeing,
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struggling to fulfill safety orders by airlines. after 2 deadly 737 crashes in 20182019. then in march of this year alone the paddling flew off of $1737.00 mid flight. another had its windshield cracks and 50 people were even injured after being thrown around the cabin of a $78079.00 during a so called technical event. it all seems to add credibility to the damning accusations of the former boeing engineer, who spoke to the senate alongside solve for the department of justice and f. b. i relied on this landed results of the 1st max accident investigation to develop the legal and unjust deferred prosecution agreement. the n t s b chair reiterated the congress that boeing has said there are no records documenting the removal the alaska airlines door. this is a criminal cover up records do in fact exist. i know this because i personally pass them to the fbi. i to make matters worse for the company. stocks have dropped 35 percent this year,
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making boeing the 2nd worst performing company on the s and p 500 index. these are the same people who want to make flying cars by 2030. it's an idea that was more than crazy enough to bring out the internet. trolls no tags. they can't even make reliable fine planes yet. will the doors and windows full off? i want to know thank experience. they already protected flying doors. hell know if it's boeing, then i'm definitely not going the secretary of state to had a problem with his boeing plane twice already and even had to travel by car. so it's potentially lease old technical failures continue to pile up. it's likely more and more people from all walks of society will go out of their way to avoid boeing aircraft altogether. bunch of stuff on around the world, go ahead with their long awaited guess project, despite us warnings not to do so. during his trip to his mom about meeting and present, right,
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easy discuss the final steps to implement the movies which was due to be completed in 2012, but was delayed by pakistan to to fears all of us functions. the able to humor easy reiterated during the meeting that the pipeline can be used to benefit both nations . destroy out of came out of the twenty's, we consider the long border between the 2 countries to be an opportunity. we believe that this opportunity can be used during how does the welfare of the 2 nations, especially residents of border areas. our short visit to a border area along with his excellence see the prime minister with a show of cooperation between the 2 countries in board of trade and board a market. this can definitely be expanded to activate. it cannot make a city and trade hardy with a very useful conversation and with the grace of god, we have discussed some great detail and mutual relations between the 2 brothers with countries, religion, culture and percent in investment security. and this whole piece of pipeline has been on the back burner for more than
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a decade in the wake of the western sanctions on the launch. but now the fatal, the long delayed gas pipeline has to be a president where he sees a trip to pakistan. as his law, bob has signal that it will no longer wait for the west winds to go ahead with the much needed projects. is natural gas from here on is vital for pakistan, given the pressing need to lead to be energy demands of its vast population of 214000000 years. which background of what has happened so far? back in 2009, there weren't signed an agreement to pipelines to transfer to natural gas to package. the vicious initiative supplying pakistan was up to 1000000000 cubic feet per day of natural gas for 25 years from its abundance reserves and the south farms,
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a gas field with delivery slated pakistan get one border pipelines extensive around $1100.00 kilometres within one and 780 kilometers within pakistan, each for to be responsible for is 14 their respective segments in their territory. everyone did complete his portion by 2020, by 2012 of course, and was ready to transport gas to pakistan by 2015. but that is not stored until 2013 a year later in 2014 back to the a wanting government to do it to us sanctions on it. one big send the contractors are willing to go ahead with the project on pakistan's side. here one at a time said based on the agreement on the cancellation of the project will require pakistan to be able to find. but after 10 long years of controversy is low on gave the approval to begin construction are going to be coming another section of the pipeline as part of the $7000000000.00 project pattern. stanley street senior,
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severe shortage of natural gas with 69 percent of its reserves already use the 1478 percent of households rocketing access to this essential resource. the scarcity results and frequent power outages for those lucky enough to have yes, connections impacting both homes and industries significantly. on the other hand, they want boasts or an impressive estimated $1200.00 pro here and cubic feet of natural gas reserves ranking 2nd globally, after russia. how stringent us sanctions hinder its energy exports on the sage, even as pakistan has recognized, it was vast potential to address its energy showing just want some throw. the west is now still standing in the doorsteps, worsening consequences during president's receipts visit to as well. my washington, once again, war pack us down, our sanctions of engagement rate was deborah. let me say broadly,
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we advise anyone considering business deals with iran to be aware of the potential risk of sanctions. but ultimately, the government of august on can speak to their own form policy, pursuits, so long as it shift its focus towards safeguarding its national interests and fostering friendly relations with neighboring countries. rather, not solely catering to the bottom with special demands of its american ally. many in pakistan view are the one as well. my gas pipeline project is more than just an energy d o. but as a listeners, they're still pakistan's autonomy and resolved to pursue its national interest in the face of external pressures from the west. this ship indicates that the group of washington is course of the measures, is one thing in various parts of the world and one has really recognized these dying. yeah, and it says evidence by presidents 3 seas remarks during the joint press conference
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with the highest as prime minister. shouldn't boss sorry for the emphasize that the west is not happy with everyone in pakistan's getting closer and pursuing the national interests. and i want to be reflecting on analyst observations, i'm raising his visit to pakistan. and this question was really fond approval of what gave us to be with this type of business dealings between 2 neighboring countries and a different geographical region. nearly 7 months into the war in gals that most of it's residential buildings have already been destroyed by the adf. and it could take at least 14 years while using a 100 trucks just to clear away all. busy of the rubble, that is the stark assessment from the top of the mining official of the united nations. what we know do know is that we estimate to $37000000.00
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tons of of debris which is approximately 300 feet of the re, per square meter. 65 percent of the buildings that have been destroyed or residential buildings. an estimation has been done based on the current number of, of tons of, of debris in engulf on with 100 trucks. we're talking about 14 years of work with 100 trucks. so that's based on that figure, 14 years to remove with approximately 750000 work days a while it is quite a sight and pure lot home or stress that it is impossible to estimate how long it's going to take to clean up the entire enclave when the war eventually. and he also mentioned a large number of unexploded munitions scattered across the ruins of guys. on average, some 10 percent of oil shelves. 5 reportedly failed to designate,
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leaving behind a deadly threat to any future reconstruction efforts. meanwhile, the u. n. and the world bank have one that it will take at least $18000000000.00 to rebuild what's already being destroyed in the in, baffled, posted in, tertiary the or joining us now. i from the side a capital is construction and reconstruction project manager. i meant yeah, yeah, who's got expensive experience all across the middle east. we appreciate your time today, sir. what is your assessment and hopefully move in the mining sheets estimate that
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it will take that figure. i run the decade on the half of the lease just to clear the existing level in dallas. so thank you for inviting me. so basically once the truck will be the tool, they move, set the price off to districts in that district. you also can get about 400000 buildings that has been completely or partially destroyed because they started in the army. and this would present that as, as there's x that supports you also can get both jets. everything is 50 times this trip size. so surely $100.00 truck with the, as with the, at this point that would be fine with 2 or 3 districts. but most was the when the district basically they say, sorry, i mean are very systematic when the tags,
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the building, the tags, the foundation and as this bullying. the problem was, um, was a partially destroyed buildings. is much more a bed and a $23.00 story building because it looked at $215.00 cases. it took the destroyed building will have to think about removing the price and reconstruction the construct again. but in salem is both, the partially destroyed been being switched coordinated to equal mid minute. so he said that when one of the 151 s housing buildings as being completely destroyed. i live up molds and dumping of this amount. and nobody's able to think about 281000 buildings as partially destroyed. and so at this point, it would make it a process to be billed to partially destroyed. because even if the building still stands, it's not lit up any more. and that's the situation right now, of course,
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the big issue is that the war is still happening. there's no end in sight to what's happening there. is it likely in that case then that this prospective period of recovery, the 14 years that's being talked about? that's going to get bigger and show me it based on that as that amount of resources. because at, in, in, in our case what i'm talking about district or do we have to think about the whole as trend and in such as possible destruction. it's like, what will it work to, you know, as a citizen has been to the, from, to scratch. what else to think about a huge resources required to be, to use, to remove that if there's, if it is. and then a bill times eco stock. as i said, you're talking about a huge exit doors, huge amount of trucks, specialty ins,
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at maybe some special equipment to do more. as i'm, as you said, is onyx for ex, excluded materials that are within the dippers. and this would be emissions that this would be a explosive material that can be explored any time when, as opinions drawings to essentially rebuilding a country. isn't that the sheer size, the sheer scale of this. for instance, you, you're one of the most experienced people in the middle east. all of this does it, does it link to anything you've ever worked on before the sheer scale of this and this huge amount of destruction. i don't think so because in this is that the face time we encounter this amount of destruction. and basically they say the army is trying to get into the city and they make it livable on anymore. so no one can


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