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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

11:30 pm
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11:34 pm
just 10 years ago, fear ruled the world, hopes, the light went out completely, before the aggressive darkness, nato came to our aid, we live freely, we straightened our shoulders, the world is again behind the nato shield. sorry for the clumsy translation, as best we could. song "anata" it was performed in the fifty-ninth year on the tenth anniversary of the north atlantic alliance, bing crosby, one of the most famous of... celebrates the anniversary, his crowning anniversary, the so -called 75 years of marriage, the bloc is greeted with an extremely large family, the thirty-second country has just recently joined, sweden, at its founding it was 12. the date itself is april 4, we will talk later, in anticipation we will ask this question: are
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nato and the cold war inseparable things, or is a new generation coming that is not under the inescapable impression of confrontation xx century. nato still exists, there are allies there in korea, in japan, this has its own logic. and all this will remain there, no matter what age the president and his team are, and that is, this system may fall apart at some point, but this is a complex process, and not just a matter of generational change. after the korean war, america turned japan into a permanent ally, and south korea became a key ally. taiwan, the same thing continues in europe, nato, as it was created in 1949, has only expanded, so that the structures that are somehow created around china and russia, in the same place, in my opinion, in general,
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we can say that this is not even a new cold war, but a continuation of that one by inertia. nato, of course, will say that it is not their inertia, but ours. russia, they say, will not understand that the world has changed, it is necessary to look at security differently. so, who needs whom more as a threat? in general, i think that russia, even more than china, plays a very important, important role, somehow in the self-awareness of the west, and even more now than in the eighties, nineties, that is, maybe now generation does not remember the cold war, few people remember it at all. the sixties, when it was at its height, but the liberal order, the order based on rules, you can somehow ridicule these terms, they are in some sense absurd, the free world, but the order was built and somewhere in the fifties, but
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quite serious, and led by america, in the nineties, when the soviet union collapsed, we did not return and... there forty-five years into the un order, this liberal order continued to exist, and to exist soviet, that is, russia and china, but there was no place in this order for various more or less obvious reasons, but this order also did not become universal, even without an enemy it did not, well, somehow did not spread to the whole world, then ... what to do with the universality of liberalism, why the universal liberal order actually exists within certain boundaries, and is associated with certain institutions, like nato and the european union, and especially after the economic
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crisis of 2008, nationalists, populists, all sorts of political forces began to ask this question, it was necessary to answer it somehow, and the answers... were not obvious, but here russia plays a very important role, because it explains the emergence of these populists, political opponents, they turn out to be agents external force, this threat from the outside, which is on the border of the western world, it explains why this western liberal order exists within the borders in which it existed, it is not at all... it is not clear how this liberal order exists within these borders must function with these institutions, and russia gives this meaning and gives these goals, now in the west there are, of course, different political voices, and this is all very painful, but at least the elite
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unanimously insists that in general we have an obvious mission, that there is an aggressor at the gates, so we need democracy... approved at the madrid summit in 2022, there were eight in total, and the first four secret documents from the cold war began to be prepared in october 1949. the first concept stated that nato's main function is deterrence,
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the key is the interchangeability of member countries and standardization of equipment. each state will participate in defense in proportion to its economic capabilities. the korean war made adjustments, in response to it a second edition of the concept appeared, the number of troops was determined , a unified command was created, and dwight eisenhower was appointed its leader. the alliance sought to shift defense elements as far east as possible. largely because the issue of troop numbers was key. ussr had superiority in conventional weapons. therefore, even then, in 502, they began to consider the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of defense without additional costs. in other words, to focus on the use of nuclear weapons, which have not yet been included in nato strategy. thus. massive nuclear strike strategy. in
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response to aggression, the alliance could be the first to use nuclear weapons to deter the advancing soviet forces. they had to rely on the us nuclear potential; in europe there were doubts that the president would sacrifice an american city for the sake of a european one. the second berlin crisis in 1961 showed that the nuclear deterrent was not holding up. the ussr from actions, as the soviet nuclear potential grew, nato lost its competitive advantage in the field of nuclear deterrence, the concept of mutual assured destruction began to be used, in october 62 the cold war reached its peak during the caribbean crisis, so the united states began to advocate strengthening the non-nuclear component of nato and the transition to a flexible response strategy. fourth document finally. adopted in 1968, after france left the military organization. it
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had two main features: flexibility and escalation. a retaliatory nuclear strike is a last resort. flexibility in response should not allow the aggressor to predict exactly what actions the alliance will take, which means that its steps will be associated with an unacceptable level of risk. escalation made it possible to gradually increase the threat of use. nuclear weapons, the harmel report later appeared, known as the report on the future of the north atlantic alliance. along with defense issues, it talked about finding ways to reduce tensions, and to solve the deep political reasons dividing europe, the term dialogue appeared. in general, the fourth concept lasted until the ninety-first year. during the anniversary there will undoubtedly be fanfare, the most powerful successful alliance in
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history and so on, but the real mood is not entirely festive, the ukrainian front is crackling, forcing the most desperate, like emmanuel macron, to announce their readiness to get into the fray themselves, to the horror of the other allies. german artist pepsch gadsheber, is it worth sending troops to... the difference in positions, a man who looks like the german chancellor, writes to macron, emman, something needs to be discussed, this is an urgent matter, peter schrank for the british magazine the economist, the drawing is called macron's plan for europe. a man resembling macron snatches the banner of the european union from the hands of angela merkel. another british magazine - spectator, and an example of how the fog... of european economics and politics
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is consigned to the dustbin of history: you said something emmanuel? says a man who looks like scholz. emmanuel rossa from italy. the european union goes to war with the burden of all its problems. migrant crisis, inflation and change. the most nervous situation is created not by the enemy russia, but by the main ally of the united states, or rather the prospect that they will be led by donald trump, but nato, and especially europe, as they now say, are not in his sights. for trump, america is number one, this is the most important thing, america is already very powerful, there are a lot of territories there. americans too in a strange way the main force there in the history
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of mankind, but they remain very provincial, valorizing, say, the british, they, there is no school of experts in other languages, few people are interested in geography, cultures of other countries, so i think many americans would be quite comfortable returning to its borders, it took a lot of work in the forties to somehow interrupt this tradition. and to get the americans out, it was necessary to put forward these universal arguments, then also these connections with europe, which simply instead of there great britain. all of this continental europe came, somehow a new owner came and inherited it all, but i think that the old world can, well, you can move away from it a little, and a huge part of the electorate will be very happy, is this somehow possible in a geopolitical sense, this is incomprehensible,
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because these structures exist, it is difficult to destroy them somehow, there will be a political price, there will be some opponents who... it will not turn american politics inside out, but the concerns of europeans are not out of nowhere, a rethinking of the role and place of the united states is inevitable.
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pins and further and further like in russia there is the british empire and so on, and it even returned a little to a continental scale, gave away the philippines, but then suddenly it somehow reached the global level, and firstly because of the second world war because of the threat of the nazis, and then because of the communists, the idea is that it should...
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but the logic of order is the defensive position of the entire liberal world against a threat from the outside, it is universalist, this is
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a liberal philosophy, for a real liberal it is impossible to say that...
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the suwałki corridor is of strategic importance; this narrow 65-kilometer corridor of polish territory is the only
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land connection between lithuania, latvia and estonia with the eu and nato. the american website politics wrote that this is the most dangerous place on earth and a potential hot spot in europe. subalki is located in one of the most beautiful regions of the country, surrounded by greenery and glacial lakes. people live ordinary lives here, they have something to be proud of. which separates kaliningrad from belarus, if poland or lithuania lose this narrow strip, russia will receive direct communication with its largest seaport on the baltic sea after st. petersburg, which
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also does not freeze. i can guarantee you that the russians already have a plan to attack this area. for a long time , the suvark corridor remained unnoticed, but 5 years ago , students of the academy of military arts drew attention to it and held the first defensive exercises here since 1930. last year, the presidents of poland and lithuania met in this area, they stressed the need for cooperation to strengthen nato's eastern flank. more and more often i ask myself: is this place safe, and it is safe thanks to the daily calm but vigilant service of polish, lithuanian nato soldiers. ordinary residents are not reassured by such assurances. poniadviga has been working at the local market for many years, selling vegetables and fruits. previously this.
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it seems to me that this is just political chatter, it’s better to take care of your nerves, in any case, i can’t influence it in any way, whether there will be a war or not, it’s bound to happen. mrs. zofia is turning 79 years old; many residents of the polish province would dream of living a quiet old age in some warm corner of the world, especially since zofie’s children left the country immediately after finishing school and would like to take her.
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11:56 pm
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burger king wotter on fire taste.
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999.
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forever its dominance, the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 22, no, for them there was one rule, that everything was allowed to them and that they could do anything, it was clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian to bring digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect. even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are not comparable to the original in your questions and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like?
12:00 am
the russian army repelled 13 attacks in so on the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeevsk directions, our units improved
12:01 am
the situation. about 800 more soldiers, mercenary officers, three tanks and 11 were destroyed.


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