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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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we continue our news review. vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government. the decree signed by the president was published on the kremlin website. and these are the changes that will be made in the new cabinet of ministers. execute the structure of federal bodies. as before,
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the head of the cabinet of ministers will have 10 deputies, but unlike the previous political cycle, the structure does not have a deputy prime minister , head of the ministry of industry and trade. among mikhail mishustin’s ten deputies there will be the first deputy prime minister , deputy prime minister plenipotentiary in far eastern federal district and deputy prime minister, chief of staff of the russian government. the government structure will remain the same. and will include 21 ministries. now the russian government will have to bring its acts in accordance with this decree and submit proposals on which the acts of the president of russia will be brought in accordance with the same document. the decree on the structure of federal executive authorities comes into force on the day of its official publication. today in the kremlin , vladimir putin held a meeting with the acting duties of deputy prime minister, head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov and head of rostec sergei chemizov. we discussed it. russian
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industry has been successfully developing for many years, even under the conditions of sanctions of constant pressure on trading partners, and such a short but crucial period for the country as the time of government formation should not become a reason for any disruption in current work, in these words vladimir putin started the meeting.
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put it up in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, it’s smooth, everything is functioning, but there are issues that require special attention, so we’ll focus on them today. the rostec enterprise today accounts for more than 80% of all weapons that are used in the zone of a special military operation, more than 60 thousand employees throughout the country, sometimes working in two or three shifts, compared to... last year the rostec enterprise produced 10 times more units of self-propelled artillery, 20 times more mortars, production of multiple missile defense systems and infantry fighting vehicles has increased significantly, and of course, supplies of front-line troops continue weapons. at a recent meeting with mikhail mishustin, sergei chebizov said: last year, new serial fighters of the su family were delivered to the army, including the multi-stage su-57, il-76 md-90 aircraft and...
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130 this year the first batches of the latest aviation systems have already been delivered according to the state defense order program for 2024, supplies of t-90m breakthrough tanks, self-propelled guns and other types of military equipment have been established, and such names as pantsir, iskander and dagger do not give the enemy peace, again again, confirming the glory of the russian weapons. it is very important that you increase investments in educational design work, namely new groundwork and new technologies. should become the prototype for future technological solutions that would be used in all areas, including equipment that is supplied to the civilian sectors of the economy under state defense orders. and although the state defense order increased significantly, rostec’s so-called civilian revenue turned out to be the same, about 35% or almost a trillion rubles. energy security also in focus, the state corporation’s specialists have developed and launched mass production of a turbine. high-power gtd-110m, which
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replaced foreign analogues, we are installing it at our shock station, which is being built on the taman peninsula. this is the first production turbine, and now we can say with confidence that we can be independent, an important milestone, because i know the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all analogues of western ones, including turbines, now from siemens we can leave, general electric, we we built three stations, this is the third one, two stations were built in crimea, and one here on... the peninsula, shock, which we should be fully operational this year. there is less and less dependence on foreign developments in the field of medicine; rostec’s enterprise today produces more than 150 types of medical equipment and equipment, the list is growing. so last year, the development
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of a russian ventilator was completed, the first domestic medicine against hepatitis b for adults and children was registered, a rostec enterprise was commissioned by the state delivered more than 104 million doses of medicines to the regions. vladimir putin congratulated the residents of the republics. at the referendum on may 11, 2014, the overwhelming majority in donbass supported the sovereignty of the region. residents refused to support the policies of the kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup. on the day of the anniversary of the dpr, ukrainian
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troops attacked donetsk. three civilians were killed and nine, including a child, were injured when the restaurant was shelled. su was fired from khaimars multiple launch rocket systems. information about the attack. commented head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin. unfortunately, three people have died, as well as nine injured at the moment, but the work of rescuers and doctors continues. therefore, here we are recording yet another barbaric, cynical and terrorist-inflected enemy action. alas, this is true, but, unfortunately, where the enemy can still do it. unfortunately, he does this to reach our populated areas, where he can still fire, including some areas of donetsk. after the commercial, watch olga's special report matsyevskaya about those who organized the referendum in 2014 and were persecuted by ukraine for many years.
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let's go see what my instrument is there, i'm a music teacher, wow, yes, my cat was walking around, it was all burning in my place, they threw molotov cocktails here, everything was burning here, surprisingly, everything was burning, here the cradle of my granddaughters, here they slept, my girls, it was all burned in hatred, you know, towards me, after the referendum, just in these frames resident of the border neli zadiraka for the first time in her apartment after 10 years, in may of the fourteenth her family... had to leave the city, then ukraine announced a hunt for everyone who was involved in the referendum on the autonomy
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of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. the fire was not a consequence of the fighting during the liberation of the city in '22, the apartment was set on fire back in '14, both were torn down, they were looking for lists for the referendum here, they thought that i hid them there, such a fool, you know, i'll stick it under the wallpaper, it's a shame, that not after the fighting the apartment was damaged. you know, at the hands of real fascists, that’s their job. neli akopovna began coming to the city to help foreigners immediately after liberation, but she couldn’t go to the apartment where her children grew up and grandchildren were born for 2 years, everything here reminds too much of the peaceful, happy life stolen by the kiev regime. this is my beautiful apartment, so you visited me, my children played here. here my grandchildren play, the daughter and grandson of nelya akopovna, now military personnel,
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defend the truth on the borders of their native land, and i myself had the fate to stand at the origins of the struggle for freedom along with the frontiersmen at the very beginning of the russian spring, from the end of the thirteenth year, this was our main place - the meeting area of ​​our meetings, all rallies we gathered here, here we resolved all the issues, here we worried. for what was happening in kiev, they discussed the news, watched, well, here on april 5th we had a mass rally, when we found out that our guys were arrested in the sbu building, five foreigners were there, so information was received that we need to help out, we need to to do something, here we gathered spontaneously, these are our guys, who are afghans, so they went.
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the kiev regime had already declared the so -called ato, an anti-terrorist operation, the slavic roared, we spent a long time deciding, deciding, and came to a conclusion.
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everything on the shelves, we must put everything in place in we understood that everything must be according to the law, publicity, declare, hold a referendum, so that we, as they say, well, we also hoped that... there are some international laws, international right, we went, look back, i was afraid, i think, suddenly no one comes after me, after us, so we went, but there was no one, well, somehow i looked sideways and saw that people were walking, running from all the houses, from the entrances, from the streets, and there was probably a colony , there were 1020 of us, when
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we approached the regional administration, of course there was no one there... no one was waiting for us, and then we decided that we would hold a referendum, we appointed a referendum somewhere, appointed, assumed, the dates 24 and 25 may, but i literally received information that guys, you won’t make it in time, columns are coming here, you will be here destroy, literally on may 9 we had a rally here, we...
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there is no free money and there will not be all this without a break night and day and many, you know, we had so many, we had twice as many commission members as we needed you know with what impulse people went to vote in the morning and until late in the evening at 8 we had to close the polling stations. were closed because there were a lot of people, a lot of people, well, the percentage that we showed was 90, almost 97% who came to the polling stations, the anthem of the soviet union was played, the anthem russia, and you know, all the people sang, sang this
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anthem, shouted hurray. it was, it was a holiday, they looked at this flag, everyone, everyone was happy, because i was proclaiming a republic, i was declared turchinov’s enemy number one, he even awarded a bonus for me, my photograph hung at checkpoints, and not i remember, somewhere around 1000, 11000 or 115, i don’t understand why it’s also somehow a tidy sum for mine.
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we take it and bring it whole to the place, well, i say, well, they found far from much, now almost all educational institutions that are in the fourteenth were polling stations, alas in ruins, in the twenty-second the ukrainian army used them as military facilities, and even those that had already begun to be restored after the liberation of the city were not left alone by the vsushniks, this is our technical school. there was also a polling station here, active voting, well, this is one of the...
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who lived around here, hoping, knowing that their children would go to school, to this school, you know, they were out of spite, they said, oh you creatures, we come, we will hold, and a referendum was held, and at what level, therefore we can no longer be intimidated, the border was, you know, during the referendum i was the chairman of the commission, at the referendum, in addition, the director of the kandrashevskaya school, on the basis of which there was a polling station, and
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during the referendum we received a message that tanks were moving here to the village ukrainian, and so that we could quickly wind down the work of the commission, we quickly counted the ballots and took them to the election commission and handed them over. turnout was 92%. and more than 90 percent also voted for joining russia. we have never seen such a visit one election. old women came with sticks and carried people on stretchers. because everyone wanted to cast their vote. after the referendum, various events began
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that concerned those who were the organizer or participant of the referendum. naturally, this affected me first of all, first of all, because, well, the school director, i provided premises for the referendum, allegedly illegally, for 5 years of my work at that school. gave great results both for the children and for the team, and i was very offended when they invited me and said what kind of participation in referendum, you need to write a statement of your own free will, we, i was not the only one , there were two more directors who also took part, or even a pomegranate out the window. it was said so, so we tried to resist, tried to somehow talk, ask why, why
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our rights were being infringed, but there were threats to life, family, health, that is, i had to write a statement of my own free will, they asked me questions of this nature, and you have minor children, i say, you... either you played the good and the evil policeman, as if it was like this, at the trial, what i want to say, the judge did not raise her eyes, but
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when she read the verdict, she looked once then lowered her eyes, because , apparently, she was also ashamed, 5 years with a one-year deferment of the sentence, every year... this whole year i went once a month to report to the probation service. for 8 years i did not see my son, who lived in lugansk and worked in the authorities. he didn’t come here for 8 years, i couldn’t go there. there are grandchildren there, i only talked on the phone. there were patriots in quotation marks who very often turned to various bodies with calls for me to be removed even from teachers, because what is the separatist teaching our children, i am a teacher of russian language and literature, it is clear that these subjects were discriminated against, literature
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was taught in ukrainian, there was no language at all or optionally, one often forcibly imposed ukrainization , they said to communicate with children in ukrainian even during breaks, and we have a russian-speaking population, in the twenty-second year, for the first time, a son after eight years old came home, brought grandchildren, it was like that...
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that’s when we got the call that the tanks were coming, collect everything and kill it, at that time 83% of us had already voted. when the tanks arrived, we didn’t take the ballot anymore, we had already counted it, sent it to lugansk, and then, of course , all hell broke loose, because the tanks were right in our village, they were literally 700 meters from our, well, from my personal house, they
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didn’t live in our school’s gym. they lived there, yeah, that is, despite the fact that everything that could happen could happen, and there were soldiers there, no one would, well, maybe they didn’t say that there were children there, so trouble could have happened only because soldiers lived there, the novoaidarsky district of the lpr, which includes volkodaeva , remained under the control of kiev in the fourteenth, while statements about a peaceful solution and attention to its citizens were heard on the screen in donbass, in reality people. and they lived in fear, the first time they brought me in for interrogation, well, how was i working, it was an ordinary working day, and they called me, he says, lena says, they are coming for you, i say, i understood, so i got into the car, drove home, i say, husband, i say, follow us they’re coming, so what should we do, well, come on, i
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’m talking quickly, i’m saying somewhere right now... with machine guns, i’m going, i’m getting down here, i’m thinking to myself, well, it’s gorgeous, of course, they came up with the idea to come for one woman 20 men with machine guns, i had two children sitting behind me, 59 years old, he was sitting with a machine gun, well, just wait, here we are for two more days, he says, we ’ll take lugansk, i say, well, i say, okay, i say, how will you take it, i say,
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take me with you, i say, i want to see it too. it was like, well, of course it was like it would be unpleasant, i felt somewhere, even that wasn’t offensive, it was just unpleasant, that’s ridicule, everything else, well, i myself didn’t know what lay ahead for me, when we entered the room, he said, like, there are children in the car, i say , no, i say, the children will be with me, we go in and the prosecutor says: what did you do with yours? do you think they will save you? i’m telling you now, and what were you going to do, my daughter was 5 years old at that time, what were you going to do there? then it began systematically, with one digression, of course, that i decided that children are not should see, should not hear this, should not be a mother, here in their eyes to be humiliated, the so-called investigative
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