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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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a recruitment of conscripts for the spring company has been organized, where and for how long they will serve. a week since the tragedy, how many victims of the terrorist attack are in the hospital, what is happening at the scene of the emergency and how is the investigation progressing? several villages were damaged, dozens of bridges and roads in the orenburg region are closed to eliminate the consequences of the flood, what is the situation at this time? the russian air defense system shot down a drone and 15 fsu rockets in the sky over belgorod. this information is from the ministry of defense. about the consequences of night shelling from outside ukraine's governor said. according to vyacheslav glotkov, apartment buildings, a car, buildings of the belgorod sports complex, an arena and a gymnasium were damaged. the restoration will be carried out as soon as possible. in russia , the spring conscription starts on april 1 and will last until mid-july. the term of conscription service, as before, will be 12 months. from mid- april. recruits will begin to be distributed to
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assembly points. conscripts will not serve in new regions of russia and participate in the northern military district. this is what the general staff said about the upcoming conscription campaign armed forces. all conscripts will be sent for military service to points of permanent deployment of formations and military units of the armed forces and other military formations on the territory of the russian federation. at the points of deployment of armed forces units in new regions of russia, these are donetsk and lugansk. the people's republic, kherson, zaporozhye region, or to participate there in carrying out the tasks of a special military operation, military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription will not be sent. third conscripts will be sent to training formations and military units, where within up to 5 months they will master modern military equipment and receive a military registration specialty. upon completion of training, in accordance with the acquired skills, they will be sent to the troops. in the hospital. and another victim
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of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, he received a serious gunshot wound, said health minister mikhail murashko. according to him, 69 people remain in clinics, one of them is extremely critical. another sixteen also remain in serious condition. victims, including two children. 98 people have been discharged, another 19 are preparing for discharge. a week has passed since the terrorist attack in the concert hall. 12 people were detained in this case, four of the perpetrators were their alleged accomplices. today there is a person involved who rented out an apartment to a terrorist. appealed his arrest. the day before , the investigative committee announced that they had found a connection between those who carried out the terrorist attack and ukrainian nationalists. 98 victims in crocus cityhole have been discharged from hospitals. unfortunately, another patient died at the hospital after receiving severe gunshot wounds. was in extremely critical condition. the doctors fought for his life and did everything possible. 69 victims are being treated in hospitals of federal institutions and hospitals in the moscow region. one of them remains in
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extremely serious condition. the condition of sixteen victims, including two children, remains serious, 33 people are in moderate condition, 19 people are preparing for discharge in the coming days due to improvement in their condition. vladimir putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the security council. in mode video conferences discussed international issues. in particular, we discussed relations with our closest neighboring countries. and the president said that they have contacts with them. the greatest importance, when building relationships with our partners in the international arena, we always talk to you about the fact that the greatest importance for us is relations with our closest partners, with our friends, with our neighbors, this has traditionally been the case, and the level of trade and economic , political connections with our neighbors, he... constantly
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is growing, we always proceed from the fact that these contacts should be built on the basis of mutual interests, taking into account each other’s interests, and i propose today to consider one of these areas, it seems very important to us, it is traditional, well, the minister of foreign affairs, sergei viktorovich lavrov should talk about this now. a scout in the special operations zone. the russian guard destroyed a mined cache with foreign weapons. information about the milking tank was received from military counterintelligence. a multi-level system was discovered in it. part weapons were defiantly left on the surface, and the rest was buried underground. an improvised explosive device, an attack drone, as well as grenade launchers, hand grenades, mines, molotov cocktails and thousands of ammunition were seized. clothes with the symbols of the azov national unit banned in russia were also found. all explosive objects were destroyed on the spot. the northern
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sea route is a route of strategic importance for all global logistics; its development was discussed today at the government coordination center at an exhibition in the forum russia, why has the importance of the northern sea route grown so much recently? a meeting on the development of the main maritime transport artery of russia , the northern sea route, discussed the results of 2023 and plans for 2035, including an increase in cargo traffic, expansion of transport infrastructure and fleet. as alexander novak noted, the development of the northern route is closely related to development plans.
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the expansion of the modern icebreaker fleet continues, when they say that the future of the arctic means very specific data, according to the minister for development of the far east and the arctic by alexey chakunkov, now the far north zone accounts for up to 80% of mineral reserves and biological resources important for the economy of our country. as for the volume of cargo transportation , last year more than 36 million tons were transported along the nsr, so the initial plan was fulfilled, but now it will be necessary to move from tens of millions of tons of cargo to hundreds, this is the task for the next 10 years. last year, a record cargo flow was recorded along the northern sea route, over 36 million tons.
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cargo, this is five times more than the maximum during the soviet union. the transportation of transit cargo by psmp last year also reached record values ​​in the entire history of the route. the main transit cargo last year was oil, it must be said that the northern sea route is the shortest route between the european part of russia and the far east, it passes through six seas of the arctic ocean, the attractiveness of the nsr is explained by the fact that this route lasts 15-20 days, that is, almost two times shorter than transit through the suetsky canal. general director of rosatom, alexey likhachev , answering our question, stated that... that cargo flow along the nsr last year also increased under the influence of the situation in the red sea, where due to attacks by the yemeni houthis, shipping became unsafe. the main result of last year was a fairly large redirection , first of all, of our russian cargo, which from western russian ports went
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east, went south through suez. here is a significant part of them, somewhere around 2 million tons, it has already been redirected. on the eastern direction, in general, russia is preparing for a surge in world interest in the northern sea route, for this it is planned to increase the icebreaker group to 14 rosatom ships, the arctic cargo fleet will also be increased, 33 ships are already under construction, another 97 need to be built. in general, the plans are large-scale, but the current situation suggests that the volume of transportation will only grow in the first months of this year, it is higher than the figures for 2023. as was repeatedly noted today during the meeting, the northern sea route is gaining importance for global transport logistics in in general. konstantin churikov, maxim bragin, konstantin mitin, elena fedotova, news. the moderators of the ukrainian website peacemaker
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took on the volunteers. they brought 47 volunteers from the young guard of united russia and a volunteer company into their base. helping residents of new russian regions and the military. the personal data of these people was freely available on the internet. now the head of the central headquarters of the united russia young guard, alexander amelin, is on direct line. alexander, greetings. as i understand it, you and your colleagues ended up in the peacekeeper base, as why do you think you were included in this list? yes, yuri, good afternoon, our colleagues, volunteers, activists of our movement really got into this site, because from the very first days of the special military operation, we were in the liberated territories, helping our residents.
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they just went from house to house, distributing humanitarian aid, food and water to people, that is , there was a humanitarian catastrophe in the city, well... people just couldn’t go out, calmly walk there to find food, because, uh, these terrorists from the zazov, they simply shot people, and people were afraid to leave the basements. further, as soon as peaceful life came to the region, accordingly , our volunteers already worked in hospitals in schools, because in schools, really, well, then, what is taught in schools in nationalist ukraine is subjects lessons tuned to hostility towards to everything russian, to the russian population, to absolutely everything russian, here our guys teach lessons
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on courage, lessons, conversations about important things, talking about the great victory in the great patriotic war, about our history and so on. now our activists are also working in absolutely all liberated territories, zaporozhye, kherson, lugansk people's republic, donetsk people's republic, the guys are working situationally, that is, where our help is needed, uh. our guys come to help the local population, plus , i repeat, our guys serve in the cascade thunder battalion, this is a papla battalion of unmanned aerial vehicles, many of our guys have earned well-deserved awards, medals, fulfilling their combat duty. and i'm right i understand that this list includes both those who have military ranks and those who are simply volunteers? yes, we have absolutely everyone, apparently, who they were able to find, they included, almost 50 people, how critical is it for you
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and your colleagues to enter personal data into this database and publish personal data, yes, thank you, we are really glad, this is more once again, to once again emphasize that we are working correctly, we are doing the work necessary, necessary for our country, this is the mark of our enemy, they included our guys in this website, this emphasizes that we are moving in the right direction, on the right path , we will continue to work in the liberated territories, we will continue to provide assistance to the civilian population, our guys who have now signed contracts are on the front line and will continue to achieve victory, which will come soon. tell me, have you already received any threats and are there any fears for your own safety and the safety of your loved ones? yes, you know, from the very first, probably from the very first days, we have been actively... coming on a daily basis
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threats from unknown numbers, people write words, promise some kind of reprisal, etc., etc., etc., we honestly don’t believe in this, but in any case, this is the situation, there are enemies there, the enemy will always threaten, here we need to take a fight and lead our common. in this direction, definitely. alexander, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the question live. let me remind you that
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the connection with the studio was the head of the central headquarters of the young guard of united russia, alexander amelin. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. alfabank for business. register your business with alfabank in march and receive. 1. rub. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. do we take out loans, is it easy to apply for? we are at sovcombank. we take loans. how about good and fast? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. if you have rice national in your kitchen, that means uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi. now it’s not someone’s national pride, but yours personally. a planting taboo
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gagauz residents greeted the motorcade of the president of moldova, mai sandu, with protests; she came to the opening ceremony. they declare that they are ready to negotiate on certain issues; what is the reason for such a policy? russian ambassador to japan nikolai nozdreev voiced his opinion on our broadcast. on the one hand, they threaten us with new sanctions, yes, that they will literally bombard us with some new ones restrictive measures, although he gives each new sanctions package to tokyo with great difficulty, on the other hand, we
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are simultaneously told that tokyo would like to count on some reciprocal steps of ours on the most important ones. for myself, including on issues around the island, it seems to me that any expert who is familiar with modern international relations will understand that it is simply impossible to conduct relations with us in line with such logic, i think, and the japanese leadership itself is not enough clearly imagines how such a contradictory scheme could be used in the russian direction, therefore, in our understanding, such statements are more likely...
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the level of the terrorist threat in the republic has been raised to the maximum. joe biden was invited to congress to testify in the impeachment trial. congressmen intend to understand the origin of the $24 million that came from foreign sources, the us president personally, as well as his business partner. denis davidov will tell more details. biden's presidency is not called obama's third term for nothing. he shadows the current owner of the white house. the day before, we flew to new york on the same plane, and clinton arrived there too ; the three of us were figuring out how the unpopular biden could sit in the chair for another 4 years. no more. political heavyweights than barack obama and bill clinton, they see what ratings the incumbent president has and understand that he is in a difficult situation. obama and clinton can better explain what
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biden needs now than biden himself can do. ladies and gentlemen, presidents of the united states. the meeting is closed to television cameras and the only footage is that taken by spectators. spectators paid up to $500,000 per ticket. in one evening , biden's campaign raised a record amount. this evening is all about money, corporations are pouring money into joe, into the puppet they control, at the same time in the courts they are taking money away from trump so that he cannot pay lawyers, biden's election campaign is not for you voters, this is their revenge . rich sponsors are in the front row, tickets for the goal are significantly cheaper, they were bought by those who are tired of the course chosen by the party elite. shame on you joe biden, shame on you! the outraged were taken out of the hall, and they continued to shout about the blood on biden’s hands. white house pool reporters reported from the audience as spectators interrupted the presidents, condemning the threat of nuclear
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war with russia and the fighting in palestine. there are hundreds of protesters on the street around radio city music hall, where clinton, obama and biden performed. they all criticize the democrats' position on the israeli-palestinian conflict. for the nypd it was hard day. all employees took to the streets to see off their colleague jonathan diller. a thirty- one-year-old patrolman in queens was shot and killed by a seasoned criminal who had been arrested 21 times before and was released by a humane new york court. we have to stop this. we must return to law and order. we have to do a lot because this cannot continue. this happens too often, gangsters don't respect the police and the police are the best people we have. trump came to the ceremony said goodbye to the policeman, visited his family.
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biden didn't even call. new york - a city of contrasts is emphasized by the republican fox news channel with a split screen. in megapolis there are four presidents at once, who is doing what, you can feel the difference. three presidents are here to collect money. than trump, but in the fall they cannot buy votes, the rating of the current president is lower, and his merits are insignificant, almost 40% of respondents believe that biden has no achievements in 3 years in the white house. denis david, aleftina sorokina, news! alfabank
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in the donyat direction of special operations, rocket artillery crews are working on the second line of defense. eduard punigov spoke with the fighters. what guys, as they say, is aimed, loaded? south donetsk direction, second line of defense. rszzo uragan is in a combat position. a couple of minutes to prepare, clarify the coordinates and the calculation opens fire. on this section of the front, rocket artillery plays a vital role, preventing the enemy from carrying out maneuvers. destroys hangars with equipment and ammunition. the shells fly almost 40 km. beyond the horizon, aerial reconnaissance confirms an accurate hit on the ukrainian armed forces' support tower. i’ve been working for almost a year now, i already have a lot of experience, since june of 22, we’ve been working on a hurricane, well, the car is unpretentious, we’re working on the road, we’re working it out, we get there and that’s it, and home. now we urgently need to leave here,
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the enemy is constantly leading counter-batteries. fight, the vehicle returns successfully, but the soldiers have no time to rest, the commander receives the coordinates of the new target, installation they are immediately preparing for reloading, right now the crew is preparing for the next combat mission, a car with another batch of shells has just arrived here. the weight of each projectile is almost 300 kg; they are loaded into the installation using a special crane. the hurricane is heading out again. to the firing position. the crew's task is to provide fire support to assault groups on the front line. the artillery of the vostok group is on duty around the clock, regardless of weather conditions. goals change many times a day. this crew alone accounted for dozens of casualties. targets, including western technology. nami, soon we will all return home, we will celebrate. eduard punigov, alexander
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bodkin. lead the south-donetsk direction. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable, frankly.
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