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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  January 17, 2012 4:25am-5:00am EST

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good morning. the house is set to get back in session this morning after the long holiday. set to get back to work on what looks like could be a foggy and somewhat rainy start to the day. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's say hello to tucker barnes. it looks a little foggy over the capitol dome. >> it is raining across parts of the area, particularly just south of the city here down 95. let's get right to the radar and show you the shower activity. the entire area not seeing rain
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at the moment but you can see we have a good swath of rain just south of the city into virginia and now pushing across southern maryland so down just south and east of waldorf and la plata, some pretty good activity. these showers will kind of continue on and off for the next few hours. we have more rain out to the west which will move in a little later this morning. let's see if we can do the temperature. right now at reagan national. we are in the 40s. it is 45 degrees now at reagan national. our wind are out of the south at 4 miles per hour. our forecast calling for early rain showers and then we'll get brakes in the clouds later today. it will be warm, high temperatures in the upper 50s. yeah, so we'll go about 58 degrees for the afternoon high. back to you. >> thank you. our top stories this morning, divers in italy are setting off explosives to try to blast holes in the hull of the flipped-over cruise ship. this is a way for rescuers to
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speed up the search for 29 people still missing. officials are declaring a state of emergency in italy. they are worried that the choppy waters will cause thousands of gallons of fuel to leak into the sea. atlantis are still looking for the parents of a newborn baby girl who was abandoned on the front porch in the freezing cold. a neighbor found the baby wrapped in just a towel early yesterday morning. she was taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. an autopsy is now being finished to determine the exact cause of that baby's death. jobs and the economy were the focus of last night's republican debate in south carolina. with the primary there just four days away now, all the candidates criticized frontrunner mitt romney, cho is on track to win his third state in a row. rick santorum, newt gingrich, rick perry and ron paul are battling for second. jon huntsman dropped out yesterday.
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president obama and the first lady among hundreds of people to gather at the kennedy cent forth let freedom ring concert on dr. martin luther king day. the free show featured bobby mcferrin. the first couple also joined in on the national day of service. this was the first year people could celebrate the national holiday by visiting the new mlk memorial on the national mall. fox's jennifer davis has more. >> reporter: the president and first family roll up their sleeves on this martin luther king, jr. holiday to build book shelves and spruce up a d.c. education center by painting some of the civil rights' leader's sayings on the wall. >> there is no better way to celebrate than to do something on behalf of others. >> reporter: the vice president traveled to philadelphia to join others in the largest observance in the country. >> where people get together,
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where people care, things can really change. >> reporter: at the new mlk memorial on the national mall, crowds braved cold temperatures to gather in the shad oft 30- foot granite statue of the civil rights leader. >> how pleased we are that this is the first year that we actually have a memorial to celebrate this holiday. >> reporter: on this holiday, the president also addressed the controversy involving this inscription promising that it will be revised since it paraphrases rather than directly quoting him. >> i know there has been a lot of controversy lately about the quote on the memorial and they're changing it and making some modifications. >> reporter: that is a relief to people visiting the memorial on this day who say dr. king's memory is best honored by making sure his inspiring words are not taken out of context. >> we don't want to misconstrue and it is already sensitive so we want to be as an rattily correct as possible with our ry it. >> reporter: on the national mall, general tier davis, fox 5
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news. in sports this morning, another loss for the washington wizards. they fell to the houston rockets 114-106 despite a career high 38 points from john wall. one of the few highlights when mcgee tossed the ball off the back board and dunked it. but coach flip saunders called the showboating unacceptable. fox 5 morning news starts now. taking a look over northwest d.c. let's get the windshield wipers going. a little bit of rain hanging out on the roads as well this morning. i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's say good morning to tucker barnes and get the latest on the weather. >> the rain is hanging around here on the roads, kind of out ever here, kind of we've got more rain on the way. let me explain. >> please do. >> i would love to.
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we had batches of rain move through during the overnight hours. they will continue through the morning hours. i think as we get into the afternoon, things will get a little better as we may get a few breaks in the clouds. you can seat rain showers particularly heavy here just south of washington across southern maryland pushing across the lower eastern shore and then we've got more rain out into west virginia. now getting into western maryland and we will have to contend with that before we can call it quits on this system. it won't be a lot of rain. it will just be some scattered showers. but you can see that it will be a cloudy day today and we'll have some rain. 45degrees at reagan national. humidity, 63%. there are your winds out of the south at 14 miles per hour. how about highs in the upper 50s today. if you were watching to the south, colonial beach, fredericksburg, you will be in the 60s for afternoon times. we'll warm up at least temporarily. high temperatures in the upper 50s.
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we'll start to fall back towards sunset. >> temperatures not so bad but julie wright, the rain could be an issue on the roadways. is it yet? >> i don't know if it is because of rain but i do know we have problems out on the highways this morning. if you are traveling westbound on route 50, let's switch remotes for you so you can pull up the maps. headed in towards davidsonville road, a serious crash. the westbound side of 50 is what is closed. that is your inbound commute. that is your commute coming inbond towards the city. if you are traveling coming in from i-97, you are being turned around at the scene according to police. so your last chance to bail out would be to use ien 97, take you over to 450. -- to use i-97, take you over to 50. they have temporarily shut down the eastbound lanes of 50 and then they allow some traffic to get by. the big story, your inbound commute will be inbound 50 shut
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down before you reach 424 in davidsonville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. new this morning, the aclu is suing metro, challenging the arrest of a man who tried to help his friend in a wheelchair. this is the video. you may remember this from last may t shows metro transit police pushing the map to the ground. his friend, lawrence miller, was arrested for questioning the harsh treatment. a news conference is scheduled for 10:00 this morning. a 22-year-old man is charged in a crash that killed an 8-year-old virginia boy. victor aldan ais charged with several crimes including dui man slaughter and driving without a license. police say he was behind the wheel when the car jumped curb and hit an #-year-old boy. he died at the scene. a medical examiner may soon release the autopsy results of a newborn baby found lying
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outside a house in the northeast in the freezing cold. a neighbor found the baby in the 3000 block of channing street. he says her nose was bleeding and she was wrapped only in a towel. police are trying to find whoever left the baby there. d.c. does have a safe haven law that olalla l al-- allows babies to be left at hospitals or fire stations without prosecution. police say this surveillance video shows a gunman holding up an armored car in bowie. this happened around 8:00 monday morning outside a wal- mart store on crane highway. the suspected got way an undiscloseddant of cash. no one was hurt during. this police are still looking for three suspects who are all wearing ski masks. -- the suspect got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. the man accused of home invasions and sexual taxes in prince george's county may not have acted alone. police announced they are now on the hunt for a second
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person. investigators say the unknown suspect helped ray in the robbery and sexual assault in bethesda last week. one. ray's relatives says she is eagerly wait for the facts to come out in this case. >> this is an accusation right now. he is accused. we have no problem with the justice system playing out and justice being acted as it should be. but, you know, some youries have been sustained, some other things. i just need to know. is he guilty of this? what did you have for evidence? >> ray was arrested in north carolina last weekend. he is now behind bars in montgomery county where he faces sex assault and robbery charges. he is due in court this afternoon. we're following this developing story out of italy this morning. officials are now saying 29 people are missing after friday night's cruise ship accident. among those still unaccounted for are two americans.
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the u.s. embassy to italy is working with italian authorities to find this minnesota couple. they were on vacation to celebrate their retirement. rescue crews are setting off explosives to try to make holes in the cruise ship. they hope this will speed up the search for those missing. n in last night's republican debate in south carolina, the five republican candidates for president faced off on the issues but mostly they faced off against one another. all tried to score points ahead of south carolina's primary that is coming up this saturday and the four trailing mitt romney took direct aim at the frontrunner. >> here is the real issue for us. as republicans, we cannot fire our nominee in september. we need to know now.
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>> what we have complained about with governor romney's super pac over which he apparently has no influence. >> i don't think people who have committed violent crimes should be allowed to vote again. >> very interesting you should say that because in the state of massachusetts when you were governor, the law was that not only could violent felons vote after they exhausted their sentences but they could vote while they were on probation and parole which is a more liberal position than i took when i voted for the bill in the congress. >> there is one more republican debate before the next primary in south carolina. that primary is saturday and you can find coverage of it right here on fox 5 but if you are not around your tv, grab your phone or your ipad and check out for the latest. a massive occupy protest is planned for the district today. organizers hope activists from around the country will descend on the nation's capital today. we get the latest from stacy
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cohan live on capitol hill with what they've got planned for today. >> reporter: good morning. there will be a protest here, a demonstration on capitol hill today. this we have according to the occupy d.c. group's web site. now, according to their web site, they have a large day of events planned. this is the first day that congress has reconvened. the house is reconvening today. the group's web site criticizes congress citing low approval ratings saying they are out of touch with the needs of americans. we are told they are going to gather on the west lawn. they are also going to be a number of teach-ins informing people about various issues of import and visits to congressional offices as well. the group's web site says it's lost art of visiting congressional offices and having one on one interaction with representatives. now, following that, there is a lunch break planned and then this afternoon, what is being billed as the largest gathering
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of occupiers to date will happen on the capital lawn. this web site has posted a permit. however, it is unclear yet whether or not they have actually officially been issued a permit for this demonstration. once again, the house does reconvene getting back to work after the christmas holiday today. we will see what happens when all the lawmakers and occupiers come together on the hill later this afternoon. i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. meanwhile a mom's trip tie fast-food restaurant lands her in jail. up next, we'll have details of where one woman is accused of leaving her two young kids while she went across street for hamburgers. we are checking more headlines coming up after the break. !
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a new air freshener so smart, that it detects and overcomes unpleasant odors. odor detect works on more than a thousand odors, to keep your world at its brightest. new odor detect. something in the air wick. 1w50áeu6r7b8g9sdz. a california mother in jail after leaving her children in the freezing cold while she went to mcdonald's. a bistander found the children in the bushes and called the
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police. a few minutes later, their mother returned drunk. she is being charged with felony child neglect. the kids are safe with another family member at this time. o.j. simpson is losing his florida home apparently. a bank is foreclosing on the property. the former football star is serving time in a nevada prison for kidnapping, armed robbery and other charges. simpson bought the house near miami back in 2000. court records show that j. p. morgan chase filed for foreclosure in september. simpson's attorneys have since filed a motion to dismiss the case. if you buy shoes from a popular web site, you may want to change your password. coming up next, we have details on who was hacked plus weather, traffic and all your top stories coming up. ming up. standing in line for a shot at a casino job. i'll tell you who is hiring and when.  the word is swapportunity.
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can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity
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to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today. you can see the washington monument out there this morning looking to be a rainy day out there. tucker will have the details coming up in just a second. at least we are not dealing with this. i'm sure some folks are happy. this is cordoba, which has been smothered under 172 inches of snow since november 1st. that is about 14 1/2 feet. the national guard is on the job trying to uncover roads and
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other important areas so that at least emergency crews can get around up there. a russian tanker has made it through icy waters to deliver fuel. 14 1/2 feet, tucker. >> that is amazing. >> i know. that is a little much. >> so far, we've had bay half inch here in -- had about a half inch here in washington this winter. >> some people would like to see more. >> others would like to see even less than that. >> i think i know one of them. >> we'll talk to her in just a minute. our temperatures on the way up. we aren't going to be floating with anything around here today. we have afternoon highs well in the 50s, maybe some 60s later today if you are watching south of the city. there is your max hd radar. we'll kick it off with rain showers that continue to fall across the area. if you are off to the north and to the north and west out towards winchester, if you are watching out towards cumberland and hagerstown, you are not seeing much right now but we do have more rain on the way. most of the shower activity beltway south and east.
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so down into portions of prince george's county, down into southern maryland, leonardtown, la plata, st. mary's city, you are getting pretty good rain right now. you can see that continues down fredericksburg. all of this is pushing to the east. this particular batch will be out of here. we have more out to the west. we'll switch maps and show it to you. there you go. it is actually a warm front living through. we have more rain out to the west. a lot of this will stay to the north as we get an area of low pressure that will be dragged up through the great lakes. we've got plenty of clouds and more rain in the forecast. i think particularly the first half of the day. as we get into the afternoon the, the rain showers should become more sporadic and we might get a few breaks in the clouds. it won't be a terrible day and we won't be worried about anything frozen here. the temperatures and the warm front get through and our temperatures will be well into the 50s later this afternoon. we're already warmer than yesterday. a good 15 degrees warmer than yesterday in some spots.
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45 right now in washington. 47 in quantico. 43 in leonardtown. early showers, warm temperatures for this time of year. a few clouds this afternoon. 58degrees your daytime high and some 60s south and west of the city. south and west winds as well, combusting to about 25 to 30. early shower, cool overnight. 37 your overnight low and here is your five-day forecast. tomorrow, back into the chilly weather. 39 on friday. could be a little frozen mix early saturday changing to rain with highs in the upper 40s saturday afternoon. that is a look at weather. let's do some traffic and julie wright has your latest. welcome back. >> it was just a day. >> i know. we missed you. >> are you still tweeting by the way? >> not yet today but i'm about to. i can't wait. >> did you tell people that it is fox 5 weather is where they'll find you on twitter. >> no, tell them, julie.
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>> i'm trying to increase your fan base. >> i love it. >> i do have a stretch of roadway that is maryland 180 jefferson pike that is being blocked off right now and treated for ice. show that puts it south of 340 but before you reach best burkittsville road. westbound on 50, tractor- trailer involved that closed the westbound lanes of 50 before you reach 424, davidsonville road. callers have said you are come up to the scene and police just turn you around at the scene of this crash. you want to bail out at 97, pick up 450 and use that as the alternate route. they temporarily had lane closures on the eastbound side of the highway as well t will impact your inbound commute this morning. westbound 50 before 424, all westbound lanes closed with this crash. that's a check of your fox 5
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on-time traffic. >> thank you. listen up, shoe lovers. if you buy from, your personal information could be at risk. the customer database was hacked up to 24 million customers may be affected by this. zappos says no credit card information was stolen. but other information may have been compromised. zappos is urging customers to change their password. if you are looking for a job. the new anne arundel county slots parlor is hiring. the maryland live casino's employment center opened monday and hundreds of people showed up looking for work. melanie alnwick has more. >> reporter: on a cold january day, people crowded outside and inside this temporary office in hanover, maryland hoping to land a permanent job. >> i was laid off in november. my dream was to move to vegas and work in a casino because i love the environment and the actual activity and just the
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atmosphere of being in a casino and this opened up so hopefully, it's meant to be. >> reporter: the maryland live casino at arundel mills mall is hiring more than 1,000 people. the operation is scheduled to open in june and it will need all types of employees. >> we have jobs that run the gamut from information technologies to marketing, security, surveillance, food and beverage, facilities to really every aspect of the business. >> reporter: though people can apply online, many wanted to come here in person. jay bowen is looking for something more reliable than his usual construction job. >> you meet somebody in person face for face, you hopefully have a better chance of making an impression. >> reporter: competition could be tough. already more than 5,000 people have applied. though the plan here at maryland live is to hire 1500 people before it opens, casino management says, it could hire even more if the maryland legislature approves table
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games like poker and black jack. >> we would hire an additional 800 people if table games were approved in the state. >> reporter: maryland live, which will be one of the largest gaming facilities in the country, is ready to offer table games for the law allows. the company says that will help keep more maryland dollars at home. for potential new hires, casino experience isn't necessary. >> my name is dennis, from baltimore, ravens fan. >> reporter: but a positive attitude is. >> this is good. a lot of jobs. everybody is looking for jobs. the economy is bad. and we need work so we are coming on out. >> reporter: hoping lady luck will call their number this time. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. >> the employment center is open monday through friday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and you can also apply online. we have a link to that site on our web site, all of the jobs will be poaforted by february and the hiring decisions will be made sometime in march. rch.
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-- will be posted by february. coming up next, exactly what is this little creature? it landed in a fishing nest. we'll show you how he is making the most out of his catch coming up. stay with us. us3q join the revolutioion against scrubbing on your hands and knees. use new resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just three easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean.
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4:56 am
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4:57 am
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in sports now, another loss for the washington wizards. they fell for the houston rockets 114-106 despite a career high 38 points from john wall. one of the few wizards highlights came when mcgee tossed the ball off the back board during a break away and dunked it. coach flip saunders called the showboating unacceptable. the wizards are now and nba worst 1-12 on the season. some thrilling high school action at least. the hoopfest. patterson's karr had a game high 36 points but this one came down to the final seconds. gonzaga's chris jenkins drilled
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a three-pointer at the buzzer to give gonzaga the win 75-73. to college hoops now. the maryland women hosting virginia. the terps trailed by eight in the first half but rallied to win 68-61. talking hockey now and another tough blow for the washington caps. star defense man mike green will undergo abdominal surgery later today. he has been placed on long-term injury reserve and will miss four to six weeks. meantime, another caps star is trying his hand at rap. take a listen. ke a listen. all right. alex ovechkin has made a cameo in the russian rap video champion. he talks about being an all star, playing for the national


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