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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 16, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> it is off-line or judge? looks all right. you it's a kiss on the forehead. now you would think we would see it a couple and then he eats a he waits, it gets a kiss t thane eats.he okay that's the best i had., [laughter] >> reastl quick winters are lonn minnesota group of guys through 100-pound steel saw blades on al motorcycle to write on the icewh what could go wrong. [laughter] look at that. j oh my word. >> make a circle and drop in thi middle. >> all right guys is that you bt the way kuester. >> no but i would tr y >> fun to be together guys thaat is of rest have a great night everybody. >> terrifying scenes in pennsylvania and new jersey today as a shooting in a bucks
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county evolved into a hostage situation in trenton that ended just moments ago. good evening i am christina coleman and for jon scott and this is the fox report. three people were killed in the philadelphia suburb of falls township, pennsylvania this morning the suspect carjacked a vehicle and fled then briefly took hostages inside this house across the delaware river into new jersey. andre gordon is now in police custody after a five hour long standoff. he is accused of killing a three family members including his 13-year-old sister. the people in that trenton home are believed to be more relatives of his. police managed to safely evacuate them early in the standoff. police in pennsylvania say gordon is an ar-15 style rifle to carry out the attacks. we are live in new york city with the latest. >> christina, just about a
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half-hour ago police arrested 26-year-old andre gordon ending a chase and stand up and began a little before 9:00 a.m. this morning. police are not saying what prompted 26-year-old andre gordon to allegedly shoot and kill three of his family members. we are able to bring in the saga to a close without any for their lives lost it. it began this morning just before 9:00 a.m. eastern time police say gordon shot and killed two people at a residence on a viewpoint lane and a levittown his 52-year-old stepmother karen gordon and 13-year-old sister kera gordon three other people were in the home including a minor but were able to hide and avoid being shot well gordon search the house for them for a search order it was in effect for three hours and falls township that st. patrick's day parade was canceled. lesson 50 minutes later jordan gordon shot and killed another person at another location 25-year-old taylor daniel the mother of his two children. the children were present at the
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time of the shooting but did not say whether or not they witnessed the assault. for other people were in that house. the one the mother of the victim victims and bludgeoned with a rifle. she was later transported to hospital. gordon fled the scene a few minutes later carjacked a vehicle at gunpoint a honda crv in the parking lot of a dollar general store in bristol pike. the owner of the vehicle was not injured. police letter from the car abandoned in trenton, new jersey. police believed gordon was in possession of an ar-15 style assault rifle that was used in the shooting for they also suspected he possessed additional weapons although they have not yet confirmed that. christina. >> absolutely horrific. laurent thank you so much for that update. for more in today's deadly shooting and the standoff that followed let's bring in former fbi special agent fox news contributor nicole parker. nicole thank you so much for joining us tonight. this man is accused of killing
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his stepmother, the mother of his two kids and his 13-year-old sister. i know this is just the beginning of this investigation there multiple crime scenes a lot for detectives to take in. but from what we know now what do you gather from this incident? >> personal hats off to the laww enforcement that was able to take the suspect into custody at that injuring another individual. a hostage situation is extremely dangerous. the ideal circumstance is that no one else is hurt and that is exactly would happen today. thank you to the law enforcement but i can say the hostage negotiators were likely de-escalating the situation. honing in on the fact this individual had killed a family members. based on my understanding there is no one who had been killed outside the familiar structure as an investigator you are looking into what was going on in his mind. what was the cause of this, it was his grievance? it appears to me there's a
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breakdown in the family structure he basically said today is the day and i'm going to take out this grievance on those that i am related to a 13-year-old sister, a stepmother, the mother of his children. absolute tragic and awful. but thank goodness no one else was harmed or injured. and for young little children to have witnessed this is horrifying. >> horrifying indeed. again hats off to law enforcement. this was just awful. for those hostage negotiators i imagine a very delicate situation. this guy volatile comic dangerous in this house with hostages initially. tell me, how do you hostage negotiators when they are working a case like this what are some of the critical tactics they have to used to try and rescue victims and to stop the shooter? >> the most important thing to remember in a law enforcement it's always fast and quick things like this when there's a carjacking he is on the lucy's
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killed three individuals think about it he killed three people within 20 minutes. he was armed and dangerous. and on the run. the important thing is once he got into that home was to protect those who may have been in the home with him which it sounds like there were those evacuated safely. and to de-escalate and slow down the situation. as hostage negotiators you need to understand a little bit about who this person is. but their family background is, what their situation might be in order to properly address and negotiate accordingly. that is likely but they did there were multiple law enforcement agencies involved. that is what you have to do it's a very quick at tempo and then things slow down because of safety is first. the safety of the law enforcement officers and always the goal is to have a safe apprehension of the suspect and how they evacuated the neighbors and those in the nearby vicinity. and again i am so grateful it ended safely but tragically three individuals are now dead. this will be something the
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investigators will delve into who this individual was buried there going to look into why this happened to social media accounts if he had access to phones, computers, what was the planning that went into it? what was the significance of today? i'm sick today as a st. patrick's day parade was there something that linked to that? we do not know at this point but there will be a very thorough investigation. and again my condolences go out to these family members who have lost their loved ones today. >> absolutely. i've been out to a number of standoffs where suspects have barricaded themselves in their homes authorities tell people to either evacuate, shelter in place, i also know sometimes with the crime scene shall have people gather around, want to take pictures and want to record in an incident like this how important it is up for people in the surrounding area to follow the orders of law enforcement and get out of the way? >> it is absolutely crucial. you could be inhibiting along enforcement from producing doing
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necessary to have a safe apprehension to protect them, themselves the community members. there is shelter in place for hours there in that area. he crossed state lines went from pennsylvania come he went to new jersey. this was a very, very dangerous situation and frankly i've been involved in investigations where there were carjackings and things of a similar nature they did not end up well and the suspect ended up dead. so again i am grateful that today, this person was brought into custody he will face justice and justice must be served. >> are right we are just learning a little bit more information on how this suspect was arrested was detained apparently he had left to the house and then he was taken into custody. but the fact law enforcement were able to get him so quickly, stop him from committing any harm what you have to say about that? >> from what i understand was a five hour stand off. it's very unnerving for law enforcement these are trained professionals and they do this all the time. hostage negotiators are highly
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trained. they know how to handle it. you are really trying to get inside the mind of the criminal. and think what happened and what can we do to de-escalate the situation? to bring him out safely that is exactly what they did. we have to continue i'll use this as an opportunity. we must back of the blue he must back our law enforcement they're putting themselves in harm's way every day they are protecting american citizens every single day. i appreciate and respect but they did today. multiple agencies, local, state, federal law enforcement, got together and they made this happen today and again it is tragic three individuals were killed today. i am grateful there were no other harm to others. thanks to the mighty efforts of law enforcement. >> absolutely you said it best thank you so much former fbi agent fox news contributor nicole parker, thank you. >> president biden is in washington this weekend but yesterday he appeared to back
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senate majority leader chuck schumer's calls for new elections in israel by calling the remarks a good speech. critics have a very different view of schumer's proposal to unseat prime minister benjamin netanyahu. lucas tomlinson's life at the white house. >> kristine, some lawmakers are outraged over the speech by senate majority leader chuck schumer called his remarks on precedent perhaps an example of election interference. >> i think it is a disgrace what chuck schumer said and even more of a disgrace that president biden said it was a good speech. this is our strongest ally in the world. that would not be my step i would voice my concerns directly to the government i have my issues but at the end of the dates up to the people of israel. >> here was schumer on the senate floor earlier this week. >> i believe a new election is
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the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of israel. >> a rival of israel's prime minister responding to schumer saying israel is a robust democracy and only its citizens will decide its future and leadership. any external interference on the matter is counterproductive and unacceptable. president biden has been at odds with israel's prime minister you a call after state of the union address biden told a group of lawmakers on the house floor he would have a come to jesus talk with the head of the jewish state to the oval office friday biden appeared to endorse the speech by schumer and said he was given a heads up. >> he made a good speech. he expressed serious concern shared by not only him but many americans. >> president biden is expected to attend the annual gridiron dinner in the next few hours. the white tie affair has been around for over 130 years at the first time biden has attended as
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president. >> lucas tomlinson, thank you so much. pressure to evacuate americans stuck in haiti is growing as gang violence runs rampant throughout the country. american leaders are concerned the surge in violence will lead to an influx of migrants heading to the beaches of florida and the u.s. southern border. bryan llenas is live at one of haiti's border crossing and the in thedominican republic. hi brian. >> christina, good evening. earlier this week the state department said they were aware of several hundred americans who were potentially trapped in haiti but had no plans to evacuate them. now fast forward to this morning the state department tweeted they had chartered a flight with limited seats for americans to escape or evacuate from haiti is a five and half hour drive away from the capitol port-au-prince a drive-through gang controlled areas. they've warned americans to travel at their own risk.
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haiti is on the brink of a potential civil war here. the gangs have control of about 80% of the capitol port-au-prince the international airport 4000 inmates have been released from two prisons thousands more have been left homeless from their homes and police stations being firebombed by these gangs .1.4 million face famine. the nonprofit project dynamo is working to evacuate at least three dozen americans from haiti by air and sea within days as americans face in extreme risk of being kidnapped. >> the number one funding source of the gangs, as they are is kidnappings. they are not squeamish about it. this is normal stuff for them. there will be a spike in them. so therefore we can conclude this cannot take weeks. >> and nine americans for the organization admission of grace are trapped in the south was part of the country where they fled with some 300 haitian
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orphans. miriam from jacksonville, florida said they been in contact with congressman florida governor desantis office but they have heard nothing yet about a plan. >> i am really saddens and i am mad and i am frustrated. we live in that country as free and powerful as the united states and we can help others secure their borders we can help others do different things but when it comes to americans being trapped in another country we are the last to get back home. >> last night we spoke to the mayor a border tending to medical public he said that der has been doing all it can to help us haitian neighbors but the international community needs to step up. >> we cannot allow it happen for instance in rwanda to repeat itself or there is a massacre, a genocide and that could happen in haiti at any moment. on the international community can prevent that tragedy.
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>> you are looking now at the gates entering that go into haiti. both sides of the border not only the dr site but also the united states are concerned a further collapse in haiti will lead to a new wave of haitian migrants at both borders. christina. >> brent yannis and credible reporting as always thank you so much. now, for more and all that's a spring at new york congresswoman nicole she serves on the house ways and means committee. nicole, thank you so much for joining us. i want to start off talking about senate majority leader chuck schumer. he noted on the senate floor he's the highest ranking jewish elected official in the u.s. and he is calling on israel to hold new elections. he said a two state solution is the only sustainable solution to the conflict. and he says benjamin netanyahu is on the four obstacles that stands in the way. take a listen to what he had to
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say. >> people on all sides of this war are turning away from the two state solution. including israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i believe in his heart he has his highest priority as is the security of israel. however, i also believe prime minister netanyahu has lost his way. >> he got swift the backlash that israel from the middle of a war. he is calling on them to have a new elections to change up their leader when you had to say about this? >> i am thinking center schumer's comments were unappropriate. they undermine prime minister netanyahu and our ally israel. we need to stand with israel at this time. it went to defeat terrorist, hamas and the jewish member of the reality is he's been on the wrong side of so many issues.
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not just this but he also supported the ironic deal which helped enrich ironic pit which helped support hamas. it is very unfortunate. israel's security is america's security president trump once again you saw how there was peace through strength but you suck israel gaining allies with arab nations in the middle east. we saw a piece and now we are seeing this type of activity from terrorists because of changes. the biden administration has made that has allowed iran to be enriched or paid their economically strangled and now they are enriched. you have a lot of left wing activist organization like code pink at the capitol. they have been a really going after the members particularly the democrats i think and i am concerned this is a pressure
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being placed from the west wing on democrats like senator schumer. they are starting to waver and their support of israel paired s how the democrats prevent the advancement of aid to israel and the house. they would not vote to advance the bill and the house. a clean bill. the senate has failed to pass a clean bill as well. so i am concerned. >> you are not the only one. also weighed in. he wrote this he said israel is a sovereign democracy. it is unhelpful all the more so israel is at war against a genocidal terror organization hamas to comment on the domestic political scene of a democratic ally part is counterproductive. you address this already. i just want to ask you, switch gears just a little bit. we brought in a lot were talking about a lot going on abroad we talk about haiti. the state department had announced earlier they said they
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do not have any evacuation plans in place. travel warnings in place telling people not to go to haiti. people say their need to be something the buy demonstration should be more prepared for americans who are trapped there. every go ahead and take a listen to what one republican had to say about this, this week. go ahead if we could play that. >> the problem is the biden administration has said nothing in haiti. three years ago almost three years of the present of haiti was assassinated. we could have seen this a mile away that haiti was going to dissolve into a nonstate, into chaos. >> considering all the political instability there, do you think the biden administration should have more of a plan to get americans out? >> that absently have a plan by now because we sell the biden administration failed to evacuate american citizens within afghanistan we seen this happen with ukraine. we have seen happen most recently in israel. remember we had to put so much
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pressure to get military aircraft's on the ground to evacuate american citizens from these places particularly israel was the latest now to see this happening again in haiti american citizens left behind is crazy. these guys are providing an app to fly an individual's tumor to come and migrate to the united states from all over the world. and yet we cannot get our own american citizens home it is a disgrace. look at six embassies have failed under this administration have closed have evacuated under this administration would need to do more to protect american citizens. >> that's certainly what a lot of people are saying thank you so much congresswoman, thank you. >> thank you. >> the city of miami is cracking down on spring breakers after two deadly shootings last year. as a result many looking to enjoy their spring break a flock we have more coming up. than tylenol rapid release gels
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(police sirens) active ten eighty nine. the threat says, “the bombs will blow up tonight. jews will die. they deserve to die.” get everybody and just come to our church. thank you for welcoming us in. and now, we call elliot to the torah as a bar mitzvah.
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was to come here. he mentioned lester's chaos in miami beach there's over 500
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arrests and two people killed in the large crowds. the latest example of spring break violence happen just south of daytona beach thursday. police say a 16-year-old pointed a gun at spring breakers on a beach. thankfully no one was hurt the state attorney said the teen will be tried as an adult. but here in fort lauderdale police say they have not run into much trouble it yet. they say things have been all fun and no issues so far. spring breakers here are definitely enjoying the time. >> the plane leave at 7:58 a.m. this morning we left ohio at 5:15 a.m. and we came straight to the beach. quick started boxer from local shops planning to wander around and make memories progress to getting drinks, getting started early then we are going home eating, sleeping and regenerating by ni nighttime air out again. >> i'm sure things will continue to pick up perhaps get a little
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bit more rowdy, st. patrick's day is tomorrow of course but the mayor here says it this weekend and next weekend are the times they are expecting the largest crowds. christina. >> hopefully things take home for now looks like a great stay i'm a little jealous of medicine thank you so much. all right, and district attorney fani willis and the election case against her president trump and now the one time paramore she hired as prosecutors stepped down so how does this impact the former president's legal issues? we will ask our expert coming up. ♪ ealth? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ we are continuing to monitor today's top story out of trenton, new jersey the suspect is shooting and hostage situation is now in police custody. 26-year-old andre gordon allegedly killed the stepmother,
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13 year old sister and the mother of his two children and bucks county, pennsylvania and for carjacking salmon and driving to a home in trenton, new jersey. police say gordon took three hostages at this home. but they were evacuated and were not hurt. the suspect apparently left the house during the standoff and was arrested after an eyewitness spotted him and called 911. >> former president donald trump hold a rally in ohio earlier today he addressed a number of topics including the southern border crisis and how it is affecting smaller communities throughout the united states. >> they have illegally crossed our southern border and that is what happened this animal came in and bradley would have be alive today if he had not released his attack on america but instead of apologizing to her family, joe biden apologized to the killer for calling him an
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illegal, i should not have done that. i am so sorry. i should not have called him an illegal i am so sorry. i would like to apologize to the killer. he is more concerned with the killer he could not even pronounce her name right. he is more concerned with the killer then he is with her and that is the problem where they are more concerned with criminals than the people of our country that built our country and are keeping our country afloat because that the policies they have all you can do is keep it afloat. you'll be lucky if you do that and let me tell you seven months is not a long time in one way. and another time it is eternity because these guys could do damage like nobody has ever but i don't know they either hate our country or they are grossly incompetent. i did a great job on the board of the border was terrible but it was peanuts by comparison to what it is now it's like a little tiny small percentage.
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now, nobody has ever had to go through this nobody ever. no one has been hurt by joe biden's a migrant invasion more than our great african-american and hispanic american communities but you know that, right? they are taking your jobs and creating lots of problems. you know who else it hurt? people on social security because your social security will be destroyed by the people coming in. there are too many of them, it is not sustainable. joe biden is costing you medicare and he is costing you your social security. >> and as lucas tomlinson reported on our show president biden will speak at the annual gridiron club dinner in washington d.c. later this evening. the former lover of embattled fulton county georgia district attorney fani willis has resigned a special prosecutor in the trump election battling case. nathan awaits a decision came just hours after judge ruled either wade or willis would have to step aside.
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wade's departure may have solve some problems for willis but she could still face a rocky road ahead but let's bring in j town former u.s. attorney for the northern district of alabama. jay, thank you so much for joining us. how will all of this affect trump's case there in georgia? >> the option box continues to fill up for all of the defendants that are remaining in the fulton county case. there currently are a number of emotions that can be filed. the defendants and trump especially could ask for a certificate of appeal so they can appeal judge mcafee's disqualification order. they can ask for a motion to reconsider and then reopen the evidence. remember the defense had witnesses come forward after fani willis' testimony saying
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that's not what she told me or at least some evidence to corroborate the story this relationship began before nathan wade was hired. they also have the ability to subpoena the actual text of the text messages those 10,000 texts before november of 2021. they have the ability to get those and they could introduce those and have judge mcafee reconsider his order and finally and this is important. every defendant whether you don't like trump or love him to death every defendant has a right to a partial jury. fani willis is on her best to make sure the jury pool in fulton county, georgia is forever tainted in fact, just recently if you can believe this, it's being reported she said she was the best district attorney in the country. i've spent my entire adult life as a prosecutor some would say at a fairly high level and i can tell you this, of the total pole
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of the best days in the country fani willis is not on the 200 acres on which that totem poles sit sprayed the best d.a. in the country does not have bar complaints, ethics complaints, probes by the united states congress and the georgia state senate. they also don't have six charges dismissed and disqualification hearing where the person who was her judgment to bring on the case as the lead prosecutor was dismissed by the judge and then finally, this is what this case is. ice cream socials with a special grand jury foreman as they are considering charges for all these defendants she is not a serious prosecutor regardless of her prior experience. she should be removed by the attorney general and the state of georgia very soon. you're going to start hearing chris carter's name come up quite a bit in the news in the next several weeks. >> you know, there are so many people who agree with you critics of her say she is on
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trustworthy at this point, unprofessional rebuts the judge said that. exactly. how do you think this is going to impact voters for the election the national election? >> so far and i am not a political analyst but so far this has been or rocket fuel for donald trump's campaign. every time there's a superseding indictment every time one of these cases drop i think people really do see her for what she is. her this case for what it is. alvin bragged the same thing. and a lot of the chargers if not all of them in the federal trial. i think it is showing people called a two-tiered system of justice. i don't know if that's actually accurate. there is a system for the rest of us and then there's one for trump. he is being treated unfairly paid that seems to be very easy to see when you see four to $50 million verdict for a
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financial crime that never took place and there were no victims. so i do think, go ahead sorry. >> i just wanted to ask what you thought about the judge in this mcafee i understand he is up for election. do you think of politics played a role in his ruling? >> well, he sure went out of his way to really not implicate fani willis at all. his old boss by the way in the lead a law-enforcement officer in fulton county, georgia to really not implicate her too much. the fact he's drawing these comparisons to king solomon and it was his judgment she has acted in a way that a reasonable person could think she is not exercising and i quote, independent professional judgment totally free of compromising influences. that is the actual legal standard to disqualify. and so what did mcafee do? he disqualified wade not the person that hired wade and created this mess, fani willis
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but wade it was not exactly a profile encourage this close to st. patrick's day and a fellow irishman i hate to say that about judge mcafee may be he is from the southern part of ireland. it really was a very poor opinion. i don't think anyone is celebrating. they might be celebrating his ruling but certainly not the logic within it. >> i just have to ask about this it felt like we were watching some kind of soap opera play out. [laughter] when she testified she's spitting out these different quotes i will even know. tell me what was your reaction to her demeanor during all this? >> that is the thing that sometimes gets lost in this back-and-forth. our prosecutor's job is not to just go to court and prove a case. they actually bring with them all the virtues of the criminal justice system. all of those equities are continually weighed on a daily
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basis. not just by the cases they bring but also the manner in which they conduct themselves in front of a tribunal. she embarrassed every prosecutor in this country with her testimony and the way she has behaved since a parrot or public statements, what some folks might call forensic misconduct during the course it really started when she was subpoenaed to be deposed in nathan wade's divorce and it has kind of continued since. she is not helping the criminal justice system. trust and confidence in the criminal justice system by the public is so fundamental and the cornerstone of the system itself but she has done her level best to destroy that in just a few short months it is really remarkable that she has the audacity to not see that and possibly recuse herself as jonathan our friend has suggested that she will never do that because even nathan wade
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resigned in the interest of democracy not the interest of justice that's all you need to know about those two. >> she certainly did not help in gaining the public's trust in our criminal justice system with her behavior. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> rescue teams are searching through the rubble of homes after tornadoes tore through parts of ohio. we'll have the latest on recovery efforts up next. most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. you know that thing your family does?
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no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> at least three people are dead after a tornado hit ohio. the sheriff of logan county said the storm was like a quote bomb going off for the f3 twister was one of nine that touched down in the buckeye state on thursday. rescue teams are still searching for people in the debris but
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downed power lines and trees are making some areas inaccessible. winds at dying down in the area throughout the night. a chance of rain it may make search and rescue operations even more difficult heard fox weathered meteorologist adam klotz is live with the forecast. say christina. in the outbreak we saw thursday night into friday morning. ohio included every one of these red boxes there is a tornado awarded storm. we sought 90 of those and a bunch every thing in the yellow severe warned thunderstorms but that area largely cleared up right now. this is what looks like currently a couple spots we are tracking some rain moving mostly cross portions of michigan, ohio and back towards indiana. no concerns for this being severe just a little colder a little bit rainy as we head to the overnight hours for the next system to pay attention to his down on the southern end of the stretch. we see thunderstorms looking across portions of texas, eastern texas ultimate going to be lifting up into oklahoma and
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a portions of arkansas as well. the best chance for severe weather for the rest of this evening heading into the overnight hours is a little further south down in texas. this is to on the scale of five. everything likely stormed is going to improve big areas like sanitation getting up close to houston. just outside of the austin area. but kind of weather customer probably severe thunderstorm therthere's a low-end risk heref seeing possible tornadoes that is just on the low end but it does include areas like san antonio over towards houston and austin. otherwise a big weather story look across the country a lot of folks have realized this is very mild here on the eastern half of the country. cooler on the western half of the country but if you are enjoying that it has been a little unrealistic produce a big switch the weather has been above average in the eastern united states. colder out west. that is flipping it's currently starting to flip may be folks are noticing them a little cooler where they are. warmers going to build in the western states and it is going to cool off a little bit for folks in the east estates.
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it is still spring we get the shifts in the weather and that is why we see severe weather as well. >> we will hopefully people will be able to stay safe i'm concerned about the tornado ones i have lots of family there in texas. adam thank you so much for the update. all right, st. patrick's day may not be until tomorrow but these celebrations have started early. take a look at this earth cam shot of dublin, ireland for and how cool is that it's nearly 11:00 p.m. there more st. patrick's day sites in the sounds of just ahead. ♪ (woman) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,
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or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ gotta love it. thousands of people lined fifth avenue in new york city for the annual st. patrick's day parade for the big apple procession is considered to be the oldest and largest of its kind in the world. that windy city has a tradition of its own chicago river goes green in honor of st. patrick's day per the decades-old tradition dates back to 1962 when plumbers initially use
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green dye to identify leaky pipes allowing sewage into the water. learn something new every day. the die is harmless to wildlife and only last for a few hours. here are some of the other headlines from around the globe. and russia voters heading to the polls for the presidential election which is expected for o formalize six more years of power for vladimir putin and north korea at kim jong-un own is seen watching a military exercise with his daughter. paratrooper simulate an attack on an enemy location under kim's watchful eye. in hong kong 12 people took part in pro-democracy protest back in 2019 were sentenced earlier today that includes actor gregory wong who got six years in prison. ana wells, will become the first black leader of the country's government after winning the labor leadership contest earlier today. and in mexico city a hundred stretch out for a massive nap to commemorate world sleep day. that sounds kind of nice.
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[laughter] the gathering as a protest pushing for sleep to be considered an essential part of health and wellness. and in england a newborn white rhino wobbles around the zoo zoo staffers called this cutie a quote giant a bundle of joy. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. ♪ a rare giraffe's board at another zoo and the uk it's all caught on camera you will not want to miss it. that is next. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash
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you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile.
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you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. ramzia saw this matzah that the fellowship brought her for passover. ramzia was so excited... it brings up memories of faith and family from her childhood. i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". please call or go online now and say,
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"i will bless his people israel". ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪
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♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ don and november and -- throughout the winter. single golf ball size blueberry has a pie-in-the-sky fame. guinness world records says heaviest blueberry ever at 20.4 grams. it was grown in australia, the barry took 12 months to go and 4.2 grams heavier than the previous record. check this out, a beautiful moment caught on camera at an english do, one of the jews draft gave birth to the so goal baby, so cute. 2500 of them the entire world, the zoo is unsure if it's a boy or girl but i do know the ways about 150 pounds and stand 6 feet tall. so cute.
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[laughter] you know what? from baby draft -- what you have to say about the cute animals? >> i know everyone loves the babies but what do you do with a giant blueberry? is a goat and a muffin, do you? pancakes? i'm a blueberry fan, i think most people -- i left blueberries. antioxidants and it's great. i love blueberries. i tried to have them at least once a week. split it up and make some pies and pancakes. [laughter] thanks so much. that's it. fox reports march 16, 2024. i am in for jon scott. i'll see you right here tomorrow. ♪ ♪


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