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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] information hour, we begin the message from the lenformagenstvo, with reference to the investigative committee, which is quoted by the rants: and the terrorists, after the crime in crocus, went towards the border with ukraine for its subsequent crossing and arrival in kiev for a reward and the department. established that the terrorists who carried out the terrorist attack went there after the attack; also , according to the investigative committee, the perpetrators of the attack were coordinated by an unidentified voice, and through voice messages through telegram channel, and this man acted under a pseudonym, the accused reported this during interrogations, the investigative committee is checking the involvement of the ukrainian special services in organizing the terrorist attack, and today
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the basmanny sund of the capital arrested the ninth defendant. he has been charged with participating in a terrorist act. the meeting was held behind closed doors, and as reported, the criminal was detained on the day of the terrorist attack on ukroku city hall. today, investigative activities took place in putilkovo, near moscow, where the persons involved in the case rented an apartment from the very crocus, as well as searches in the office of the moscow city crypto exchange. for the first time, russian experts showed the structure of the british storm shadow missile. the footage was distributed by the agency. western weapons are being studied in detail and will use this new critical data against those who launch the shadow storm. details from varvara nevskaya. this footage is being published for the first time; the longest-range cruise missile in service in the ssu, the formidable storm shadow, is being boldly dissected by russian specialists. the entire contents of the anglo-french ammunition, in full view, the body, the wings,
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one of them is partially broken off. in order to cleanse our land of flying evil spirits. russian specialists approach the study of the rocket and the principles of its operation in detail. it is important to understand the functionality of each block of each node. experts share the data obtained with other departments, as well as departments and training centers. this increases the economic
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feasibility of management. war, that is , it allows anti-aircraft gunners to spend less of their own funds, and thereby achieves greater efficiency in principle of armed confrontation. the value of understanding, therefore, the structure of a solid product, and allows you to borrow some technological, design solutions, allows you, therefore, to develop some, perhaps your own new products. thanks to the data obtained, the operation of lesion detection equipment. all components of the air defense system will become even more advanced, and therefore more effective. at the same time , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, is already speaking directly about ukraine’s serious shell shortage. the supply ratio of 6 to one is not in favor of kiev. russia retains its advantage in artillery and mortar shells, as well as manpower. in a fresh interview, the head of the enemy armed forces, complaining about the lack of weapons, again turned his pleas towards
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western partners. but. are they likely to be able to help enough to fundamentally change the situation? i don’t see any significant changes in shells in ukraine in the near future, for the simple reason that in order to intensify production, the same german or french rainmetal company from nexter will have to recruit personnel, a very large number of qualified people to increase production capacity, because they cannot reactivate... production capacity, because europe simply does not have such capacity, as experts note, the situation with the domestic defense industry is fundamentally different, russia, if necessary, has the ability to quickly reactivate and increase production , which has already been done several times during the special military operation. varvar nevskaya olga olvukhina to lead. now back to the very
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latest information. from the investigative committee on the investigation into the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole. the investigative committee continues systematic work to collect evidence of the guilt of the defendants, identify their accomplices and organizers of the terrorist act, those accused of committing a terrorist attack in the initial testimony, during subsequent interrogations and other investigative activities with their participation, reported that their actions, as in the preparation stage , and after an armed attack in crocus cityholi by voice messages via messenger telegram were coordinated by a man who introduced himself to them under a pseudonym. at the direction of the coordinator, the terrorists... after committing a crime in a car, drove towards the russian-ukrainian border in order to then get to kiev to receive the reward they were promised. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational
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measures to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in the organization and financing of the terrorist act continues. alpha friday is a super cake every week from alfabank. in this friday you get 50% cashback when you pay with any of our cards in yandex food. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive super cashback on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha profitable. we 're going on vacation. and we're going. third year, so open a vtb savings account. the rate is 16%. save up faster. buy osaka on the website , compare and win a car. only until april 26, you can insure one car with us and win a second or a million rubles. choose asaga or any other insurance and accept
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the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i , vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. key events right now. assembly of the interparliamentary union in geneva, russian statement prepared in connection with the terrorist attack in the moscow region. the delegations of which countries did not agree on the text condemning terrorism. of the 100 delegations that approached us, 50 were able to sign this document. for many, it turned out to be impossible to officially sign these words of sincere support for russia. artificial intelligence and voice synthesis technologies, new methods of fraud, how to counter them? synthesize the voice of relatives or friends, trying to lure out some personal data, personal information. modern digital technologies in the field of anti-corruption. how much? are not applicable, this is one of the most effective methods, which in the future will be
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implemented, well, essentially in all areas of human activity. we will tell you in detail about preparing for the unified state exam and additional points, how to score them. since january 20, all the necessary materials that are of interest to applicants have already been posted on the websites of these universities. family business or family entrepreneurship, is a separate legislative status needed? the state is implementing it quite consistently. a program to support small businesses in those sectors that are considered strategically important. the federation council is ready to respond to any requests from the authorities of the belgorod region, valentina matvienko stated this at a meeting with the head of the region, vyacheslav glotkov. the speaker of the upper house focused on the governor’s initiative to transfer children from areas of the belgorod region that are under fire from ukraine to other regions. the whole country is with you, we not only empathize, but... are also ready provide any support, help, and we
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, as the chamber of regions, this was manifested in the implementation of your idea, to transfer children for a while, this difficult thing, to other regions, and you see how all your colleagues, governors responded, thank you, teachers, parents for organizing this work, we are calm that children from the closest areas who are exposed to risks, shelling, they are now in safe places, they will be given attention, they will study, and they will rest and come to their senses, one might say. valentina matvienko noted that in the near future a government decision on supporting citizens living in border areas is currently awaited. the chairman of the federation council separately expressed gratitude to all residents of the belgorod region, calling them heroic and courageous people.
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investigative committee of russia. all children who were displaced to
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the territory of the russian federation, the russian federation is searching for their legal representatives, they are provided with medical care, educational process, therefore the fact that we have all children in reunified territories underwent medical examination, it was simply surprising for them, because no one from... the union in geneva. the tragic events in the moscow region made certain adjustments to
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the work of the forum. our parliamentarians held a number of bilateral meetings, during which words of support were expressed to the russian people in connection with the terrorist attack. however, whether this reaction was unanimous , whether all our partners or opponents were able to overcome momentary political differences, we will find out from the vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev, who took an active part in the session.
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konstantin iosifovich, hello! chairman of the interparliamentary union , mrs. tuli akson on social networks, well , the next day, when the work itself began, then, probably, without exception, all delegations friendly to us came up and expressed their words of condolences, in total, 180 national parliaments are represented in the interparliamentary union, a little over 10,040 were physical in geneva, of these a little over 140, i think so... but no less than 100 representatives of national delegations found it possible to express their condolences, those who did not express, we will leave on their conscience, of course, these were our notorious ill-wishers, but even among them there were parliamentarians with a conscience, colleagues approached us, the first to approach were colleagues from the netherlands, then there were the british, there were germans
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, there were greeks, probably they were also not recommended to contact us, but once again... i repeat, fortunately, some people still have a conscience and maybe even prevails, and then we began collecting signatures for written declarations, there is such a genre in inter-parliamentary union with an expression of condolences to russia and words of decisive rejection of terrorism in any form, it was specially made so that no one would have any feelings of discomfort, well, yes, it was mentioned there. out of the 100 delegations that approached us, it was possible to put 50 signatures under this document, this is also a lot, but for many it turned out to be impossible to officially sign these words of sincere support for russia that we heard, again we will leave this on their conscience, nevertheless, the document turned out
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he is legitimate, in a number of cases he collected the signatures of all members of the delegation, surprisingly only one western delegation - these were the austrians. we found it possible to sign this document in full , we are also sincerely grateful to them, but this was the only exception from this camp of western countries, we officially submitted the document to the secretariat of the inter-parliamentary union with a request to give it the status of an official document of the assembly, and now we are waiting for such a decision . konstantin iosifovich, i would also like to touch upon the incident with by the denial of access to our working group, which included the russian senator at cern, tell us the details, what exactly happened and... what was the reaction to this? within the framework of the inter-parliamentary union , there are quite a lot of different formats, and there is a working group on science and technology, which, of course , includes a russian representative. this group has always clearly positioned itself as a non-politicized association
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of parliamentarians, the main principle has always been that science should be above politics, after a regular meeting there was... a study tour of all members of the group was planned to a center called cern, this is the headquarters of the european nuclear energy organization, where the famous hadron collider exists, almost operates. the night before , a notification comes from cern to the head of this group, and this is an irishman , that cern has interrupted cooperation with russian scientists, which is why participation in
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the orientation. time of adequate colleagues, because within the framework of cern a project was being implemented that simply cannot be implemented successfully without russian scientists, and familiarizing the parliamentary public with this project should, in theory , exceed any political considerations and geographical boundaries, but i hope that this will be a lesson for the management
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of cern; i suspect that they did not make this decision themselves, it was probably thrown to them it was slipped by his colleagues from the european union, which is disposed towards russia, clearly unfriendly, but here if someone got into a puddle, excuse me for this expression, then this is not at all exactly not the interparliamentary union, not the working group of the interparliamentary union, but the leadership. nuclear energy organization, and as for the direct results of the 148th assembly in general, what are they in general, what are they for our country, how did all the work go? well, first and most importantly, we are consistently working to avoid giving leadership to inter-parliamentary unions, our western opponents, because they are trying to dominate everywhere, and we see how they have already destroyed, destroyed the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe with their dominance, and how they are now destroying and destroying the osce parliamentary assembly before our very eyes, the same attempts are being made in the inter-parliamentary union, yes, westerners are not there in most of
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the 180 countries, the group of westerners, the so-called group of 12+, is about 50 states, well, absolutely absolutely not a majority, or rather a minority, but they are well organized, ideologically organized, they have strict discipline in the group, and, as a rule, they carry out decisions that other groups can only shrug at, even as... yes, the truth is on them side, and we see this trend , thank god that now it is seen by an increasing number of countries and geopolitical groups, we are now working on the idea of ​​creating some kind of above, let’s say, factional additional geopolitical group, relatively speaking, brixc plus, it is clear that this is not only brix, but to unite the parliaments of those countries that do not accept a unipolar world, which understand that only in multipolarity. our strength and not least the potential of the inter-parliamentary union, i repeat once again, for now this is just an idea, but
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absolutely, the inter-parliamentary union is already beginning to defend itself against these attempts by the west to dominate, this was visible at the current assembly, the same ukrainian topic, if it was heard, was only in the speech of these western representatives, there was no news for us here, but there were no anti-russian initiatives, there were no attempts to push this topic through again. on the agenda of the assembly, in general the work went smoothly, we voted against one of the two resolutions presented, here, too, what is called a conflict with the west, it was about - issues regulating the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems using artificial intelligence, that is, a new type of weapon that can solve some problems without any human intervention, so to speak, an international group of military tasks has been created, highly relevant experts under the auspices of the un within the framework of the convention on
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inhumane weapons and they work there, there are different points of view, but these are the work of professionals, here is one of the groups that is promoting their idea there, these are the same westerners they themselves tried to push their position through the interparliamentary union, where there are no such narrow specialists, after all, we are parliamentarians , so that later this resolution of the interparliamentary union could be dragged back to the group of experts. and brandishing it as some kind of consolidated position of the international community was sewn together with white threads and we voted against, it is gratifying that we were not alone in this position, our colleagues from china voted against, our colleagues from india and from a number of other countries voted against. the second resolution on the climate agenda was also ambiguous, but we supported it with certain reservations and believe that environmental issues, of course, should be natural. for the inter-parliamentary union as a whole, it will become an element that will unite and consolidate the international community, the too general and
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too serious threats that come from climate warming. short commercial now, we'll be back soon, stay tuned. home is where the family is, in the house of the russian federation bank 16.2% per annum. deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control. go to avito, choose the make of your car right away, and immediately find new summer tires. tires can be found conveniently and quickly. there is a search by car brand. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, get 50% cashback when paying with any of our cards. in yandex food, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and get a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just
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entrepreneurs and enterprises. artillery will come, these ukrainian gangs are hitting


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