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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:27pm MSK

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hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events
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of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. modern terrorism, does it have its own characteristics, materials from our program. a new isis cell, which is known as avilayat kharasan. what kind of ambitions do terrorists have? nato is turning 75, how does brussels see russia? gentlemen of the jury, when discussing the grounds for leniency, you will remember the life of zasulich revealed before you, perhaps her mournful wandering youth will explain to you the bitterness that has accumulated in her, which made her less calm, more impressed. final speech of the chairman of the jury
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anatoly fedorovich koni at the trial against the nihilist vera zasulich in 1878. she was tried for the attempt on the life of the st. petersburg mayor, trepov , and was acquitted, taking into account her lofty motives and hard life.
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terror was a frequent phenomenon, starting from the second half of the 19th century, as a means of political struggle; it was considered not only by bombers, narodnaya volya, but by the bolsheviks. vladimir lenin, in his work where to start, wrote: “in principle, we have never renounced and cannot renounce terror. this is one of the military actions that may be quite suitable and even necessary at a certain moment of battle, and under certain conditions. more before the formation of the state of israel in british mandatory palestine, terrorist attacks were carried out by jewish militants who fought simultaneously with the arabs against the british occupation forces.and after the formation of israel and the war of 1948, terror became the main means of struggle palestinian arabs. in the soviet union , the palestine liberation organization was always called the only legitimate representative of the palestinian people, although they knew very well that it was under its auspices. century, under certain
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conditions, terrorists could count on the understanding or even sympathy of wide public circles, this, for example, happened with the european left, like the red brigades, various basque groups that fought for independence or the irish republican army, despite the terrorists.
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hamas against israel on october 7, 2023, limiting itself to criticism of terrorism in general. stockholm syndrome has gone out of fashion; the 21st century, with its dictates of communication, has made the effect of terrorism so powerful that a call to, if not forgive, then at least understand, is perceived as a provocation. the tragedy in krasnogorsk brought back the message. day the question of the terrorist threat emanating from a vast region from north africa to south asia. the international efforts of the past decade appear to have been successful. the so -called islamic state and al-qaeda were destroyed. the frightening specter
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of international terrorism, against which world war was declared at the beginning of the century, seems to have receded or not? we asked a subject matter expert about this. time, but there are branches throughout many countries of the islamic world, but the ones with their own center do not exist as of today known this may be you know boko haram in africa, in nigeria in cameroon, in chad, there, another famous branch is , of course,
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velayat, khorasan, which exists in afghanistan on the border with pakistan, in nanganhar province, too. of these branches has its own head in , if regarding the velayat of khorasan in afghanistan, this is samullah ghafari, a real person, an ethnic tajik afghan, and he, if for
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a couple of years now, heads this branch, well, that is, there is no central management, after the murder in al - in baghdad there is, so to speak , a caliph who... is hiding somewhere on the border between syria and iraq, currently this is abu hafs al-qureishi, but he is purely like the british queen, in general he does not have much influence, purely formally, everyone from the branches or the leadership of each branch must take an oath of allegiance, biy, that is, and that is, they take their oaths of allegiance to themselves.
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what do we see when it was formed in the case of isis, especially when al-baghdadi became their main caliph, they changed the paradigm, they said: no, territory is important to us, we will seize the territory, they created this quasi- state with their own borders, with their own,
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with their currency, with their ministries, with their postage stamps, yes, and , of course, a stream of these, distant enemies, nearby enemies, that is, poured in there the rulers of arab countries, muslim countries, since they are puppets of the distant enemy of america, they themselves will fall, we need to take care of america, so the events of september 11 and so on, when isis was formed within its , so to speak, ever-changing borders, they naturally looked on close enemies, that is, on hafez assad, on the leadership of iraq, that is, for them... close enemies became important first of all, but both of them led and
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are leading, did not lose sight of these terrorist attacks - in countries infidels, yes, in western europe, in america, in russia and so on, that is, this is this, this is the difference, a near enemy, a distant enemy, this has been since the emergence of jihadism back in the sixties, this is... there is a constant dispute about who more important for us in the first place, the terrorists from crocus tried to escape, an islamist who is not going to die, this is actually atypical, this is atypical, but this is not the only case, if we look at the most famous bloody terrorist attack of recent times in western europe, the attack to the bataclan nightclub in paris, there they also shot people and left, as they say, this time, then they were there. mm, before the bataclan there was, for example, an attack on the jewish museum in brussels, when a terrorist with
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a kalashnikov assault rifle shot four people, and left, ran away, he was later caught in france, in 23, in october 23, the same terrorist attacked on swedish fans, killed two, seriously wounded one, but then he was detained a couple of days later, or rather not detained, killed during the arrest, that is, the wrong ones, the wrong ones, the wrong ones, they tried to kill, so to speak themselves and during a terrorist attack, although the majority of them have a one-way ticket, they come to die, yes, well, the last terrorist attack of this kind, it was isis, again the velayat, khorasan velayat, in iran in kerman in january this year, when two suicide bombers blew up the cemetery where the grave of qassem sulaymaniyah is located. from among the crowd and celebrating the date, the anniversary
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of the killings of sulaymaniyah, they blew themselves up in a cemetery, killed 100 people, it turns out that attracting random people, not necessarily convinced fanatics, is a widespread phenomenon , there are already many studies of those people who from western europe, from the usa went to fight on the side of isis between 2013 and 2019, this is... islam, they did not speak classical arabic , they were not, were not interested in theology, and so on , in fact, they went to the territory controlled by isis, not in order to delve into this theology, they went to fight, to go to fight - well, one might say, their entire mentality was built on the latin expression
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beloergosum, i i exist, i howl, i i exist, or i fight for the sake of existence , that’s all they needed, these are the guys who went there to syria, to iraq over these 6-7 years, the same thing for these tajiks, firstly, they didn’t no matter where they say it, they obviously don’t speak russian, let alone arabic. yes, that is , this is absolute illiteracy, some preacher or a person posing as a preacher can tell them anything, you know, say that this is islam, but again, for most people, this is not, no, that's not what they're here for, they're here for in order to fight, the fact that the crocus shooters were promised to pay a lot of money by their standards, does this... fit into terrorist practice? for me, this element was the most unusual in this
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story, not that they did not run away, left, but that someone paid them something, then about a quarter of a century that a modern form of terrorism has existed since the advent of al-qaeda, what have the intelligence services learned? firstly, this is internal, this is control within countries, but... digitalization, widespread cameras everywhere, control everywhere, then the transfer of money, financial resources, control over potential terrorists who.
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that is , it is very difficult for terrorists or extremists to live under this dome, and the further time goes, the harder this life is made for them, in order to somehow exist, they must from time to time leave this cheese dome to go to those regions where it is not there, where they will learn something, where they will receive funding, and where then to return to this... under this dome, you know, this one, this comparison is very, very, so to speak exactly, as i think, yes, that is, the same, the same terrorists or extremists who for some reason cannot leave, leave this dome, die, their organization, their ideology,
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it comes to naught, therefore, yes, to your question, a lot of things. we have studied and continue to study, especially the means of monitoring surveillance, but - of course, they will, uh, completely exclude terrorist actions, it is impossible, so i took a knife and went to slaughter swedish fans in october of twenty-three, because in sweden they burned the koran, well - that's it , especially the lone wolf, the so-called one... it’s very difficult to keep track of him, yes, he quickly becomes ideologized during, again according to many studies, this is the point of no return, they are through ideologization, through preachers, through the internet , through social networks, they reach within two to four weeks, this is a very, very short period
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of this ideologization, so it is very difficult to keep track of it, thank you very much.
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declared war against terrorism and began a multi-year campaign in afghanistan. in october 2001, the us congress passed the so-called a patriarchal act, which is said to be. some critics have deprived americans of their freedom. security forces have received the right to telephone conversations, sms, emails,
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internet search history of anyone, if they consider it necessary to ensure national security. the concept of domestic terrorism and terrorist attack has appeared as a new crime without statute of limitations, that is, a corresponding criminal case can be initiated at any time.
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after the events of september 11 , the airport security system changed dramatically, technology has appeared that determines a passenger’s nervousness when entering the waiting room, psychologists who monitor people’s reactions during searches, their procedures have also become more stringent, and in september 2002 the administration adopted the bush doctrine. according to which the united states has the right to conduct preventive wars on foreign territory to overthrow dictatorial regimes if, in the opinion of washington, they pose a threat
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to the security of the united states or its allies. in 2003, this doctrine was used to justify the invasion of iraq. according to washington, saddam hussein collaborated with al-qaeda and had weapons of mass destruction that he could provide to terrorists. and
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this week, by the way, the conflict between the netanyahu government and the biden administration was formalized; for the first time, the united states did not veto the un security council resolution. opportunists of the highest class, they always go where they think there is a weak spot. today, as it seems to me, you can’t
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get your head around it, of course, but you can imagine that the leaders of a number of terrorist groups, radical groups, see, believe that attention, political, material, military, financial.
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