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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  September 12, 2016 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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closer look at clinton's medical history and the implil indications for the campaign. the up roof over comments about donald trump supporters. what both candidates are saying about her choice of words. taking a stand. an entire nfl team locking arms today during the national anthem. the latest call by athletes for social justice. and day of remembrance. 15 years after the 9/11 attack honoring the victims and how one family learned to grieve and to go on. "nbc nightly news"
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headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with kate snow. >> good evening, it was a dramatic moment that's being watched and rewatched after leaving the 9/11 kmem ration in new york this morning, hillary clinton stumbled, nearly collapsing. the campaign said she felt overheated but then late today we learned there was more to the story. clinton's doctors saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. of clinton's health, which her opponent donald trump tried to make an issue in this campaign. we have it all covered beginning with kristen welker in new york. kristen? >> kate, good evening. secretary clinton's physician examined her in her home and then released a a statement late today which reads in part, secretary clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. on friday during a follow-had up she was
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light after today's big health scare. >> reporter: it start ed as a day of remembrance. hillary clinton and donald trump arrive ing at the 9/11 memorial just after 8:00 this morning to never forget the fallen. but then an hour and a half later in an abrupt departure. clinton leaving the ceremony early. video surfacing on twitter showing the former secretary of state unsteady, appearing to lean on a post and requiring support getting into her van as her seem to buckle. the press left in the dark for about 90 minutes. the campaign giving no details about where clinton was going or what happened. just after 11:00 a.m., the campaign said in part, hillary clinton felt overheated during the ceremony and departed to her daughter chelsea's apartment, which is just a a few miles away. then just before noon, clinton emerged unassisted, smiling.
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>> saying she felt much better. >> are you feeling better? >> yes, thank you very much. >> clinton even stopping to greet a child before getting into her van and heading back to her home and husband bill. clinton supporter and congressman joe crowley also attended the memorial and said she seemed perfectly normal. >> i was standing just behind hillary clinton and it was very hot. >>er her pneumonia diagnosis was announced. it can be beaten properly. >> if she's hydrated now and taking medications she's supposed to be, she should be good to go. >> the clinton campaign says the former secretary of state does not travel with a physician. law enforcement sources say most agents receive extensive emt training and can assist in an emergency and there's always supposed to be a first aid kit in a motorcade. still this video is raising serious questions about the democratic nominee's health just as the final fall sprint is getting underway. clinton's physician
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antibiotics and says she's recovering nicely, but she has encouraged her to rest and scale back her schedule. hillary clinton is is clj scheduled o to go to california starting tomorrow, but now that trip is in question. >> kristen, thank you. although her doctor said she's in excellent health, there have been concerns about clinton's medical history even before today. back in 201 when she suffered a concussion and had a blood clot. no doubt the health of become a bigger issue. andrea mitchell has more on that tonight. >> reporter: hillary clinton showing no sign of a health problem during a busy campaign week. except for what her doctors at the time called seasonal allergies on labor day. 15 months ago a two-page medical report detailing her most serious health issue. her doctor writing in december of 2012 mrs. clinton suffered a stomach virus after traveling, became
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concussion. she was hospital liezed, doctors finding a a blood clot requiring blood-thinning medication chrks she still takes. and and special glasses when testifying about benghazi. >> it's wonderful to see you. good health and as combative as ever. >> clinton had a clot in her leg. >> you had at least two clots. how does that factor into a decision about whether to run for president and all the flying that that entails? >> it doesn't factor in at all. i have no doubt that i'm healthy enough. >> donald trump has ewed that to claim clinton is hiding a serious health problem. >> she also lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis. >> his latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. and all i can say is, donald, dream on. >> clinton's campaign
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trump's report. a brief letter praising trump's health as astonishingly excellent, extraordinary. the letter addressed to whom my concern. >> in a rush, i think some of those words didn't come out exactly the way they were meant. >> but after today clinton's health is now a political issue, because after saying she only had allergies, they did not dispose her later diagnosis of pneumonia until forced to by today's event. >> thank you. trump was at that same 9/11 event here in new york today. while he said u nothing publicly about clinton's health scare, he has had a strong reaction to what clinton said about his supporters late friday. hallie jackson has more tonight. >> reporter: donald trump today observing a moment of silence and staying that way so far about hillary clinton's health scare. not drasing it during a visit to a manhattan fire house. trump also quiet about what's now become
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the partial apology from clinton after these comments at a fundraiser friday night. >> you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. the racist, sexist, homophobic, islam phobic, you name it. >> trump calling that so insulting adding, what a terrible thing she said about so many great americans. >> those are deliberate statement on her part. she wants to pick a ricochetted about social media, clinton walked them back somewhat saying she regrets the number of people she labeled deplorable, but not apologizing for the label itself. >> i don't think anyone denies that there are people there who are deplorable. >> attacks intensifying as the right gets tighter. clinton putting two solid red states in play for the first time in a decade.
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nearly dead locked. >> hillary clinton with a long record and people in every state has not yet been able to pull away from donald trump, whose campaign has been marred by continual controversy. >> a new poll out today shows clinton leading trump by 5 points among likely voters, but an enthusiasm gap could hurt her. it's trump supporters who show more interest in the campaign and voting, which could play a fr turnout. >> hallie jackson in washington, thank you. today's health scare for clinton certain to resident nay for days to come. will it be a turning point? for more on that, we're joined by chuck todd. we have less than two months until election day. clinton may have to leave the trail for a little bit. how much impact could this have and question should the campaign have told the public on friday that she had pneumonia? >> let me take the second question first, yes.
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should have done that and disclosed and perhaps they didn't because they fear the innuendo campaign that's been going on on the far, far right corners of the internet. but that was a mistake. makes it look like a coverup and only feed more questions and allows that to get mainstream. that was a mistake. i think what you're going to see over the next week is a focus on the fact that both of these candidates for president, if they are elected, would be among the oldest people to ever serve as president the oldest elected to a first term. hillary clinton would be the second oldest. we don't have their full medical records. we know more about hillary clinton's health than donald trump east health department. that what is going to be the focal point in the next week. more information from both of them. >> chuck todd, thank you. let's not forget this was a day to remember those who were lost in the september 11th attacks 15 years ago today with ceremonies here in new york at the pentagon and in pennsylvania. here's a report on
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ground zero, a solemn tribtd. >> we carry your heart in our hearts, joe. >> the whole family misses you. >> reporter: among those lost, hundreds of first responders. >> you were never be forgotten. on nempb the nation came together. >> jared was 10 when his father died in the north tower. today he works with children of other tragedies. >> sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us on the path we need to be go as many have helped me. p.s., i love you, dad. >> reporter: at the pentagon, president obama remembered the fallen. >> we remember and we will never forget the nearly 3,000 beautiful lives taken from us so cruelly. including 184 men, women and children here. >> reporter: and in pennsylvania, hundreds
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honor the heroes of flight 93. when had the skies over this field gave their lives in order to thwart an attack on the united states capital. >> reporter: along with remembrance, a day of solidarity and service, thousands of volunteers packed meals for those in need. >> so many people just putting aside their differences and coing together for this unity that has come from something bad to help people change >> and on a personal note, i was here working on 9/11 and i can still see in my mind's eye the dazed look on people's faces covered in soot and ash. they were frightened. i was frightened too. the terrorists tried to topple america's spirit, but this community is more vibrant than ever. for me, one world trade center behind me is a sparkling symbol. america's spirit is more alive than ever.
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interim cease-fire is supposed to take place in syria in a deal worked out aimed at reviving the peace process. but this weekend at least 90 people were reportedly killed in attacks on rebel-held areas of the country including the besieged city of aleppo. tonight chief foreign correspondent richard engel reports on how one family was a able to get out. >> reporter: even as he was running the gauntlet to escape whatef hometown of aleppo, his terrified wife and 6-month-old baby beside him, this journalist kept the camera rolling, chronicling for us their desperate journey out of syria. we were facing death at all times, he says. i thought we were going to die, says his wife. they were leaving aleppo by the syrian version of the underground railroad, a convoy of two vans
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they drive fast because this is a kill zone. there are charred bodies in some of the vehicles they pass. they are taking the risk because they think if they stay in aleppo they are dead any way. syrian government forces have the city under siege and are firing at the 300,000 people trapped inside. as they are making their way out, shots ring out. their car is under fire. shees i just wanted to protect my son. i didn't care if i died. >> why were they shooting at you? you were just trying to leave. >> translator: the regime wanthouse to stay in the city and die in the shelling. they don't consider us as civilians. >> reporter: they made it out of aleppo and smugglers helped to sneak them across the border. this family is among the fortunate few who managed to escape aleppo and make their
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but now they are destitute in a foreign country. they don't know if they can afford the rent on their small apartment. these are your pictures. it's full of haunting pictures he took of his beloved city of aleppo. leaving it was a a heartbreak for him because there's no telling when, if ever, he will be able to take his baby back to aleppo or what will be left of it then. richard engel, nbc news, turkey. still ahead, stand on ? music ? extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense.
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on this football sunday, there were new calls on the field for social justice. most noticeably at the seahawks where members of the both teams took a stand in different ways. steve patterson has our report from seattle. >> they stood together as one during the national anthem.
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locked in a show of solidarity. doug baldwin tweeting -- >> as a team we have chosen to stand and interlock arms in unity. >> pete carroll was proud. >> they want to make sense of how they can have impact and affect others. >> reporter: across the field four miami dolphins took a e knee. the chiefs interlocked ar the controversy started preseason when quarte stand during the anthem protesting police brutality and racial injustice. the move drew both outrage and admiration. some kaepernick jerseys were burned and others became best sellers. >> i think when our players speak out and feel strongly and passionate about something, it's a good thing for us. >> megan repeno and brandon marshal and jeremy lane and members of a high school football team in new jersey all
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statements. but usa world cup hock e key coach is not a fan saying, quote, if any of my players sit on the bench for the national anthem, they will sit there for the rest of the game. fletcher played eight seasons in the nfl and says the controversy is striking a nerve. >> now our athletes are bringing real life into our recreation space. i think as a community, that makes us uncomfortable. >> and on this opening sunday september 11th, players taking a moment to honor freedom while attempting to raise awareness. steve patterson, nbc news, seattle. up next, military honors for a good dog
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john hinckley jr., the man who tried to assassinate president reagan was freed after 35 years in a mental hospital. he fired six shots in 1981 wounding reagan
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others. he's 61 now and will live in virginia with his mother. he's required to continue his psychiatric treatment. this time it was a funeral for a bomb-sniffing military dog ireland who served two tours in iraq sniffing out explosives died last month. she was honored this weekend at camp nelson national cemetery in kentucky where they gave her a 21-gun salute and played taps. she was buried at a and the woman captured in that famous paragraph in times square has also died. gretta freedman, then a dental assistant, was kissed by a sailor to celebrate the end of world war ii. it became an enduring image symbolizing the sense of relief that the war was finally over. freedman died on thursday. she was 92 years old. and when we come back, 15 years after
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finally tonight, more than 3,000 children lost parents on this day 15 years ago. one study of 9/11 children found more than half of them suffered from some kind of anxiety disorder, including post-traumatic stress disorder. i spent time with a family to talk about their loss, but also about the journey of healing they have been on for 15 long year wyoming watt are 19 now, but on that horrible day, lisa had just dropped her 4-year-olds at pree school when the news came. >> a plane crashed into the world trade center. >> i was like which building. i raced home and when i turned on the tv, i devastation i felt and instantly knew i was without.
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fitzgerald. >> i remember holding on to the doorway of the bedroom and just not wanting to come in saying i don't want to hear it. then when i was told, i went and started playing my games to distract myself. >> you didn't want to process it? >> right. it was just too much for me to handle. >> but wyatt, who is developmentally disabled, couldn't comprehend that his father wasn't coming home. >> wyatt went t for the car to turn in the driveway right at 6:00. when it didn't come, he would cry and tantrum and roll on the floor. >> every night wyatt kept watch at that window for nearly a year. >> do you miss him? >> i miss him. i miss him. >> studies found post-traumatic stress, sleep problems, behavior issues and depression in the child survivors of 9/11. >> and my father.
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lives, but after 15 years there's also a learned resiliency. >> i think the key to unlocking or moving through the post-traumatic stress is you need to find somebody who can listen and understand and allow you to bring up that pain and to feel it and to talk your story. >> did you learn e resiliency from your mom? >> yes, she's my hero in that sense. she's of resilience of all that she's gone through. and i have just learned so much from her. >> lucy is in her second year of college. a radio dj. wyatt loves to swing and sur and have just started working at a farm. >> the boy that was rolling around the floor crying for his dad every day for 15 years wakes up every day saying, i'm so happy.
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day today. >> and through the pain, there's been healing and something more. >> there's so much hope for us. there's a lot to look forward to. and a look ahead to. do you agree? >> yes, i would agree. >> our deepest thanks to a remarkable family. that is "nbc nightly news" for this sunday night. lester holt will be in tomorrow. i'm kate snow reporting from new york. i'll see you tomorrow on msnbc. for all of us here at nbc news, have a great
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? ? scare on the trail. at first complaining of being over heated, hillary clinton was unsteady and clearly needed support to enter her van. she'd been treated for pneumo >> yes, thank you very much. thank you everybody. >> but donald trump has been curiously quiet on the issue. after a weekend of war fare, a monday night syrian ceasefire hangs in the balance, but will all sides respect it. a moving 9/11.


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