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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  January 10, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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baltimore city police are investigating the shooting of a young woman in northeast baltimore. a 21-year-old woman was sitting in her apartment on pinewood avenue when she was shot in the head and shoulder. it happened around 6:00 monday evening. police say she was grazed by the bullets. they're trying to determine whether the shooting was accidental. in tonight's education a lark, $100 million this how much extra money governor o'malley wants to invest into school construction. tim tooten is live in the newsroom with that story. >> school construction has always one of -- has always been one of the governor's top priorities. this latest call for money comes during tough economic times. the governor took a tour of germantown elementary school along with a host of state,
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political, and educational leaders. he wanted to point out what is possible when school construction dollars are put to good use. germantown was overcrowded before the new building went up. >> my school is so lucky to have this new school. the new school must mean that if we are premier students, we deserve a premier school. >> this year in the state budget, we will be asking the general assembly to approve a $372 million investment in school construction. this will support 11,000obs of people doing important work that you need, aideed, that everybody in our state needs and quality school. >> he did not count on the speaker of the house to drum up support for lawmakers.
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"every time i drive by, i live one block away, and see all of these portable classrooms -- i say, people should not have to go to school in portable classrooms. we fought and we got the money for the school. >> meanwhile, students and staff say the new building have given them extra space but a chance to improve academics. >> the new school has meant so much for our families. it means we can accommodate more students. it means our students have use technology to become competitive with our peers. >> to the state's credit, maryland has invested almost $2 million and school construction over the past six years of the o'malley administration. maryland seems to be on track with how it is spending $250 million in federal risk to the top money. even though some programs were delayed by hiring troubles, the city as well positioned for a
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second year and beyond. maryland is heading in the right direction. >> given the progress that other states have made, i think we set the pace for that and we are proud we are right on target. >> the state's biggest challenge could be to develop a new teacher evaluation system, one tied it to student performance. >> thank you so much. back to our big story tonight. a 60-year-old charged with murder after confessing he shot and killed his own call the peer >> a share as deputies arrested the team after a short car race. he confessed he dumped the body. barry simms is live in bel air tonight. >> hartford county sheriff's deputies are still trying to find a motive. they are not sure what led to a fatal shooting. robert richardson in the third is being held without bail.
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>> crime scene technicians remain at 841 moores mill road as the continued to gather evidence. >> according to a court trudging document and the police report, the teen confessed to killing his father. an anonymous 911 call alerted deputies that a family member had shot their father. it was during a domestic dispute between father and son. deputies arrived and noticed some blood on the ground appeared >> they saw some evidence that gave the impression that something had happened there. it looked inside the home and saw nothing there. the data entry into the home and found some evidence that gave the impression that somebody had
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been shot inside the home. >> that evidence included blood stains in a bedroom and a trail of blood from the better to the front door as if somebody had been dragged. around 6:00 tuesday morning, a maryland the trooper spotted the vehicle. he pursued it. it went onto the parking lot at rte. 924 and linwood avenue. a skid mark showed the path it took as it slid into a wall. he continue trying to get away. >> he fled into a residential neighborhood right behind. deputies pursued on foot and were able to apprehend him. >> deputies searched for the body after he told police he had taken it behind a relative's home. >> at that point he said he had disposed of a body in the 800 block of the gilbert wrote in
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aberdeen. we were able to locate the body partially submerged in a pond. >> sheriff's deputies tell us that a handgun was used in the murder. robert richardson iii is being held without bail. he has a bill to reduce that for tomorrow. -- bail review set for tomorrow. >> another day with sunshine and unseasonably mild temperatures across maryland. this is after a little bit of snow fell south of baltimore last night. skies were able to clear quickly after some early morning fog. sunny skies and temperatures above normal through the afternoon. made it to upper 40's @ in maryland. western maryland enjoying unseasonably mild at temperatures. there are changes along the way. a system that produced a record amount of snow around midland
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yesterday is producing heavy rain and thunderstorms across the gulf coast. that is heading toward the mid- atlantic meeting soggy weather is on the way. >> thank you, tom >> major talking point for this weekend's game. how it will stop adrian foster. >> gerry sandusky is live with looking at how to stop the run. >> it is a huge wheat. do not let the quiet out here surprise you or confuse you. even though the players are off, it may be the most important day of the because this is the day the coaches put together the game plan that will defensively center around a trying to stop adrian foster. the running back is the feature of the houston texans running attack. the baltimore ravens get up the fewest points at home this year, part of the advantage the hope
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to enjoy on sunday. the game plan is to take away first and foremost the houston texans running game. how you do that is disciplined, discipline, discipline. you just have to string out the line and take away running room for foster. foster had 153 yards of rushing last three but only 49 back against the baltimore ravens and week at six. cory redding says everything they do this week will revolve around a ticking away the top two options and force and the offense into the hands of rookie quarterback c.j. yates. >> that is the objective. you cannot let them get going. number two, get is on number 80. the guys on the back and really not letting it all get over the back end. 3, get after yates. you have to control the past.
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that is the formula for winning every single week. up to this week it has not changed. >> the actual defense of game plan will be a little more technical and complicated than that but that is the framework of how they will attack the houston texas defensively on sunday. sunday and will beat up on in baltimore is an understatement. -- sunday will be bedlam in b altimore is an understatement. >> you are exactly right. the baltimore ravens have to worry about mr. foster, baltimore ravens have to worry about what party to go to, what to eat, whose tour is to wear. they are painting the town purple. >> they started this morning in westminster. the baltimore ravens ground
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crew overlooking the highway painting the baltimore ravens local. now, to meet the job looks complicated. how do you know what color goes where? >> you can see how it has white paint on it right there. in between that is a block line and another gold line around at that. or the purple is, that is where we just fell and from there. you outline in and fill in the blanks. >> lots of fans along with some cheerleaders. >> i think it is great we have a mascot up here in westminster. i think everybody will love it. >> this will be a nice little landmark for a couple of days. >> i think it is exciting. we come up here all the time for training camp. a friend of mine told me it was going on today. i was like, oh, we have to get
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up here. for the city of westminster, this is still baltimore ravens country. >> it is a really cool thing for the residence of westminster. we are hoping this might lead for future things. >> it is going to be some game. i will guarantee you the fans will be ready. >> thank you. still ahead, more questions and answers in a deadly fire that ripped through a home in baltimore county. >> we will revisit the scene. >> the debate is alive and well and annapolis. a national debate back in september, the execution of troy davis. >> as the primary vote goes on, the big question is -- will any
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conservative rise to challenge
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>> the clothes are finally being cast tonight and new hampshire. based on pre vote polling, mitt romney looks like a sure winner. who comes in second and third will be a big story. >> and towns like this across new hampshire, republicans voted it their choices. who they want to take on the president in the fall. >> anyone that can get enough votes to be obama. >> ron paul, i but the dialogue to keep going. >> rick santorum because i really want to see this country change. >> i voted for jon huntsman because i think he is the most moderate. >> he is looking at the next
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primary. >> south carolina will light up because people improve that very important point of electability. >> eyes are on imports santorum who nearly won in iowa. will he emerged as a top conservative? >> can newt gingrich remain his top spot as an alternative to mitt romney? >> i think it will be a good campaign. >> mitt romney snc will win here but a witness emerged. >> i like being able to fire people who provide services to me. >> waiting for the company to get sick. then that they swoop and, they eat the carcass. >> mitt romney is cruising today. he would be the first non incumbent republican effort to win new hampshire after winning
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iowa. conservatives at splitting their fall like they did and i what would be assigned to mitt romney that he can keep on winning. >> of voters are trickling in slowly in the new hampshire where polls will close at 8:00. you can be the first to know the results. we will have a late breaking results online and send them to you in your in box. >> in tonight's medical alert, a study finds nicotine patches and a gunsmith does not help smokers from relapsing as much as thought. studies in the 1990's showed that nicotine gum was very helpful, but latest studies show that they are just as likely to
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relapse as those who quit smoking without them. they said most of the study participants did not use them for the recommended eight weeks. the smoking of marijuana does not appear to damage to the lungs as significantly as cigarettes. marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the u.s. and is often used as medical purposes. after studying a national database, they found occasional marijuana use improved along the capacity. the evidence was not strong enough to recommend a merit -- marijuana as a treatment. a new study looks at the so- called a broken heart syndrome. harvard researchers looked at data on a 2000 heart attack
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survivors and found risks and -- up to 21 times as normal within a day of the death of a loved one. it was elevated proving spouses had higher long-term risks from dying of heart disease. those and morning tend to get less slick, have higher stress levels, and may forget to take their medication. they found it is more prevalent and women. >> seems like winter does not want to get around. -- does not want to stick around. today the sun is back and the temperatures responding to a breeze and sunny skies. afternoon highs way above normal again. we hit 53 degrees officially at bwi marshall. the cold clubs us briefly and moves on up. 70 is threcord high today.
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we are not talking a record he, but just well above average. to below zero is the record low. we are seeing the temperatures mild for this time of year. 52 at frederick right now and 52 in downtown baltimore. it is 52 degrees and the naval academy. over to dover air force base it is 47 degrees. usually warm weather goes all the way back into the mountains. tonight it will be chilly, but not even as cold as normal. we will state mid 20's in the suburbs. clear to partly cloudy skies and light winds overnight. you can see it is clear now but clouds are not too far away. a very interesting storm that produced a record amount of snow and midland, texas, 10 inches of snow yesterday. that is the most they have ever had and one day.
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they have had almost 20 inches of snow can, here in baltimore we have had almost nothing. this storm is coming in our direction but there is some much mild air it will be in other rainmaker for us. we could even see a little bit of thunder working its way up to the chesapeake tomorrow. we will start the day with maybe a peek at the sun early. it will not last long. clouds rapidly increasing by the afternoon. in some of the cooler pockets on the northern fringe of this range field, there might be a snowflake or two mixed in for a brief period of time. then it is all ring. -- it is all rain. a soggy storm coming our way with mild temperatures. thursday night and friday, cutting through central maryland, it is a stronger
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arctic cold front that will sweep through and give us a rain or snow shower, put some snow in the mountains and maybe bring a flurry here. cold temperatures are on the way. tomorrow it is rain. tomorrow night the rent gets heavy. small craft advisory tomorrow on the day. wintry mix developing on the mountains. eastern shore you have rain coming in tomorrow afternoon. lower eastern shore is where we may catch some thunder tomorrow night. 60 as the showers move out thursday. much colder for the beach on the weekend. that is what we will see. just a chance for a shower. dry weather saturday and a chance for gusty winds, cold and bulk -- bundle up if you are going to the game. >> they will be so caught up
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they will not feel that at all. a popular convenience store is opening up its first location and baltimore city. >> this store has some new tricks up its sleeve. but you can find and we're ahead and consumer a lot. >> an ambitious one for the governor, details coming up.
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>> the fbi is tinging the way it defines the crime of rape. when it comes to the times that now includes men as well as women carried the old definition which has not been changed since the 1920's defines rape as the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. now it will offer any sex to be a victim or perpetrator including penetration of any body part without consent.
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they say it will help ensure justice for all of the victims of sexual violence. >> there is a push to abolish the death penalty in the state of maryland. he is appearing in annapolis today to push more for his cause. he is pointing specifically to the execution of troy davis in georgia. he was executed for the murder of a police officer he said he did not commit. added national support will strengthen their cause. >> maryland became a very close a few years ago to fully repealing the death penalty. we believe we have the folks today to pass a full repeal bill and it is time for the to general assembly to pick up this issue and debate it and vote on it. >> he tells us he will continue
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to fight the legislation to the floor of the house to ensure that what he says in maryland get the justice they deserve. a constant appeals from those convicted waste taxpayer dollars. >> the parents of a florida student who died after a hazing incident is suing the bus company where it took place. >> a community morts after two women are killed in a house fire.
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the subway big hot pastrami melt. dive into piled-high pastrami, spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. treat your taste buds to a fresh toasted subway big hot pastrami melt. subway. eat fresh.
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>>livek, local, late breakingk you are watching wbal tv 11 news at 5:00. >> new tonight at 5:30, a mother and daughter found in their sussex on. fire officials say there were no smoking -- working smoke detectors in their home. >> friends and neighbors are trying to figure out what went wrong. >> the, where care land and stacey died is right behind me. you can see the boarded up windows of the top floor. talking to a lot of people in this neighborhood, and virtually everybody is devastated by their deaths. hours before they were killed they were involved in an automobile accident that sent
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both of them to the hospital. >> i'd just cannot believe she is gone. >> longtime next-door neighbor tears as she -- -- remembers how they perished after their home caught fire monday night. >> it scared me to death because they are good friends of mine. we have lived here -- i have lived here over 45 years. i have known her all of my life. it is devastating to me. >> according to fire officials, the fire broke out at around 7:30. the home did not have smoke detectors. they would not elaborate on where or how the fire started, neighbors say firefighters told them it started in the kitchen and it was hard to get inside the house because there were a lot of boxes and garbage strewn
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throughout. >> i was just kicking the screen door. i did not going around back and touch the back door. my son did and he said the back door was hot. >> by the time the fire was put out the two women had lost their lives at separate hospitals. teak -- two docks and cats also perished. according to police the two women had been in a car accident earlier on monday and were taken to the hospital as a precaution. many neighbors were stunned to learn of their deaths later that night. >> it is a tragedy. just to see them here today on in the nighttime, it is just a quick. >> it was so shocking to to see them taken out. i knew that they dogs did not survive, i did not think it would either.
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>> as far as the cause, that is still under investigation. neighbors told us firefighters on the scene told them the fire had started in the kitchen of the home. life and essex, wbal tv 11 news. >> here is a look at some of the other top stories. a 60-year-old boy from hartford county confesses to shooting his father to death robert richardson iii has been charged as an adult. this all happened along the 800 block of moore hill road in bel air. deputies arrested the team after a short car chase. a string of business burglarie'' has been linked to one man. they need your help tracking him down. take a look at this picture. it is the suspect in its latest
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survey looks far released to11 news. five office buildings had been targeted in the franklin areas. he breaks in at night time taking anything from computer equipment to even food. anyone with any information should contact baltimore county police. governor martin o'malley is asking for an extra $100 million to invest into school construction this year. today he took a tour of a germantown elementary school. he pointed out to law makers this is what is possible when funds are put to good use. he will be asking for a $372 million investment that will support more than 11,000 jobs. the push for the school proposal comes one day before the start of the general assembly. >> millions of americans attend heiress' every year. how safe are they? after a series of deadly
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accidents in recent years, the national transportation safety board is asking whether a sport is simply too dangerous. brian moore has that story. >> the september crash that killed 11 people and injured a dozen others has a federal regulators taking a hard look at a sport built around death defying stunts. >> there is an inherent level of risk. that danger is part of the attraction at these airshows. >> they also saw three fatal crashes and that four days back in 2007. millions of americans attend ayrshires every year. even though they are granted broad waivers of faa rules, pilots insist their job is not about danger. what we do is larger than life and is very beautiful. if we hurt ourselves we have just taken a way that dream. >> organizers insist safety
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comes first. >> we have adequate space so if something does happen to the aircraft, the crowd is in a safe area. >> the presumption is that if something were to go wrong, we do not want the air. pointed at the crowd. >> the zero in on a weak link in a safety chain. airshows are overseen by air bosses who have no certification that absolute authority. >> if you can get somebody to hire you, you can be an air boss. >> exciting to watch. >> they are. >> still ahead -- what you can and cannot say on television is at the center of a major debate and a supreme court. >> what higher judges say about the government's right to regulate the airwaves. >> primary day in new hampshire.
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all the latest from the overnight tracking polls. what the candidates are doing to try to win some last-minute votes.
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left behind by some mop. why you... nobody's taken a shine to me in a long time. phooey. i don't need anybody...but you! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can push muddy water around. swiffer wetjet's new, upgraded solution helps prevent streaks and residue to reveal more shine than a mop or your money back. you're a fresh swiffersnapper!
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>> the parents of a florida a&m university student are suing a bus company after their son was fatally beaten while on one of their bosses. he die after was reportedly a band hazing ritual. the appearance will suit fabulous coach lines saying negligence and a wrongful death. the family does not believe that his death was a hate crime but it was part of a 50-year history of hazing. >> think twice when your kids are going off to college. look at the college and snow. now we know since it is out there.
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>> at this time, a note charges have been filed and champion's death. the supreme court is considering whether the federal government can police curse words and other content. it centers around a 2003 episode of nypd blue. the network was fined by showing a woman's buttocks in the episdoe. a city current rules adopted in 1978 are vogue -- are vague. the obama administration is defending the current fcc rules. >> state police say alex degrossi passed away last night in a restaurant. chris christie canceled his state of the state address and
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instead delivered a eulogy describing him as a close family friend and mentor. he had been in the general assembly since 1989 and let republicans since 2003. right now because of death is still unknown. >> buried under 15 feet of snow tonight, it is one alaska town. they are pleading for help. >> what the city needs now more than food and water. >> now is a great time to consider playing the lottery in maryland. i will explain coming up. >> we have rain coming our way. some of it may be heavy. right now in baltimore, unseasonably mild weather
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>> coming up tonight, a chase and the crash in hartford county ended with a death of a father.
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in a preview of this year's general assembly.
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>> you may have heard the new year bringing changes to the maryland lottery. >> 2012 brings the baltimore ravens another chance at the super bowl. it gives maryland another chance of winning after the baltimore ravens cash fantasy ticket. >> it will be on sale at the stadium. you can get it at every retailer and the state. the on-line promotion and the
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real big kicker for that is a chance to win $1 million which will draw after the super bowl. >> tickets are $5 and a are almost gone. they expect to sell up by the super bowl. our ballplayers, listen up. the cost will go up on sunday from the $1 to $2. >> we think over time the $2 will increase the size of the jackpot. we know players like to play by jack hawke -- jackpot tickets when the jackpots get really large. we think this will encourage that. plus, we still have meant that millions in the state. --mega millions in the state. >> some of the money spent stage right here in maryland. >> 30% of the sales that we generate goes into revenue back
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in the state. in the last fiscal year, $500 million back to support the good causes of the state. >> you can find out more at play on our website at >> you think alaska would be kind of blase about snow. this year's whether it is being meaner than usual for two alaska communities. one town this note in and another is iced in. the residents are looking for help. a state of the burgess has been declared. the national guard is looking to get out snow that has collapsed roofs, and attract people inside their home. the community is looking for sturdy shovels and a snow scoops as they brace for another storm. he would think if any state would have stockpiles of shovels, it would be alaska. texas is cleaning up after
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powerful storms blew across that state. streets are flooded and many homes have been damaged by monday's severe weather. the national weather service says it will not know until later today if it was a tornado that carved a half a mile path of destruction and fort bend county. >> and thinking back to alaska. 18 feet of snow and having trouble finding shovels. last few years ago we had a few feet and we had the same problem. >> that is on the coast, a lot of the cruises leave from there. a lot of times they get right. this time it has been a lot of snow. west of there, you remember that from the oil spill, they had 290 inches of snow so far this winter. >> what? >> 290 inches. that is over 24 feet of snow. that is a little bit over the normal. >> if you have some extra, you can send some snow shovels up
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there. "on the coast of alaska. we also have the snow and west texas. at that rain started off as a snow maker in the hills of west texas and midland. they had had almost 20 inches so far this season. here in baltimore we have been waiting for it and it has all been falling out west through the pacific midwest and in west texas right there, 10.5 inches. 19.5 so far this winter. there is a little snow on the ground in northern new england but not much by their standards at all. this west texas homemaker is the rainmaker and it is coming our way tomorrow evening. you can see how warm it is compared to the normal to around here. it is still mild around 50 around the beltway. the other side of the state, ocean city checks in at 47.
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atwood is 48 degrees. in baltimore tonight it will be chilly but not so bad for january. skies are clear but here comes a southern storm. clouds already in central virginia. this area of low pressure moving all the moisture in our direction. we could even get a little bit of thunder in the southern part of the sycamore and some of the tropical moisture on the gulf coast works its way up to the atlantic. the last bit of snow winding down in texas. we will get on -- we will get a little bit of rain. tomorrow morning we might get a little peak of the sun after sunrise. the rain will arrive by afternoon. the potential of a little sleet or snow mixed and. after that the changes to rain and it will be steady to heavy at times tomorrow night. a little break in the cloud cover thursday during the day.
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this front slides across the state. rain or snow showers on friday, an arctic front. temperatures will hit their peak in the morning and fall through the day as cold air comes in for the weekend. re moving and by afternoon. a small craft advisory tomorrow afternoon with 1 foot shot. seven-day forecast where temperatures reach the low '40's. 55 as the briefly clear out on thursday. front coming through with a snow shower. temperatures falling into the 30's. for football on sunday, sunny to partly cloudy scattered snow flurries and gusty winds. highs only around 37 degrees. >> royal farms as a little more competition. there is a location and baltimore city, the very first one. the new store is on eastern
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avenue. it is the 40th wawa to open in maryland. it is their plan to expand throughout the baltimore area. it features wawa's newest product type or a bakery and special beverage area is located. >> a kitchen where customers can see food being prepared. real experts so and cappuccino. >> wawa officials tell us they are looking forward to building half a dozen more stores in the baltimore area. it might be worth your while to take one more trip to the ball, this is one of the best times of the year to go shopping. >> how are you today? "the lines are shorter at j.c. penney this time of year, but some of the bargains are better than ever. >> $44 becomes at $16.16. >> this is the time with the leftovers from christmas collide
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with the new merchandise for spring. >> we have to mark down and sell our old holiday merchandise. we have some pretty deep savings up to 70% off. >> at the end of january the start crunching it. >> of 11 calls herself an old guard and chopper. she skips the christmas holiday sales and it does not show up at department stores until now with the discounts are at their best. >> they know we have good deals. they know we take markdowns and a with the specials are here. we are having a pretty good kick off the january. if you are looking for that deal it is a great time to shop. >> macy's, j.c. penney, and other department stores will start marking merchandise down from 50% to 80% as we run through january. the biggest deals tend to be in jackets, flannels, and sweaters. inventory is down and often you have to search for the right size, style, and color.
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this is not just a good time to take advantage of the end of the season bargains, it is also a good time to check out the white sales. >>pillows, comforters, all of the things consumers are looking at for the new year. >> was heading back to the bomb and not be tops of your list for the new year, saving money should always be a priority. >> to cannot be our deals here. some of the best price of the year. >> here is something else bob found out. he was told this was the week were the people who work at department stores like to do their shopping. the time when the place is not as pact and the sales are a lot better. >> i will have to check that out. we are hours away from the polls closing in new hampshire. a washington bureau is right there. we will have a live report at 6:00.
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>> session 2012. it is expected to be an intense one for legislators. details coming up. >> selected from a pool of teachers across the state of maryland, this year's teacher of maryland, this year's teacher of the
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♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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>> the 2012 teacher of a year -- the year has been honored with a different trophy this year, a brand new honda civic. he was selected from a wide
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range of teachers all across the state. parker is recognized for his passion for teaching and his drive to see students achieve. what better to award that drive with something new to drive. >> teaching kids is the most important thing we can do. if you of fact watch how you could affect an entire community and world. if that is not responsibility every day, i bring to that. i embrace that. i have the ability to ship the world positively. >> now he can drive to that. he says when he first started teaching he did not even have a car. he had to write the two bosses just to get to work. having this brand new car certainly feels great. the you know a schoolteacher? you can nominate them on our web site and click on education alert. that is all for us at 5:00. here is what is coming up at 6:00. >> a hertford county father is dead. his son is charged with his murder.
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>> primary day in new hampshire. all the latest from the overnight tracking polls. what the candidates are doing to try to win some last-minute votes. >> the governor puts a price tag on school construction. coming up, i will tell you how much he wants to spend. >> live, local, late breaking, this is wbal tv 11 enws at 6:00. >> school construction as one of the top items on the agenda. good evening, that is our big story tonight. in school buildings could be hasg up if gov. o'malley his way. >> he will ask lawmakers to fork over an additional $100 million to build new schools and raffinate old ones. tim tooten is live with more on that story. that story.


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