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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  November 3, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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this surveillance video shows the last time anyone saw carlesha freeland-gaither before she disappeared. >> if you watch it you're going to see her trying to fight off her attacker before he throws her into a car and drives away. tonight we have live team coverage in these critical hours as police try to find her. >> we begin with nbc 10's nefertiti jaquez live at police headquarters. >> reporter: they tell me they're getting a bunch of phone calls and tips. tonight detectives say they are running on every single one of them because time is of the essence. tonight police believe the kidnapping appears to be random and they tell us they've called in the fbi for help because they fear the victim may be in danger. this afternoon, police released this video showing 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither as she was grabbed right off the street. that's the kidnaper's car pull pg up to the cushion west coulter street before 10:00 sunday night. a man gets out of the car just as a bus pulls up on nearby
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greene street as he walks to the bus stop. we get our first glimpse of the victim. heapproaches her, she chases him down. >> the last thing we see in the shadow is what looks like the man hitting the woman. >> now, we're also told she kicked out the rear driver's side window before the car drove off. meantime, police say if you know who that man is or if that vehicle looks familiar to you, they'd like to hear from you. that's the latest from police headquarters, nefertiti jaquez, nbc 10 news. carlesha freeland-gaither family first saw the video tonight. >> rosemary connors live in germantown. what did the family tell you. >> reporter: jim and renee, the family is completely beside themself. their daughter, carlesha was on her way home, two blocks away from her house when this abduction happened. she had just been visiting
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relatives. while police are doing their investigation, the family, they're hitting the streets, they are posting these flyers, trees, poles, to make sure anybody who knows anything comes forward. late this afternoon, crime scene investigators returned to west coulter and greene streets to sweep up the last bit of evidence, the shattered glass from the window of the abductor's car. the victim's father and stepmother looked on. earlier we showed them the surveillance video they had been waiting to see all day, the struggle between 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither and her attacker. >> please, just, whoever, please bring her back home. that's all we want. just release her. we don't care. just let her go somewhere. >> she was screaming for help. i figured if it was somebody she knew she would have said the name. >> reporter: this witness watched the attack but the car sped off before he could get the license plate. he tells us he founded this glove, a knife and other items on the street that he turned over to police. >> it was like a big old blade laying on the floor, cell phone,
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glasses and all that. >> reporter: the family is hoping for the best and praying for her safe return. >> i just want my daughter back. >> reporter: the family has been walking up and down the blocks of this neighborhood talking to anybody they can see and stop on the street, asking them if they happened to see anything usual last night that they may not have thought was relevant, talk to police anyway and pass along any tips. reporting live from germantown, rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. and police are telling us they really need the public's help with this case. go to to take a good look at the entir surveillance video. we're posting updates just as soon as they come in. new at 6:00, four girls are among the teens accused of robbing and beating a man in dover. police say the attack happened saturday afternoon, not far from a middle school. the man was walking on south kirkwood street when he says the teens swarmed him, punching and kicking. officers say they stole and bag and ran into a nearby house. five teens were arrested,
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ranging in age from 12 to 15. police are looking for a sixth suspect. right now, it's a sprint to the finish line. both candidates for pennsylvania governor have only hours left to make their case before election day. >> nbc 10's george spencer is here now with details. neither campaign taking anything for granted. >> renee, nothing for granted. the candidates have spread themselves across the state today. within the past 90 minutes we confirmed that wolf at least will be back here tomorrow as well. and right now, both sides are really working to ensure that their supporters actually turn out. >> this is what the final hours look like for democratic challenger tom wolf, an afternoon of shaking hands and campaigning with small business owners in lancaster. the candidate, a business owner himself has used this final day of campaigning to push his key points, boosting state spending on education and an improved economy. >> your next governor, tom wolf. >> reporter: it comes after a
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sunday event in philadelphia, headlined by president obama and in the last hours, the challenger's campaign is emphasizing voter turnout, even with a bit of guilt. >> the democrats lost the governor's race in pennsylvania by 20 votes per precinct. 20 votes! >> if we want this election to actually deliver on the promise of those three things, education, jobs and fairness, guess what we have to do? >> vote! >> that's right. tuesday we have to vote. >> reporter: meanwhile, supporters of incumbent governor tom corbett emphasized the work they've been doing on the ground as the candidate made his case one last time in the philadelphia area at a plane hangar in westchester. through his stops today he hit his campaign themes of prudent fiscal leadership, surrounding pensions and privatized alcohol sales. like his opponent, getting voters to the polls is the goal. >> one of the things people ask me, particularly me, why should we re-elect you?
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because i kept my promise to the people of pennsylvania. that's why. >> i think he's going to get a has republicans around him. no one's perfect. but of the two he's certainly our choice. >> even though corbett will be in the pittsburgh area tomorrow, his lieutenant governor candidate will be here visiting polling spots in bucks county. he and his wife will make stops in warminster, bensalem and newtown, among others. nbc 10 will be there when they do. jim and renee. >> thank you, george. nbc 10 is your station for decision 2014. visit for an entire section on where the candidates stand on the issues and then tune in as the results come in tomorrow night. you'll see updates on air, online and on your mobile device. new at 6:00, police are warning people in one ocean county town to inspect all of their halloween county after a potentially dangerous discovery. manchester township police are
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reporting a parent bit into a tootsie roll and found a took pick shard in it. this is the third time someone in our area reported a candy scare this halloween season. one teen who found a razor blade inside a candy bar wrapper and another teen found a pin inside a candy bar. november 17th, the long awaited opening of a stain station. the old historic dinky train station closed last year to allow the princeton area to build a $320 million arts center. tonight we go inside the abandoned airplane hanger where fugitive sniper eric frein spent his final days. he was captured walking unarmed just outside that building on the edge of the closed birchwood resort in pocono township. even in daylight, the hangar is pitch black with the endless
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rumble of the steel wall. a new-looking jar of fruit jelly sits on a counter in a workshop here. neighbors kept coming by to see the place. >> a little bit of closure as well? >> absolutely. this is where it is. it's done. he's captured. it's gone. >> also nbc 10 has learned the state police did not search the hangar prior to eric frein's arrest. law enforcement sources tell us the hangar was not searched until a newly arrived team of u.s. marshals was assigned there last thursday. frein has two court-appointed public defenders who will help him prepare for a preliminary hearing set for november 12th. vandals strike a local memorial. what they did to a piece of the world trade center and how police are trying to catch them. pcw customers caught in a little tug of war. the announcement that came after the nbc 10 investigators began asking questions.
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glenn "hurricane" schwartz? i'm tracking rain on the way. when it's going to arrive in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. we are following breaking news tonight. the fbi now involved in the hunt for a young woman snatched off a germantown street. police released this surveillance video hoping it would lead to carlesha freela - freeland-gaither and her attacker. the man forced her into his car and drove away.
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this is nbc 10 breaking news. >> we continue to follow breaking news. the fbi joined in the search for a woman kidnapped from a germantown street last night. this is surveillance video of that crime. if you know anything that can help police find her, please call philadelphia police. philadelphia city council announced public hear noogz the future of pgw. this comes hours after the nbc 10 investigators started asking questions about the sale of the public gas company. >> an offer is on the table for nearly $2 billion.
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but the city wants a better deal. >> mitch blocker found the mayor's office says there won't be a better deal. mitch? >> the city ask now out of option, out of buyers and running out of town, this as the city council stands in the way of closing that nearly $2 billion deal. >> reporter: it's a deal far from done. uil holdings offered $1.8 billion for pgw, the last public utility owned by a major american city is in desperate need of repair. uil said there won't be rate increases for the next three years. >> it stays with city control, rates go up if it goes private. >> right now uil promised the rates would not go up, as a matter of fact, they said rates would probably go down. >> reporter: this deal is not good enough for daryll clark, council president. he used this independent report to convince his colleagues on the council not to vote on the mayor's plan. >> simple reality is there's no
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appetite to sell bgw as proposed. >> the nutter administration claim some on the council did not read the 104-page report, that they didn't make it 11 pages in where it says keeping pgw in city control could lead to a $50 million rate increase. >> the mayor misses the point. the point is, the mayor decided to sell pgw. he did not discuss it with city council. >> councilwoman marian tasco ggs are necessary. she stood in for council president clark who did not make time to answer our questions. >> they didn't read the full report, is that true? >> they had an opportunity to read it. i don't believe i can take the mayor's word for what council members said. >> did you read the report? >> i read most of it. we were all briefed. >> mayor nutter has said the money from the sale would be used to shore up city pensions. he was not in philadelphia
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monday but his chief of staff did answer our questions. >> there is no other offer from anyone else on the table at all. if this does not go through, this is over. >> reporter: will there be an offer? >> no. there can't be. >> reporter: now, the nbc 10 investigators found there are more than 400 public companies who own and run public utilities. 30 of them run gas companies. the mayor's office says all were considered and the highest bidder was chosen. for the investigators, i'm mitch blocker, nbc 10 news. skyforce 10 is over west win sor windsor. you can make out the red spray pain the from the air. it's clear in pictures taken from the ground. the writing is in russian and it's all over the 9/11 memorial, including a beam from the world trade center. you're asked to call west windsor police if you know anything about this crime. from our delaware bureau
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tonight, a 10-year-old girl with down's syndrome can't use her treehouse anymore after someone went after it with a chain saw. grace cole's family built the many years ago. they say after years of back and forthwith the neighbor who lives behind them, he decided to hire a contractor who fired up the chain saw. >> he stood there and said cut it, cut it, and he put a chain saw right through and cut out this main structural support here. but i believe that this place where he made the cut is actually on our property. >> robert cole says his daughter gets her exercise by playing in the treehouse. but now it's no longer safe to use. the neighbor called us late tonight and stands by the decision, saying the neighborhood was worried about the liability if someone got hurt on the neighbor association property. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist
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glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> we had a lot of wind and a lot of cold over the weekend. and a lot of rain on saturday. things are calming down. three straight days of wind and we're getting a lot less of it. temperature is going up. went up a good bit today. going to go up even more tomorrow. plus, we're tracking rain. look at the flags, finally not moving very much. we were gusting over 40 miles an hour yesterday. now we have a 6 mile-an-hour wind. it's down to 51 degrees, 41 degre -- 4 degrees warmer than yesterday. the high on saturday occurred at night. during the afternoon it was in the 40s, both saturday and sunday. 60 today, 68 degrees tomorrow. and pretty close to that on wednesday as well. right now we're seeing temperatures go down. remember the sun is setting earlier. temperatures drop quicker. 49 degrees in allentown after getting well into the 50s.
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down to 51 in philadelphia. we were 60 degrees for the high. we do have a few sprinkles coming through chester county and into new castle county. very weak systqa moving through. you could see back to the west, there isn't anything more until you get into the middle of the country. that is going to be the main system that's going to be affecting us. you can see on the future cast, these little sprinkles race through toward the shore over the next couple of hours, then they're out of here. and we're going to be dry during the day tomorrow. warmer, election day, great timing for the weather there. now, on wednesday, the clouds are going to increase. that will maybe prevent the temperature from getting to 70. it will be fairly close. the rain comes in wednesday night and into thursday morning. look at this, some of this on the heavy side. you can see more to come, right up from maryland. so that's not just a trivial system there. we have temperatures getting into the 60s, perhaps even near
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70 degrees tomorrow. and then wednesday similar temperatures. and then that's about it for a while. chance of some sprinkles and with the wind diminishing. 44 for the low philadelphia, 35 north and west. during the day tomorrow, mostly sunny day. warmer, beautiful day. remember the sun sets early. the wind only 5 to 10 miles an hour. seven-day forecast, more clouds on wednesday but still mild. heavy rain coming in on thursday. may start wednesday night, go in through thursday night. then colder and windy friday. and cold over next weekend, too, with another chance of a coastal system bringing rain by sunday. >> all right, thank you, glenn. philadelphia's most famous little league team will be front and center at macy's thanksgiving day parade. the taney dragons will kick off this year's march with star 13-year-old mo'ne davis leading the way. macy's revealed that today while announcing the lineup for the
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parade. mon you can watch the thanksgiving day parade on november 27th at 9:00 a.m. right here on nbc 10. i'm john clark. nick foles could miss the rest of the regular season. we'll hear from the new quarterback, mark sanchez, and why chip kelly believes in him so much. plus, the birds sign a new player. it's all next.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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now to skyforce 10 over breaking news in bucks county. this is where a car has driven into the springfield township building. this is on township road. right now investigators say they're trying to locate a person who may have been in the building. they're also still looking into
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what caused the crash. we don't have word right now on the driver's condition but count on nbc 10 news at 11:00 and for any updates on this. this is the xfinity sportsdesk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. >> i'm john clark. a tough break for nick foles. he's going to miss most of the rest of the season. he does not need surgery for his broken collarbone but he's expected to miss six to eight weeks. last year, packers quarterback aaron rodgers missed two months. foles got slammed yesterday in houston. if me he misses eight weeks, ths through the end of the season. for now, it is mark sanchez's team. >> i saw mark in high school practice when i was coaching at new hampshire. i've been very familiar with him for a long time, coached against
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him when i was at oregon. saw what a great athlete he was at the quarterback spot. saw his arm. i saw it in high school, in college and the nfl when we looked at films. >> it all comes back quickly. you want to use the phrase like riding a bike. i wish it was that easy. that defense didn't make it that easy. it felt good to get back out there. >> the eagles have evan mathis ç back. but todd herremans hurt his ankle yesterday. he also has a torn bicep. they've signed chris prozinski. >> the heart and leader of their defense, d'amiemeco ryans. it may be harder to replace his leadership. >> when he went down, a couple guys on the field started crying. he is a leader on and off the field, a christian man.
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especially me, i talk to him about on the field issues and off the field issues. we need some other guys to step up, fill his shoes. sixers 0-3, hosting the 3-0 houston rockets at the wells fargo center. braydon coburn returned to practice today for the flyers. last night, wwe meets nascar. look at this all-out brawl at the texas motor speedway, jeff gordon, brad keselowski, kevin harvin. nascar says this is over the line. really? penalties should be coming for all the road rage. less fights in hockey, more in nascar. kind of strange. >> that's wild video, john clark. thank you. >> all right. now for a look at what's coming up tonight for nbc 10 news at 11:00, a halloween night attack. two women tell their stories of being robbed around beaten up by a group of people on a philadelphia street.
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for glenn "hurricane" schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10, i'm renee chenault-fattah. >> i'm jim rosenfield. the news continues with "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. see you at 11:00. have a great evening. on our broadcast tonight, cliffhanger. we're just hours from elections across the country. with so many battleground races too close to call and big power up for grabs. early blast, record cold and it's barely november. the earliest snow ever in some places. is it any sign of things to come? what went wrong? new details about the spacecraft disaster in the desert. what investigators now think happened in the moment before it plummeted back to earth. and hoop dreams. one of the most inspiring young women you will ever meet facing down the shot of a lifetime. and the crowd goes wild. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. and good evening f