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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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a range of support measures, ranging from financial to educational programs, there are quite a lot of services, there are more than thirty of them, for example, a service on how to place a sign correctly, verification of contractors, we have a legislative business digest, and there are now four free coworking spaces in different parts of moscow, and these are free workplaces for entrepreneurs, there is access to the internet, there are meeting rooms, at the same time in our country many people do business far from cities and devote themselves to working native land, engage in crop production, livestock farming, produce farm products, and improve the rural area. there are more than 160,000 peasant farms in russia, many of which employ families. the state annually provides them with assistance, ranging from tax breaks to state grants, which are allocated directly to peasant farms, and the conditions for receiving such grants are precisely the running of a family business in the countryside. in
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other areas of business like this there are no specific features, while such objective prerequisites, it seems to me, for introducing the concept of family business at the legislative level, well, there are none yet, because the state is quite consistently implementing a policy program to support small businesses in those industries that are considered strategically important . senators, however, do not exclude support for entrepreneurs who belong to small medium-sized businesses. can be expanded, all that is needed is a clear request in which industries and in what volumes this is greater everything is necessary. marina pavlova, alexander shedevr, andrey litvin, senate program. next week, senators will consider issues of innovative development of the industry and manufacturing industry. comprehensive protection measures will be discussed - this is the spread of infections for children's summer camps. they will consider the interaction of federal executive authorities with youth organizations. development of the big data market.
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see you in a week. see you on the senate program. hello, evening, friday, i’m alexander kirievsky, time to sum up some results the passing week. our former partners in the west did not immediately decide how to assess the events of march 22. the first statements of the same un representatives were extremely vague and caused legitimate criticism of our foreign ministry. then, however, some time later in... the west, as if on cue, began to express
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their condolences in connection with the tragedy in crocus cityhole. apparently, our former western partners were afraid that they might remain strategically alone due to the fact that the countries of the global south and east immediately supported us in this trouble. world today we discussed the reaction to the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk and other topics with the permanent representative of russia to the un office and other international organizations in geneva. gennady mikhailovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, of course, my first question is the international reaction to the terrorist attack, the terrible terrorist attack in crocos city hall, appeared, you already spoke out this week on this issue, this is understandable, but maybe there was some -another reaction after your speech, and something else that will be interesting for all of us to know on this topic, yes, good afternoon, hello, but i will say this... this,
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this tragedy, terrorist act, it actually shook up international geneva, of course, we received dozens of messages, condolences, expressions of condolences, people were sent and came, me in particular was visited a group, a large group of ambassadors from countries friendly to us, who sincerely expressed... their condolences in connection with this monstrous tragedy that occurred in moscow, at city holly, so to a certain extent, yes, we received solidarity, and not only from countries friendly to us, but i will say that from the majority of western countries, with which we have had virtually no relations lately, all...
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who constantly criticized us, accused us of aggression, and so on, that everything this has changed radically, i can give you a small example, and here the other day the assembly of the inter-parliamentary
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union was held, we had a large delegation from both the state duma and the federation council, our senators and deputies. worked constructively in within the framework of this forum, there was such an episode, maybe it’s interesting, within the assembly there is a committee on science and technology, and a trip to cern was planned, this is a european organization for nuclear research, the study trip included our senator gumerova, liliya, in the group of parliamentarians , they had to sit. cern, but unfortunately, the day before, the leadership of the cr said, since the delegation included a russian senator, it would be prohibited, prohibited from visiting cern. this caused a very harsh reaction from
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all other deputies who participated were supposed to participate in this study tour, they all unanimously refused. to visit cern as a sign of protest, that is, this seems to be a small touch, but it suggests that there are still certain changes in the international community. gennady mikhailovich, you talked about the turnaround, but i would like to ask you this question, this initial reaction, it was criticized by our foreign ministry, and especially the united states, especially the un, when they seemed to have not yet understood the situation, well was partially understandable. that this was a terrorist attack, there was nothing to even understand, and everything was clear, well, in general terms, i mean, then there was such a cold reaction, and then, as if on command, suddenly people even began to pay attention to it , which are not directly related to international affairs, they, as if
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on command from all angles, began to say something terrible, to admit the truth, yes to admit it was natural, but i mean the western media, western officials, and it looked like...
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popular organizations, your colleagues from other countries are reacting to the statements of mr. kirby and other american officials, which no one has yet figured out in hot pursuit, the investigation has just begun, our special services have only just taken measures to cover this tragedy, and they have already stated that this is not ukraine, they have already everyone knew, it turns out, it is possible to draw such a conclusion or not, why there was such a reaction and they are still trying to shield the ukrainians. their allies, as they call them, the american authorities, the same, in my opinion, mr. kirby simply stoops to insults to our diplomats, our officials, what it is, how to understand it from the point of view of high diplomacy or even just some human things, yes, i
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think that it could be understood simply, since the terrorist attack was committed, yes, everyone condemns it, but now the task is to figure out who is standing? and not to draw hasty conclusions, but the fact that our american and other western colleagues , a few hours later, began to say that this is not ukraine, that this is isis, but this simply does not hold back any criticism, because this the hasty judgment was not based - on any facts, on any data, so the attempt to simply shield the ukrainians... their wards in this context is obvious, in principle, in our conversations on the sidelines, many
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expressed bewilderment why the americans were so hasty in their closest the allies began to move this whole situation away from kiev, all this requires, as our leadership has already spoken out and the special investigative bodies, this requires a very serious investigation, but... still the facts that our investigative officers already have in their hands authorities, they say that there should and may be a ukrainian trace there, it is no coincidence that this group rushed to immediately run away towards the ukrainian border, it is no coincidence that passages were equipped there, and so on and so forth , that is, there are many facts that speak about this, but as... our investigative authorities say again, this all requires, of course, a thorough investigation, so
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such a hasty reaction is unequivocal, no, this is not ukraine and this cannot be, it does not stand up to any criticism. and gennady mikhailovich, another topic, it just comes into contact with such a possible, well, not an epiphany, but some kind of light breeze in this direction, i mean the report of the commissioner for human rights, there is some kind of disagreement about what it was in general, how ...
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issue regarding ukraine, so it cannot be said that there is some kind of turnaround here in relation to the position, the office of the high commissioner for human rights, all this, despite the fact that we periodically, regularly send dozens, hundreds of pages of materials to the management, about those atrocities violations of human rights that are committed by the ukrainian... armed forces, but as i said earlier, all of them, unfortunately,
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the majority, remain outside the brackets and are actually ignored, therefore there is no way to talk about any fundamental turn in the position of the un human rights mechanisms here no need to. gennady mikhailovich, just two words about this notorious conference in switzerland in april , it seems like the authorities are almost going to announce a date. here, as i understand it, our position does not change, no, our position does not change, in april they are indeed going to hold a so-called peace conference on ukraine in switzerland. switzerland wants to again position itself as an honest broker, as an intermediary, but this position is untenable, firstly, because there is no way...
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to try to consolidate these all countries are in the position of the zelensky peace formula, the zelensky peace formula and the so-called this...
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all those sanctions that the european union imposed against our country, they are discussing how they could use the frozen russian money in switzerland, and at the very least, seven, more than 7 billion dollars, they are discussing the question of how swiss weapons could be used, to whom they could be transferred so that they could be used in ukraine.
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lived in a hostel in the east of moscow, he had already partially admitted his guilt, he was detained on the same evening when the attack took place right at the crime scene, when the crocus was cordoned off, he refused to show documents, began to be rude to the police, tried to resist, for which he was arrested for 15 days, but for now was in a detention center, investigators
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were establishing his connection with the main group of terrorists, he is suspected of financing the attackers on the city hall okroka . investigators are now unraveling this scheme. the high-profile case is being conducted by the department for the investigation of war crimes, genocide and rehabilitation of nazism, the main investigative department of the investigative committee of russia. and there is already confirmed evidence that the direct perpetrator of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of cryptocurrency money from ukraine. accused of committing a terrorist attack in the initial testimony, during subsequent interrogations and other investigative activities with their participation, they reported that their actions both in preparation for and after the armed attack in crocus sitiholi, through voice messages via messenger telegram , were coordinated by a man who introduced himself them under a pseudonym. on the instructions of the coordinator, after committing the crime, the terrorists drove in a car towards the russian-ukrainian border in order to then get to kiev to receive what they had been promised.
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rewards. investigative actions on friday took place at several addresses . during the terrorist attacks , one of the terrorists , rachibalizod said krami, was brought under escort to city hall; it was an investigative experiment, the accused showed how the terrorists ran out of the car and opened fire on unarmed visitors to the picnic group concert. two other direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, zhamsidin fariduni and muhammad-sabir fayzov, also testified. they were taken to the village of putilkova near moscow in krasnogorsk district of the moscow region, where the terrorists rented an apartment. there, according to the investigation, they organized a base for preparing their monstrous attack. attacks, in this apartment, spacious euro three-room apartments had previously been searched and evidence was found, communications equipment was also confiscated from the arrested terrorists, information about their financial transactions was analyzed, as a result of which a connection with ukrainian nationalists was established, the russian investigative committee emphasized. the apartment itself in putilkova belongs to the cook, alisher kasimov, who a few days ago was arrested by the basmanny court of the capital until may 22, this is the eighth
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person involved in the high-profile case. kasimov, however, does not admit his guilt, claiming that he knew nothing about the impending terrorist attack. and was not previously acquainted with the attackers, he simply posted an advertisement for renting an apartment and they answered him, according to him, the tenants did not arouse any suspicion, and besides , they offered good money, today kasimov’s defense appealed his arrest. prior to this, the appeal was filed by the islomov family, brothers dilovar and amenchon, as well as their father israil. on monday, they were all taken into custody for 2 months. according to investigators, it was islom who supplied the militants with money and a car. one of the delovar brothers, the former owner of the same renault car in which the terrorists arrived at the krok. city hall later tried to escape from the scene of the tragedy on it. well, four of those who carried out the execution in city hall on sunday were arrested for two months until may 22. all of them are charged under article 205 of the criminal code. russia, this is participation in a terrorist act committed by a group of individuals. the maximum penalty here is life imprisonment. all of them have already admitted their guilt and provided detailed information about the customers and
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organizers of this crime. now the investigation and security forces are working to uncover the entire network of terrorists. boris ivanin, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev and anna tarasenko. news. well, now to the world financial markets, by the end of the first quarter the price of oil came close to $90 per barrel, here is the same financial paradox as in the gold market, we will talk about this a little later. let me remind you that in recent months the dollar has strengthened against major world currencies, and this usually leads to the fact that prices of goods do not rise. now political factors weigh heavily over financial ones. global instability traditionally leads to an increase in oil prices, but... now, as we understand, there is a lot of this instability, even too much. the biden administration's inconsistent energy policies are beginning to directly hinder democrats' wins
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at the elections. the inflation data that just came out in the us speak volumes about this. inflation is driven by rising gasoline prices. americans traditionally react extremely painfully to this. it is clear that this is not the only factor that leads to a drop in ratings. democrats, however, with the summer holiday season approaching, the cost of gasoline could significantly affect the mood of americans. well, especially if the absurd decisions of the biden administration continue to be implemented, including by me i mean the renewed talk about changing the ceiling on the price of our oil on world markets, of course, downward. so far these are only conversations, but they do not contribute to a reduction in prices for... andrey
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vladimirovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, of course, the increase in oil prices, which is now noticeable, brand oil is approaching $90 per barrel, so far a little lower , it seems like this mark, but different factors, as usual, influence the oil market. of course, there is also manetary, but now we will focus more on political factors, and it is clear that recently oil has always been a political commodity, but recently it has probably especially become political in connection with well-known events, but i was attracted by the statement of gp morgan, this is one of the largest american banks, and so analysts say that there will be 100 dollars per barrel if for some reason supplies from russia... are reduced to the world market, and this costs a minimum and further higher, and accordingly, oil prices have political significance for domestic american political
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events, influences on elections, and so on. is there such a topic, is it being actively discussed in america right now? this topic, and perhaps, what is your opinion here, will this topic be discussed in any way in the near future? even more active than now? well, this topic is being discussed more than actively, since elections are already underway, the election campaign is underway, and biden has recently built his entire campaign on two theses: first, that trump is a threat to democracy, and not to the democratic party, second - the fact that with him the economy continued to improve, meanwhile today they arrived. data that suggests that inflation, contrary to his statements , is beginning to rise again, it increased from 2.9 at
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the end of last year to 3.1 in february, in january and in february it increased by another 3.2%. at the same time, which is even somewhat surprising, unemployment has increased, that is, this is a double blow to... according to all biden’s statements , and in this situation there is an increase in oil prices, gasoline prices have been rising in recent weeks by about 10 cents over the course of weeks per golon in the american case, and now, roughly speaking , the national average is about a dollar per liter, this is extremely unpleasant news for the administration, which, in general, has already caused damage. blows to the entire traditional fuel and energy industry, both by promoting the green economy and
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specifically trying to put pressure...
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you remembered about these eight tankers, which india accordingly did not accept, but then information appeared that china accepted all of them all the oil, and accordingly is ready to further increase purchases of our oil, you talked about pressure, is this pressure, is it somehow expressed in the public domain or is it just the fact that these countries, buyers, traditional buyers of our oil, they simply say that we are under pressure, that is this pressure, is it threats or what is it like? this can be interpreted somehow, it is not advertised much, but everyone understands that there is pressure through diplomatic channels and signals are being sent related to sanctions that are being introduced against specific companies and even specific courts in a number cases, it is clear that this policy will continue, well, this creates such
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a problem, both in relations with... certain countries, and creates a contradictory situation during the presidential campaign, that is, the administration’s foreign policy goals, well, somewhere come into conflict with domestic political goals, which are all based, naturally, on the desire to ensure, well, price stability, at least stability, and yet they have increased significantly over the past month, say, for air tickets.
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energy resources, in turn, are such a political factor, well, traditionally gasoline prices are important for america, but now, as you said, they are of very acute importance, but due to the fact that biden ordered the sale of oil from strategic reserves, this issue is being politicized, because the reserves there are half are empty, even more, and the market cannot help but pay attention to this, it traditionally also looks at the american ones as one of the largest oil reserves, so... biden is now being criticized for the fact that he made such a decision then, or is it political the plane does not cross for now, this will move into the political plane, absolutely, in general there will be a very tough discussion of biden’s entire energy policy, which seemed to have two goals: on the one hand, to create additional incentives for the acquisition and, accordingly, the production of various elements of green
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energy. extremely hostile attitude towards traditional energy, the latter was based not only on the fact that biden is very closely associated with those companies that produce electric cars, so to speak , electric battery panels, and so on, but with the fact that that as a rule, states that produce traditional energy resources are controlled by republicans. the majority of the population there votes for republicans, accordingly, it was beneficial for him to, well, strike a blow to the economy of these states and the political prestige of the republican leaders, as a result, these measures led to a slowdown in energy production, including ...


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