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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  November 4, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EST

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election day, today, the polls will be opening soon. in one hour it is tom verse tom. >> will win. >> a tom. >> um-hmm. >> we're going out on a limb. >> like a wrestlemania announcer there, tom verse tom in a cage match. >> that is not a three way race, tom, dick and harry. >> we will have all of the election result all morning long on my fox good day everyone it is tuesday, november 4th, 2014, election day, midterm elections. >> straight up at 6:00. >> on a morning like today will that increase the turnout. >> it usually helps. >> yes. >> one interesting dynamic, schools closed for a lot of kids, will that keep parents at home and not at the poles because they have to watch the kids or take them with them to the polls. >> take them with you and show them by example. >> good point. >> yes. >> absolutely. just to show them. they absorb it, even if they
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are little. we have done enough preaching. lets get to the forecast. it is 6:00 o'clock on the dot and we have a number of the take that is in double digits for your election day. it is a ten out of ten. unshine. milder temperatures. only minus is a few morning clouds and that is not a big deal. it will not impair the fabulous weather for today. it looks like bus stop buddy is wearing his vote button, even if you don't have school you might be waiting for a busy in way. it is not as chilly as yesterday, temperatures instead of 30's and 40's, 40's and 50's. satellite radar picture a few little areas of green there. it is certainly not a big deal but just a lot of clouds around this morning but we are mild at 52 degrees. southeasterly breeze at 8 miles an hour. sunrise happens in about a half an hour 6:33. sunrise is earlier. the problem is sunset is earlier too. 66 degrees is the high and then tonight we're down to about 50 in the city with increasing clouds. that is your fox cast from the
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weather authority, seven day forecast, just around the corner, lets see what is waiting on the roadways, here's bob kelly, hello. >> good morning, everybody. 6:02 on a tuesday morning, good morning, south jersey starting to wake up here, live look at 295 right here near route 130 in bordentown, new jersey but otherwise south jersey off to a good start as we start out in phoenixville upper providence egypt road at longford road watch for an accident. for the gang coming in from royersford we have seen deer left and right. 422, 202. sue dodged one this morning in media, delaware county. look out, they are out there with us this morning. the schuylkill expressway we will go for a fly here westbound. watch for delays on the off a ramp to city avenue an accident right at the off ramp there as you work your way over in towards the city line interchange. otherwise, leaving villanova double five's the on the blue route heading down to philly international, schuylkill, i-95 out of the north east, so far so good bridges, when i,
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whitman, commodore barry looking good this morning. mass transit off to a good start with no reported delays. the chris and kerry, back over to you. as we said voters in pennsylvania will decide today who will be the next governor for the next four years a lot of eyes are on philadelphia and suburbs which is home to nearly 3 million of the state's 8 million voters. fox 29's jennifer joyce live in mt. airy with the beginning of our election day coverage, hi jenny. >> hi, kerry and chris. both candidates had a full will day of campaigning and it all comes down to what happens today at these poles. in most of the poles are showing tom wolf in the lead some by a pretty wide margin over incumbent tom corbett, a main sticking point seems to be education funding. both candidates have been aggressive in their campaign ads, wolf claiming corbett took an ax to education by cutting $1 billion from the budget and corbett firing back saying a he increased the budget by 1.5 billion. according to government fact check resources, wolf's
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accused cuts are related to the loss of government stimulus fund which were always going to go away and corbett's claim of increased education spending is money toward the state employees pension fun in the money in the classroom. in the end it all comes down to what voters feel and what they believe, the polls here will open up at 7:00 this morning. we will continue to keep you posted. we are hoping to see people start to show up here this morning. kerry and chris. >> live in mt. airy, thank you. in the meantime if anyone has any problems or questions at their polling locations today, hot line for help has been set up by the committee of 70. that number is (855)738-3689. >> you can also find it on our web site at my fox, hot line opens at 6:30 and runs until 9:00 tonight. we will cross river and half move into new jersey, polls opened there, big race is for u.s. senate.
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>> democratic incumbent corry booker is up for reelection, and challenge by republican jeff bell a former speech writer for former president reagan. booker what's electric last year following death of senator lautenberg. donald norcross taking on republican and former eagles linebacker garry cobb, the two battling for a vacant seat in the first congressional district. that district is made up of municipalities in camden, gloucester and burlington counties. we have you covered as votes begin to come in. fine updated results on our web site at my fox and we will bring you results live as they come in right here on fox 29 tonight. but first at 6:05, police right new looking for gunman shot a delaware state university student at an off campus residence hall. this happened at living and learning commons a half mile from the campus. area was quickly on lock down but those restrictions were lifted. investigators believe shooting was an isolated incident and student are not in any danger
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a that the point. the victim is being treated at a hospital for non-life threatening injuries. chester county district attorney says domestic dispute is motive behind a murder suicide outside brandywine ymca in west brandywine township. it happened last night in the parking lot where the y was packed with hundreds of people. according to police, man opened fire on a woman who employees say worked there as a fitness instructor. he then turn the gun on himself. happening right new philadelphia police are searching for a with man they say was kidnaped as she walk home. >> this terrifying act all caught on surveillance camera. fox 29's steve keeley live at philadelphia police headquarters with the very latest, steve, good morning. >> reporter: thirty-two hours since this happened and police have way more than 32 tips since they put out surveillance video just before dinner time yesterday and since the nutter administration put out a $10,000 reward for any kind of help or knowledge or anything that may kind of help solve
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this case. it is more than three minutes of the most chilling surveillance you will he have see that we are running here showing what the detective believe is a random attack and a planned attack but no what i did the plan include parking right under a sidewalk surveillance camera that captured this. the video leads to you shiver but has in the let to this monster yet or the nurse that he hunted down. in a chilling sequence showing him get out, go down and wait, moments after 22-year old carlesha gaither got off her septa bus he bounced. she's seen running across the street who catchesser, drags her and grabs her. her glasses come off. drops her cell phone. witnesses hear screams for help and man who heard the screams runs toward them, he is also calling 911 and watches the kidnapper shove carlesha in the back of the car and then sees cars window kick out from her as she's trying to really put up an amazing fight. the witness was calling 911 as
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the car took off. he never got the almost plate. when he went to the scene and waited for police, he found shattered glass from a ford taurus. saw glasses, cell phone and more chilling a glove and a switch blade knife. police are testing that to see if there is fingerprints, to see if there is dna on the glove and hopefully if there is some kind of hope that carlesha is somewhere still alive, chris and kerry. >> that surveillance video is hard to look at steve, thank you. in the meantime he should have have known better. septa officer charged, yes, septa officer charged with committing a lewd act on a subway car? how septa's own social media team help bust this guy. white house is answer back over the no fly zone what they have to say about how the government is apparently trying to keep the media from government is apparently trying to keep the media from covering these pro
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tom wolf, he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a business man he gives between 20 and 30% of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue... he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity. he refused to take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that.
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tom wolf, he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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first on fox a septa police officer accused of committing a lewd act on the subway car. you a saw this first on fox. prosecutors charged 44 year-old kevin fant with indecent exposure and open lewdness. last week septa a social media team found the video over the internet. septa police immediately recognized fant who was off-duty when happened. he is on leave, and fant has been on that septa police
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force now for 12 years. parents and students are on alert after suburban philadelphia school confirms that its second case of whooping cough. >> you are looking at sky fox view of wissohickon high school in ambler n a letter sent to parents on friday, officials say a sophomore has that respiratory disease known as whooping cough. they say other students may now be at risk. whooping cough per tuesday is is a highly contagious disease unless you have been vaccinated. school had its first confirmed case in september. federal government is going after southwest airlines, why they say some have of their planes do not meet safety standards. bob. >> but they have best a announcers on the plane there. they make it fun when they are doing those announcements. good morning everybody. curb check, a live look at the schuylkill out of the conshohocken curve. we are seeing volume popping around the board. we will check mass transit. su
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you will notice that it is much milder then yesterday. you won't to have bundle up quite as much. temperatures in the upper 40's in places. we are at another low temperature of the morning. sunrise is upon us at 6:33. 47 degrees in pottstown and lancaster. fifty-two in philadelphia. we have 49 in wilmington. forty-six in dover. fifty-two in millville. atlantic city and wildwood. we will expect a high of 66. since the days are shorter now, and, sunrise is a a lot earlier, that high temperature comes around, 2:00 in the afternoon instead of around five or 6:00 in the summertime. temperatures will cool down in the upper 50's for your afternoon drive, calm wind in mess places 8 miles an hour breezes in philadelphia. that is in the an issue
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either. we are watching this cold front that won't arrive until probably thursday. it will stall just to our west, high pressure in control the next couple of days and that means generally fair weather. we will look ahead to thursday and we will see rain, it is really pouring by, three or 4:00 in the afternoon, through the evening rush hour, and we will clear out by early friday morning so it is just a one day special like the one day sale, right. one day special though because you know that within day sale is sometimes two days because they do the preview day. >> preview day. >> it is my pet peeve. 60 degrees is our high temperature, yesterday. seven day forecast has a great day today for election day. get out and vote it is 66 degrees, plenty of sunshine all day long. tomorrow looks good with increasing included in the upper 60's.
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we will see if you can squeeze those, rain between these two events. good morning everybody. 6:18. live look at 42 freeway from the gang in bellmawr, new jersey heading in towards philadelphia, starting to see pockets of volume working your way in through construction zones. we are waking up and heading out, live look, we will go for a ride, westbound schuylkill heading out of town on the ramp for city avenue watch for an accident. they are still working northbound from the northeast extension between q town and lehigh valley interchange. south jersey, otherwise slow go right here, on route 73 and 295, in the mount laurel interchange that is where we will see the first volume start, to pop. otherwise we are looking good on that turnpike down near 42 freeway. mass transit looking good. buses, trains, trolleys all running with to delays and so far so good across the
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bridges, coming into downtown philadelphia. >> chris and kerry, back to you. coming up at 6:18. in the u.s. it is increasing security at 9500 federal building across the country, now the move comes in response to last month's l amount ne wolf attacks in can inadequacies and new york city. u.s. military said to be helping iraq, train 20,000 soldiers, for a spring counter offensive against isis militants but the group continues to take over large parts of that country. in fact, new york times reporting that hundreds of u.s. military advisors stationed in baghdad will help iraqi government take on isis. body of the young boy was found floating near a marina in new port, oregon late last night this comes after a with man called police and reported throwing her six year-old son off the bay bridge. when officers a arrived they found a woman at that scene. it is in the clear if she's the same woman who called 911. driver of the fuel truck that hit a plane a at los
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angeles international airport is in the hospital. authorities say the truck hit the engine of the unoccupied plane before 4:30 yesterday afternoon no fire or fuel leak but truck driver was trapped in that truck and had to be freed. in word on his injuries or his condition. also the justice department is suing southwest airlines after failing to reach a settlement with the carrier, over repairs to dozens of planes that didn't meet safety standards. this lawsuit seeks to enforce 12 million-dollar in civil penalties at the federal aviation add announcedded in late july. it said in 2006 southwest hired a contractor to make repairs on 44 planes to prevent the skin from cracking. the faa ace that contractor failed to follow proper procedures. well, white house responding to a ap report that shows no fly zones, were set up in order to restrict news helicopter covering protestness ferguson, missouri. those protests following the shooting death of michael brown. >> and the obama
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administration official weighing in on that now saying that media should not have been restrict. we told you yesterday that the federal government allowed police in ferguson to restrict air space for two weeks in august citing safety concerns but conflicting recordings, suggest that police made the request to keep news media at bay. white house press secretary says faa took proper steps to implement flight restrictions following reports of gunfire and says the restrictions was update todd allow reporters to operate, in that area. meanwhile st. louis county police chief is deeven ifing his department's o saying at in time did his agency request that only media be kept out of air space. a a lot more on that story as it continues to develop, that means good day philadelphia is 40 minutes away. >> two of our eagles are out for the foreseeable future. we have been talking about this, nick foles went down with the broker collar bone, demeco ryans on the defensive side of the ball, a torn achilles. this was the the same injury that kobe bryant suffered
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during the the lake their put him out for a good season. >> so, how bad are their injuries and what does this mean for the the future of the team? we will talk about this coming up on "good day philadelphia" a as they will be at the link, finally back home, this monday night, and that is a chilly one at. that we have been hit by injuries and we have a six and two record believe it or not. >> black friday deals are starting, earlier and earlier, and this year k-mart is trying to beat all of the other stores. if you don't want to leave the dinner table early, for thanksgiving, how about breakfast, what time k-mart is opening on thanksgiving day. >> that is right.
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good morning i'm howard eskin. eagles lost more players, demeco ryans lost for the season with a ruptured achilles ten on. todd herremans gave it all he
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haddon sunday but i'm told he is done with the torn biceps muscle. surgery in a week. nick foles has a broken collar bone and out for six weeks. mark sanchez is in at quarterback. >> i feel great about mark. we felt great all the along. one of the things we wanted to do i a said we need to have to quarterbacks and chance to get him in there. he did a great job in the system. he played outstanding in the preseason. he showed no rust or anything when he got in there. >> mission of trying to lose for sixers continues, to the wells fargo center. how about this monumental less than three minutes left, nerlens noel his only rebound in the game. in the fourth quarter houston was hot. they win 104-93. the sixers are now zero and four, just the way they like it. that is sports in a minute and i'm howard eskin. just the way we like it. get a good lottery pick next year. >> yes. >> lets stay with sports, sort of here dottie sandusky is defending her husband yet
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again in a letter to a pennsylvania newspaper. >> yes, this letter, of course, coming in the response to the documentary that she recently viewed featuring her adopted son matt who, of course has previously accused his dad of sexual abuse. >> letter was posted on penn mrs. sandusky saying her husband is innocent a and she's not delusional even if the public disagrees. he says nothing in the documentary happy valley is the truth. jerry sandusky as you well know a former penn state assistant football coach is serving a 30 to 60 year prison term for sexually assaulting ten boys. 6:26 the time. woman under arrest after police say she set up a hit on her son in law but does not end there. how she wanted the hit man to use alligators to do the job. >> that sound uncomfortable. steve is covering a very disturbing story out of germantown, steve? >> reporter: yeah, bad news in the head line here at headquarters is there is no news and that means no good
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news, kidnaped on sunday night, still missing on tuesday morning. night, still missing on tuesday morning. awe put all the apps you love... inside a car designed to connect you
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to a world of possibilities. the connected car by volvo. innovating for you. give the gift of volvo this season and we'll give you your first month's payment on us.
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this specific student went to great lengths to write a letter to the parents of the columbine shooters. >> a teenage girl obsessed with school shootings may have been planning, rather to carry out one of perfect own, what police found scribbled in her notebook that had them spring nothing to action. it is election day 2014 and we're covering big race's cross the a area. there is a fight for pennsylvania governor between two tom's and we are looking at big races in new jersey. >> the two tom's i bet they love that. good day everybody it is tuesday, november 4th, 2014, election day. >> lets get to sue serio because bus stop buddy has his button on, wanting to vote. >> even if your kids have off school today we still make bus stop buddy come to work the not every kiddies off school today but regardless you need to know that waiting for a bus outside today is a warmer exercise then it was yesterday, and, yeah, bus stop buddy is here to remind to you get outside and vote today. we have a ten out of ten
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weather-wise. weather is no excuse. not to vote today. sunshine, milder temperatures then yesterday. we have a few clouds around this morning as we can see on satellite radar but 52 degrees is current temperature. southeasterly winds at eight. really nice this morning. sunrise is happening as we speak, so, for this election day, we will break it down for you. and we will have, about 50 degrees at 8:00. fifty-eight bee 11:00 a.m. and by 3:00 this afternoon a high temperature of 66 degrees. that is looking good. that is looking good for an election day. bob kelly in november, they don't get any better than this. >> 6:31, sue, we're looking good this morning for election day g push to get everybody out of the house and get out there and vote, again with the election day you will see unusual traffic patterns, especially around a lot of the polling places and with that also comes kids off from school, especially if the schools are being used for the voting spots. we will be aware of that
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today. live look schuylkill expressway near gladwynn we are seeing volume popping in both directions between city avenue and conshohocken. we will go to the schuylkill, put a map here in motion, eastbound between 30th street and south street, watch for a crash, right at that south street on ramp and we have a fire location which is throwing some detours our way in orland, church road which is route 73 in that neck of the woods there right here near paper mill million road. traffic is diverted around the fire location. if you are rolling out of the driveway through this area be aware fire fighters are still responding to the scene. just crack your window there so you can hear the sirens coming through the intersection. eastbound 422 some volume plus an accident near the trooper road interchange, otherwise bridges look fine the at the moment. mass transit is running with no delays. chris and kerry, back over to you. 6:32. voters in pennsylvania are hitting the polls today to cast their votes for governor. >> this election will make history one way or the other. fox 29's jennifer joyce joins us now live from mt. airy with
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our election day coverage, hi there, jennifer. >> reporter: hi there, chris. last few days have been very busy for both candidates, even today, the campaigning continues before the candidates head to the polls themselves. now some polls are showing that tom wolf is leading against incumbent tom corbett, some by a pretty wide margin. main sticking point seems to be education funding. both candidates have been aggressive in their campaign ads, wolf claiming corbett took an ax to education by cutting $1 billion from the budget and corbett firing back saying he increased the budget by 1.5 billion. according to government fact check resources both are a mix of fact and fiction and the truth is some where in the middle. the issue today is that less than 50 percent of registered voters are expect to head to the polls, and that is less than previous midterm elections. voters who talk to our bruce gordon yesterday shared their thoughts on the race. >> a lot more has to be done
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for these schools. kids are the future. that simple. >> reporter: you don't feel like governor corbett has done enough. >> i don't feel that way in. >> reporter: do you believe any candidate in terms of the claims they are making. >> in the really, in. >> reporter: you don't buy either one of them. >> no, no. >> reporter: polls open up at 7:00 o'clock this morning, just about a half an hour away, and if anyone has any problems there is a hot line set up through the committee of 70. that number is (855)738-3689. and, a live look now from the episcopal church, here in the mt. airy section of this city. tom wolf final campaign push will be in the philadelphia area at 7:45 he will be a at the 69th street terminal, in upper darby before heading to center city to the clothespin. we are told that governor tom corbett will be heading west and he will be placing his vote, in the pitberg area. chris and kerry.
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>> jennifer joyce, thank you. polls open up at pennsylvania, and poles open in new jersey at 6:00. big race on the balance on the there is for u.s. senate. >> democratic incumbent corry booker is up for reelection and being challenge by republican jeff bell a former speech writer for ronald reagan. booker what's electric last year following the death of senator frank lautenberg. democratic state senator donald norcross is taking on republican and former eagles linebacker, garry cobb, the two are battling for a vacant seat in the first congressional district that is made up of municipalities in camden, gloucester and burlington counties. and we have you cover as votes come in, you'll fine updated results on our web site at my fox we will bring you live results as they come in right here on fox 29, throughout the day and evening. meanwhile 6:00 pennsylvania. happening today former u penn professor rafael rob now serving time for beating his wife to death is peck to take the stand today in a civil trial. his 20 year-old daughter is also expect to testify against her dad.
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this is the first time both of them will testify about the case. rob pleaded guilty to manslaughter in 2007 for death of his wife, ellen gregory rob. her family is suing for punitive damages. a montgomery county jury will deciding whether rob's remaining assets estimated to be in the millions should ab ward todd his daughter. a disturbing discovery as a delaware county community really rattled. >> radnor police say a 17 year-old girl made detailed threats against teachers and students at her township's high school. police recovered two notebooks after they became a aware of these threats, yesterday morning. she had written things such as i'm about to get very violent and she quote threatened to flood the halls with corpses. the girl also made several references to the columbine school shooting writing i could be the first female school shooter. in fact, police say that she even wrote a letter to the parents of the columbine shooters. but during a search of her home they didn't find any weapons. >> if no one is at list being,
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everyone is safe. we have taken all of the proper steps we needed to and we are trying to be pro active here in a situation like this. >> she's under going a psychological evaluation and she's expect to be charged as a juvenile for making terroristic threats. happening right now, philadelphia police are searching for a woman they say was kidnaped, as she walk home. >> truly terrifying attack all caught on surveillance camera. fox 29's steve keeley is live at philadelphia police headquarters for us, hi, steve. >> reporter: well, detective here at headquarters they have got experts on how to enhance video and they did the best they can and they say this kidnapper looks like 5 feet ten, media to heavy build. carlesha just 5 feet three and half the weight of 125 pounds. may have been no match for bigger, taller, stronger, monster of the man who have been armed with a knife found but she still for the back with every ounce of muscle and even why i that she had because the police here believe that she knew she was fighting for her life a against what they firmly believe was a random attack by a stranger on the young nurse
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that she did not know. >> i just want my daughter back home. >> reporter: if this violent kidnapper planned this out as police think, pennsylvania part of his plan probably did not include parking right underneath this, a sidewalk surveillance camera on this corner apartment building. a chilling sequence showing him get out, go down to the corner and moments after 22-year old carlesha gaither got off her september bus she's seen running from the man, who catches her, grabs her. she puts up a fight for her life. her glasses come off. she drops her cell phone. witnesses hear her blood kurdeling screams for help. as one witness runs, he sees the kidnapper shove her in the back of the car. then he sees her kick out the window, then eras the car taking off down the street. the witness was calling 911 and running to help at the aim time so never got the license plate. >> just please bring her back home that is all we want just to release her. >> reporter: milk with the shattered glass from the car
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left in the street carlesha's glasses and cell phone and what the witness described as a big switch blade knife, and a glove. both being tested right now by police. well, the car may be the key to finding the next clue, an old ford taurus, rear spoiler. that is difference in the taurus we see, even that the homicide guys have from the same year. it has a pennsylvania plate but they could not see numbers or letters. it is missing its inspection stickers and maybe still not fixed missing those windows that carlesha kick out. a young woman kick out hoping to escape the night mayor attack that is in hour 33 and a very hard nightmare for her family to deal with as well. >> once you get past that knicks 24 hours, i know it gets worse and worse, the outcome. >> that is right. all right, steve, thank you. 6:39. could you use an extra 321
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million-dollar. >> of course. >> if you could then get your mega millions tickets. >> that is because the jackpot for tonight's drawing is nearing and it is big. single winner could walk away with a cash prize worth 194 million-dollar, the power ball jackpot is pretty decent too at 178 million, and that power ball drawing by the way is tomorrow night. >> indeed. all right. k-mart is opening up in time for breakfast on thanksgiving day and this year, once they do open they will be opened longer than ever before. how long they will stay opened. it is all the way through -- blah, blah, blah, black friday and beyond. >> this guy loves his never ending pasta bowls . he has been at this olive garden new for the past six weeks. just how much all of those meals are really worth, more importantly, how many calories. >> oh, boy. >> sue serio tracking nice election day weather. >> if we could vote for our weather wouldn't we vote for sunshine and milder temperature. in we will find out if your
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candidate is the winner, forecast is coming up. and later on good day we are counting down the the most catchy songs of all time do you remember this one. >> i know dancing girl. >> yes, s.o.s. >> yes. >> i'll tell you where it landed on the list and which songs came in at number one here's a new hint it was really big in the 90's. >> let the dogs out good no. anyhow what do you think is the most catchy, tweet us at anyhow what do you think is
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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tom wolf, he'd be a different kind of governor.
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he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a business man he gives between 20 and 30% of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue... he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity. he refused to take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf, he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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turning calendar to november, and it begins. they have been talking turning own their hot line for 30 years. this is butter ball. they are gearing up for thanksgiving by going on line. is there a new, turkey experts, have created a web site called butter ball to the come to dish out advice, recipes and to share how to videos for perfect holiday feast, as always, their talk line experts are a available at 800-butter ball. >> i like to bake the butter in all buttery bet you do. >> k-mart is upping anti in the fight for those black friday shoppers. >> retailer is opening up its doors at 6:00 a.m. thursday, in the friday, thursday. yeah, that is right.
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k-mart is starting the holiday sale off early, thanks to the morning they will stay up 42 straight hours. only 41 hours last year. >> they will get holiday pay but they have to eat, i have to say, they have to work right through turkey take, guys. >> well, you know for us in this business we have been working who will taste forever so it is not as shocking. that they are opened on a holiday but still we will get around to shopping eventually. anyway, won't we. >> yes. >> you think. >> yeah. it is election day. of course, we urge to you get outside and vote. it will be a decent day. in the as chilly as yesterday. in mid 40's to around 50 to get started. sixty-six is our high temperature today. look the at sunset time 4:55 p.m., still got to get used to that. time only changed on sunday. we will have sometime to get used to. that we will go down to 44 in allentown. upper 40's in reading and
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pottstown. fifty-two in philadelphia 49 in wilmington. fifty-two wildwood and atlantic city as well, wind out there out of the southwest at the 8 miles an hour. that is part of the reason why we're so much warmer today because of the southeasterly wind bringing up the warmer air, from down around the gulf of mexico. high pressure in control. cold front does not arrive until thursday. we've got two decent temperature days and then rain arrives on thursday. it looks like it is at it heaviest around 6:00 in the evening when we could get heavy downpours. maybe thunder and lightening and maybe an inch or so of rain when it is all said and done. thursday is your only rainy day scheduled for this week. still iffy on sunday. i'm not committing just yet. 60 degrees is i our high. nice recovery after 49 degrees on sunday. today we will get to 66. we are in the upper 60's tomorrow as well. after the rain on thursday we will chill out over the weekend and there is a chance of some late rain on sunday. it should be dry for our walk
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in the morning to end alzheimer's. new we have to dry things out for light the night walk sunday evening. we will work on all that while bob kelly tells us is what up in traffic. >> good morning, everybody. 6:47 on a tuesday morning waking up on this election day. keep in mind with election day we will see unusual traffic patterns. we have been talking about that all morning longest specially around the polling places and a lot of the polling places if they are located in a school, the kids are off today. wow. live look, hello maple shade, route 73 heading in towards fellowship road. watch for some delays. typical of stop and go delays as we rolling up and down 73 through south jersey. schuylkill expressway running slow westbound from city up the hill into conshohocken. we had an earlier accident right here near montgomery, that is off to the side, put a half an hour on the clock, 23 minutes westbound half an hour inbound on the schuylkill expressway, 95 southbound for the gang from the great northeast. woodhaven to downtown 24 minutes there no problems up and down the blue route. we are looking at the a
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airport. catching a flight out this morning. mass transit, regional rails are in good shape and, of course, we're still dealing with the patco construction timetable, so far, so good on the patco high speed line, chris and kerry, back over to you. >> thanks, bob. 6:48. facebook admits to yet another secret experiment, with its users. this time it says it tweaked the news feeds of more than a million followers, before the 2012 elections. in the study facebook posted serious news articles higher than personal status updates and photos in the use's feed. they found it may have boosted voter turnout by 3 percent. in another experiment, also in 2012, facebook tweaked feeds to omit positive and necessaritive word to measure a person's emotion aal rack. facebook is connecting users directly to the social network with a new dark web service called tore. this new set up means, i necessity, all data is encrypted and tore users are
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not mistaken. this a appeals to people in places where facebook is stalk. talk about family drama, a new state woman is accused of trying to order a hit on her son in law. melissa arranged to pay $11,000 to an under cover cop to carry out a job. court papers show she wanted her son in law's body thrown in the waters, to alligators. >> um-hmm. >> she even allegedly specified what day to carry out this hit owe grand kids wouldn't be around that was sweet. >> she was surprised to find out she was speaking with a detective rather than somebody who she thought it was. we set up a meeting with her. it followed another meeting. somebody exchanged money. and at that point we made an arrest. >> oh, yeah, they made an arrest but believe it or not, here's out on bond right now. it is unclear why she wanted her son in law killed as if it matters with you she has
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family values, she doesn't want this horrific thing done in front of the grand kids or to kill a family member. >> we will get to the bottom of that. >> unbelievable. a man in north carolina has used his never ending pasta pass from olive garden, to eat 95 meals over last six weeks. he bought this pass for hundred dollars and so far he a has gotten more than $1,500 worth of food. his goal, it is to be the first person, to eat the most pasta in the country. >> lofty goal. >> the most at an olive garden because i don't know how you track it. pass is valid for all of the pasta, salad and bread sticks you can eat but it expires in five days. he has his work cut out. >> new meaning to carbs warning. >> celebrities turnout to pay their respects to oscar delauren to. >> private funeral held for the legendary design inner new york. american vogue editor and chief, anna winter, hugh yak man were a among the mourners.
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he died last month of cancer. he was 82 years old. >> taylor swift pulled her songs from the music streaming service spotify. they cannot, access hit such as shake it off. people want to hear swift's new album will to have buy it, believe it or not. spotify said they hope that she will change her mind. she's cutting into profits. >> indeed good okay, mike. >> sometimes you have to shake it off. >> yes. >> it is cold and flu season, kerry and what better way to feel better than warming up with a hot to thetie. you know how to make one. we will send quincy to the chadds ford winery, i love that place, taking a look at a local wine made right here in pennsylvania. it is just as good as any, we will show you how it is made, how to use it, this cold and flu season and how to get your
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hand on good pennsylvania wine. most of the pennsylvania wine comes out of kerry barrett. but first there is no crying in football. oh, that is baseball. colts wide receiver crying before the game, what sets him in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. ryan costello went into politics. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors
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-even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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last night before monday night's football trumpet player chris b ot ti brought on players to tears with his version, of the national anthem, let's take a listen. >> ♪ >> reggie wayne began crying. many in social media calling it one of the best national anthem performances of all time. >> 6:55. today is election day, are you heading out to the poles we are he recapping big races for today and where candidates for pennsylvania governor are making one last push to get out the vote. our other big story of the
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day with man drag down the street and then thrown into a car, police say people are calling in with clues after seeing this surveillance video but so far, she's still missing, what happened to this woman straight ahead. hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling... awwwwww scram! i'm crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. peas charty get town down. [laughter] ♪ borf a liver tute face stummy wag ♪ pow pam sha-beeps stella nerf berms. saxa-nay nay? badumps a head. temexiss gurrin. juppa left. fluppa jown! brone a brood. what? catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity.
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we got to find her. a national story now a woman drag down the street by a man
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in philadelphia's a germantown neighborhood as her parents are here right now asking for your help, again. we've got to find her. to the polls, it is election day, which tom, will be pennsylvania's next governor. how about this sub plot, the strategy for the eagles now. i have already heard the term sanchez, nick's injury puts mark sanchez into position to unseat nick foles. happening right now, philadelphia police are looking for a germantown woman abduct as she walk home on sunday. yes, it was caught on surveillance tape in the 100 block of west colter street. police say 22-year old carlesha freeland gaither was dragged in the car and that she dropped her cell even if during that struggle. police afternoonsed a a $10,000 reward for any information leading to carlesha's return. and at rest of her abductor. her family is pleading for her safe return. her father and grandparents
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join us now. thanks for coming in. >> no problem at all. >> where was she and where was she headed. >> she was at her god son's party. >> yes good and from that point on, i was told she caught the bus. when she got off the bus, she walk like two blocks to her house. >> why would she get off the bus at that point, wouldn't the bus in make a couple stops because it is two blocks from where she lived. >> i think he got off at green and shelf even and walk down because if you look at the video that bus never stops, it did a rolling stop. you had to jump off to get off. i think the bus was not there she just decided to walk, four blocks and the bus happened to pass her because that is not her stop anyway and she needed to go two more blocks. >> what do you think happen?