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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  March 28, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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could it be the last opening day in oakland? the a's start their opening season tonight and many fans are already lining up not to go in, but to boycott the team in their owner. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we were outside oakland coliseum this afternoon talking to fans ahead of first pitch.
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we are also looking at snow hitting the sierra. if you have plans to head there for the easter holiday, heads up. also, we sit down one-on-one with the outgoing san jose police chief. he tells us his proudest and most challenging moments. major upgrade to make san jose safer, we check out a new firefighter training center that was needed. let's begin with all the excitement surrounding baseball's opening day. a's start their opening season at home in less than three hours but could this be their last one in oakland?
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a little windy outside oakland coliseum. i know there is a planned boycott of tonight's game so what is the scene like that out there right now? >> yeah, gates just opened up. there was supposed to open up at 5:00 but they opened up early so you can see right now all these fans that are going to be boycotting today's game are out here setting up all the festivities. we have a couple of different fan groups out here, oakland 68s, last dive bar and many others who are hosting today's boycott. they are calling this a boycott. also a tailgate. there's going to be food and games but really, the messages they still want john fisher in the ownership of the a's to sell the team. they want oakland to still continue to have the a's here rooted in oakland but as we know, the move to las vegas was approved last fall but these fans are still holding on to hope. they expect tens of thousands of people to come to tonight's game and are hoping that many of them will spend time right
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here boycotting and instead of spending money inside the stadium, spend money to keep the a's here in oakland. >> we know the a's are planning to play in vegas in three years. that's a while, right? there is a question on where they're going to play between now and then. what is the latest on the negotiations between oakland in the a's? >> that is an ongoing conversation because the lease for them to play here is done at the end of the season, so where do they go next? that is what the city, county and a's are currently in discussions about. they had a meeting last month and will have one again in a couple of days to talk about a possible lease extension. they have also floated the idea of maybe going to sacramento are salt lake city and playing in those ballparks as well until theirs is done in vegas in 2028. >> thank you so much for that update out there in oakland today. as for the joints, they opened up their season in san diego this afternoon.
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many new faces on the team so lots of optimism that they can get back into the playoffs this year. it actually started off well for the giants. they took their lead early in the beginning but giants did lose this one 6-4. not to worry though. giants will have so many more games, 161 to go. let's talk about those chain controls now in effect along i have an 80 and highway 50 after a heavy dose of snow in the sierra. road conditions are quickly changing for drivers now. this is video from along i-80. snow-covered roads, low visibility forcing drivers to slow down out there. those without chain controls were forced to install them and travelers say they were not prepared for the rapidly changing conditions. >> so far, it was fine until he started climbing through 80. once we started hitting the snow it got real bad. >> as slow. take your time. when they say chains, don't wait. just put the chains on. >> we've got to listen to
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samantha because it is hard driving in the snow and i know some people who were planning to go to tahoe this weekend and just change their minds. >> yeah, the window of opportunity -- we had an expired advisory as of 11:00 a.m. this morning but more active weather on the way so even though we are getting a brief break from the rain we have a lot more snow. this is a different view from lake tahoe right now. 37 degrees out there and it does look like by the time we get to tomorrow, a new winter storm warning will go into effect so stay in touch with us. let's look at it local here. we will certainly let you know what's going on in the sierra. currently across the bay, we do have some of that cloud cover. we saw those early morning showers, as well, and let's
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look at what storms are in the skies. we have scattered activity to our north, but the next system is just lining up. you can see it right here on satellite radar. this is going to sweep in late night to early morning tomorrow. over the next couple of hours, aside from cloud cover, we should be okay in the 50s for san francisco. san jose right now is about 63 degrees. wind speeds are nice and calm, but as that cold front moves through by tomorrow, we notice wind speeds kicking up. by about 4:00 a.m. we get the light rain moving through. that means your morning commute tomorrow will have pockets of time where it's going to be more moderate, heavy and continue this way through friday afternoon into the evening where we see heavier pockets of the cold front passing through. also there is going to be the possibility of thunderstorms developing into saturday behind that cold front. you are going to notice wind speeds kicking up. for friday we have 50s in the forecast. 59 for san jose. 57 in oakland, 57 for san francisco so daytime highs will
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be comfortable in the 50s leading into saturday but again, check the travel conditions and be sure to join us at 5:00. saturday will be the official last day on the job for san jose's police chief. after 28 years on the force, chief morris is moving on to lead the investigations team at the attorney's office. he sat down for an exit interview. the chief said in his three years as san jose's top cup, he had to rebuild the trust of the community after the defense the police movement. there was also the challenge of a myriad of officers themselves getting in trouble with the law. that actually led to a watershed moment where the chief personally walked one of those officers out after firing him. he had a parting message to his officers. >> don't forget why you took this oath, why you wear this
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badge. just keep on working hard because we have something special here. >> anthony mata points to the homicide unit in the 100% solubility rate and an effort to eliminate biases. also in san jose, firefighters opened a new training center today. there's also a new operations center in the event of a disaster. ian cole got a look inside and joins us now. talk to us about why all of this is so important. >> you know, the fire chief said training is such a huge part of the firefighters job so this will really make san jose safer. firefighters held a demonstration giving media and officials there glimpse of what the training looks like. that
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six story tower is different than anything the department has had before. that is because they have had a lot of configurations in the inside mimics a lot of environments firefighters might encounter out in the field. there is even a spot meant to look like a garage. training leaders will set certain things inside on fire than cruise practice putting them out. the fire chief says this site has been badly needed. >> believe or not, i've been in the department almost 35 years now and our old training center was old when i started so we are in a facility that is long overdue. >> you also got a tour of the new emergency operation center. >> yes, and this is at the same location. this is where officials will monitor disasters, an earthquake or flood or other emergency situations. there is updated technology inside and it is about five
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times larger than the last operation center. there is also a large communications tower that could send vital information during a disaster. >> this will provide space for city employees to monitor emergency situations, communicate to the public and quickly disseminate resources. >> all this is paid with measure t funds, which voters passed back in 2018. you will see more of that facility coming up in our story at 6:00. san francisco is getting a special visit this week from a very special ship. that, you see right there is the u.s. in as harvey milk passing under the golden gate bridge this afternoon. it is the first navy ship to be named after an opening -- openly person. harvey milk was killed along with mayor george moscone he. he actually served in the navy during the korean war what -- but was discharged after being questioned about his sexuality.
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the ship is here for a special vietnam war veterans day tomorrow. the event is closed to the public but this ship can be seen docked at pier 30 from the embarcadero. look at this. the chase, crash, and a big surprise. two chp officers found behind the wheel after a large taste in southern california. also, are you accidentally putting non-recyclable trash in the blue been? it's actually a common problem in san jose and now the city is stepping up its efforts to fix it. vianey arana is joining us once again to show us how it all works but before we had to break, we would like to know what trending story would you like to see later on in this newscast? i have a pull up right now on my instagram. vote for one of the stories you see right here. mcdonald's brings back popular items,,
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it was quite a surprise for a chp officer after a chase that started in orville yesterday morning. the officer spotted a car that was stopped in the middle of an intersection, told the driver to move, but instead, the car took off leading to a short chase. that chase ended in a dirt lot near an elementary school. chp says the driver reversed the car, rammed into the patrol car and when the officer got out, he was surprised to find a nine-year-old boy behind the wheel. yes, nine years old. the boy said he took his mom's car because he wanted to drive himself to school. there was slight damage to the patrol car. it seems no one was hurt. chp says the boy was sent to school after the call the parents and principal.
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california lawmakers are proposing a safety measure to help protect kids while walking and biking to school called the safer school zones act. state assembly member mark berman announced the plan at castle mark elementary in campbell. the school is just blocks away from the spot you might remember where the driver hit and killed eight-year-old jacob villanueva while walking to school. the plan would lower the speed limit in school zones to 20 miles per hour or less and also establish a more straight forward time standard for speed zones instead of signs that say when children are present. >> the hours include flexibility for communities to alter hours if those hours don't make sense based on the circumstances in that area. >> assembly member berman's office says california is one
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of nine states with a school zone speed limit greater than 20 miles per hour. only six other states mandate the use of when children are present signage. san jose has a recycling problem, not the people don't recycle enough. it is more that people are putting things in the blue bin that don't belong so san jose is re-educating people on what you can recycle and what you cannot. here to tell us more is meteorologist vianey arana. >> you know, i think for the most part, if people were already taking the time to actually place things in those recycling bins they're putting forth a positive effort so your thinking okay, i did my job. i separated and put my stuff in the recycling bin and it most cases you would think that would work. however, by this point we've seen a lot of studies and according to the epa, they say of the nearly 300 million tons of waste generated in the u.s.,
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only 94 million tons were recycled and composted in 2018. that's about 32%. there are millions of tons managed through food pathways and epa says that number is low even though it is estimated that around 75% can, in fact, the recycles -- recycled. there is something called recycling contamination, hence confusion with the blue bins. what san jose is doing is inspecting blue bins and giving feedback by using these stickers. these are the ones you see on your screen here and you can see there in the reddit says whoops and try again along with guidance on what can go in there and what cannot. you also see the green one that says good job. what i like about these stickers as they also have the little images along with the list and a breakdown of what should and should not go in there so they are pretty detailed as far as i was in whoops? it gives you a good picture
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description there. i think it is excellent because people who are already putting forth an effort means they've probably done some research of what might be a better idea to just toss everything and have it end up in the landfill. >> that honestly would be very helpful to me. i'm always confused. i'm always trying to recycle correctly. there are some things that are a little confusing. you mentioned recycling contamination. what does that mean? >> that's a great question. just to give you an idea, think about a pizza box. there is grease on their and soil that is wet, so those sorts of things make an impact to recycled material so if you are tossing out cans, you have got to make sure you do about the liquids first before tossing them in. it cross contaminate everything as far as liquids go. another thing we've mentioned, those large laundry detergent bottles -- a lot of those say they can be recycled but you have to rinse those out with water so there is an added layer of effort but i think once most people become aware of it, it could just become part of the process to safely
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get those in because if those items get wet, they can't actually process them through the recycling machine that the facilities, then they get sorted then they end up in the landfill side versus the recycle side of things. we did reach out to the city of san jose environmental department to ask about percentages and what they hope this program will tackle. >> in san jose we have a very high diversion right, so for our residential program, 70% of the material that is collected at residences is diverted from landfill, which is a really good number. what we are noticing is the percentage of contaminations that are items in the recycling carts that are not recyclable, that is the number we are dealing with right now so it is currently about 50%, so about half of what is in recycling carts is not recyclable. >> okay, but she's talking about contamination so do they have anything in place for when
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i think about contamination cell phone, maybe a light bulb, batteries and also what about those that have like a crv refund? >> great questions there and they do actually have separate programs where you can sign up for a free pickup of items like batteries, light bulbs and things like mattresses, old furniture. so, instead of going and dumping them on the side of the road, which you should not do, you can make a phone call. they come pick it up completely free, safely toss those items and as far as refund items go, they have recently added things like wine bottles to where you can get a refund. that is another great thing to add in there but their website contains a lot of fantastic information in english, spanish, vietnamese along with guidance and a detailed list of where you can call, who comes and picks it up.
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you can set up a date and time that works for you. >> so helpful. >> we are all doing our part. it's good to keep on learning and growing. there is a new server getting a lot of attention at a seafood restaurant in the east bay. it is actually a robot. there it is, now serving guests in concord. it has been nicknamed rosie the robot. rosie can serve up to three tables at once unless the whole shift once fully charged. she even sings happy birthday. the robot is a big hit with the kids. it has really helped out during the dinner rush. >> it helps a ton, especially on weekends when even all the servers are really busy, the runners are doing -- helping with hosting, so we are just putting the food on the robot. people yesterday actually came in. they're like, is rosie here today? we are like yeah.
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she is up and running. >> right now rosie is helping with appetizers and drinks. the restaurant says it saves the main entries for humans to serve. i have seen one of those robots before eating out with my kids. they love -- they can even focus on anything else. they can even focus on the food. >> audrey, we have a lot going on at 5:00. covid, flu. we talked about the mall now whooping cough, an outbreak of the highly contagious respiratory infection. most of the cases are tied to a high school in the north bay. what precautions health and officials are now encouraging. is the tenure of the vision zero program, the city's plan to drop pedestrian and bicycle traffic deaths to zero. that lofty goal is not met but the city has made dozens of safety changes over the past decade. a look at the successes and the
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problems that still exist problems that still exist coming up at 5:00. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine.
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so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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here is the top trending story voted by you on my instagram poll. spicy mcnuggets are back at mcdonald's. the fan favorite item is back for a limited time. they were introduced in 2020 and they have been on and off the menu since then. starting this week they will be made available at select locations in a few cities across the country, including san francisco. and i will be posting links for the other stories on my instagram. a 49er is searching for something very valuable. the retired linebacker says he lost his 1989 championship ring
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when it slipped off his finger. christopher washington now lives in gilbert, arizona. he said the ring slipped off his finger while he and his wife were out running errands earlier this month. >> to make it to the nfl and then to make it to the super bowl? it's driving me crazy. i wouldn't want to believe i left it somewhere or dropped it somewhere. >> the couple retraced their steps with no luck. now, their only hope is that someone else might've picked it up and returned it. thank you so much for joining us at four 13 janel is0.
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right now at 5:00, piecing together a fatal police shooting. what police are telling us about why officers opened fire on a mother after she shot her
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own son. also, a bay area county is keeping a close eye after dozens of students come down with whooping cough. let's go outside. a live look. more dark clouds. the latest timeline on when the next storm moves into the bay area. happy thursday, everyone. news at 5:00 starts right now. i am janelle wang. a neighborhood in pacifica is recovering after a daylong drama that happened yesterday when a woman shot her own son. fortunately, he survived that when the mother drove off she had a confrontation with officers and was killed by police. >> reporter: it is finally come today of the stretch of san francisco boulevard. the only remnants of the strange double shooting in the neighborhood are pieces of police yellow tape and frayed
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nerves. many neighbors watch the situation unfold yesterday. around 8:00 a.m., police and chp officers responded to a report from a man who said he had been shot by his mother inside their apartment home on san francisco boulevard near highway 101. police say the woman was in her white suv surrounded by officers when she pulled out a firearm and was promptly shot and killed. her neighbor says the situation hunter. >> it did hit me last night. >> which part hit you the hardest? >> i think just the part about a person been shot and dying in the parking lot. >> reporter: the district attorney says by the way the woman responded the way she did is a focus of the investigation. >> she had an operable firearm,


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