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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 29, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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respects the police and police officers are the best people we have. trump came to the farewell ceremony for the policeman and visited his family. biden didn't even call. three presidents are here to collect money, they are here to prevent a fourth president from entering the white house again, only one single president has come to pay tribute to the fallen policeman. our police officers know very well who supports them and who does not. biden has twice as much money in his campaign accounts. than trump, but they won’t buy votes in the fall, rating the current president is inferior, and his achievements are insignificant; almost 40% of respondents believe that biden has no achievements during his 3 years in the white house. denis davydov, aleftina sarokina, vesti. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. fighters from the dnepr group
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launched a massive attack on reserve ukrainian units and western equipment in the area of ​​rabotin and mikhailovka, and fired from hurricanes. just a few rockets of this complex are capable of destroying an entire fortified enemy area. reportage leonid muravyov. the sky is sunny and not cloudy, but this is not a guarantee of good weather. positions of the ukrainian military that dug in on the right bank. today a hurricane will hit, this powerful multiple launch rocket system will rush into position, the fighter call sign is a tramp all his life behind the wheel, he drives quickly, but as carefully as possible. i worked on a bus for 13 years, transporting people. a few kilometers off-road, the hurricane rolls out onto the field, the minutes begin to count. military personnel of the dnepr group quickly bring the installation into combat position. in such clear weather there is a lot in the sky enemy drones, but for the command of the ukrainian armed forces now. it is russian rocket
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systems that are the highest priority targets. is there enough air? yes, from the cockpit the launch of a rocket is almost unnoticeable, but outside there is a bright flash and a deafening roar. this is just a shooting. our reconnaissance drones record the arrival location and give corrections. now they will correct it, the next shot will be fired again. after the first shot. five shells go to the right bank, this is infantry , mostly some kind of equipment, after hitting the target, the installation is also collapsed quickly, the life of the entire crew depends on the coherence of actions, now it is very important to leave the firing position, because the enemy has already raised observation drones and will comb the square from where the shooting took place, so we are moving at the maximum possible speed, the hurricane is flying towards the gap through the thickets and windfall on... they are intended
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for false positions, for example, when we have completed a combat mission, we scatter checkers and leave, such as cover. during the day, hurricanes rarely work, because the enemy usually activates after sunset, ukrainian armed forces soldiers are still making attempts to cross the dnieper. full hurricane kit, 16 caliber rockets. having managed to launch the boats into the water. our car is called a beauty, it has killed dozens of ukrainian military men, it doesn’t help out and never lets us down. the rszz crew successfully reached the shelter; here they will stay for several hours while enemy quadcopters try to track them down. there is time to prepare for the next trip and transfer. get acquainted with the crew, commander with
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call sign latroa is a former police officer , he learned how to deal with a hurricane in the special operation zone, other guys, one electrician, one driver, one in general was a collective farmer who grew the zucchini there, it seems, so that’s how all the volunteers, everyone came here themselves, their second year away from home , they had already begun to acquire a household, got a dog as a mascot, they didn’t think about a name for the dog for a long time, hurricane, wish us luck, oh, now the rocket artillerymen have their own tradition: to pet the dog for good luck, so that they will certainly return with combat tasks. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. a monument to the children victims of the war in donbass was unveiled in the leningrad region. the ceremony took place under gadchina, next to the memorial to civilians who died during the great patriotic war. a sculpture of a young man carrying his murdered sister in his arms will be installed in the city. scary
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face, similar handwriting 80 years ago and today they do not spare either women or children. health camps in the moscow region received about 400 children from the belgorod region, which is subject to regular shelling from sides of ukraine. the children are being helped to forget the horrors of air attacks, and those who are studying at school will soon be able to start studying. anna balan will continue. such an instrument, a suitcase, of course, did not fit, but sasha refused to go to the camp without it, but now he organizes concerts. has your roommates appreciated your creativity? i don’t know, a wonderful neighbor just moved in with them.
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98 belgorod residents were placed in the camp near kolomna; these are children with special needs, so some came with their mother, some with their grandmother, and some with their entire families. were conditions specifically for families who have. the youngest myron turns one today. we prepared a shirt for mirosha’s visit, we want everything to be beautiful, like at home, we want a holiday, we want an ordinary life.
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hid in the bathroom, so for them now they basically didn’t wash, they were hiding for these 2 months, the bath is just a pleasure to wash, but the most important thing is that it ’s quiet here, calmer, of course, otherwise... it ’s always on work, they call at home, it started again, he hides constantly, right away peace inside, because at home , like clockwork, there will be a boom, now a siren, but still the children still have, if the tv is on, some children flinch if there is any noise, many children have not gone outside for months, now it’s impossible to drive home, though in belgorod...
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so that they don’t get bored with us during the holidays, their parents will also be busy, and from april 1, schoolchildren will begin lessons, in order to keep up with the program, we will conduct training within the walls of our camps, for this we have there are several rooms where you can conduct individual and group classes. only a few days have passed since they arrived, and these boys and girls are no longer recognizable. anna balan, egor vozhretsov, yulia antipova, ilya korchuganov, news. london, washington, paris, brussels are preparing for the collapse of the ukrainian army. the times reports this. the ukrainian armed forces are running out of weapons and ammunition. in words, the french
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president, ready to defend kiev, is still defending the agricultural markets of europe. the eu has expanded import restrictions on ukrainian oats, corn and barley. last but not least , the agreement of emmanuel macron. at the same time, the french leader tried to partially shift the burden of assistance to ukraine onto neutral brazil; alexander khristenko talks about what came out of this. during his brazilian trip, emmanuel macron met with the leader of the indigenous kayepo people in the amazon forest. the leader, named raone mituktira, is known for his exceptional bravery, and as a sign of this, according to local customs, he wears the largest labial disk up to 10 cm in diameter. have a similar, if not an accessory, then a title in europe, it seems, macron would also like, judging by his bellicose statements, the possible dispatch of western troops to ukraine, but in this sense there is nothing to present yet, so the pacifist -minded president of brazil lula is in no hurry to change his attitude towards the conflict, and
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he made a slip of the tongue for the president of france called sarkozy in the old fashioned way. sarkozy and i are going, macron, macron, yes, macron and i are going. at this time, in france, the minister of defense under sarkozy, morin, gave a long interview, where he generally confirmed the impression: macron with all his might wants to stand out from the background other leaders. even when it comes to extremely dangerous escalation. macron is a narcissist, as is often the case with narcissists, there are always useless provocations. this is a provocation of the child king, which he has been doing since the first days of his mandate. this could be attributed to criticism from political opponents, but current leaders are quite expressing themselves in the same spirit. i did not agree with macron's words. i told him this. i don’t agree with them, i am convinced that we should pay attention to what tone we use.
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after a series of emergencies with the death of servicemen of the polish army and the sudden death of general
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adam marczak, a message came about the removal from the post of commander of the eurocorps, general jaroslaw gromadzinski. polish military counterintelligence began checking him. but he was responsible for training ukrainian armed forces soldiers. but according to recent polls, almost 75% of poles do not want to go to any ukraine. these are mostly men who soberly assess the prospects, which are almost... written about in such gloomy tones... for the first time by the british times with the headline "the time has come talk about the fall of kiev." it's july and the russian army is at the gates of kiev. president zelensky speaks on emergency broadcast again repeating his defiant words first spoken in february of twenty-two, that he does not need to leave ukraine. just such a nightmare the scenario is now being considered by western politicians. events are forcing military and civilian leaders in london.
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not many years, maybe this can still help find a negotiated solution, i don’t see anything else, but in kiev they are still doing relying on weapons, against the backdrop of forced mobilization, huge losses and a gigantic outflow of population, zelensky paints a picture of how there will be a baby boom in ukraine, but this still requires air defense. the war will end, there will be a boom, the war will end and there will be a boom, finances, in my opinion, help, but they do not stimulate during war.
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in conditions when ukraine has long cut itself off from exports to the east, kiev, apparently, had no choice but to back down from the west. alexander khristenko, timofey mukhin, arina tretikova, lead. well and biden, who has not yet accelerated during the presidential race, wants to enter the white house under the hands of obama and clinton. there is a risk
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of slipping in november, taking into account the increasing frequency of transport collapses with booing planes and crashes of 70 kilos. on the ill-fated francis scott key bridge, nothing like this has happened in the usa for more than 20 years, 15 million dollars a day, this is just a preliminary assessment of the damage. there are those in america who are sure that the container ship was the target of a cyber attack. there are some on capital hill. a serious investigation is needed. what is this was? an accident or an international
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attack. trumpist taylor greene is already being ridiculed for this text, but is biden better? biden's first term is like his own third term for obama, but trump's first victory was a personal failure. in 2016, he seemed to lose to the republican himself when he bet on hillary clinton. so obama has to move to ever tighter guardianship. last friday at the white house over lunch there was a long discussion about the strategy to combat trump.
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biden's campaign gets a shake-up from an old friend who knows something about re-election to. presidency, last week barack obama spent several hours at the white house visiting his former vice president, and it was more than just a friendly visit. there are never too many old friends, and bill clinton was brought in too. today everyone will gather together at the new york radio hall. three presidents have teamed up to try to stop donald trump from returning to the white house. a stunning picture of how persistent the democrats are in this endeavor. three in the election boat. not counting the big ones money and stars, the meeting plans to raise $25 million, all in the shadow of trump. at the same time, president trump, at the invitation of his family , will attend the memorial service for the fallen new york city police officer. in the case of credit fraud. the republican was supposed to pay $454 million in bail, but at the last
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moment the amount was reduced to 175 million. trump has 10 days, but everything is going well. shares of his company trump media and technology group, which owns the social network trus, which is traded on the nazdak exchange, exploded in the first 24 hours up along the rocket trajectory. a parallel source of income is the book trade, the buyer immediately receives from trump a whole set, in addition to the bible, the texts of the us constitution, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, the oath of allegiance and the song: god bless america, which is performed at all trump rallies. this is very important, very important to me. many of my friends have this book. the republican candidate entered the top 500 richest people in the world for the first time. and he also continues to score political points, unlike his opponents. how it is not yet very clear how the courts will influence the elections. trump still leads biden 43 to 39 in national polls, but on
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the ground the situation is more complicated. and the outcome of the company, as usual, is decided. key states. biden's promise to increase income taxes on billionaires like trump has unexpectedly breathed new life into the democrat's election campaign. in wisconsin, he has already overtaken the republican, in pennsylvania he has caught up with him, and in all other key states, except georgia, he has reduced the gap. valentin bogdanov, ivanutkin and anna lvova, news usa. big pharma. scandal in japan: four people have already died and 106 were hospitalized after consuming dietary supplements containing red fermented rice extract. now not only dietary supplements are being recalled from the japanese market, but also another.
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i began to experience constant drowsiness , weakness throughout my body, and there was no normal sleep, and then i developed problems with my kidneys. red yeast
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rice is a product of fermentation, the corresponding shade is formed as a result of cultivating a special type mold. in japan it is produced on an industrial scale and sold in powder form. in the dietary supplement departments of japanese pharmacies, all preparations containing red yeast rice have been confiscated everywhere, but the problem is that the use of this raw material is not limited to pharmacology alone: ​​the list of products that contain red mold also includes juice , and bean paste-meat, baked goods, and food coloring, so until the true cause of death is identified, all of these products could potentially represent danger to life. over the past years, these products from kobayashi have been purchased on an ongoing basis by nearly 200 companies of various profiles. here... when
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it became known who our supplier was, i had the feeling that the name of our company was casually doused with mud and trampled underfoot. there is no evidence yet that in addition to tablets, other products containing red yeast also caused health problems, but retail chains across the country are withdrawing from sale. products prepared using this component, e.g. pies with meat or a side dish of rice with vegetables , while admitting responsibility in general, the company was never able to answer the question of what specific substance in their products was harmful; all the victims had been using these dietary supplements for a long time. having started reducing cholesterol in this way in april 2021, one of the patients died on march 23 of this year. primary symptoms are swelling. throughout the body, this in turn puts stress on the heart, resulting in heart failure as a result of long-term exposure. it's all getting worse kidney problems and leads to
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respiratory failure, which ultimately can most likely cause death. the scandal has already spread beyond the borders of japan, and one can definitely say that at least a serious blow to the image of japanese goods. in russia, products with red yeast enzymes do not have a certificate of conformity, so their sales are not legal. nevertheless , they are available in russian online stores, so rospotrebnadzor urges you to carefully read the descriptions and under no circumstances buy them. rospotrebnadzor reports that these products are not registered as dietary supplements in russia, and their sale is a violation of the requirements of acts that constitute the law of the eurasian economic union. in japan, the solution to the problem has been brought to the level of the government, which officially notified today. the world health organization that yeast products containing yeast may be hazardous to health, a large-scale inspection of potentially harmful products has been announced, the list
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of which includes about 700 items, however, how much time this will take is not tbc. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian news bureau, tokyo, japan. the investigative committee demands the arrest of another suspect in connection with the attack in crocus cityhole. he participated in the financing. he was detained the day before. evidence has been obtained of connections between militants and ukrainian neo-nazis. the investigation has information about the receipt of significant amounts of cryptocurrency money from ukraine by the perpetrators of the terrorist attack. today, investigative actions took place in the places where the terrorists lived. vitaly karmazin will continue. on these footage of the first verification of testimony on the spot , nineteen-year-old terrorist mohamadsabir fayzov was brought to a hostel in the north of the capital. fayzov is still in a wheelchair, surrounded by police officers. they took him inside and interrogated him, he came to the investigative committee, i don’t know what it was, but this was what happened, during the investigative actions the arrested person told everything in detail, showed the room where the terrorists lived, here it is, he had to
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tell where the weapons were kept , how they discussed the preparation of the attack, how they moved, why they chose crocus. after faizov they were taken to putilkovo to the second place of residence of the terrorists. at the same moment, in a technical alley in the central office of the investigative committee, the chairman of the department held a meeting during which the version about a possible ukrainian trace was revealed and confirmed. as a result of working with detained terrorists, studying the technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions. evidence of their connection with ukrainian nationalists was obtained. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data on the admission perpetrators of the terrorist attack significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine, which were used in preparing the crime. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime.
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another suspect has been detained for... financing terrorists. investigative actions continue in the hall itself; one of the terrorists was brought there in the late afternoon. the clearing of the rubble has already been completed, now investigators are working at the scene of the terrorist attack using the latest forensic technologies. they explore a vast area that has been burned. investigators are looking for new evidence and reconstructing the picture of what happened in the burned concert hall itself. new details of what happened at the entrance to crocus, when the terrorists were still on the street, visitors to the hollow. having heard the shooting, they began to build a shelter, overturned tables , hid behind them, barricades were erected by two friends, hussein's vugar in a green jacket and valentin nikolaenko in a black one, the frenzy closed other victims, he died along with his wife liliya, nikolaenko was shot in the back when he rushed to disarm the terrorist. at the moment when the terrorist was reloading, he ran towards him, but unfortunately, the terrorist was not alone, my mother managed to escape thanks to him. and my father,
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who in this situation did everything possible to save their spouses. it is known that the executioners carefully prepared the attack. we came to the crocus three times: on march 7, the tenth and the fourteenth. criminals constantly cruised the area around concert venue, they say they were seen on march 21 at this gas station, a two-minute drive from crocus. according to operational ones. we also have such data, but it has not yet been confirmed.
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kasimov, who rented out an apartment to terrorists. today a tas source said that they all knew about the impending attack. islomov and his two sons, who sold cars to terrorists, as well as kasimov, who rented out an apartment to them, were aware of the intentions of mirzoev, racha balezada, fariduni and fayzov to commit a terrorist attack, knew about its preparation, and contributed to them in this. it's not a matter of that they sold something. it was also known in the usa, in the new york times. confirmed the words of fsb director alexander bortnikov that american intelligence services provided russia with general information about the impending attack, it did not contain specifics. bad relations between washington and moscow have prevented american officials from sharing any information about the supernatural plot, fearing that russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources or methods. the publication is unclear whether american intelligence mixed up the time attacks or did the extremists postpone their plan
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after seeing increased security?
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sergei needed to recover; his blood was cleaned through ivs, as well as his lungs. obviously, numerous victims will be able to count on filing claims against the terrorists, the four arrested perpetrators of the terrorist attack. faces life imprisonment. vitali karmazin, maxim shchepilov, olga alenkina, igor ogeenko and yana streblyanskaya, lead. a test launch of the movement was carried out on a new overpass in the khimki region near moscow. instead of the old bridge, there a new junction was built. the reconstruction of the site will help relieve congestion on the leningradskoye highway and will significantly reduce travel time to shirimetyev airport. the exit from the international highway, where the road narrowed to one lane, has been widened. maxim oparin appreciated the advantage. construction equipment was the first to drive through the new section; a column of cranes, dump trucks and other large loads, led by data center patrols, gave the green light to everyone else. everyone who has ever
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flown from sheremetyevo, at least for themselves, i’ll say for sure, has always had an inner fear, the main thing is not to get stuck in this terrible traffic jam in khimki. by the way, this is the place, it’s time to end these fears. leningradka. we've been waiting for this overpass, thank you! leningradskoe took 40 minutes to get to this place, the highway on the maps from krasnoe instantly turned green, and these shots were taken just 5 minutes before, the traffic is not even moving, the opening of a new overpass is an event not only for drivers, but for all residents khimki i was filming at the moment when the first car started moving, you know? that was very touching, and you know, i will feel that everyone, all the cars were happy, and it was just a holiday, now it will be easier to drive to turn onto the vashtinskoye highway, we will get there faster thanks to this section that was opened, in this place leningradskaya
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highway now it bends slightly in an arc, the 500 m long overpass will provide comfortable traffic along four lanes in both directions, before this traffic went along the old road bridge built in the sixty-first year, not only is it technically outdated and... it slowed down the entire flow of cars rested on the bottleneck, so it was still badly damaged, repair work was carried out, metal scaffolding with a metal mesh was installed there, that is , the metal mesh at the top ensured that any pieces would not fall on the peregrine falcons. this section of the leningradskoe highway was slightly moved to the side so that there was room below for the construction of a high-speed railway from moscow to st. petersburg. an important facility has now been completed. this is a new modern intersection overpass leningradka and mcd-3, and it is made in such a way that we have a power reserve for laying the moscow -st. petersburg highway line, and here an interchange is made
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on the highway that goes to shiremetevo. we had to work in cramped conditions on the existing tracks of the mcd-3, they built in the gaps between electric trains, except for the overpass over leningradskoye... an overpass was built from the international highway towards the center, the old narrow exit was dismantled, it will now also be possible to leave sheremetyevo without traffic jams. from the international highway there has always been a traffic jam on leningradskoe highway, now this problem has been eliminated due to the acceleration lane, which will be included in leningradskoe highway, and accordingly there will be practically no traffic jams. according to analysts' estimates in the morning, travel time on certain sections of leningradka will be reduced by almost a third. maxim aparin, pavel glazunov, alexey aksenov, yulia antipova and tatyana popova, vesti. in the capital region, rescuers have strengthened control over the safety of reservoirs. the rivers began to flow, and due to the active melting of snow the water level in some areas rose sharply to dangerous levels. due to the flood
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, the panton bridges on the oka and moscow rivers were closed. pedestrians and drivers will have to look for alternate routes in the next month. which is to make a maximum of gestures in a minimum. lomni looked lively just the day before. news. its closure due to incipient floods came as a complete surprise to local residents. the metyaevsky bridge was closed today at 9:00 am, after the water level rose to its maximum critical level, it became it is clear that flooding of the roadway can occur at any moment. an important transport artery, the bridge over moskvareka, 150 m long, connects the city center with one of the outskirts; people travel along it to work in the clinic and to shopping malls. now, in order to get to the opposite bank, motorists... have to make a decent detour, and this is an extra 40 minutes. how important is this bridge anyway? very, very important indeed, because without it, traffic will be blocked completely, due to the rapid due to the onset of flooding in the lakes , the only bridge across
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the river had to be hastily closed. we managed to do it in time, by today, the water in the oka had already risen by almost 2 m. such bridges are not built up, along the river, with the help of a winch, as if they were fastened to the shore. the peculiarity of this bridge is that it is pontoon or, as they also say, floating , that is, a small amount of water is enough for the structure to stagger, and pedestrians and cars can simply be washed into the river, but the greatest danger for such structures is... the dins in these frames are good you can see how they are beating and the rest of the supports are breaking; if the bridge had been left in place, the ice drift could have simply demolished it. it is now difficult to understand when traffic on the bridges will resume; last year they were closed at the end of march and opened only a month later; in the meantime, all rescue services in the moscow region have gone on high alert, awaiting the arrival of high water. the level of water rise is monitored by cameras in the safe region, which are installed on city beaches. near bridges. rescue boats patrol
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water areas of okiya, moscow rivers in kolomna and ozyory, where bridges have been built, help people in emergency situations to cross to the other side. now, it means that the situation is very difficult at the moment, assistance is being provided to the population, because the crossing is very difficult, no boats are landing, so now all hope in the ozersky district is only with us. the ministry of emergency situations warns that this is just the beginning, and due to the large amount of snow, the flood this year will last at least a month. in the basement the inhabitants of this house on ivy are afraid,
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that it was about to collapse, all because of renovations in the basement. the owner occupies 1500 km, the entire internal perimeter of the basement. the premises were converted into a warehouse for one of the marketplaces; they say people carried out the work without approval, destroying the interfloor ceilings and foundation. no, well, barbarism, barbarism, this is the fundamental part, already the foundation, the foundation has been cut out. the arrival of the police and legal grounds to stop did not help. the law enforcement did not find the construction site, we called 112 twice, we have a threat, they say the word threat, well, it’s a threat, but nothing what happens is that there were huge gas cylinders standing there, but now there are no more cylinders inside, warehouse workers are preparing for the start of sales, packing goods, laying out boxes on the shelves, all this in the presence of bridge housing inspectorate employees, so here the opening has been enlarged, but here there have been no changes inspectors say a lot about the layout, there is no coordination here. previously there was a lift in this place according to the plan for building
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the house, now it has been moved, and the relocation was agreed upon, but not yet, the owner’s representatives do not see a problem in this, supposedly since the construction of the house , there have been utility rooms for shops here, this is the bti, the archival bti from the year 1973, here it is written, in the seventies, respectively , and right up there, probably until the nineties, there was a grocery store here, it was a single room, here is the first floor but it was connected to the basement by transport belts, there really was a grocery store, no one has broken the main partition here in private hands, the basement has not been broken since the late nineties, the current owners of the premises purchased the premises from an individual in 2017, and recently handed it over to rent for a warehouse, you can see the green pipes, the fire pipeline has been restored, this is not some kind of warehouse, i don’t know some individual entrepreneur and so on, this is an official organization that has certain standards.
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does not threaten the strength of the house or restore the premises to its original form, the residents insist on the second option. alexey knor, pavel vitrinsky, ilona agasieva, news. a guilty verdict was handed down in moscow in a criminal case against a realtor who defrauded her clients of tens of millions of rubles. the swindler committed fraud with documents about purchase and sale of apartments, deeds of gift and powers of attorney, but the victims lost in civil courts; her video blog helped expose the fraudster. alexander with details. my name is vasilisa abraksina, i
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work as a realtor in moscow in the near moscow region. just recently she promised to teach everyone how to make millions, and now she is already being led in handcuffs through the corridors of the court. she wanted to escape with a large sum of money, 38 million rubles. on the day she purchased the tickets, she was just detained. the real estate agent fled abroad from deceived clients, and...
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true, without master keys, she misled the bank employees, saying that she had lost the key to the safe deposit box, paid a fine, took money from the safe deposit box for a large sum of money , left the bank, but that could have been done, but of course not, after 3 months this apartment was sold by someone -that girl, she doesn’t have an apartment or money for you, in these footage from cctv cameras the moment of another crime, apraksinina brings clients to the notary for a power of attorney, according to which they will soon lose everything.
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how did she persuade me to rewrite the apartment for her, sell the apartment , pay off the debt, in fact the apartment became opraxin , and i was left with nothing, while all the civil courts of the victim of the black realtor lost, because they themselves signed the deeds of gift, the scammer was deceived, got burned on a video blog, you should know how, well, how to sell? an apartment with a debt, with the same alcoholics or drug addicts there, especially if you want money, these are cash transactions. here is apraksina bragging to her subscribers about her brokerage accounts on the stock exchange. experienced researcher anna dugina guessed compare the amounts with those indicated in the victims’ statements, and immediately demanded that
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the fraudster be arrested. during her arrest , personal belongings were found on her, including a mobile phone. thus, we established where she went and how she disposed of the stolen money. amounts, some of the accounts were seized, and today the court issued a verdict in the fraud case. the final punishment was 6 years in a general regime prison colony. the victims will receive their apartments back; the transactions that were concluded will be declared invalid by the court. this is ideal however, how long will the courts last in these cases, because the apartments already have different owners of the same fimida. alexander karpov, savichev village, oleg dobin, news. the moscow zoo showed new footage of the panda cub katyusha. they show that the resident, who was born in moscow, has already completely settled into her enclosure and is not even afraid of the employees who come to her. since the beginning of march, katyusha, together with her mother din-din, has been going out into the large outdoor enclosure,
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where visitors to the zoo can see the baby. well, further news from us regional. a special fire regime began to operate in the trans-baikal territory; about thirty forest fires and almost 300 landscape fires were recorded there. with details anton kolganov. 30 forest fires, almost three hundred landscape fires , have already been recorded in the region this year. and the spring months, as always.
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to another responsibility. the reason is simple: careless handling of fire. with a strong wind it becomes uncontrollable, but in the spring there are many people who want to visit the forest and make a fire for barbecue, and here there is. even during the period of the most severe restrictions on visiting forests in transbaikalia , there are places where you can relax in the lap
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of nature, and such special barbecue areas must be equipped here; they are located, in particular, on the banks of the ingada river in the sukhatino region. however, such places must be determined by a special order of the municipal government, and it is also obliged to equip safe recreation areas. anton kolganov, vitalkvashnin, read. and in ugra, the gradual closure of seasonal roads and ice roads began crossings the spring thaws noticeably changed the structure of the ice. elena shamshaeva attended the monitoring procedure together with rescuers. rescuers are sent with a saw and a ruler to monitor the coverage of reservoirs in urai. the first cut of the cube is made not far from the bank of the kanda river. you can hear in the comments that it goes like clockwork, which means that the substance, which looks impressive, in itself already cuts easily.
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that’s it, there’s nothing left of the autumn ice, the water has already washed it away, washed it, peeled off, that’s it, that’s it, he’ll lie down now 5 minutes, it will become completely white, so, in two more places on the river, three samples are taken for measurements, everywhere there is a different depth, and accordingly the thickness of the ice too. 10 cm, the middle is the difference from the edge to the shore, because firstly, on one part the depth is shallower , that is, it warms up, washes more, naturally the ice there becomes thinner, from march 25 in uray , going out on the ice is prohibited, compliance with this rule is monitored through a video surveillance system, today one of the main tasks is to prevent a possible incident, an operational duty shift and a single the duty dispatch service is monitoring. coastal zone of the kanda river, the river itself, which means, with the help of video cameras installed on the embankment
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, when it is revealed that children and people appear on the river, they will be sent to the emergency rescue service of the department of internal affairs to remove people from the ice, and to prevent similar situations , prevention was carried out, primarily in schools, on the eve of the holidays in each class, a conversation with teenagers, on the river: there is almost no ice, this is all that is worth, this is such a pile, this is a dream dead naled, when the situation is described eye to eye, the information is perceived better, the schoolchildren have understood the theory, now the main thing is that in practice they remember the dangers of spring. the chief rescuer of our city, urai, told us very interesting information about the ice that is created on the ice, which you can step on and fall through, it seems to be very dangerous, and you need to know this, and if you don’t know this... how can you harm yourself and others , with this conversation i realized how important it is to think about the actions that you
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you do while walking. you should always remember what you are doing while walking, today the river, its coastal zone, is not a place to rest, when the ice is cut, you can see 35 cm, this is just the visibility of the covering , of which about five centimeters is ice, everything else is frozen snow, which becomes loose during active activities. sunshine. going out on the ice is strictly prohibited, despite the fact that it is white in color, it is covered in snow, we have already found it in some places, we already have washes along the shore, that is, there is ice there it’s no longer there, everything is completely coming off, ice is slowly forming in a few places, but it’s already there, so you can’t walk. elena shamshaeva, alexander kashkin, lead khantemansiysk district. in kusbas , a unique blasting technology was widely presented for the first time. at a coal mine. its main feature is minimal seismic impact. the system allows explosions to be carried out, significantly reducing their magnitude. this
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reduces the impact on the environment, people and buildings. report by andrey ufimtsev. absolutely none from the observation deck traces of detonation of any visible ground movements. upon closer inspection , only subtle consistent vibrations of the surface are noticeable. this ensures minimal impact on the environment of people and buildings. this is the new technology we are at'. together with our scientists , 100% russian development , the overall concept is changing, the overall approach is changing, the understanding of what an explosion is, that is , it has no effect, the explosion is invisible, for clarity and comparison for guests of the kedrovsky coal mine demonstrated an explosion using traditional technology, new technology excludes education. the cloud reduces the magnitude of subsoil vibrations to virtually zero; even seismic stations do not record them. the project was developed within the framework of the clean
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coal, green kusbass program. minimal environmental impact is achieved through the use of advanced technology. electronic system for initiating blasting operations, it became possible to accurately program the time to slow down the activation of the substance in each well; this has never happened in russia. that, that many miners came today, they know about the kuzbas open-pit coal mine, about your company, that this is the most advanced, the best, not only in russia, but abroad, when we had the first comparative explosion on jades, then all the miners are thinking, so where the same effect, why doesn’t it fly, why doesn’t it buzz, that’s why kusbass is looking at you all over russia. innovative silent explosions are already actively used at the kusbas coal mine enterprises, primarily the new technology is used where coal mines are adjacent to populated areas, to help coal miners and other digital solutions, they help make open-pit coal mining more efficient and safer. andrey ufimtsev,
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lead kuzbass. in kamchatka, the registration of winter routes of wild animals has been completed. in search of traces, scientists skied more than 400 km. our correspondent, alexandra ostrikova, will tell you what these studies provide. stone-birch forest, here ran in that direction, a hen-patka, one thing, if there were 10, they would write 10. scientists follow the tracks of wild animals, carefully studying them and recording them. the area of ​​one of the oldest reserves. kronotsky's russia, huge, more than a million hectares. this year, 20 employees counted the animals along their tracks, skiing about 400 km. a whole month was spent on this field research, but this is only the first stage; to proceed to the next helicopter, we will have to fly over several cordons to pick up the census takers. the first landing is a cordon at the airfield, and behind me is the kronotsky volcano, after which
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the kronotsky nature reserve was named. some. minutes of parking, the winged car goes to the kranok cordon, three are assigned to it route, the weather plays an important role in such work. we didn’t manage to go through all of them, since weather conditions don’t always allow it, because surveys need to be carried out after the snowfall has passed, we need to wait a day and then go to take into account the traces of this daily movement of animals, and we go on skis to our route all the tracks that we encounter on our way... we take into account, write down in the log, this year, according to my observations, there seem to be fewer hares, the main objects of the census are the hare, sable, fox, wolverine, wolf, elk , otter and lynx. despite the weather, this year experts were still able to explore most of the 28 routes; a small area covered with hard crust turned out to be inaccessible. the most correct method is when there is
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a chubby hole, and you cross it out, that is, you go. he simply makes a crosshair with a ski pole on each mark he encounters, so that later they do not repeat, in order to understand which means is better. another planting on the ipuin cordon, it is famous for its unique relict chapin spruce forests and special love tourists. after collecting all the data, scientists will proceed to the next stage. they provide this data to the scientific department, and the scientific department analyzes it. if we look at the registration card. we will see that they encountered so many traces, so many animals, and exactly from this moment the analysis begins according to a certain methodology. such research is one of the most important environmental activities; they have been carried out in the reserve for more than 50 years. in a month, when all the information has been processed, scientists will be able to reliably announce the number animals. all this data will be included in the chronicle of nature of the kronotsky reserve. in addition,
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if the number of some species of animals has decreased or, conversely, increased, specialists will try to determine the reason and understand what this can lead to. alexandra ostrikova, kamchatka news. a blacksmith from the kolyma village created a machine for weaving camouflage nets. the design cut production time in half. the inventor's assistants are schoolchildren who learn blacksmithing from the master. report by ekaterina isaeva. showed me fingers. how many fingers? the output should be this much. discipline turns the dangerous. production into an entertaining process , the youngest blacksmith is eight, the case was found for ivan and his ten-year-old sister, the guys are drilling a stand that will form the basis of the machine, special teeth will also be attached there , they will secure this mesh, it will not dangle, it will be tightly stretched, it will be more convenient for teset, the father of fatinia and ivan, the rector of the village church
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of st. blessed xenia of petersburg and yerei, is working nearby nikolai prepares metal rods. they will make 180 holders, one of the problems is the mesh, if there is any wideness, why is it difficult to work with wood, nails, screws, everything clings everywhere, but with us everything is sanded down, everything.
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no father, hereditary blacksmith, participates in the fourth assembly of structures. i needed to weld the seams so that this design would be reliable and the drum would not fall. the shadow machine developed for volunteers was appreciated in magadan and is used in the village of sokol. this design is expected 300 km away in the village of armon. of course every blacksmith has his own secrets in his work, but they don’t make any secrets about the design of the machine for making camouflage nets, they are ready to share the scheme. volunteers from belgorod and khabarovsk became interested, and we did it as much as we needed, reeled it in, secured it, that’s it, it doesn’t move anywhere, the progenitor machine doesn’t stand idle , the craftswomen laid the seventeenth
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camouflage net on it, and although the kolyma spring has not yet arrived, the colors were changed to summer, it turns out to be a wonderful bow, you see, additional camouflage, as if it were grass, open hearts keep up with the engineering inventions of blacksmiths, growing. i need a lot of dressing material, so my work, my type of work does not end, gauze bandages, dry showers , boklavs are already ready to be sent to the special military operation zone, a three-meter
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camouflage net, the volunteers finished in front of the news film crew, this is targeted parcel for those mobilized from the village of ustyomchuk. ekaterina isaeva sergey chikharev, makadan news. these are the main messages for this hour? i'm maria sittel, thank you! behind attention, all the best, see you soon. maybe you should wash your hair again? no, no need, very little time. marin, uh-huh, marin,
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tell me, i need it for highlighting, listen, can’t you see that i have a client, everything then, so, oh, that’s amazing, why ours? stylists on television cannot create such beauty, but did you even see what a horror they did to my head yesterday? but, unfortunately, i didn’t watch, but that’s right, who needs to watch such a regional program, but a lot of people watch, for example, my mother with my grandmother he constantly brags to everyone that i cut your hair, seriously, yes, that’s why i love coming to you, because i leave you with an amazing hairstyle in an amazing mood, thank you, thank you, come again, hello! today my husband and i have a golden wedding and i want to look more well-groomed, congratulations, thank you, let's do some coloring for you, and choose a warmer toner, it will be very fresh, yeah, no, you know,
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it will be a little expensive, sorry, goodbye, goodbye, wait , we forgot to tell you that we have a promotion in the salon today, styling and coloring is free, great , let’s go, oh, thank you very much, well, you ’re welcome, it’s just such a promotion in our salon today. this means that we will start the third sector only in a week, the material will not be delivered earlier, valentinovich, how can it be, there will be no work, again they will force me to take days off at my own expense, and i’ve already had mine for 2 months. i haven’t sent any money, but
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my mother will have an operation soon, who will pay for it? and my sister is in the hospital, i need to buy medicine, it’s okay, guys, there will be work and everyone will get the money, i promise , so the second third team will take care of the lower floors, since we’ll finish it faster, as soon as the materials are delivered, the first team will do the finishing work, and you go back to the third sector, of course, this way we won’t get behind schedule, that you are being summoned to the authorities, they said it’s urgent, here it’s also urgent , tell me, i’ll come as soon as i’m free, clear, do it , yeah, kuzmich, that’s all, ritochka, you’re just a miracle, i’m very glad you liked it, thank you, come in , we have a haircut, a haircut on sale, ritochka, big thank you, you made me happy, congratulations again, luda, luda, you are magnificent, as
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always, my queen, this is for you, thank you, happy holiday, thank you, goodbye, oh, to live to see the golden wedding, a dream and a feat, and so that i don’t see this migrant worker here again, i understand, but if i do see them, they called from the cement system, they didn’t receive the money, you should have taken them in the morning, you took them, no, i paid the workers’ wages, what did you do, paid the wages in a month, but they owe it in two, you’re a moron, you’re a moron, i have a construction site, stand in front of you
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will have to report to investors, you need less, then nothing will stand up , you are completing the construction of the cottage village on the left, and the men have nothing to eat, who do you grow up with, do you suspect, do you suspect me, i don’t suspect, i know, so shut your mouth, materials that you took to the village , come back to the construction site , let’s start working, radionov, wait, radionov, you won’t get any work in this city at all, it’s me...
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for some reason you’re setting up the girl, your intern, screw me too, natalim beauty salon, yes , natasha, hello, through how long will you be, 30 minutes, natasha, that’s it, we need to end this, warn your girls to start looking for a new job, what kind of job, why? well, you can see for yourself. this
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month is lower than last, i asked for it to go to zero, but you’ve gone into minus altogether, listen, well, there’s a crisis, consumables are becoming more expensive, people are saving, they want something, you have a crisis every year, your salon is already in its third year only eats money and no profit, what can i do, that’s it, you can’t do anything, you just don’t know how to lead and there’s no point in looking at me like that, you have a lot of others worthy of you, understand, you can’t build your own masters, i came to your salon a week ago, and someone is chatting on the phone? tea, coffee, well, yes, they’re just taking advantage of the fact that i’m soft, um, yes, i ’ll improve, give us one more chance. “please, one, okay, just one , and come home early today, we’ll arrange an unforgettable evening, yes, we will, but no, today i can’t, i agreed
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to meet with tolyan, another meeting of former colleagues, yes, maybe you won’t go, yes i barely persuaded him normal men live to the fullest after a divorce." of course, i understand anniversaries - this is an occasion, but in my opinion some people will then go hungry for half a month, but they will definitely like it, hello, hello, hello, you're on an internship, so i'm going there, magazine give me, what's the revenue, hello, what are you doing here, there are no clients, i'm waiting, where they're waiting
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, they're waiting there, denis is a big fan of me, and you can please so easily, you have to be original, great, the working day is over? hello, no, that's enough why drive, i’m wondering what he’ll try to surprise you with, but well, he’ll definitely come up with something original, are you sure of these figures , absolutely, it’s already clear that our bank earns more on loan products than on commissions, commissions have good prospects, there are definitely no numbers yet, but in the near future we will provide you with a certificate. good job, denis , thank you, andrevich, let tanya come to see me, tatyana, yes, please come in, hi, i missed you, uh-huh,
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hi, will you come today, no, i can’t today, it’s important, what could be more important than me? good afternoon, christina, good afternoon, oh hello, sun, hello, dad, what 's going on, i was passing by, i thought maybe we could have lunch, whatever i have, he's coming at two meetings on quarterly budgets, he's coming at three, the meeting is at four, i'll be in time by three, okay, no need, yes , i understand, yes, well, if suddenly some vacancy appears, then... hello, hello, yes, seryoga, talyan, sorry,
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i was late at the office, i’ll be half an hour later, okay, that’s okay, i’ll wait , yes, don't worry, please. thank you, what do we have? haircut, styling, coloring, i 'll write it down now, i'll write it down myself, the client is sitting in the hall, they didn’t offer her either tea or coffee, your change, thank you, goodbye, yes, yes, okay, i’m already leaving, i’m already leaving, come on. well, denis asked me not to stay late, he says he has an important conversation with me. olya, he’s made up his mind, can you imagine , i’m sure, confidently, then wait, that means don’t throw it on his neck right away, don’t pour expensive whiskey, keep your dignity
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, well, pull it a little, well, i understand, otherwise i ’ll torture him now, rehearsal, come on , come on, rita, my love. "will you marry me, yes, that's it, bye, bye, hello, ritual, hello, i'm wonderful, like you, okay, your money has arrived, yes, but it’s so much, listen , do you at least keep it for yourself?” “no, i’m starving, you’re starving, but if you’re starving, then you need to fast under the supervision of a doctor, i understand, grandma, i’m kidding, oh, listen, wait, what we wanted to ask, here is a spatial composition created from a variety of real
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objects, and what is the letter 11, the first and last i, and it ends with i, probably qi, i is the ending, we can’t catch it like that , installation, exactly, mom, five, suitable, right, girls, i need to end up with my betrothed, so i’m saying goodbye to you, today i have an important evening with denis, listen, by the way, and denis, when you bring him to us, we’ve been waiting for him for a whole year, yeah, and you’re bringing him today, you’re not bringing him, let’s come, without denisa i won’t let you in, okay, i kiss you, bye-bye. see you at the club, come back in an hour, mom
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and grandma called today to say hello to you, they are really looking forward to visiting us, i had such a client today, she notes, we can have a golden wedding, can you imagine, 50 years together, well, maybe for... us need to talk, wait, i'm now, my love, happy anniversary, i was told this variety is excellent. good for a special occasion, we have a special one, yes, special, rit, we need to
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break up, i’m not joking now, i’m sorry. well, how do you like it, great, mom
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, you’re my most beautiful, you’re also my best, but in my opinion, the best one, it’s time to sleep, come on, run, wash yourself and go to bed, vasya, how do you like it, very beautiful, it suits you, really , a? let me call my mother, she will come to sit with vanchika, and you and i will go to a restaurant. oh, did we just have dinner? okay then let's go to a nightclub and dance. seriously, to the club? yes, i'm tired, i have to work tomorrow. i'm going to ritka. hey rit. i understand that now it seems that the whole world has collapsed, well, maybe it’s for the best that denis left you, well, that means this is not your man, well
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, just think about what normal, adequate man would refuse a woman like you, smart, beautiful, independent, a great cook, that’s what he lacked , so your denis is an idiot, why do you need an idiot, he’s no longer mine, thank god he’s no longer yours, he didn’t drink from here? you think about what opportunities are opening up for you now, that’s what, let’s go for these opportunities, in this state you can’t sit within four walls, let’s get ready, we’re going to the club, i don’t want to, i have to, and in general, go to hell with your denis, of course, olya, how can you say that? to hell with it, to hell with it, to
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hell with it! now i’ll go and drink some water, come on, water, good evening, good girl, my name is vadim, cool.
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have a good evening, well, he was rude, i think he’s such a decent person, not a rude person, but then he ran away from you like crazy, i just don’t want to who to meet, pritul, i’m not asking you to meet anyone, i’m asking you to just flirt, i’ve forgotten how, well then? young man, can i have a cocktail? which? in general, everyone i’ve already called says there are no vacancies, it looks like this rat wasn’t lying, you really
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can’t find a job in construction in the city right now, just like that. tell me what to do , angelina, not a name, but a dream, repeat mom, yes , you see, i have a friend in sadness, i need a drink so that i’m not half-spirited, so bring it quickly, okay, now everything will be, uh-huh, the landlady is threatening to kick me out of the apartment, in short, seryoga, they surrounded me from all sides, i can say one thing for sure, marriage thoughts, this is not the best, you need to be able to relax, sometimes you need to let everything take its course, life, it will tell you its way, no, i can’t do that, it’s not for me, i need a clear plan of action, when there is a plan, it disciplines, and discipline helps to stay afloat, well, discipline, discipline, discipline, what a smart
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talyan you are, it’s impossible to talk to you without programs. tolya, tolyan, angelina, how are you? during? tolya, i have a job for you.
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somehow, i called a taxi, you're on your way, let's go , girls, you haven't forgotten anything, my phone, igor, i would go crazy without it, thank you, now i have my own phone number, i 'll think about what i can do with it do? seryoga, are you stunned? where am i, where is the salon, yes , stop it, what difference does it make who manages, yes, it makes a big difference, before i
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managed the settings of the men, commanded them, but here, he has a completely different experience here. already experience, a gainful business, when i started in business, i got such big bumps for myself, and nothing i’m alive, the main thing is that i trust you as myself, well... “will they hire you to work on a construction site now? no, no, then wait in my salon, you’ll put things in order, discipline, build everyone up the way you like, well, the scandal will be forgotten, well, you’ll come back you to your favorite bricks, seryoga, i’m really , i’m very grateful to you for trying to help me, really, well, you say it yourself, you have problems there, you have no profit, and i’m completely out of the loop, you i’ll let you down, you’ll let me down, then if you refuse, you’re my last hope, otherwise i’ll close this salon to hell with it, i invested money in it,
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remember it’s scary, well, well, i agree, for the new manager, and i became an investigator. premiere on rtr, will you ever marry me? independent, you don’t give me advice, especially when i don’t ask for it, well , who else am i irreplaceable, i’m drawn to you, i can’t do anything about it, tireless, i ’ll come now, don’t drive me like that, just don’t drive me, irrepressible restless, well, if you want, you and i will get married and all that, from monday on rtr. "catch, jerk, big or small, well in general, i chose the right place
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, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy? let’s try it, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant?” fantastic, can the scientific be clear, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes , again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure. on saturday on rtr, you’re so businesslike with me, i’m with such
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i definitely won’t be lost as a wife, look at the weekend, advice and love in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness, see you, see you,
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actually, i don’t understand how this could have occurred to you? okay, fine, do you want to help your friend with something? yes, it’s just money for him, he wouldn’t take the money, but now he’s really in trouble, only i can help him, how can you not understand this? indeed, well, of course, only you can help him, maybe no one can help him, it’s like you don’t understand that this is a beauty salon! beauty, you do you want some, some foreman to manage it? what do you even understand about beauty? but it’s okay that i, a former foreman , opened this salon. natasha, stop, everything has been decided, by whom it was decided, you decided it, and i have to work with it somehow, and in general, why did you decide that i need some kind of manager? i’ve always coped well on my own, i’ve seen how you coped, i said it myself, they don’t listen to me, they don’t listen, so... now i’ll listen, not to you, but to the foreman, he’ll put things in order for you, well, well, come here , go.
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and so the second fourth second fourth and grandma, i called you back, i’m very, very busy right now, it’s all for now, right?
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e, hello, tolya, hello, and i ’m waiting here, let’s go introduce you to everyone. everyone gather, good morning, girls, i want to introduce you to our new employee, my assistant, our new manager, radionov anatoly valentinovich, valentinovich, hello, hello,
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very nice. maybe you should say something, something needs to be said, i won’t detain you before the start of the working day, which is about to begin, essentially i’m all i will tell the meeting that will take place in the evening, everything is in place now. martynova is not here, what is her name? margarita, margarita martynova, i understand , so please take into account that we will deal with delays especially strictly, clearly, like this, do it, well, well, i mean, you can start performing your official duties. “i’m not detaining you any longer,
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everyone is free, yes, tough, just right, i hope you understand that you need to talk to clients a little differently, more courteously, of course, let’s go, i’ll give you the key to your office, the light.” give me please key to anatoly valentinovich’s office, valentinovich, from what? office to the right of mine, thank you, thank you,
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your office. enjoy. thank you.
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yes, i signed you up, thank you, we are waiting for you, see you. excuse me, what is your name? svetlana. please tell me, this client here, who is she registered with? this is for margarita martinova. hasn't she come yet? tanya, i apologize. hello. sorry, i’ll be in a hurry, also to martynova, right? don't worry, we will now find a free master and send you immediately to him. i ask you, svetochka , please look at the free master, and don’t doubt, we are very strict with rules, especially from today, we will take the strictest measures, up to and including dismissal, don’t even think about it, we do everything for the comfort of our clients, yes , this is margarita
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martynova, our employee, anatoly valentinovich, our new manager, hello, hello, come on, come to my office, i say, immediately, come to my office, excuse me, what does it mean to the office, and i still long wait for you accept another master, light, please see who is free and show me, please, but i don’t need another master, i signed up for kriti, go work, go, work. we'll talk later, natasha , at home, uh-huh, uh, yes, martynov needs to be fired , others will have a science, she can't be fired,
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why, because almost all of our clients are registered with her, and if we fire martynov, then the salo can be closed right now, there are no essential workers, there are no, there are no, there are no. except for her, okay, let's leave it for the first time, but henceforth, no concessions to understand whether we will cooperate with this company or not, reports from them are not enough, let’s do this, when going to them, talk, find out how serious they are, and sometimes in a personal conversation you can determine the problems that paper never won't pass it on. absolutely agree with you, i will do my best, can i go? no, how is it with you and christina, thank you,
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everything is fine, good or very good, very good. guy, you are good, you have a future, so i’m not against your romance, i have one daughter, i really want her i was happy, so now this is your main task, did you understand me, yes, i understood you, light, wait, what kind of men are these, where did he come from? in short, natasha said that this was some old friend of soykin, it seemed like they worked together, where they worked, at a construction site, at a construction site, and that he forgot here then, and what did natasha say, he has a family, it seems there is no light , light, yes, you have a shift schedule for
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this month, yes, give it, give it. help you, yes. you need to be stronger, uh, stronger, stronger, look, yeah, turn, like that, insert, like that, press, yeah. and you get it,
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tramp, insert , put the cup, press the button, coffee, great, in the cups here... sugar here, coffee, well, if you forget, contact me, i’ll show you again, okay, well, if you need any help at all, you don’t hesitate, contact me, okay, thank you.
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it’s worth it, well, it’s like, yes, if only this bear would be great for me, not only are you late, you’re also chatting during work hours, hello, hello, let’s pass, yeah. haven't seen you for a long time? what do we do? wedding hairstyle. congratulations. thank you rita, i'm so happy. here look, i have chosen a couple of options, but i don’t know which is more suitable. what about you and denis, are you going? it seems to me that this hairstyle will suit you very well, sit down and make friends.
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late arrivals, talking on the phone during working hours, and generally any conversations on unrelated topics are strictly excluded; fines will be imposed for violations ; you can familiarize yourself with the new rules, as well as the fines that will follow if they are violated, here. svetlana, please distribute the leaflets to everyone. next, i'm from...
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can you repeat what i just said? no, sorry, i didn’t hear, i said that the time between clients should be reduced as much as possible so that there is no downtime, clear, clear, that’s it, let’s move on, i think this is wrong, and you probably want it to be more simple. yes, i understand, of course , with you, listen, we don’t have downtime,
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we’re not at a factory or a construction site, we need to leave time in reserve between recordings, because firstly, we can’t predict what the client will want, and secondly, the client can simply delay, if this time is not in reserve, then the next client will wait, the next one after him too, and these delays will accumulate, and we... will get a huge queue of waiting clients, yeah, i believe that a good master should be able to clearly plan your working time, and if you can’t do this, then maybe you’re just a bad master, me, and if you’re a bad master, what are you doing in a decent salon? am i a bad master? yes, you, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you’re a martinet who doesn’t do a damn thing he understands this business, tries to manage it, and also comes up with stupid rules. in general , i think that appointing you to the position
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of manager was a huge mistake. we have a wonderful salon, wonderful masters, but you will ruin it all. here is the first fine for rudeness to the authorities, you can see its size in the printout, this is here, this is here, kindergarten, disperse, i won’t detain you anymore, it was cool, you should have seen his face, cool? are you serious, of course, he will regret that he contacted you, but to hell with it to hell, idinisa, to hell, i’ll find myself a new one, you will find it, bye, bye, granny, hi,
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i remembered the right word, battle.
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soviet films of the eighties, glen fox, glen fox. film series kuznetsovkom kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience, there will be no war this year, but what will he tell us about this? we will no longer save the fleet, but you must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children,
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big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov. already on the platform, we look, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh, you’re good, to pet the cranky one, he likes to grab the claw there, so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw. to warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky , the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, you are flying after the performance , you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are in a circle
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of friends in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr, sorry about that fell like snow on the blue, he was declared dead, now he has appeared, you must introduce me to my son, my answer is no, why do you think that it was your ex-husband who kidnapped him, i feel that this is a herm, everything will be fine, then the main thing is to believe me, husband for an hour and a half, the premiere is on saturday, on rtr, everything is on time, hello,
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i ask everyone to gather. fines for yesterday. korobkova, drinking tea in the wrong place. roshina. yes, double the late penalty for unexcused absences. i was 2 minutes late. being late is being late hello, good morning, what is going on here? meeting, okay, margarita martynova, oh, a telephone conversation during working hours, that is, we are now all fines, yes, for now yes, i want to remind you about the economy regime, you should keep strict... records of all consumables, okay? do it, get
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to work, have a nice day, i just put a glass on the table, and he fined me, well, for a long time we will endure this forever if we sit with our hands folded, well, i don’t know, personally i’m happy with everything, at least someone then there's order here will lead you, boring suck-up. oh, are you already a master at making coffee? yes, thank you for your help. you managed it yourself, you are so purposeful and strict. i don't think everyone agrees with you. don’t pay attention to them, you agree, you disagree, what’s the difference, discipline is very important, with your arrival, things will go uphill. i would like to hope, but you have no doubts , but you go to work, of course, come on, go,
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quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly , let's go, let's go, well, everyone agrees, i don't know, a strike sounds kind of weird, i'm i say, this is not just a strike, and an italian strike, we will strictly follow his rules, not a step aside, but there is no initiative either, i agree, he wants to save money, please, i will save him so much that my mother is not upset, well , who's in favor, mounting, everything , ready, as ready as i'm ready, my head is still... unfortunately, your time is up, the next client is already waiting, these are the rules of our salon, you're crazy, how am i going to go, all questions to to the manager, uh-huh,
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please take a look, here are our colors, and what other colors do you have, unfortunately no more, you know, we don’t buy , we’re in a saving mode, it’s a joke, all questions are for the manager, hmm, oh, can i emphasize this hide and seek with something, with gel, for example, no, unfortunately, there’s no gel, but what's this? this is for other clients, your quota has been exhausted, unfortunately, this is strict, what nonsense? all questions to the manager. what's happening?
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that we will do chemistry and you can’t do chemistry, your hair is too weak, often stained, my hair is in perfect order, just style it like this for me, understand, you can’t do this styling on your hair now, listen, if you can’t, then call me another hairstylist who can, or i’ll go to another salon, well , really, well, no, no, you don’t need to go to another salon, why, what's happened? the client wants chemistry , it is contraindicated for her, let me try, marin, are you out of your mind, look at the condition of your hair, listen, you are in excellent condition of your hair, we will now make a nourishing mask, that’s it, okay, go to this master, please, ok, come in, thank you, here, here, come in, sit down, close the door. tolya, do you know what word of mouth is? i can roughly imagine, i’ll tell
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you, when one client leaves, it’s not scary, if two leave, it’s bad, but if there’s a crowd of them, they start discussing among themselves, telling their friends about how bad the service is in our salon. this is tolya, a disaster. i understand, i will take action, there will be no more dissatisfied customers, will there be? you've gone crazy, you 've gone crazy, look what you've done, what you 've done, you laid all my hair, you and so don’t worry, i’ll do biology for you now. i’ll tell your whole salon that you’re staring at me, and please, don’t shout like that, oh, i have a japanese mask, it will definitely help, you can shove the japanese biomask somewhere deeper into yourself, that you ’re looking at me, that you’re all look at me, get out of here! everything will be fine,
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then come to me! hair to do chemistry, what did you think, huh? she screamed so much, she threatened to go to another salon, our new manager forbade us to let clients out, that is, it was radionov who insisted on chemistry, well, no then to insist, that is, you want to say that rodionov told you to do chemistry, yes, yes, freely. listen, irit, it’s not your fault, didn’t you warn them? well, that means i had to insist, i knew that they would burn her hair and there would be a scandal. no, i decided to annoy radion. listen, well, okay, okay, maybe he will finally understand that he doesn’t understand anything about our business, and marinka
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will draw conclusions, you know, that we burned a man’s hair. and i’ll call him, i’m waiting, hello, talyan, hello, how are you, i want to invite you're going to an interesting place tomorrow, you 'll like it, yeah, doc. come on, run, get dressed!
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vasya, i agreed with my mother that today she will take vanya to her place for the night. yeah, what, yeah, have you decided where we're going? i have already agreed with the men, we are going to a bar and watching football. you forgot, you forgot, yes, you promised, how can you do that, vasya, okay, okay, let's go somewhere next week, okay.
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i'm meeting igor today. igor, is this bardman? yes. and vasya? well, what about vasya, what about vasya? you won’t get vasya’s attention, it’s always football he sits and watches, then i won’t do anything criminal with him. let's drink coffee. hi hi.
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your employees are complaining about you, they say you 're scaring away your customers, right? they’re not lying, i want to restore order, order, yes, order is good, that’s why i called you , but in my opinion, you somehow literally understood my words, you set up a line formation, we need to do something softer, find everyone your approach, let's go. and i told you, improve your personal life, otherwise you will throw yourself at people, and this has nothing to do with you, and at the same time, you have gone wild, you have forgotten how to address women, women's team, and you, by the way. my name is anya, i’m your personal trainer, it’s very nice, well, anya, you can handle guys like us,
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the main thing is that you can handle the wall, of course, talyan, here you go! how did you like it? and how? well, great, come again, we'll come, we'll definitely come, goodbye, excuse me, where else can
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i come to see you, besides this place, you, yes, just to the club, all the best, don't worry, then... yes, yes , everyone just needs to find their own approach, of course, what do you think? we’ll look for an approach, without me, without me, relax, live more fun, this is an order by the way, yeah, hello girls, my name is sergey, i’m your new coach.
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hello, hello, for the manicure, uh-huh, thank you, come to us again, but this is impossible, nastenka, i apologize, but i have the next client by appointment, you didn’t finish me. apparently next time i’ll finish it , there won’t be a next time, i’m very sorry, haircut, styling, goodbye, it suits you very well, come see us again, i’ll be at my place.
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yes, anatoly valentinovich, yes, you can, yes. martyna is turning the girls against you, rest assured, i am on your side, that is , you want to say that martynova is the instigator,
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and that everyone listens to her, yes, you will see martynova, ask her to come to... my office, with pleasure , martinova, anatoly balensinovich invites you. yes, good afternoon, they told me you wanted to see me? yes.
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come in, have a seat, would you like some coffee, i have mastered the coffee machine, no, thank you, no, how are you, thank you, everything is fine, it makes me happy, you know, rita. "i would like to apologize to you for that incident, well with that client who was doing chemistry, i made the wrong decision, i had to listen to a professional, that is, you, well, i was wrong too, i should have insisted,
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you won’t tell me where to start, first show everyone that you are not a robot, but man, yeah, take an interest in the lives of your employees, what about your son, yes, he’s funny, praise him for a job well done, the intern is rewarded,
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this is for your tea, yeah, i ask everyone to get together. which means that i have decided to soften the system of fines, and i will also take into account today when drawing up work schedules your wishes, and i would also like to apologize to you, to everyone and especially to margarita, for all, so to speak, our past conflicts, clearly, follow through, i won’t
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delay you any longer, get to work, my name is zoya, i’m from the investigation committee, premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there is no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails. i'm sure you already have a theory, yes, it's revenge, it won't rest, i can't wait until all the criminals are caught, you made a mistake, all this still needs to be proven, and we will prove it, irrepressible, restless, was that you?
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from monday on rtr, good morning , my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says yes you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish. what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi, so rural, turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, they protect me through the rains, blessed flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy. morning mail with nikolai baskov.
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on sunday on rtr. let's see. love is when. look in one direction , look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, takes out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for one, two, three, subscribe, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, sunday, guys are newlyweds, i call my mom and say: mom, i met the man of my dreams, mom says: does he already know? i really felt feel like family now! songs from the bottom of
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my heart, andrei malakhov's evening show, sunday on rt. it's time for me to run, when will i see you? well, let's write off, as always. young man, can i see you? just a second, that's it, bye, bye. i'm listening to you. hello, strawberry cocktail. yes. oh, hello. do i remember you?
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goodbye, goodbye, wait, what are you doing tonight? i mean, what am i doing tonight? you are free? well, it seems like yes, well, that’s great, you know, rita also has a completely free evening today, that’s it’s such a miracle that i met you here today, it’s just that i don’t know anything else in your city, and it doesn’t matter, you need to meet rita, it’s important. maybe we should ask rita first? well, i beg you. rita will be very happy, she will be very happy. where will you take her? no need, i'll do it myself. you know, we have a wonderful restaurant at the zoological station. yes, agreed, cool. that's it,
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it's time for me to go to eight, bye. olya, i have a complete record. ri, don't worry. i’ll talk to svetka, they’ll replace you, and you go, tell the radion that you’re sick, collect, yes, yes, with time, believe me, it’s not worth it alone, i don’t know, rit, listen, well, stop killing yourself because of this denis, but life goes on, go lie to radionov, you’ve caught a cold. oh, be healthy, thank you, oh, be healthy , what is it, listen, are you sure that you will get home, yes, yes, i can give you a ride, no,
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grandpa, it’s just simple, until tomorrow i ’ll be fine, be you are healthy, thank you, you go, go, get treatment, get well, thank you, be healthy, maybe i can give you a ride? meet anatoly, almost my younger brother look what girls are waiting for you
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, sit down and come on, pour it, you have a drink, what am i talking about and india in india i rode on elephants, you rode on elephants, i’m sorry, and you’re talyan, where are you going? i’ll tell you later, so, you were in church, and who, who do you like in church? thank you, thank you, what will you order? well, i 'll see, i'm glad, i'm very glad that you recovered so suddenly, hello, i'm waiting for you tomorrow morning in my office, bon appetit, talyan, where are you going? “i ’ll wait outside, have a nice evening, who was it, it’s
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your boss, you’re fine, listen, come on let's have a drink, yeah!" i'm the queen of the world , what are you doing, you're already falling, quiet, everything is under control, i'm the queen and the queen, you're the queen, the taxi has arrived, now you're going home, no, no, no, home, i want caroki, the queen wants to dance, another time , queen, you will dance at home, like at home, good night, like at home, good night, queen, goodbye my prince,
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hello, hello, light, yes, martinova will come to my office, and her today won't, she got sick, got sick, yes, she even called a doctor, i know, i'm these, oh, what if they came to fire me? according to labor
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legislation, you must first be cured, do you have medicine, no, i’ll be right back, the pharmacy said you need to drink twice... a day, and as much drizzle as possible, this is a recommendation from me, anatolia, i’ll infect you , don’t worry, i have excellent immunity, and denis always came to my parents when i was sick, i was afraid of getting infected, who is denis?
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yes, of course, thank you, goodbye. "hello, what is it? i've been writing a note from me all morning, everyone just wants to see it. s
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good morning, colors, and if there is no month, what will we do? is she already recovering? yes, everything is under control , i provided her with medications, so stand still, i didn’t know that you had such warm friendly relations, tell the cleaning lady to wipe the doors from the outside, we have a salon, not a factory." i think that’s good a manager should take care of his employees, right? of course , that’s how you are, great, where
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are we going for dinner, well, where? are you going? i don’t know, but i made an agreement with denis for the evening. who else is denis? nothing, who? denis is my young man human? - that’s it, uh-huh, what is it, vitya , you have a wife, i have a young man, a crisis, i ’ve already told you 100 times, nothing connects me with her, uh-huh, yes, i’ve already heard that, you’re going to get a divorce, but i love you. oh, you’re messing around with me so much, i’m even uncomfortable, oh, this is nothing, i’m not your denis, by the way, you were in a restaurant with him, excuse me, how do you know my great-grandfather, you yourself told me when you fell asleep, they say, when i got sick, he always went to his parents, so don’t contact him anymore
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mama's boys, you know , thank you for your help, of course, but my personal... doesn't really concern you, but i just, just, just take all these medicines and products of yours and don't tell me what you don't you don’t understand, i don’t need anything from you, neither from you, nor from denis, nor from vadim, nor from anyone, it’s clear, rita, i didn’t want to upset you, you shouldn’t be doing this. i understand, my wife left me too, but you know, i’ll tell you this, being alone is even better, i gave it up for fate, never again, no marriages, just like that, and you
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a really good master, yes, excellent, we work in the salon from morning to evening for... the salon's revenue, but it can only be raised by increasing the number of visitors, and i can't imagine how to do this. yes, there are a lot of things that can be done , well, take, for example, discounts for regular customers, and they will be pleased, they will also bring friends, you can, so stop, tanya, as soon as grigoriev arrives, immediately invite me, what are you up to? in the end you think, grigory andreevich, i won’t lie,
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vin-invest’s proposal is an extremely risky investment for us, and that’s putting it mildly saying, well... this is denis, our best employee, who will lead your project. victor, it’s a pleasure, denis. more advanced training courses for masters. wait, wait, wait, i, i, i can’t, i can’t keep up with you, with such knowledge you need to open your own salon. i've already thought about this. and then i realized that it was not mine.
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you know, i, i would be very happy to teach others. oh, teach others. and... in my school there would be classes for both masters and ordinary women, they would be taught how to properly apply makeup, do hair, create images, well, yes, these are just dreams, you have wonderful dreams, what are you reading? rather , i consider losses, expenses, haven’t you forgotten that i’m about to give birth, of course, can you add one more item to the expense? i'll add it, have you already chosen a gift? yes, a very beautiful car, i hope
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it’s really, no, a new one, mine is already old, old, yeah, we bought it last year, especially since you don’t drive it, to work with me, home by taxi, so what’s true, whatever you want car, tomorrow i’ll sell your salon, take the money, buy it.
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natasha, why not, i don’t understand what you don’t understand, i’ve read everything, look, rental income, premises for master classes completely covers everything, then this is additional advertising, either newcomers come to master classes, they will ruin all our equipment, come up with another advertising option. your proposal looks suspiciously like blackmail, anya, how could you think so low of me, well, what about dinner, i
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adhere to the old wisdom, give dinner to the enemy, all the best, seryozha, enemy, well , what kind of enemy, where are you going, i’m not i know how to unhook this thing. great, hi, what am i recovered, but it seems not, so i don’t see that he then give it to the enemy, who is she, no one, and what did you want, i wanted, you called me, said urgently, yes, i wanted to know how things were going, what news, everything is fine. what, well, what, what about the proceeds? well, revenue is still at the same level, but we are working , we need to speed up, yes, i’ve just prepared proposals that will help attract new
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clients, yeah, repairs, gifts for regular customers, advanced training courses, new equipment, but these are all expenses , profit something where will it be, these are not expenses, these are investments, i consulted with our best master, margarita martynova, she is a great specialist, she wants to open a new master class, don’t, what don’t, you have to interfere with work and fuss, no, as a friend, i am of course glad that you are organizing your personal life, but first of all you are a manager, so, and she is subordinate, i don’t understand, but what do you mean, i mean, tol, that it is you who should manage martynova, and not the other way around, truncated, truncated, carry out, in general, our efforts with you were not crowned with success, well, don’t worry, i’ll come up with something else, something completely without investment, well , of course it won’t work out without investment at all, but i have one idea, well, i don’t even know, i understand, but for the
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money you’re counting on, this is the best , what can i offer, uh, especially the place is ideal, the way you wanted, the place is really ideal, well, no, no, that’s it, everything is fine, i just need to think about it a little , this needs to be removed, uh, now, excuse me , excuse me, you leave us here for a little while, okay, and then i’ll call you, i’ll give you the key , okay, all the best, thank you, yes, mommy, grandma, hi, hi, we 're just a minute, hi, just a minute, as always with the crossword puzzle, please help me, what are you listening to, let's talk, mental disorder, nine letters, the second is e, the last is i, and so on, other letters , as i understand it, no, e, i, maybe depression, oh, god, of course, mom, again, otherwise we guessed everything, i don’t know this word, listen, we were watching the morning program, right? oh, yes, yes, pantileeva is simply gorgeous, i won’t tell anyone that she’s
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cutting your hair. everyone immediately wants to make an appointment with you, how are you doing, how is denis? come on, bring yours just in time for the prince's birthday, understand?


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