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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  October 13, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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>> oh, yeah when you hear al michaels voice you know it is national television and boy did we impress the rest of the country shutting down eli manning. you know he is sore this morning. we will get into it, coming up, and yes, how about this, the side story, bizarre one of that from a game when a fan had his prosthetic leg stolen. he allegedly ran off with it and where it was found overnight. in a plane forced to land in l.a. when officials believe a patient showed signs ofe bowl a thankfully it turns out that she's already. miscommunication that caused terror in the ice. group of of friend just hanging out, turns out to be here owes. they bring a runaway criminal to justice. how they sprung into action to help police. you'll love this story. it is monday, october 14th, 2014. everybody is smiling. >> yes, they are. we have a lot to get to other than that as well. reporters are working on your top store thinks morning. sabina kuriakose following up on the the first case of ebola
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that has been transmitted within the borders of the united states. white house officials say there was a break down of protocol and that is what led to it. jennifer joyce live with that bizarre story we have been telling but at south detectives where investigators crack a odd case of a man and his missing prosthetic leg but first heading over to sue serio with weather on the one's. >> one ace number but we have pick a higher number than that happily for your number of the day. we will go with a seven out of ten. lucky seven, perhaps but even with the clouds, and the stray shower that you might see, it is still should be a decent day, mostly dry with slightly milder temperatures then yesterday. so, eagles gear on buddy, when are going to school or not. because it is the columbus day holiday for some, and we do have, a lot of eagles pride this morning. cloudy and cool, temperatures are mostly in the the 50's, a lit built of green showing up on ultimate doppler. mostly down to the south of us around southern delaware, but not a lot of rain this
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morning. we don't expect a lot of rain, maybe a sprinkle or two here and there. it was glummy a lot of rain on saturday morning especially and we only got to 56 degrees, so it was great yesterday when the sun came back out and we got to 64. that is a recap of your weekend. we have 57 degrees with a 5-mile an hour breeze and sunrise is not until 7:09. 68 degrees will be our high with all of those clouds. a stray shower not out of the question, and, tonight, town to 58 degrees as fog forms after midnight. that is your weather authority forecast. let's check traffic on the pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension, southbound at quakertown, an accident, that involved, two tractor trailers has moved to the shoulder. and in port republic, garden state parkway southbound, just past 575 an accident there has one lane block. and in bensalem street road near knights road a building fire there, means you should avoid that area, byberry road is a good alternate.
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denton hallow road past lenape road a report of an accident out there, kerry. 6:03. breaking news overnight. the one person dead following an accident earlier this morning, in philadelphia's frankford section. it happened on the 2700 block of willits red right around midnight. police say a car overturn, killing a woman in her 20's. no word on what led to the crash. we have a lot of questions and talk heading in the eagles exam with the giants. >> giants players tweeting out all kind of smack. once the game started it was all eagles, nick foles, he threw two touchdowns. lesean mccoy ran for 149 yards, his first big game of the season. this is what he looked like all last year. the the birds, win the game, 27 to nothing. by the way this is eagles first shut out win since 1996. >> we got to come in here and play with great energy. crowd was awesome. being at home we had great
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energy. the big difference in our other games that we have played this year is we executed. i think in all phases, offensively, defensively, and in special teams. >> only negative came when darren sproles went down with a left knee injury, late in the game, he did walk off the field, however, he will be evaluated and will have an mri. he has had a huge year so far. police investigating a theft outside the link last night and bizarre, only begins to describe what took place. jenny? >> reporter: well, it is bizarre, kerry and sonny forest, junior had a roller coaster night down here at the link. while he did get to see eagles pull off a big win on his birth the day nonetheless he is now involved in a police investigation. he says a drunk women stole his prosthetic leg during tailgating festivities. lets take a look at this video. sonny is still in his eagles jersey struggled to make his
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way to south detectives this morning. he was hopping in object one leg. he tells us that last night he was performing on the street in the area of xfinity live, he was, entertaining the crowd, but quickly the the fun turned to trouble. he says a girl broke his mike and then stole his prosthetic leg and then ran off. sonny still made it the in the game to watch eagles pull off a shut out win and police say they later found the prosthetic near the olney transportation center. overnight he went to south detective to claim the prosthetic. he is now working with police on this investigation. he said police will be pulling surveillance video and he hopes to learn more about this woman who put him through all of this trouble on his birthday, kerry and chris. >> on his birthday, yes. >> thanks so much for that. >> health officialness california, say that a sick woman on board a flight that landed in l.a. is not contracted ebola. >> that woman had motion sickness. they had been miscommunication on the
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flight, recently traveled, west africa. that was not the case. she had been, in south africa. that is not a concern. west africa of course is where 4,000 people have died from ebola at this point. so, necessary safety measures were taken to address this scare just in case. in texas, health officials are trying to figure out how a nurse at a dallas hospital got infect with ebola. >> the head of the cdc said she did wear protective gear, but eventually died, from the virus. and, fox 29's sabina kuriakose is joining us live with more on this latest case, sabina. >> reporter: health workers like this nurse are on the front lines of the fight begins ebola but her case is raising questions over whether hospitals can safely treat people with the virus. now, the nurse treated, thomas eric duncan the the ebola patient died last week at texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. she did wear full protective gear but still got infect through what cdc officials
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called a break in protocol. they are still investigating what that may have been. she has a fever and she is in isolation. the national the nursing united union says its members and many hospitals are alarmed at the inadequate preparation they see for treating possibly bowl a cases in hospitals. the the cdc says it is reviewing protocols but they insist if the guidelines are followed properly, hospitals can safely treaty bowl a patients, again, thinks first case of ebola being transmitted here in the u.s., coming up in a short time we will hear from doctor mike about the one big thing where we're missing right now that we need to fight this ebola out break, back to you (. more than 14 parishes are saying they will be reviewed over by the diocese before a final decision is made next spring. for a complete list of churches under review by the archdiocese go to my fox
6:08 am let's turn our attention overseas where former olympian oscar pistorius is back in court today, he was found guilty of shooting his girlfriend to death and a sentence he is now facing. ape later, weeks after a state trooper was shot and killed police are still searching for his killer, but could their investigation affect your children's halloween pla have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.
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a powerful cyclone is weakening moving inland this morning. death toll from the storm now stand as eight people. most of those deaths were caused by wall collapses and fallen trees. and the damage is cleared, rescue workers say they will spend a lot of time send nothing helicopter and other aircraft, to carry out relief operations there. all right. it is 6:11. my goodness. things are looking a lot better then there here, sue. >> it is better than that, but we do have some action in the tropics. we had two names, that we used another the weekend we had fey, which was briefly a hurricane and now gonzales which is a tropical storm. it is right around antique was, there headed toward the virgin island, puerto rico possibly. looking at the track of that storm, now it looks like it will take a sharp right and then continue out to sea. so once again we will probably catch a break with another tropical storm.
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now fey about slam into bermuda with 56 miles an hour wind. that caused some damage. nothing extreme. it is out to sea after becoming a hurricane. there is the system that is down to 50 miles an hour. that was a terrifying storm at one time, but it is still, troubling in japan. the is there ultimate doppler radar with rain down to the south. not a big deal if you see a shower or two today, just look for mostly clouds and the showers wouldn't be extreme. so, yes, it is the the columbus day holiday. clouds and showers. 68 degrees. look at tomorrow 79. look at wednesday 80 degrees. we will trade off with a few thunderstorms through the middle will of the week and should cool off by the weekend. 6:12 is your time. lets start off with the new jersey turnpike problem that we have have have been telling but all morning. major accident, on, the turnpike southbound near 322, it is, involving an overturn tractor trailer. ninety-five southbound is your
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alternate because that road is closed. kerr i. >> all right, sue thanks. edward snowden says he wants to come back to the united states, to stand trial for his crimes, and he says if he is given the choice, wow do it all over again. why he believes the supreme it all over again. why he believes the supreme court, will get rid of the i'm stanley tucci and i love new york. it all over again. why he believes the supreme court, will get rid of the there's no place like it in the world. one of my favorite fall activities is visiting our world-renowned wineries
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and craft brewers. and, award-winning distilleries and cider makers. they're located all across our great state. come raise a glass to your favorites. plan your fall getaway at there's something for everyone
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isis remains on the offensive and gaining ground in iraq. u.s. military leaders, revealing, sunday that isis got within 15 miles of the baghdad airport and was stopped in their tracks by u.s. apache helicopter. they were sent in to backup a unit in danger of being over run. now the chairman of the joint chiefs is looking ahead saying at some point these air strikes will not be enough.
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syrian refugees fleeing across the border in turkey are preparing now for winter, more than 200 you this refugees, are from the village of cabani, we have been talking about that town where kurdish fighters are caught the in the battle with radical islamic militants. the on slaught biasis has spawned makeshift camps a lot of them right along the border. more violence in eastern ukraine a artillery fire can be heard near the airport. it represents the the ukraine government's last out post in the area controlled by those local armed forces. it is the center of intense fighting despite a truce reached more than a month ago. oscar pistorius back in the south african courtroom today to be sentenced for shooting death of his girl friend reeva steenkamp. >> let's take you live now to the courtroom where the judge is on the sentencing day. sentencing is expect today several days with both sides, calling witnesses, so far today, the defense called a psychologist who treated
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pistorius to the stand. the olympic runner was found guilty of culpable homicide and his punishment could range from the suspended sentence to a fine, or as many as 15 years in prison. so we will keep you posted on that. also overseas edward snowden says the the u.s. government is denying his request to stand trial in the u.s. but snowden says he wants to plead his case before a jury. the whole wikileaks scandal and an interview with the new yorker, he is confident that the supreme court would eventually rule that the nsa surveillance program is unconstitutional. russia is providing snowden with that asylum. two pilots are dead after their planes collided over western nevada a yesterday. they were only ones in the experimental and zest man plane. nobody was hurt. the faa is investigating. a halloween theme hey ride loaded with passengers, crashes down, and nearly slams in the tree, killing a teenage girl and hurting more than 20 people.
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this happened saturday night in maine. a jeep pulling a trailer on have people near a haunted house missed a turn and then flipped over on a steep dirt road. the trailer slam in the tree and threw those passengers to the ground. the 17 year-old girl was kill. officials say every other passenger was hurt in some sort of way. investigators are working to figure out if a mechanical failure was to blame or if any charges might be mild filed in this case. more demonstrations are expect in missouri after a weekend of protests over two teenagers who were shot dead by police. the last night 17 demonstrators were arrested for blocking a convenient store in st. louis, they were protesting the the shooting death of 18 year-old, margaret myers shot at them. protesters -- protests ahead of ferguson, missouri, although those demonstration where is peaceful. 6:18 is the time. the enterovirus is now confirmed in 46 states, including in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware that virus just claim left of another
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young victim, 21 month-old madeline reid in michigan was admitted to a detroit hospital in september after what started out as a simple runny nose. severe respiratory disease has now killed her. there is in specific treatment, no vaccines, so doctors and parents need to keep a very close eye on any flu-like symptoms in their kids. >> if you are worried that your child is having some difficultity moving their arms or legs, or having difficulty breathing those are exactly the the type of symptoms we'd like to you contact your child's doctor or take them to the emergency room. >> doctors say stopping the spread of the enterovirus is just like any other infectious disease, you have to wash your hands, they arely, probably once an hour actually, and sneeze, cough you need to cover your mouth. authorities in louisiana say, that a girl is recovering in the hospital after being trapped underneath her father a's dead body. here's is what happening. police say the man was sitting on the side of his bed and then he fell back, on his
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daughter, when's parentally had a heart attack. the girl's five-year old -- the five-year old brother told neighbors what had happened and then they called police for help and that girl looks to be okay but she lost her dad. >> so sad. >> so sad. >> my goodness. 6:20. "good day philadelphia" is about 40 in minutes away. >> let's head up to alex holley in the news room to see is what going on. >> hey guys, happy monday, to. >> monday after eagles win so that means a great show today but, of course, i still have iphone 4s but they are announcing all these new fence out there did you get the new i phone six plus anybody. >> in. >> no. well, if in the maybe you are holding out for something better because supposedly something better is coming. we're talking about samsung they are debuting their new tablet as they call it this friday but the the phonies a tablet, and both. how does it stack autopsy begins the iphone six plus. we will let you know. also show so neat tricks it can do, we will people in the news room that will show us
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the phone to see if it time to get a new one. hey there sue, happy monday. >> yeah, i'm here too. you can't see me right away. >> but you are coming. >> like a bad penny, i keep turning up. >> sue? >> we've got a look at the the week, in weather, temperatures taking a roller coaster ride this week. by today, end of today you'll see in mostly cloudy skies, cool, but a little milder then yesterday, with a stray shower not out of the question but summery temperatures or tuesday and wednesday when we can hit around 80 degrees and then back to fall temperatures by the weekend. so, little flirtation maybe with 80 by tomorrow, maybe even wednesday. wow. that is your weather authority forecast. 6:21. here is traffic. we will start off with a look at that major accident we have been telling you about all morning.
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we have sky fox over the scene of the new jersey turnpike southbound, this is just past 322, and, still a little bit dark, so it is hard to see but you can see there was a lot of damage to that tractor trailer and the road is still closed, that part of the new jersey turnpike, again, this is southbound direction, the only way to get bias to take 295, and instead of the new jersey turnpike, near 322. so, than on the alert for that. in bensalem street red here at knights road a building fire we are advised to look at that area take byberry road to get by. on the turnpike northeast extension southbound at quakertown an accident involving two tractor trailer, they are on the shoulder, but it will probably still slow you down, we will be right back after this.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? on groceries at momacme's stock up sale.d up well, if she can get whatever she wants, why can't i? hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles. it's acme's stock up sale. get delicious deals on the things you love most. jif peanut butter or hot or lean pockets are .99 cents.
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my goodness 6:25. eagles can enjoy their bye week following a dominating win last night against the giants. >> so the birds jumped on new york early last night, first
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is a long one, they got a field goal and then some touchdowns. in fact, nick foles threw two touchdowns and how about shady. he had 149 yards rushing, the birds with beat the giant, 27 to nothing. the the eagles defense, harassed eli manning all night long. this is their first shut out win since 1996. after the game lesean mccoy says he never had a doubt that the running game would get back on track. >> people kind of criticize themselves and the running game, i mean we were full of life coming into the game. now we are five and one. i never lost confidence in myself or the the guys up front. you guys did or the people out there did. so i don't mine, i have thick skin. i'm here to play ball. >> so, shady really wasn't hurt from the first four games of the year. the darren sproles has been taking over and look at what happened though late in the game. just an awkward take down to
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the turf. sproles has been so good this year for the bird. he will be evaluated later today. did he walk off the field. we will cross our fingers. so eagles are now five-one but they are not even alone in the nfc east. dallas cowboys went into seattle yesterday, and they beat the defending super bowl champions, on their turf. yes. they nailed their fifth straight win for the first time since 2007. that puts them also at five and one and tied with the birds, for first in the nfc east. a group of friend, turning into heroes. they heard a crash, they ran to help, how they ended upbringing this criminal to justice. jennifer joyce following up a bizarre store friday last night's eagles game, good morning, jen. >> good morning, chris. well, that is right, a man says his prosthetic leg was well, that is right, a man says his prosthetic leg was stolen during an
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready
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♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure
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women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. first case of ebola being transmitted in the u.s., new a texas nurse is in isolation being monitored for the deadly virus. why officials say the infection was caused by a breach in protocol. these shots that came out recently, it was latest store to get hack, is your information at risk? it depend on how you shopped. the the customers that are safe.
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at least, with that crowd at the link. story everyone is talking about today, eagles flying high, their first shut out, win, in nearly two decades. we have game highlights with an odd story out of the link last night where a man lost his prosthetic leg, what was found, overnight, we will have a live report. >> didn't lose it as much as it was taken from him. >> the person who took it, had to have been a giants fan, we will get to that in just a minute. it is monday, october 13th, 2014, good morning, sue. >> good morning. >> smiling like bus stop buddy. now this kid smiles every day, and it is a very bright smile so hopefully we can make an example out of. that kids are going to school, some are not today for columbus day holiday. regardless it will be cloudy and cool outside the door and most of our temperatures are in the 50's this morning. we are looking at a seven in your weather by the numbers. it will be a decent day, mostly dry, milder temperatures but just more
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clouds then sunshine throughout the day and then a stray shower is not, out of the question. you can see down here in southern delaware on our ultimate doppler radar picture and a few, little echoes down in south jersey, not all is making it to the ground but it is cloudy with a lot of moisture in the air. fifty-seven was our high on saturday. we will have all that rain, and then it breaks up nicely yesterday to a high of 64. so, 57 degrees right now, heading to 68, by the the end of the day. it was 64 yesterday. milder. stray shower and then tonight after midnight with all that moisture around we will probably get some fog. so that is your fox cast, it the takes you through monday, and a little bit of the roller coaster ride in the seven day forecast. we will have that coming up for you. right now, traffic time. it is a problem again, on the new jersey turnpike south bun just past route 322. we will see damage there and a fuel spill on the roadway there where there was a tractor trailer accident. this is again, the new jersey
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turnpike southbound, right around swedesboro there around the route 322, exit, and it is overturn, that tractor trailer, so it will be a while before they right it and get things going and let traffic back on the road. traffic is being diverted at route seven three, and they are making everybody get on route 295, southbound, so if that is your alternate there. so in bensalem, street road near knights road is there a building fire and you are advised to avoid that area byberry road is your alternate. and in medford, new jersey, jackson road between stokes and tuckerton road, there is police activity with that road closed. your all turtive is taunton road. one more n montgomery county cow path road at take already road, and there is an accident, as well. chris? all right, thanks sue. lets get to breaking news. philadelphia police are investigating a deadly accident in the frankford section this happened on the 2700 block of willits road around midnight. police say a car overturn, killing the woman in her 20's. in word on what led to that
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crash. health officialness boston say it is unlikely that a patient who recently traveled to liberia is sick withe bowl. that patient was admitted to a local medical center complaining of head and body aches. while his travel has raised alarms, doctors say he is considered low risk for having the virus. he does remain in isolation and that patient will be continually monitored. also health officials trying to figure out how a nurse in texas or who a nurse in texas i should say had contact with have after she started showing signs of ebola. >> at least one person has been put in isolation, as a precaution, fox 29's sabina kuriakose joins us live with the latest on this case, sabina, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. thinks the the first time ebola has spread from person to person. nurse caught it after treating the ebola patient died in texas last week. she haddon full gear, we're talking about the mask, glove, face shield and the the gown as well. that is supposed to halt the
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virus from spreading but the cdc says she made a mistake somewhere, probably when she was taking off all of that gear. they are investigating in the meantime she's in isolation. there is an experimental drug, it is call zmap that has been used to effectively treaty bowl a it was used on the american missionary flown to atlanta in august. it is again an experimental drug and it takes a long time to make, and right now, it appears that there is really not the a lot of it out there. >> z map is an agent that from what i observed, worked. we need to find a way to get that out there, and to not only our country, but around the world. we need to feverishly figure out how to get that in production this virus can be, on in in adamant objects for a period of time just like other viruses. it is really going to be critical that anyone dealing with ebola make sure that they are in an area where the
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environment is sterilized in the just with purell but serious sterilization. >> doctor mike there describes howie bowl a can spread over surfaces. the cdc says it is reviewing its safety protocols but they say it does work, if followed properly. chris and kerry, back to you. sabina, thank you. 6:36 is the time. eagles jumped on the giants early last night at the link and never looked back. nick foles threw two touchdowns, lesean mccoy had 149 yards on the ground, to lead them to 27 to nothing win over the giants. this is eagles first shut out win since 1996. speaking of the game, the only in philly, folder. >> indeed, police are searching for the thief, we're not laughing at this story but your attempts to get through it. thief to stole a man's prosthetic leg right outside of the link. fox 29's jennifer joyce live in south philadelphia with the
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details. so he does have it back this morning, correct? >> reporter: yes, he does have it back this morning. we actually saw him at south detectives claiming the prosthetic leg and it was found in the local transportation center, and he also tells us that the south detectives are searching for surveillance video. hopefully that video can help police track down the the woman who stole his prosthetic leg. taking a look at the the video, sonny still in his eagles jersey struggled to make his way into south detectives hopping in on one leg. he tells thaws last night he was performing on the street in the area have of xfinity live. he was entertaining the crowd that quickly the fun turned into trouble. he said the girl broke his mike and then stole his prosthetic leg and then ran off. other woman chased this thief but did not catch her. sonny still made it to the game to watch the eagles pull off a shut out win and police say they later found the prosthetic near the ol will any transportation center. so the the night turned around.
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while he says he this is this woman was having quote, drunk fun, she needs to learn from this. his life could have have been seriously ultimateerd if he did not the get a prosthetic back. >> she need to get down on her knees and pray to god that doesn't happen to her or that she doesn't get sick or become disabled and she should go ahead and use her brain for more than just a beer bottle or liquor bottle. i drink but i don't get stupid like that. >> reporter: sonny was all smiles as he left south detectives with his prosthetic in place. he is a pretty laid bachmann but still bothered by what happened to him. again, it is working with south detectives to try to locate the woman who stole his prosthetic leg, chris and kerry. >> lets hope they find her and in doubts she's a giants fan. >> 6:38. if you think that snap chat picture thaw took disappears after a couple of seconds? think again. there are thousands of pictures that were hacked and put out there for the world to see but it wasn't the app that
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was hacked, the warning from snap chat for anybody using their app. >> and later, kit president takes on another issue hitting the country and he has help from a friendly monster, yes, we will tell you all about that, coming up. sue did you put up your halloween decorations yet. >> , no we need to do that. >> if you have we'd like to see them. tweet with us the hash tag fox 29 good day and use that hash tag so we can see your pictures, and find them and
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all right. it is monday morning, we're not starting off badly. it is still mostly dark. you cannot tell that it is cloudy out but it is, trust me. we're watching a little bit of rain on ultimate doppler radar, mostly in southern delaware, at this point, and, around seaford delaware we are seeing a few scattered showers. the it is not going to be a big deal but you have to be alert to the possibility that we could have a pop up shower anytime today but more likely if it is going to happen say after three or 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon and it should in the last long and it should not be a big deal. we will move into our tuesday on our future cast and we will see clouds as well. maybe a shower north and west of the city, this hud this than the be a big deal, either, but the bigger deal is on tuesday is how warm it will get with the southeasterly wind coming in. it looks like we might get into 80 degrees and the same
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story for wednesday, wednesday night into thursday morning, it is when we can see strong thunderstorms moving through. it looks nasty. maybe starting 3:00 in the morning on thursday. a little preview of coming precipitation attractions. now, temperatures, 54 allentown. fifty-seven in philadelphia a. and a chillier 49 degrees in mount pocono. fifty-five in millville. it has already reached 60-degree in dover. all have the clouds overnight. we didn't get too chilly. this is just a taste of this really mild air that is moving in, the current temperature is close to houston. seventy-six in new orleans. we will get that air moving in over the next couple of days. almost like springtime weather pattern with wednesday, and having some thunderstorms into thursday morning. and, then the change between wednesday and thursday is the temperatures that is pretty dramatic. we will go back down in the 07's and chillier into sunday. so that is your weather authority forecast. 6:43 is your time. we will go back to the new jersey turnpike, and a little bit of a better view of this
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horrible accident, the tractor trailer overturning, and probably, it looks like, a fuel spill on the road there? where is this? new jersey turnpike southbound just past route 322. traffic is, diverted at route 73 to southbound 295, now that you know about this just go ahead to 295 and take that instead. now in bensalem, i should say, on street road near knights road is there a building fire, void that area, a good alternate is there byberry road. in medford, new jersey, jackson road between stokes and tuckerton, police activity has that road closed, taunton road is your alternate. and then finally up inner gwynedd, morris road at west point pike, reports of an accident there, chris. >> okay, sue serio, thanks very much. at 6:44, tides could be turning for accused cop killer eric frein. law enforcement officials say now changes season could help them catch him. for the past month pennsylvania state police say frein has capitalized on
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relatively mild temperatures and dense tree cover and his own survival skills. now that it is getting colder a at night and leaves are falling off the trees officials say law enforcement could gain the advantage. the september 12th ambush killed corporal brian dickson and seriously wounded trooper alex douglas. the massive search has been underway ever since. the search is causing one town to change halloween celebrations, of all things, barrett township in monroe county has banned trick or treating and canceled october 26th, halloween parade. officials say that they, the police are consumed with the search and they would normally provide security for these events. because they are searching for frein they simply just don't have the resources. twenty year-old penn state student will be arraigned with charged with threatening to carry out a mass shooting at the main campus. the student add mythed to posting the message on the yik yak but claims it was a prank. they allow users to make a in
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must comments to only be seen by others with a one and a half mile radius. massive share of the support for victims of the sex-related hazing scandals that has rocked a central new jersey high school and its football program. >> hundreds of people turned out for the anti bullying rally across the the street from sayreville war memorial high school. seven members of the football team ages 15 to 17 have been charge with sexually assaulting four freshman last month. all of them have been suspended. but investigators are still uncertain how many others victims may have be out there the entire town is still in shock. >> it is so weird to talk about it that way but at least they have the opportunity now, to get some therapy, to begin the healing instead of who can or 50 years old and their life has come off the rails and they do not understand why. >> the seven students could be tried and adults which means more prison time and they would be required to register as sex owe fenders. all seven remain in custody
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pending their first court hearing this week. 6:46. group of good samaritans is being credited with stopping a man on the run. >> these are friends who had been hanging out in their neighborhood, simply spending sometime together when they ended up in the middle of this pursuit in oregon. it started when deputies tried to pull over this guy. the thinks james bailey. but they say he took off, instead, and they lost control around the curve and ended up wrecking his truck in a yard. well, near bye this group of friends heard the the crash, and they had in idea what was happening. the at the time, deputies had begun their manhunt for bailey after they say he ran from the scene. they set up a containment area and ten minutes later they got a call from dispatch from a woman claiming that her boyfriend was holding bailey at gun point. you see him come out and then we are like are you the guy that police are looking for. he heard police and he straight out and ran. >> bailey was arrested for dui alluding officers, reckless
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endangerment and hit and run. hackers have have leaked more than a hundred thousand photos and video from the popular app snap chat. those pictures collect through a third party app that allows to you save messages despite snap chat deleting them after just a couple of seconds. users tell the business insider that the collection, posted in an event called the snap happening, includes child porn, that is because half of all snap chat users are kids between the ages of 12 and 17. also another data breach this time at k-mart. sears holding as the credit and debit card accounts of k-mart customers have been hack. company cannot say how many cards were affected but they do believe that no personal information like pins, e-mail addresses or social security numbers were taken there is no evidence that shoppers were affect. however it is just the lateness a string of incidents, that have hit major least tailers, including target and home depot. well, queen elizabeth
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honored age lean a jolie in the buckingham palace ceremony. >> she made jolie a dame, for her work in sexual violence and war somebodies and her services to british foreign policy. she received that award during a price meeting with the queen. you were ill not believe this, actress a manned bynes retracting, those posting. she said get my dad never did any of those things. the micro chip in my brain made me say those things but he is the one that ordered them, to micro chip me. end quote. family denied allegations made against mr. bynes and the the actress had been admitted into psychiatric care. been's afflict gone girl topping box office for the second weekend in a row. >> as you all know, my wife disappeared three days ago. >> ♪ >> the film earned nearly 27 million-dollar, over the
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weekend, dracula untold anal sander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day rounding out the top three. >> starring his wife jennifer garner. the weather was beautiful. for the final leg of the ride to conquer cancer. >> it was a two day run, 150-mile trek, that supported cancer research. our own jeff cole was on the fox 29 team and, of course, fox 29 is a very proud sponsor. >> 150 miles on a bicycle. >> long ride. >> over the course of the weekend. >> i don't know if i would be sitting comfortably after that. >> saturday was not a pretty day either. >> alex holy good morning to you. good day coming up in ten minutes. >> good morning, guys. how are you doing. >> we're all doing well after that eagles game what a great way to wake up on a monday. remember we told but a young girl shot and killed in philadelphia she was only three years old getting her hair braided on a porch. she was an innocent victim of gun violence here in our city.
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outrage in the neighborhood is turning to hope with the help of other young girl. she is using her talent to spread the the message of love. the songs she's singing, well, it is hoped it will save lives. that is coming up on gone day philadelphia we will talk about the weather. i mean can you really top sunday sue, it was amazing. beautiful . >> it was like autumn perfection and of course it will not last. we have got changes in your forecast. mostly cloudy changes for today. we will see a lot of clouds. cannot rule out a stray shower. we have seen a few around this morning but it is not a big deal. i promise you, it is not a big deal. we have a little bit of sunshine peeking through here and there high temperature today, it is 68 degrees, and your sunset time is now about 6:25. so that is a look at your weather authority forecast. let's get to traffic abe wheat start off again with that big accident, on the the new jersey turnpike, southbound, and another look from sky fox, the tractor trailer involve is any on its side. officials are on the scene. they have a fuel spill to
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clean up there it looks like. it is still close that had road, and traffic is being diverted at route 73 to get right on there at 295. so that is your alternate, right around that swedesboro area, and that part of the new jersey turnpike, southbound, again, take 295 instead. now lets go back to bensalem, street road near knights road, that building fire still happening a void that area by taking byberry road instead. in medford, new jersey jackson road between stokes and tuckerton, police activity has that road closed, and alternate is taunton road. finally on the turnpike northeast extension southbound at quakertown we have that accident there for a while, involving two tractor trailers, but all of it is on the shoulder, and we will be returning in a moment after this.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at good morning, 6:55 on this monday morning. as we take a live look at the philadelphia international airport. do you remember ten year-old kid president robbie know vac this time he is getting help from sesame street's grover to raise awareness for sock objecting. >> that is simple. >> easier then you think. >> you have to have all the of the answers. >> you do in the have to be super strong. >> you just have have to show up. >> an every monster. >> yes. >> some say i'm too short but
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life is too short about worried about being too short. you have never too small. >> to make a big difference. >> together we can change everything. >> everything. >> and other things. >> this is so cute. sock october is a yearly initiative that encourages everybody to collect and hand out socks, to the estimated 600,000 people who are homeless in the united states. this little boy is making a big difference. dramatic video out of florida where six people were pulled out of the water when their boat began to sink. three were just children. how nearby boaters sprung to action and saved their lives. oh, this morning, fly eagles fly, the giants shut out by the bird at the link last night, we have game highlights and there are a lot of them coming up. along with the bizarre story from a fan, at last night's game how he lost his prosthetic leg, and well, not so much lost as it was taken and where he ended up finding
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. on groceries at momacme's stock up sale.d up well, if she can get whatever she wants, why can't i? hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles. it's acme's stock up sale. get delicious deals on the things you love most. jif peanut butter or hot or lean pockets are .99 cents. and green giant frozen vegetables are .79 cents. this is big, people. this is acme. you're in for something fresh. hey mom, you want glazed or chocolate?
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♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. foles, turns the corn are gets to the end zone, touchdown. >> the new york giants are looking pretty small this morning, it was a shut out game, and eagles came out flying high at the link, but it wasn't all good news. we have an odd story from the game, when a fan had his
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prosthetic leg stolen. who allegedly ran off with it and where it was found, overnight. and it is first case of ebola being transmitted in the u.s. and now a texas nurse is in isolation, why officials say infection was caused by a breach in protocol, we will get into that. also breaking news out of south jersey, a tractor trailer flips over on the new jersey turnpike, snarling traffic and now this is a live view, via sky fox over the scene where we have more information and sue will let you know how to get around that mess. but good morning to you, on this monday morning. >> good morning alex holley, good to be here. mike jerrick is stuck in kansas. he went there for his daughter's baby shower, and then, oh, by the the way kacie mcdonnell formally of our staff got engaged. >> yes. >> so congratulations to them. >> mike got to be there and be a part of that. >> it was serendipitous, as is wearing black for our