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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 30, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests bowen yang, kara swisher everybody! aric imporota and the 8g band. thanks for watching. we love you everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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right now at 11:00, not done yet. the heaviest rain may be behind us, but there is more headed our way this holiday weekend. the latest on to hit the bay area packed a punch this evening. so, for the streets, even bringing down trees and some spots. >> and it is not just the rain and the wind, snow is falling in the sierra. take a look at this, causing problems along the roads, chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri has tracking this radar behind you, still pretty active. >> that storm system is still spinning offshore right now, and it will continue to move through this weekend. rainfall totals impressive, if you are a all this afternoon, you are driving through it and it cut visibility down quite a bit between 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, hi picked up over an inch,
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napa, 65 hundredths, san jose at 41 hundredths. we do have some scattered rain. i do want to check the top two areas, the first one here, along the peninsula, it has been picking up. this is moving off to the north and east. it will have more on that heavy rain in oakland, hayward, 42, and up to the south, the santa cruz mountains with that rain increasing, this will be moving off by 11:38 tonight. so, as we had through this weekend, we will continue with these on-again off-again rain chances, and with that, isolated wind gusts your 15-35, some small hail and thunderstorms and sierra snow still going to stack up. overall anywhere from 4-8 inches and higher elevations. we've got a look at your easter morning forecast. i will be back with that in about eight minutes. >> and nbc bay area's jocelyn moran standing by, and jostle, this has a lot of people rethinking their plans. >> reporter: that's right, we
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did see some rain here, we have a little bit of a sprinkle going on here, but overall it was not too bad. most of it actually happened earlier this evening, but as far as this weekend, some are choosing to stay home. others are sticking to their plant, rain or shine. a soggy evening commute for many across the bay area. windy and heavy showers, soaked roots in the south bay. the weather created some problems in sonoma county. a large oak tree came down on a senior center, damaging the roof. those inside were evacuated and thankfully no one was hurt. >> we heard a loud boom, and all headed out the door. hopefully after the tree gets removed from the roof, it will be reoccupied on monday. >> reporter: the bay area has experienced quite a few wet weekends recently. maureen expected this easter weekend. >> i'm honestly shocked. i thought that callie was supposed to be fun in the sun, you know, the beaches, playing with the beach balls, and it is not like that.
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>> reporter: tiara, and her boyfriend, planning on going to santa cruz tomorrow. rain or shine, they will not let the wet weather change their plans. >> to be honest, i think we will push through regardless. >> reporter: others are choosing to stay home. >> it is getting to the point where i can't even got and do things i want to do, without saying, let's chalk it up to the rain and not glad and stay home. >> reporter: with it being easter weekend, there are quite a few events happening around the bay area including san jose's spring extravaganza at history park. >> the possibility of rain has really affected how many people we think will come. last year we had nearly 2000 people in the park, but i don't think we will have that many this year. >> reporter: organizers are hoping around 300 people will show up this year and, if it does rain, they have got a backup plan, a trick-or-treat style egg hunt indoors. in san jose, jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. >> jocelyn, thank you. it has been tough on sierra roots tonight as well.
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snow and ice causing slick conditions for drivers. at one point i-80 was at a standstill, because of spin outs. and tonight, those crashes have been cleared, but it is still slow going around lake tahoe. this comes as many people are heading up to the ski resorts for the holiday weekend. during our 7:00 newscast i spoke with the director of communications at kelly pass resorts and he says there will be plenty of fresh pat around the slopes this weekend. >> we are looking at probably-- it's just say a minimum lake level 12 inches, but when you get down to the western slope we are looking 24 inches with a high. depending on aspect and elevation up to three feet. what a great way to wind up march, easter and well into april. >> and several tahoe ski resorts have announced that they are extending their season. sugar bowl and kirkwood are open till the end of april, and palisades tahoe plans to stay open until memorial day. and to the south of us, part of highway 1 is shut down tonight after heavy rain caused
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a landslide there. caltrans says the highway is closed right near the st. louis baseball monterey county line. not clear at this point that line will reopen. and it will be a busy weekend, you can track it can 24-7 on your phone, you have to do is use the camera on your phone to scan the qr code on your screen. that will take you straight to our app, where you can stay on top of the weather in your neighborhood. you can download our app for free. tonight, a new warning about the measles from bay area health officials as cases continue to climb across the country. the cdc has confirmed 97 cases of the highly contagious and dangerous virus so far this year. he just three months, that is higher than the total number of cases last year. the virus popping up from coast- to-coast, with cases reported in 17 states so far. five cases have been reported in california, since february. the cdc says most of them are linked to international travel. the bay area has three major airports, health leaders say anyone who is not vaccinated against the virus is at
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increased risk of getting infected. we spoke with a bay area health officer, who explain how to stay safe when traveling. >> checking to see, is there a measles outbreak going on in the country that maybe visiting, and, again, is your vaccination-- are you up-to- date on your back the nation, particularly the mmr vaccine, and if not, getting vaccinated ahead of time. >> measles affect the respiratory system and is especially dangerous for children. with an of the cases reported this year are in children younger than five. the cdc says vaccinated people rarely catch the virus and if they do, their incomes are less severe. tonight we are getting a look at the gun that san jose police say a man pointed at officers. it happened earlier this morning . investigator say officers were conducting a welfare check around 5:00 this morning, when a man shot at them twice. officers did fire back, but with nonlethal rounds. no one was hurt.
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they then negotiated with that man who surrendered about an hour and half later. his sister tells us he was having a mental health crisis and she appreciates the officer's levelheaded response. fighting crime with cameras . 8:80 in oakland tonight, it is one of the freeway is slated to get more security cameras amid growing concerns about the violence plaguing that city. and governor newsom made that announcement today. nearly 500 cameras will be installed along the east bay freeways and around the city of oakland. both city and community leaders say these cameras are long overdue. nbc bay area's pete suratos has the details. >> i think it is greatness to have cameras, because we have been pushing to have cameras for the past four years. >> reporter: oakland chinatown community leader, pearl chances more surveillance cameras in the city will only make the community safer. that is why he is supportive of governor newsom's decision to install 480 cameras along east bay freeways and on the streets
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of oakland. shootings continue to be an issue along bay area freeways, with this shocking the hp dash cam video showing a road rage freeway shooting on wednesday, along 880 north and union city. chp reporting another shooting along 580 in oakland taking place this morning. it was in reference to a shooting death of harold jasper wu, who was shot while asleep in his car's seat in his.'s car as he drove one 880. it prompted a call to action from the community for safer freeways. chan fuels their demands are finally being heard. >> 70 shootings on the freeway, so, those cameras will definitely be helping us to solve crimes. >> reporter: 290 cameras will be in all the long surface streets in oakland, with an additional 190 cameras being placed along east bay freeways. the city confirms the oakland cameras mentioned by the governor are the same cameras, mayor shane towle promised in october. an oakland councilmember exploit how they will be
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throughout the city. >> we know they will go in hotspots, our police chief and commencing have already decks designated areas. >> reporter: however, some community groups aren't on board and feel that investing in violence prevention programs is a better use of state funds. >> why don't we make sure that the things that are working right now in the city of oakland orange torn apart? do to the budget crisis? >> reporter: installation of these cameras will take months to complete, but the process will begin in the next three days, and with those cameras to go up it will store footage for up to 28 days. in the east bay, pete suratos, nbc bay area news. thank you. some of oakland's employers have a plan of their own to make downtown save her. the $10 million effort was announced jointly by blue shield of california, the clorox company, kaiser permanente, and pg&e. they say their goal is to make
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the city safe for everyone, including their employees. that includes extra police patrols, expansion of a city ambassador program and money to pay for transportation for employees to and from central transit hubs. >> we feel it is important, as a company, to be a good corporate citizen and so, when we see oakland having these challenges, we think it is important to try and step up and help the community at a time of need, and so, we are hopeful that this program is not only something that helps our employees feel more safe emma but it really helps oakland get back on the path that we would like to see it on. >> the funds, months after several of the same companies began urging employees not to leave work for lunch, due to safety concerns. a special sendoff for a shift named after harvey milk was met with protesters with an end to the israel-hamas war. several people were detained by police. you see there? protesters showed up at peers 30 and 32 in san francisco. that is where the u.s. harvey milk is city, it is a feeling
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of supply ship. the celebration was happening on board when at least a demonstrate is made their way onto the ships getting way. protesters say that they were chosen, because they heard the ship was headed to the middle east, but the cruise says that is not the case, the ship will be in virginia for the next two years. well, it is down to the wire as of this evening, joe simitian is leading evan low by four votes this is in san mateo county's. now, former san mateo mayor, sam liccardo has clinched the top spot, either joe simitian or low may advance. san mateo county's must complete their accounts and turning official results by thursday. the secretary of state will certify the result on april 12th, but it not be a done deal. either campaign could call for a recount. another united airlines flight is diverted, took off
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from sfo from paris last night, but was diverted to denver. the crew reported an issue with one of the plate's engines. you can see a map of the diversion here. the airline says the plane was a boeing 777 coming after boeing ceo, david calhoun says he will step down at the end of the year. he says this is actually part of a broader management checkup, following a series of mishaps, not due to the recent series of the united maintenance issues. there have been several issues of united bay area flights, including one that lost a real after taking off at sfo earlier this month. that plane was also a boeing 777. a major bay area airport may get a new name. the oakland airport is considering changing its name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. the airport code, o.a.k. will not change. it is all to encourage people
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to travel to and from oakland. commissioners who run the airport will consider the name change on april 11th. we are back in 60 seconds. just ahead, hidden apartments inside caltrans stations, and your taxpayer dollars paid for it. two employees and a lot of trouble tonight. two top-secret construction projects. plus what happened next? the dangerous and very difficult work now underway at the scene of that bridge collapse in baltimore. i am chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri, we are keeping close tabs on your easter weekend, and look at this, a window of dry coming in for easter morning, just in time. we will have chilly temperatures though in the 40s and 50s and then, as we had through the afternoon, thunderstorm chances will be back here so, if you have any easter egg hunt happening on sunday morning it looks excellent. okay also co
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tonight's special equipment is in place in baltimore, as crews worked to clear the wreckage of that bridge collapse. the cargo ship that crashed into multiple barges arrived in the harbor today. one of them carrying the biggest crane on the east coast. in the meantime, the army corps of engineers is using underwater drones and sonar to map the precise location of the wreckage, and then lay out a detailed knowledge plan for
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divers. we have also learned president biden plans to add to baltimore next week. ntsb investigators are still gathering evidence on the ship. six construction workers were killed on the bridge collapse tuesday morning. it is a story that has gone viral pretty fast, a caltrain manager and contractor are now facing felony charges, accused of using about 50,000 taxpayer dollars to build their own personal apartment inside two caltrain stations. nbc bay area's emma goss spoke to them about what these consequences these men could face. >> reporter: the first apartment was built inside here, the first caltrain station, the other in millbury. both facilities are not being used by the public, which is how they were able to go unnoticed for so long. it is a crime that baffles san mateo's county district attorney. >> there is no explanation for
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what they did, other than they took advantage of a situation and used our taxpayers dollars to do it. >> reporter: joe navarro, deputy of operations at seth worden, a contractor working as the station manager, are you accused of spending thousands of taxpayer dollars to illegally converged closed down caltrain offices into their private homes. complete with showers, heating and security cameras. >> particularly the one in burlington stated the nicest job on that, they spent $42,000 to put in a shower, a bed, a kitchenette, and basically made it a mini apartment. >> reporter: the da's office declined to share photos of the two apartments. both men had apartments of their own, yet worden lived in millbrae station in 2020. he was eventually discovered in an inspection and probably fired. according to the da's office, navarro allegedly renovated and occupied the early game station 2019-2022, when an anonymous caller tipped off caltrain. the transportation agency then
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reported the matter to the da's office, which began investigating last may. the two men are accused of working together on the illegal homes. ward have hired contractors to do the remodel sent navarro approved the expenses. the invoices were small enough not to raise alarms, according to the da. >> because mr. navarro was in management of caltrain, and their rules were that any invoice under 3000 is not require higher approval, mr. navarro could approve it. >> reporter: the contractor was a rated superior court when they had pled not guilty. navarro is due to be arrayed in april. the charges come with maximum sentences of five years in state prison. in redwood city, emma goss, nbc bay area news. >> amy, thank you. this could be egg and ginger for some families trying to make it in the bay, more affordable housing is now available in san jose. a ribbon-cutting was held at the thalia apartments on south basket avenue in the cambria
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neighborhood. it features apartments for low income families. the apartment was built, using income from the county and the housing trust in silicon valley. leaders say the site was picked because it is so close to grocery stores, public transportation and schools. >> jeff ranieri here now, and jeff behind you there's still so much green. i know, in the years in the past week that sunshine, 70s and 80s, but not this weekend. we still have this rainfall hanging in the forecast. right now storm ranger and doppler radar, we will put a track on this moderate and heavier rainfall. it will be moving through 11:28 walnut creek by 11:43 and overall this weekend it is basically this slow-moving storm system that is getting down towards southern california, all the way through easter. so, that will bring more of this rain and also these chilly temperatures. let me get you those hourly timelines here. on the rated what we can expect. and as we move it through
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tomorrow morning, right here at 7:00 a.m. you will see scattered rain, a chance for thunderstorms, have the umbrella, have your jacket out, just keep it with you today, because we will get these rain moving in from the south as we had through the afternoon. but again, the good part about this is for easter morning, if you are heading to church, getting together with family, friends, doing any kind of easter egg hunts, right now the forecast is locked in with dry weather. now, we will still mainly have a lot of clouds, but we could have some sun breaks trying to get in there, and as we roll through the afternoon we will have a chance for a few spotty thunderstorms popping back up again. so, rainfall totals tomorrow averaging about a quarter inch and then, as we had through easter sunday it's only trace amounts to about a 10th of an inch. so, still some rain chances with us, but it doesn't look like nonstop rain all weekend long. maybe you can relax the rest of the weekend. it is going to be called down to 40. the peninsula over to the east a, 46 and for the north bay, right here at 44. daytime highs coming in with
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60s here throughout the bay area, so, 62 up towards napa, 63 in san jose and 61 in santa cruz. let's get that easter forecast in here, just to show it to you another way. 40s to low 50s for easter morning and dry, and thunderstorms right here for the afternoon. on the seven-day forecast, you want some sunshine, we got it for you. partly cloudy skies in san francisco, monday, tuesday and wednesday, and maybe a little more rain for friday's forecast, and look at these numbers, 71 monday, 75 on tuesday. so, we still have that payout coming in the seven-day forecast, once we get over the weekend. as i have been saying, not a bad way to start off on monday, with the one and sunny. >> and i'm grateful for sunday morning too all of the kiddos. >> yup. it's really kind of coming in strong for the easter bunny. >> i'm sure. up next, isn't yours? the bay area gas station that just sold a winning lotto ticket. and we have jamie.
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hey, everyone, sarah paulson is making
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>> the excitement the south bay tomorrow. the bay area's newest soccer team is getting ready for its home opener. the afc will take on the houston dash at a sold-out gain at pay help our park in san jose. they have played two games on the road. afc comes it into the home opener with a record of 1-1. match starts at 7:00. tomorrow. >> exciting.
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it was a busy friday night in the bay area sports world. both major league baseball teams were in action, as were the warriors in the stanford women's basketball team. >> let's go ahead and start with the warriors, they were in steph curry's hometown of charlotte, north carolina. the warriors took charge of the game in the third quarter,! the home team, by 13 points. warriors let 115-97. meanwhile, the season has come to a disappointing and for women pulse basketball team. the cardinal lost to north carolina state wolfpack, 77-67 in the ncaa women pulse basketball tournament game. stanford actually led by 10 points at halftime, but the wolfpack outscored stanford, 28-
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10 in the third quarter to take the lead and that eventually win. all right, i'll spring giants fans were wondering when the team would bring in a big batch to help fortify their lineup. tonight, a late edition proved worth the wait. chatman, who was with the giants was a big star in tonight's game. he had two home runs, including that one right there. ninth inning bomb to help the giants beat the padres, 8-3. meanwhile, over the east bay, former giant, jd davis also hit two home runs tonight, including this one, sixth inning right there? nope, out of there, wasn't enough as he claimed the guardians beat the rob mayeda five, 6-4. we will be right back.


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