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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  November 3, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EST

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nbc 10 news starts now. and right now at 11:00, we are following a developing story. police are searching for a missing woman after witnesses say they saw her being abducted. good morning, i'm vai sikahema. this morning police and the woman's family are anxiously pleading for her safe return. nbc 10's matt delucia is live on west coulter street in germantown where this all happened. matt, you have been on the story throughout the morning. tell us what you learned. >> reporter: vai, detectives came out here this morning to take photos and pick up some extra evidence. right there is the broken and shattered glass from a car window. one witness said that happened while this 22-year-old woman struggled to get away. >> by the time i turned down the
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street down coulter, i heard screaming. >> reporter: this witness said he had just walked by 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither at 9:40 at the corner of coulter and green. she was screaming help, help. >> reporter: in the dark of night all he could see was the struggle. >> i don't know what happened inside the car. the glass came off and that's when i jumped back and all that and he pulled off. >> reporter: detectives found her cell phone and glasses at the scene along with a knife and a glove. >> we don't know what happened at all. >> carlesha's family says she's in this neighborhood frequently to visit friends and her godson. they came to the scene this morning with photos in hand ready to retrace her steps in search for answers. >> we're going to do the same thing everybody else is doing, search through houses and grass and leaves and any kind of pals you might see, just go through it, kick it. any kind of things you could find and pick up just to give us a clue as to where she may be at. >> reporter: her family believes
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the attack has to be random but police have not confirmed what the motive might have been. >> she's a very humble child, and right now our hearts are very heavy. >> reporter: and carlesha freeland-gaither is about 5'3" and was last seen wearing a light blue jean jacket, a gray and white sweater, blue jeans, and tan/green shoes. police are searching for her, her abductor, and his vehicle which was last seen speeding off here down west coulter street late last night. police believe that vehicle is a silver four-door taurus with a broken driver's side rear window. live in germantown, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. >> thank you. an update on an investigation in kensington after two men passed out at work. nbc 10 was there as fire crews arrived on southeast wishart street. this happened just before 7:00 p.m. authorities tell nbc 10 no hazardous materials were detected and this was a medical emergency. no word on what caused the men
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to pass out. they're being treated at the hospital. investigators in bucks county are also working to figure out what started a fire involving several tractor-trailers there. we told but this story earlier this morning. skyforce 10 was over clyde waite drive in bristol, bucks county, as firefighters tried to put the flames out. the trucks were behind a locked gate. >> now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> after a cool start this morning, temperatures are warming up across our area and they will get even warmer. this is a live look at center city. you see the flags flapping. things are less windy than they were this weekend. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the forecast. morning, glenn. >> good morning. we had wind gusts well over 40 miles an hour yesterday. it's a little breezy now but nothing like we saw yesterday. a lot of sunshine out there at the moment. we'll see a lot, just a few patchy clouds in delaware and right near atlantic city.
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temperatures rising now into the 50s. 56 already in northeast philly. we only got to 49 yesterday for the high, and the winds, of course. 38-mile-an-hour gust in the poconos, but generally 20 to 28-mile-an-hour wind gusts. elsewhere the wind will diminish a little bit this afternoon but there's still going to be a little bit on the breezy side. again, nothing compared to yesterday. and the temperature is going to keep going up, up near 60 degrees at 3:00. remember, it gets dark earlier after we've set the clocks back over the weekend. so don't be surprised how quickly it does get dark tonight. i'll have the rest of the seven-day forecast which includes a lot of rain and also another cold shot coming up in a few minutes. it is, of course, november 3rd, election eve. tomorrow voters will head to the polls for the midterm elections. the biggest race we are watching this morning is the battle for pennsylvania governor. in less than an hour governor
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tom corbett will make an appearance at the american helicopter museum in westchester. right now his challenger, tom wolf, is on his way to visit small businesses in lancaster before heading to pittsburgh later this afternoon. and over the weekend the candidates for pennsylvania governor had some big names campaigning for them. governor tom corbett was joined by new jersey governor chris christie at a rally in bucks county where christie called him a tough competitor. >> he's a tough competitor. he's made taxes lower in pennsylvania. he's made regulation lower in pennsylvania. he's stolen more jobs from new jersey while he's been governor. >> governor christie has made four visits recently in support of corbett. thousands came to a rally in support of tom wolf. the president touted wolf's experience as a businessman saying he will handle the economy better than corbett. >> tom knows how to create jobs here in pennsylvania.
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he's done it. and now he's running because he believes that if you work hard in this state, if you work hard in this country, you should share in the country's success. >> if wolf beats corbett tomorrow, it would be the first time a pennsylvania governor lost re-election since 1970. and with one day to go, wolf has a double digit lead in the polls. both sides are pushing hard to make sure that their core voters turn out tomorrow, and nationally both political parties would like to have one of their own in the governor's mansion in harrisburg, especially democrats who fear losing both houses of congress. >> pennsylvania is a swing vote, so to have a democratic governor in place at the time of the presidential election is huge for the democratic party. >> and every house seat in the house of representatives will be on the ballot and 36 senate seats will be as well. new jersey and delaware voters are both electing u.s. senators.
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in pennsylvania no senate seats are being filled there. 16 of the state's 18 members of the house of representatives are seeking re-election. and among the contested seats, two races in the suburbs are getting a lot of attention. third term republican mike fitzpatrick is facing an aggressive shall challenge from strouse. ryan costello is competing against dr. trivedi, an iraqi war veteran. they want to fill jim ger lock's seat. three of new jersey's 12 delegates to the u.s. how many times will change hands in the midterm leelections. right now they're evenly split and analysts predict that will not change. in new jersey there's the u.s. senate race between senator cory booker and republican challenger jeff bell. in the state of delaware democratic senator chris coons will take on republican challenger kevin wade for the u.s. senate. there's one house seat up for grabs along with some key state
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races there including attorney general, auditor, and treasurer. and a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows likely voters are deadlocked over which party they want to control congress. 46% of vos surveyed want republicans to take control, and 45% say they want a democratically controlled congress. republicans are more popular with likely male voters while democrats hold a double digit lead with women. and, of course, we'll have more on the other races in our next half hour. nbc 10 is your station for complete election coverage. you can count on us for early returns, for reaction and live reports starting at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. keith jones will be covering the corbett campaign. he's traveling with them this pittsburgh while lu ann cahn is embedded in york for the wolf campaign. we'll also have crews covering the big races in new jersey and also the state of delaware. and we'll have more on those races in new jersey and delaware coming up in 15 minutes. you can also learn more about the candidates and the issues
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that will be decided on our website at it's 11:09 and we're following breaking news out of kentucky. this is a live pick ture from t scene of a fire at a tire recycling plants in louisville. the flames are intense right now as you can see, and black smoke can be seen for miles. we are working to find out how this fire started. we'll bring you that information as soon as we get it from louisville, kentucky. police in montgomery county are investigating a crash after an suv slammed into a utility pole. this happened on haverford road near andover road in lower merion. officers say the driver lost control of the suv hitting the pole which then snapped. that person luckily was not hurt. investigators are trying to find the cause of a fire at this apartment building in north philadelphia. this started just after 11:00 last night on north camac street. everyone was able to make it out safely.
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now to the late e! on tst o capture of eric frein. authorities are testing a rifle trying to determine if it was the same weapon used to murder a state trooper and wound another outside a pennsylvania police barracks. he was captured thursday night near the hangar ending a seven-week manhunt in the poconos. a woman who became the poignant voice over the right to die has endeder life. the young newly wed passed away this weekend. and new information about what led to the crash of a ship designed to take tourists into space. we'll have been update on what may have gone wrong. glenn? we're starting a warming trend this week. i'll have the forecast in our first alert seven-day coming up next.
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars...
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it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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in oregon a terminally ill woman is dead after taking a lethal medication prescribed by a doctor. a spokesman says brittany maynard was surrounded by family and friends when she took the drugs on saturday. maynard had brain cancer and she said she wanted to die on her own terms. she moved to portland from california, a state that does not have aid in dying laws. she planned to end her life on november 1st but said she might delay her death but she went ahead with her original plan. may yard was a week shy of her 30th birthday. new information about a man who recently flew into newark
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liberty airport, new jersey, from west africa. preliminary tests have come back negative for ebola. the man is being monitored at duke university hospital and will remain in isolation until additional tests are done, and a woman in london has tested negative for ebola. she has been hospitalized with a fever and also has a history of travel to west africa. a new poll shows more than 7 in 10 americans support mandatory quarantines for health workers who have treated ebola patients even if they have no symptoms. 71% of those surveyed say the workers should be subject to a 21-day quarantine. nurse kaci hickox just won a challenge against maine's mandatory quarantine. she said her rights were being violated and a judge agreed with her. what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway turned into a stressful situation for passengers aboard the bahamas celebration cruiseline. the ship hit an object in the water. passengers returned to palm beach in shuttle buses yesterday. a spokesperson with the cruise
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line says the ship they were on hit an object shortly after leaving the dock at grand bahama island friday. passenger video captured the chaotic scene. guests and staff started putting on life jackets when the ship started tilting. >> suddenly the power is turned off. >> i was waiting for the ship to sink. >> passengers were taken to a hotel on the island friday night and say they waited for hours to catch a cruise to miami the next morning. they say they don't know if they will be reimbursed but the bahama celebration website satisfies there will be no cruises for the next two weeks. two surfers have quite a story to tell after surviving a shark attack. this happened in hawaii. mckenzie clark and brian wargo were surfing friday when a 12 to 15-foot tiger shark chomped down on mckenzie's board and hit her hand. as the shark dragged the board and mckenzie away, brian grabbed the dorsal fin and kicked until
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it let go. mckenzie was treated for deep cuts but is otherwise okay. we have new information in the crash investigation of spaceship 2 this morning. virgin's founder sir richard branson spoke about the deadly crash. >> reporter: they want to be clear about the new facts in the investigation. they don't yet tell us the official cause of the crash. that will take months and longer, but we now know video and flight data in and outside of the cockpit show what appear to be mistakes with both man and machine. man because the video shows the co-pilot unlocking the dissent feathers or tails on the plane before the plane ever got into suborbit and that's only supposed to happen as it descends. machine because even though the co-pilot unlocked it, there's also supposed to be a second lever pulled to actually deploy those tails or feathers, and
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they seem to have deployed on their own. virgin galactic's founder richard branson says this will not be a crippling incident. >> it's a grand program which has had a horrible setback, but i don't think anybody watching this program would want us to abandon it at this stage. >> reporter: the surviving pilot is recovering after surgery talking to doctors but not yet to investigators. when he does, he may very well prove to be a critical part in understanding exactly what went wrong. nbc news in mojave, california. and police in california say they have made multiple arrests in connection with a hit and run that killed three teenagers on halloween. investigators are expected to hold a briefing later today. that crash happened in san that anna on friday night. 13-year-old twin sisters and their 13-year-old friend were struck and killed while they were trick-or-treating. and more than a week after a deadly shooting in a school in
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washington state, classes are expected to resume today. police say 15-year-old jaylen fryberg opened fire inside the cafeteria. four people. >> died including fryberg. two victims are still in the hospital. students will not be allowed to use the cafeteria where the shooting happened. in texas authorities are investigating what caused this fire at a dallas apartment complex. this happened on sunday. two police officers are being praised as here sews for rescuing four children who were caught inside the building. no one was hurt in the building but 18 units were destroyed and 54 people were left homeless. right now family, friends, and the boston community are remembering long time mayor tom menino. his casket was taken out of this hall, the historic government center there, within the last hour. thousands are lining the streets there as his funeral procession
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makes its way through the city of boston. 71-year-old menino was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year just after leaving office. he was the city's longest serving mayor. and here is a live picture of that procession which started at city hall and it's heading past parkman house, boston university, kenmore square, and fenway park before ending at the most precious blood church for the funeral later today. former president bill clinton was one of several dignitaries who paid their respects to the boston mayor this morning. vice president joe biden also attended. friends are calling today's memorial procession menino's last ride home. and today tenants are starting to move into 1 world trade center in new york city for the first time since the september 11th attacks. it's the first day of work for about 175 employees of conde nast, the major publishing company.
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3400 people will work at that center. new york governor andrew cuomo released a statement about the building's opening which reads in part, quote, this is a tremendous day for all new yorkers proving once again that the spirit of resurgence and community lives on stronger than ever before. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> well, as expected, a cold, windy weekend with a whole lot of rain on saturday. we've got sunny skies to start the day and to start the week, but we have a warming trend also. it's not going to be nearly as cold as it was over the weekend, at least for a while, but cold will return toward the end of the week and next weekend looks on the chilly side, maybe not quite as cold as this past weekend. a lot of sunshine out there right now. the temperature up to 53 degrees. we're already warmer than we were at any point over the weekend. wind west at 17. 6 degrees warmer than we were at
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this time yesterday. so we're 47 in the poconos, but low to mid-50s across the rest of the area, and some spots could couch the 60 degree mark. the average high is 61 for this time of year. we're about 5 to 10 degrees warmer than they were at this time yesterday. even a little bit more up in the poconos. and the wind not quite as strong, but we still have that west wind that is bringing in dry air but eventually it's going to bring in warmer air, and a little bit less wind this afternoon and much less wind tonight. just a few clouds down across delaware and extreme south jersey, but we have dry conditions across the east. we have showers in the middle of the country, and that activity is going to be affecting us. it's going to take a while before anything gets in here. maybe a few clouds coming in this afternoon according to our future cast but then we're dry tonight and for election day
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tomorrow, really can't ask for much more. sunshine, light wind, and a little bit milder. here we are tomorrow afternoon with mostly sunny skies. however, things are going to be changing later. there's the high pressure covering us now with the west wind coming around it. tuesday we're dry. wednesday the southwest wind comes in, warms us up. but here comes thursday. that's the next storm that's going to be affecting us and that may bring some pretty significant rain to the area on thursday. for the rest of the day today, we have sunshine, breezy conditions, highs in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees. it's a whole lot milder than over the weekend but still right around average. really nice day tomorrow, highs in the mid-60s with sunshine. another mild day on wednesday, getting closer to 70, but thursday the rain comes in, some of that could be on the heavy side, and as we head toward the
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weekend, we get colder and windy again. a recent tragedy is leading to change in one local community. a traffic change is set to go into effect to make sure no one else loses their life. we'll show you what's being done. and we are getting new insights into baby talk. new research may encourage dads to get more vocal with their newborns.
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a new study is shedding some light on baby talk, more specifically who is talking to
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baby. dads, you might want to listen up. not surprisingly the stud yu found babies heard more words from mom but not just because moms are usually the primary care giver. even with both parents in the room at the same time, researchers found babies heard three times more words from moms than dads. they found fathers only engaged in baby talk when mothers were in the conversation as well. we are continuing to follow a developing story. police are searching for a missing woman after witnesses say they saw an abduction happen. we'll have an update straight ahead. and a crime that stunned our region is now the subject of a movie. we have a preview of fox catcher and we'll be joined by someone with a very close personal tie to the real life story.
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this is nbc 10 news.
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and developing now in philadelphia, police are searching for a woman who was attacked and then kidnapped on a germantown street. matt delucia is live on coulter street where this all happened. you've been talking with the victim's father? >> reporter: i just spoke with him a few minutes ago. we'll hear from him in a moment. meanwhi meanwhile, detectives are going around this video getting surveillance video trying to piece together what happened out here. i have been talking with family members of this woman. here is a picture. she's 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither. her grandfather tells me that she doesn't hang out with unsavory characters and cannot understand why this happened to her. it was about 9:40 last night, a witness tells us he saw carlesha struggling with a man on the 100 block of west coulter street. eventually the man got her into the backseat of his vehicle and the glass shattered into pieces on the street. just minutes ago i spoke with carlesha's father. he is out here right now posting flyers on utility poles
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desperately hoping that someone has seen her. >> if anybody knows anything, please, just bring my daughter home, that's all i'm asking. whatever you need, whatever you want, i'll give it to you. just bring my daughter home. >> reporter: and carlesha freeland-gaither is about 5'3" last seen wearing a light blue jean jacket, a gray and white sweater, blue jeans, and tan/green shoes. as we look live here on coulter street, you can see one of those flyers that that father posted, and police are searching for a silver four-door taurus with a broken driver's side rear window, and right now we are working to obtain surveillance video from this area. again, detectives are looking at that right now, and we'll have more on later editions of nbc 10 news. i'm matt delucia, nbc 10 news. and checking our top stories right now, crews are looking to find a cause for several tractor-trailer fires that
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happened this morning. these are pictures from skyforce 10 early this morning. this happened -- this was before 6:00 a.m. the trucks were behind a locked gate in bristol, bucks county, when these fires started. and the man who recently flew into newark liberty airport from liberia tested negative for ebola. those test results were released within the last three hours. the man is being monitored at duke university hospital. he will remain in isolation there until additional tests are done. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and here is a live look high above center city. things started out cold this morning, but they're starting to warm up, and good news is it will get warmer. nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here now with the forecast. glenn? >> yeah, vai, some people do look forward to the colder weather but you will have plenty of chances in the coming months to have the cold weather and probably some snow as well. we're in the poconos at the french manor. not only mostly clear skies, but
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we're also seeing the colors are passed their peak in the poconos and other areas up toward new england, right around the peak around here. temperatures in the low to mid-50s aside from the poconos which are 47 degrees in mount pocono right now. and the ocean temperature has really dropped, down to 53 degrees, down almost 10 degrees in just a couple days. we're still getting pretty strong winds in the poconos. 38-mile-an-hour wind gust, but 20 to 30-mile-an-hour gusts elsewhere across the area, and philadelphia international not reporting a gust. so it's kind of a sign of things to come. it's nowhere near as windy as yesterday. we had gusts well over 40 miles an hour in philadelphia. in the new york city area, the gusts were over 50, and in new england it was even stronger than that. plus snow. well, for us we see temperatures going up near 60 degrees with breezy conditions, but remember the sun is setting now right around 5:00 or a little bit
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earlier, so it's completely dark by 5:30. so be aware of that. and be aware of some rain coming this week. i'll have the timing on that with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> thank you, glenn. speaking of rain, record-breaking rainfall over the weekend caused major flooding in parts of idaho. the storms caused several crashes and delays on local highways there. according to the national weather service, 1.15 inches of rain fell in boise. that broke the november single day rainfall record that was set back in 1898. and election day is tomorrow, and today democrats and republicans across the country are busy with the final campaign push, and the big question, can republicans regain control of the senate. nbc's tracie potts reports from washington. >> you've got to ask yourself, who is going to be fighting for you? who is going to be on your side? >> reporter: he's not on the ballot, but republicans insist tomorrow's election is a referendum on president obama. >> a vote for greg orman is a vote for obama. >> his failed policies go by the
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name of michelle nun in the state of georgia. >> reporter: a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll show 46% of likely voters want republicans in charge of congress. 45% want democrats. >> our ground game is whipping their ground game. >> the economy is usually what turns voters' directions. so we're feeling good. >> reporter: in key battleground states, georgia, kentucky, louisiana, our polls show republicans ahead or gaining. they need six seats to win control of the senate. three-quarters of voters said they're more concerned about the economy and health care than ukraine, isis, or ebola. >> the most important thing that voters will be asking themselves is who has my back. >> reporter: republicans do face some challenges. >> we have a wall or a barrier between us and african-american voters. >> hold on. hold on. >> reporter: and so do democrats. in connecticut the president was heckled three times by immigration protesters. >> you need to go protest the republicans because i'm not the
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one blocking it. >> reporter: at this point for all sides, the game plan is really just to get out the vote. in fact, there's been a lot heavier early voting in key states this time around than we saw four years ago during the midterms. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. and on election day tomorrow, you can count on nbc 10 for early returns. you can count on us for reaction and also live reports, and you can also learn more about the candidates and the issue that is will be decided at our website at turning now to the atlantic city casino crisis. trage ma hall workers held a march this morning in an effort to keep their jobs. >> save the taj. >> save our jobs. >> about 1,000 employees have signed a petition calling on the mayor to do everything possible to keep the casino open. the casino has threatened to close in december if it doesn't get $175 million package from atlantic city and the state government. four casinos have already gone out of business and the
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taj mahal would be the fifth. not surprisingly, a new report shows atlantic county has one of the highest unemployment rates for metropolitan areas in the nation. the jobless rate in the county was nearly 11% in the month of september. that's the highest rate for metro areas east of the rocky mountains. four casinos in ac have closed this year leaving 10,000 people there out of work. and charges have been upgraded against a delaware man after a pregnant woman he allegedly assaulted died from her injuries. 24-year-old fernando flores is charged with manslaughter. the victim gave birth to a baby girl before she died. at last check the infant was listed in critical but stable condition. flores was arrested october 19th following a domestic dispute with payola del ga ola delgado- the waterford trailer park on samantha circle in bear. we have new information about the plans for the intersection in burlington county where an 11-year-old was killed in a school bus crash.
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the speed limit at old york road and county road 528 in chesterfield township will be reduced from 45 to 35 miles per hour. the intersection was changed into a traffic circle earlier this year. it was back in february of 2012 when a dump truck and a school bus collided there. the crash killed isabel tesla and injured more than a dozen others. federal investigators found the dump truck was overloaded and the driver was speeding and suffering from fatigue. neither driver was criminally charged. and construction begins today on a $36 million bridge replacement project. penndot crews will replace the route 422 bridges in north coventry township in chester county and west potts grove township. 422 will be down to one lane in each drirection. the work will take place between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. and wilmington university is expanding. the school has announced plans for a new campus in new castle county. according to the news journal,
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it would be located along route 202 and beaver valley and brandywine and it would include three classroom buildings. work is expected to begin in 18 months. 1,900 students are enrolled at the school and it's been ranked as one of the fastest growing nonprofit universities. a notorious crime committed in our area is now the subject of a major motion picture. the story behind the john dupont and his murder of an olympic athlete is coming to the big screen in the movie "fox catch every" and the victim's widow will be here to talk about it. we're drying out from all the rain we had over the weekend but the rain is going to return this week, and you'll see that in the first alert seven-day forecast. >> take a look at top stories trending right now in the "lunch break" section on the nbc app.
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but the rain is going to return
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at 10:42 we're following breaking news in north philadelphia. this is a live picture from skyforce 10, and here is what happened. investigators say they were called to a house to remove an animal and when they got there, they found that the house was booby trapped with a shotgun set to go off. police have closed off west segely street while they investigate this matter. we'll continue to, of course, follow this and we'll bring you new information. we're making phone calls and as soon as we get that we'll bring
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it to you. smartphones could soon make checkin easier at hotels. new programs are being tweaked which would allow guests to check in, even unlock their rooms with their phones. the features are available at just a few chains right now. hotel companies say they're looking -- always looking for ways to streamline the arrival process. the postal service has released the deadlines to mail your holiday packages to make sure they get to where they're going on time. first class international mail and priority international mail december 2nd is the deadline for that. first class and priority packages within the u.s. should be ready to go by december 20th. the busiest mailing day for holiday cards and packages expected to be december 15th. and today the new croissant doughnut is available at dunkin' donuts. it's 24 layers of dough glazed like a doughnut.
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it will be made in limited quantities and served each day while supplies last. high wire artist nik wallenda defied death not once but twice in one night. he completed a heart stopping stunt in chicago last night walking a wire between two skyscrapers that span the chicago river. and if that wasn't enough, he did it again, but this time, there you see it, he did it blindfolded. no net, no harness, just ground underneath and river. apparently no fear. wallenda is a member of the famous flying wallendas a family of circus and daredevil performers. a crime that stunned the delaware valley and the nation. the murder of dave sha results by multimillionaire john dupont. this happened in january of 1996 on dupont's estate. dee pont ho dupont hosted an olympic wrestling facility. the story is coming to the big screen in the new movie "fox
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catcher." >> what do you hope to achieve, mark? >> steve carell plays john dupont. the movie stars mark ruffalo and channing tatum. and dave sha resulchultz's wido will attend the premiere. you were a consultant for this movie, nancy. tell me what that was like. it must have been difficult for to you sort of reopen an old wound like this. >> i think i'm always there. you know what happened in '96 is still with me every day, but this was a nice opportunity also to help ruffalo show what kind of person dave was. bennett miller took an extreme amount of time making this scene real. it's real wrestling in the film and mark ruffalo took on everything the way dave picked up a cup, the way he walked. it was nice to be able to share my husband's memory. >> how does ruffalo learn how
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your late husband picked up the cup? >> i was on the set three or four times during the shooting but was able to meet with him and provide home movies and bennett miller had lots of film from the life on the farm so every actor could learn how to get into those character approximates. >> tell me what people will learn about your late husband from watching this movie. >> i think they're going to learn the sport of wrestling and its struggles, that it's a more complicated and technical sport than they knew before, that my husband was a kind and generous man, and that the life at the fox catcher estate was an interesting and tumultuous time. >> steve carell's work was quite a departure from his previous work but he refused to meet with you. why was that? >> we met outside the set. but each of the characters when they got into makeup, they stayed in character the whole
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time we were filming. they really stayed there the weeks that we filmed. steve would get up at 4:00 in the morning, begin the process. once he got into that, he really stayed in that character and john dupont was a very uncomfortable social person, so he really recreated what dupont would do, which was not be gregarious, not be in the middle of the mix. >> i heard you say that dupont fancied himself as an athlete. apparently he was a pretty good athlete -- >> he was a decent athlete. >> but this gave him a chance to really be around elite athletes that -- >> many times, yes. swimming, pentathlon. he helped a lot of different athletes and in the end wrestling. it allowed him to not only be involved in the program but olympic team captain and things like that. he really got to hang out with elite level athletes. >> i was a cub reporter here in 1996 when the story happened. so there's a lot that we know about the story, but tell me what the movie might reveal that we might not know when we go see
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this movie "fox catcher." >> i'm working on a documentary right now, too, that's going to be out and it's going to be on the farm and share some intricate and new pieces of information. i think that they'll learn more about that this was just three characters really struggling to make these relationships work. >> how have you handled the 18 years, nearly 20 years that have lapsed? how has your life been affected through all of this? >> you probably know from originally when you were reviewing the story i think, but wrestling is a very tight community. all over the world we have friends that we stay in touch. really the wrestling community helped me face the challenges and raise my children. >> it's been a blessing for us that you came by here. >> very nice to see you back in philadelphia. >> "fox catcher" opens on friday, november 21st. thank you so much for coming by, nancy schultz.
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>> now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> the wind still blowing out there. not quite as strong as it was over the weekend. this time it's blowing in warmer air, plus we have sunshine to help us get up close to 60 degrees today. we have the warming trend that is already started. tomorrow will be warmer than today, but the cold is going to return before the week is out. we don't really have any long-term trends here. it just goes up and down like it very often does during this time of the year. not a lot of sunshine out there right now. 53 degrees, the winds west at 17. we're 6 degrees warmer than we were at this time yesterday. and the temperatures, well, they've been well below average. saturday's high occurred at night. during the afternoon they were in the upper 40s. upper 40s with strong winds on sunday. today 58. tomorrow we're going up into the mid-60s. the average high for this time of the year is 61.
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you can see the wind is out of the west. that's bringing in somewhat warmer air. we don't have any real warm air in the country, exceptionally warm air. you can see a few clouds generally in southern sections, and as we go back to the west, there are some showers building up in the plains states, and that is part of the system that's going to be affecting us later in the week. it's going to take a while. we have a little bit of cloud cover coming through during the afternoon, but no rain is expected. we have a beautiful day coming tomorrow for election day, just perfect timing for that. and no rain, no real chance of rain with that because high pressure is right on top of us and it's going to keep things nice and dry, but eventually first we get the warmer air, and then we get the rain. that generally comes in on thursday. some of that could be on the heavier side, and then we dry out, but we cool down again as
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we head toward next weekend. highs in the upper 50s to near 60 with a lot of sunshine during the afternoon, and tomorrow up into the mid-60s. upper 60s on wednesday. it looks dry until at least wednesday night, and then on thursday we get rain, some of it could be on the heavier side. then the wind and the colder weather comes back friday, but especially on saturday, and we'll be right back.
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and guess what? there are a new batch of battles in the running to be our high school blitz game of the week. father judge and st. joe's prep. lenape and ran ccocas valley. you can call or text your vote in. here are the results as they stand. lenape leading out at 64%. my kids are st. joe's prep grads. you guys better get with it. hello, 34% and bood bury and collingswood are just 2% back. the game with the most votes are featured on the high school blitz saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10.
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coming up this afternoon starting at 3:00, "ellen" is new with the cast of the film "annie" including jamie foxx and cameron diaz. and then flooding fears. the measurements that experts are taking to reveal potential risks this afternoon on nbc 10 news at 4:00. new on nbc 10 news at 5:00, it's being built to save two jersey shore storms from future towns but work on this miles long steel sea wall is now stopped. why a piece of forgotten history is getting in the way of progress. plus, coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00, the campaign comes down to the wire. we'll take a look at the big issues at stake on the election day and how the candidates are making a last push for your vote. now to an update on our top story right now. the search is on for 22-year-old woman who police say was attacked and was kidnapped on a germantown street. witnesses say carlesha freeland-gaither was screaming for help as a man pulled her
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into a car at the corner of coulter and green streets. this happened about 9:40 last night. detectives are working with clues left behind at the scene like a cell phone, there were glasses, a knife, and glove. her family believes this was a random attack. nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with a look at your forecast. >> a whole lot more pleasant this and the weekend. it was really, really windy over the weekend. just breezy this afternoon. those are warmer breezes coming in, up near 60 this afternoon. mid-60s tomorrow, so about as good of conditions as you can get for voting on an election day, not just here but up and down the east coast as well. so good timing on that, and then we warm up even more wednesday. >> yeah, the candidates and all the pollsters are all checking your weather forecast for tomorrow. thanks for watching nbc 10 news at 11:00. i'm vai sikahema, for glenn
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"hurricane" schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10, have a good day.
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>> eve: what is the matter with you, kayla? how can you stand there and defend jack deveraux? for god's sake, he raped you. >> kayla: i don't need you to remind me what jack did to me. i was there. >> jj: damn, when did it get so cold? >> rory: oh, well a low pressure front's moving down from canada. supposed to drop 15 degrees tonight. >> jj: thank you, al roker. >> rory: who? >> jj: you know, man, maybe-- i should have brought a jacket, man, maybe i should just go. >> oh, don't do that. >> we'll keep you warm. >> jj: oh. >> bev: perfect. >> yeah. [giggles] >> aiden: bree. it's been a long time.