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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  October 9, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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this is breaking news we just got in. we have learned a juror is being replaced. last night the jury started deliberating. they worked until 10:00. they thought they reached a verdict. before court resumed, a juror became inxcan a pass tated. the man is accused of killing a 10-month-old and the grandmother. he could face the death penalty. we will let you know as soon as there is a verdict. also right now at 11:00, a
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utility worker fell to his death in southern delaware county this morning. sky force 10 was over the scene after the worker fell from a bucket lift of a utility truck. i'm chris cato. that accident happened around 7:30. this map will give you an idea of where it happened there. southern delaware county. nbc 10's monique braxton is live on scene. you have been talking to witnesses and the emergency crews working in the area. any idea at this point what happened there? >> reporter: right now, moments ago, chris, i spoke with the township manager here as well as the police department here. they tell us they are looking at this as being an accident. it's a horrific scene, about 7:30 this morning a contractor fell 27 feet. that's according to investigators on the scene. they say he was pointing a street light on the 400 block of
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kenan drive when he fell. the contractor's wife was there. her family asked us to stay back because she had just identified her husband. sources say the contractor has small children. we have asked investigate beveo about circumstances that led to the fall. live for now, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. one day after the death of an ebola patient in texas there are concerns about another possible case. a deputy inside the victim is reporting symptoms. >> reporter: the dallas deputy who served a quarantine order to thomas duncan's family went to the hospital after developing fatigue and stomach pains. >> a scary time. we're trying to get through it. >> reporter: countduncan's body being wrapped in three layers of
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plastic. he will be cremated. the cdc is watching 48 people who came in contact with him. >> the thought not only goes to the shock and sadness of losing mr. duncan but also whether this will be the course that their life will take. >> reporter: extra screening begins at jfk airport saturday, including temperature checks. the cdc warns everyone with a fever will not have ebola. >> it would not be surprising if we saw individuals with malaria have a fever after coming back here. >> reporter: in nebraska, the freelancer who developed ebola got a blood transfusion from the first american to recover. 100 marines are the latest of 4,000 troops headed to west africa. some will handle blood possibly tainted with the deadly virus. president obama says -- >> we're not going to compromise the health and safety of our
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armed services. >> reporter: there's also concern about the safety of the traveling public. it's why they are saying screenings will start this weekend at jfk will expand to newark, o'hare, washington dulles and atlanta. >> concerns over ebola led to a strike at laguardia. workers who clean the airplane cabins say their employer isn't doing enough to protect them from ebola. they say they are exposed to blood, feces and vomit. air service brought in temporary workers. a doctor is sharing his experience in philadelphia. he spoke yesterday at the infectious disease conference taking place at the pennsylvania convention center. the outbreak of ebola prompted them to put a larger vofocus on that. we know a lot of you have
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questions. count on nbc 10 news to get you answers. send us your questions about enterovirus, ebola or any infectious disease by going to our facebook page. we will forward your questions to a doctor and get you the answers on nbc 10 at issue. that airs this sunday morning 11:30 right after "meet the press." members of a fraternity are teaming up with a church to combat ebola in west africa. they are collecting bleach, hand sanitizer, wipes and medical gloves as well as canned food. the drive is happening saturday at noon at the church's family life center in philadelphia. for a list of the items they are looking for, go to our website, investigators looking into what caused this deadly fire. sky force 10 was flying over the scene last night. it happened at an assisted living facility in delaware county. one was killed, another injuries. the fire broke out last night at
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a facility for the disabled. the fire started in a room in one of the units. it was contained there. more than three dozen residents were evacuated to another part of the facility. many of them had to be carried because of their disabilities. this morning police want to know who is responsible for graffiti found at this catholic school in philadelphia. police say someone called them after midnight to tell them about a slur painted on the doors. the maintenance supervisor removed the grat fffitigraffiti. >> we had graffiti but that's normal. but nothing like that, no. never. no. we never had any problems around here. >> officers tell us there are security cameras in the area. they are looking at those to see if they can identify the vandals. plenty of sunshine across the area today, including over the city as we take a live look
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from our camera. breezy out there today, too. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist bill henley has a look at our conditions. >> it's a winner so far. lots of sunshine. the temperatures have made progress. the wind is now starting to pick up. i do think that's going to be increasing this afternoon. the temperatures are running in the middle 60s for philadelphia. just a few scattered thin clouds around. the winds now out of the west southwest at 11 miles an hour. a little bit cooler than yesterday. we are six degrees cooler than yesterday. we started in the 60s yesterday morning. look at the humidity. it's way down. it's nice and comfortable outside. a couple cool spots. 64 in wilmington and 63 in trenton. camden is 65. and cherry hill is 63. it just bumped up to 65. we are warming up nicely with
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sunny skies. you can see a scattered cloud but no sign of showers with those clouds. look to the west, you can see the cloud cover that's moving into western pennsylvania. that's going to be arriving here for tomorrow. and with those clouds will come some much needed rainfall. you wouldn't see it today. 1:00 this afternoon, 71. we will be in the low 70s and 4:00. then the sun sets just after 6:30 this evening. the temperatures will cool at 7:00. dry at 7:00. but i don't think i can say the same for tomorrow evening. a look at the future weather when i come back to show you when the first raindrops will be falling. we will take you news on the philadelphia school budget crisis. we are seeing reaction now from the teachers union on the school reform commission form to cancel its contract. a live picture here. state representative curtis thomas speaking. he is holding a news conference in northern liberties. he is joined by teachers who are calling for a quick completion
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of a state audit of the school districts. thomas has called for the city to take back control of the public schools from the state reform commission that's been running the schools for more than a decade now. the src voted on monday to require members of the philadelphia federation of teachers to contribute money towards their healthcare benefits. it was a move that shocked a lot of people. the teachers were caught off guard by that. retired teachers will be impacted because their benefits will no longer be subsidized. they say it will add $20 to $70 per pay period. teachers will pay that for benefits. mayor nutter says the decision will allow money to be redirected into classrooms. we have new information about a crash involving a transit bus and a horse. it happened just after 7:00 this morning in doylestown. police tell us the horse was on the road when the driver hit it. the driver of the bus was take
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tonight hospital. two passengers on the bus were not injured. the horse was killed. it's day 27 now in the hunt for fugitive eric frein. police say they do have their hands on a treasurer trove of evidence against him. investigators say they took a night vision scope, computers, hard drives and tablets from this house in east stroudsburg where he was staying in the weeks before the shooting. yesterday, police released an 11-page letter allegedly written by frein describing the ambush on september 12th. they released this new sketch that shows what he may look like now almost one month after the shooting that killed corporal bryon dickson and wounded trooper alex douglass. now to decision 2014. the two people who may be duking it out for the white house in 2016 are in this area today campaigning for the two men battling for pennsylvania governor. hillary clinton and chris christie will be a few miles apart today. chris will stump for corbett at a rally in wayne. clinton will speak at a tom wolf
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event at the national constitution center. the two candidates for governor faced off last night. they took questions from a panel and they answered tweets from the public. among the issues were taxes, public pensions and education. >> we laid off 27,000 educators over the last four years. we have class sizes have gone up. property taxes have gone through the roof. we are not spending what we did spend before on public education in the classroom. that can be seen by everybody. >> when he says 14,000 -- 7,000 teachers were laid off, 14,000 of those occurred in the prior administration. today if you look at state spending, money from the taxpayers of pennsylvania, we are at the highest level in the history of pennsylvania. >> independent polls show wolf leading corbett by double digit mar margin with the election less than a month away.
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we count down to election day, november 4, just 27 d6 days awa. air strikes are ramping up. will they be enough to stop isis? details on the u.s.-led coalition as the battle over a syrian town intensifies. more concerns in missouri. this time after another deadly police shooting not far from ferguson. a nice day today. lots of sunshine. into the 70s this afternoon. the sunshine is going to be taking a break and so will the warmer temperatures. a look toward the weekend when i come back.
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the u.s. military continued its bombing of isis targets in syria today. according to u.s. central command, u.s. forces launched 23 strikes outside kobani which is under siege by isis. they say it damaged an isis training camp, destroyed a building, several tanks and an ammo dump. yesterday a pentagon spokesperson said this will not stop the militants from taking over the city but it will help the overall strategy of degrading their ability to conduct operations. leaders are gathering to discuss the fight against isis. john allen met with officials from egypt and arab league to analyze the air strikes. they discussed what to do going forward. general allen is now headed to turkey to continue the talks. two suicide bombers killed nearly 70 people in yemen today.
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no groups have claimed responsibility. both have the hallmarks of al qaeda. the wounded include six children who were in critical condition. one man is dead after being shot by a police officer in solution. he was working for a security agent i when he approached four men who ran.chased them. a suspect started fighting. police say the suspect shot at the officer. so the officer fired back killing the suspect. this happened just miles away from ferguson, missouri. a town still dealing with the shooting death of michael brown. thousands of people protested over the summer after a white police officer shot and killed the unarmed black teen. u.s. attorney general eric holder called for a review of police techniques and tactics.
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>> community policing works. strong relationships founded on mutual respect can result in enhanced cooperation between local residents and law enforcement officials. >> mayor nutter and his colleagues are expected to present a plan to the justice department on how to improve relations between police and their communities. a beautiful fall day is what we have. plenty of sunshine. it was chillier this morning with clear skies overnight. the temperatures are climbing. we will reach into the low 70 today. tracking rain. the first raindrops arriving tomorrow afternoon. it will stick around into the weekend. there's a possibility we will see game-day showers coming in in the evening for the eagles game. wet weather is ahead. 61 now in allentown. northeast philadelphia at 67. 64 in millville and still climbing. a few thin scattered clouds.
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a little bit of a breeze. the winds will be picking up around midafternoon. the tomorremperatures are six ds cooler than yesterday at this time. wilmington is off by six. allentown is four degrees cooler this morning. you can see the rain. it's inching toward us. that's going to be arriving later tomorrow. the future weather shows nothing but sunshine for this afternoon. the clouds, they will start to increase during the late evening hours. 8:00 this evening with mostly clear skies, a quick cool down. they don't wait longer before they start coming in. that's midnight tonight. dry with the first clouds. clouds will build tomorrow morning at 6:00, maybe a sprinkle or two in the area. most of the rainfall will hold off until later in the day. that's 11:00 in the morning, tomorrow morning. by afternoon, we will see steadier rain across delaware and into south jersey and possibly reaching into philadelphia, too. it doesn't get here by 3:00 in
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the afternoon, we will see some heavier downpours arrive tomorrow night and into saturday. sunshine today, 60s north and west. for allentown, quakertown and reading. into the 70s for northeast philadelphia. mount holly up to 70. sunny skies for doylestown. sunshine in delaware and south jersey. afternoon temperatures near the 7 0 degree mark. we will see the wind pick up for wilmington, chester and philadelphia. cooler weather ahead comes into the area not only tomorrow but the weekend, too. the seven-day forecast when i come back. up next, curb the cravings. if you have motherhood on your mind, doctors have a warning for you. the type of food you should stay away from if you are trying to get pregnant and why. it's been a breakfast table staple for years. find out why some women who make aunt jemima are suing.
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a story that will have you doing laundry for your college athlete son on daughter. athletes who play contact sports are more likely to carry mersa. they found that 8 to 31% of contact athletes carried the bug
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compared to 0 to 23% of athletes who played non-contact sports. athletes can reduce the spread by covering open wounds, not sharing razors or soap and washing towels and clothes every day. a baby born to a couple from delaware county died four hours after birth as they knew he would. his story has gotten national attention. before he was born, his parents found out that he had a rare and deadly condition. they knew he would only live just a few hours after being born. so the couple visited their favorite local attractions while she was pregnant. they called it shane's bucket list. they started a facebook page that went viral. everyone praying for the couple. on that page a couple of hours ago the couple wrote, we are so grateful for the time that we were blessed to hold and hug our son. a new study that has a warning for women would are trying to get pregnant. stay away from fried foods.
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the study finds that women who eat fried foods seven times a week have an 88% higher risk of getting gestational diabetes. researchers believe the frying process releases chemicals into the food which affects how your body controls blood sugar. new jersey transit filed a lawsuit against its own insurance companies. according to ledger, they want more money to pay for super storm sandy. new jersey transit argues that the limits should be higher because it should be under a policy for named wind storms like sandy. a new jersey assembly committee is holding a hearing on a bill that would require employers to give workers paid sick leave. workers would get one hour of paid leave for every 30 hours they work. they could accrue up to 40 hours. the senate hasn't discussed the bill yet. the city of trenton is putting a similar law up for vote next month. today you will notice smoke
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in and around valley forge national park. a meadow will be burned in a prescribed burn. that will happen between 1:00 and 3:00 as long as the weather cooperates. they will not burn if it gets too windy. it's being set to reduce an invasive plant species that is encroaching on the meadow. facilities and roads and trails will remain open. if you drive or yellow springs road, you may experience delays if the smoke is thick. new developments concerning the ebola outbreak. there's a plea from the west african nation hardest hit. new questions surrounding the crash of a malaysian jetliner over ukraine. the discovery that has investigators wondering how much those on board may have known about their fate.
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just shy of 11:30. police are calling a deadly fall in delaware county an accident. a private contractor fell about 27 feet from the bucket lift of a utility truck. that contractor was painting a street light this morning. the victim has not been identified. nbc 10 has learned a juror in the raghunandan yandamuri trial is being replaced. last night jurors deliberated until 10:00 p.m. they thought they reached a verdict. but before courtroomed, one juror asked to be replaced. no word why yandamuri is accused of killing a 10-month-old and the grandfather. he could face the death penalty. investigators looking into the cause of this deadly fire.
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one resident was killed, one injured. more than three dozen were evacuated to another part of the facility there. it's another day with a lot of sunshine as we take a live look at boat house row. as you can see, the flags, it's windy again this morning. bill henley is here with a look at what else with can he expect for the day. no rain out there, right? >> not today. you will have to wait until tomorrow to see the rain. they are on the way. we are getting a cooler start inspiin spite of the sunshine. it's three degrees cooler in the pocono mountains. we are making progress. the temperatures will be climbing into the low 70s. it's 67 in northeast philadelphia. pottstown is 63. wilmington is 64. doylestown is 59 degrees. these temperatures in the 75
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th degrees. what did the passengers on malaysia airlines flight know before the plane was shot down. that question is being raised today. they say only one of the bodies recovered was found wearing an oxygen mask. flight 17 crashed in eastern ukraine in july. 298 people were killed. a helicopter pilot from thailand who went missing almost two weeks ago has been rescued. they found him yesterday in a mountainous region near the chinese border. he crashed september 27 as he was delivering supplying. the pilot is in the hospital. his condition is unknown. new information this morning on a california girl who was declared brain dead following a tan si tonsillectomy. they see no evidence the child is alive.
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that opinion is expected to be entered into evidence at a hearing today. the 13-year-old is being kept on a ventilator at an undisclosed location in new jersey. her family fights the hospital's decision to remove her life support equipment. new video today of a new york police officer under fire for allegedly stealing more than $1,000 from a man that he stopped to question. the man in the sweatshirt in the video is lamar joy. the new york city officer digs through his pockets, or that's what it looks like. it appears he is taking something from the man. he has some cash there. the victim says it was more than $1,300. the officer didn't give it back. he says the officer pepper sprayed him and walked away. the sister asked for the officer's badge number and got pepper sprayed, too. they say the police officer robbed the client. >> it depicts what appears to be the police robbing somebody. not arresting them, not somebody
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who committed a crime. >> he has no intention on suing the city over this matter. he says he just wants his money back. happening today, the delaware board of education will decide if a charter school should stay open. it was placed under review earlier this year. in august, an education department committee recommended that its charter status be revoked because of poor academic performance and other issues. the school has replaced 90% of its teachers since then and has a new principal. they believe it can turn things around if given the opportunity. a positive sign for the economy speaking of turning things around. the number of americans seening unemployme unemployment benefits fell pushing the average to an eight-year low. for the week ending october 4, 287,000 people applied for unemployment. that likely means that employers are keeping their workers because they expect economic growth to continue.
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federal lawsuit says those descendents deserve the money and future sales. but they say aunt jemima isn't a real person. the federal government is hoping the second time is the charm when if comes to their healthcare website. the owe be a they unveiled a new version yesterday. they say signing up will be easier this time because the number of pages has been reduced from 76 to 16. they will display premiums when open enrollment begins. apple is delaying production of its new larger ipad. they are struggling to keep up with the demand of the iphone 6. production of the larger screen ipad has been pushed back until
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early next year. this comes as apple prepares for an event next week where it's expected to launch the next generation ipad air. time warner cable will vote on the proposed merger between that company and comcast. yesterday comcast approved the merger. officials are expected whether to approve the merger next year. comcast is the parent company of nbc 10. in the future you won't sit back and watch a movie or tv show. you will feel like you are in it. how technology will transform the entertainment experience. >> reporter: from television to movies, games to social networking, even advertising, media will become personalized and immersive. virtual reality technology like this new headset is the first step to beam people into a virtual world. >> in the future if i have these
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glasses on, i can be there at the game watching it with my friends and family and the other people who are in that stadium. >> reporter: at the movies, screens will disappear into the walls and scenes will surround you. this first of its kind 4-dx regal theater hints at the future. the chairs jerk and shake along with the action. water and wind affects that rains from a gentle breeze to the feel of a tornado. and there are eight different smells. this is just the beginning. in the future, a theater like this one could track your heart rate, brain waves and muscle tension to change the film based on what it determines the audience wants to see. technology is already using data about what you are thinking and feeling to enable mind control. the future of games. >> the sensors pick up on my brain waves allowing me to control what happens on the screen just by thinking about it. oh, my god.
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that's amazing. headsets like this can detect if i'm relaxed, excited, engaged or frustrated to change the look on my avatar's face or to change the outcome of the game. >> reporter: imagine walking past a restaurant and seeing reviews, glancing at shoes in a store window for cost and comparison. a company already enables smart phones or google glass to bring objects to life. >> wherever you are, you will be targeted with personalized ads. you won't need a smart phone or google glass. futurists predict ads could pop up in front of your face or could be whispered into your ear. >> drink starbucks coffee today. 64 right now. bright sunshine. the wind is starting to pick up. it's winds of change as we head toward the weekend. a look at the seven-day forecast when i come back. we are looking at the top stories trending now on your nbc
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10 app.
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countries from around the world are pledging money and services to help stop the ebola virus. this morning the world bank held a meeting with leaders. the cdc director urged for rapid movement to stop the spread.
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there are concerns about another possible case in texas. >> reporter: dallas county sheriff's office has a man in the hospital. he served quarantine orders at the apartment where duncan experienced symptoms. health officials say it's not likely he contracted the deadly virus. but they're not taking any chances. >> things sometimes turn out and sometimes things do not. for us, we can't afford to make mistakes. >> reporter: many are asking if mistakes are made which might have cost duncan his life. he was initially sent home from the hospital only to return two days later. ♪ the church duncan's fiancee attends paused. they have questioned about what might have been. >> he should have been admitted right away and they should have taken this more seriously. >> reporter: 48 people who came in contact with duncan remain
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under close watch for ebola symptoms. it's a crucial week as this is the most likely time people who were exposed to the disease would get sick. amid growing fears, the federal government is set to set more rigorous screening of people arriving in the u.s. from west after ri can africa this weekend. about 150 people a day. >> we are talking about a handful of people per each airport. >> reporter: this morning a cleaning company was seen leaving texas presbyterian hospital. the same company which decontaminated the apartment he shared with his family. >> while there is no cure or vaccine, doctors are learning more about how to treat it. a biology lab has been studying it for years. they are working on a vaccine. you can't just focus on the virus itself.
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>> it's not the virus that causes the harm with ebola. it's the immune system's reaction to the virus that actually causes the tissue damage that leads to the bleeding. >> that bleeding is the body's way to get rid of the virus. researchers are testing vaccines to see if it can change the immune system's response. count on nbc 10 to bring you new developments as they happen. something lighter now. much more fun. it's a time-honored tradition that has put a south jersey community on the map. we are talking about a book festival. celebrating its 12th year this weekend. the event attracts book lovers of all ages along with well-known authors, poets and illustrators. thank you for being here.
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>> thank you. >> i know that you are excited. dan, you have been with the festival for -- from the beginning. so tell us, every year we see lines of people showing up here. what has made this festival to popular? >> it's a really nice atmosphere. they close off the avenue and there's just thousands of people in the street and music and food and lots of authored and books. it's a wonderful atmosphere i come to every year and just -- i hope everybody comes saturday. >> i think they will. even if we should have a couple of rain showers bill was mentioning earlier. it it's not an all-day thing. >> i will be there. >> plenty of umbrellas. this brings in more people every year. talk about how you keep this going and how you make sure that people are interested and keep coming back. >> well, the volunteers who run it are an exceptionally dedicated group. we just won new jersey library
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association volunteer group of the year. they bring creativity all year round. it's a six-hour event from 10:00 until 4:00. but we have started planning next year's event. over a year's worth of work has gone into working this saturday's event. >> there are so many people who look forward to this. people use this as an early start to some of their holiday shopping. you have everything there for readers of all ages. tell us, is there anything new this year that you are looking forward to? >> yeah. i think that the main thing is the number of authors and from all different ranges and the variety. he would keep expanding that. it's a chance to really meet them. they are doing more workshops this year than ever. workshops on becoming a novelist. six hours of workshops on novel writing. >> i want to know how to write the one book to make me rich. that's really -- i want to write
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that one. you have that one, right? >> i wish i could write one and retire. it doesn't work that way. >> what about "the kid who ran for president," a sequel? >> that's enough of that. dan will be there as well. catch him at the book festival this saturday, october 11. it runs from 10:00 until 4:00. in case it does rain, which we put in a good word with bill. we will try to keep that away. the festival will move indoor to the high school. best thing of all, it's free. >> yes. >> dan, brett, thank you so much for being here with us. best of luck this weekend. >> thank you. it might be good for the festival. dry conditions today. it's not a washout this weekend. look at the sunshine at boat house row. we are watching the flags as the
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wind increases. stronger gusts during the afternoon. it's out of the west southwest at 11 miles an hour. temperature is at 64. but it's climbing. in the pocono mountains, in the 60s this afternoon. look to see any clouds. tomorrow much easier to find the clouds. they are building to the west. 64 in wilmington. it's up to 63 in la fayette hill. 64 in pottstown right now. we have a few scattered clouds. this is the worst of it today. but to the west, that's where we have the wet weather that is going to move in. the clouds will get here overnight tonight and into tomorrow morning. the rain that is already falling in the ohio valley and into the midwest, that's going to -- most of it will wait until tomorrow
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aft afternoon and tomorrow evening and into saturday, light showers moving through. the heavier rainfall, thunderstorm activity is in missouri. i don't expect to see thunderstorms. we could have periods of heavier rain. today, this is noon today, look how nice and clear. we will see a few scattered high clouds. 6:00 this evening, mainly clear. then the clouds come in overnight tonight and tomorrow morning we might see an isolated shower. then steadier rain moving in during the early afternoon. then it takes a break. friday evening at 10:00, here is another batch of rain. this is where we will see the heavier rainfall into saturday morning, especially in delaware and south jersey. the rain will be reaching areas north and west as well. saturday morning at 9:00, it tapers off. still see a few showers in the area but also notice what's going on north and west. that's the back edge of the rainfall for saturday. those clouds will be pushing through. we will see clearing skies saturday afternoon. that's when the temperatures
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will be in the low 60s. that's as warm as it will get saturday. we will start sunday with sunshine and cool temperatures. but the clouds will build later on sunday. by sunday evening, we could see the umbrellas going up again. sunny and breezy today. it will be cooler tomorrow as the clouds start to move in. scattered showers are possible during the day. then the heavier showers coming in overnight and into saturday morning. later in the morning saturday, the showers start to taper off. we will see sunshine and low 60s saturday afternoon. we will start with some sunshine on sunday, but then clouds will increase and there's a chance that we will see showers for the eagles game and a possibility of showers into monday as well. look at the warming from the lower 60s saturday and sunday to 73 on monday. if the clouds part like it looks like they will, we will hit 80
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tuesday. showers possible later wednesday. we will be in the middle 70s wednesday afternoon. there is ice in the forecast at the wells fargo center. a new season started last night. tonight is the home opener for the flyers facing off against the new jersey devils. cydney long is live where a pep rally is getting under way. >> reporter: chris, good afternoon or almost. it's not a sea of orange just yet. but that's because the pep rally doesn't begin until noon. you can see organizers out here are set up. they have their t-shirts and banners. we can tell you that a former flyers player is signing autographs as we speak. it's to kick off the home opener tonight. we just talked to the pr for the pep rally.
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it goes on from noon to 1:00. if it's your lunch break, right now is the time to get ready for the season. they are giving away t-shirts for the first few hundred friends. there's a ravel for an autographed jersey and surprise visited by three other former flyers alumni. they will alive in military fashion on a hummer. fans will get a free rally towel tonight at the season home opener. the flyers did fall to the bruins last night for the season opener 2-1 in boston. fans tell me, tonight is what counts at the wells fargo center in south philadelphia against the new jersey devils. we will be out here. the party will get started in a couple of minutes. we will see you back after this.
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an inspiration to all of us. you have been selected as our harvey's hero. >> steve harvey is putting this south jersey teen in the spotlight on today's show he honored her as a harvey's hero. she is from gloucester county. he h she started an angels of god
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clothing closet when she was 12. this afternoon at 3:00, "ellen" on nbc 10. then at 4:00, the virus impacting children in this area. new numbers involving the enterovirus. we are checking in with medical experts about how this illness could already have a cure and why it doesn't. that's this afternoon at 4:00. then at 5:00, gas station gl gridlock. these lines made national headlines and left drivers with few options. now dozens of gas stations in new jersey are making sure this doesn't happen again. thanks to equipment. all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, a local mother died while in jail. she was put there because her kids were skipping school. how pennsylvania lawmakers are taking action to keep that from happening again. outside right now, a lot of
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sunshine and wind. bill? >> since you mentioned it would be a good day to have outside, i've been getting hungry. gorgeous. >> is that an invitation ? >> it is not. if you can come up with a good location, maybe we can work something out. boat house row is seeing temperatures climb. today, we will top out in the upper 60s and low 70s. there are clouds ahead for tomorrow and the weekend. a good possibility we will see showers saturday morning and again later on sunday just in time for the eagles and that other team to take the field. temperatures will start in the 60s and then drop into the 50s. a warm-up after we get the showers this weekend. cool conditions saturday and sunday. and then here come the 70s and possibly the 80s if we get enough sun on tuesday. >> in mid-october? >> not bad. >> how about that? >> he's bill henley. i'm eating lunch alone. i'm chris cato. thanks for watching us.
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we will see you back here at 4:00 p.m. have a great day.
11:58 am
11:59 am
looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family.
12:00 pm
>> roman: "when asked about the events of that evening, ms. donovan responded, 'i'm not sure, it all happened so fast, john came over to talk to brady and me. i--i thought i should leave them alone but then i heard john attacking brady. and brady, oh, my god, he-- brady, he grabbed the poker. he was just trying to defend himself and he hit john across the head.'" >> marlena: john, is that pretty much what you remember? >> john: [breathes deeply] is that what happened that night? no, not really.